Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1961, p. 8

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B THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 23, 1961 \dependable daily wear, choose, walking sheers, which are 30) denier yarns. Save the 15 den- ier sheers for evening wear and "With seamless stockings, the} term is 'needle count' which means much the same as "gauge" for actually it mea- sures the same thing -- the number of stitches across the stocking. Again, the higher the needie -count, the closer, finer and stronger the stocking," Take care to select and buy ings. For the very slender leg,| SOOTHING PRACTICE there now are specially-scaled| LONDON (CP)--An advertise- teen-age stockings. For the|ment for a store selling small heavy thighs, stockings with a|pieces of polished onyx stone more amply-cut welt, or a welt|says: "The peace afforded by va = oe oa stroking the cool, satiny surface need a. slightly Toe "stock-|% @ Polished piece of jade was ing than slim legs, even if they|@ well-known remedy in ancient are the same length. China for jangling nerves and \tired minds." |Regular Use of Baking Soda --_{ Learn To Purchase Nylons by Denier [irs Keeps Home, Sweet Home ag Needle Count (att, It's good sense to use baking " Denier' is another word for the containers with water, add) Bobby socks are not out but,|Weight or thickness of the yarn jsoda for bad scents. Baking|soda and let sit for a while. soda is a great conqueror of \aceording to spokesmen for the|used. In full-fashioned stock- In a third group of odor col-lhosiery industry, nylon stock-|ings'-- those with a seam up| smells . . . musty smells, mil-|lectors there's the dish cloth,|ings are definitely in as back-to-\the back -- 'guage' refers to : : : \ |dewy smells and those which|mop and sponge and wash cloth, school leg wear for the teen-age the number of gtitches used in|the right stocking size, cautions jaccompany such foods as onions, | which all respond to a soak in'a} oir; this year. the stocking's cqnstruction, The|Miss Birch. If you're unsure of |garlic, fish and cheese. And|baking soda solution . . . about)" porore you dash out to spend|lower the denidr number, the|your correct size, ask the sales- soda does: the job efficiently,)a half cup of soda per sinkful| i. summer earnings on a_tiinner the yarn\and the sheerer/woman to measure your foot. economically, and most impor-|of good hot water. : drawerful of stockings, however, |the stocking. higher the|And re-check your size at least tant to mothers of toddlers, safe-| The final group which can't}i3., 2 few words of advice|auge number, /the greater the|twice a year for, as you ma- ly. Being a pure food product,|prevented, but can be banished,|r,5., an expert on what to buy|Mumber of stitches and the|ture, your legs change and you one which is used in baking, for}come when you chop onions or|;, hosiery and what it can do|Stronger the fabric. 'will need different sized stock- indigestion and toothbrushing, it|garlic, cut up fish or cheese.|)). \ ou. So needn't be locked out of the|Here simply rub dry baking) «6. of the most common way of tiny, curious hands, And|soda with a wet paper towel on) ...piems is that the school. set it needn't be rinsed off as metic-|utensils that come in contact|o44. to buy only very sheer nv- uously as non-edible cleaners, j|with the offenders. And to|i,..° when more often they Soda's in greatest demand in)sweeten your hands . . . wetl noid be using "walking the kitchen. Food storage areas, |first, sprinkle with dry baking) yoiohts" instead," says Betty that are kept closed for the|soda, and rub your hands to-|nitch hosiery fashion expert most part, such as the refriger-|gether. se : . ator, bread box, cookie jar and! | "When you want nylons for) vegetable bin, are particularly ji susceptible to the breeding and} growing of odors. A solution of) Pesky Webworms three tablespoons of baking soda| POINTED TOES fo MONTREAL (CP)--Malcolm| styles will have pointed toes, asf Knox, a manufacturer's repre-| Pet cent crescent toes and th a | i Y toes. A wide sentative at the Canadian Shoe|Tomainder g res includes variety of heels and Leather Fair here, Li ga medium and stiletto dicted 50 per cent of the spring|styles. MS UPTON'S PAINT and WALLPAPER PAINT SALE! BRUSH O% off Scarfe's 20-page "IDEA BOOKLET" and 16 page "PAINTING TIPS" Book- let. Ask for yours today! NYLON BRISTLE Long wearing nylon brushes set in rub- ber. All sizes. to di : Famous Thix JELLED PAINT The easy way to paint without BIRTHDAY PICTURE One year old today is Kim- | granddaughter of Mr berley Dawn, daughter of Mr. | Stacey Sr. of Bowmanville. and Mrs. Alvin Stacey, Park- | drips, spots, runs. lane avenue. Kimberley is the OFF 2% PRICE ROLLER and TRAY KITS FP). 