MR. NORTH AMERICA New holder of the Mr. North America title is 22- year-old Mike Ferraro of Buf- By THE CANADIAN PRESS The Eastern Football Confer- fence playoff race tightened up during the weekend but nothing was settled except that Mont- real Alouettes are out. |hands of league - leading Ham- jilton Tiger . Cats left the Als |six points behind Toronto Argo- |nauts, 21-7 victors over Ottawa |Rough Riders Saturday, with jonly two games remaining. The Ticats' win gave them a four - point margin over the second - place Riders and guar- anteed them a share of first place -- but not a bye into the \final. Ottawa, only a single point ahead of Toronto, can still jeatch the Ticats with two vic- ;event would get the nod by vir- jtue of having defeated the Ti- iger - Cats in all of their three meetings. The Argonauts, left for dead jafter a 37-10 trouncing by Ham- ilton the previous week, e THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 23, 1961 J] | Rote Mixes Plays To Smash Ottawa day wilh a revamped lineup and a couple of their brightest stars on the sick list. They came up with their best - balanced attack of the season and never gave the 18,589 Ottawa fans much Sunday's 15-5. defeat at the|ho SERVE DOUBLE DUTY Art Johnson and Jim Roun- tree went into the backfield in addition to their regular turns at defensive half. Johnson flanked while Dave Mann moved to the inside halfback spot to replace the injured Dick Shatto. Bobby Kuntz took over at fullback while Cookie Gil- christ was used only defensively as roving end and linebacker. Toronto quarterback Tobin Rote clicked on 12 of 18 passes for 179 yards compared with nine of 21 and 184 yards by Russ Jackson and Ron Lancas- ter. Johnson took a 13-yard pass from Rote for one touchdown and set up another by recover- ing Dave Thelen's fumble on the Ottawa eight. Rote, who falo, N.Y. He won the crown over 12 other competitors in Quebec City during the week- -- into the capital Satur- elected to rol! out on several |17-7 VICTORY | end. At home, Mike works with his father, a restaurant operator. NEW WOODBINE RACE CHARTS) Copyright, 1961 by McMurray Publishing Co. (Dally Racing Form) SATURDAY, OCT. 21, 1961 First Race @ Furlongs. Purse $1800, Three years Horse % Limbo Dancer "Me Tee Shirt : First Lead Consortage Tedette Last Challenge Helio Fox Chopita Tort 116 8 Refused Winner ak b f '4 Windfields -- Tri-Sure. Start good, won driving CLOUDY AND FAST 10-LIMBO DANCER .... 13.60 6.60 4.40) 3-TEE SHIRT . 5.10 3.50} 9-FIRST LEAD -. 3.80 and up. Claiming all $2500 Str. Fin. Jockey Owner 1-3% 1-4 Harrison -- Arjay Sta 2-2% 2-3% Parnell -- Saliba 3-nk 3-% McComb -- Mrs. Morrison '3 41%, Robinson -- Armedam Sta 5-4 Fitzsim's -- Clark 6-2% Hale -- Lawand -4%4 Potts -- Brooks - Dittfach -- Hendrie Stadnyk -- Brener Trainer K. G. Nicholds Pool 49,804 Double Pool 86 837 Second Race Horse WePPst % %*% 11-LITTLE WELCH %VEE GEE CEE 10-MICHALENA Str. Fin, Jockey | Owner @% Furlongs, Parse $1800, Three years _ up. Claiming all $2500 Little Welch Vee Gee Cee Michalena Amber Atom Scotch Fairie Ariel's Best Navy Grand Seducteur Early Mischief 1- 11- Full Front ' 5-2% 4h Wilwyn Street . 1109 8 5 91% 10-% Winner ch g 6 Eddie Welch -- All Start good, won driving - W111 2 +h 2% +116 9 3 61 62% -» 10010 1 Ink 1-1 - 14 eae 113 1% + 116 Vs 9-5 ch 3-4 +» 105 rh 5-2 -h 8-1 nk 1-% 1% Gomez --Russell 3-1 2-1%4Hale -- Mrs. Cardy 2. 