25----Apts. & Flats for Rent THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 24, 1961 \. I) 'or A self-contained, bedroom, ing room, kitchen and three-piece bathroom, $60 per month. possession. Apply 137 Rosehill Blvd. SELF-CONTAINED four-room apart ment, parking space, recently decorat- ed private entrance and bath. In Whit by, Te Telephone MO 8-3246. EXCELLENT three - room apartment in apartment buildtag. Possession No- vember 15. No children, Apply 103 Wil son North, Apartment 3, FIVE-ROOM self-contained apartment, central, Oshawa, me entrance heated, stove and re 5 aoe. eeenwe Mo "85367 for ap pointm: - FOR -- -- Partially furnished two- bedroom basement apartment. Central- ly located. Near, shopping centre. Avail- able immediately. Phone 728-6563. TWO + room basement apartment, $6 per week unfurnished. Suit one lady or gentlemen, Telephone 728-4652. $40 MONTHLY -- three-room unfurnish- ed basement apartment, sink and cup- boards, Private entrance, parking space One child welcome. Telephone 728-1930. MODERN three - room apartment on main floor of apartment building, Pri- vate entrance, all conveniences. 91 Celina or telephone 725-5513. PRIVATE apartment, three rooms, tiled bathroom, tiled floors, hot water. Adults only. Telephone/ 723-4130. 26---Rooms for Rent |27--Real Estate for Sale ZASEMENT bedroom, suit two gentle-\stx-ROOM brick gtorey and a half, for men, twin beds, separate washroom, /|saie or rent, Albert Street, newly decor- parking. Apply 187 Wilson Road South. | ated, landscaped lot. For further 'nfor 200MS for retired elderly couples, , busi- jmation apply 549 Albert, ss ladies. Absolute abs paieag Fur rished or unfurnished. G joeation. Ww: Box 501,'drive, garage. arora o> geal seaside rote gps hardwood antenna, 4-piece ------ we = $3,800 down, $12,800 full EXTRA large fu housekeeping |' ms. 'MA: 3-3247 | Bowmanville. oom, rangette, refrigerator; heat, ights and water included. Centrally lo- are RENT poe Suitable for girls or young cou- le. Apply 92 Elgin East. ONE large room, comfortably furnished APPROXIMATELY 50 ACRES OF WORKABLE LAND Refrigerator and stove, parking space. For 3 or more, years on All Apply 202 Albert Stevenson Rd, N. Partial use Street. oP TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, of barn possible No live- stock. For further informa- kitchen and bedroom, sink and cup- tion Dial 725-9970 or 725- 9929 \27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Real Estate For Sale |27--Reol Estate for Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale _| $11,400, S-room -bunga-|/BRICK bungalow with 2 bedrooms, LLOYD REALTY R-room house, three-piece bath, | REAL bargain. | LIST WITH LLOYD |FOU hy iring, one acre land, two build. |low. Apple Hill. $1,000 down. Arrange-|city limits on three acres of Jand. ar . Higa iatisom Road North. Telephone|ments, Owner transferred, 725-7814. approved. City water. 725-4433. 29----Automobiles for Sale THEN CALL YOUR MOVER $11,500 728-6598. baick|SMALL three-room house on beautiful [PRIVATE sale six-room solid brick| BUILDING on main street of Newcas-\bungalow close to school and GM/%¢-acre lot in Oshawa, heavy hoe DOWiN?????DOWN Try your down payment cn tle in excellent repair. A real opportun-|south plant. 728-0796 after 5 p.m Price $4800. Telephone ity for somebody who wants a this 4 year old three bed- room brick bungalow, 'oco- ity for somebody whe wants @ vealtor,|$1,000 DOWN, lovely duplex in New-'28----Real Estate Wanted ted in the north-west, close Bowmanville, RR 4, MA 3-364. {eastle. Rented $105 monthly on large lot. | : ----e $13 500 John Sandy 725-8010, Josep! Bosco, feaor, WE HAVE BUYERS FOR LOWER PRICED HOMES to schools and shopping cen- tres, immediate -possessior ask Bill Horner to show you FOUR-BEDROOM home, two ths, oll heat, hardwood and tile floors, large We urgently need listings on properties -- ,000, or this home ot 728-5123. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) r modern kitchen, close to shops, schools Private. Apply Box 650 Oshawa Times. tnd bas. & bay ot onty 12,000 » ith foe under. For free appraisal Limited, Realtor 728-5123 2% STOREY, $700 down. Ideal family)down payment and easy terms. Call Simcoe St. Ww mae 32--Articles for Sale ORDERS taken for wood storm sashes, No. 1 quality. Measurements, estimates free. Terms. Order early. 723-4989. --_ RADIATOR, cp mae condition, for quick sale, evenings. © i 52 FORD, four-door sedan, very good condition, custom radio and signal lights. Telephone 723-7043 for further par 1937 FORD long wheel-base % ton, like new, one owner. Truck from west, no rust. 728-5924. VOLKSWAGEN truck, good pre transmission and tires, Front end nee: some body work. Cheap for quick "sale. Telephone 725-7743. |sIMCcOE North, 5-room brick, private Close to school and bus, able for small room, $6 262 Bruce Street, 723-7776 GATELEG tabie, solid walnut, like new, reasonable. Telephone 725-0126. s| MUSKRAT lady's far coat, modern sty ing size 18, as new. Original price $250. 