" 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, October 24, 1961 3 CAPSULE NEWS Coyne Moving Into Toronto TORONTO (CP) -- James E. \Coynte, former governor of the "\Bank of Canada, has bought a 14-room home in Toronto and is expected to move in at the end of this year, it is learned. In Ottawa, Mr. Coyne declined comment. FIND DEAD BABY TORONTO (CP)--Police are investigating the death of a baby boy whose body was found Monday in a paper. bag on Dun- das Street West. The infant died of strangulation. LAYS CORNERSTONE LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Rt. Rev: Hugh A. McLeod, moder- ator of the United Church of Canada, placed the corner- stone for a $1,000,000, co-educa- tional residence for United Church students at the Univer- sity of Western Ontario Mon- day. The project is to be com- pleted next May. It will house 100 of. the 232 students attend- ing Westminster College at the university. JUVENILES A PROBLEM TORONTO (CP) Special steps to end a wave of juve- nile violence in suburban Scar- borough were requested Mon- day by Scarborough council. Council asked Metropolitan Tor- onto police to expand its youth bureau, reinforce its Scarbor- ough district and open two ad- ditional police stations there. Abbey memorial service Mon-| @ day for Dag Hammarskjold, late secretary - general of the United Nations who died in a plane crash in Africa Sept. 18. POPULATION UP TORONTO (CP) -- Metropol- itan Toronto's population in- creased by slightly less than 40, 000 in the last year and now stands at 1,566,231, Assessment) Commissioner A, J. B. Gray re- ported Monday. GET BRITISH GUNS BERLIN (AP)--West Berlin police announced Monday their guards along the East German border surrounding the city are being equipped with British sub-machine guns. SWEEPS DRUM SPINS DUBLIN (AP) -- Drums con- taining nearly 3,000,000 lottery tickets were spun Monday in the 103rd Irish Hospitals Sweep- stakes drawing. The big win- ners will be persons holding tickets on the horses that finish first, second and third in the Cambridgeshire race to be run Saturday at Newmarket, Eng- land. Out of sales totalliry $17,- 250,800, the prize fund is $8,- 522,744. COLUMNIST QUITS NEW YORK (AP) -- Televi-| sion columnist Marie Torre, who spent 10 days in jail in 1959 rather than disclose the source of a news item, announced Mon- day she is leaving the newspa- DAG HONORED IN ABBEY jper profession. "This is my LONDON (AP)--Prime Minis-|last column for the New York ter Macmillan of Britain and|Herald Tribune," said Miss Tor- representatives of many other|re's column, "I may get around countries, including the Soviet|to that book I've always wanted Union, attended a Westminster] to write .-." OBITUARIES and Mrs. Isaac Clarke. Mrs. Cryderman was married in Hampton Dec. 21, 1910, spent! the early part of her married} life in Vernon, BC, and later settled in Hampton. The deceased was a member of Hampton United Church. Surviving are her husband, Lewis; a daughter Mrs. G. Wil- bur (Doris) of Hampton and a son, Mervin, of Oshawa. tist's badges: Anne Bishop. Mrs. Cryderman, who was) The 20th Brownie and Guide predeceased by a sister, Mrs.|Mothers' Association met -on N. Reynolds (Elma), is also| Wednesday evening at the home survived by a sister, Mrs. A.