Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1961, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL NEWS By JOAN CALDER The Girls' Volleyball season whooped to a start when Henry Street girls played their first exhibition game against O'Neill Collegiate in Oshawa, recently. The teams play three match- es; each of eight minutes dura- tion. In the Junior game, Henry High far outshone the OjNeill girls with the scores 17-3; 14-5; 15-7, all in favor of Girls Volleyball Opens At Henry High juggled back and forth; one to Whitby, one to Oshawa. But a team must have two points over the other team to win. Oshawa happened to make the two points and won 14-12. The two remaining matches were won by Oshawa with scores 15-9 and 14-7. Whitby il- lustrated good defensive tactics but could not seem to play to- gether as a team for the last Eskimo children play in the snow outside a hostel at Fort Smith, N.W.T., where they at- tend 'school, Small -- family- style hostels are gradually re- a T NORTHERN HOSTEL placing the larger ones in , educational centres will serve Canada's North where many | a radius of from 50 to 100 children are transported by | air for distances of more | than 1,000 miles. The smaller miles. --(CP Photo) Mohawk A Action Tonight The first stern test of the|Ashby, Al Glaspell, providing | ~ s In First ~ Whitby. Pat Bloye scored the|two matches. Leading scorers most points for Whitby andjwere Elaine Campbell _and Glennis Merrick for Oshawa. |Mary Lou Cuddy for Whitby, The Senior game illustrated) and Donna Rae' MacMaster and very skillful ball handling on|Barb Bauder for Oshawa. the part of Whitby players. The| Whitby girls also played at score ended 10-10 in the first|Pickering later on in the week. match. Some tense and high-|In the Senior game, Karin pitched feelings ran rampant!Gross, a Henry player, opened during the overtime! The pointsithe first match by getting seven Lend Hand Group To Cater Teachers | By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT!at later date as means of rais- |_ BROOKLIN -- The Christian|ing funds for the work of the | Education Hall was the location| United Church was discussed. of the October meeting of Eve- uestionnaire forms were ning Auxiliary of WMS of Brook- Pe nove by each member lin United Church recently, --_|present to be given into provi- | Mrs. Ralph Thompson, lead-|sional committee ot assist with er of CGIT group, briefly out-| making nominations from WA lined its activiiies. jand WMS for new organization, Rag ee _* n Hr rae of arid bo be known as United Church study book, "Signals for the| Women. preg ate tots oe at | A highlight of the evening was lined w Mrs cenneth Holliday | '"® showing of colored oo who also received and dedicated| tratoim? Sacto. ey Pt the special Autumn Thankoffer-| tang and England, with descrip- 4, aeons Mrs, Ray Hoa.| ive commentary on points of 'son, thanked the committee eases and acenes visited. lservices and decorations on) BRIDGE CLUB |"'Harvest Home', The meeting! The high scores at games concluded with Thanksgiving|played by Brooklin Duplicate poem taken from the United Bridge Club, on Wednesday points. She led Henry Street! High to an easy victory of 15-7. The second match gave Whit- by another victory of 15-5 with Kate Menzel and Bonnie Town- send getting the most points for Whitby. The third match had a short duration. Elaine Campbell began serving for Whitby and piled up 15 points, thus giving Whitby another victory with score 15-5. The Junior game followed much the same pattern as the Senior. Whitby won the first match with score 15-1 and Anne Henstock's ability to play vol- leyball showed up well. Picker- ing won the second match with a score of 15-14. Pat Bloye was the best Whitby scorer. Ellie McKay and Diane Carter were the leading Pickering scorers. The third game ended with Whitby the victor to the tune of 15-5. Julie Tweedy and Maureen Likkle were leading scorers for Whitby; Janet Ruddy and Jan- ice Clark for Pickering. CHEERLEADERS According to team, this year's cheerleaders are the best the school has ever had. The girls go away with the school teams to cheer for them at other schools. This gives our