Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1961, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, October 24, 1961 TORONTO (CP) -- Premier|ship I have encouraged my fol-|for improvement but should not; diner said the Progressive Con- 'iFrost delivered his farewell|lowers to aspire for t Paget hon Faron merely for iggy should esosgp een ye speech as Ontario leader of the|ship," he said "Indeed, with}sake of change jpolitical group whic! ries to Progressive Conservative party that objective, I have encour-| "We want to make sure that!find funds in a workman's pay| Monday night--a call for pro: aged them.to enter public life."';}the ways we po are a gone : | gress through order and aj, > ' better ways and that we are no e did not name the party warning against change for the yg perl eee a _fmerely tampering and tinkering) but left no doubt he was refer- sake of change ota Miaie nae leader when with tried and successful meth-|ring to the New a The So ny he is chosen "and give him our| ods and . m SF is ng oe heen _ has held " or ssipbebee alg : a prayers, our affection and our) He told the 1,78 delegates t 8 lone ' . aeHO.8 | 0s Prosperaus ang utmost help in the great task|/¢W leader would have to "give)Jons. Rartinné anid th stain] abundant years, gave his "'best| 1+ oh will be his." new effect to our dynamic eco-| Mr. Gardiner said the system i " t9 the seven candidates) V7!" ee , .|nomic creed of the past--more|compares With. that of Julius Delegates will vote Wednes-| 0 | I t |people, more jobs; more oppor-|Caesar, who extracted tribute day; at the close of the three-/Peopie, jobs; p OPI : y» : y d f these things|from conquered peoples. | day convention, choosing the'unity and from these oo doe h that! new leader from among Pro- More productivity; more) It is re rere er "a at! A ; i +.°"| vincial Treasurer James N. Al-| means to better the way of Hike Wass . nie toe eibuts tn at toria i gg goed mong tore|lan, Attorney - General Kelso Me our peo cba cadens bo thy care tani he aren 2\ ping own as premier be ore) : 3 * F . : a omes an opportunities not! j > | ithe next session of the legisla-| Roberts, Health Minister Mat- only for ourselves but for count-|involved may contract himself] ture, tentatively set for late No-/thew Dymond, Energy Re jess millions who turn theirjout of such a levy, But the) vember, |surces Minister Robert a eyes to Canada and Ontario as a q og eaigeod ae -- Speaking at Varsity Arena,|lay, Reform Institutions Minis-|the place of freedom and oppor-|not be long beior WOrK- ' shi re Jar iduca- ity." d become a pariah. where the party's leadership|ter George Wardrope, Educa-|tunity, man would : t convention is being held, he|tion Minister John Robarts and} Mr. Frost's speech wound up Because the ph | reg \said all the candidates are his|Rev. Wallace Downer, former| the first day of a convention committee will ah 01 al \friends and always will be. |Speaker of the legislature. that was slow starting. Dele-| Mr. io he Peete de ' ars r-|tive ave to search constantly | sates attending opening cerem-jnot make any further observa- pans a ee ot en abl sid iP ataiea Sb ce daiscla onies were 40 minutes late|tions as to what the pinciples| jreaching their seats and even'and policy of the party should| PASSENGERS LEAVE BURNING LINER = | 1 000,000 Libel | Sa | called them '"'all my boys." | He is expected to remain as premier and member for Vic- Passengers climb down rope | ada, yesterday. An engine | deaths among the 669 passen- '9 v . . ladder to waiting rescue | room explosion started a fire | gers and crew. scattered through the public Ask Co-Ordination | ; j i galleries. craft as the burning Italian | shortly after the 18,427-ton : : e ® \8 : | liner Bianca C is-abandoned | vessel had anchored in the | --(AP | Wirephoto by radio ult g qains icanpipates work nano -- With U.S. Defence | in St. George's Harbor, Gren- | harbor, There were two! from Port Of Spain, Trinidad) Much of the first-day action é - ae ROU ME ReTS : é was back-stage and in the ho-| TORONTO (CP) -- The presi- DETROIT (AP) -- A $1,000,- defendants falsely tried to por- tel rooms and corridors as cam-|dent of the Canadian Industrial . 