20 THE GSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, verover a1, «re: READ THE CIRCULAR, DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR, FOR DETAILS OF MORE THAN 185 TIMELY SPECIAL VALUES! HONE sec TELEP MURDERS ACCEPTED Limited Quantin specials 20% | ONE-WEEK SPECIAL OFFER! On sale at 9.30 Monday and only while quantities last | . Te copia TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS gv | N Manufacturer's Clearance ! oF = NY He) ay H MISSES' TAILORED SHIRTS ae au : Green, Gold colour. Sizes 10 to 18 in the group. ach. DOD te 4.77 \ i BOONE WEEK SPECIAL OFFER (OCT. 23rd to 28th) SPORTSWEAR, DEPT. 246 ALL STYLES 4. CLASSIC BEIGE . . . « neutral shade thot goes well with almost any costume, i a H ' 5. HONEY BEIGE. . . for browns, beiges, copper tones, moss, clive nd bright green nee, rust, gold tones, Bree COLOURS: 6. NIGHT MIST . . . for every important black costume, black ond NS AN D WOOL Ps Bp Pirie fecch otter sich white combination, deep greys. Y i i Pas ack, ne white prints, Wer ll 4 f. ao tris Baga aia nlstaaed an @ EACH SHADE NOT AVAILABLE IN EVERY STYLE. ' nae ; 36"'t 0 54" widths. Plains and gay prints. A good choice of colours in the group. © In the group only: Lengths 81% te, 11 Medium, 10 to 11 Leng: > ite j ae yer ; oe 2. TAUPE MIST... for grey tones, taupe tone, gre a Stretchy Tops; 9 to 11 10 to 12 Long, i 3 de : 'eae ck e Weights and Styles to suit every occasion . , . daytime er & "% 3. coco BEIGE for dork brown; 'mole, (block-browns), © 9 So REMNANT «3 Le oe be che onetiy ones « "'Sanitized" for day-long Freshness . . . tests for many. washings. . ; r = SEAMLESS STYLES MALL LEVEL : COLOURS OF TENDER BEIGE, TAUPE MIST AND COCO BEIGE CHOCOLATE ASSORTMENT . Det é DRESS SHEERS ee 15-denier 400-needle, 15-denier, Micro-Mesh 'Gossip', REG. .98 g ; i EATON Special Price, Carson's English chocolate assortment. Chewy cen- . WALKING SHEERS ,.. . 30-denier i tres and soft creams in @ variety of flavours. Indivi- | Rees ddOshesdle. \S-demier, (Micre-Mesh. BEG. 1.19 dually -- to retain freshness and flavour. e i pe we EATON Special, Bice WALKING SHEER " : 3 PAIRS 2.80 30-denier, Stretch "Bon-Lon' top. Tender and Rose Beige BOYS' DRESS SLACKS ee Loca, Sam, when Framer. wa, 3¢ i Tah ; be ees EATON Spécial Price, Good quality dress slacks with two slit pockets, two hip ' ; ae EATON Special Price, ie Ng a faite ki Pee a ; he pockets, ohe with button tab, Matching belt included ae: fo 4 3 PAIRS 'FOR 1.80 3 PAIRS FOR 2.32 Stripes of navy, grey and-brown in sizes 8 to 16, Cuffed be ready to wear, EACH Pie i a ea ia FULL FASHIONED STYLES {3202 :2cnw room". me BOYS CORDUROY LONGS. , a0 : : Bog 5\-gauge, 50-denier. REG. 1.49, inUnlined , in checks an! tweed patterns. Some with ela- Ns ' yee ewe EATON Special Price ss PETES y ; ' stic waists and belt loops, some with half elastic waists : oom 4 sgh and, self belt. Checks of green, grey and brown. Tweeds Bo 3 PAIRS 3.52 DRESS SHEERS in navy and green only. Sizes 6 to 12 in the group. * i &6 A5-gou 30-denier, Cotton foot, REG. 1.19 Non-run Mesh EATON Special Price, CLEARANCE OF MEN'S SHIRTS 'Seconds' es bas R2 EATON Specil Price, 3 PAIRS FOR Included in the, group are T-shirts, Polo shirts, Sports shirts. Some with short and kat : pokes oes 51-gauge, 30-denier, REG. 1.19. 3 PAIRS FOR 3.20 some with long sleeves. A few 'Ban-Lon' short sleeve Polo shirts included. Ends-of- "ee : ' i EATON Special Price, lines to clear ! 60-gauge, 15-denier, REG, 1.19 j 7 a aN 3 PAIRS fF R : EATON Special Price, PRICED 5 me F soe AS e, 40-denier f . ¥ dium; FROM... or ® to w each ve 5 Bee ui icn Mle : naked 3 PAIRS FOR 2.80 EATON Special Price, 60-gauge, 15-denier '/Pinmoney", REG, .89 LOWER LEVEL = "- y i ) 3PAIRSFOR3.20. hg ie rer End-of-season clearance ! 'TECO' DELUXE ROTO TILLER 4 O. FULL aie ae Se NYLONS ; 3 y "BD uge, "Double L Walking Sheer. REG. 1.29. 66-gauge, Dress Sheer. REG. 1.19 3 H.P, Greatly reduced to clear. oe a wy . EATON Special Price, 1 03 EATON Special Price, ae i: J Pair 3 PAIRS FOR 3.04. 3 PAIRS FOR 2,80 ASSORTED HOUSE PLANTS : ' bd also available at 20% off Reg. Price ! Nylon Crepe; Heavy nylon stretch, Reduced for clearance! Included are Cacti, Diefenbachia, !lvy, Snake Plant and others "aig agpantin xf | ~ 7 DUE TO THE RESPONSE EXPECTED 70 THIS SPECIAL OFFER, WE CAN- n Pots. ' : NOT PROMISE DELIVERY ON OUR USUAL SCHEDULE: BUT DELIVERIES 'CLIMAX' WEATHERSTRIP . \ \ WILL BE MADE AS PROMPTLY AS POSSIBLE. Excellent quality hair felt weatherstrip. Helps keep out cold, keep heat in. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 201 i 20/, Reg. .30 24 15', Reg. .25 | 10', Reg. mm 7 |! PHONE 725-7373 EACH Py EACH ... EACH...