Oshawa Cemeter The funeral service for His\high school. After gradua * |MC, who died at the family|Schools, he graduated ' |residence in Lindsay last Satur-|Osgoode Hall in 1916, ' \day in his 73rd year, will be| His diploma _ safely wiheld at the Mackey Funeral/away, Judge McGibbon |Home, Lindsay, at 8.30 p.m. to-|diately left. for overseas |day. A further service will be|the 157th Simcoe Foresters 4 fr held in St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa, at 2.30 p.m. Tuesday. Interment will be in Oshawa Union Cemetery Judge McGibbon is survived by his wife, the former Mil- dred Ellis, and a son, Donald, of He fought ih the Battle Toronto Also surviving is a Vimy Ridge and received brother, Norman, of Richmond Military Cross at Cambrai Hill. was decorated by King He was predeceased by a sis-\V in London in 1919 ter, Helen and three brothers, Returning to Canada, he o Finley, Archibald and David ed a law practice in Oshaw 920. y Cr , RETIRED IN JULY 1920, He was also Crown A Judge McGibbon, who had © |been in failing health for three 4 lyears, retired as county court jjudge for Victoria. County in weer July of this year, after 28 years in that office. He was a former resident of Oshawa prior to his jappointment to the Victoria! »residing County Bench and was for a His number of years Crown Attor- boating, fishing and ney for Ontario County His wife, the former Born June 4, 1889 in Penetan-/ [ellis of Oshawa, guishene, he completed his early|ried in 1924, is an accompli education at local publie and! pianist lier Frost and his brother, C Frost. Arriving overseas, was seconded to the 2tst talion AT VIMY RIDGE years. On June 2, 1933, he appointed a King's Counsel On Sept. 21, 1933,. Judge on Oct. 27, 1933, with the Judge Robert Ruddy of Wh THE MEMBERS OF Ontario Regiment tion, who gathered in Oshawa | last Saturday, took time out | from their business sessions to pay tribute to their fallen comrades who made the su- preme sacrifice in the de. | the Associa- fence of King and country, The delegates, from many | sections of the United States and Canada paraded from the armories to Memorial | Park where a wreath was laid on the Garden of the Unfor- | gotten. The veterans are seen in the upper picture drawn | up in front of the cenotaph. In the lower picture James Montgomery, left, president of the Toronto branch, is as- sisted by Oshawa branch president Dan Mathews in the laying of the wreath. ~Cosnawa Times Pro's) Driver Cut Charge Pair Ontario Regiment Veterans In Collision With Assault Renew Many Friendships "Once a Black Cat -- Always\dian Armoured Regiment) was' first name," involved in a collision with al NV a Black Cat" is the slogan of|the senier regiment. said, car, driven by Stanley Garfield| the Ontario Regiment. This was| iq. Gordon B. Attersley at-| A lucky draw was held after Gordon, 20, 1397 Ritson road proven by some 300 former tended the dinner as Tepresenta-|the dinner. Winner of 'The Gal-!north, Sunday night members of the unit who at- tive of Mayor Christine Thomas.|lon of Whisky" was Cpl. T. L.| 'The accident occurred at the tended the 13th annual reunion Although he had been told of|Cottrell, 110 Wellington street, corner of Ritson road and Hill- of the Coratio gone ~~ the event on short notice, he! Whitby. croft. street about 9.40 p.m. ciation during the weekend in said, the city of Oshawa had , ' 3 the Oshawa Armouries. been able to provide some good| HEAD TABLE GUESTS gg dl Witc Hien af The Ontario Regiment Asso- weather. In answer to the alder-| Seated at the head table were: Gihawe Police Desathsent. eiation's membership is made' man, Jim Smart, a member of|Percy Barnes; former RSM H.} D a . tt ee 4 rhs up of Second World War vet-\the Reunion Committee, paid| Davies; present RSM W. Miline; | desiertial rohan tee ca a erans, officers, warrant officers tribute to Oshawa. J. Montgomery; D. Mathews; | WaS caused when two cars col- and enlisted men, who saw ac- "As you can see, Oshawa is|Alderman G. B. Attersley; H. Une St Ue pened of Simcoe tion in Sicily, Italy and North expanding," he said. "There are|SClt; Maj. D. Harnden; Maj. and Aberdeen streets early Sun- Western Europe. better roads, better buses. Only|W- Paynter, Acting Lt.