000 libel and slander suit was|tray Hoffa as "'a perpetrator of paign teams worked to line up|Preparedness Association said Provinces S e us- ruc brought by James Hoffa and|a fraud" on American labor for|}jgcks of votes for each candi-|Monday the association will ask his Teamsters union Monday the purpose of causing hatred) gate. the federal government to seek against President George|of the Teamsters and holding) 'put the pretty girls, bands,|co-ordination of its defence pro- a s m | Meany and most of the AFL-|them up to "public scorn, con-|_; : ' . duction wi th nited For Co-Operation Collision == Ln: ep aversion aun oa POM, ullans,Hachrds, and ction with that of the Une | or O- pe 'e | Hoffa, president of the Team-jicule nected with: political conven-| J. S. Vanderploeg, also presi-| ; ee | . sters, and his international un- Named defendants were the|tions were all there. dent of Anaconda Copper Co.|# gf gle es MONTREAL (CP) -- Prime)' Mr. Diefenbaker stressed that] IX] wo oe accused Meany and 24 AFL-\bulk of the members of the| mogay Frederick Gardiner,|Ltd., said the: association de-|& uid hie Minister Diefenbaker called on|the new national concept of| CIO executive council members|AFL - CIO council, governing| fetropolitan Toronto chairman,|cided on the move at a week-| FOILED BURGLARS the provinces Monday night tojconservation and planning) KAPUSKASING (CP)--A bus of making "wicked and mali-| body and policy - making group] i. "scheduled to begin to report|end meeting j join with Ottawa in a co-oper-|would in no way infringe on the|taking 21 children to school oak statements about the/of the organization of his policy committee. Prime| At the moment Canadian} j,i, Chamberlain (left) ative effort to harness Canada's|provinces' constitutional control|from the nearby Lowther radar ne gp eh a Conspiracy to} Conspicuous by their absence|Minister Diefenbaker is on the|firms must bid on U.S. and Ca- i id a ul as Enesl | aes distric ; natural resources in a dynamicjover their natural resources. |)ase crashed into the rear of a rai : e eamsters' ranks of!were Walter P. Reuther, pres- Scoutain for early this after-\nadian defence contracts on sain Ph anis oe neel | gers to district. The girls drive towards greater national! He said the resources confer-|ctonped gravel truck Monday, aes bce ' 7 ident of the United Auto Work-|noon, \their own. eside car licence number | then relayed the information prosperity. ence, which gets down to itsikining two children and the bus Sigal the suit said the ac-lers, and the three other mem- Tonight, the leadership can-| "Since the defence of the con- (foreground) which they} to police who later arrested He offered a three - part plan|main task in 14 workshop ses-| driver, tual purpose of the statements|hers of the 26 - man council.|,,; U8") : ¥ is co-ordinated . . . it| Scratched with stone on side- | Henry Warkentin, 27, and : ; sini i " oe " , C F i ss the dele-|tinent q I s ent t the program under|sions today, is a historic one} te was to make 2 "smoke screen"! The suit was based in part|'dates will address : ity walk today in St. Catharines, | William George Clark, 28, wi each part, linked to alwhich can. hetp mold the future} ,, Dead at ee ea ee to conceal what it called thelon a statement prea Ao yr gects fst ie last time before Sone oes : pity bo rig | fateetne en Pg ish pledge of financial backing. [destiny of Canadians. -+++| vear-old airman stationed at th AFL-ClO's "true condition as @/Meany after the Oct. 10 meet-|WC VOUnE: in an addressiordinated," Mr. Vanderploeg safe containing collected mon- tiny that Canadians develop a/and wholesome water is vital to}, "15002, . old sister Karen 4 The asd L-CIO has all it can| which a proposal to re - admit|/M'roeucing iis echo ceca es | g | pleaded guilty to breaking bold and vigorous policy of na-|the nation's future. "Unless ac- path "chiltieh (Ok Mal Ashe ine i own ranks from |the Teamsters was overwhelm-| R al £ | and entering and theft and tional expansion," Mr. Diefen-|tion is taken it will be in short/?0 IN ie alling to pieces," the suit said.