|of Mrs. Gordon Dowling. Richards (Audrey), of Toron-| Area conveners for the new Consumer Prices to; two brothers, Percy Clarke|year are Mrs. John Sage, west of Greenwood and Orville|district; Mrs. Robert Dale, Assist Hospitals ,\Clarke of Toronto and eight/north district; Mrs. F. L. P) -- The price grandchildren. \Brooks, south district; Mrs. is coaeaen' paee og psi The body is resting at the|Stanley Ogle, East district;|<ubsidizes the lower prices at Northeutt and Smith Funeral|Mrs. J. M. Hart, Townline dis-| nich drugs are offered to hos- Home, Bowmanville. The fu- trict. ._|pitals, institutions and govern- |neral service, to be held Wed-| The program for the evening| ent' departments, a federal nesday, Oct. 25, at 2.30 p.m. consisted of an account of the government inquiry was told will be conducted by the Rev.|Work ag sf the ogee Monday. Percy W. Page, of Hampton,/8'ven by the Brown Owl an C i and the Rev, Frank Cryderman|!@wnie Owl of the 20th Pack. wievams et ta Cotinen tae: of T. Eaton Memorial United|4 question -period followed.| citical Association, made Church, Toronto. Lunch was served, this point in a brief presented Interment will be in Hampton] On Tuesday after 4.00, the)... Restrictive Trade Prac- Cemetery. Senior Girls of Maxwell Heights toes COmnitae. played a baseball game with rs 5 the Senior girls of Kedron School} Comparing manu facturers prices to institutions and to re- at Kedron. The Kedron team|P? rs tail pharmacists, Mr. Turnbull won the game. i _ Mr. J Mrs. Harold Werry and Mrs.|emphasized that institutions are Russell Nesbitt attended a per-jable to reduce their costs of formance of Tosca at the/drugs by requiring manufactur- O'Keefe Centre this past week.jers to bid for volume orders. Mr. and Mrs. Max Ballard,| "The retail pharmacist pur- of Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan,|chases drugs at prices set by the manufacturer," he said. EGYPT HAD FIRST OBSERVATORY Mrs. Ross Lee this past week. On Friday evening all three | Earliest known building erected for astronomical purposes is the observatory at Alexandria, Egypt, built in 300 BC by Ptolemy Soter. You needn't be an astron- omer to observe the stellar performances of Oshawa Times Classified Ads. Just dial 723-3492 and order one to fill some need for you. OR COMMISSION MEMBERS ATTEND YACHT CLUB BALL 's Ball held ; gan, second from, left, vice- , Jackson and Fred Malloy. Oshawa , ed the Commodore's g ee Te a were | by the Oshawa Yacht Club Gregory's Auditorium. last Friday night. Don Mor- --(Oshawa Times Photo) Members of the Harbor Commission among the guests who attend- TEACH CITIZENSHIP Compare Society To Other Nations In order to teach citizenship| through their meetings, coun- to our children, we must first|cils can provide opportunities J. E. Rand was appointed to understand what it means to|for discussions which are a lit- act as treasurer for three weeks be a good citizen in a democra-|tle out of reach of the average|:, the absence of Mrs. Delbert tic country like Canada. Tojassociation. ..,.|Hendsbee. The following women fully understand this, we should|--Children can learn the skills) ore appointed to attend the compare our society with that of] of citizenship in their schools Catholic Women's League Re- other countries and other times'through public speaking, class gional Meeting at Grafton: Mrs in history. |discussions and program plan- Michael G.. Heankh: the 'presi- Steven Davidovitch, director|ning, but it is the home and dent; Mrs. James Fair, first of citizenship for the Ontario}¢ommunity that must | relate! ioe-president; Mrs. Hendsbee: Department of the Provincial oe nd neal responsibilities) x7, John Murphy: Mrs. J. E. d Citizenship, didjas Can ' . ; ins; Bi seerebet in his talk to the dele-|--The. complaint most frequent-| "0; etre, Henry Elkins; Mr commodore of the club, chats