1.15 SET ~ SALE ENDS OCT. 3ist So hurry -- Get Your Requirements Now ! UPTON' PAINT & WALLPAPER 25 BOND EAST 723-2977 @ FREE DELIVERY e@ MISS ROSELYN _ We welcome Miss Rose- are - pleased MS held Discontinued Lines SCARFE PAINT In pastel shades of Chartreuse, Col- onial Ivory, Platinum, Pompom Yel- low, Caribbean Blue. Reg. 6.95 Gel, FLAT AND SEMI-GLOSS 4.50 ow. 1.25 te lyn who is formerly of DDT dust--heavy| Toronto is a most out- standing and up to date stylist. Z AR , -- styling 360 KING ST. W. FREE PARKING 728-4351 Let us handle your decorating prob- lems. Professional designed color- scheme--fresh, new ideas for your home. Phone day or even- ing for appointment REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATES PAINTING wooD FINISHING PAPER HANGING Hysterical Blindness of Q. Is there such «@ thing as Danger Signs LULL 28 KING ST. EAST Attack Junipers per quart of warm water ap-| plied with a sponge or cloth, not} At This Season only will banish odors, but if! : i used regularly, will prevent|, Fall is here and so is the ee them from getting started. jiper webworm,. He attacks all| Then there are semi-closed|Sharp-needled junipers. | \containers which require regu-|, The culprits are the larvae, llar sweetening for the sake of| those brown worms that feed on} the taste of their contents. . . arr ences prot ace Hs these are the coffee maker, ; : 1 teapot, vacuum bottle and baby ee Water a pee pee Ageing bottle. Here you can simply fill| terpillars in the webbed needies.| R : /They resume the feast in May| ing, games of bingo were en: and June, to add to the dam-! joyed. age. : ST. JOSEPH'S CPTA A spray that can be driven | The October meeting of St. well into the webbed heedles is Joseph's CPTA was held in St,|the best means. of control, but)! Alvin |Joseph's School. Mr. Rober baad ~ i hag gro for prow' i McDonnell presided. The open-|Home plantings. oes & g000| F Hine Sharers Were sald py Alster P inteendinaiale with the On y 4 JOZISU --Photo by Ireland WAR breeding meeting was tario Department of Agriculture held with the guest speaker, | SUssest these treatments: \Mrs. Mary Letcher RN who . © Per cent DDT wettable pow GROUPS CLUBS AU XYTILIARIES |spoke on the public health pro- der--2 tablespoons per gallon of ' 1 |gram. She was introduced by| Water. |Miss William Bilenduke and! Lead arsenate--4 tables) LEGION AUXILIARY [ning WA _ was cecentiy|thanks were expressed to Mrs.|per gallon of water. The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal]in the parish hall. Letcher by Miss Ann LaRush.| 59 Per cent malathion -emul- Canadian Legion Branch 43 met} The president, Mrs. Gerald Le os < G. you sion -- 2 teaspoons per gallon on Tuesday, October 17, with|Blears, opened the meeting with ood. Fee ' shige Phish rier oe of water. first vice-president, Mrs. Nor-|prayer and a warm welcome to|@M@ Stressed the Importance of 5 por cent % ia: religion in the education of chil- pe man McEvers, presiding. the new members present. dren. The Reverend Francis| 2PPlication. Donations and goods for the' The secretary's report was Skumvac also added his words| Home garden dust and spray bazaar were shown. read by Mrs. Donald Raitt and of eicourauaiar . "Ilmixtures are also available. Part of the executive meet-| Mrs. W. H. Jackson read the Closing prayers were said by|Use the manufacturer's recom- ings from Provincial Command treasurer's report. Sather Quesnelle. " | mendations. were read by the secretary,) Plans were made for the Lit-|" Refreshments were served by| - When to treat? about the first Mrs. Robert Williams. The/tle Helpers' Party which wasiyj..° Joseph Smith and Mr.\of October. Cover the -entire 1962 Convention will be held in| held October 19. James Norrish. | plant. Niagara Falls. Gatering report} Members were reminded of cod was given by Mrs. Herbert|the Oshawa Deanery Dorcas ry Bathe and a substantial profit)work shop to be held in the par-| KARN S shown. The auditor's report was|ish hall on Wednesday, October given by Mrs. Harry King. 125. A donation is to be sent to the) \Mrs. Gertrude Penman, edu-} OCVI orchestra toward ex-jcational secretary, began the penses for its European tour. first chapter of the study book At a previous meeting a fine|for this year (Jesus Christ The hand-made rug was donated as a! Light of the World). prize for the bazaar, by Mrs.| The meeting closed with pray- Martha Smith. Over the yearsjers followed by refreshments at least two rugs each year|served by Mrs. George Mac- have been made by her and pre-|Gregor and her committee. sented to the Auxiliary. UAW AUXILIARY NO. 27 eee ey aitt aie Ausliary No. 2 s 2 i e U! better attendance of era {hal with Sister Ethel Thomson Q. My son developed @ bald After the business mee git presiding spot on the back of his head. penny bingo was played with) > ri ' 3 ; At first it was about the size of Mrs, Alyn Elliot as convener. It! Prior to the business meeting < dun bh a. le was decided to hold these each 2 Pot luck supper was served.