Me PNR" i 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, October 24, 1961 THE Coll the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 O SHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 \.M., to 5 P.M. Monday to Fi Seturdey 8 to 1 md ICE DIRECTOR CLASSIFIED AD RATES 25 words or tess Cash Charge 3 CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 2.25 2.48 @ CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 3.75 4.13 Accountants [Lawn Mowers if not paid within 7 days the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to origina! BUSINESS SERV | Bressmaking and Co. Accountants "and so Trust in Bankruptcy |: FURRIER bie fae en iit" and DRESSMAKER | &. F, HOPKINS and Company, ¢ rt: New, Alterations Remodelling WE SHARPEN AND RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL... STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-3224 Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. 725 3503. 122. gy STREET Accountants, 3% Simcoe Street ha 6., Accountants | Ss fied Public Accountants, 172 Kin LOW PRICES WILSON and BURROWS, Chartered| 728 6706 bag te Ronald F. We wean c ond J Burrows. oi ----~| Fuel and Wood E, DEWAR and Co., Money to Loan 4 Auditors, Cedar Glen Bidg., 11 On-|riREWOOD, dry, prory for stove, furs tario Street, Oshawa, Ontario. 728-2221.|nace or fireplace. Free delivery. Tele P jphone CO 3-2275. Auto Parts se laser e ate KENT® WESTERN TIRE -- Guaran- FREE _ automotive parts and accessories. Furnace cleoned every yeor. "Round the Cicck" 24-hr, King Street: West, Oshawa./ burner service 728 1607-8-9. Five bays to serve you. Barristers Automatic delivery we oe ' " " BOWMAN, DAVID L,, Barrister, Solici-| !t's "White Rose tor, 3% Simcoe South, 725-9592, Resi-} Fuel Oil dence 728-0264. WESTERN OIL CO, RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, 725-1212 Si | Unified FIFTY to five thousand doliars. Any orthwhile purpose, lowest rates. fast service. Seaboard Finance, 29% Sim 'coe Street South. 728-6283. MONIES AVAILABLE To Buy Agreements, Mortgages, Invincible Investments. Telephone Z. T. SALMERS 723-1101 Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% North, 728-2991. 1 Res. 6 iGa rdening and Supplies HUMPHREYS, . BOYCHYN and HILL- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors; R. O Humphreys, QC; G. 8. Boychyn, BA; W. A, Hillman, LLB; ik ine -- . Phones: Office 77 e5.t Fas 408 or Whitby, MO 8-2761; 725-5293 Money to loan, LOUIS §. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soii- eltor, Notary, Alger Bidg., 37 pal | Street East. 723-4943, Mortgage monies) available. oe JOHN A, CAMERON, tor and Notary Public, Thoed Removed, Pruned, etc, All work insured. Call collect-- BALDWIN 2-105] MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available Second Mortgages. Mortgages ond Agreements for Sale purchased. on East. 723-2269. NHA mortgages arranged. and private Residence phones: BA, Sc,, 725-3368; Ter- fanee Vs 5 Kelly, PA, BCL, 728-5832 RALPH i JONES, BA, 'and THOMAS | ge eye Barristers and Soll-| pr bag ng Street East, 728-6246, WHITBY EXCAVATING DIGGING AND DITCHING MO 8-4172 DRIVEWAYS EXCELLENT WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED REASONABLE PRICES UNITED PAVING CO. Solicitor, Notary Pablic Street East. 728-2381. THOMAS M. RUNDLE. seam ter, Solicl- pve and Notary Public, 26% King | Street East. Phone 728-1763. - FALMERS, ¥ BA, Barrister, Solict-| knw 13% Simcoe Street ' North. | 723-1101; Residence 725-5542. ait MeGIBBON an j BASTEDO, Barristers, | Solicitors, Clients' funds lable for first mortgages, 20 Simeoe Street North; | 728-4801 taase6, 'charies C. MeGibbon, ac,| Patio and Flagstone Edgar F. Bastedo, ec ee eS MANGAN. OC, Baril alere and Evergreens A ei Solteitor. ae? to Joan. Office, 14 a Holland Bulbs Street East, : Sonsincs 7 Top soil and sods, creas. | _ OSHAWA "GARDEN CENTRE DONALD BLAKE poenDs, Barsister| OPEN TO 9 PM. and Solicitor, 26% King Street East.) 1259 SIMCOE NORTH ee simess 723-2201. | HARDSAND | LANDSCAPI NG CREIGHTO FRASER, DRYNAN and). MURDOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, No-| tary Public, Bank of Commerce Bidg., «| Fall Sole of Nursery Stock. Evergreens, Trees, Shrubs, Bulbs. 