Wild Violets Bloom Here Althoug the Oshawa district) Friday basked in temperatures which have not been equalled| at this season of the year since 1908, there are indications that winter is just around the corner, A blizzard swept over Northern Alberta while Osh- awa residents walked along the streets in their shirt sleeves. Squirrels are working madly to lay aside. their supplies of nuts in preparation for cold weather. A large flock of wild geese passed over the city in the early hours of Friday on their way south. Another flock, numbering about 120, was seen passing over Whitby earlier in the week. To illustrate what the warm weather has brought about, Mrs. F, R. MacDonald, King street east, spotted a wild yel- low violet in her garden on Fri-| day. She has never seen these) flowers 'bloom in the fall as| the plants usually flower in the! The Oshawn Fines SECOND SECTION PAGE THIRTEEN Riding Delegates Support Dymond Plans Are Rounded Out For Big Toronto Meeting OSHAWA, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1961 REALTORS TOP COMMUNITY CHEST OBJECTIVE AGAIN Oshawa's real estate firms and the members of their staffs have once again con- tributed to the Greater Osh- awa Community Chest Drive Area Planning | This year the group exceeded | Carl Olsen, who canvassed the | by 30 per cent the amount it | city real estate firms on be- gave last year. Shown at the | half of the drive; Lloyd Met- presentation of the cheque to | calf, president of the Oshawa the Drive are, left to right, | and Distric Real Estate Board; and Richard Fair- thorne, chairman of the Great- er-Oshawa Community Chest Drive, Gave 324 Years 'Service To GM | Gatiaera Maa ie: Fined $100, Costs Edward Gerald Coady, 55, of spring. She also reports having | seen wild strawberries in bloom up north a week or so ago before the first frosts, Grosbeaks, a winter bird, are \reported to have made their appearance in Oshawa. This is |much early than usual and may indicate the early arrivai of winter. | At the same time there are few beechnuts or Mountain Ash! berries this fall which might} be taken as an indication cf of an| open winter. It is pointed out, 'DR. DYMOND however, that the wet, cold ne While hundreds of Progres-jis a man of balance whom sive-Conservative Party mem-/|people instinctively trust. He ' bers across Ontario are prepar-| will wear well with the people ing for the leadership! of Ontario." Mr. Macdonald convention in Toronto next week, stated. 'Already many years delegates from Oshawa riding!ago, when he became president are lining up solidly behind Dr.|of Port Perry. Progressive Con- Matthew B. Dymond, Provin-|servative Association, we felt cial minister of health from Port|he was promising as a political Perry, (who represents Ontario|leader, although we couldn't riding). have thought then that he would Hayden Macdonald, of Osh-|be running for the leadership awa, chairman of the delegation of Ontario." | said that the Oshawa riding will give unanimous support to the man they feel "Mr. Ontario.' The Oshawa delegation hopes| ? to demonstrate its enthusiasm) typifies mostly|for their candidate during the! Ajax; Neil Frazer and James A. Yanch, of Oshawa. Alternate delegate members are: Alan Skaife and Leona Stainton, of Oshawa; Mrs. E. M. D. Smith, Pickering; Henry Polak, of Ajax. There will be additional dele- gate members at the convention: Hayden Macdonald, Thomas Rundle, T. Kelso Creighton, Miss Peggy Jackson and Marilyn Jackson (YPC), all of Oshawa: William H. J. Thompson, Mrs. Claude Rowland, of Ajax; Ross Deakin of Pickering; Gloria ..,.. {convention in Toronto. A big|Robson (YPC) of Toronto. "This will be the most inter- rally is Planned for Tuesday| Ten Additional Alternate Dele- esting leadership convention we! night, when the candidates will gate Members will be: Ernest ever had in Ontario, he 'said,|aqaress' the party delegations|Marks, Norman Down, Albert 'and our delegation is proud of|jin the Varsity Arena. There will| Walker, Walter Bestwick, Cleve the clean campaign of Dr. Dy-|he a piper in attendance to pipe| Fox. Dean Kelly, Joan Starr mond." At Standstill cde ote neato om main nF om roeatng veome Se Jad. DY IVeY jcosts or one month in jail Fri-/from propogating blooms pro- Oshawa plant' employes has aay when he was convicted on j z | i ] : B ly, may be responsible for 7 been announced by General peri ' ( : Tow th d, t A ' Six months ago, members of oward this en he ORP i 2 S : the Oshawa delegation to, and|(YPC), Jack Hutcheson (YPC), An Ajax man was sentenced! Mr. Macdonald estimated that|from the convention sessions. {@ll of Oshawa; Mrs. Ed Ryzek : : i a charge of contributing to ju-'the lack of these two essentials the Oshawa Regional Planning last year paid $1000 for an area| Motors of Canada, Limited to six months in the Ontario|Will be Dr. M. Dymond, Attorney) 44,. Ruth Bestwick, vice-/2"4 Mrs. Henry Polak, of Ajax. venile delinquency to the food supply of wild life Association "'gererally agreed"|engiheering study, carried out|They gave a total of 324 years' John M. Greer, counsel for : that the ORPA ag constituted/by Municipal Planning Consult-|service to the firm. County Jail. when he appeared the last three men in the race! si idin The delegation will have a \ Sethe Magistrate F,. S. Ebbs, General Kelso Roberts and Siemon et Riding booth in the Varsity Arena next ; the accused, said it was a bor- (covering 140,000 acres) em-!ants of Toronto. The men now enjoying more'derline case on the evidence| braced too much territory and Friday, on a dangerous driving cation Minister John P. Robarts. s : to the one where delegates re- charge. He feels that Dr. Dymond is, "I know that Oshawa will put| sister for the convention. Per- According to the report, ob-|leisure time, with the depart-!submitted and asked that it be that localized planning, with no Brian Frederick McClean, 21,/1€ man who answers best the|00 @ good show. Every member Lively Exchange jectives of the study were: "to|ment in which they worked and' treated as such. Crown Attorney regard for political boundaries; provide an inventory of land/their years' service are: Bruce Affleck agreed that it was the answer. Admiral road, Ajax, who is Tequirements for a party leader,|of our large delegation is an Of Specimens uses, zoning provisions and ex-| Jack Corbett, parts depart- was not af pce strong case) | And so the idea of community, |isting water supply, sanitary|ment, 17 years; Charles H, F..against Mr Coady, me) or area, planning boards was'and storm sewe: drainage fa- Dobney, parts distribution, 42 ci ene bl ; agg Pd At Mineral Club born. cilities in the area. |years; Herbert W. Gray, body|MIsse@ another charge of the). 47, 4, f th Kec ; oor : agen (et d " Sears: |Same type against Coady on the CMDS Gt. THe NEW EXECU>igg abi ' iewe |ardent follower of Dr. Dymond.' have fone stilborn. The hole bition ty' the' plang seopmentel Vintss vnaraens of omat' grounds that the evidence did|tive assumed their duties when|awaiting trial on two charges|being "'a man with broad views, : idea is turning olue from lack ? |sons wishing to take part in the demonstration of the Oshawa riding on Tuesday night should Window To Honor Jim Norsworthy WILLSON WOODSIDE "The Future of the United Nations" is the topic Mr. Wood- side has chosen to present, and in view of the events of the past few weeks, his speech will be timely, educational and stimulating. Last month's attendance was the second largest in the his- tory of the club, with 23 new tify this charg yas|having as much experience as) The delegate members to the|come to this booth at 8:00 p.m. jbeing made INDEPENDENT-| years: Lorne H. Hewson, en-/2% ey Ee ae. i . he Oshawa ve Ot Nee isaapiaih aus bide tepaice shee' caadiaeiea® . convention are: Robert Byron,| A pipe band will take the = nage Homan cally ad biel ae mg jgineering, 40 years; Roy V SANG FOR SOCIETY Club held its first meeting of j, custody for one week to en-| "In my opinion Dr. DymondiPickering; Mrs. J. P. Allan.