-Col. for day morning. the price of beer has remained the evening; Waldo Smith, the The cars were driven by Ro- MEMORY RECALLED the same." |regiment's former padre. man Beluszek, 16, 388 Nipigon Many an old story was recall- : A parade took place Saturday|avenue, and William Lee, 21, ed as the men sat down for a WELL COMMANDED afternoon when a wreath was|147 Brock street east, Oshawa.| hearty turkey dinner Saturday; Padre Waldo Smith, who was laid at the cenotaph in Memor-|Constable R. Jemison of Osh-| night. Memories came back, with the regiment in Italy, said|ial Park by James Montgomery, | awa Police Department investi-|the time. happy ones and sad ones that the regiment had been very| president of the Toronto Chap-| gated the accident. H. (Red) Scott, vice-president well commanded. If it had not/ter of the ORA, assisted by Dan! In another accident Sunda of the Oshawa Chapter of the been for an excellent group of Mathews, president of the Osh morning, a car driven by Har-|tioned Cornish length Ontario Regiment Association, officers, casualties might have awa Chapter. old Arthur Tubb, 37, 215 Clarke|also produced a witness, who chaired the dinner, asked been much higher, street, collided with a parked|liam Freeman of Oshawa, for two minutes of silence for, That many of the men had an the late Brig. William (.|equally high esteem of their offi- Murphy, DSO, CBE, who died in cers but specially of their com- Vancouver early Saturday. Brig manding officer, "Lt.-Col. Mur- hobbies have cur Henry Allan Mooney, 49, 74 |Pontiac avenue, Oshawa, was |! 86 William reated for facial lacerations at| Oshawa General Hospital, and) Coyrt Friday on later released after his car was assaulting William Cornish street awa, appeared in west, Magistr: one of the veterans Cornish testified he retu Oct. 15 and found the | on in his apartment an crowd of people inside. He out Bradica hit him in the Rockbrune kicked him in face and back. He was Hospital for cuts and abras Cornish told the court when he tried to call the p: from his apartment, som There were approximately Bradica and Rockbrune at LETTERS PATENT Letters patent of tion, dated Sept. 7, 207 Gliddon avenue, on Huron| Man" strike Cornish from i been street. Total estimated damage| find with ne force. 'He have been|.. 7 Site ,./tew towards me', Free ; 4 >..;was $700. Constabl Ss - , Murphy was commanding offi-/ray Johnston was evident issued to All Survey Real Es den invealacted e B. Snow said cer of the First Canadian He used to curse and bark/tate Ltd., of Oshawa.,. it is re- oer nale sit Armoured Brigade, of which the us all over the place, and look|ported in the current issue of Ontario Regiment (11th Cana-'now, they are calling him by his The Ontario Gazette O'Neill Blanks | Whitby High p 1 y 1g named only as 'Pat', WHITBY Oshawa O'Neill they had met at the Collegiate defeated Whitby Hen- Constable B. ry Collegiate 19-0 in a Lake-|r. : Tew shore Junior COSSA football fied he found Cornish with b league game at Henry Colleg-| ing iate on October 21 | In the first quarter, fullback Bob Simpson dashed around the end to score O'Neill's first touch- down. There was no score in the second quarter, but half-back Ken Brack of O'Neill went 75 yards for a TD, Unfortunately, a penalty was called at the line of scrimmage and the touchdown was not al- lowed Late in the third quarter, full- back Bob Simpson rounded the end once more and accounted for his second TD, In the fourth quarter, quarter- back Ian McNamee scored the last 'major on a quarterback At Claremont sneak which went 25 yards. Wayne Cheeseman converted The guest one out of the three touchdowns, Claremont CELEBRATING wir 2 BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays today Douglas Manning, 370 Jar- vis