725-172) Creighton, QC; N.C. Fraser, QC: G. 55 GLOVER RD, Bookkeeping | BLACK LOAM BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Accounting) Driveway gravel, fill Yervice. Complete bookkeeping service. | and sand \94 Bond t West. 725-0397. Res.,| = TELEPHONE 725-5279 SWART d RONALD, iamane Barristers, Solicitors, .No- | taffes. Money to loan. Henry Block, | 36% King Street East. 723-4697. dence, Dial 723-4029. JA eDONALD. " aryister oo Solicitor and Notary Pub-| lie, The Commercial Building, 286 King | Ww Oshawa, Ontario, Client parking) available. RUSSELL, J. MURPHY, BA, LLB.) Barrister and Solicitor, 6 King Street) Fast, Oshawa, Ontario, 728-2971. COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING M. F. SWARTZ Short' term and Builders' Mortgages at reasonable rote 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' _Regi stered Act xx xx istetehetetetetes KR KK KKK xx x" PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS PAY 'EM OFF WITHA LOW.COST, LIFE-INSURED | CHESTERFIELDS |Persona!l Service CAN. CORP. AUX. UNIT 42 CATERING For Information Call MRS, E, OLEY 725-2931 NOW OPEN HERBERT and FURIO HAIR STYLING 682 HORTOP ST. PHONE 728.9611 For Banquets, Weddings, etc. orders for consecutive insertions Subsequent insertions ordered at o later date constitute o new originol order Protessional ond Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 fines daily, Each additional line $1.60 per month, Each initial tetter abbreviation, $ and ¢ sign, figure counts os o word. Box charge 'Se additional All Classified Advertisements must be in by 5 o.m the day be fore publication except Births Memoriams Cards ef Thanks which will be accepted until! 9 a.m. Deadline for Lost end Founda and Concellotions' 8:30 am, Office Hours: Doily 8-5, Soturday 8 12 REGULATIONS-- The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, mor for more than one Plumbing and Heating new and used materials rates, Estimates free. Dial 728-6931. Foley. ALL types of repairs and remodelling, Reasonable incorrect insertion of ony adver tisement, nor beyond the orice charged tor @ single insertion of the advertisement in which error J occurs. And also reserve the right '|| to classify advertising according to your door with a Times Classified Ad. Dial 723-3492 no ALL PLUMBING and heating suppl Phone 725-3521, Harold H, St Ltd., plumbing, heating ing 255 Simcoe Street South. BEATTY APPLIANCES Barn, equipment, pumps. oil burners, hot water forced air furnaces, fixtures, and bathroom parts and service, PARTNER PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO 1782 Day or Night CAR FOR SALE? Bring buyers right to fast-action Oshawa and engineer: its own classification In the case of display advertie ments The Times will not be hela responsible for more space thar fe: that in which the actuol error tk,|] occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising motier correctly but assumes no liability of advertisement ore contoined if 'any tnoccuracies in ary torm therein, We 2--Personal SPENCEK dividually ments. Foundation Garments, In- designed. Also Spirella gar. Mrs, J, Hendershot, 324 Admiri Oshawa, CHESTE TELDS and oid chairs at Modern Upholstering, South, Call 728-6451, 142 Sim free estimate re-upholstered a re-styles, Free estimates. See terial for re covering. Dalton Uphols 5 Charles Street, 723-7212 CHESTERFIFLDS rebuilt, like new, Why pay more? Mattresses re-built. Oshawa Upholst Rug and Upholstery | Sone covered like new. Get the best for less| our ma-| re-cove: Our rates are reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed Co., 10 Bond Street West. Dial 725-0311 | ®® |mrent | er } | ELECTROLYSIS Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduft will be in Oshawa, Nov. 7th and 8th, Pihone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. 723-4641 re-| coe nd) ter: | red |12--Articles Wanted |17---Male Help Wanted |25--Apts. & Flats for Rent) 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent | SHAW | AUTO WRECKING CO, Wonts cars for wrecking, Parts for sa:e, also scrap iron and metals, etc. bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311 89 BLOOR E. |CHIPTRUCK for sale or rent, for fur- ther particulars telephone 723-3284. NUTRIO-BIO This multi-million dollar in- dustry is enjoying 6 phenom- ine! growth os leaders in the food supplement field. We ore looking for personnel capable of organizing and training own sales team. Fin- encial opportunities unlimi- ted. For interview: Telephone 723-1844 SOUND INVESTMENT General store, fully equipped ond operating with eight room living quarters for ow- ner, Owner moving to USA and will accept low down poyment or equity in home, for more details ask for Bill Horner at 728-5123, Lloyd 3--Pets & Livestock ery Surveyors Do N ANE Land Surveyor, ing. 11 Ontario Hi, FLIM and Land Surveyors. East. Phone 725-6881, Cor Street. TROLLOPE, MAN, Ont reial Blue-pri 25-5632 "Ontario 216 Adelaide Avenue jweekr old, f00d house pets. "elephone |MA_ 3.3430, Bowmanville after 5 p.m ERED Dachshund puppies $25, Letting go cheap for quick sale.