725-0684 for further information, SPACE heater, good condition, with 58 . gallon tank _ copper pipe, $30. Tele, phone 725-7743. KBS ii International, With wheel aad | saddie tanks, 13' platform and tail- loader. Galion grader for parts, 103, serial MD12400. Telephone 725-7631, MOVING to U, eeeerene VLA opportunity. Four room frame house on Riverside Drive South. Oil heated, sewer, water, newly decorated, fruit trees and bushes recreation room, 189 PONTIAC Chieftain ei eight in in 'good running condition, iromatic, radio, ete. Giving up driving. Make an offer T 723-4303, or income "kome near north GMC con-|now, ask a Mr. Swarbrick, 725-6544 sisting of se¥en rooms nicely djor 725-834; throughout modern cupboards, oil heat-|s99 nown New NHA three-bedroom ing, and handy to schools and shopping. bungalows fo be built on prepaid ser- Price $10.500. Ernie Holmes, Realtor,|\i.oq lots, ares street, curbs, water 204 King Street East, 725-2363. (and sewer, beautiful location overlooking Fee eee eee ills Finke' eel INDUSTRIAL BUILDING jor" Poel AL CLOSE TO HAI 312' by 150' $300 DOWN fiveroom home with fu- This corner lot locgted on two good roads, sewer and nace, very clean, low taxes, Ajax -- Asking $4,500. K. Chomko MO 86-4606, water on street, is suitable for nearly every industrial Joseph Bosco Realtor. purpose. The extremely rea- MASSON Street, nice six-room family sonable price of $5,500 -- and the down payment of home in lovely condition on treed 1 newly decorated and new oil oooh $13,500 with terms, John Sandy 725-8010 Joseph Bosco Realtor 725-9870. CLOSE to downtown, six-room bunga- low with large lot and low taxes, only $1,000 -- makes it $1500 down. Newt. Hodgson possible also for privatep er- sons to invest in the future of the already booming har- bour district. Call to inspect. Art Weinberger, evenings, 723-7244. Joseph Bosco | Realtor 725-9870. WILSON REALTOR 725-6588 's] PLYMOUTH Belvedere, V-8, auto- jmatic two-door hard-top, reasonable, Phone MO 8-2349 after 6 p.m. 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want care for wrecking. Highest prices oaid. 725-1181. | OB "6i Volkswagen wanted, cash money ville MA 3-3828. CARS WANTED Buying «@ New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cosh" to the New Cor Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. boards, private entrance, central, laun- dry facilities. Apply 253 Atho| East. TWO large warm rooms, completely furnished for light housekeeping, in- cluding electric refrigerator and stove. Use of washer and dryer. Central to down town and shopping centre. Suit working couple. $15 weekly. Telephone) 1725-5227. Bae ee NEWLY room, or room and board one or two girls to share, close to downtown GM, hospital 723-7043. FURNISHED light housekeeping room for gentleman. Apply 171 Nassau Street for further details. CLEAN furnished room with iditchen | central, continuous hot water, parking| (sag suit gentleman. 'Telephone | 26--Rooms for Rent 723-9 THRE-ROOM newly furnished deco- rated. Privated entrance private home, parking space, Girls or couple only. 162)""° Warren Avenue, 728-2359 after five-week days. ONE large furnished housekeeping room, sink and cupboards, refrigerator. Suitable for Indies or gentlemen, Ap- SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD. 723-2265 725-0243 728-8423 725-1726 29--Automobiles for Sale CUSTOM (in the dash) transistor car- |radios, lowest prices in town. Try Do- inion Tire Stores, 48 Bond Street West. 6 CHEVY, four-door s radio rear speaker, whitewall tires. "|One owner, Immaculate. Open for of- ih_ trade or terms. Nicol's Mo- Sales Ltd., 512 Brock Street North, | Whitby. MO 6-801, % TON 1952 Fargo, excellent condition No rust. $200. Telephone 725-7559 "a more particulars. BUY your car for cash. Fast confiden: | tia] service, convenient terms. For formation, telephone 728-6238. Sea-| board Finance, 29% Simcoe Street 8. Daytime Evenings double bed, dresser, chest, night tables,... like new; also TV console, sewing ma» chine, Reasonable, Phone 728-5787, - TWO damaged aluminum and ns , Suitable for restaurant. Phone 725-5207 after 5. BEATTY washer, $15; 54 inch spring and mattress, $5,'Telephone 728-8047 for * further information, of used to year" 101 METCALF Real Estate Limited 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 BROCK STREET WEST AREA $1500.00 down -- large 6-room bungalow, tastefully decorated | -- large rooms -- oil heating, alum, storm windows, screens and | | | North BUYING or disposing of appHances, ete, Call Elmer, x 3-204, experience. COlfax WE pay highest prices in the used furniture, Pretty's Used Saal Store, 723-3271, 444 Bimete South. GOLF clubs 9 irons, 3 woods, cart, left hand, oe and ¢ matched set. $100, Py GOOD selection of onion FR Mig hing * at reasonable prices. vision, 918 Simcoe Street Ni Your color TV store, TELEVISION $8,100 FULL price, fi large lot overlooking