ed in green satin featuring round necklines, short sleeves and bell skirts. Each wore a self water lily headdress with a veil. The flower girl was Miss on . for ' Terry Ann Craig in gold satin i with a matching hat. All the : a attendants carried nosegavs of Y yellow and bronze chrysanthe- : mums. Mr.. Ray Peters was best : CLOTH f man, Ushering were Messrs. Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 (William Fice and Robert Morri- son. @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, October 21, 1961 oh ee ee ee eee DRYER bride's mother wore mauve lace \ Given in marriage by her fa- : over taffeta with white accesso- Gertrude Fice ther, the bride was gowned injries- The bridegroom's mother| / | | ' white satin with a train. The|was in beige - brocaded satin | Bruce Morrison bodice was designed with ajwith beige accessories. Each . e round neckline and _lily-point|wore a corsage of roses. Sleeves. A petal headdress of| As the ccuple left for a wed- | Exchange Vows satin and pearls held her finger-|ding trip to Algonquin park the ' _ring|tip veil and she carried a bou-|bride was wearing a moss green Per Mgticege seo Miva ogi quet of red roses and white| wool three-piece suit with winter sd Chuneh venently: Gertiude chrysanthemums. white accessories and a cor- Mae Fice, dau ster 'a Mr. and Mrs, Jesse James was thejsage of red roses. The newly Mis Edward Fics became the|@atron of honor and the brides-| wedded pair will live in Oshawa. bride of Donata Bedie Morr. maids were Miss Beverley Fice,| Out of town guests were pres- be i 5; : ee son, son-of Mr. and Mrs. John\sister of the bride, and Mis sjent from Hamilton, Toronto and 5 pps osorsien ABOVE ARE | Vice Grand, Sister Elda Ho- | evolent Lodge, Whitby, who |Morrison, all of Oshawa. Eileen Kowalski. All were gown-|Summit, Ontario. ; af istri he installation | The Reverend H. A- Mellow Noble Grand Sister Margar- | ward with District Deputy, | performed t Phe , : i i bel Saunders of Ben- | ceremony. officiated. The wedding music et Gray (left) and (sight) | Sister Isabel Sa Cubana 'Yieans tikes (wan Gavel oy Mrs our eet Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. 222 cin can wie win "Fi STARS SAY Bisiiduie | 2 _ ELECTRIC Installs Officers For 1961-62 © _[yntor ant "omera 'no."3 ANNOUNCE -- BLANKET Lodge. _ Excellent planetary influences Preceding the installation of|Kee; inside guard, Sister Thel-| Prior to the installation cere- indicate fine opportunities now. at j iti * 2 : ; This will be an exceptionally YOUR HAPPY EVENT © Full double bed size the new executive for Sunshine|™a Gow. monies the outgoing officers|good period for financial mat- ; a : t 1 ' Rebekah Lodge No. 222 was a| Following installation cere- | onducted the proceedings when|ters, making profitable deals Full 2 year guarantee - nae }monies the following committees| .. € yee? ston ° : R ; j banquet in the dining hall con-|vere appointed by' the incom- Sister Gladys Gamsby, a district| 20d signing 'contracts. "the Birth of Your Son' or Daughter" Aan dy re a by vened by Sister Jean Bowman)ing Noble Grand; Financial, + Bink May Pdag wile aic.| If tomorrow is your birthday, in the Oshawa Times Birth. Column : rgest electric and the thanks of the lodge| Visiting, Puy ranncen a ian: Santders district deputy |Your horoscope indicates that,| blanket maker were expressed to Sister Bow-|P and T, Covenant, Benevo- : , while you may be currently] e r man ws oe outgoing Noble) ent, VG Sister Elda ee cinat dean Tete. % toed " faced with some confusing 'sit-| ey i ee and dried Grand, Sister Greta Drinkle. jeeppeeee her visiting commit-|; onor was formed of Sunshine| "tions, you can, by capitalizing] DIALING 723-3492 ally A : on your innate determination, ; embers. § m: : Arrangements of autumn ton-) A gift of appreciation was a Sister Gray submitted solve' most problems, November. | ted Sister Isobel S: her annual report as _ vice a 6 Direct- Lines 7 8 1 Oct. 14th ed chrysanthemums decorated| presented to Sister Isobel Saun grand. or course, is your month, and To § y, Nov. 30th 1961 s with Si G doing th 4 you should put forth every ef-| 'o Serve You the tables and at each place cle Poeange a Sian a Following the closing of lodge fort now to make certain of the| was a flower, green fern and ceived a gift. from the past refreshments were served in the| attainments presaged with the| shell place card. noble grand's club with Sister|>nquet hall. next year. The installing team in the|Perry a oe ag ag P h s yere also receive y Sister charge of Sister Isabel Saunders = ae Ap | of Brooklin, Sister Isabel Mier|@™#Y from her mother, Sister) was the deputy warden, the|"',. . | soloist Sister Violetta Burdge|., 0m her husband and fam cs ¢ ily the new noble grand re-| ° nd the Pianist, Sister Alma oived a gift with' Sister Anne} lewey. : __,/Coakwell presenting the gift! The following new executive) ai:o from her