| it liso will train dogs for obedience. Tele- |phone 728-1875, REGISTERED "American "Cocker Span-| fel pup; Champion in ancestry for |six generations. Very |immediate sale. More 'ini Tailors |telephone 73 725-6473. LEN PULLAN (ENGLISH TAILOR) for all tailoring require- ments use Our experienced NOVA SCOTIA \Marteapes | THE BANK OF | FIRST mortgages, industrial and com-| mercial projects, second mortgages on D. W. Holden, 51 King East,| 728-6081 and 7 723-3376, FIRST and second mortaage services for beth suit and dress repairs and alterations 10-PRINCE ST. 728-531 (next to Bus Station) |GERMAN Shepherd Alsatian, , pilver| jsrey and black, three years old, male Good watch dog, child's pet, $25. Tele phone 725-9457, WILL board horses between Oshawa| and Bowmanville, one mile off Highway No. 2. Telephone MA 3-2192. BEAUTIFUL "for Mrs, | baby budgie ready training, talking strain, Apply 1 \Broad, 114. Elgin Street East {ALSATIAN dog, two years old, kind home wanted also male Alsatian dog. TV--Rentals _ Purchase your de-humidifier $10 down -- $7 per month, Remove the dampness from your bosement. Rent a tele- vision --- only $7 per week from MEAGHER S 5 King St. W 723-3425 | 'Telephone MA 3-2525, Bowmanville, _4--Market Basket and | up. Bring own con- tainers ybelle Orchard, 1% miles! north of Whitby, er 12, west side. | Telephone MO '8-216; BEST McIntosh, apie Blenheim, er apples etc, Bring containers. Jami*son"s} Rossland Road West and Anderson | Street, Whitby |WINTER potatoes, 75-pound bag, $1.40| |per bag, free delivery. Telephone Brook- | mortgages, Sale} agreements purchased and sold. nick and Hennic Barristers, 31 Street East. 723 7232 GE loans, » Whitby, Ajax, King Bowmanville, Osh- Pickering and vi- L. SCHAPELHOUMAN SERVICE, INCCME TAX RETURNS. 686 OSLER STREET 725-9953 Building 7 Trades ALL TYPES building repairs, roofing, | eavestroughing, chimneys, <ireplaces,| sidewalks, stoops. 728-036. Gordon May SE SEED vce SHINGLE your roof now, $120 and up. Workmanship and materials guaran- teed. Easy terms at 6 per cent, with! no red tape. Phil Harper, Whitby. MO- hawk 8-4558. SPECIALIZNG in roofing and repairs. Also all be = home remodeling. Free} estimates. Phone Harry 723-2413 | YOUR iocal chimney cleaner. Chim- neys built and repaired, gas linings in. furnaces vacuumed. Free esti-| . R. KNOWLTON) LANDSCAPING SERVICE Top soil and sod. Repairing ond lawn maintenance, patio ond sidewalk slabs, 725-6047 LANDSCAPING All kinds of jobs in the tden -- phone ENNISKILLEN GREENHOUSES CO 3-2263 OSHAWA ACME aoe: Beautify and increase| the value of your home with Reynold's) Aluminum Siding and Colonial Stone.| Eliminate painting forever. As low as $5 weekly. Industrial Home Construc-| tion, 1 Box 406, Oshawa Times, | CERAMIC, piastic wall tile, woodwork ing, all floor coverings. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. ° 728-0850. s ra FREE estimates on digging basements and grading by bull 'dozer. MO 8-5612 ICK, biock, cement work, home re- roofing, fall-out shelters. P.) Wolters. MO 8-2294 GRAVEL--STONE LOAM 723-3528 LOAM-GRAVEL HOME OWNERS | SAND, FILL, TOP SOIL Roofing, asphalt - flat. | LOTS LEVELLED Chimneys -- cleoned, rebuilt, |TRACTOR, LOADER WORK lined for gos and oil. | Reasonable Rates Eavestroughs -- cleaned, DIAL 725-2156 Waterproofing - interior, NUMBER ONE TOP SOIL exterior, Your local contractor-- ONTARIO CONTRACTORS 8-0344 6-YD, LOAD -- $8. 00 10-YD. LOAD -- $12.00 mo, Kear mupeas|___ 723-3162 ped and insured. Phone 728-3661. |!nstruction MOVING 9 PRIVATE teacher; student counsellor, cone cinity, Residential, acreage, apart-| bepea business. mbers of Ontar'o| Mortgage Brokers Association. 40 years'| experience, J. E. Harris, ©. G. Harris! and R. C. Bint. Summerland Securities \Limited, 112 Simcoe Street North, Osh jawa, Ontario, Phone 725-3568, |CLIENTS' money to loan on fi mi gage. Mortgage and agreement of » purchased, NHA mortgages arranged | Creighton, Fraser, Drynan and Mur-| doch, FIRST AND SECOND mo ranged. W. Schatzmann. } | Broker, 101 Dundas West, MO $3388. $2,000 AVAILABLE for a second mort- gage; repay $30 monthly private. Tele- phone 655-4471 evenings NURSING HOMES SOUTH HAVEN Nursing Home -- Ac- commodation for private and jprivate patients, lounge, TV. Fully li-| censed, new building, modern. Visitors welcome. Reasonable rates, Phone Newcastle 4441. beste Services Nursery, ail or pa| 8.30 to 5.30, 581 Simcoe North. Schaum F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom- etry, the examination of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simeoe North at Colborne Evenings by appointment, 723-4191. CH. TUCK, RO, Optometrist, Please Pay accounts at downtown Dominion Bank or 74 Burk Street. Invalids exam- ined at home. Dial 725-4587. Painting and Decorating _ VAN HORN DECORATING. Paper hanging, interior and exterior painting. Free estimates, Alan Van Horn. Tele- phone 728-2822. DODD & SOUTER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyntex, Full Wall Murals, Sproy Painting 107 BYRON ST.S., WHITBY DAYS MOQ 8-523! NIGHTS 725-7426 | | | Personal Service OVERWEIGHT? You can lose inches in! ibe Baga Home rentals for vibratory) Its. Barrel massagers, Slim-Rite Cen- ire 204 | King Street . 