3-1% Watters -- Paolone 5-1 42% Harrison -- Stafford Fm 6 5-1% Remillard -- Friend 4-1% 6-1% Potts -- Johnson 7-1 no Griffiths -- "Jacobs 8-1 8-2% Dalton -- W DSta 10-1%49-1 Dittfach--Early Misch'f Sta 9-1% 10-1 Robinson -- Maloney ll- ii- Armstrong -- Atkinson Ready Yet, Trainer F, W. Russell Pool 89,051 DAILY DOUBLE 10 and 11 PAID $68.10 = Race 8 gee Rocket 110 Mr Ki . 123 What's ? Behind | Winner b f 4 Tahitian King -- Side Road Start good, won driving. 7-PAULPOLLY 19.50 7.60 5.00 ++ 7.30 5.30 6.70 . Fin. Jockey 1-1% Statinyk--N. dae rm 2% Dittfach--W C Pitfield 3-no Har'son--Dew Valley F'm 4-% Griffiths--E, Weiss Potts--E C Pasquale -1% Boulmetis--Mrs M Fishm'n -1% Armst'g--Bage, Kearney "y '5% McComb--G B Gilkyson 9- 9- Dalton--Mrs M Fishm'n Trainer G Magnusson. Pool 108,253. Fourth Race 1% Miles, purse ~ oy S-year-olds and Horse PP Pancho's First Prince Porter Bon Reply Mac's Trophy Mayfair Mews Pen Wise Lovely Susy .. Bewildered - Winner dk b g 4 Pancho--Tin Loon. Start good, won driving ts 113 115 » 15 - 113 - 107 5-PANCHO'S FIRST 13.40 6.70 3.60 |Indust. Basketball | Michigan State | Practise Tuesday The Oshawa Industrial Basket-| jball League will hold its second By | practice of the season, Tuesday, 9.00 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS| /October 24, beginning at Michigan State rebounded in p.m. at Simcoe Hall. the second half and ground out |a 17-7 decision over Notre Dame Players wishing to play in| Saturday to lead a parade of} the league this year are urged IU.S. college football's top teams to be on hand to be placed on! to expected victories, th arious teams or contact ; ay Of the 10 teams in the cur- 1 4 ter information. mee for, tur- rent Associated Press weekly |poll, only Wayne State ye Dame was ranked No. Top Varsity Oarsmen gan State. Arkansas, tied for No. 10 with Louisiana State, fell before Texas, 33-7. But Texas is No. 3 and has eyes on the South- west Conference title and an even higher spot in the national two were beaten--| 1 team in the country in Michi- Raps Notre Dame | East Holy Cross 17 Dartmouth 13 Boston College 22 Villanova 6 Penn 7 Brown 0 Colgate 15 Princeton 0 /Yale 12 Cornell 0 Columbia 26 Harvard 14 Army 51 Idaho 7 Buffalo 30 Temple 3 Midwest Ohio State 10 Northwestern 0 Minnesota 33 Illinois 0 Michigan 16 Purdue 14 Oklahoma State 14 Nebraska 6 Missouri 13 Iowa State 7 Indiana 33 Washington State 7 Kansas 10 Oklahoma 0 South Georgia Tech 7 Auburn 6 N. Carolina 17 S. Carolina 0 Clemson 17 Duke 7 Forest 0 North Carolina State 7 Wake plays rather than pass from the} pocket as is 'his custom,! sneaked over from the one for! the score and Kuntz got another ouchdown on a short dive over centre. Two converts by Wes Gideon and a single by Mann rounded out Toronto's scoring, Ottawa's only tally came from Gilles Ar- chambault, who rambled 32) yards afte r Jim Reynolds| blocked a Mann punt. Gary) Schreider conevrted. | FUMBLES HURT ALS Harvilton's first Sunday game, was largely a dull, toe-to-toe de-| fensive battle for the 22, 723 | spectators. The Tiger - Cats| couldn't break it open until the) final quarter with the help of | two Montreal fumbles. The Alouettes were ahead 5-3) at the half on a 45-yard field) goal by Bobby Jack