COOKIE HOLDS 3RD. |King Gorm Rates M Futurity Favorite WMLOOre Drops Clark's Fast Feet | soso com com P Make Top Yards fz" Rademacher the third race at New Wood- . : __ {bine Monday and with his per- BatTIMORE (AP) -- Ageless)opponent with a left hook to the TORONTO (CP) -- Fullback,leadership both in pass receiv- formance, he will rank with the Archie Moore floored Pete Rad jsolar plexus at the end of the Don Clark of Montreal Alou-/ing and punting. : favorites in Saturday's running/emacher eight times and scoredjfourth round. Rademacher took ettes pushed his personal yard-| Although Mann, playing run- of the $37,000 Coronation Futur-'a sixth - round. technical knock-|a four count before the bell age total close to the 1,000\ning halfback instgad of end, ity. out Monday night in a sched-|rang. mark during the weekend to re-|snatched only one 'pass Satur-/ King Gorm, purchased by uled 10 - round non - title fight.| Rademacher, who weighed tain top spot in individual rush-|day for a four-yard advance, he|Mrs. M. J. Boylen, owner of Referee Benny Goldstein|192, was cornered early in the ing gains in the Eastern Foot-'stayed on top with 48 passes|Lanson Farms, for $35,000 as a stopped the "bout at two min-/fifth round and went down five ball Conference. received for total gains of 626)yearling, came up with the best utes and 10 seconds of the sixth!times under a barrage of blows. Clark scrambled 52 yards in|¥@rds. |performance of his career, round after Rademacher was) A hard left again decked Montreal's 15-5 losing effort, His 11 punts against Ottawa which has seen him start 10sent down for the eighth time| Rademacher early in the sixth Sunday against Hamilton Tiger-/@veraged 51 yards, raising his|times. The bay colt by Never with a hard right uppercut. round for a six-count, After he Cats and boosted his 12-game/12-game average by one foot to/Say Die defeated a field of fel- Moore, in his 25th year ofjwent down for the eighth time tally to 983 yards. He has car-|48.6 yards. No other league |low Coronation Futurity aspir- boxing, weighed 198 for his|under the pulverizing right up- ried the ball 168 times for an|kicker approaches Mann's pow-jants by a good margin. first bout since defending his|percut, Goldstein quickly raised average gain of 5.9 yards. erful punting record of 87 kicks} In the afternoon's secondary limited version of the light-/Moore's hand in victory for the Dave Thelen of Otiawa Rough|for a total distance of 4,224\feature Windy Ship bested 'five sanyyweleet oe a June}184th time in 215 fights. Riders was held to gains total-\Yards, scoring seven singles.lother nominees for the running|SBamnel {aly ® ot ae Uma ing 20 yards in five at -|His longest was a whopping 81!of the Durham Cup, which also Moore is recognized as the BIG EXPORT ling 20 yards in five attempts)". i eh champion in New York, Massa-. ¢ hased $7,- against a solid Toronto Argo- Ya'ds. will be run Saturday, the last)" ere South Africa purchased $7, naut defence Saturday. But he day of the New Woodbine aut-/Chusetts and Europe. 085,000 worth of newsprint from ; he 47 - year - old Moore ¢ j ' 7 wal : . ibis retained second place in rushing SPORTS ae meeting lennsken Aeun Wil Si-yeursald( cent in 1960 MARLBORO GOALIE TURNS ASIDE WHITBY SHOT gains with 750 yards in 140 car-| l $ ries. Toronto's Cookie Gilchrist CALENDAR : ca formed part of the defence that * lgave Argos their 21-7 victory J lover Ottawa and helped him TODAY'S GAMES : hold on to third place in rush-| No games scheduled. ing advances--706 yards in 103, tilts at the opposition. WEDNESDAY'S GAMES e e * e In Junior A Exhibition | Sutherin Toe By GERRY BLAIR lor two of the present rear-|the Community arena against) SECOND PERIOD Argo Dave Mann retained his} No games scheduled. + The visiting Toronto Marl- guards will be let go the Unionville Jets. §. Whitby: Kowalski boros and the Whitby Mohawks| 'Another thing which has held Game time is also 8.30... . (Shearer, Fletcher) ., 5.15 held little regard for defensive \US back in the past few weeks It was originally set for the fol-| 7, Toronto: Jarrett rt hockey in last night's exhibition|since camp opening is the dif-)Jowing night, but Manager Ivan (Houston) ......