THE OSHAWA TIMES, dMondey, October 23, 1961 | Canadian Crime | Surges Upward | OTTAWA (CP)--Serious crime, were 23 murders in Toronto, 18) surged sharply upwards in Ca-'in Montreal, six in Vancouver! nadian urban centres in 1960- jand four in Edmonton. ot In communities with a popu-| 2 -- lation of more than 25,000, seri-| SOBBERIES RISE ous crime cases increased by : i 12.6 per cent over the previous|-> compared with 2,877 the pre vious year. The figure included or 879 cases in Montreal, 762 in Big increases were recordediToronto, 320 in Vancouver and jin the number of murder, break-|115 in Edmonton and Winnipeg. ing and entering, theft and rob-| The number of thefts in- bery cases reported by police/creased to 159,209 from 144,999. jdepartments. A large proportion) Toronto listed 33,277 thefts, Van- jwere in the two cities of Mont-\couyer 14,212, Montreal 13,265 eal and Toronto. land Edmonton 8,072. Crime statistics for 1960 were) Breaking and entering of-| jissued today in a report by the/tences increased to 50,112 from jbureau of statistics. However,|45 369, he bureau noted that the infor-| 'The report showed a fluctua- mation published left much to| ' ; jtion in sex crimes. Offences of be desired in the way of com-lindecent assault on females in- leteness and uniformity. jcreased to 1,567 from 1,405, but The report listed a total of 118\rape offences declined to 250 jmurders in Canadian urban cen-|from 321 | jtres with populations of more! Toronto recorded 350 indecent! police officers increased to 1,- Robberies in 1960 totalled {| Moose-Car Crash cases were listed in Montreal, compared with 26 in Vancouver,' 25 in Toronto, and only three in Hamilton. Obstructions and assaults on 821 from 1,726; offences of forg- ery and fraudrose to 14,857 from 13,010; and assaults caus- ing bodily harm increased to 4,779 from 4,642- . Je Injures3 People ATIKOKAN (CP) -- Three Sapawe residents were brought to hospital here after the open sports car in which they were riding collided with a moose late Friday. f Jim Mathieu 28, presidenf' of Jim Mathieu Lumber Limited, suffered multiple |] acer ations and Dan Black, 35, accountant for Mathieu Lumber, had mul- tiple lacerations and concussion. Also bruised and shaken but released later from hospital was' Peter Mathieu, 16, brother of the lumber firm president. The mishap occurred about 58 miles west of the Lakehead. jthan 750, compared with 91 injassault offences but Montreal] i A KISS FOR THE VICTOR Harold Smith of Dayton, , a dirt track, the. first such |vears in the stock car field Ohio, puckers up for a big | race held here in several --(AP Wirephoto) kiss from buxom Miss June | -- pee Wilkinson after he won the WINE ONLY ! USEFUL DIGGINGS 190-mile ate model stock car) 14 TUQUE, Que. (CP)--This| VICTORIA (CP) -- Possibil race at Lakewood Speedway ; in Atlanta Sdpday. Miss Wil- |tw" 85 miles northwest of Que-lity of converting abandoned kinson, a blohd beauty from |bec City has decided to stick to;mines into fall - out. shelters England, reigned as queen of |wine at civic receptions, instead Should be studied by the gov the race, which was held on |of having a variety of alcoholic| s™ments it was suggested by F. A. Lister, civil defence co- drinks. The policy was inaugu-|ordinator. He said old mines 4 jrated at a recent congress of|could be stocked with food, wa Yk | DOWN the Knights of Columbus. iter and medical supplies. BUYS YOU CANADA SAVINGS BOND AT v 10 2 MILLION CANADIANS is BUY YOURS FOR CASH OR BY INSTALMENTS DOWN PAYMENT OF 5%-- $2.50 FOR A $50 BOND, $5 FOR A $100 BOND, ETC. BALANCE IN EASY INSTALMENTS OVER A YEAR BANK OF MOonTREAL Canadas First Sauk oss i 1959. Among large cities, there/only eight. However, 42 rape! The moose could not be found. Looking for reliable Fuel Oil delivery ? Don't choose blindfolded . . . phone 725-3581 and enjoy our careful, per- sonal service. Our Automatic Delivery System never lets you run out of oil, Your tank is kept filled to your needs. Call us now won't you? KGS, PHONE 725-3581 C ok for our sparkling ¢lean, yellow and green trucks seyen serve you, 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA REACH! Your Advertising in Newspapers Reaches Far More People. Every day 9 out of 10 of the nation's families get one or more newspapers. This means your news- paper advertisement can be seen by far more people than ean be reached through any other advertising medium. If you want to sell people you have to reach them. Newspapers give your advertising the longest reach of all. She Oshawa Times LOW PRICES ~~ WOOLWORTH'S YOUR "TRICK-OR-TREAT" HEADQUARTERS SPECIAL RAYON HALLOWE'EN CAT COSTUME EXCLUSIVE WITH WOOLWORTH'S REG. VALUE $1.98 WOOLWORTH wa" $147 HUNDREDS OF OTHER MODELS FROM $1.98 TO $2.98 SHELLOUT KISSES WOOLWORTH PRICE i QQe Zins. 79¢ BETTER QUALITY ENGLISH MIX-YOUR-OWN CANDY ASSORTMENT 5c KODAK FILM 127 or 620 SIZE REG. PRICE 60c WOOLWORTH PRICE TUCK TAPE CELLULOSE TAPE 700 INCHES DISPENSER STOCK UP NOW ON GENERAL ELECTRIC GUARANTEED LIGHT BULBS WE CARRY ALL POPULAR SIZES Order by Phone 725-3421 One Day In Advance BIRTHDAY and ANNIVERSARY CAKES At Least 3 WEDDING CAKES 2-Tier ....... $11.00 Day's Notice " Required For. ., Made from Delicious Fruit Coke 3-Tier ....... $19,00 WOOLWORTH' ho,