Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1961, p. 7

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y 4 Jo Aldwinckle, Dial 723-3474 Women's Editor THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 23, 1961 PERSONALS F.|Mrs. Donald Haines, Cedar Val- Conant and son, Gordon, of|ley avenue, in honor of their Grimsby, were Sunday guests of|son, Bob, who has left for Mrs. G. D. Conant, 'Buena|Kemptville, where he will study Vista", Simcoe Strect South. |at the Kemptville Agricultural | College. He was presented with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Aldwinckle, 4 Club bag. Among the guests Bonniebrae Lodge, had as their|WeTe Mr. and Mrs. Russell F : Davidson and Mr. and Mrs, i a en mise K: §, Mun Lloyd Davidson and family, Raglan; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph The annual ladies' night of|Lee, Kinsale, and Mr. and Mrs.) the Oshawa Scottish Rite Club|Percy Collins and family and) was held on Saturday evening,|Miss Bonnie Haines, Oshawa. The Masonic Temple auditorium Mrs. W. C was crowded to capacity. The) Sarah ge entertainment was supplied by| the 50-50 Club of Simcoe Street|chester, were among those who| United Church and because of|poured tea and Miss Dorohty the efforts of this local group/ Anderson assisted in serving at Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ristow, Oshawa, | Vincent Massey H-S Assn. School its 2nd birthday at the October) meeting and the Association' charter president, Twining, was present to cut the/eration of teach | birthday cake 7 |the meeting and introduced the Celebrates Second Birthday Vincent Massey Home andjCooper; Grades 7 and 8, Mrs, Association celebrated| Douglas Carmicahel. Mr. W. J. Armstrong, princi- Mrs. C. E. | parents of the complete co-op- ers concerning interviews to discuss a pupil's Mrs. N. V. Roe presided at| Problems. The room attendance count Vincent Massey junior and gen. ae on by Miss Jacqueline ior representatives to the Red|Doake's room. test, Pamela McCarl and Gary} Holmes, who both spoke on their' chosen subjects. |Feather public speaking con-| A. R. Martin and Mrs, B. A. McCarl, report progress on the U - its next meeting on October) onig | ci b and Mrs, Arnold Roach of Man.|!0F 1961 62, presented by jnance chairman, Mrs. Mrs. Harold Forsythe and |Mrs, Lawrence McConkey vol- unteered as delegates to accom- |Pany the president to the Area legs : ff Mrs. Lawrence McConkey read wns pug oro ae held this tae minutes. The UNICEF com-| ie 5 mittee, Mrs. Peter Highley, Mrs| wane ng ip gene Money |department of McLaughlin Li- |brary. She was introduced by |Mrs. McConkey. Miss Wallace NICEF program. Announce- ment was made of a film work- shop to be presented by Council) in a child's life even before a can read by himself. Parents can share common Mrs. -Gordon Garrison read) ground with children by sharing the treasurer's report, followed|books--and thus introduce chil- : | ti he budget/ dren to good books, good writing vidhi nin agreacinotos des er land poetry. Miss Wallace told {how many children bring their JohN) problems to the library, looking Wheeler. The budget was ap-|for a book that will give them proved as was the family dona-|the solution they seek. Miss tion plan as a means of raising) Wallace was thanked by Mrs. $|pal, in his remarks, assured the|/ stressed the importance of books| ® Ballard and Jarrett Saturday, November 18, is the date set for the wedding of Miss Alice Mary Lesley, Reg. N. and Mr. John Charies Hole, whose engagement 3s announced today. Daughter of Mrs. James Lesley of Oshawa and the late Mr. Lesley, the bride to be, a scholarship win- ner at OCVI, graduated from LeRoy Toll Oshawa General Hospital. The prospective bridegroom, son of Mr, and Mrs. John Hole of Toronto,. graduated from Uni- sity of Toronto School and the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Arts degree, majoring in chemistry. He is employed as a chemist by the IODE CHAPTER ANTICIPATES A GALA DANCE the Scottish Rite Ladies' Night! the trousseau tea held recently Members of the Golden | W. D. Burns, Masson street, Jubi . . ial | last week to make decorations wee Cb apt és; isiperiat for their 12th annual birthday ball, planned for Friday. Working out some twiggy no- Order Daughters of the Em- pire, met at the home of Mrs. | of 1961 will probably rate among|for Miss Carol Louise Jamieson. jthe best ever held, It was evi- ' dent that many hours of train-| Teas, birthday parties, | ing and rehearsing had preced-|ding anniversaries, coming and| ed the performance. The Ladies'|g0ing of guests are always of| Night committee was. in interest in this column. Write,| tions are Mrs. R. S. Irwin, Mrs. D. H. Howe, Mrs. W. D. Burns and Mrs. E. G. Storie. --Oshawa Times Photo | the! Rankine-James Nuptials Solemnized In Minden The marriage of Martha-Annein full-length grecian gold peau- Welch James and Robert Gar-|de-soie and carried bouquets of land Rankine, both of Oshawa,'yellow sweetheart roses with was solemnized recently at St.