players moral support. JSchool spirit is boosted 100 per cent when the students have girls of this glamorous calibre to lead them in yelling for their school. STUDENT COUNCIL A recent meeting showed that the football) > ---- Th osMAWA-TIMES, Mondey, Cctotor 29, 1961 5 Anniversary Planned AUDLEY -- The anniversary service will be held this Sun- day, October 22 at 2.30 in the afternoon. The guest speaker will be the Rev. John Braham, MA, BD, of Scugog Pastoral charge. He is chairman of Osh- awa Presbytery. There will be no Sunday School this Sunday. The Rev. Keith Hawkes took the service last Sunday. During the winter months, Sunday School will be at 1.15, by church at 2.30. The girls of the CGIT enjoyed a travelling supper last Wed- nesday. Their hostesses were Mrs. Fred Puckrin, Mrs. G. Ast- ley and Mrs. Bill Guthrie. At the last home they continued with their regular meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Puckrin, Nancy and Lynda Puckrin and Anne Guthrie attended the official opening of Dunbarton High School on Friday evening, when Fred presented a Bible from the Pickering Township Sunday School Association. The community welcomes Mr. and Mrs. William McHugh from Newtonville, who have moved into the residence of Mrs. T. An- nan. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Winter and boys visited with Mr. and Mrs. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mc- Hugh, Debby and Roger, Oak- ville, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Izatt on Sunday. Mrs. Fice, Toronto, spent a weekend recently at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. James Cowie. All teachers and officers are urged to attend the Pickering Township Sunday School Con- vention at Claremont Baptist » followed T Campbell Hamer, Hampton, on| By MRS. RUSSELL GRIFFIN ENNISKILLEN -- On Wed. evening, October 11, Mrs. J. Slemon and her daughter, Miss Kathryn Slemon, were hostesses at a shower by the CGIT "Happy Gang" for Miss Gloria Wright who is an ex-member. hirty guests, which included the bride-elect's mother, Mrs. E. Wright and Mrs. Muller, mother of 'the bridegroom-to-be, assembled and were entertain- ed with a short program 'con- sisting of vocal duet by Misses Mary Yeo and KathrymSlemon with Miss Lois Ashton as accom- panist. Readings by Misses Mur- iel Griffin and Leona Ferguson. Misses Laura Griffin, Kathryn Slemon and Donna Yellowlees conducted some games with the winning honors going to Misses October 26, beginning with a pot-luck supper at 7 p.m, The Rev. Paul Storms of Port Hope "Happy Gang" Holds Shower Susan Weam, Betty Jane Werry and Mary Yeo. Miss Lois Ash- ton read a brief address to the guest of honor, Miss Gloria Wright and Miss Cheryl Rowan presented her with a corsage and gift of a lace table cloth from the CGiT group. A delici- ous lunch was served and all joined in singing "Taps."' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton, Mrs. O. C. Ashton attended a gathering at the Head of Scu- gog Island on Friday evening when friends and neighbors presented Mrs. S. Rodman and her mother, Mrs, E. C. Ashton, with several lovely farewell gifts. SPECIAL COURSES QUEBEC (CP) -- More than 7,000 clerical and lay teachers attended special courses offered by the education department this summer, an increase of will be the guest speaker. more than 2,000 over 1960, . | warding. a 300 DUNDAS ST, E. Going South This Winter ? Even though you may be travelling by car we will make arrangements for accommoda- tion once you have reached the sunny south, We con also reserve rooms enroute, | A phone call will make your trip more re- Hotels, Tours, etc. Donald Travel Service Oshawa -- Whitby -- Brooklin WHITBY MO 8-3304 Church on Thursday evening, the financial condition of the most extra - curricular activity clubs was hitting rock bottom. The Drama Club is the only one with money -- $103.75, but can- not seem to get a teacher to/| supervise the club activities, so/ this money is not being circu- lated. Surely a club with that WE MANUFACTURE PRECAST CONCRETE 1961-62 season awaits the Whit-|an injury picked up in practice by Mohawks tonight in thelis healed sufficiently, and new- Whitby