+ Bi oe encounter at the Whitby Com- cha combinations that we )Davie made the switch after! ¢ +oronto: Mercier ye had to try in order to/realizing that Tuesday was Hal- ' ' Pa a Gs 'ome up (Laframb'se, Harb'k) 8.26 g. vk CANADIAN PRESS , He returned to Hamilton dur-| vith three players who lowe'en 5 The two teams amassed the/Con" lay to int s t t of about 500| 9 Toronto: Standing ing the weekend and will have) grand total of 17 goals, with To-| can play together. Until this is| A good turnout of about 5 The deadly kicking toe of Don ing : : settled our forwards will be|witnessed last night's high-scor- (McDonald) ......+. ++ 10,12 Suther is rapidly chipping |to more games to advance his| ,ronto enjoying @ 10-7 margin at ji cntiy confused having to play ing affair 0. Whitby: Collins agg Ron Stewati's oncring position provided the club gets| the end of the evening's per) vith a stranger each night." MARLBOROS -- Goal, Brod- (Jackson) «+ 11.32l/fead in the Eastern Football/Commissioner Syd Halte r's| somnenee Cherry was quite happy with €rick and Dryden; defence,|11. Whitby: Shearer |Conference. okay to put him back in action, | * Whitby now show' promise of the performance of Bill Collins|Houston, Laframboise, Phair, (penalty shot) ....... 11.55] sutherin, Hamilton's place- ps leaders : | giving or oe of the Metroland Bill Smith, two players cut| Winterstein and Olivier; _for-19, Whitby: Fletcher ment specialist, kicked eight Ping" Pak ig Mis M Ot- ecg SO in cupid ne [from the Marlboro training|W2rds, Jarrett, Conacher, Ellis, (Kowalski, Shearer) . 17.17|points Sunday as the Tiger- e 'eres scasapaae , Mont- elr money -- providing, O/camp, and dispatched to whit-|Moore, Harbaruk, McDonald, \13 Toronto: Harbaruk .. 17.27 Cats defeated Montreal Alou- -- leourse, that their defensive tac-|,° : N 'ke |Milroy, Standing, Chipchase > ope GTD CFG §S Pts. "ties improve by to strengthen ,the Mohawks and Gariett. E P Penalties: Corlett, Standing, |ettes 15-5 and now has a total\creyart o 12 10 0 = | Boh Tripp was the outstand- . ; < , |Glaspell and Moore' (roughing), |of 55, only five behind Stewart \Suth natwice the Mohawks battled ing defenceman for Whitby in| WHITBY -- Goal, Godridge, Campbell (served by Kowalski),|The hardrock little Ottawa half-Mepougall H 12 $°0 ack from three-goal deficits to toht? Campbell, Hinkson; defence, | winterst Harb a ' cDougall, last night's pre-season tilt. .. .. | Winterstein, Harbaruk, Camp-|back was held to a standstill|c.nreiger 0 12 even the count Glaspell, Bobbie, Watts, Mc-|nel] (misconduct served Yah ), by ; def Gater-\cc Talking with Marlboro coach/Cyllough, Tripp, Ashby: for-| tarherul : hn), by the Toronto defence Satur-|Mann, T 12 MARLIES START FAST Turk Broda, we found: almost! wards, Fletcher, Kowalski, pret nto Standing and Ashby day as the Argonauts downed 'coo;' 4 9 ". Marlboros jumped into a 3-0/identical remarks Shearer, Collins, Jackson, Smith.|° = BuORIIE) tie Rough Riders 21-7 Clark, M 12 'lead early in the opening frame| Said the jolly fat man, "Our Carnegie, Dowe, Yahn and THIRD PERIOD | Hamilton fullback Gerry Mc-|Dixon, M and appeared headed for a one-/ defence was lousy, but the for-| Moore 14. Toronto: Corlett Dougall scored his eighth touch-|Shatto, T « Sided victory wards impressive, quite natur- FIRST PERIOD | (Phair) .+», 4,01 /down Sunday to take over third) Dekker, H } However, Whitby counted|ally 1. Toronto: Jarrett . Whitby: Watts place with 48 points. He is one|Bewley, M twice before the conclusion of} 'This was our first game (Conacher, Winterst'n) 4 (Dowe, Moore) 4.93\up on Gary Schreider of Ot----------- "the first stanza, and evened the! since breaking training camp.