|ingly yoted down. The AFL-| THE NEWS etiring Premier Hi baker told a dinner marking the|supply by 1980. Water short-|x, commanding officer at the} In Washington, Meany|cio long ago threw out' the| will be sentenced Oct. 31. opening day of the Resources ages ". . already exist in var-| Lowther base. ' brushed off the suit. He called/Teamsters on charges of cor-| | _TORONTO (CP) -- Premier, --(CP Wirephoto) For Tomorrow conference. ious regions." | All 19 other children werejit "very amusing ruption within the union. Frost, retiring as Ontario Pro- e hat once _------_---------|brought to hospital here, Four) The suit, brought in federal . i | B Rev al gressive Conservative leader,| #4 " Phi Dang eg ok | were injured critically. court with Hoffa and CS tag agile apy bo a V , 1V was given a station wagon Mon- at 40 50 602 posed: Claims Free Press Raoul Gagnon of Hearst,| ational union as co - plaintiffs,| 1 oi Sith auto adie ea day night by the provincial ig U * " driver of the truck which was charged that Meany and his OO least necotiatl ree |party association. Man Get Wise! Pe U 1. A National Resources Coun- ' J 1d Ceeeanenran cn egotlations. i eee : : ' . p p cil to be set up by the federal! Must Be 0 vent loaded with 15 tons of gravel, aug ; ; cies rugg e | eee bt nhc pelt ed Kone meghpd af ky te | * i oe op \his ; é "gg Pin y at 7 feel government and involving mem- LA pia in apy (WES Tie atgurOG: H Id S ~ |his nephew, 12-year'old Bobby| weak, low in energy, "old" at 40, 80 or 60 Gove ten of to provinces, |, QUEBEC (CP) A. F. Mer-| the crash occurred at Opasa-| LAO ervice | Maltreatment By ay te sathoticl one ot uindsay, after Mr. Frost| younger, ty 'Outen Peale Tablet stone Hr would be concerned with rec, rcepresden thd general oT ceouig. 0 ale| | Cann en Ve wee (ik de Plaaing® gems rele the iter" tenis ieee pce ean ae urce conservation, renewal). °° ee ee 'tau | We: or e CN rans- M : 'anadian Press Ste 4 p Fle gs erally arejio the leaders -onver call "being old". Puts pep i J t Pra . ib pigy ap taage ge cong fiat a fenced ppt Prince Albert Police Queried The weekend demonstrations more staunch in their poy ao eg is to choose his succes- Ontrex~fel peppy, younger, Sday "get- 2. A full - fledged conference oa oe ibis solvent and com.|Section of the bus, where the| PRINCE ALBERT -- The| TORONTO (CP) -- Ald. B, M,|in Brussels may hog wage -- =. ag et ig ! size only 69¢, All drummists, on resources, similar to the! petitive. victims were seated, was dem-|church sanctuary was aglow|Grayson urged city council | other eruption in gg abet Me e anti-c ride Para he current week - long session,| Speaking to 200 delegates at|0lished. |with floral and vegetable ar-|Monday to ask the attorney-|Struggle peteere. be : ecraaaagl tee ieeaae s athbnd held every three or four years|the annual meeting of the Ca-| Severel trucks were hauling|rangement for the special an-/general to investigate charges|2nd the a wh batt i © Walloon |Soctalist patty to review progress in resource|nadian Daily Newspaper Circu-\gravel in the area and flagmen|nual service last Sunday. |that a dozen people were mal-| The 0 ee et i ; 5 atic + Pat | i cessi it d b f 2 arrel has never been far be-| he system, or lack of it, for : Th development. \lation Managers Association,|were posted on the highway to! Choir processional sang,|treate y police in recent)/qu fan t Belaiim's The sy! n, el ie rant Sah e 3. A national advisory land|Mr. Mercier said a dependent|Warn oncoming traffic. The bus|"'O Worship the King', to open|months, low the - suri "iS an shpatia ea beset on an official i and water use board charged/press is inevitably a slavery | drove past one flagman andjthe service. A worthwhile mes-| He introduced a motion which politics rina vat wat al ris each community a ss eg Be |. . with making recommendations| press. |slammed into the rear of the|sage was delivered by the guest|named six Toronto lawyers who|S@me &n in ependent state in jor cause of the current unres | Se ntario for the co - ordination of land) He said the Canadian and|loaded truck. minister, Rev. J. M. Smith,/complained that clients were|!830. _ _, |particularly in central areas) and water use on a national/American press constitutes a| Kapuskasing is 85 miles|Whitby. It was also pleasant|beaten, kicked or whipped. | Inspired by the pee ee er the population is more) . : monument of human liberty. [northwest of Timmins having our own pastor Rev. E.