\demonstration on Tuesday night, fry something new. 4 rr ore ae ae more wietng eer men st, Oshawa Chapter of Sweet the 1961-62 season in the CRA aMfe him to have counsel repre-| -- me ystem of water | y jyears; Roy W. Morphy, body|Adelines provided the enter-|building this week. sent him in court. When asked 2 | hor gree night's meeting of- eee vo ee aS-\tool, 50. years; Lionel E. Wal-|tainment for the meeting of the! Th . nilive lnclad I Friday where his counsel was, - lation 'NOTED WRITER fered nothing new. staph ae equate facilities uring! ger, fabricating, 36 years and/Ontario Historical Society re-|, ine executive includes J.arociean told the court he had rcul LOSS OF CONTROL he progressive development of/ sdwin M. Yourth, 42 years cently held at Hotel Genosha. |Zilinsky, president; J. Pratt,!not. heard from him at all. ) L en Ae ROU eA ee ee -- ---|Vice-president, B. Brockman, C Att B Affleck bd : i serr, H rown / orney ruce : eck After all this time, when the PRESENT STATUS ' . secretary M. Duthiel, treasur- told. tha court tha adcused hadl At Libr Will Address philosophy behind the area F Thursd ht' er; J. Kaufman, past president| : boards have been explained!, ""0m 'hursday night's meet- a & ective land B. Breen, D. Brown, J,\5Wetved to his left on two occa: time and time again, members| i28 it was learned that: | Haewnod ant Des C. Dariviers. sions while being overtaken by e A still come to meetings fearful| 1) Whitby Township Council hexacutive' seiibaes & MLOLOECYCIe. DatTDLNAN WilO6e | of "losing sovereignty or con-/has turned down the idea of area | re life he had placed in jeopardy. ncreaseé | and 10n u trol" within their own munici- planning boards because "we Oo Be Reached An interesting lecture was|This had happened when the of- | palities, thought we would lose all au- T |given by J. Pratt on glaciation|ficer had tried to detain the ac-| phe monthly report of the Willson Woodside, one of Can- Some think that their own/'harity in the area", and glacial features in thisjcused after he had Mr chief librarian to the McLaugh-|ada's best known platform per- municipal planning boards may| 2).Neither Oshawa represen-/ AJAX (Staff) --R.D. Thomp-|from the various government! area. [through a radar trap and three lic: Tab Board this|sonalities, will address the be scrapped and "new area tative was present but it was\son, chairman of the board of levels. | The door prize was won bye lights. ee ee . |Canadian Club of Ontario boards set up. learned that a planning board-| directors of the Ajax and Pick-| Mt. Thompson, who was onejy Pratt. Trading of specimens| The officer previously testi-/week revealed that the MOWaTE Coanty at its dinner meeting Others wonder if. grandiose council meeting to discuss area| G fal HokeMal. Geedict of three panel speakers, told] at the end of the evening was| tied that he had chased Mc- trend of the circulation of books} ;, Hotel Genosha Monday, Oct. schemes on the part of one 9r,202'ds has mot yet been held Fong (general Hospital, predict-\the Rotarians that in addition] very brisk owing to the many|Clean's vehicle at-speeds up to at the library continued in/93. Dinner will commence at two communities might force| 3) Bowmanville thinks it is/ed in Ajax this week that the to canvassing on the local scene,| fine specimens gathered on|2", Miles per hour on Highway b |6:30° p.m. and those members a third, unwilling member to| {00 far away" zight now to en-/hospital's campaign target fig-|there were a number of large|tieig trips during the summer.|~ -- : not able to attend are invited contribute money and plans to|tet into any planning liaisons.! ure of $495,000 would be reached organizations across Canada who| fut '| Mr. Affleck told the court Mec- The report was submitted by ' ; ee ay : i Guests at the ting includ- : P ; jfo come at 7:30 to hear the something which is not wanted.| 4) Whitby, which months ago|by Dec. 22. might give money for hospital aH oer eigen Bet ie |Clean's actions constituted a) the chief librarian, Miss J. Fet- ayant i "Possibly place the finances)agreed that the setting up oi) speaking to members of the growth ie ee! Se gg ®*/blatant disregard for the law terly at the monthly board) "itr. Woodside, talsed on the of a municipality in jeopardy" rea rio ge Oe ough Rotary Club of -Ajax at their) According to the hospital et ipod ra sae a 9 and ge pes Par pind meeting at the library on prairies in Saskatoon and Cal- was a phrase h "nt y investigated, is still waiting) veh i 7 @ : re vad BW oF } 8. N. G | gence. He asked that the maxi-|, : (oh: P eard last night. for other municipalities to get weekly luncheon, Mr. Thompson, grant policy of the. Ontario| Garay. mum 'penalty be imposed. Thursday night gary, was graduated from the LINK MUNICIPALITIES over their shyness who is also Campaign co-chair- Homer saat ik es -- rn - ---- Circulation in September has|University of 