Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1961, p. 32

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BRANCH 43 HISTORY (Continued hausted. Then it .was necessary to borrow the sum of $2,500 on a note backed. by the late G.:W. McLaughlin, to complete the building. The entire labor was done by unemploved members of the Branch without remuner- ation. Many of the fixtures were donated and the Ladies Auxil- jarv provided chairs for the auditorium, stage -curtains -and other accessories and also equipped the kitchen. Thus a 'dream came 'true through the self sacrifice -of its »members, who now "had -a ~meeting -place. # well equipped club room and ea library. : With a permanent "home 'the work of the Legion went on apace. It was now possible to hold dances and other entertain- ment to raise'the funds and the finances -of'the*Branch*hegan to 'take on a -sibstantial character: "Under the presidency of 'Ben Jacklin 'from 11935 'to '1937, :with 'the recovery from 'the <depres- esion being felt, the 'Branch con- tinued to prosper. Members -now enjoyed their annual Vimy -and Armistice banquets in their own hall instead of using the Rotary Hall, :as 'they 'had done pre- viously. In 11938, the elab 'factlities of the Branch were-extended, with the granting of -a-club authority, and the social iife of the mem- bers was. greatly enhanced. Once again the need arose for an extension to the building «so plans were made'to provide -ad- ditional space 'for 'club room, board room and kitchen. Then came the Second World War and the Legion immediate- ly set about its war service work. The .Branch gave «splen- did support'to the Canadian Le- gion War Services, opened its ¢lub rooms to all enlisted men in the services and «carried -on a program of providing -com- forts for the men in the armed forces. *Fhroughout the war, the Legion was-a-eentre of patriotic activity. Its officers joined in community.efforts to provide for those overseas, and to maintain from Page 10 the Legion services .of .adjust- ment and advice for those in the. forces .and:casualties retura- ing' home. Great strides forward were made, during this period by the Branch under 'the presi- dency of Wesley R. 'Elliott, who held office for five years of the war. At the end of the war, th Branch membership was greatl increased -by the returning vet- erans, who quickly found their mplace in the ranks of *the Le- gion and made great -contribu- tions to its progress -and activ- ities. They took positions of re- | sponsibility in the Branch and in conjunction with the older mem- bers, made great advances in every field of endeavor. Mem- bership soared to.over the 1,000 mark and -year 'by year -addi- tions and improvements were made to the Hall, which is now recognized as one of the finest in 'Ontario. A «splendid library was completely -equipped by Ewart 'McLaughlin in -memory of his father, the late'G. W. Mc- Laughlin. LONG _HISTORY Throughout its 35 year history, the Branch has had magnificent support from the Ladies Auxil- iary, which has -at -all:.times been :ready and willing to further the cause of the Legion and its members. The Auxiliary caters for all Legion functions, takes an active part in welfare work, -andiin the administration of the Poppy Fund. For 35-years the 'Poppy Fund has heen a source of giving much-needed help to veterans in sickness and distress: It has en- abled the Branch to provide comforts .for (Oshawa veterans in hospital, regardless:of w eth- er they are members of the Le- gion or not. "Through the annual Poppy 'Day -and the grant from the 'Community Chest, the level high enough 'to -meet the emergency needs of veterans and their families. Throughout its iong history the Legion has supported every Join With A Host | Of Others In Extending ' CONGRATULATIONS --to The-- Royal Canadian Legion on their also Canadian Legion Week Remember Attention Legionnaires For The BEST In 30 MILL ST. 4 PHONE 723-4631 good cause in Oshawa. Its re- sources and the work of its members have beenmade avail- able whenever:neéded 'for -com- munity welfare: drives. The Legion has provided the leadership in. keeping alive the memory of 'those »who 'died in two world wars. Its .Remem- brance Day Services are annual events. It took the initiative in the .task of having -plaques, in- scribed: with the names. of. those who died, placed .on the War Memorial. .It has, in: fact, been a servicé organization the . city of Oshawa can he -proud.of. .Branch .43 has .a total ;mem- bership _of 820 .at the » present time, including 85.veterans .who have heen members for.25 to 35 years. Since its inception spast presi- dents of Branch «43 have been: Col. F. Chappell, .D. M. .Doug- las, H. Gay, T..Dalby, R. -Stu- art, G. Walsh, M. M- Hood, J. Holt, W. Jenkins, W. Lock, .B. Jacklin, 'A. 'Tierney, S. Brooks, W. E. 'Elliott, J. .Levell, .J. Burch, <G. .F. <Grant, "W. -F- Beaton, "N."H. Hirock, Jr., H.-G. Cheesbrough, L. R. Skelton and J. 'Mitchell. "The -current -presi- dent is Donald.J.:Iverson. STRANGE CHOICE AUCKLAND, 'N.Z. (CP) --'A new 4;000-ton ship designed 'for U'S. -research in Antarctic .wa- ters is named "Eltanin, -dfter <a star. "But the star 'is .visible only 'in the. northern 'hemis- phere. "I guess. somebody -goof- ed," said Dr. T. O. Jones, direc- tor of the U.S. -Antarctic -re- search program, 'FHE OSHAWA 'TIMES, 'Tuesdoy, "October "24, °1961 "F'] $5,600. "The * town 'is 'Laneefield, more 'than »500 »miiles -northeast of here in Western Australia, where the gold ran out 20:years ago -and :the population «de: YTOWN SOLD PERTH, *Australia (Reuters) An old mining town that pro-| duced $16,800,000 "in gold -has been 'sold at sauction for about --TtO-- Royal Canadian Legion (ON "THEIR ft isca:pleasure-ond-aprivilege-at'this'time'to-extend my -best wishes-ond:congratulations: to, your:wonder- ful -organization, <on 'the <occasion <of \your "35th 'Anniversary. It goes without -saying, 'thatthe great work !that,yeur organization' has 'done-and will con- tinue 'to 'do -will 'tong be remembered "by "those veterans who have been aided. Frank Donald Poppy Fund is maintained at a} CONGRATULATIONS ) BRANCH 43 CANADIAN LEGION CELEBRATING YOUR... VAN & STORAGE ' LIMITED "Agent for North American VaniLines' 728-6279 555 KING STREET EAST YO LEGION ... WE SALUTE YOU! The Royal Canadian Legion is ever active in its unfailing support and assistance to those comrades and their dependants, who are in need of help. Oshawa Branch 43 has a record to be proud of. At this time, during Canadian Legion Week cand ,on the <occasion of 'Branch 43's 35th Anniversary, we 'wish 'to express our sincere BEST WISHES

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