Community arena, when'comer Norm Stewart from To- they -host their counterparts! ronto. from the newly formed Metro! Davie picked up two pretty ¢ inn CAP? : » i ; F | y, 8144; Junior "A" league, the highly-|talented hockey players in To- for its October meeting held|and Mrs. W. A. Heron, hy; touted Toronto Marlboros. jronto Saturday, Bill Collins and & recently. |Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells, 7734. Game time is 8:30 p.m. |Bill Smith. Other forwards slat- ; i "| Tentative plans were discuss-| East and West: Mrs. M. R. |Church Observor. evening in basement of Town-| . ship Hall read as follows: =ND-A-HAND GROUP . : : -- grin c. Croxall nil North and South: John Millar, hostess to the Lend-A-Hand|Ted Heron, 85; Mr. and Mrs. R. group of Woman's Association|Morris, 85; Mrs. J. Timmins amount of money to their credit | should be able to find some sup- | port in a school the size of) Henry Street High! | The Grade 9 representatives | to Student Council were chosen! TANKS recently. They are Charlene! Riddley and Andrew Goode. | APPROVED FOR SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CARDS ALL MUNICIPAL AND TOWNSHIP BY-LAWS. QUALITY IS UNCONDI. Examples of school Christmas | TIONALLY GUARANTEED. DELIVERIES ARE MADE ON TIME the sco! Dulein hoard, These CAPACITIES AVAILABLE: ee ® 400 GALLONS ® 500 GALLONS ® 600 GALLONS ® 750 GALLONS ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER > CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. GARY McCULLOUGH platform speech, Kathy Hamer proposed to get school Christ- CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE ! CALENDAR --- of -- This Pro gramme Presented By The Local Business F irms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! ! STAFFORD WHITBY MOTORS LTD. G.M. DEALER FOR PONTIAC, BUICK Br other Ss Lid. VAUXHALL & G.M.C. TRUCKS Monuments NEW AND USED CARS MO 8-3552 Whithy New Car Sales VIGOR OIL STATION 107 Dundas East Operated by MO 8-3610 "Vic Van Luven Dominion Royal Tires The Best Deal on New and Used Tires DIESEL OIL Phone MO 8-3644 501 Brock St. N., Whitby CONSTRUCTION CO, LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our location et 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office Whitby 1006 Brock South MO 8.4911 Used Car Sales THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS HOCKEY: Toronto Marlboros Jr. A, vs Whitby Mo- hawks Jr. A, Monday, Oct 23, at Whitby Com- munity Arena, 8:30 p.m, SKATING : Adults only, Wednesday, Oct. 25, 8 to 10 p.m. Whitby Community Arena. Adults and Children, Friday, Oct. 27, 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Children 14 and under, Saturday, Oct. 28, Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods et Prices Thot Save! MO 8-3483 W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play @ sport to be a good sport 110 Dundes St. £. MO 8-3410 WHITBY WILSON Cycle & Sales C.C.M. & RALEIGH DEALER jovi 7 ed for duty tonight are: Brian //ed and outlined to cater a sup-|Clarke, William Cox, 76%; J. " he jovial slyge'e a Walte Fletcher, Julie Kowalski, Pete per for about 75 school teach-|Wild, Jack Patterson, 72; Mr. Turk Piva, 36 Hack at ibe Shearer, Butch. Dowe, Buddy ers on Thursday evening, No-|and Mrs. J. Goodview, 711; coaching helm of the Marlboros Tahu and Rensie iors. . vember 2. Mrs. W. Medland, Mrs. E. for his seventh term, During F : Also catering to a wedding! Stewart, 7114. that span, he has led his Toron-- This will be the third pre- to Maple Leafs farmhands to a -- tilt = Baw spire o . ony air of Memorial Cup Champ-|Who have claimed victories 0D I lover the Woodbridge Dodgers eaturing rul About two-thirds of last years|° two occasions. young club returned to the| . Marlie fold this season, Ken 2 Brousict ant pew Soeer] Install Officers 4-H Club Project i stejetneacs tenders, Branton . Houston, Kathy proposed she would ie, Fa pombe gg rege re ny ,BROOKLIN -- The organiza-|members and one junior girlishe has done it, In the stu. Brak Riore" Beare Hartule t enevo ent e tion meeting of the : Brooklin/ present, jdents' opinions, Kathy has made Gary Standing. New to . 