Os' low taxes, terms, Frances 25-4344. Joseph Bosco Realtor. JUST REDUCED NOW ONLY $15,900 a ligh room ith refrigerator, kins parking | space Apply 163 Simcoe South, LARGE, bright bed- sitting roo! ernly furnished, two minutes walk to) Centre, Apply 460 King Street} doors, nicely landscaped. This home' is in immaculate condi- tion, and close to separate, public ond high schools, Full price $9,500.00, BROCK STREET WEST i ONE large room, om, clean, "in quiet home. | | ply to 320 Frontenac avenue for m particulars. ROOM for rent, centrally located, cooking facilities if desired. Apply Albert Street for further '_informat: TWO nice furnished rooms with light Close to North housekeeping facilities. General Motors. Parking space. phone 728-0764. Tele- FURNISHED bedroom in private "ome, | bath, Taxes only $132. yearly. preferred. | payments. good locality, gentleman Phone 728-8706 or 723-4380, ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms private home. 74 Oshawa _ Boulev: South. Telephone 728-08! 52. FURNISHED rovm, double lounge, parking, central. two gentlemen, Avai' Telephone 723-9433 BRIGHT, furnished room home, very central, suit gentleman. East for further | information, SINGLE rooms, parking facilities, clean quiet home; cooking y bed, Suit one men preferred. Telephone 723-7237. VERY CENTIAL, furnished room, si stove, cupboards, ideal for couple single. Apply 200 King Street West further FURNISHED single and double rooms, suit ladies, gentlemen of couple; of kitchen. TABLE furnished room, kiteh- bus and near hospital, Motors. 723-1300 en privileges, north General 725.0748 FURNISHED room for one gentleman, abstainer preferred, close to downtown, telephone Apply 45 Drew Street or located, TV lable November 1 a private | spring mattress,| Apply 102 Elgin Street | privileges. | Five minutes to four corners. Gentle Apply 67 Second Avenue. ore Telephone 725-3604. ome | ROOM in apartment "puilding, share| living room and kitchen facilities, girls) only, central location. Telephone 728 2718 after 6, 27--Real Estate for Sale $500 DOWN, beautiful bungalow, situ-| e lot 84' x 520' four-piece beth, Monthly Reasonable, Call Howard | McC. 'abe, 728-7552. William Fialka Real | Estate Broker. 213 fon. ~ in ard} COLLEGE HILL 4-room house -- Garage, oil heat, newly decorated in- side and out, nicely land- scaped, hedged lot. $800 down, low taxes ond pay- ments. 728-5246 _ S. D. HYMAN REALTOR 39 PRINCE STREET 728-6286 "CUTE AS A BUTTON" Located close to the Osh- awa Shopping Centre. 5- room frame bungalow in or} 5 ink, or for ms, use or $1,000.00 down -- close to' Simcoe, large 7 rooms ---- a real buy at $8,000.00. Will rent $75 00 per month, Contact this office for apartment buildings, new N.H.A. homes, lots, store, lond and lots, and low down payment homes, AFTER 5:30 CALL John Kemp 728-2392 Dick Barriage 725-6243 Joe Maga 725-9191 Everett Elliott 723- 9290 ___Marion Drew 725- 7610 D. W. McQUAY, Realtor WHITBY PLAZA 313 BROCK ST. S. OPEN 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. DAILY WHITBY MO 8-5868 TORONTO EM BYRON STREET Attractive five-room, white frame bungalow on good lot, 60° x 100' with extra lot 60' x 100' that can be sold off, Forced air oil heating, hardwood and tile floors and nicely decorated Private paved driveway. Asking $14,500.00 for whole porcel. Call Keith Lunney. 3-9603 GREEN STREET Beautiful six-room brick bungalow with attached garage and private paved driveway. Stone front with concrete porch ond iron handrail, Extra large kitchen ond dinette. Panelled rec- reation room. Tastefully decorated. Lot fully landscaped. Ask- ing $16,900.00. Cal} Keith Lunney. RESIDENTIAL --- ACREAGES --- TROUT STREAMS -- FARMS LOTS INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL - _ BUSINESSES, _ |For full particulars call 723-1121) bungalow set on a well land- scaped large lot on a quiet residential street, close to all schools, and shopping cen- tre, children's playground adjacent, 6 arge rooms, plus utility room and family lounge are all on the one floor plus a large basement with attached drive-in gor- age. Very easy terms avail- able on one mortgage to the owner, Please ask for Kenn Hann for your personal show- "WILSON. REALTOR 725-6588 120 F Fernhill | Blvd.) | terms to suit. " --_ DOUGLAS L. GOWER REALTOR 204 BOND ST. W, 728-4651 Down to earth bargain. $8,- 200, low down payment. Clarke Street, near Ritson school Monthly payments to suit your budget, five rooms, garage, oil heat. Im- $12,900 FULL PRICE Try your down. payment on this one vear old brick bun- galow, three bedrooms, large hollywood kitchen, and living room, natural trim. Owner anxious to see an offer. Call today for full porticu- lors BUILDING LOTS 100' x 200' on the corner of Garrard and Rossland. Only $500 down, good terms for balonce 990' x 660' on. a paved road just east of Oshawa, Asking $900 down, 85' x 184' on Wilson Road North. Only $500 down, easy balance, 88' x 181', on a paved street, zoned R-3. O.K. for 11-Plex. Asking only $4,- 500.00 full price. Builder's terms Open 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. After Hours Call for this quolity built ranch | phone 728.6283, | Street North, Whitby. ._MO 8-8001 \'87 PONTIAC station wagon, four door | $595 TO $795 -- Your choice of '55 Oldsmobile sedan or °55 Pontiac, two- door sedan or '55 Ford Fairlane or *66} Ford sedan. Cash, trade or tertms.