Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1961, p. 24

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We Have Come Long Way Since 1926--President In. the*year'1926 Branch 43. of the Canadian Legion was. form. ed, and. each. and every' mem- ber has pledged. himself, since that time, to-carry. out the prin-: ciples and aims for which the an stands, 'Service not We have come® a® long" way since'that nromentous occasion, and now, .in= 1964 we are® cele- brating" 35° years® of * Legion" in" Oshawa. I feel very humble in the*knowledge that I; as current President of Branch 43, am re- quired to maintain, and try to improve: upon; the: very' high standards 'of service:which have been set by the many past presi- dents of the Branch. The road has not always bean smooth and we" have" endured some lean*years; but the:major- ity have been extremely good. It: is with a great sense of pride, both as a*Legion: member, and as a citizen. of Oshawa, that I look back and realize the' tre- mendous progress made: in' the vast area of Legion work: and service, and in the growth and improvement of this: fine cityvof Oshawa. In all those 35 years, the pri- mary objects-of'the:Legion have never changed, that of helping any veteran, andi his depend. ants,.whether*he* be*a .member of the Legion or not. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Pressure has been continually maintained-on. the. Federal Gov- ernment for'increased War Pen- sions, etc., with the result that very littke more can be accom- plished« in' that« respect: Hows ever; the*2,200 branches' of the Canadian" Legion" are*now' turn: ing their energies toward a new goal, that of' promoting and sponsoring various phases of sport and youth training pro- grams which are@ désigned for the physicat and mental de- velopment of the= youth of this country. Most of yow are® doubtless aware of the efforts' which we, locally, are 'putting into promo- tion and sponsoring of sports in the city, for example, Minor Baseball, Oshawa Legion Jun- ior Ten-pin: Bowling; Minor Hockey and 'the Olympic Train- _ it will DONALD IVERSON President Branch® 32 --F. A. Horton Photo ing Program which has been introduced to students of.sehools in the*city: One. of the* main féatares of Legion work is the sale ofthe 'Blood red Poppy®. The Fland- ers poppy, immortalizes the ex: treme'sacrificeof the*thousands who gave their lives for those ideals which we, as*Canadians; cherishe. Thee poppy: also» re minds°us<of those' who 'still suf- fér= from" wounds® and" disabili- ties. The Federal Government handed over this work to the Canadian Legion, and all mon- ies collected by the poppy com- mittees, including Branch 43, are returned in financial aid to needy veterans. hTe only deduc- tion made is for the purchase of poppies and wreaths from the Canadian Veterancraft Shops, which employ only dis- abled veterans. All administra- tion costs are absorbed by the branches of the Legion. Oshowo's- | Largest' _ Selection! ' 174- MARY: ST, Our Congratulations And BEST WISHES -- TO THE -- ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION: (OSHAWA BRANCH 43) on their 35th ANNIVERSARY For The Finest Broadloom And: Wall-To-Wall Carpeting: - It's. | NU-WAY RUG And CARPET SALES: ncaa Imported and Domestic BROADLOOM! pmgier Me Plans are being evolved for future development of Legion work in Oshawa,.and-it.is>the ingention™ of Branch =43*to° build a néw* Legion Headquarters) in* corporating an: auditorium cap: able: of seating: 1,000° people; and' a* kitchen: equipped: to>pro- vide 'nieals 'for the same number of' people; We* are® sure' that, when" completed,, thee building}]- will. be=a® credit: to» thee Cityy of Oshawa: It' is: hoped: that' thes greater revenue® derived from: t h'e'se new facilities, and theentertain- ment: offered;. will' ema le Branch 43-to*be°of 'greater serv: ice® to: thes community; . There are' so many" worthwhile* proj- ects' we would likes to® assist, sponsor' or' participate in;. that bee difficult. knowing where' to: begin' when" the® time comes. With the: goodwill. and: co-op: eration" of you,. the® citizens® of Oshawa; together with the:faith and: sincerity we have in' our own" endeavors, the City*of Osh- awa: will ultimately' benefit 'and be*a®*betterrplace: to livecine One behalf' of' Branch® 43). I offérceach and 'everyyone*of you a spetial invitation 'toé°visit 'with us during: our" week "of* celebra- tion; and partake of our 'hospital- ity. This will .afford us the opportunity to acquaint 'you with the many aspects of Legion and Welfare work which help to make® thee Royal Canadian. Le<« gion a truly great and unified organization: Don. Iverson;. Presidént, Branch: 43, Royal: Canadian" Legion: Membership of thes Royal Ca- nadian Legion*is drawn from all walks of life Its 250,000 mem: bers» represent a® healthy: cross section of Canada, wherein" poli- ties, religion 'and social position are-a member's 'own «business: The Legion" was' founded on the. principle of! service® to others; and'has served: the Ca- nadian" veteran' for the past ~35 years, free of charge to® all, whether' they are members of the Legion or not. _ Branch 43 served the*commu- nity't hr»ugh sponsorship of minor' basebal! and° hockey, .in- stilling in°our:children"the<soirit 'of! competitiveness: and= fair play Its: jonations 'to°theemanr institutions® inv Oshawa® requir bing assistance: hasbeen gener ous, The welfare® of thes veteran and: his: dependants «is * still. the Legion's: prime= purpose;. bu' }each member 'feels that his deb: to" his 'buddies'; left. behina~ in other' lands;. includes* working for 'axbetter "community; Thee Royal' Canadians Legion" serves by doing: It needs * new members: It- needs* and wet comes yout William C. Hungerford, Membership chairman, Branch. 43, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 24, 1961 3 BRANCH: 43° (Ostiawa)' ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION: EVERY SUCCESS: IN' THE COMING: YEARS: McLaughlin COAL. & SUPPLIES LTD. TIOKING ST. W. OSHAWA' PHONE 723-3481. SRS Ga AIS 6 | LUMBER AND , BUILDING _ SUPPLIES Congratulations : tooBranth 48% ofthe Royal Canadian Legion at thetrr Anniversary: WELCOME To Our Comrades' fronr Afar: T. Hi GALE LID. 284 RITSON RD? N: 725:4221' Royal Canadian Legion. LOCAL 1817 Our. Sincere: Congratulations To The. Canadian Legion On The 35th Anniversary of Branch. 43: (Oshawa). BEST: WISHES. FOR: YOUR: CONTINUED SUCCESS IN' THE. COMING. YEARS: United Steelworkers of Kiniien LOCAL" 1500 LOCAL 2784 LOGAL 5767

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