with Thomas Rundle, 27 Attend CWL Meeting BOWMANVILLE -- The Cath- olic Women's League met on Wednesday evening in _ St. Joseph's Hall with 27 members present, The annual Communion Breakfast was tentatively plan- ned for Sunday, Nov- 19. Mrs. Sam GULLS WATCH HARBOR DEVELOPMENT Avian superintendents of | for a 500-foot berth. The new | told a reporter he was wor- marine construction at Osh- | dock will sit on cement-filled | ried about his squatter's awa: Hither are all atiiter steel tubes which have|]rights; it seems he has Z * | already been delivered. Here, | become a displaced bird and these warm fall days as they | a few seagulls, those web-| has had to find a new home keep a watchful eye on Fed- | footed aquatics of the family | since the noisy construction eral Department of Public | Laridae, take off for a closer | machinery arrived to threat- Works and Ontario Marine | look at what promises to be | en the sanctity of his once and Dredging crews prepar- | a nice new, 500-foot prom- | quiet lakeside home. ing the east side of the harbor | enade. But one of the birds --Oshawa Times Photo Brownie Girls Get Badges By JEAN C. BISHOP KEDRON -- At the meeting of the 20th Brownie Pack the girls received badges that had been earned since the Mother and Daughter Banquet last May. Golden Hand Badges were presented to Janice Hill, Bren- da Hopkins and Cathy O'Con- nell. Golden Bars were received by Janette Coutu and Cathy Nicholl. Proficiency badges were earn- ed by the following girls: Sig- naller's: Anne Bishop and Mar- garet Maidman. Collector's: Margaret Maidman and Anne Bishop. Toymaker's and Writ- er's badges: Janet Wadding- ton; Booklover's badgé: Shel- ley Fisher; Minstrel's and Ar- Did You Know... In the main Dining Room of the GENOSHA HOTEL you can have a Full-course Dinnr for ONLY 95c. couples were entertained at a buffet supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McGregor of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lisla Noble and Dick spent the weekend with Mrs. Emily Stover in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Beat Nicklaus and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Sutter. Local prize-winning exhibitors at the Holstein championship show at Peterborough were Mr. Harold Werry and Mr. Ronald Werry, and Mr. Bob Fiett. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee and Susan on Tuesday attended the 75th birthday party of Mrs. Lee's grandmother, Mrs. L. Simpson, of Toronto. Mrs. Everett Mountjoy spent the weekend at the Retreat for Sunday School workers at Five Oaks. Miracle Cushion Holds False Teeth Tight -- Eases sore cums Snug® brand Denture Cushions, a sen sational new plastic re-lining, keep wob- bliest plates firmly in place. Easesore gums, give perfect comfort, Eat, laugh, talk -- plates "stay put". Applied in minutes -- last from 2 to 6 months. Stay soft and pliable, Harmless to dentures. Peels right out when replacement is needed. No daily bother with adhesives. 2 liners for upper or lower plates $1.50. Money-back = antee. Get Snug brand Denture Cushions today! At all druggists, ATTENDANCE OFFICER Williams A. Smith, who re- signed recently as manager of the Oshawa Children's Arena, has been named school attendance officer by the Osh- awa Board of Education. Mr. Smith succeeds Harold Mc- Neill who performed the du- ties of attendance officer for about four years. Mr. Smith was associated with Mr: Mc- Neill in the work at Simcoe Hall some years ago and was also a sports announcer with CKLB. CONSUMERS' GAS ANNOUNCEMENT Russian Spaceman \Reported Healthy | MOSCOW (AP) -- Spaceman} Yuri Gagarin, who has been ill for more than two weeks, is); well again and attended the Communist party congress to-|) day, according to the foreign ministry press department. Gagarin had to turn down a visit to Genoa-to take part in Columbus Day celebrations Oct. 12 and the Soviet ambassador JOSEPH L. (KELLY) De GRAY : The death occurred in his sleep at the family residence, 625 Carnegie avenue, early to- day of Joseph Lawrence (Kelly) De Gray. The deceased was a} well-known Oshawa athlete and| sportsman. LEONARD LYE Born May 1, 1907, at Cornwall,| The death occurred suddenly the deceased was a son of Mrs.|at his home, in Claremont, Edith and the late Lawrence|Monday, Oct. 23, of Leonard De Gray. He was married in Lye. The deceased was in his Oshawa Sept. 23, 1930 and was |77th year. a resident here for the past 31) Born in Yorkshire, England, years. jhe was a_son of the late Mr. Mr. De Gray was a foreman|4nd Mrs, Thomas Lye. He mar- lin the General Motors electrical | Fed the a Edith otro 3 . | tment and was a member|Ngiand and was a resident. o FIFTH RACE. or the "GM. Electrical Main-|Canada and Claremont for the| pA . adige eon all| nance Club, He was a member|Past 30 years. cerry A ghig ee ick St. Gregory's Roman Catholic] Mr. Lye was a blacksmith un-| Harlots up, One Mile and One) «oh, til sh soemerh some 10 years| : : "Kelly" came to Oshawa to|280. He was a member of . Cambalache, Dalton 115 lay lacrosse and was a star | Branch 483, Royal Canadian Le- . Bobby Pin, Watters XXX102) Pi }gion, Claremont and an adher-| . Power Chance, McComb 117|With the General Motors team ent of Claremont United Church.| 3 s smus 5)when it won the Mann Cup in ; Pelt Cone Ditrsch 119{1929. He also played for the Osh-| He was predeceased by his| Formal Trust.. Parnell (A)|awa team against John Hopkins|Wife in August, 1959. Mr. Lye is "x18 . | University in the world amateur survived by three daughters, QUINFLLA BETTING championship tournament. + 7 same er tgp (A) Thorndale Stable and J..H.| He played professional la- England and in' Gene Id Black entry jerosse with the Montrealiredses (Marjorie) of Clare- a 0,/12. Fair Gole, Griffiths X105 Canadiens and was the fourth = acts aE gs * | - ayy tee mont and two sons, Thomas, of TUESDAY, OCT. 24th _| ALSO ELIGIBLE: Daisy|"CORNWALL Allowanee| rank player in ga ag pe Roa Toronto and Leslie, of Stouff- FREE ADMIS ' OSHAWA Presbytery Woman's Associa. Page, Harrison X105; Chopnik, | Purse $2400, Three and Four-|first half century. In addition, | Ji, EXTRA BU Thuireday October 26, Jam Albert Hale 115; Air Bridge, Nash 117; |vear-olds, One Mile, Marshall|'Kelly" played a lot of ama-)- qn remains are at the Mc- Jackpot Nos. 58 teur hockey. Eachnie Funeral Home, 28 TEAM 3 Street United Church, Oshawa Briarbelle, NB 110. rse | De G i eer s Vina: Wedaeadaw a ' Tudor Sovereign, A s| Mr.-De Gray is survive Yj Bae ce OCIAL bingo Wednesday, 25, 8 SECOND RACE gn dams hig wie the former 'Sybil oe the theo Wer JUBILEE PAVILION ' o'clock at St. John's Parish Hall, ¢or-|.; g 7k MES (A) 121 peg _ : Montmorency"', claiming all * Pelici inning; hi the " er of Simeoe and Bloor, Prizes. Lunch, ncy . Nearali, Hale 114 Felicia. Brinning;, his mother,|,. F : a |$2,500. Purse $1,800. Three- and) 3° ; Mrs. Edith De Gray, of Corn- i i ae? poled ' -; | # Luume, Dalton 114 four- -olds. " 12 oaths RUMMAGE. SALE eee ge Mig ty furlongs. Divi-) 4° toma 'Linda, Watters XXx|Wall; a son, Edward L. -- mont, Union Cemetery. Rev. ae ' st. Gray, of Oshawa; a Sister,/mr 'Cresswell, minister of 1. Blue Gardenia, NB 107 Repke Gray, of C Wand| ayn. ; : . Diameter, Stadnyk 108 Stella De Gray, of Cornwa Claremont United Church, will 2. s G 3 a 5 WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25th eS ee ae oe two grandchildren, Debra Lynn) -onauct the services. 