|variegated leaves and colored Paul's Anglican Church, Minden, wheat Ontario Mr. John D, Nicholls was best The bride is the daughter "of man. Ushering were Mr. Rich: Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. James|ard Sheridan of Oshawa and Mr ra rage ap -- os Michael McInerney of Toronto s the son of Mrs eonar . haccseukt FES e Fitch of Oshawa and the late clack Van te isa Mr. Ewen Rankine. the bride's mother wore red Pg a a Gracie chiffon with matching feather officiated he wedding music hat. The bridegroom's mother was played by Mrs. Elgin Stouf- fer of Minden and Mrs. Richard] *95S4iné was in elt bine crepe A Moses of Oshawa was the soloist. 2 ia The bride who was given in corsage of roses, marriage by her father and es-| Later the couple left for a corted down the aisle by her wedding trip to Bermuda For grandfather, Mr. S. W. Welch,|8°ng away the bride wore a wore a princess gown of white| 89d three piece suit with brown peau-de-soie sweeping into {accessories and a corsage of tal- cathedral train. Her full-length) '8™4" roses. Mr. and Mrs. Ran-| four-tiered veil was held by a/Kine will take up residence in double coronet of peau-de-soie Oshawa. and she carried a white Bible! with white and yellow roses and! stephanotis. | The maid-of-honor was Miss| Cairine McCarey of Toronto. The} bradesmaids were the: Misses Patricia Elliott and Marilyn Black of Oshawa and the junior, ids, Miss Judy Cholik of Oshawa and the bride's sister,| # Miss Mary-Ellen James of a ; den. They were all dressed alike| | H-S Entertains Pupils' Mothers Amid a_ setting of school] colors the Adelaide McLaughlin Home and School Association held its autumn tea for the mothers of the kindergarten pupils and mothers who have recently moved into the school| area. The tea was held at the| home of Mrs. Frank Frank-| furter, Glencairn street. | The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Arnold Schell, president, | and Mrs. Frank Frankfurter, | hostess and vice-president. The tea table was attractive-| ly decorated with a red and/ a a white hat. Each wore a charge of Mr. L. M. Souch. . A partment with your items of} A dinner party was held re-|news for which there is cently at the home of Mr. and charge. Telephone 723-3474 GROUPS, CLUBS AUXILIARIES 11TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. A pot luck supper preceded the October meeting of the 11th Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxil- College Hill H-S Hears Oshawa Scout Motes' auxin Opportunity Class tended to all by the president. Mr The minutes and treasurer's speake Talk . | Alex Hill was the guest)classes together in the junior! r at the October meeting|division from nine to 12 years report were read of Cellege Hill Home and School|of age and are then separated The annual reports were given| Association. Mr. Hill is the/to the senior boys and senior| by the secretary, Mrs. L. W.lteacher of. the senior boys'|girls. | Hall; the treasurer, Mrs. R F./opportunity class at Harmony| Mr. Howard Brown introduced| Lick; the sick convener Mrs. H.|school. He gave a talk on what|(he speaker and Mrs. William! R. Scott and the president, Mrs.!can and is being done for these|Dearborn thanked him. | R. H. Allan students. It is a government! Mrs. Eari Adams presided at) Mrs. Herbert Schuermann in- regulation that a child must be/|the meeting. Mrs. Mathew Bell) Stalled the officers for the com-|nine years of age before being|gave the treasurer's report and ing year as follows: Mrs. R. H.|transferred. A child who has|the financial report of a success-| lan, president; Mrs. H. .| dropped behind two school years /fu' fall bazaar. Sliter, vice - president; Mrs.|and after consultation and spe-| It was decided to hold the ithe necessary funds. |Grade Mothers for the coming| standing kindness she shows the hese year as follows: Kindergarten,|children at the library. a.m, visi ; "Ross Porteous; Grade | telephone oF vinlt (he socte Ge! Cecil Collings; Grades 2 and 3,|Betty Crossen's room under the |Mrs. W. D. Skinner; Grade 3,/supervision of Grade Mother| 0' Mrs. Lawrence Millson; Grade/Mrs. __|4, Mrs. George Brown; Grades Royal Mint of Canada and the couple will make their home in Ottawa. St. Michael's Hospital School of Nursing in June and is a member of the staff of the |Kenneth Williams not only for Mrs. Roe then introduced the/her talk but also for the under- GIANT PICKLES CHATEAUGUAY, Que. (CP) r. and Mrs, Charles Lavic- toire are going to have some! fine pickles this winter if they; 4 ' . Douglas Skinner and so-|can get big enough jars. One of | Consumption of fish in the cial conveners, Mrs. Claude|their "straight eight" cucum-|United Kingdom in 1959 was es- Glassford and Mrs. Clifford) bers grew into a 24-inch horse-|timated at 18.2 pounds per cap- Smith. shoe shape, and another one'ita, compared with 28.7 in 1948, WOOLWORTH'S uper Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR OWN KITCHEN! |stayed straight, but grew to 18 linches. FISH CONSUMPTION Mrs. G L, Adair, p.m.