| «qt js not enough that ng ene i re ; | Regiment -- aE EERE 1 Linstead assist. : should be looked into by the me-|20W 38 Be'gium ith Th =e | The language registered for a | A -- ogg of 'mumMS|tropolitan police commission," oo bd, le Nether-| community on ire get of > slwere placed in loving memoryjAid Grays said. '"The|/ands. ; : ._{last census in is the only a '\from the two boys of the late'charges are + i. eanre The Flemings, speaking their | oficial one for that specific re- Has been selected to assist in Mr. and Mrs. D. Lyle. that only a personal investiga-|Variant of Dutch, occupy mainly| sion. Often families get tax the training of several hundred ' The musical numbers were/tion by the attorney - general|the northern and western areas/forms or other official papers men in the matter of National poariily povreciates, an fy will clear the air." jof he soy ie eg naa in a Janguage they cannot read. Survival ! choir anthem and guest solois a Bs _jand engage in light 1 stry. ° ar | * Mrs. Oldham, Stouffville, whose lthe south and along the border|\SCHOOL PROBLEM This training will be done in voice was delightful. Musical) ® lwith France, the Walloons,| A number of suburban areas the next seven months and as numbers were accompanied by astro laims speaking a French dialect, work|registered as Flemish now are| may be realized, the job at fs sjorganist Mrs. G. Hunter. Two in the coal-fields and heavy in-|populated mainly by French-} hand represents a fairly sizable elders greeted the friends, Pl Th d dustries. {speaking families and these task jjnmamely Mr. F. Vickery and t A third piece in this complex}must send their children miles) . . 4|Mr. E. Martyn. 0 5 warte jig - saw puzzle is Brussels,|to school since only Flemish ed- New recruits for the Regiment Two stewards Mr. Butson and) HAVANA (AP)--Fidel Castro|which fuses elements of thelucation is available locally. on being sought end aed would |Mr. Hope gathered the offering.|reported early today that his|/other two into a growing dis-/ The 63,000 Flemish-speaking be especially interested in talk- | The October meeting of the|Police had thwarted a new plotitinctive whole. The official list|qemonstrators who marched on| ing to young men with some rg eo Oe rp [ee him. jof parliamentary deputies, for Brussels Sunday called for equal] potential as officers. of Eleanor Davidson. In the ab- n_a speech to a meeting ofjinstance, names the deputies in| tre; 5 i .| as sence of the president, Joan|the Young Rebels' Association,|three categories -- Fiemish;|vcaren orstected ger yr Enquiries may be made at the Peel vice, chaired the business./the Cuban premier said a coun-|French-speaking and Bruxellois.| Gallicizing of the Flemish area| orderly room, The Armouries, Minutes and other notes byjter - revolutionary group had laround the capital and de- Simcoe Street North, during the ~~ |Esther Heayn, A. Brown and K.|mounted bazookas in an apart-| FRENCH MORE POPULAR mantel an ikgel de nati f day from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m Rowntree reported mailing)ment near the presidential pal-| There are two official lan-|,,° I lb iad gph agar y a . Bk seach i : a 5 : 4 : ef ss he Walloon and Flemish re- Monday through Frida or |sweaters, football and candy to|ace but police discovered them|guages in the country and al-|°: y 9 Yr |\Korean child for Christmas. All| before an attempt was made on|though there are more Flem-|8!0"5- : Monday and Thursday even- 4 ; |members to send greeting card|his life. liags than Walloons, French is; The government already is ings from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. ear | \too. The bank account has grown| yt was the second plot against/More popular in the capital--| drafting a bill for stabilizing the : 4 anaemic therefore several/castro's life reported this\Particularly among politicians|!anguage frontier and to adjust) Signed, , land civil servants having deal-|it to the boundaries of the prov-| LT.-COL. J. R. WARNICA, ATE PRE RGAD ASS g euchres in order to raise money./nounced they had uncdvered a|ings with other countries where|inces. But this still may not} CLOUD WILL COVER MOST POIN Sunday visitors with Mr. and! njan to kill the premier in front|French is understood. |satisfy some groups. | ; ' ee .|Mrs. B. Smith included Mr. and|of Wayana sports stadium. | The division runs deeper than| Under the plan some Flemish| WEATHER FORECAST sai wliaiin <.., ' oi Lyle and family, To-| Castro did not disclose|just language, however, caus-|villages of the Walloon prov- PES oie ree W ' : whether any arrests had beenjing disunity in cultural, educa-|inces would be moved into a White River +.» «+ ve Mr. and Mrs. A. Robertson| made or when the plot was dis-|tional, political and social areas.