1:30 P.M. Critics Choice, Remil'd 117 6. Toronto Street, Fitzsimmons and Robert Lawrence De Gray, FUNERL Sponsored by the 16th Group Maple, Gibb 118 AX) 106 |both of Oshawa : S , | s ; Or Beloved Brat, Parnell X112| ' Indian Crossing, Dittfach 121 The remains are at the Arm-|wRs, THOMAS WATERHOUSE Committee Guides and Brownies Funeral services for Mrs. Mr. A. L. Bishop, Chairman of the Boord, announced to- day the election of Mr, W. B. C. Burgoyne of St. Catharines, Ontario, as a director of The Consumers' Gas Company. Mr, Burgoyne has lived in St. Cath- arines all of his life, where he is publisher of The St, Cath- arines Standard; President of Niagara District Broadcasting Company Limited, operating CKTB radio station, He is 4 member of the Board of Gov- ernors of Ridley College and during World War Il served with the Royal Canadian Art- illery 1940-45. The election of Mr. Bur- goyne, a resident of St. Cath- arines, is in accordance with the Company's policy of having directors from the areas throughout the Province where it furnishes natural gas service. R. Pelletier. gates at the Conference of|ly made by newcomers to Can- gg sion Hardcastle is ar- Area "C'"' of the Ontario Feder-jada is that Canadians are very ranging transportation to attend ation of Home and School Asso-/polite fil! they apparently c@re/\fass at the St. Jude Shrine, ciations in Central Collegiate) very : |\Port Hope for all parishioners Institute last Saturday. --In January 1947, the act was) +, pian on going: It was de- i in a Fas-| passed permitting the legal use| ; as" Bagh gg bathe society|of the term "Canadian"'. Racial | ided bog 7 mom pg poeard those in authority have thejorigin is also stressed because Nowe totes ic Women's Leagu right to rule because they French - Canadian citizens as)" alls ' have the power to rule. Our well as newcomers do not want leadership is subservient to the|to lose their racial identity. A t H it ] wishes of those who - i gon ver Ospl a ll are subject equally to the | pon of tow. In our society, the CITY AND | Strik B V t individual is important and | e y ore his rights and position are not DISTRICT | HAMILTON: (CP)--A. threat entirely dependent on the wishes / - N ( a - of the majority. However, they REMANDED IN CUSTODY ened strike a three Ham- must learn to assume the re- 7° ay 40, 73) on hospitals was averted Mon- ibilities of governing them-| _ Lorne Nelson Murray, 40, 73) day night by a vote of hospital -¢ sean ey Gladstone Avenue, Oshawa, waS\workers to accept contract mire. ; Il deci remanded in custody for one|terms worked out during the Under Communism, Pont. week when he appeared in Ma-|weekend with a conciliation sions are made by i it pistrates Court Monday. Murray| board. Ce coc eeiuah our c0-| Wal arrested and charged with| The city - employed workers ciety. fh is to the benefit of the| robbery Saturday after a chase| voted 349 to 107 in favor of the people themselves rather than| through downtown Oshawa. The|terms, said Douglas McEntee, to authorities that our demo-|alleged offence took place in pase a ane Hig cred cratic society be preserved.