| 2: Toronto: Harbaruk . Toronto: Olivier tawa, who managed a lone con- A . | {score shortly after the begin-iThroe or four of these puvs (Laframboise, Moore) (Milroy, McDonald) 14.36/vert Saturday -- his 35th. He Can Jumpers | | = = . a oo oo > wooocoosoon moococoornons woooscosorSsSoVs SAAMAAIAWDAS _ «ning of the second period. playing with us tonight, are ° Toronto: Ellis . Toronto: Milroy also has four field goals Toronto Marlies and the Mo-|heing sent to either Brampton (Jarrett, Mercier) .... (Winterstein) 16.20; All alone in fifth place is Tor- - hawks then exchanged three-/or Unionville to help balance| 4: Whitby: Dowe 55| Penalties Winterstein andionto's halfback and_ punter, May Skip Wash "goal spurts, and a tally in the|the leacue 5. Whitby: Kowalski Bobbie (majors), Houston, La-|Dave Mann. Mann kicked a sin- ° dying minutes of the period put! 'George Standing received (Shearer) 13.12|framboise, Milroy gle Saturday and now has seven e | «Mariboros out in front to stay. |his release today. but I can't. .Pemalties: Kowalski, Phair| Referee: Bob Simcoe; lines-\in addition to six touchdowns International | > Gary Jarrett and Nick Har-\say at the moment where he (2), Ashby and Standing (ma- | [fd wit ts tM i 4 PILE ys EE ee TO Ke 8 é GOING DOWN for the! Moore is Pete Rademacher, | a technical knockout in the 4 Fy Taking place in Baltimore on | sixth round. Moore is 4 eighth and last time during Monday night, the fight was | years old. baruk with t 1 h led jmen, Ivan Locke and Ab Barnes, |for 43 points »baruk with two goals ea ed | will ' ee g Cc will play in the future.' ., his non-title bout with Archie | stopped and Moore awarded --(CP Wirephote) . ; ' : |iors), Laframboise all from Oshawa | All of the top five have played) WASHINGTON (AP) -- The "the Marlboro drive, with single 7 in the full 12 games of the|Canadian team may be absent ~counters from Ron Ellis, Denis|ST. MIKE'S TOUGH | schedule to date except Stew-|from the opening internatinal "Mercier, George Standing, Broda_ picked St. Michael's NBA PREXY SAYS: cto yge has missed ron |jumping events when the six- "Steve Corlett, Leo Olivier, and|College Majors as the club to Behind Mann at 42 points are| day Washington International! : «Gary Milroy. jbeat, even though they have e Hamilton halfback Gesne Scott|Horse Show starts today, offici-| * Julie Kowalski registered | only five returnees from the and Montreal fullback Don|#!/8 said today. «twice for the Mohawks -- Butch|Memorial Cup championship angs ers dl Clark, each with seven touch-| 2%¢ other four countries ent- *Dowe, Bill Collins, Pete Shearer, |Club, and thinks that they will downs. Scott, however, missea|*Ted are Argentina, Mexico, ---- he gong Magn Watts td _-- Fag before the sea- e . theres games hecaine ob & mis ors and the United Statss. ~complete e itby scoring. In goes too far... . | orse show officials said Mon- SHORT NOTES . . .. Bob! Whitby Mohawks open td To Taint Boxing mons ey ce |day. the Canadians are having ~Cherry, coach of the Whitby | 1961-62 Metro OHA Junior "A" | difficulties, Two of their top rid- "Mohawks, was disappointed in|Schedule next Monday night in s : aust : s ers, Douglas Cudney of Winona,| 'his goaltending and a couple of Pe ogee m a : Pace oo ate ey ne The $1,200,000) S ahn Wins Ont., and Jim Elder of Aurora,| , the new president of the|project wi Ont., were called. home for per- his rearguards. , : be completed in ' "I thought the forwards play- FIGHTS LAST National Boxing Association|!ime for the 1962 racing season sonal and business reasons) at the 800-acre race course on «ed well -- they must to have| said Monday, "but I refuse to| after the windup of the Harris-| "collected seven goals against NIGHT believe