street Phone 723-3474 incorpora- 30th of the accused and they had been to a dance party going Ww on Cornish apartment by al a dance of "a sore jaw" the time, he said Rockbrune sitting some friends, when he was ing Cornish to hospital treatment Cornish identi Rockbrune at the police sta later, he said Magistrate F Later he S Ebb speaker at United services Dickson, minister of Ce In the morning there wz cial music by the junior senior choirs led by their or Mrs. J. Anonby and a sung by H. Dean ist was | DURHAM TOBACCO GROWERS RANGE HIGH Claremont, Rev. Dr. A Cresswell, spoke in Centre St Unitéd Church, particularly \the Woman's Missionary Neiety members There were large tions: at both morni Eastern Ontario growers ex- | ton; Jake Van sibit samples of tobacco which | placed them high among the winners in the recent CIL to- bacco competition at the Nor- folk County Fair at Simcoe. | Left to right, they are Cor- nelius Van Dam, RR 2, Burke- Dam, RR1,\ cord field of 86 entries of Pontypool and George Van | Which 15 were from eastern Ontario. It is the' first time Dam, RR 2, Pontypool. At | growers from this region of right is Ross Gilbart, CIL re- | the province have exhibited at presentative at Orono. The | Simcoe, signifying the in- Van Dam brothers, who grow | creasing importance of east- some 150 acres of tobacco be-| ern Ontario as tween them, competed in a re-! ing area. NOVELTY SECTION LONDON (CP)--Included in what the Patent Office calls its "funnies file" portable gun that fires square|Church was attractively de a tobacco grow- |bullets, a musical toilet roll and|ated with harvest fruits and an anti-thumb sucking device. |getables and flowers Honor Judge John A. McGibbon,|from the University of Toronto stored imme- with George ney of Ontario County for many Gibbon was appointed Victoria County judge and was sworn in included) pers. Mildred stone avenue, was arrested by|0ld' Oshawa motorist lies ser-|has facial injuries. whom he mar-/ Constable Howard run out into \Street and David J. Rockbrune,|clutching the money. charges , 460 fontrave avenue, Oshawa. home from a visit to Bowman- could ville at one a.m. on Sunday, | enou that when he told them to get : hij, ins lot, with the help of and knocked him down. While '® . re he was on the ground, he said, | 2°") and took him to the treated at the Oshawa Genera] | Pear in magistrate's court this|the concert hal} of the McLaugh-| holm. tore the phone from the _wall. 20 people in the apartment at y\ ducting their own defence ques- car, owned by Hugh Shields,| testified that he saw "a blond witness Freeman told the c evening and had been told there w (whom |Community Chest. Frauts testi-|/take on his forehead and complain-| thes Bradica work. They provide healthy and was standing in the driveway at/ Creativ in a car with/ and body and counsel for trou- resery ed judgment until Monday Oct 23 Takes Service Chur Sunday, in the morning and at night was the Rev. Warren G. Street United Church, Oshawa. S spe gan.|28er of the Greater Oshawa gan- In the morning the ministe congrega- ng and even-|Col. R. §. McLaughlin are plans for aling services and the Claremont} Anons Ghe Oshawa Zimes SECOND SECTION To Present La Boheme Tn Oshawa The Canadian Opera Company will present Puccini's beloved opera, La Boheme in Oshawa April 4, 1962. The opera, being | brought to Oshawa by the Cana- jdian Concert Association, will j}be sung in English. | The plot of the opera centres jaround the life of four charac- ters who ply the paths of a Bo- hemian: existence in a section of Paris and a young girl who is wasting away with consump- tion. The Canadian Opera Company is Canada's first professional repertory company which has brought great operas of the world to Canadians from coast to coast. Over a period of 12 years the Canadian Opera Com-} pany has won public and critical} acclaim for its annual season of} # opera in Toronto and for its per-| § formances across Canada and abroad. To our knowledge this is the In| first operatic performance to be OSHAWA, ONTARIO, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1961 PAGE NINE 7 ting} om CARRIERS GIVEN HONOR CERTIFICATES Robert Norton, centre, of | were voted best carriers of 323 Verdun road, an Oshawa | the year. C, Gwyn Kinsey, ciation is happy to bring this; Times carrier - salesman for | managing editor, is shown opera to an Oshawa audience) more than five and a half | presenting the two Moser and, during the month of Oc- "ay | | tober memberships are being| years and George Kirtley, 310 | ing carriers with award of | tee shina j].