| Nichol's Motor Sales Limited, 512 Brock | DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. __723-9421 Street North Whitby, MO 86-8001, |BUYING a car? Need money? For lowest rates, fast service, Seaboard Fi- nance, 29% Simcoe Street South, or $ALL CASH$ Re pee ainda For clean cars we deal up or SACRIFICE! Two. door hardtop, °S6 i Buick, automatic, whitewalls, heater, down. Liens paid -off jradio, Excellent condition. One owner. NICHOLS MOTORS LTD. 597. Grierson | Street, 7 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY \'52 Austin, Priced ¢ MO 8-8001 |Fina Service Station, 627 Sau Sirest be |31--Automobile ) Repairs | South. HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE. MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. W. 723-7822 HILLCREST SUNOCO for ALL your Motoring Needs } mile East of Oshawa |'60 CHEVY two-door sedan. Must be| {seen and driven to be appreciated. ideal family car. Cash, trade or terms | Nicol's Motor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock radio, iow mileage, 6 cylinder, stand ard transmission, Very clean, Best loffer. 725-7922, \°58 CHEVROLET deluxe coach, custom |radio, back-up lights, good tires, excel- llent condition. $265. Telephone 725-9688. | '83 AUSTIN in good running condi. --------_--_ jtion. Best offer accepted. 'Telephon 1728-1 -6882 for further information. $55 TO $205 your choice of *53 consul four-door sedan, '53 Monarch conver- tible, '53 Ford sedan, '50 Pontiac, two- door sedan. Cash, trade or terms. Nic- ol's Motor Sales Ltd., 512 Brock Street North, Whitby. MO 8-8001. '60 PONTIAC station wagon, Leuren- tian, good condition. Telephone 725-5132. onan Hie tis pe! "64 MERCURY, four-door, radio cheap y GHTLY ia | {Chureh Stree _..| TENTS, General Electric pletely overhauled $69. Phillips console, $99. All sets guaranteed, Meag- * hers, 5 King Street West. DRYER, Westinghouse, in vs ; working order. Apply 119 Banting -- nue or telephone 725-7690 tee fartok detaiis. TYPEWRITERS for students. Guaran- A jtee standards at low prices, Bill Ham « {ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin. |B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bab tele * n, 725-4543, teries, Kelvinator refrigerators; | vision. __ Thrifty Budget 1 Plan, |STOVE, Frigidaire Imperial, 40" ly in in excellent condition. App Laughlin Boulevard after 5. |AWN canvas. Prompt service, ee estimates. Chair e Fox, 412 Simeoe North, oc table rentals, ere reo OE furnace with stoker, roan "d able. Telephone 725-5132 for further im * formation | consisting of beds, dressers, chairs ete, ~ | 723- 4641, ask _for Mr, 1 Fin iner, s, Oshawa Setterte . 723-7624, terns, picnic jugs, camp stoves. prices in town. Dominion Tire Store Bond Street West, 725-6511. Terms |suit you |SEVEN-PIECE walnut BOAT with controls | windshield, life jackets, jand trailer, MO 8-5156 noon |LADY'S grey Kidskin fur jac! 16-to-18, red wool dress, size 16, Phote 725-6405. dining suite, All pieces) in excellent iy a Sy op ae room cond). tection camp cots, sleeping bags, lan- -- Best rr] bad : 4 5. 728-4594 Don S. Smith ... 728-4879 mediate possession. [eben a are rl on fn 725- |tion. Suitable for apartment or oma 5 4 SINGLE room to let across ; from North GM. Corner store, William and M Street. Teleph one 728- 2879. FURNISHED rooms, , sult parking space, laundry, breakfast desired, bus at door. 356 Park Ro South, 728-0146. LARGE front bed-s son _ two to share. 4 Telephone 728-2758. FURNISHED room for man or lady | » north of hospital, ¢ home, parking ete. phone 728-2758. | gentlemen, ing room in quiet district in north Oshawa for one per- Private house, Bus -@le- good condition. Low down payment and easy monthly carrying charges. Immediate possession. For further infor- mation call Doug. Bullied at 728-6286 "INCOME PROPERTY" Central location. 8 rooms 2 drives -- garage bathrooms heavy-duty wiring -- hot woter oil heat- ing. Excellent rental proposi- ary if ad in| ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK ROAD N. 728-8671 tion or large family residence. Call Gien MacKinnon at 728- 6 "SUBURBANITE" 4-room bungalow in immac- ulate condition. 