'Toronto, and, ; fa aaing man for Ajax, said the actual| hosp! could ask this body for imated 3,-\after travelling extensively in PB gs area boards have hever| 5) bre Sig a Bae ge fund raising drive would take @ stant of $1,200,000. at tes ome the| Europe, taser te political lar hea geo agers rat si gdrasa g Sbaserslive tkaMaine la seoned place during the second and 'If we get this grant," Mr. same period in 1960. The total/nalism. He has been a contri- cipalities with psi 'prob. {in the Courtice sector, is stil| third weeks of December and hea ge gr thon ja vue circulation in the Adult and|butor to Harper's, Maclean's lems in an attempt to solve|Concerned with "the organiza-| Would eventually enlist over 700 aon People who will be giving | Children's Departments was 27,-|and Current History and has these-problems in an econom.|tional setup". jcanvassers. | Une tunately there 16 iothi | 261. been in turn, CBC commenta- ical way. The emphasis has al-| 6) East Whitby is having in-| The actual cost of the new, _ i sabaaneaed neta as ae sinc: ksgivi li .|tor on radio and TV; foreign ways been on services problems; jternal problems with its plan-|110 bed hospital, he said, would ai a re about this", he con- -- ieee Oe ie adler and associate editor of Supplying sewers and water toning board and council and has\be $2,345,000 of which $1,853,000 ew 7 ora We areR NGO) ge Chiist Memerial Church, If there ave any siatibere of |) children's classes for chil.|Saturday Night; one of the to developing communities. _|taken no official action. 'was anticipated to be granted Saale pale spital -evett tWO).¢ the 11 9,m. service on. Sun-|this choir in Oshawa they would] 41. of Grades 3. 4.5 and 6 of/{ounders and editors of Cana- 5 cpl ae day a large stained glass win-|be most welcome at the dedi-|°"°' ile ha |dian Commentator; and one of Rotarian George Robinson, aldow will be dedicated to the|cation service various public and Separate! co icde's best known writers hospital charter member, told| slory of God and in memory of| 'The window is the first of the a Brg epee nail the field of foreign affairs. the group that the hospital had| James Norsworthy. large windows at Christ Me-|0oke tii i ig 20 ne veal In 1954, Mr. Woodside con- been operating well over its Jim was one of the best|@Orial Church which will be of|Film Hour, which was started) + 104 the federal riding of actual occupancy figure. known and loved members of|Stained glass. This window is in| €atly in October, Toronto Trinity. He was appo- 'The hospital occupancy fig-|the choir, He was at the ser-|the Chapel and depicts Mother-| An art exhibition of Mr. J. inted National Director of the ure so far this year is 106 per|yice held in a tent in 1927 when| hood. There are two groups of| Bell was opened Friday, Octo-| United Nations Association in he said, "'and that meansithe late Rev. R. B. Patterson|figures. The first is the Vir-/ber 13, and will be in the audi-/Ganada in September 1958 and that 65 beds have been crammed|was beginning the Mission| i! Mary with Jesus as a child; |torium during most of October./has had an excellent opportu- alc allocated for 50." |Church on the northern out- Maat is of a modern mo-']¢ will be followed by the an-|nity to observe the U.N. at = iper cent > |have agreed to donate a total musical training. "SIDEWALK-IN-THE-SKY" DESCENDS _ That -yp-in-the-air sidewalk on the east side of Harmony road north will be coming , down to earth soon as work- | men shown here rip out a con- troversial stretch preparatory ' to relaying | cordance nStruee, tions from the city engineer- ing department. Regional top- ography was partly respon- | sible for a difference of about + 11 feet in the elevation of the | highest houses on the west side of the road compared to the lowest houses on the east side. In setting the road grade | the low side' was favored be- cause a fill is considered | (by the engineering depart. ment) more of a problem than a cut. The pavement 'grade was set taking into account the elevation of houses on both sides of the street. Sidewalk elevations are severely limit- ed in relation to pavement grades: ana the problem. de- veloped from there Oshawa Times Phota 'th said that the beauty of|skirts of Oshawa. |the new hospital design was that; Volunteers were asked to The