4H Girls' Homemaking Club] yt was decided to name the|an excellent president of Stu: ary Standing. Newcomers to} : was held on Saturday, Oct. 7, at group, "The Happy Circle." Mrident Council. make the grade out of nearly) he regular meeting of Bene-|stalled, the meeting resumed,|9 39 a.m. in Township Hall, | Albert Cooper, assisted by Mrs 80 players invited to camp in-yolent Rebekah Lodge, 132,|Noble Grand Sister McLean| 'Twenty-one girls attended the Irwin Shaw. damonetaies ihc tlude: Joe Laframbroise, 30-goal| Whitby, was held Wednesday in|thanking the members for elect-|new fall Project, , "Featuring! making of fruit shortcake (us-| han with Riverside Junior "B"s, [OOF Hall and was highlighted|ing her into her chair, A short) Fruit." ling frozen strawberries) oven| Leo Olivier, Unionville, Ron by installation of officers for the|address was given by the Dis-| Classes are under the SUPEr-|temperatures, and baking of! Ellis, leading goal scorer with|1961-62 term. jtrict Deputy President, outlin-lvision of Mrs. Albert Cooper! caus f | Weston Dukes, Marlboro farm-| The meeting was opened ining the proposals of the Presi- and Mrs. Irwin: Shaw, who| 5 . di ' sett hands, Dave McDonald, St.\the usual manner by Noble dent of the Rebekah Assembly. |attended the Leaders' Training) OPen discussion on varieties} Mike's, Gary Melroy, top draft|Grand Sister Greta Campbell] Gifts were presented to the|school for course of instruction |204 grades of fruit, and identi-) choice from Unionville, and|assisted by Vice Grand Sister|retiring Noble Grand and the! The repetition of 4-H Pledge| {cation of sauce followed. | Dennis Mercier, Three Rivers 5tella McLean District Deputy President on be-jang "Q Canada" preceded the} Each member had a part in Quebec : Visitors were welcomed. Bro.|half of the members. Lodge election of officers which are| cleaning up and washing dishes, | . a Harvey Atwood, DDGM, PNG,|was closed in usual manner andi listed as follows: |thereby bringing each girl into For Ivan Davie and Bob Cher-| rastern Star Lodge, 72, Whitby,|a social hour was spent wit President, Lois Downey; vice-| action, and sense of duty. At) ry's Whitby Mohawks, three net-| was introduced by Sister Mabel|refreshments served by Sister president, Janice Bird; secre-|conclusion of meeting girls and| minders will divide duties to-| James, PNG, and welcomed, Sis-|Lillian Yoeman and committee. tary, Sandra Wilson; treasurer,|leaders sampled cakes made} night -- Cliff Godridge, Lorne|ter Isabelle Saunders, DDP,|, Birthday greetings were ex-|Norine Carnochan. |during lesson. gis lOc 7 7 aa 3 tended to Sisters Lena Pellow, Business under discussion in-}------------ Campbell and Jim Hinkson. The|Shawa West No. 7, was intro- artin and Isabell Meier.| aiuded: "Fro ulde: fer PI Mu J \duced by Sister Isabel Meier | Donna Martin and Isabe eier.| olyded: Food Guide for! Mohawks had a surprise visitor! ppp, escort by a guard of|.. he staff will go to Brougham |Health," requirements needed to practice yesterday morning-- 3 ot Monday, Oct. 23, to install the . | jhonor.Other guests welcomed v for each member, and project Bob Wright, from Oshawa, who were trom 'ashondale RL, To-| Officers of Joy Rebekah Lodge.|« featuring Fruit," has apparently been set loose by| Ratahs RL ahs ., |Any member wishing to go will The second meeting was held NEWSPRINT the Clinton Comets. Wright may a RE S kl gg yar please be at the OOF Hall at 7/ on saturday, October 14, at 9.30 see action tonight on defence RL Piekerag ane RL Broug.|P-m. sharp. |a.m. in Township Hall, with 18] 41/2-\lb. pkg. aong with regulars Len Bobbie,/ham, and White Dove RL, Ajax. mas || approximately 630 Ace Watts, Gary McCullough, A new carpet graced the fioor| BY LT | sh ts f $1 00 currently the top rearguard for] of the Lodge Hall, a dream ful-| WH Sheets tor -- , the Mohawks, Bob Tripp, who'filied of the older members DODD & SOUTER | Also Available in will see action for the first timeisome now deceased and i BOWLING NEWS b. pkgs. after sustaining an injury play-/hearty vote of thanks was ex.