1 acre of land, All modern -facilities $500 down will handle. Call Bob Stevenson at 728-6286. WHITBY CLASSIFIED MANURE for sale, lawns. Phone _MO 86-4514. MALE. help wanted, desk clerk and light general work around front desk. Apply Spruce Villa Hours Hotel for gardens and YOUNG man as sales clerk with auto motive experience preferred. Reply to Box 404 Oshawa Times giving full de tails, THREE-room apartment room, private bath Unfurnished three room available Heat, light and water sup-| unfurnished bachelor apart-|9F gentlemen, refrigerator. contained, close to business |Street, ¥ Whitby. tained apartment, si Phone MO 8-2503. FOR RENT: tment, frig. and stove, bu' ards, main floor. THREE bedroom gnfurnished 272 Ritson Road South 725-1841. FOR RE} or telephon f -- Five-room apartment « upper floor, private entrance. ed gage Apply 112 Colbor ne Street phone MO 8-5333. FOR SALE matic defrosting refrigerator; sent, 8-8509 BC 'SERVIC service for small businesses, monthly or as desired. Sta pared income tax returns, East S. Complete bookkeep "Large two room self con- on-|Hudson Ba apart ment, central location in Whitby. Apply Late model Crosley auto- four ele heavy duty Gurney stove. MO|DR 'weekly, ES SaaeieneneEaeeaee ements pre-| WHITBY -- upper MO 8-8252,;Tooms, large living room, downtown. Te MO 8-4339. |FOR RENT: Furnished large keeping room, two beds, house suit two girls 305 Perry lephone MO 8-4470 |FOR SALE ly's winter coats and| t. Trunks, dishes and household articles. Call after 6.30 p.m Alt. Telephone|!121 Dundas East, upstairs, Whitby. FOR RENT: Furnished large house keeping room, two beds. Suit two girls or gentlemen, Fridg. 305 Perry Street, ne | Whitby. Phone MO 8-4470. FURNISHED | bachelor month, livingroom, apartment, o nal! bedroom, parking. LOST -- Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist| watch, brown cord strap, reward. 318 16. Mary Street West or phone MO 8-4294. D SMAKING, suits, couts, j alte' ions, slip covers. Gowns seeping |, aes our specialty, Mrs, 8-2372, Telephone MO 8-3577 dresses, and fit Toms, MO} three bed-| modern kit duplex, SEPTIC tanks cleaneg. Walter Wa Chestnut Street West. Phone ra, \2 en, tile, hardwood, down Mo 725- 1841 or 272 Ritson | |For "SALE ¢ OR RE} |bungalow, cl d, 2wn location jouth, Oshawa -- three-bedroom TABLE lady required to look after| heated, nother works. Tele-) two children while phone MO 8-4103 after 5 p.m. in ators. MO 8-3591. paved drive oil rent $90 monthly. Vacant No- lvember 1. Apply 717 Dunlop Street West FOR RENT: Unfurnished apartment, | two large bright rooms fireplace, | ground floor, private entrance, parking | S-ROOM unfurnished apartment, space, block from Shopping Plaza. MO d floo with private bath and | 8.5188. heavy duty wi One child Telephone MO 8-5709. |FOR RENT: Self contained three room SPECIAL FREE HAIR CUT WITH. EVERY SHAMPOO AND SET ALSO FREE SHAMPOO AND SET WITH EVERY PERM FROM OCT. 24 to NOV. 4 INCLUSIVE HI-FASHION HAIR STYLISTS 109 BYRON STREET SOUTH WHITBY--MO 8-3621 japartment, built-in cupboards, hard wood floors, large closet space, very) Sas08." Available November 1, MO SELF-CONTAINED four - toon apart-| ment, in Whitby, parking space, recent. | ly decorated, private entrance apd bath. Telephone MO 8-3246. unfurnished, central location to ~ SCHOFIELD - AKER LIMITED 360 King St. W. 723-2265 EXCELLENT VALUE 2 homes for sale in the area of Dr. Phillips School, Both 2- storey homes with garages. One is a 6-room the other 8 rooms. Both in the p range of $16,000 and both have very rea- sonable down payments. Give us o call, We would like to show you both homes, BEAU VALLEY 1175 sq. ft. ranch bungalow with attached garage -- 6 good- size rooms, natural fireplace in living room. Custom built cup- boards in kitchen, 3 bedrooms all with double closets. Recre« ction room to be completed, home to be decorated through- out, N.H.A. financing. 160 LAUREL: COURT Executive type ---- brick home featuring spacious living room with exposed beams, natural fireplace, tiled 4-pe. bath with vonity. Kitchen with built-in bar ond stools. 3 large bedrooms with walk-in closets. Rec-room and extra bedroom downstairs. Tiled laundry room, roughed-in plumbing for extra bathroom. Garage and patio. Fully landscaped. Vendor will decorate home to new owner's choice of colours. AFTER 5:30 PLEASE CALL: Henry Stinson 725-0243 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 Don Stradeski 728-8423 Russ Reeve 725-4840 __ DAYTIME -- 723-2265 __ 1s SNELGROVE CO. LTD. Realtors 43 Park Rd. S. TRIPLEX Three-storey brick building with 3. self-contained aortments, very central, commercial location, owner now a widow, must sell, price reduced for quick sale, call Sid Martyn 723-9810. INCOME PROPERTY brick, upper floor rented at $95.00 per , private drive and garage, R3 zoning, this clear property, owner will hold an open spection by appointment, call Cy Preece 725- 725-6027, FOR THE VETERAN 6-room, 3-bec ingolow on Y2-acre land, modern kitchen, dining room and large living room, 3-piece bath, full basement, good furnace, 3-car garage and workshop, % acre suitable for extra building lots, located in village east of Oshawa, easy com- muting to Oshawa, call Sid Martyn 723-9810, $800 DOWN 6-room, split-level brick home, completely modern, recreation room, 