Oliver and singles by Bill Bewley and Jack Espenship after Hamilton's Don) Sutherin had opened the game) with a 1ll-yard field goal. | Another single by Sutherin off) a field goal try had narrowed | the gap to 5-4 when Ron Ray | recovered a George Dixon fum- ble at midfield. The Ticats) marched to the two from where fullback Gerry McDougall | crashed over. Sutherin con- verted. Ed Learn's fumble, recovered | by Larry Hickman, paved the| ay for Sutherin's second field | goal with five minutes left and | quarterback Bernie Faloney | closed out the game by kicking | a single. | WINTERIZE DOMINION TIRE 6, but ran up against the No. LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Oars- men from Wayne State Univer- sity conserved their energy for a sudden burst of power to de- feat the University of Western the featured varsit y heavy- weight race at an intercollegi- ate rowing regatta. Crews from Waterloo Univer- sity and the University of Tor- onto 'also took part in the an- nual fall regatta at Fanshawe Lake. Toronto was third in the fea- tured event. Time for the mile was 5:19. Western crews won the junior varsity eights over Wayne in 7-PRINCE PORTER 4-BON REPLY » up, claiming all $2, 300. Str. Fin. Jockey Owner 1-h_ 1-1% Robinson--H Corneillie 2-1% 2-2% Remillard--J W Smallw'd 3-h 3-2 Dittfach--Brockie, McNell'n 4% Hale--Short, Waterman 5-2% Sandover--H Katz 6-3% Parnell D A Conny 7-no Har'son--Mrs Von -- Rich'n 8- Morreale--T Anderson . 5.80 3.20 2.60 Trainer T N Patton Pool 117,145, Fifth Race 1 1-16 Miles, sabe $2,700, 3-year-olds Horse t PP st % be J Wonderwine Pe Sabraon Cyprian Cat Palenque 3rd . Chops On 104 2: Treasure Quest 113 2 4 5-nk 5-h Winner ch g 5 Wonder Why 2nd -- Spun Start good, won driving. A Yes 107 114 117 S-WONDERVINE . 1-SABRAON 4CYPRIAN CAT and up, allowances. Str. Fin, Jockey Owner 1-2% 1-% Har'son--Stafford F'm 5-4 2h Parnell--Vis. Hardinge 2-1 3-1% Dalton--C G Uteck } 3-h 4-nk Adams--Green,° Pink hig 5-3%Robinson--C Smythe 6- Potts--R, J Howe wine. Trainer J Passero. Pool 62,016, Quinella Pool 61,774. 17.30 7.00 3.20 7.70 3.70 2.50 QUINELLA 5 and 1 PAID $119. 80 Sixth Race One and one-sixteenth miles $13 450). Horse Parse we PP St % Admiral Gano Tamatoa Roman Dipper Spurned an Wilcock Aurora Fox Flaven : Can Add .. Vase a Puss n Boots .. n Airco War 119 3 11 12- Dashing Bob 122 10 12 11-1 11-2 Winner ch ¢, 2 Crafty Admiral -- Start good, won driving. AL GANO .. 15.60 9.60 8.10 15.40 10.80 5- ADMIRAL GANO 6-TAMATAO 1-ROMAN DIPPER 8 $10,000 added. Two-year-olds. (Gross Str. Fin, Jockey Owner -2 1-1% Remillard -- D G Ross 31% 2-% Boulmetis--Lazy FRanch 2-nk 3-3% Robinson -- C Smythe 5-1% 4-nk Ruane--Kingfield Farm 4-2\% 5-2% Dalton -- P Shawhan 8-214 6-% Fitz'6ns --~Windfields Fm 7-no Dittfach--Stafford Farm 1 8-3% Valenzuela--F R Conklin 1 9nk Gomez -- Bill Beasley 9-1 10-h Adams -- R and W Gian 12- 11-h_ Broussard -- L Lear 11-% 12- Hale -- Pine Tree Sta Reighs Request. Trainer A. Pool 120,557. 7-1 6- 0. Seventh Race 1% miles, Marshall turf course. Purse $ (Gross $57,500). Horse Our Jeep Wolfram re Prompt Hero Harmonizing Wise Command Song of Even ... Ramsay 2nd ... Reluctant Deb . Winner ch g, 4, War Jeep -- Vamp. Start good, won driving. 2-OUR JEEP 9-WOLFRAM . 4-PROMPT HERO ... 