|the Dominion Store, King' Street) 'on, eae ospital Employ- Citizenship is not just for the|west. ~ ger rike. threatened last immigrant, he continued, but L. strike ge ne ar las by helping newcomers fulfill BAILED FOR TRIAL _ ae ka the see "see their role as citizens, it helps us| Donald A. Sadoway, 695 King) Nora #rances Ha ita atatee to fulfill our role as citizens.|street east, Oshawa, was re.| tal ~~ og amilton Mater- Voluntary organizations like the| manded on bail for one week on a * pn al. ud aiabiak en Home and School are very im-/q charge of being drunk in). .4 a we? Je totallin a in Italy said he was sick. portant elements in a demo-! charge, when he appeared be-|35 pet end | a Then he cancelled a projected cracy. fore Magistrate F. S. Ebbs, Mon- $2.50 a week retroactive to fast|ttip to India gore -- Some of a yer to the) day. \Jan. 28, another $2.50 a ee roca ll this week for the MpenOns RENE Here: sb. further $1.50} son. par ga ace must accept STORY IN ERROR va ig ae » § | The foreign ministry said to- certain limitations necessary, The attention of The Oshawa Average take-home pay is $40|day it did not know what his| in our complex society. -- Times has been drawn to the|a week. ailment had been. --Home and School Associations |fact that it was Kendall John-| can help newcomers most bY|son, of 531 Philip Murray ave-| personal invitations to mect-)nye and not Kenneth Johnson,| NEW WOODBINE ENTRIES ings and making an effort.to|,¢ 539 Philip Murray avenue,| WEDNESDAY, Oct. 25. make them feel at home. (Study groups could be form- ed among the members. with special interests to supplement the programs at the meetings.)) ENGINEERS ORGANIZED |The Dartmouth'. Claiming all| --Home and School Councils' A total of 30 chapters of the|s2,500. Purse $1,800. Three- and can help make people aware ofjAssociation of Professional En-|four-year-olds. 6furlongs. their duties as citizens by help-|gineers of Ontario have been ee) 1. Dutch Miss, Harrison X100 ing to bring them into a closer tablished in areas throughout] 2. Dernher, NB 117 understanding wit! 1 levels ofthe province. W. E. Trew, of| 3, Chantry Isle, Har'son XX100 government F now the basic Oshawa, is chairman of. the) 4 Big Native, McComb 120 facts of government and Lake Ontario Chapter. | . Polar Rose, Griffiths X112 . Fair Mike, NB 113 3 4 5 6. Remister, NB 120 7 COMING EVENTS | 9 }10. Gai inda, Morreale 107 . ast Dollar, NB 113 KINSMEN. BiNGO va-|l1. Oui Miss Su, NB 107 34h who was seriously injured in aj motor accident north of Whitby Sunday. FIRST RACE ' . Sassy Beau, Parnell X102 FERNHILL Bingo tonight at the Av 7.30 p.m,., 20 games $6 and $1 seven $40 jackpots, door prizes lon, at Ly WILL YOUR FURNACE LAST THROUGH THIS WINTER? Do you wish now, that you had had your furnace checked--or even replaced--last Fall? DON'T TAKE CHANCES! Call us today! If all you need is minor adjustment our rates are " low. If you are starting to plan now for carefree heating Pee ey sergio next year we'll gladly help you choose the ANTHES ON UP an d 50 {Cou 1, Oct 17th SCOUT LADIES' AUXILIARY HALLOWEEN TEA WEDNESDAY, OCT. 25 2:30 -- 5:00 p.m. _St. Paul's Presbyter an Church _ BURSARY WINNER Kenneth Hickey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hickey, 120 Mill street, who has been awarded a $500 Dominion Pro- ; " 3. Sandhurs' j . teen pio Stadayt 105 9 Chopoakee, -MoCamb. iit saan Nag Rogers teed Thomas Waterhouse, of 299 King street west, who died at DNIPRO HALL -- BINGO Wednesday, Oct. 25 - 8 p.m. Sharp Win Dick, Griffiths xing |(A) Windfields Farm entry | 0-95 Roman Catholic Church, 20 REGULAR GAMES My Page, Harrison X103 Thursday, Oct. 26, at 10 a.m./ THREE--$40 JACKPOTS -- ONE $100 JACKPOT SHARE THE WEALTH DNIPRO