728-4501. id years' sarees ©, by interview only. | CALL CITY CARTAGE 725-2621 Iman DANCE ACADEMY, Christmas Trees tap, RAD ballet, Highland jnow. 424 King § Street West, 725-6 AN MAE MARSH Sane 'schal, |DEA, Ballet, Tap, Pre-School, acro- batie. Friday and Saturday. Masonic CHRISTMAS TREES Pruned -- Forestry Grown Scotch Pines All sizes --- wholesale prices, FOWLER FORESTRIES 306 KING WEST Temple, Centre Street, 723-7253 Fuel and Wood LEARN TO ORIVE FACTORY hardwood j | | at the Oshawa Driving School Professional Instructors | Dual Controlled Cors | | able for stoves, Telephone 728-8535, Standard and Automatic Day and Evening 'goes FUEL and stove of, constant metered |D. W. HOLDEN. Si King East, Osh- supply. Y. H. Young, 71 Emma,| sy 728-6081 and 723-3376, Fire, auto 728-009 . easualty insurance, a a. ister Insurance |ALUSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up ito 20 per cent, six months to pay, For Fas tease service at your home, call 16: 25. cuttings Suit- fireplaces, furnaces. Baton, | TODAY + may be the day that the home you're looking for is offered to you in the Classified Section. Don't miss it. |Turn to to classification 27 right now. SIM LASH and HIS TRIO Porties :. Dances Weddings Bonquets Reasonable Rates Free Auditions ___725-8762 TRY OUR BAR-B- QUED CHICKEN Chicken plote, half chicken with french fries, fish and chips, hamburgs, hot dogs, milk shakes MODERN GRILL a E 'uote Avenue, Hen-| TV y - Radio | Repairs itv. adio. repal Electronics 723-9792 (Fred) BETTER places to rent are offer you daily in ¢ fied A Ads. Chee Thompson classification 25 | now, SERVICE WHEN YOU WANT IT | ead. IT DAY OR NIGHT! a; v and RADIO CALL 728-5286 All Work PY Sika OSH ___ ELECTRONICS SAMSON TV TOWERS Antenna Installations Len & Lou's T.V, _725-7844 or 728-5804 is APPLES" Oshawa Times Claes. APPLES -- various kinds, $) \lin 655-4690. |CHOICE winter p potatoes $1 per bag. ij Allan Downes, Pontypool. various kinds, $1 up, bring| Algoma Orchards, Thickson half-mile of Taunton Koad, \containers "Fn o| Road North, ip Bring Thick. Taunton containers Algoma ""|son Road, Y-mile Orchards, north of |CHOICE winter potatoes, $1 1 |Allan Downes, Pontypool |DRY turkey manure, \for gardens. jbushel basket Farm, per bag.) no straw, three for $1 Turkey % mile west Columbus, 5--Farmers Column stoch picked up promptly. Phone collect, Hampton, COlfax 3-2721. Margwill.Fur Farm, Tyrone Ltd. 115. TOP MONEY for dead and disabled farm stock. R. Vivian, Markham, 1160J, jcollect 24-hour, seven-day service |\PULLETS, also roasting chickens jsale. Three-month-old White Rocks, \dollar each. Direct from farmer. |phone Bowmanville MA 3.2291 for Tele T.V. TOWERS 361 GIBBONS ST, 728-8180 Terms. Open evenings. OSHAWA T.YV, Free Survey ___end Estimates, 22 2WHY Because we give -- Real Service Fast SAME DAY! Efficient SAVE MONEY! Experience SATISFIED ! DRIVE IN and SAVE Tubes checked, glass and tuner cleaned, set up for best picture! A TOWER ? TRY US! Moving antenna? Same doy? Repairs? As good os new? TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND EAST 728-678 | IFARMER'S NEEDS Treatment mastitis, | emia, for calf bloat, and Milk filters, scours, pig an- sulphuric acid, SHORT'S PHARMACY BROOKLIN Wednesday, Parking at Open Monday, Friday evenings. reor. TERED Dashchund puppies, 8| reasonable for) information, | ~Vleal 655. Thirty-five cents covered one} Realty Realtor ESTABLISHED TEXACO SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE IN DOWNTOWN DISTRICT (Oshawa) Limited, IN CENTRAL OSHAWA | A firmly established mixture | Of neighbogurhoad and tran- | sient business. Ample capital | Ffequired. Paid training for | right man. | Write: J. F, Talbott, Apt. 2, 650 Simcoe St N., Oshawa or Phone 728-4231 SALES route for ambitious man. Car necessary. Minimum $% weekly guar- anteed for right man. Fuller Brush Co., Ltd., 723-2859, LICENSED mechanic, guaranteed sal- ary basis, steady employment. Write Box 402, Oshawa | Times. WOULD you like to s supplement "your income by $100, time 56. FOUR-ROOM upstairs flat on Park Road South, newly decorated, tile floor, private bath, heavy wiring, close to South GM and Shopping Centre, monthly includes heat and hydro. child welcome. Telephone *725-8948. ATTRACTIVE, comfortable, t hree rooms, fully furnished. No child Close to bus perviae.. "elephone 728-1' from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m 6 ~ FOUR. my apartment, avail able ll. Heated. School-age MODERN three-room apartments main child "yeleome. 728-6820 or 359 Verdum floor of new house, private entrance, | Roa Road. At $200 a month during|bathroom, laundry facilities; garage. | THREE-ROOM upper apartment, heavy from your home?