3.80 $50,000 added. Three-year-olds and up. Str. Fin. Jockey Owner 1-2% I-nk Boulmetis -- J M Schiff 3-% 3-2% Valenzuela--Harbor View 4-3 3-2% McComb -- P Del Greco 6-1% 4-4 Broussard -- B Ferrari 2h 5-no Gomez -- L Lear 5-nk 6-nk Fitz'ons -- Windfields Fm 7-2 7-5% Hale -- G R Gardiner & 8 Ruane -- J Simon Trainer' 0. T. Dubasoff, Pool 161,577, Eighth Race One and one-sixteenth miles, Horse Prince Tour ... Winby Popsaysno . Ribola ..... Whitville Pillan Mapu : Prince d'Irlande a Grey Dust ° Winner b ¢, 3, ise Start good, won driving. 969,280. Attendance 21,189. Total Mutuel Pool, 30 days, $13 949,697. Purses WtPpP st % \ 5 74 5-1 Oe teed Neatean SREP L Pea. "0 BT ps 2 3 ady 1-PRINCE TOUR .... 20.20 9.30 6.00 5-WINBY i 17.60 7.60 7-POPSAYSNO 4.60 32,400, 3. and A-yearolds. Allowances, Str Fin. Jockey Owner 22% 1-1% Griffiths--uxiana Farm 1-% 2nk Stadnyk--Windy Acres Fm 3-1 3-1% Hale -- J Tomlinson 4-1%4 4% Adams -- Windfields Fm 5-1% 54 Parnell -- A G Hedges 6-3 6-7% Remillard--McMacken 7-5% Dittfach -- S Desnoyers 8- Harrison--Mrs H Trotsek oes Trainer J. J, Mooney Sr. Pool 112 266. Total Pool Total Attendance, 30 days, 385,554, Sta Hamilton Grabs Junior A Opener MONTREAL (CP) -- Third- period goals by Joe Budjosa and Pit Martin -- his second of the game -- gave Hamilton Red Wings a 4-2 victory over Mont- real Junior Canadiens in the opening game of the Ontario} Hockey As ociation Junior Aj League: The Canadiens, making their|period and was taken to hospi- |chosen, Mrs. debut in the fast six - team On-! tario loop, outshot Hamilton 35-32 but were turned back time and again by Buddy Blom's fine goaltending. Lowell MacDonald scored Hamilton's fourth goal and also assisted on the two by Martin. Rejean Richer set up Ger- main Gagnon for Montreal's first goal and then scored the! other one himself. Jacques Laperriere, Montreal team captain, suffered a knee} injury near the end of the first! tal for x-rays, LTaylor. "Burnley now has 21 points from| Kingston ~|13 games. West Ham has 17/ Kitchener 5:43, the varsity lightweights jover Toronto in 5:31 and the |Boston three - quarters - mile four-man| crew event. Toronto defeated Western in a close battle in the freshmen eights. Time was 5:26. Wayne finished third, Waterloo fourth. Rowing officials hope the fall meet will develop into the re- cognized and sanctioned East- ern Canadian rowing champ- ions fought by Canadian univer. sities. Burnley Leads West Ham Via Shot By Harris LONDON (AP)--Burnley Sun- day shot into a four-point lead| ings--thanks to a blazing drive| Burnley a 2-1 victory over Car- diff City and left his team wel ahead of West Ham United. | points, The upset of fhe day was the defeat of English League cham- pions Tottenham Hotspur at|§ Ipswich--a team promoted to/ Diivsion I just this season. the uEropean Cup, led 2-1 at the half. Then Ipswich centre | forward Ray Crawford put in two in the second half. Fulham defeated West Ham United 2-0 and halted West! Ham's bid to challenge Burnley for the leadership of Division I. tw New Trophy Case At Harman Park The October meeting of the Harman Park Neighborhood |Association was held recently jin the club house with Mr. Fred Carey presiding. Mr. Carey announced that the Trophy Case had pleted and that it is a_hand- some addition to the building. Jim Curran, sports chairman, | reported that the hockey for| the park team