6% N.H.A, mortgage, owner now in Toronto is willing to sacrifice, don't delay, call today ---- please ask for Cy Preece 725-8761 or evenings 725-6027. BUILDING LOTS Pickering Beach, 50 x 200 ft., close to school, Office, $1,000 cash, Hompton, 150 x 374 ft., variety of apple trees, asking $2,300, Hampton, 66 x 165 ft., central location. $1, 000, easy terms. TO BUY OR SELL AND DO IT WELL .. . CALL SNELGROVE 723-9810 or 725-8761 8 rooms, month, Open to an offe mortgage, fre 8761 or evening 2-storey central droo 'oom store and Post SMALL furnished room, contipuous hot water, good parking facilities; uit gentleman. Telephone MO 8-4123, 821 Dundas West, Whitby, STUDENTS! A super Tr value approxi- mately 630 sheets of letter size typing Paper (news print) for only $1.00. Apply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby, lll Dundas Street West. GRAVEL - LOAM Cement, Gravel Driveway Gravel and Fill Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon ERIC C. BRANTON MO_8-2660 SCHNEIDER'S FOOD PLAN, through ECONOMART, 15 or 20 cu. ft. FRIGIDAIRE Freez- er, one piece, NO WELD ALL-STEEL CABINET, a pro- duct of GENERAL MOTORS, App. $16.95 per week assures a family of four GOOD LIVING and is your tote! cost of freezer and 90% of your food-in your home. Full WARRANTY food ond freezer. Our food consultants will gladly ex- plain our plan in detail. NO DOWN PAYMENT, NO OBLI- GATION, for appointment call MO 8-5381. We GUAR- a to sove you money time. ECONOMIZE WiTH ECONOMART, ATTENTION HUNTERS We rent: Canoes, Car Top oats, Shot Guns, Decoys, Cabin Trailers, also Power Tools, Garden and Lawn Equipment. MO 8-3226. } | WILDE RENTAL |__SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY Women without previous experience, but willing to work and learn, can in- Sure extra Christmas money by selling Avon | cosmetics. Call 725-8466 | buy and sell with confidence your neighborhood realtors 67 King St. E. 725 4701 $1,000.00 Buckingham Ave. -- full price only $10,900 for this 11%4- storey home in a choice location, 3 bedrooms, oil heating, separate dining room. Low taxes of $197.00. Call Earle Allen 725-4701 or 725-7782 evenings. OSHAWA BOULEVARD Beautiful 2-bedroom- home with stone front, asphalt drive, close to bus service, completely modernized. Call Bob Johnson 725- 4701 of 728-2548 evenings. $1,000.00 DOWN West end of city close to shopping centre, 6-room 2-storey home, good condition, private drive with garage, new furnace, nice- size lot. Call Joe Crawford 725-7732 or MA 3-3672 evenings. MARY STREET Lorge 2-storey 6-room brick, floor in attic, oil heated, garage, located close to hospital and high school, being sold on rea- sonable terms. Call Rolande Tierney 725-7732 or 725-5207. 2-BEDROOM SPECIAL This is o lovely home. for the smal! family or retiring couple, modern bath and kitchen, separate dining room tastefully decorated, reasonable- price, Call Ossie Martin 725-4701 or 728-9714, 'Corson & Young| = HOWE & PETERS Dick Young 723-7183 Lloyd Corson... 723-2537 Welland Ave., 3-bedroom, brick, close to all services. N.H.A. 6% financing. $87 principal, Interest and taxes monthly, Full price $13,400 Realtors with $4,000 down. 18 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA -- 723-1121 Country living in this im- maculate 5-room bungalow, Maple Grove road, attached gorage, % acre of land, good well, all conveniences, JOHN A J. BOLAHOOD LTD. ~ Insurance 167 Simcoe S. Office Hrs. 9 am. to 9 p.m. & | V.L.A, or $3,000 down with } $11,000 full price and terms arranged. Realtor Coll Doug Gower, Vic Hulott, _ Sally Wallace RISTOW & OLSEN REALTOR {$1,500 DOWN PAYMENT Burk street, older, well cared for brick home with bedroom and powder room on first floor and two bedrooms and bath on second floor, Deep lot with garage, only one mortgage to pay out. A work- ingman's dream come true. See it today! WELLINGTON STREET Six room brick bungalow in excellent condition through- out, Large treed lot, paved drive. Listed at only $11,- 300 with 5%2% mortgage terms. A real money saver, DOCTOR'S OFFICE Three rooms on ground floor with washroom, two entran- ces, parking, central Heat and janitor services included. 728-5107 |THICKSON'S RD. NORTH | Modern 5-room bungalow off Thickson's Rd., north of the church. On @ good high location. Very anxious to sell Call Mr. Ratcliffe, 725-6544, PRICED TO SELL 5% rooms, beautifully dec- orated and landscaped with patio, 3 good-size bedrooms, gleaming hardwood and tile floors. Full price only $12,- | 900 with easy terms. Coll | now, ask. for Mr. Swarbrick ot 725-6544 or 725-8342, GRIERSON STREET 3-bedroom brick with 4-pe washroom, stool downstairs, in an area of fine homes. Garage and paved drive, large lot with some trees. Very low down payment; one long-term open mortgage for balance. Cail to inspect, Mr. Zurba at 725-6544 or 728-0569. 