|385 Baldwin, 728- 4409. a wiring, private bathroom kitchen eu cup- ines | FOUR-ROOM apartment, quiet build-|Do0ards, heat, water, TV outlet, win A BUSINESS of your own! You too can|ing. Hot water, stove, refrigerator ed facilities, oerking. Phone 728-8796 jenioy a growing income by supplying|supplied, Laundry, parking. Bus close after 6. jfriends and neighbors with Familex) 165 V 0. 3-3096 THREE large room apartment, tonics, cosmetics and over 250 house- vate bath, stove, sink "tow ene hold necessities. High commission, child welcome. Sted 52 numerous advantages. Familex Prod- off King, 728-227: Me Garr ee ine DNleriner. Sane 570 MONTHLY a up, modern one oF eet Bi «nc ERED OO camera SAS, two-bedroom apartments, new apart. WE can use at once to dis- ment buildings, all -onvesiences, beau- tribute samples and take orders, aver- tifully decorated, centrallv located. 728- age $2.11 hourly. For interview tele- $282. phone 728-2383 between 5 and 7. .18--Male or Female Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER with some experience. Part- ate susan full time. Apply Box 648, Aja: hoon and Board One Slatndniatameastiiee cana iialpi = rooms, bedroom, kitch- en with refrigerator, built-in cupboards and sink, all conveniences. Apply 887 Ritson Road South, THREE-ROOM apartment, bath, and hydro supplied. $50 monthly. Phone 728-5851. FOUR-ROOM modern apartment, pri- vate bathroom, cupboards, heating, hot water, parking, near GM _ south plant. Possession. Nov. 1. Apply 254 Malaga Road. BRIGHT peer heat, Tele- FURNISHED apartment: single house- keeping room, private entrance, cen- tral, parking ss Reasonable. Apply Centre Street. LOW rental apartments, building one jyear old, $87 monthly, modern two-bed> room, five rooms, free washer, dryer, district, $75 monthly __128- 8836 after | 6. avid iat atta - and four-room apartments te ONE or two bedrooms, $99 per month | Hee building, stoves, refrigera- and up, parking, broadioom, drapes,|tors, built-in board LARGE room on main floor "with pri- pri-|washers and dryers, stove and trig lpaising 7 7 25.9938 or 68 Wim aen vate entrance, 'Two girls preferred, |janitor service, downtown location. Cail| ape Board if desired. Telephone 725-0744/Douglas .L. Gower Realtor 728-4651 Sp inpot P gaa 3 ae --, stove and r ° » - for further details __|THREEROOM basement apartment, ;0!" erator, ideal for couple, in bulld. ing block. Very central. Telephone SINGLE room for gentlemen with|private bath, heat, hydro washing 725-4277 or 725-3011. board. Close to downtown and bus, park | facilities, near park, schools, bus, shop- ---- ------------ space, good cooking, Telephone|Ping, one child welcome. Telephone LADY to share three-room apartm: 24 725-2254, on Simeoe Street North, close to hospi- } rane -- \tal and downtown. Telephone 728-2247 ROOM, kitchen, built-in -- and after 4 p.m, TV cupboards and bathroom, Available ATTR ge Pe ygge rower ge eer oad fl | ACTIVE large four-room unfur- sanded) ap rt pan sa ae ted Dun |nished apartment, private entrance, = Fae Oa ae: |bathroom, ample closet space, modern ROOM and board ava at the |\TWO hous ekeeping 1 rooms, partly fur-(kitchen, TV outlet, adults preferred, Pontiac Inn, home cooked meals,|nished, close to bus and Shovpiag 725-4637. lunches packed, have TV lounge. Tele |Centre, suit working couple, one child) 7wo room phone 725-0078. welcome. Apply 378 King Street West ROOM and board, five days weekly,| THREE-ROOM br fast on weekends and lunches jentrance, ked if desired. Colborne and Mary | ing heated, paved parking. co! district $15, 725- All] ee 725 1113, 8 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.; evenings, | veniences, TV outlet, stove, refrigera- SINGLE room for gentleman. also dou. \725-1569, __|tor, washer and dryer, in apartment ble room for two friends, in quiet home, | }ON PRINCE STREET, Bowmanville, jbuilding. Telephone 725-8215, close to south plant, Parking, laundry |three-room heated apartment, built-in|s¢9 MONTHLY done, 103 Mill Street kitchen cupboards, three-piece bat h,|t) se Guant samen 1 re toa Toca BA 3-510 (three room apartment, unfurnished, OSSLAND -Simcoe area, single and iy "nox Bhs 'Bowmanville. OF | sink oerig a ar heated, earage. O01 jouble rooms with board. Good beds| renew ------__ |King Es and food, lunches packed, laundry done, {830 epg oe rng wit apt yrs aro. | THRE arated P: television, parking. Apply 708 Carnegie ished apartment, heat a yaro si three-piece bath. One child welcome. se 256 Ritson Road South after 7.30 Sic ciedliniptapilo a | three-room self - contained Appliances, TV _ outlet,| laundry facilities, parking. Pleasant) t General ,O? single room, 725-7754. Motors south plant, privileges, Telephone 147 Mill Street. 