would start Nov. 11 and he asked for helpers during the coming season. | Mr. Carey stated that Past| |Presidents' Night is to be held} at the CRA on Nov. 4: Two new |council representatives were Joan Curran ant | Mrs. Louise Kornick ~~ | Rochester Tottenham, England's team in| been com-! ratings. Second - ranked Mississippi easily defeated Tulane 41-0. Iowa, No. 4, trounced Wiscon- in 47-15 and Alabama, No. 5, Ontario by a nose Saturday in/¥lasted Tennessee 34 - 3 in a Southeastern Conference con- test. Other results included: Georgia 10 Mississippi State 7 Far West UCLA 20 Pittsburgh 6 Maryland 21 Air Force 0 South West Rice 10 Southern Methodist 0 Texas Tech 19 Baylor 17 Texas Christian 15 Texas A and M HOCKEY SCORES, STANDINGS SNOW TIRES" By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League (LT F A Pts. 1 22 12 1 29 25 118 8 3 23 20 3 15 16 1 21 47 Saturday's Results Boston 2 Montreal 6 Chicago 1 Toronto 1 New York 4 Detroit 4 Sunday's Results Detroit 5 New York 4 Toronto 9 Boston 1 Montreal 3 Chicago 2 Wednesday's Game Chicago at New York American League Western Division WLT F A Pts. (2 838 8 42016 § 8 Cleveland 240 12 2 4 Pittsburgh 056 517 0 Eastern Division WLT F A Pts. S10: U6 310 20 11 6 2207 us 2 Montreal New York Toronto Detroit \Chicago Buffalo Providence Springfield Hershey Quebec 138 73 Saturday's Results Buffalo 2 Cleveland 0 |Quebec 1 Hershey 6 over West Ham United in the|Rochester 4 Pittsburgh 2 English Soccer League stand- Providence 3 Springfield 6 Sunday's Results from left wing Gordon Harris. |Hershey 2 Buffalo 4 The 20-yard shot by Harris| Quebec 2 Providence 5 late in the second half gave| Cleveland 5 Rochester 2 Tuesday's Game i) Pocnnenter, at Quebec Eastern Professional League WET PF A Fe 40017 1 23 6 2 13 11 1 35 2 14 2 Hull-Ottawa 1 Sudbury 1 aaa Bay 3 0 13 . S. Marie 6 0 16 37 Saturday's Results Sault Ste. Marie 3 Kingston 8 North Bay 3 Kitchener 6 Buy 2 Dominion Royal Win- terides GET EXTRA WHEEL FREE ! Wheels available for most cars. Hurry while supply lasts! Sunday's Results Sault Ste- Marie 3 Hull-Ottawa 5 Kitchener 2 North Bay 5 Tonight's Game Kingston at Sudbury OHA Senior WLT F A Pts. Chatham Strathroy 1951 CHEVROLE best running cars on the lot ..... 1951 BUICK SED 9168. One of the ed | "45 - 125 5195 B5698. ~ $995 $395 M5 £995 185 $985 $545 5795 5795 SOLD SOLD 1952 MONARCH A99845, It runs! SOLD . 1953 FORD SEDAN BAGH COVEIGEIVG ob ives. Ke oe 1953 PONTIAC 4-DOOR.--B10034. Top mechanical condition. Radio 1955 CHEVROLE SOLD Needs some body work . . 1955 DODGE SEDAN -- B10269 V8 engine, radio, etc. .... 1955 FORD SEDA SOLD Radio, good condit 1955 DODGE SEDAN -- AN -- 1955 PREFECT S$ B24805 SOLD 1955 FORD CONVERTIBLE -- H2828, Custom radio 1956 DODGE SEDAN -- B2144. Radio, automatic 1957 DODGE SEDAN -- B26225. V8 engine, automatic, radio 1958 DODGE SEDAN -- 172916. 4-door sedan with custom radio 1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR 4-door with V8 | 295 engine, auto., (overhauled) radio (A91529) . 70! REAL USED CAR VALUES -- ee 1961 Corvair Monza Sedan (759596). Only 5,000 miles, full war- ranty.Shade light glass, Leva. * lights, radio, power-glide, whitewalle, wheel discs, window washers ond many other extras $ 1960 VAUXHALL CUSTOM. 