| Refreshments, including the Mrs. Eric Booth; Grade 1, Mrs.|birthday cake, were served by) 2, Mrs.|the mothers of the pupils in Miss|y 5 and 6, Mrs. Bruce Lidster; Grades 6 and 7, Mrs. Vince) "WRITING FOR PROFIT" | SEMINAR FOR6 BUSINESS, PROFESSIONAL MEN AND WOMEN Learn to write articles for mage- zines, Trade end professional |) journels. 24-pert course, evenings, Mondays end Wednesdays begin- |) ning November. Noted instructors |) and lecturers, Keep your eyes on the future! You can still Register et the Oshewe Business College for Speciclized Business Training. DAY SCHOOL CLASSES ENROLL ANY MONDAY EVENING CLASSES TUESDAY AND THURSDAY 7:00 -9 P.M, Special Classes for Housewives, Shiftworkers. Teenage Typing for @) pupils from Grades 6, 7, 8. Delicious New Fresh Fruit--Flaky Pastry Chocolate Roll | ~ Lemon Meringue == 43.|.% 43. Cream Icing ! SPECIAL ! SPECIAL ! SPECIAL PRICES ALL THIS WEEK !! | Pers Get Free Literature on all Courses and Services Available, ' OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE DIAL 725-3375 10 Simcoe Street North, Oshews, Ontario an, Thomas Patterson, secretary; |cial tests is recommended for/next meeting on November 20,| Mrs. Robert Sutherland, treas-jthese classes. The parents|at the McLaughlin Library. Miss| urer, and Mrs. H. R. Scott, sick!always make the final decision.|Enid Wallace, librarian, will! convener The boys and girls attend|s peak on children's reading. Tea and cake which had been |The grade mothers will be provided by Mrs. E. W. Coedy Phoning to remind parents of to celebrate the sixth anniver-| SOCIAL NOTICE the meeting in an attempt to in- sary of the Auxiliary, were en- jcrease attendance, Transporta- joyed ENGAGEMENT jtion can be arranged. = , | The engagement is announced) Mrs. Clayton Hurlbert con- E jof Alice Mary, daughter of Mrs,|Sented to taking over the duties James Lesley of Oshawa andj°f program convener. the late Mr. Lesley, to Mr, John| The attendance prize was won |Charles Hole, son of Mr. and|for the kindergarten by Mrs. Mrs. John Hole of Toronto. The| Michael Mayko. marriage is to take place in St.| Refreshments were served the Gregory's Roman_ Catholic|mothers of pupils in Grade 8 Church on Saturday, November] an the lucky cup and 18, at 10 a.m. was held by Mr. G. D. Simpson. | (II Lillian Mae Marsh SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A. | | Ballet, Top, Toe, Baton, Pre-School, Character, Acrobatic FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS AT THE |MASONIC TEMPLE | 91 CENTRE ST., OSHAWA a | Information: 723-7253 | | , Jere "ln white floral centre piece flank- ed by red candles in silver! holders. | Lloyd Gardner, Mrs. John! Richardson and Mrs. Harold| Pascoe. | Gazely, Mrs. John Benson, Mrs Alek Ivanoff, Mrs. Morris|? Segal, Mrs, Robert Booth, Mrs. | { Yourkevitch, Mrs. George Shaw| and Mrs. Lorne Seeley. Miss J. E. Luke and Mrs Southminster ers, were introduced. Mr. Har- Skinner became the old Pascoe and teachers attend-| ed following the school hours. Those pouring tea were: Mrs,| | Assisting were: Mrs. Gordon Higgins, Mrs. Michael! M. A, Lamb, kindergarten teach- Mary The bride is the daughter of ADDING THEIR SIGNAT bride of Kenneth H. E. Smith. | URES Poacovovocesooosoooooan | Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Skin! ner and the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Smith, all of Oshawa. It's fun to give your home ' BUY NOW AND GET A ELECTRIC BLANKET Two items for the price of one! A modern, dryer and a full size, top quality electric blan ed automatically. This offer applies to McClry-Easy, inghouse dryers. Many models. safe, au "LIMITED OFFER--OCT OSHAWA PETERBOROUGH LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY WITH THE PURCHASE OF A NEW AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER ket that can be washed and iron- Moffat, Inglis and West- . 14th to NOV. 30th SS ae "MOORE FRESHNESS" ibd bdddd dd rt titititit.t} with Moore's Wall Satin ® Goes on smooth as sotin ® Dries in less than on hour © Cleans up with soapy water © No pointy odor Benjamin AX NON x OOTE caints EDGAR'S 34 KING ST. WEST OPPOSITE DOMINION STORE A $29.95 VALUE laden lactic datetn teh dd Le TT TTT 'ity Moore © 2200 COLORS tomatic electric clothes DECOR CENTRE OSHAWA .) Ss \ COBOURG Peevnees Rssccocvesessees Seerevees baer eet iit tt ttt orereseoene BRAND NEW GAS Forced Air FURNACES AND DUCT WORK COMPLETELY INSTALLED Normally ........ $498 Special Allowance . . . . $150 YOU PAY ONLY $348 TS (While this offer lasts) NOTHING DOWN! YOU CAN PAY ON YOUR GAS BILL +e» ONLY 1.80 A WEEK! Inquire today at... OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE. LIMITED PHONE 728-9441

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