| Mitchell avenue, an Oshawa | honor certificates in recognit- | sold by canvassers and at Wil- : eg | son and Lae Times carrier- salesman for | ion 'of their outstanding serv- | the past two and a half years | ice to their customers during | an exciting interlude with he|which to end the musical sea- Bat-' son The Canadian Concert Asso- the past year. Robert deliv- ers 87 papers daily and George delivers 94 papers. Award of honor certificates are present- ed annually in conjunction with National Newspaperboy Day. National Newspaperboy Day this year was Saturday. --Oshawa Times Photo. of the He pen a in ttor- Is Arrested AUTO HITS TREE. After Chase Oshawa Motorist Suffers An Oshawa man was arrested late|and charged with robbery late! vse wren e eTIOUS Multiple Injuries chase through weekend shop- WHITBY (Staff) -- A 38-yYear-)collar bone and jaw. was Mc ling Lorne Murray, 40, 73 Glad- He also nie ee the door It is believed that Johnson was headed south on the high- way shortly before 3 a.m. Sun- day when his car left the road, went through a ditch and struck a three-foot thick elm tree. The accident occurred a few feet north of the entrance to Kapushchinski's Store, about three miles north of Whitby. Whitby OPP Constable Doug- las Robinson investigated. the iously injured in Oshawa Gen-| 9 a.m. check with the hos- , ital tod evealed Johnson shed parking lot behind the Lancas-|eral Hospital today following alas iad red blood teanahistone: ter Hotel after he allegedly Sunday morning accident in| His doctor, Dr. .W G. Grant stole agg $90 from a ys re8-| which his car-struck a huge elm| of Brooklin, said ieee is "ex- ister in the Dominion Store on : i A pected to pull through". King street west i mae Highway 12; just. north) The force of the impact drove One of the cashiers in the|o! Whitby. |the left front corner of the car store told police she saw Mur-| Kenneth Johnson, 512 Phillip| back almost to the driver's seat. ray grab the money from the|Murray avenue, is reported on|Johnson was pried free of the ill, and when accosted by her,|the danger list with fractures| wreckage only after Provincial the street stilj/Of the ankle, thigh, pelvis, ribs,'police and passing motorists Piano And Voice Recital Pleasing Outstanding students of piano|ful to these two organizations|near the Soviet Embassy and voice were presented in re-|for their encouragement to the|against Premier Khrushchev"s cital Saturday evening. The oc-| young musicians of Oshawa. [proposal to explode a 50-mega- casion was the annual recital!' Following is the program: ton nuclear bomb, a citi- presented by the prize winning Grade I Piane -- Air, Handel;| Jt took 400 constables two Police/ pupils of the Oshawa Branch of| Paul Winkler. hours and 20 minutes to work arged.|the Ontario Registered Music| Grade II Piano their way down a line 200 yards to ap-|Teachers' Association, held in|/Song, Schubert long which blocked busy Bays- water Road, a main westbound traffic, artery leading from Lon- don's west end. One by one the sit-downers exchanged seats on the street for equally hard ones inside the woiting black marias. D. C. Cox in Osh-| The cashier ate's thief and of Cox, ran after the called to Constable who was on traffic duty at the corner of King and Cen- tre streets, to stop him. Consta- rned ble Cox tripped the man but not hold him long gh. to put the handcuffs on 500 Demonstrators Jailed In London