1960 Bucket seats. (B5378) Oldsmobile "9g" Holiday 4-door Hardtop (16209), Fully power equipped . . . eutoma- tic lubrication » . electric windows. Talk about $3145 value! finish. (42697X) . just had valve job, Sharp. (B8429) show shape. (B13490) Windsor St. Thomas Sarnia BATTERIES radio, Clean (108694) . Stratford Woodstock Waterloo Galt 11 MS9, 12 volt Guard Bat- teries with 24 month uar- antee. 54 plate. Fit Chev- rolet, Pontiac, Plymouth and Dodge from '57 to '62 14.95 EXCHANGE coosocookHreeE, He mOoooooe ecocoocooecscoe 7 6 3 0 0 0 2 2 3 NRWMSOSSCONNLW ecesoomnn Saturday's Results Galt 3 Chatham 7 Waterloo 2 Strathroy 6 Sunday's Result Woodstock 2 Windsor 3 Tuesday's Game Stratford at Woodstock OHA Junior A WLT F A Pts. SPECIAL! PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE Hamilton Guelph N. Falls Peterboro 1959 CHEVROLE) matic, power stee (A985 14) 1958 PONTIAC : gine, automatic, brakes. (65817X). 1958 CHEVROLE with radio. (A974 1960 Corvair Sedan (A92331). automatic, loaded with extras! With radio, etc. Just : $1845 (A93636) 2.60 car St. Cath. Montreal Sunday's Result Hamilton 4 Montreal 2 Thursday's Game Montreal at Peterborough Guelph at Hamilton NHL LEADERS BUDGET TERMS NO OUTSIDE FINANCING model, Next to new'. DOMINION TIRE STORES By THE CANADIAN PRESS Standing: Montreal, won 4, lost 0, tied 1, points 9; New York won 4, lost 3, tied 1, points 9. - Points: Bathgate, New York, Goals: Litzenberger, Detroit, Backstrom, Montreal, 6. Assists: Bathgate 11. Shutouts: None. Penalties: Armstrong, Boston, 20 minutes. I 48 BOND WEST | (Corner of Church) 725-6511 zs now. Beautify your home the modern, fune- ticnal way; clean, durable ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS last a housetime. Inquire W.B. BENNETT PAVING LTD. radio. 2-tone (822182) ... 1959 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON -- 4-door model with V8 engine, automatic, 2-tone ne $1745 1959 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR. lanieanses SOLD SOLD ° SOLD 1957 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN. 4-door model with V8 engine, radio, Like new! 1957 CHEVROLET BEL AIR. 2-door (A907 17) 1957 OLDSMOBILE 2-DOOR Hydramatic, "1445 1959 HILLMAN CONVERTIBLE -- With radio... 1959 CHEVROLET BELAIR SEDAN. In *1695 "1645 * model with auto- ee 1TH IN. With V8 en- me. 8495 cee 1345 1245 $995 1957 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE with radio. (207831) ... "1275 N V8, automatic, °795 $745 $345 "675 *645 1956 CHEVROLET 2-door model with radio. $745 1956 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN. 4-door with radio, hydramatic, Very clean. (B8027) $ (BOON) Gee bs cess cues Genk ks 745 1956 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR SEAR Ty 1956 PONTIAC S$ radio, power steer 1956 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4-door with automatic and radio. (A98733) radio, (B4879) 1955 CHEVROLET DELUXE 4-door sedan. 1955 PONTIAC 2-door with radio (B2940) (89555) <. 1955. CHEVROLET 2-door (65039)... ee oe $ 845 1956 CHEVROLET DELUXE. 4-doo, (A91153) (6D081X) ..5.. SOLD 1955 PONTIAC CE SOLD v8 Really sharp, (A93710) 1955 CHEVROLET 2-door. (A91352) . 1959 Oldsmobile Super "88" SOLD 1959 Buick Hardtop 4-door model vuineee Fully power equipped, Radio and aa | 845 many extras 1958 Buick Wagon SOLD 1958 Oldsmobile Super "98" SOLD Ontario Motor 140 BOND WEST LIMITED 725-6507