HALL IS ON EDITH ST. ___ONE BLOCK EAST OF RITSON AND BLOOR OSHAWA BRANCH CANADIAN DIABETIC ASSOCIATIO WILL HOLDA MEETING, THURSDAY, OCT. 26th. AT 8 P.M. IN McLAUGHLIN HALL 338 SIMCOE N. OSHAWA Guest Speaker: DR. D. BOWERMAN, "Diabetic and their eyes'"' Marsdon, Griffiths X112 Chorus Queen, Griffiths X102 Round Two, NB (A)118 ALSO ELIGIBLE: Mr. Brixite, NB (A) 120; Island King, Gibb 120; Melodia, NB 112; Airborne Charm, Rasmussen 110. (A) H. W. Knight Jr. and R. M. Marshak entry THIRD RACE "OAK BAY" Claiming all $3500, Purse $1900, Three-year-olds and up 6% Furlongs 1. The Liffey, Robinson 117 . Sandy Streak, Sandover 112 3. Banner Lou, Griffiths X104 4. All Canadian, NB 112 5. Flight Princess, Adams 111 | 6. Elated's Pal, NB X107 | 7. Rubal Khali, Harrison X112 8. What's Behind, NB 120 FOURTH RACE "SELBYVILLE" $3500, Purse $1900 Three-year- olds and up, 6% Furlongs ... Division of the Third 1, Sundry, Dittfach 117 2. Ariel Page, Harrison X104 3. Mrs. Fish, NB 107 4. North Bay, Parnell X115 z Wakefield, Griffiths X107 7 8 9. 3. 4, 5. 6. G 8, 9. 0. ay 2. . Chopapose, Parnell X110 . Toujours, Parnell X113 .- Valquestin, Stadnyk 109 Claiming all . Arctic Pilot, Griffiths X109 SEVENTH RACE "CASEY PLATE" Claiming all| $5000, Purse $2000 Two-year- olds, One Mile and 16th 1. King's Method, Hale 122 2. Buzzin, Griffiths 107 3. Marciiena; Parnell X107 4. Ballyette, NB 112 . Real Stuff, Dittfach 122 . Count Rico, Remillard 112 . English Mint, Robinson 112 5 6 | 7 8. Absent Son, Parnell X117 9 0 1 . Cartersville, Adams 122 . Red Freeman, NB 115 . Black Jack, McComb 115 |EIGHTH RACE |"DRAYTON" Claiming all |$2500, Purse $1900 Canadian \foaled Three-year-olds, One mile and isth. 1, Amber Mist, Parnell X114 2. Casuarima, Griffiths (A) X 107 3. Queen's Aria, Griffiths (A) X1i1 4. Noboy's Lad, NB 119 5. Fair Johnny, NB 119 6. Brown Ensign, Dittfach 117 ee of Wind, McComb 2 8. Conservatory, NB 112 (A) P and R Stable and R. Gian and F. Tosch entry AAC X-5 lbs, XX-7 Ibs, XXX- Rt. Rev. Monsignor Paul M.| Dwyer, will celebrate the mass. Interment will follow in St. Gregory's Cemetery. The Rosary will be recited in the funeral home Wednesday at 8 p.m. MRS. LEWIS CRYDERMAN In her 75th year, Hampton native Mrs. Lewis Cryderman died suddenly at Bowmanville Memorial Hospital Mo nday, Oct. 23. Born in Hampton, May 1, 1887, the former Pearl Clarke Toronto General Hospital, Fri- day, Oct. 20, were held from the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home, Monday, Oct. 23, at 2 p.m. Interment followed in St. John's Cemetery, Port Whitby. Rev. C. D. Cross, rector of St. George's Anglican Church, con- ducted the services. need--every Pecks! furnace best suited to your needs. AUTHORTED LOW DOWN PAYMENTS, EASY TERMS LOCKWOOD HEATING & Sheet Metal Ltd. 288 ARTHUR ST. 723-2511 vincial Bursary and a $200 bursary by the Gold Jubilee Chapter of the Imperial Or- der of the Daughters of the Empire. A freshman at the University of Toronto, he is enrolled in the chemical en- gineering course. Kenneth is a graduate of Oshawa Central Queen Mary Lodge No. 97, LOBA, held a memorial service in the funeral chapel at 7,30 p.m. Sundaye Pallbearers were Thomas, Fred. and Ted Williams, An- drew Buchanan, Eaal Fowler was the daughter of the late Mr. and Leonard Barker. by popu lar demand MORE DISNEYKINS TO COMPL 10 Ibs. ETE YOUR SET Collegiate Institute. Cliff Mills 48-Hour Special 1961 OLDSMOBILE "88" SEDAN Fully power equipped. Custom radio, Low mileage. - '2895 CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. 230 KING STREET WEST 725-6651