it is as bad as it gas "agen outskirts of Rarne un laser Pa., horse shows Satur- -this club," stated Cherry. painted." Oo. ane addition will ac- day night : commodate crowds of more | "= "Some of our guys have not|py Dr. Charles P. Larson. said) 4 They expect to get back in shown much interest in playing yg ona lage congressional hearings have than 35,000. Crown |time, though, to join in compe- with this club -- missing prac-|san Diego, stopped Pete pig a helped but have not eradicated] SEEK HOCKEY RECRUITS | jtition for the new President of ices, etc. -- but that's their] macher 192. Col sak 6. the evils. 'The gangsters and) yew YORK (AP) T bea x S. " the United States Perpetual siness. I'll go with 15 play-l(nontitie) umbus, 2-, ©. hoodlums are just sitting back|rookhart. pr rhant cf ten om! NE WYORK (AP) -- Warren|Challenge Cup. Eliminations for 'ers who have a lot of heart and| melit nd , and waiting to come out again.) soy, Hooke ar ent of the Ama-|Spahn of Milwaukee Bravesithis tough open jumper event @esire, even though they lack a Wasmingen wuueinten AL Ae The NBA president has pro-|United States seemald Mende captured a ag 2 a {on alistart Thursday: bit in ability," continued coach! anti, 160, Philadelphia, 10 posed a tax-free, non-profit Te-\the organization will conduct al ip and Sick D aca t Wash. Mrs. John F. Kennedy, wife Bob Cherry. Sau Hrancisco = Bobo Olson oo and education foundation) youth Hockey Week, Jan, 20-28 eer yee Donovan of Wash-lof the president, will present } * ; a ; SOP, with a budget of $500,000 a} eek, Jan. 20-28,/ington paced the American : 3 _ -- a 178, San Francisco, outpointed| year. "We want ee find out |1962. ang ag: is to have alljLeague in 1961, final averages\rient to the winner Friday argest stoe, TUM i onli er gt wis saw Sixto wir eer 17744, San An-|what boxing really needs, then| o hockey fe Ryton oo hold disclose. | Some 400 horses are entered 'action I would think Jim Mink toe po one ! Co H _|do something about it," he said.|7. veiee paid or boys under) S§pahn, a 21°- game winner,|for the fourth annual show at Won 'emerged the better man.\Hank. 166 D t cs ca wa! BUILD NEW STAND : jyielded 88 earned runs in 263|the National Guard armory We stil sepenes peer: 2. eo 0: ly BLE e " INAUGURATE BOWL jinnings for a 301 mark. It was/here, with prize money totall-| e still have Terry Booth and/Jerry Luedee, 174, New Haven, TORONTO (CP) -- Construc- \the highest mark ever for a Na-|i than $12,500 flewcomer Bob Perani, sent to|7, tion of a 3,300-seat addition to . NEW YORK (AP)--Army and| epee ane Ore en Pee iis by the Toronto organization, Sydney, Australia -- Donjthe Woodbine grandstand will Syracuse have been invited A beat pe igen un 'he and both are good netminders. |Johson, 127%, Los Angeles,|begin Oct. 30, George C. Hend-|Play in the first Gotham Bowlltitie in 1947 and 1953 P Golfi Off YT still would like to have an-|stopped Colin Bell, 128, Austra-\rie, managing director of the|at New York's Polo Grounds, f TO ing ers ather good defenceman, as one'lia, 4. [Jockey Club Limited, an-/Dec. 9. Dovever, wee ee i i | mf : Cleveland, was the first Wash- Gold-Tinted Bait ; LISTON RETURNS ington pitcher since Garland CHICAGO (AP) -- Heavy-|Braxton in 1928 to win the) MONTERREY, Mexico (AP)| |weight contender Sonny Liston|American League crown. The|A world tour with Arnold Pal- |was given approval Monday by|big right-hander gave up 45|mer and a_ yearly income| the Illinois Athletic Commission earned runs in 169 innings for a|reaching six figures is the bait! |to box a four-round exhibition! 