|Flemish province, and vice Moosonee ......... 25 5 | were visited by her brother, Mr.) éoy, | 7 : 7 é E QUALITY Clear Toni ht S.S. Marie 5 jand Mrs. A. MacAdam, Toron-| vere: ee ee Walloons| versa. | SAV on to. g ' TORONTO (CP) -- Observed! "po4ce Martyn and Don Bea- : vn MEATS al BUEHLER'S : jeock attended the Provincial ' ' Sun Wednesd ¢ Egrnansit'ese| ROBERT G. MceCLIMOND || spc eden u Ee es ay | Dawson : S |banquet Friday at OAC, Guelph me Cc | Specials J Wednesday Only i as CSE AE AS Ont., after spotting two stran- : SAAS eS <I jhomes have been offered for/month. Author.ties had an- C.D. temperatures: Victoria ..sescees Synopsis: Generally fair;North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy at|Edmonton ........ q weather continues in eastern|first with a few showers Clear-|Regina ..sscccess 11 | if You're TIRED DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC | Canada today except for a nar-|ing this morning and becoming | winni e 4 | | CUT-UP CHICKEN row belt of cloud with a few|mainly sunny this afternoon and i is Bich htt ALL THE TIME | showers that is moving slowly|Wednesday. A little cooler to-|Lakehead «.s+s+0s eastward across Ontario. Cooler|day and Wednesday. Winds|White River ...... 48 Now and then everybody gets a | wishes to announce | @ LEGS & BREASTS LB. 35¢ temperatures are expected in|southeast 15 today and Wednes-|Kapuskasing ..... 3 "'tired-out"' feeling, and may be northern regions of Ontario to-|day. aa Bay . bothered by backaches, Perhaps noth @ WINGS 5 LBs. 1.00 39 pasiguohe . | a e ° | yb sn econ nin Bay en: ay Sane" | Rage the opening of his office 2, 198 showers, clearing|c , ' indicated. Wednesday is 'ex-|this afternoon. Mainly poor al eee Speen: Cane Ba Be |. Mainly - sunny! Muskoka .. oo take Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's hel | ie pected to be mainly sunny, al-|Wednesday. Winds light. lGindaor <., ee stimulate the il te relieve this | ; : ie Y, LOIN though another weak weather) White River, Algoma, regions,|rondon .... : condition which may often cause back- | e 52 2 SIMCOE ST i RIB system approaching from the|Sault Ste. Marie: Mainly sunny |foronto ......+0+ ache and tired feeling, Then you feel ks , - zi | PORK CHOPS END LB. 55° west is likely to cause some in-/today and Wednesday. Cloud-\ottawa ........+-. 29 ' better, rest better, work better. Get le Ae ' crease in cloudiness over ex-jing over Wednesday afternoon.|\fontreal ......... Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the | } = PHONES: EE EN a a treme western sections of the)Cooler today, milder again Wed-|Quebec .. blue bor with the red band at all drug & SHOULDER province. jnesday, Winds. southwest 15 to-|ralitax | counters. You can depend on Dodd's.¢0 : BUSINESS 728-7821 VEAL CHOPS \ 5 9¢ Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,/day, light Wednesday. -- f i LB. Lake Huron regions, Wind-| Forecast Temperatures rw ae | : <9 : 3 ; RESI DENCE 725-3891 ces sor, London: Cloudy with a few| Low tonight, High Wednesday . ons * YOu WHO. NEVER FINISHED dd ¢) : Sf |} LOIN and RIB 40 : Bip temo any one toons" SLICK SCHOOL | | we | OFFICE HOURS: | VEAL CHOPS uw. 69* are invited to write for FREE booklet, Tells how you can Monday, Wednesday, Friday : Wednesday. Not much change|London .. s 62 in temperature. Winds light to-|Kitchener . 5 62 earn your High School Diploma. i ' 1 ¢ AT HOME IN SPARE TIME om. TO i FM. day and Wednesday. Wingham ... 35 60 AMERICAN SCHOOL Niagara, Lake Ontario, Hali- Hamilton ........ 35 60 burton regions, Hamilton, Tor-|St. Catharines .... 60 100 DUNDAS ST. 2 Tuesday and Thursday DESERONTO, ONTARIO > sii onto: Thickening cloud this|Toronto .......... 4 60 Send Me Your FREE 55-page High School Booklet and a J 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M morning with a few showers to-|Peterborough ..... 60 day, clearing toward evening.|Trenton .. as 60 Mainly sunny Wednes day.|Killaloe . ~- 60 Winds ligfit today, southeast 15|/Muskoka .. y 60 Wednesday. Not much change!North Bay 55 in temperature. Sudbury .... wena 55 , Cochrane regions,'Karlton ........+.. 52 Tender EAT'N Sample Lesson, All Books and Tuition Included ee : TRUE-TRIM BEEF Nome cies tf a pore DR. R. G. McCLIMOND Saturdays 8 8 8 8 8 8 B OUR 63rd YEAR® © 8 8 avEre ' .

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