window, it could be expanded at a veryjhelp lead the singing. Jim|J- Norsworthy, Norsworthy reasonable cost. The new hos-| offered his given by Mrs. in memory of | ser-/her husband, will be dedicated nual exhibition of the Lyceum) work, first at its inception at Club in November. the San Francisco Conference A new staff member was ap-|in 1945, and since then on regu- pital would have two storeys|Vices and from that Sunday until|Dy the rector, Archdeacon H. D,|pointed, Miss Valentine ish bines at ned - os bogged and would house 110 beds andl33 years later, in 1960, he was|C!everdon, who knew and loved who holds a Bachelor of Arts}and Security Council in New 24 bassinets. é In time, said Robinson, the|@"d evening services. hospital could expand outwards). ; |to accomodate 250 beds and"creasing years eventually climb to five storeys Sis and house 500. beds. YS! and Spiritual strength to all who Dr. David Gove, chairman of ee bahust ee , . the hospital's medical staff can- fan teas wt po A pg vass, told the Rotarians that to shell Sheela, eth ak he date he had canvassed only 50 father was a farmer on Lord| of the medical staffiCarew's estate and at the!| and had received verbal pledges|Church of St. Mary in the! of $40,000. 'The medical staffitown of St. Mary he had his of $50,000 as their share of the target figure', he said. and joined an interdenomina- Dr, Gove gave the doctor's|tional choir under J. Hurst. viewpoint of working in an over-|These men sang in different crowded hospital and stressingichurches as they were needed the need for the new building. |and during the First World War "Last month we performed 27\they often sang to the troops, major surgical operations in the! " |Single operating room in Ajax as compared to 37 in Oshawa |General Hospital, which has four operating rooms. Dr. Gove closed by comment- ing that the present hospital building was. a potential fire trap, being mainly constructed of wood. 'Fortunately the hos- pital is all on one floor', he said, "and if the building ever caught fire we could always took the chain. saw and $18 in| jsave the patients by passing|cash from the home of Clifford| \them through the windows." Billings, of Seagrave. He later| en ee TC eee sold the saw to a second hand 'dealer in Toronto. Constable Eric Trowell of the PP testified the accused gave imself up voluntarily and made statement. Magistrate F, In 1910 he came to Oshawa Remand Accused In Custody Donald Albert Davis, 19, of Oshawa, was remanded in cus- tody for one week in Oshawa Magistrate's Court Friday on charges of breaking and enter- jing and theft of a chain saw. The accused told the court he DIES IN B.C. The flag at the Armouries is\9 at half mast today in memory! h of Brigadier W..C. Cameron who! a died early today in British Col- 8. Ebbs_ re- Canadian Brigade from early 1944 to th @ War, {on suspended sentence. ncss was a source of physical|" Frien This ds of view the of late Sunday 'PASSING YEARS King umbia. He commanded the ist)manded Davis for one week, looking west from the Four street, overseas|until his record can be pro- Corners, shows that basically e end of/duced in court. The accused is|"there have been few changes i in the city's business section, ii-his plac ' Jim Norsworthy for 15 years,|degree from Tabor College in}York. Mr. Woodside is the ii his place at both morning James' Hillsborough, Despite painful laméness and) N¢rsworthy are invited to be) Dyck will serve in the function! Question -- Who Should Go? his faithful-|Present at 11 a.m Kansas. Miss\author of 'The. University of General Assistant. 'Who Should Pay?" persons becoming members. All members are urged to attend and bring a friend to this meeting in an endeavor to increase our membership. Following the speaker, coffee will be served in the Piccadilly Room where new and old mem- bers can engage in friendly conversation. with the exception of the store front, since this picture was taken before the turn of the | the Dominion Bank premises bentury. The block at left, | at right were razed this week. now occupied by the Burns | It will be noted that the ' Shoe Co., lost ifs mansard roof some years ago; while BRING OSHAWA FEW CHANG 3 Street was a gravel road but the railway tracks, still in use, were much the same in those far-off days. Oshawa Times. Photo