2.40 mark jbeing dangled before Jack! |with Ernest Terrell of Chicago) Jim O'Toole, lefthanded ace| Nicklaus, the United States am-| on Nov. 6, at the International|of the pennant-winning Cincin-|@teur golf champion who is to Amphitheatre. Terrell is the Il- nati Reds, was second in the}turn professional. linois state heavyweight cham-|National League with a 3.09|, The 200-pound Ohio State sen- pion. average, ior said Monday that the offers : ee 2 A é _ |were tempting but repeated he's JOB FOR NEWHOUSER Curt Simmons of St. Louis not buying--not immediately, at CLEVELAND (AP) -- Cleve-) WS third at 3.12. any rate. t \land Indians announced Mon-| Bill Stafford of New York; "I may turn professional to- bl ad. i) 9 b a: day that Hal Newhouser, for--Yankees was the American|morrow and I may not turn pro- en S ese our Tea an AD mer star pitcher for Detroit Ti-/League runner-up. He had a/fessional for 50 years," Nick- gers, has joined the Indians as'2.68 average laus said. | a liaison man in the club's farm) Don Mossi of Detroit was --------- stale system. General Manager Gabe |third with 2.96, a bes clara Hawks Call Up | a sc i Orioles, would do scouting and HOCKEY SCORES Wa ne Hillman act as a pitching coach in the | Indians' mi I iza- --o STANDINGS ido ju (AP) -- Chicago RUM By THE CANADIAN PRESS Black Hawks called up 22-year- ( ) Pr 6 Rich and Futt-Bodied . . Eastern Professional League old defenceman Wayne Hillman pas BA By omg sme Bruised Thigh sg WLT F A'Pts.|from their Buffalo farm club] am N< . } sr Ci r ~g 39| Monday. | ¢ licitebener 5 oe eg 10) Hillman, from Kirkland Lake, | ; Ousts Stanley | Hull-Ottawa | Sudbury 21 12 13 11 6 hes been with Buffalo two } . 21 16 15 5iyears. He will join the Hawks BLACK LABEL--Dark in colour with a smooth TORONTO (CP) -- Defence- North Bay 3 0 in N n man Allen Stanley may be kept'S. S. Marie 0 6.0 1637 O|Hockey League game with Captain Morgan 13 14 4 in New York for their National and delightful flavour in: rum & cola, hot rum mt ef Toronin Maple Lesa' oadavis Waislt Ratioets Wednesday. eek fast old-fashioned; planter's punch, hot lineup Saturday by a charley- Kingston 3 Sudbury 1 ilillman is a replacement for > GURerod ein, CuIn egg ng, Tum ftp, Tom & Jerry. horse he picked up Sunday Tonight's Games captain Pierre Pilote who suf- 7 an ' night while scaring two goals in|Kingston at North Bay fered a shoulder separation in DE LUXE--A superb rum of unexcelled quality. ( M Leafs' 9-1 Nat ional Hockey|Hull-Ottawa at Kitchener. Sunday night's 2-3 loss to Mont- si j League defeat of Boston Bruins. Saskatchewan . Junior real Canadiens. Pilote may be ping = LABEL--A robust SUR Tem ying A Tich aptain organ Stanley felt no injury when he| Weyburn 2 Melville 3 out of the kneup a month. and. full-bodied taste to your favourite rum drinks. EXTRA LIGHT \was hit by John Bucyk in the! Flin Flon 1 Saskatoon 5 First line' centre Bill Hay also Golden in colour. oc RUM 20 first b a will not make the trip east. He a . : irst period, but developed the WHITE LABEL -- An extra-light rum, for a : icharleyhorse on the flig ack still is nursing a carbuncle on ide mo 1 lee Parente," Oh se Deny. Dace FOOTBALL SCORES nis right "ankle ad his alban delicious rum & tonic, daiquiri and rum highball 3 Z Me | Jt may be a day or two be.| the Hawks' last four games. He with cola, soda, ginger ale or water, UXBRIDGE INTERMEDIATE A HOCKEY STARS --_|rcirer ceo" sity) JMG CADIAN PRESS Ii tye | ley will be able to play against 'anadian . Footha eee er ee Uxbridge Black Hawks are | Intermediate A hockey sea- | Wayne Redshaw. Uxbridge pa en ee aca wee FA Pts. Sask 410 0175 284 8 *CAPTAIN MORGAN HAS THE LARGEST STOCKS OF RUM IN THE WORLD currently going through stren-| son. Three stars fro mlast | will face teams from Lake- Tr ; 219 24 : ive g ; Wi 99 k 24/B.C. i ee er | uous practice sessions in| year's team are (left) Vern pete dE scene Mya gee Dns hb pid ; imu . field, Picton, Port Hope and |has scored four goals and three Edmonton 9 4 1301 235 19 Monday's Results preparation for the eoming ' Furguson, Joe Carpentier and | Cobourg. jassists. = Calgary 6 8 0249 28412|Calgary 7 Winnipeg 42 i White # Libel ©