3 --y n furnished apartment o@ |Sround floor, suitable for business cou private|"le or two gentlemen. Apply 445. Drew heavy wir- Street anytime. Telephone THREE - ROOM apartment, al upper duplex, all conveniences, Avenue. cluded, ample eupboard anu cl pacers \space, jaundry facilities. TV outlet 368 WANTED -- A gentleman to board |Thomas. Street. and room in comfortable home. x stainers please, Apply 71 Ritson South | |\THREE rooms including "kitchen, "cup. or telephone 725-1338 jboards and sink, private bath, TV out- ape yee "7 et: im very clean quiet home. Tele-| ROSSLAND - Simcoe North district phone 728-3618 for details, Private room and board for young lad ina size =" "Raat "- ished in pleasant adult home. One block to KING Street East, furnished, ing room and bedroom, own bath: 0 5 room, bus, 725-8013 beers living Peal bedroom, me separate' entrance. North end of city, ROO 'Mand board, near south GM, session. Separate entrance. Bus at door. \Telephone | 723-4452 » continuous ho 0° eennnaannowatior nant lunches packed good home acres |tWO-ROOM m: ae rtment, unfure meals. Telephone 725-3710. FOUR-ROOM apartment with private omen » private, hroom, kitchen Tgp entrance and bath, close to General Mo-|*'nk. Ground floor, see to appreciate. tors south plant, parking. Telephone| 242 El it, 725 725-1168 for further information. | Grow: floor ONE-BEDROOM apartments for rent,|MOdern apartment, electrically equip- ----|furnishedé or unfurnished, Apply 496/Ped. near Shopping Centre, automatic in|simcoe Street North or telephone 728-|Washing facilities. Apply 208 Cromwell Bh send 3945, Avenue, Apartmcnt 1. imeoe ar HREE room furnished 9 <n dined si ea 100 AND UP ext néar shopping centre, NICE room or room and board, new\er and dryer, paved parking, locker|#Vailable home, office girls, teacher or student.|space, close to downtown. Call 725-6544| street, 7 FURNISHED base arge oedroom, separate avy duty wiring, private monthly, Telephone 728-5455. i iitchen|THREE-ROOM apartment, kitchen, live park. water, cooked LADY offers room and board for young mother with one child. Will care for child while mother works. For more information telephone 728-3840, ROOM and board for gentlemen good location. Continuous hot Apply 15 Maple Street (off South) 725-9712, -- Two-bedroom, ultras large two-bedroom |= apartment, ind frig, free wash- r good parking; November 1. 77 Gibbons 1 |14--Employment Wanted LADY -- to work full time | (cashier's diploma), for interview . shori|22--Store Space & Garages jorder or morning cook or as a cashier Telephone 723-2066 Ride to and from centre town 8.30 and or 725-8333. THREE-ROOM self-cont: rt. 5. Telephone 723-2481. PRIVATE aokviment, tates res: ment, centrally located. Re sonable te bright and clean, four-piece bath,|fesponsible persons. Apply James Gib- washer, aerial, parking, near shopping |S0n, 149 Celina Street. Telephone 723- centre, Adults, $70 monthly. 212 Ste- | 7683. venson South, ___|GENTRALLY located three-room mod- OFFICE suite available in select d trict, four large rooms, or can be di- immediate pos: '16--Female Help Wanted MOTHERLESS Dutch family with six|° jehildren (three boys, three girls) re- quires housekeeper for general duties. j}Reply to Box 405 Oshawa Times. SALESLADY for exclusive ladies' |Sportswear, Experience and good ap-! pearance essential, Full or part-time. Must have character and business ref. ences. Apply personally Seigneurs, Osh-} awa _ Shopping Centre, CED bookkeeper required \tor automobile dealership, some typing; |mecessary, Write Oshawa Times, 303 | WANTED "reliable woman to 1 mind two| |small children while mother is at work. Telephone 728-4927 for further particu- jlars --|WANTED --- Reliable woman for light housework and company, live in. Tele- |Phone 728-3260, 5.30 to 6 or after 8.30. SHORT ORDER | nidniy shift Apply Genosha Hotel. SALES HELP WANTED: Housewives welcomed from Pickering, Ajax, Whit- by, Brooklin, ete. Telephone soliciting from your own home. For information, telephone MO 8-2387, Mr. St. John HOUSEKEEPER -- full charge, friend |ly family of five, in country home, $100 ent Private room, TV. Siete tors] 655-3810. MATURE woman to live in and care | for school age girl and do light house- {keeping in exchange for room and board and small remuneration. \phone 728-3433 after 6. SELL OVER TELEPHONE Experience not necessary, we teach you how in twenty minutes. cook for Desk space ond phone pro- vided at our offices, If you have a pleasant voice you can earn a good income on © liberal commission basis. Age no barrier if you are over 21. Convenient hours con be arranged. MR. R. YOUNG OSHAWA TIMES 723-3474 Box| W itl (833 FOUR room self contained apart-jern apartment, containing stove, re ment, new stove and refrigerator, close |frigerator, venetian blinds, laundry to downtown. Available Nov. 1. Tele-|room with facilities on same floor. $75 phone 725-4569, monthly, Apply Sproules (corner King UPPER. duplex, three rooms plus bath|*t Ritson Road). fF ly private, | SELF-CONTAINED basement apart hardwood floors, heat electricity, hot ment, triple floors, plaste: we water include Telephone -- 725-5798. freshly decorated, three large Troune TWO-BEDROOM house with attached) with private bath and entrance, furnish> |GENTLE MAN to share three- r00Tn| " garage, North-west area preferred. Rea: Ni ed or unfurnished, 725-9087, sonable rent, Telephone 723-1161, 85. furnished Aperige #0 Sincere Ask for Mr. _Lainchbury. Divide monthly rent, For further in-| |WANTED to rent formation telephone 728- 7802. SAGUENAY APARTMENTS FOUR-ROOM self-contained a ment, November 15 or 17. around $75 heat, heavy duty, private entrance and KING and PARK RD, CALL 723-2563 bath, TV antenna' and cupboards, Ap- Modern, 2 bedruom apart- ply 375 Mary Street, Oshawa. $65 PER MONTH to the right tenant, ments fridge, stove, paved parking. TY outlet -- For newly renovated bachelor apartment, information Call 723-2563. ying room, bedroom, kitchenette and bath, stove and refrigerator and hot Tele-| water included. Located on 'first floor phone 723-7495 after 6. |within balf block of Four Corners. See| IMMEDIATE POSSESSION BACHELOR and 2 BEDROOM APTS, |Mr. Kozak at Johnston's Men's Wear, 8 24--Houses for Rent |Simeoe Street North. ..|SIX-ROOM house with bath heavy ¢ duty | TWO three + room Store, 'frig., washer and dryer, locker, paved parke apartments, nts, $65 wiring, television outlet, heating, |monthly, heavy wiring, 'heated, close to Apply 305 | Dus ing. Very low rates, Special rates for adults, Close to bus and schools parking. 759 Cochrane, Whitby, APPLY AT: Mitchell Avenue, MO 8-8435, tia TWO-ROOM apartment, furnished, pri- 213 MONTRAVE AVE. ---- MODERN, QUIET GROOM house on Drew Street, vate entrance, built-in cupboards, $10 2-BEDROOM water heating, aluminum storm win-| coy or $6 each for two. Ladies pre- j|dows, lovely home, clean condition, Ap- 7 ply 562 Drew Street stares, Beate at 15 GIBBONS STREET. Adults only or with children 177 Simcoe Stre E store for "rent, ly decor: 325 Simeoe Street' South. 654738 725-3243. 23-----Wanted to Rent or six-room house for Reasonable rent, lephone 728-0765. TER storage space wanted for 20 boat and small house trailer. Telephone | 723 7692 after 5.30 _P.m \BUS' NESS lady room with shower, Simcoe North, 'Ger- |man or Canadian home preferred. requires furnished | hot no fu raSEN, vacant, C Avenue 'South, - lovely hare four- Whitby, Write Telephone 723-28; i ping Centre monthly, 23. 4. SIX-ROOM hou storms and il heated, ble Novem- Telephone how e screens, a ber 1, Central location. 728-1297. SEVEN-ROOM how oll hot water heated, on College Avenue, close to south General Motors. 725-1291 after 5 p.m, 17--Male Help Wanted Two "qualified technicians Fequired immediately by electronic manufactur- ing company located tn Ajax, Good em- ployee benefits eto. Reply to Box 448. Oshawa Times. G equipment t and service. ores for smal! and large trail- Miller Heating, Ajax. WH 3-3491, 8--Hunting ousekeeping colt $20 . $50 per week, guide extra aceommodation $8.50 per dey outlook 08 Duck hunting season now on ame rates apply. Contact Bod q od den, RR 1 Clarendon, Ont. Mi-Jo Camp. aU NTIN % LICENCES, Deer and dog permits. Dominion 48 Bond Street West 11--Articles for Rent SICKROOM EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR FOr SALE Hospital beds, wheel chairs, eve: ers. \odge resident, Tire Store, Well Drilling-Digging -- W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-2563---MO 8.3809 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST seis 00. BOM 229 TILE WELL DIGGING | clean out and deepenings COMPRESSOR WOR WE DELIVER---725.3887 PHONE 8-3864 invalid walkers, bedside commodes, crutches ond canes, also roll-awoy beds and slenderizing machines, Phone Aid Sickroom Rentals, 725-1644 12----Articles Wanted SHOP the Cw Check the many offers under for Sale" everywhere in the Times Classified Section. Turn to classi fication | 2 ket the easy way WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS K 1, TURNER 723-2043 - 723-3374 (collect) in Oshawa. Easy selling, tions, Telephone 728-4091 CARETAKER for small apartment] house. Write to Box 449, Oshawa Times, YOUNG MAN FOR MAIL BOY AND GENERAL OFFICE DUTIES Age |7 to.21 =~ Education required, minimum Junior Matric or equivalent cellent opportunity vancement --- nel office DUNLOP CANADA, LTD. good condi- me Exe for ad- Apply person- FIVE salesmen, fill time for new deal TWO-BEDROOM house, suitable for couple, 67 William Street West. Apply 92 Church Street. THREE-ROOM house, three-piece