|% *' any toatnantt week after the meetings. The members of the NUPSE Auxiliary members were re- Ladies' Auxiliary No. 1 were'y 7,;. might be a local infec- minded of the Drumhead Serv-|Suests for the evening. tion, If not it may be what doc- ice to be held during Legion' Roll call and minutes were tors refer to as alopecia areata, Week. Members will not march)read by Sister Frances Bradley\a condition which often responds but will join the Legion men at\and Sister Hazel Farrow read|to local injection of drugs called the Memorial Park. the accounts. Sister Viola Pil- sie yal jh pi : ie 5 7e e y\usually occurs within three ta GEORGETTES BS et Canny tour wank. However, ich bioe At the October meeting which she attended recently in ment does not result in a per- the Georgettes group of e Niagara Falls manent "'cure" and the hair may hysterical blindness? Women's Guild of St. George's| " gictare Ethel Fogal. Nellie|990in be lost within six to nine ; Memorial Church a' new execu- st all ea opal, NE lie months. Retreatment will usually A. Yes. In such cases the person tive was elected for the coming Ricketts and Muriel Guy will bring out more hair. Consult has normal eyes, or at least the year as follows: President, Mrs.|2°5!5t in the tuck shop at Hills- your family physician or a skin @bility to see, but complains of William Stark: vice-president, dale Manor this week specialist tor a complete evalua- total blindness. Unlike persons Mrs. Alan Fulton; secretary, It was reported that the Osh-|tion of the problem. who are totally blind because of Miss Madeline Guscott; treasur-|@wa and District Labor Council pct ae. lesion, the hysteri- er, Miss Rosemarie Metcalfe. | gill be holding a weekend insti- i ae are abe to ee Plans were finalized for the tute on November 18 and 19 in Q. For 2 years | have had a eatin utarsile, 'ete: without dif display of china to be held at the UAW Hall sore on the inside of my nose ficulty. This indicates that they 8 --_ a on Thursday, The Ontario Federation of thet hasn't healed, Why? "'see"' to sorre extent..One might November 2. Labor is sponsoring a Women's : ; soy that the hysterically blind The next regular meeting will| Conference which is to be held as A be i deonp tgild out ae person is Sind Secs: he is be held on November 7 and will/in the Cleary Auditurium, Wind-|>. ">" ae oak a th consciously unaware of - seeing. be a work evening on articles!sor on November 5. Economicldele: Ome davnes cing af cence, With proper treatment, such pa- : i m Economic delay. One danger sign of cancer s brash for the Christmas bazaar problems, job opportunities and js "a sore that does not heal.' tients often regain their. sight SA HOME LEAGUE women as consumers will be! Note: We will be glad to send a The regular meeting of the the discussion of the day. At-'cancer booklet free to interested Salvation Army Home League tending this conference will be|readers. Direct your request to was held on Tuesday afternoon, >'Sters Alice Reardon and Viola! Science Editors, P.O. Box 1174, October 17 i Pilkey. Louisville, Kentucky, Mrs. Charles Cathmoir led in the singing of a few choruses. annual senior citizen's bazaar Mrs. William James spoke of/will be held on November 17 the passing of Mrs. Hornsby| Members were asked to submit| and sympathy was extended to their names if they wish to go. the family. Prayer was offer-- The annual Christmas party ed by Mrs. William Saunders for the children will be held on for the sick members. Saturday morning, December 16 Mrs. Major Rankin made the All names must be in by No- announcements and spoke of the Vember 20. handkerchief shower to be held| Following the business meet- on Tuesday, October 21. These ~~ sates ree _ will be used on the sniffle tree Bring your prescriptions to us| with every assurance that you, will receive the finest a hg sional service. | | es | A trip to Toronto to attend the Questions directed to Science Ei'tors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A",| Toronto, Ontario, will be incorporated in the columns when possible:| OSHAWA 723-4621 at the annual sale of work on November 10 The devotional period was led THIS WEEK ONLY by Mrs. Thomas Myers, assisted} by members of the Rainbow ont SPECIAL Group. Mrs. Walter Reid led in! to 28th Imperial Regalite the singing of a hymn and Mrs.! Myers gave a reading, "The Touch of the Master's Hand."' A The finest door available . . . now available, this week only, with FREE voral duet was given by Mrs Melville Arnold and Mrs. Rob- MAIL RECEIVER INSTALLED. @ Heavy-duty 1" al- ert Young, "Now I Belong to Jesus "* Mrs. Myers introduced guest speaker, Mrs. Lain-| son, of the Christian and Mis-| sionary Alliance Church, who uminum @ Complete tion @ Vertical mullions for strength @ Concealed the told of her experience at the| graduation exercises at the Prairie Bible College. She also . read a paper written by Mr. Teows, secretary of the board ef Mennonite Missions. Mrs. Myets thanked Mrs. Lainson and led in the singing of a hymn. Mrs. Major Rankin closed in prayer Tea was served by the Sun- shine Group. Next week, the} Fellowship group under the leadership of Mrs, Frank Buller will arrange the program, which will include a 'do-it-yourself' hat parade ST. GEORGE'S EVE. WA The regular meeting of St George's Memorial Church Eve- sweep De Luxe Lucite handle Heavy-duty closer and chain Geon weother- 59.95 with 1 Mail Keceiver Installed ventila- bottom Completely Installed ONLY FREE "Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed" LES EVENISS SALES 15 PRINCE STREET 725-4632 Evenings 723-2707 GASOLIN

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