1400 SQ. FT Only $13,000 full price 'with $1,400 down. N.H.A. resale, 6% mortgage, no approval necesory. To inspect call Mr. Siblock at 725-6544 or 725-4362. Members O D.R.E.B. Mortgages hh ag Bought and S AFTER 6:00 CALL: Howard Forder ., 728-2155 Paul Ristow ... 725-8152 Joy Dell ...26 725-3283 Hilda Ristow ... 725-3605 Carl Olsen .. 725-3412 19 ATHOL ST. WEST OSHAWA 6-room ranch bungalow with double carport, 700 sq. ft. rec. room finished like tavern, includes bar, extra 3-piece wash- room downstairs. Professionally landscaped, 1270 sq. ft. of liv- ing area. This is a beautiful home and in excellent condition. Built on o 65' x 130' lot in northwest Whitby. Coll Mildred Bilido, MO 8-2167 or MO 8-5853. 50' lot in North Whitby, $2,000. Call Mrs. Booth, MO 8-8257 or MO 8-5853. 3 ond 4-bedroom bungalows being built for $10,990. One mortgage, low monthly payments, Inquire at our office, 4-bedroom home with attached garage. Full size dining room, extra 2-pc. washroom, fully decorated, large lot, stone ond brick construction, close to schoqls. Full price $18,500.00, down payment $3,300.00. For further information call Audrey Moore, MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853, Treed Lot -- Nicely located in pad 80' x 250'. Moore, MO 8-4088 or MO 8-5853 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 130 BROCK ST.-N. WHITBY MO 8.5853 Call Audrey ' bath with vanity, and a good size kitchen loaded with cup- J. A. SHERIFF, Realtor HIGHLAND AVE. Between Athol and Gliddon, 2-bedroom brick bungalow, extra finished room in basement. Immaculate condition inside and out and beautifully decorated. Large shade willow tree in yard os well as being excellently landscaped throughout the grounds. Paved drive, T.V. aerial. Close to separate and public schools, shopping and bus services. Listed at only $9,800.00 full price, This one is o must for you to inspect. NORTH-WEST 6-room ranch bungalow, attached garage. 75-foot lot with some of the finest landscaping in the city. Three bedrooms, living room with natural stone fireplace, dining room, 4-piece boards. Close to all schools, separate, public and high, as well as shopping and bus. Only 5 years old, this property is clear, ond owner will accept $5,000.00 down payment and take back the balance on one open mortgage. You owe it to yourself to see this one. OPEN TO 9 P.M. "68 PONTIAC, four-door sedan, good paint white and turquoise, extra eauip-| 32--Articles for Sale ment, good condition, One owner, 725. 7867, ist OLDE, Buper 88, power brakes, radio etc. A car you will be proud to own. Cash, trade or term table condition, $40. MO 8-5 8. | -- [SINGER 'se sewing machine, electrie por Ajax power seer Sewing C oe Telephone WH 2-6561 or) house, Telephone 723-3276, |SIMPLICITY washing 'Ppaching, re ps Street North Whitby. MO @-8001. __|strators, selling at cost . so one HALF-TON truck °53 Chevrotet, in good | condition, Will take trade, MO 9.s6s1,|Cemonstrator. vacuum Telephone 723-3055. |WALNUT 'dining room suite, | BLACK Beauty, °51 Mercury Tudor, standard transmission, radio, white|nt ll tabl 1 walls, good condition. $189 or best | Telephone 733- 2106 Oe age \PIANO upright, Westing-| reasonable offer refused, Can house stove, frig., kitchen set, bed bo pk lls steal \STAKE body for one ton track 01 ir ie ruck, TUMBLER-FREE with $3 worth of|form 9 x by 6°, 5%" gasoline at The ee Open from wood roe suitable midnight. ard 10 a.m. until 28-5200 after 6, ened Plat- solid sides, i 1960 PONTIAC, jade green metallic, four door, automatic transmission, radio, low iniledge, one owner. Tele- phone 723-4033. 61 PONTIAC Strato-Chief, Toareosr, |" ------"| beautiful Honduras Maroon, white roof, jnew. Telephone 655-4834. lso rifle, 300 Savage, perfect RIDING horse, 3 years old also two|4G, western saddles and bridles, practically | aoog 8IX-month-old 'German Shephard dog; |$47. ble, good condition, Apply 763 Two. pair floor length drapes, panels. grey mosaic, excellent Ritson * 7 condi. . tion, $35. Grey rug, @ = 16', Telephone. 4 Nicol's Motor Sales, Ltd., 512 Brock | THREE sewing machines, ait demon. | 723-9513, Portabl . * cleaner, | 4a Jace black Persian Pa ae ike new. _Telephone 728+ in good condition, Re "jat_200 St. Lawrence, Whitby. be seen... USED parts and repairs " a ate of fom a type washers, % $5 to $8, guaranteed fecveionen: rash? truck, |°TS 8nd stoves. Paddy's Market, Hamp» * ton, CO 3-2241, ZAG wane macihne, sews and reverse, mi Pie Can be had for cash of seven payments of Write fox 428 Oshawa Times, Toe ve we akes buttonholen.- decorative stitches, Fi ag price : 8000 actual miles, like new, trade and} |Telephione 7 "tho finance, acrifice, 728-1203. 66 TRS Sports Coupe, wire wheels, | overdrive, hardtop, new paint and car- pets. In excellent condition. 728-0572 after 6. FORCED to T.V. TOWERS 40-ft, structure with all- channel antenna, al! galvan- ized, guaranteed 1 year. TRIO TELEVISION 171 Bond St. East, 728-6781 sell, "60 aes Corvair, fully equipped, Will eee trade, nance. Telephone MO 8-8474 evenings. 