LONDON (AP) -- Police carted away more than 500 ban- |the-bomb demonstrators Satur- jday during a sit-down protest ights! him, da Constable Cox pursued the Said thief along Centre street and fete finally tackled him in the park- the Station where he was ch later Murray was scheduled Slumber Theresa Lind- ions, | Morning. that olice eone lin Public Library. Grade III Piano -- Minuet in These students had all attain-'G, Bach; Nancy Walmsley and ed the highest marks in their) Winnifred Reid respective grades in the exam-| Grade IV Piano -- Ballade, inations held by the Royal Con-|Burgmuller; Diane Turton. Old servatory of Music of Toronto.| French Song, Tschaikovsky; All the prizes were given by/Ruth Young. the Kiwanis Cluh of Oshawa and| Grade V Piane -- Toccatina, presented by Murray Sparkes. |Kabalevsky; Ann Stiles. Of special interest was the} Grade VI Piano -- On Wings presentation of a gold medal by/of Song, Mendelssohn: Janice the Lyceum Club and Women's/Faint. Rondo, Pleayel; Vicki Art Association to Miss Sharon| Gerrow. Dale who received her ARCT| Grade VIL Piano munity Chest h so wl (Associate of the Royal Cou-| Schubert; Carolyn Faint. be: | hol hearted en pyreceived the| servatory of Music of Toronto); Grade VIII Piano -- Waltz Op. just | Wolehearted endorsation of the| degree. This presentation wasi69 No. 1 Chopin; Anna Dov. man aoe Archdeacon H. 'Imade by S. V. Barlow. | : everdon, rector of Christ Me- y ) PA j rate- the Morial Anglican Church. ie Chee cer eee | In his message to the people} ER of Oshawa and district he Says| is : "May I commend to you the| ork that is being done by the| the | various agencies which are help-| 8itlled by the Greater Oshawa| | Chest Drive Endorsed By Rector The Greater Oshawa Com- 15 to IG, Paderewski; Mary Henkel- man. Grade X Piano -- Valse in E Minor, Chopin; Glenda Varty, Grade IX Singing -- Sweet Chance, Michael Head and Jeru- salem, Mendelssohn; Mildred MacDonald ARCT Solo Performer -- Sonata in A Major, Mozart; Sharon Dale. con- and Wil- who Waltz, galev. : Grade IX Piand ~-- Minuet in ourt that ) "Again we are being asked to our fair share in raising necessary money to enable e agencies to continue their lood| the e activities for our chil- saw dren, help for the sick in mind tak. bled families for "The Community Chest helps fied | US to answer the question "Who tion)iS. my neighbor?" It gathers and distributes our gifts in prac- tical, acceptable ways. It makes a "good neighbor' out of every contributor to the chest. It en- ables us to do more than serve a few acquaintances in ways we choose ourselves, It enlarges our circle of. compassion and helps to satisfy our desire to be our brother's brother. "Let us all get behind this annual appeal and see that this ' year we go over the top." he -- pagubien ch Chest Nearing Half Way Mark Arthur Doyle, secretary-man- ntre and ania Community Chest announced at noon Friday that $90,457 had been contributed. This repre- sents approximately 42 per cent _ "lof the total objective of $215,000. Teel, Following are some of the '0' contributions received to date: ©0-' Canadian Welding Gases Ltd. $ 100.00 Local 2784, USWA 100.00 Loca) 1817, USWA 100.00 Gen. Motors of Canada, 46,000.00 20,000.00 250.00 150.00 100.00 r of % UNUSUAL ARTICLES OFFERED FOR SALE The members of the O'Neill ; band's trip to the United King: | Collegiate and Vocational | dom and Europe next sum- Band Saturday afternoon held | mer, Included in among the an auction sale on the school | articles was a baby carriage. campus when many useful and | John Krasinski is seen having unusual articles were offered | a ride in the carriage. Also for sale to raise money for the } in the picture, from left, are Marilyn Sleep, Ross Foote, Lorne Rich and Francis J. Francis, a son of the director of the band. Proceeds of the auction amounted to more than $250. ? --Oshawa Times Photo, Lid, mou cor-|0'Keefe Brewing Co. Jd Mackie's Van and Storage Lid Oshawa and Distriet Real Estate Board 125.00 |