THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 24, 1961 5 PAST PRESIDENT AND SOME COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN LEONARD MITCHELL | Past President NATHAN HIRCOCK, JR. Building LUKE WHITE Sergt.-at-Arms CAMERON OKE Hospital Legion's Role Is Extensive The work of the Canadian Le- Bion is quite extensive and var- fed and during the past two years the work load increased 35 per cent . Over 20 pieces of legislation have been prepared for presen- tation in Parliament on behaif of veterans ali over Canada. In- dicative of the unselfish attitude of the Canadian Legion is the fact that 65 per cent of the vet- erans benefitting from _ direct use of Legion services do not belong to, or support the Legion or a local branch. The third of the annual bud- get of the Legion goes toward providing these many services, as many as 10,000 different files on individuals seeking advice and help may be processed hy the Legion Service Bureau' at any one time. Legion Boasts Big Membership As of the end of 1958, the Canadian Legion membership totalled over one quarter mil- lion members. Over 75,000 of these are in the province of Ontario. The Canadian Legion made up as it is, of ex-service men and women is an organiza- tion which has nothing to offer its members, but comradeship and an opportunity to be of greater service to their country. This group of men and women believe that as they have served their country under arms, so they should serve in civilian life, ever zealous in any good work that will make Can- ada more truly representative of | 0 WE EXTEND OUR SINCERE OSHAWA BRANCH 43 Royal Canadian Legion ON THEIR ANNIVERSARY ALDSWORTH CLEANERS 36 ATHOL EAST 'ud. TO 35th 725-1812 Congratulations AND BEST WISHES OSHAWA BRANCH 43 > ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION ON YOUR 35th ANNIVERSARY 'MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED 1279 SIMCOE N. TO 728-6291 \ the ideals for which so many laid down their lives. With this code of ethics and a real understanding of the mean- ing of the word 'service', no worthwhile work is too much trouble for the average mem- ber of the Legion branch. Near- ly 500 branches in Ontario are actively engaged in some type of community work. The Legion's greatly enlarged horizon, and its increased mem- bership have become a powerful force for good in this country. Many young people are now attending universities because of the Legion's Scholarship Pro- gram. Thousands of boys are playing hockey and_ baseball under the sponsorship of this group of dedicated people. Boy Scout and Gir! Guide troops, Retarded Children's Schools, search and rescue teams, Cadet Squadrons, Public speak- ing competitions are among the countless undertakings of the Canadian Legion. Most of the 2,000 odd branches of this country are doing some form of work which benefits those outside the Le- gion family. Benefits Help Vets' Children Apart from the actual veter- an's services and assistance provided by the Canadian Le- gion, benefits provided for children of veterans. This service, known as the Children's Program, was launch- ed in 1950. It ensures the chil- dren of deceased or disabled veterans will not suffer from lack of opportunities they might normally haye. The program provides many things, amongst which are as- sistance in obtaining suitable employment, sending children to summer camps, direct assist- ance in obtaining needed school books and clothes, arranging medical, dental and legal ad- vice and help and sponsorship in specialized training courses and apprenticeships. Welcome .. . ||| ||||| LEGIONNAIRES... Congratulations .. . Hil Oshawa Royal Canadian Legion Branch 43 on your 35th Anniversary MASTER FEEDS 54 CHURCH ST. -- OSHAWA -- 723-2229 A Complete Line Of LAWN -- GARDEN & PET SUPPLIES there are a number of SMITH BEVERAGES LIMITED are Happy Indeed To Extend " CONGRATULATIONS -- and -- BEST WISHES FOR THE FUTURE To The Royal Canadian Legion On The Occasion Of Their wey 35th ANNIVERSARY | "wwwvevevuvvuvvuvuvvvvuvvuvvuveweweeweweeree VY POPPI DDD DD ID IE. Smith Beverages Ltd. | (Authorized Bottler for Pepsi-Cola) 124 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Ph: MA 3-5530 -- TO THE -- ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION --FROM -- *DUPLATE. OUPLATE CANADA LIMITED *T.M.REQ'D Modern Miracles In Glass .. . For Brighter, Safer Living !