bath, furnished. or unfurnished, 14 miles east, oil heated, Heat-O-Later, fireplace jTelephone 728.5200. $i0 MONTHLY -- five-room house in Raglan area, hot ea cold weter, Im- lephone 655-3984, house, Cedardale aren, children welcome. Rea- For further 'particulars. ROOM house, "duty wiring |use of washer and dryer parking a TWO-BEDROOM vo euicie large kitchen, garage, on Front Street. es, close to bus. 725-7789. APARTMENT 725-1196 2-7 P.M. Telephone 725-9328 or 728-3634 NT building, private TWO homes, one five rooms, one se\ hree-room apartment, modern through- Fully equipped. On SIMCOE ST. N. PARK PLAZA APARTMENTS rooms, close to schools and transporta-|out, bright, clean, washer, TV aerial, tion, Children welcome. Telephone 725- | parking, near Shopping Centre, Adults. 725-6343 9TO5SPM SOUNDPROOF--FIREPROOF av FEATURING 0748. | Apply 212 Stevenson Road South, FOUR-ROOM house with bath, very cen-| THRE EXCELLENT LOCATION Telephone intercom system. NEW 3-BEDROOM elevotor, incinerators, stove ROOM unfurnished rede | tral,-Apply 112 William West after four. BUNGALOW. | oc FOUR-ROOM | good garden, sonable rent Telephone 658 ¥IVE-ROOM outa three bedrooin ing room kitchen, bath, newly decorat- ed also three-room fiat, all conven ienees, very central, reasonable. 723 2078 liv- NEAR South General Motors, two bed- room house, bath heavy duty wiring close to schools, handy to bus. Posses- sion November 1 Telephone 725-44 4479. SIMOOE NORTH district, five - room house, tiled bath, garage, $23 weekly, near school and hospital. Suit four. MA 3.3247, Bowmanville. ONE bedroom apartment, central, TV ---|€ENTRAL location. Clean one- bedroom | over 12. Apply at Apt. No, 2 with three-piece bath, heavy duty wir- SIX rooms bungalow, south end, bu $85 to $115 Vicinity of Schools : » 95 Nassau Street,| spartment, modern kitchen, refrigera- 725-0332; after siX,|tor, stove, built-in cupboards, TV out: in same building. ing, close to North General Motors} NOW RENTING at door, oil heated broadioom, $100 | plant, five minutes to down town, Tele-| $95 MONTHLY Now Renting Also Mr. Appleby Whitby, . Ontario MEN '18 TO 50 EARN. AND LEARN NATIONAL SURVIVAL JOIN THe CANADIAN ARMY SPECIAL MILITIA TRAINING PROGRAMME TODAY | FIRST SIX WEEK COURSE STARTS NOV: 6, 1961 You will be day training for tive doys a week, You will live at home and re- ceive the some poy as @ regular soldier plus @ sep- erate living allowance. RECRUITING OFFICE NOW OPEN OSHAWA ARMOURY SIMCOE ST. NORTH Mon. to Fri, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, Sot. 9 AM. to 9 P.M, given all DER _jiet, Partially furnished, varking tacili- e-| ties Tel lephone 725-1918. 1.) |SINGLE | 'businessman to _|room apartment in central "storey, close to Shop- |Would suit teacher. Reasonable. cant November 15. $78|Box 345, Oshawa Times, B Adults preferred, Telephone} |MODERN spacious spacious ; unfurnished apart- monthly. Available Dec, 1, Telephone |phone 723-7313 between 5 and 7p.m. | Bachelor a and 2 Bedroom Apts. APARTMENT ONE BEDROOM NIPIGON AND ELGIN CT. New, modern triplex build- Built-in china cabinet, colored ing Central, Electrically bath, frig., stove, free auto- equipped. Fully decorated, matic washer and dryer, Free washer, dryer ond park- paved parking, T.V. outlet, ing. Apply: 349 Frontenac bamboo drapes, 2 BEDROOM 725-6544 OR 723-3398 APARTMENT jor A 4 ADELAIDE AND PARK BOLAHOOD $95 MONTHLY Realtor LTD. Telephone 728-5282 Insurance Yes folks -- we have a number of houses ond aportments for lrent to suit your requirements ---- 2, 3 ond 4 bedrooms -- ime |ment, private bath, heavy duty wiring, Avenue, $75 - $100 Monthly mediate possession available ---- all sections of the city outlet, laundry facilities, completely pri vate, 875 monthly or eae including |TV $95. Telephone 3. THREE rooms and bath, with stove! and refrigerator, ideal for couple in apartment building block, central. 725 4277 or 725-3911. FARM house for rent, 20 miles east of | Oshawa, one mile north of No, 2 Hig' way, Telephone AT 4-5365, "Scarborough. HOUSE for rent or for sale on 346 Rosedale Drive in Whitby. Furnished or| unfurnished, Available after November! 13 Telephone Pickering TEmple} 91763 | FARM house, with a beautiful setting | on rolling 100 acre farm, north of city,| furnished with new Scandinavian furni-| ture and TV, all city conveniences to responsible couple only. Telephone HU, | 9.6046 or write 14 Strathearn Blvd., To. | eC a O if ronto. | 25---Apts. & Flots for Rent 925.6508 THREE-ROOM, complete apartment, stove, boards, automatic laundry, Private en- trance, continuous hot water, 904 Grier. son Street after 6 Couple preferred cat bana ht Oshawa Shopping Centre furnishe refrigerator, cup Ajhis: Heid: winsa cal Ken Honn 723-7963 Art Weinberger 723-7244 Charlie Ronkine 728-3682