aunt, Sister Elsa 7 | were installed Noble Grand,/ jipson, with Sister Gladys Stone- FLAMELESS * ODOURLESS Sister Margaret Gray; Pastipurg doing the honors. | SAFER FULLY AUTOMATIC noble grand, Sister Greta) Sister Saunders and Sister| Drinkle; vice-grand, Sister Elda| Howard; RSNG, Sister Anne} | mete meus! §=PERSONAIS | To All Merchants ees Cullough; LSVG, Sister M.) | Bonnetta; financial secretary, . e 1 The three following students) Make every day a n Sister May Lenius; recording) who have recently graduated| ry day dryi g secretary, Sister Victoria Ma-| from grade 13 are now further- day ELECTRICALLY Gee; treasurer, Sister Marie Elling their studies:. Robert Stel of the licott; warden, Sister Ruth Fol-| mach, son bE Mir. and Mis. Alec ... costs less than Jest; chaplain, Sister Dorothy| ctelmach Ritson road south, is Smith; color bearer, Sister} ' 2 Myrtle Stovin; conductor, Sis-|t@king the electrica] engineering, 5¢ a load to operate ter Frances Cornelius: musi-|course at the University of Tor-| cian, Sister Gladys Morgan. onto. Marshal Nicholishen, son} Choose from any of these famous degree staff: Captain, Sister|0f Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nich-| * Irene Willes; assistant staffjOlishen, Ritson road south, is | makes of electric dryers: captain, Sister Victoria MaGee;|taking the Arts course at! BEtvo0 1 LEONARD f Hest BELWOOD outside guard, Sister Elsie Mc-|Queen's University and Larry} | COFFIELD-HAMILTON eh re Gauer, son of Mrs. Leo Gauer,| 3 CONNOR MOFFAT Josue, |Daldwin street, is attending! i DOMINION PHILCO-BENDIX GENERAL ELECTRIC RCA WHIRLPOOL | Teachers' College, Toronto. { | ae oe | Teas, birthday parties, wed-| : HOR |ding anniversaries, coming and) & : | . KELVINATOR WESTINGHOUSE | goings of guests are always of| e+ AND OTHER FINE MAKES interest in this column. Write. | telephone or visit the socia! de-| | partment with your items of ews for whic re is no ° ~ THIS OFFER GOOD AT SUNSHINE \ pond Taasbeee ewe . | Starting on \ STORES DISPLAYING Miss Joyce Newfield of Cal-| § | THIS: SYMBOL... SPE \ [ gary and Banff, Alberta, is a) |guest of Alderman and Mrs.| \ {Gordon Attersley, Central Park) on | C 0 er ses \\ |boulevard north. | 5 . : e Oshawa --ADAM"S FURNITURE CO., LTD., 40 KING W. FRAMING? | About 50 Volunteer Ladies --B. F. GOODRICH STORES, 88 KING W. | i . ° --CHERNEY'S FURNITURE & APPLIANCES, 80 KING E. CONVENER | SEE... | Will Be Conducting A Canvass of Si eee | Your Firms In Support of | Ss arcs aaa 6 Mrs: Dermot Conway is our irm n u r e --DEAN KELLY ENTE en . generat convener of the riggs | Walmsley ' Ppor ss SHAWA APPLIANCES, 78 SIMCOE N. Gregory's auditorium under & Magill | | --FRANK MEAGHER APPLIANCES, 92 SIMCOE N. ee Nee THE GREATER J UH AWA --YOLLES FURNITURE, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE --Oshawa Times Photo : | : Aj x APPLE DRIVE | This Year There Is Representation From The Following: --LAWRENCE-ROLAND FURNITURE & APPLIANCES, 200 --W. H. BROWN IMPLEMENTS, 91 KING W. © RETARDED CHILDREN © GIRL GUIDES | smenrna See Se a * s % KIWANIS CLUB || « rev cross © Victorian Order of Nurses Whiby | These ladies are giving their time freely and voluntarily to this Community effort. May For Further Information Contact One Of The WEDNESDAY, Oct. 25 | THE 1961 UNITED RED FEATHER CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE: PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Please Keep Your Porch Lights On - | Dwyer; Rabbi M. Kutziner; Harold E. Pierson. PHONE 723-4624 --STARR FURNITURE & APPLIANCES, 491 RITSON S. the auspices of St. Joseph's Brooklin | --BROOKLIN HARDWARE Pickering i @ & Bowmanville U.A.W. / AUXILIARY ST. JOHN AMBULANCE --J. BROUGH PLUMBING & HEATING, DIVISION ST. Sponsored by the | | --COLLISS ELECTRIC, 44 KING W. , OSH AW A ' --COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. (Farm Equipment) 134 KING E, © Women's Welfare League © Y.W.C.A. A ean tat far @. ieee tes SALES sgh Ue 'a Pet a re . --INDEPE ALE RVICE, R e Wit the, eae oe | © MARCH OF DIMES © C.N.1.B. --BUTT RADIO & APPLIANCES, 118 BROCK S. we count on your courteous reception to them in their all important task, Appliance Dealers -- Above Or Phone General Chairman--Richard Fairthorne = Commencing at 6 p.m. Each Evening! Vice Chairman Walter Branch 0 ( OF 0§ Advisory-- Ven. Archdeacon, H.D. Cleverdon; Rey. Msgr. Paul F THE ITY HAWA ° P S HENRY F. BALDWIN, Chairman GEO. F,. SHREVE, Gen. Mgr. Section Ch : : ; HELP THE KIWANIS TO HELP | Stewart R. idee, 2. Chan T. Harold Coppin, A. Graham Coulter} George K. Drynan Q.C., | Byron S. Edmondson, Dr. Charles M. Elliott, Daniel Fleming, Murray P. Johnston, Ernest | VISIT The Ontario Hydro "Electrical Living on TOUR" THE KIDDIES!! Marks Q.C., James McCansh, Miss Vera Moyse, Carl B. Olsen, Mrs. Alice Reardon, Fred | Rebeite, fred A. Unchew. | Demonstration Coach, at the Corner of Athol and Simcoe Sts., All Day TODAY !!