| | PAINT and IDEAL FOR TYPING, ing high school football, George|tended to the committee in| WEDNESDAY NIGHT | WALLPAPER STORE PADS, CARBON COPIES cayman concen dit Convener Sis. Tena) wEN'S BOWLING LEAGUE |] 107 BYRON ST. S.. WHITBY INNER OFFICE oberts, | 'High singles, over 250: Sloan| Installation of officers was/|294, 343; Faucett 319, Birch 315, | MO 8-5231 MEMOS, ETC. ext in order, Sister Isabelle|R. Childs 314, H. Huntley 312,| Pa: On Sale ot... Saunders, District Deputy Pres-| Doakes 304, Des Denyer 301,| C.I.L. Paint Dealer WHIT oe dent, presiding, assisted by Sis-|256: D. Reed 293, Denyer 297, Your cine tie & jter Isabel Meier, Deputy Mar-ipastarache 273, Greer 272, ae ATIO >| shall and staff. The elected offi-\Caverly 271, B, Wright 268,]| Peintine & Decorating DEPT. - " ;;cers are: Noble Grand, Sister|wijkes 265, Clark 265, L. Reed| Gypte ee aa nn hd || Stella McLean; Vice Grand, Sis-!9§2 C. Moore 256. FE. Hutchin- | yptex, Fepemengi H ter Mary Churchyard; secre-| son 255, B. Carter 251. | Full Wall Murels Oshawa Times |tary, Sister Lena Pellow; finan-| High 'triples over 200: Sloan 4\cial secretary, Sister Jeanne 820, H. Huntley 763, D. Reed) '| Wickett; treasurer, Sister Gwen) 759° R. Childs 758, Des. Denyer| : Halton. Appointed officers as 726, Birch 705, Faucett 703. follows: Warden, Sister Ethel] Points won: Hopper Valley 2, | Campbell; Conductor, Sisteriprews 2, Melton Machinery 2, Wanda Tizzard; chaplain, Sister| Millwork Builders 3, Dunlop 2,} Winnie. Wilkinson; musician,|RBad Boys 2, Legion -No. 4, 2: | //Sister Alma Dewey; color-bear-/Bathurst No. 1, 3; Ramblers 1,| ,,er, Sister Kathleen Brough; | Ajseo 1, Melody Grill 1, CNR 0,1 | RSNG, Sister Isabelle Saunders; |tegionnaires 1, Yard Birds 1, LSNG, Sister Olive | O'Dell; | whi P; RSVG. Sister Mabel James: |W ditby Barbers 1, Munns Press LSVG, Sister Isabel Meier; IG,|\-- Sister Grace Harris; OG, Sister 411 Fairvi = eo. MO 8-3566 from 2 to 4 p.m. TRENCHING AND COMPLETE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE "The Best in Bicycles" 106 Colborne St, E. MO 8-3746 FOOTBALL: Jr. High School Football on Monday, Oct 23, O'Neill Collegiate, Oshawa, at Henry St. High School, Whitby; Ajax High School at Ander- son St. High School, Whitby, both games start- ing at 3:30 p.m. Jr. High School Football on Thursday, Oct. 26, Donevan Collegiate, Oshawa, at Ander- son St. High School, Whitby, game time 3 Martha Ward ' The officers being duly 'in- BRIAN FLETCHER COUNTY BOWL "OPEN BOWLING" Saturday: 1 p.m, - 5 p.m. 7 p.m. - 11 p.m. Sunday, Start Oct, 1 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. 118 Byron N. MO 8-2651 YOU WANTA SELLUM YOU GOTTA TELLUM USE The Classified Ads Dial MO 8-3703 BROCK Evening Shows at 6:55 & 8:30 WHITBY Last Complete Show ot 8:30 i THURS. oe ( EON D, GEORGIA ocated off the Atlantic Coast on the Golden Isles of » ~Georgio--enjoy o myriad of seaside activities - +. ocean bathing, fishing, Private pool. Skeet shoots. Outdoor of ST. SIMONS ISLAN ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A Modern Concept of Auto Insurance State Farm Mutual offers modern auto protection to meet today's great family needs, today's more hazards ous driving conditions, p.m. : Sr. High School Football on Friday, Oct. 27, Donevan Collegiate, Oshawa, at Henry St. High School, Whitby, gare time 3 p.m. boating, sunning. dancing Fi g OC F mn . Cuisine. Club-like atmosphere. Riding woils, Yacht Club. Golf course. Everything to make you enjoy your vacation, Write today. ond enter K & M CLEANERS AND DYERS Alterations--Repairing 8-HOUR SERVICE 112 Colborne St, West, Whitby Whitby--Ph. MO 8-2831 Oshewo--725-0181 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SPORTS Buy from your local Fuel & Builder Supplier JAMES SAWDON & SONS 244 Brock St. S. MO 8.3524 WHITBY Looking For A Fine Men's Shop? TRY THIS ONE FOR SIZE RON ARMSTRONG WHITBY PLAZA © FREE PARKING in MetroCOLOR H_David JANSSEN - loyoe TAYLOR - Frank LAST COMPLETK SHOW AT 8:30 PLUS SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION "THE RIGHT APPROACH" Storring FRANKIE VAUGHN -- MARTHA HYER ADULT ENTERTAINMENT riag saan, MEN'S SHOP WM. H. (BILL) MIDDLETON 608 Brock St. $. Whitby, Ont. MO 8-3762 State Ferm Merton! Actemebile insoraece Company MO 8-8721 e Head Office--Toronto, Ont.

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