1951 CHEVROLET coach, two-tone, one | fi-| ied rebullt machines. E free. ~ Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv. | WINE recipes of 15 for $1.00, |Whitby, Ontario. a+ send money order to "Recipes", PO Bom 268, « |Ft ACES, forced air, ten antee, $2.25 per week, no (ras Package dea} $130. Tele 725-47: ar guar" lown ---~eneninenanentmncensensinially> {vac UM cleaner repairs, all makes. arts, attachments, brush ntals. ltee, 728-0591 anytime. guaran 5 ' owner, snow tires. This car cannot be| 25 ONTARIO STREET DIAL 728-1673 equalled for condition. 725-7298 after 4. | BUY YOUR FURNITURE DISCOUNT PRICES ! | BUYING OR SELLING SEE TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST, --- OSHAWA GUust East of Wilson Road) 424 SIMCOE ST. S Baron's Home Furnishings | |Meagher's, _723-4494 Res, 725-5574 WILLIS MOTORS TAUNTON RD. EAST Your AUSTIN Dealer Good Reconditioned REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS All parts and service AJAX BARGAIN CENTRE Harwood Avenue North AJAX --- WH 2-6410 We have a good assortment of Used Cars. 725-033] VOLVO Most dependable. The leader on the road and COMPLETE SALE OF ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Storm windows ond Prime windows and doors only $40. Install Canada's finest awn- ing ond Porch railing. Very reasonable price. Call | ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851 track, JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE FINA SERVICE 449 Ritson S. 728-0921 FALL SPECIAL COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS $45.00 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, AWNINGS, CANOPIES, RAILINGS Trade your boat on oe car-- New or Used SMITH'S SPORTS SUPERTEST North Simcoe at Contin Rd. RA 8-5912 Colonial Aluminum Sales Co OPEN 9 A.M.-9 P.M, 134 SIMCOE ST. S. FOR 728-4614 Open evenings or weekends HOT SPECIALS COLDER DAYS | - Latest AHEAD MODERN DESIGNS In living room drapery mo- terials -- 79c a yard and up. FORD Tu-door, 6 cylin- der, automatic, radio. Bedroom drapery in satins ond rayons ,. . 1.40 and up, DODGE Four-door, 8 cyl- Kitchen drapery moterials. inder, automatic, radio. 69c¢ up PLYMOUTH Four-door, Drapes made to' order by ex- automatic .. $795 perts at nominal cost. Also oa DODGE Two-door $395 selection of ready - made CHEVROLET Four-door, $395 drapes at discount prices. MONARCH Four - door, 74 Celina Street 723-7827 $295 CHEVROLET 2-door, dio $ 154 ra- 295 SARGEANT'S TABLEWARE RENTALS Punch bowls, chafing dishes, ice buckets, dinnerware, glassware,' tableware , . . rentals for weddings, show- ers, anniversaries, buffets, reasonable prices, 338 ROBINSON MOTORS 574 RITSON RD. S. TELEPHONE 725-6518 Your Dodge, Valiant and Chrysler degler ELECTRIC Fmd service, hick, Ph. low eta, Coeda, nttiag: beds ox 5 King Street West. se ve SELLING frigerators, TV's, washers, |Stoves, etc. For top cash offer 19 Prince Street, Phone 728-1131, furniture? We'll buy it, Re sontend LTER Queen Sales and Service, 1s demon- Free Telephone 728-4683. eral trade-in allowance, |stration, TYP: WRITERS, cash registers, add ers, sales, service, new, used. Bill Ham. po Ashburn, Breoklin. 25 Fireman stoker. Boiler Reasonably priced, Wood Produ Orono. PAINT, _ interior, prices. All -- colors, gloss, Os! 8c Street, 723-7624. Excellent Apply B guaranteed, exterior, "nmyennennsensese "HORSEPOWER boiler with Tren ~ condition. retubed. Only two years old: Curly: ain at, awa Hardware and Electrie, TYP' paper on sale, letter white newsprint, buy in bulk lots ai save, 4% Ib. pkg. $1.00, 9 Ib pkg, $2.00, Circulation Department. Oshawa Times. APART like new, Telephone 725-0194. T size table and two chaira. . suitable for kitchen or dinette, . |35----Legal TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY TENDERS FOR THE jSUPPLY AND DELIVERY IM & C DRYGOODS| OF GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL OIL! Sealed Tenders in duplicate and clearly marked as to Contents will be rece:ved the undersigned until 5:0 P.M, Thursday, October 26th, 1961 for the supply and de- livery, as required, ot Grade No.. 2 Gasoline and Niesel Fuel Oil to the Eost Whitby Townhip shed in Columbus, Ontario. Tenders to show the period of the contract and the prices per gallon of Grade No, 2 Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Oil including all Provincial Taxes, subject to market fluctuations, It is o requirement of this tender that if a tenderer other than the present supplier is awarded the contract for the supply of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Oil it will be necessary for the successful Tenderer to make arrangements for the purchase or replace- ment of all storage and pumping equipment, The Following are the ap- proximate number of gallons of each used during the year 1960: No. 2 Grade Gasoline. 7400 Gallons and Diese} Fuel Oil 1850 Gallons. Lowest or ony tender not necessarily accepted. GEORGE FARNCOMB, Clerk, Township of East Whitby, ° Ontario. Columbus, (Continued om Page 18)