; E OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 20, 1961 'S--Apts. ats ent/2S--Apts. jats tor Rent|26--Rooms for Rent 27--Real estate For Sale |27--Real Estate for Sale (27--Real Estate for Sale (29--Automobiles for Sale a THE OSHA ay, } 15 ' & Fi for Re: Apts. & Fi r FOUR room house and garage on two|FORCED sale, REAL bargain. $11,400. 5-room bunga-|BUY your car for cash. Fast contiden: | A S65\ONLY $60 three-room heated apart-/THREE -room basement apartment, lots in Oshawa. $4,000 cash. T modern , three twollow. Apple Hill. $1,000 down. Arrange-|tial service, conventent terms, For in| Automobiles for Sale 32- tic , tirec'plece "bath Sarking. Apply 250|stove. Close to south GM. Apply 173| 728-2769. fi situated| ments, Owner transferred. 725-7814. |formation, telephone 728-6 -- ES 2--A iree-] > . + . | . Sea- Sim Street South. Must sell. For x ~|board Finance, 29% Simcoe Street 8. mp cots, ground shawna Boulevard South. ibbert Avenue, $2,000 DOWN. New seven-room -- split- ve aly ges 'all 'Toronto RU 17-1141. $800 DOWN, three-bedroom brick bun. +. Fer| Mate 004 condition. Telephone 725-5132. heets. rentals. Oshawa Hardware, © bs LARGE room ee oo, eerste Filey ec lag A ed yack egal donate irre de gl fre etn erand lt cn Chureh Street. 723-7624. m apartments, $87 and up, h praised $13,900. Will sell for $10,000,/wogr be sold, large home with four|NHA mortgage. Ge jarrow, 7. rates, fast service, Seal 54 MEROURY, four-door, radio cheap| ------ iene reegertory oundry face |r, nk eee Pet ae Ris sead| balance one 6 bar con fo iatchens, bath nd era 7538 sic ges Seow So: le Meme ane Moons ake" |FUMLER te wih, wer oe central iocation. Telephone ete e 2 _|stool in newly ' 4 "ROOM brick 'and a hall, for . da | rt : .. William Fialka Real Ketate. pers hed rooms in|PHILLIP Murray , Avenue -- Lovely|separate hydro meters, excellent fo: pare pagaeky "Aibe! Street, newly decor-|'68 FORD; °52 Plymouth station wagon; |"00 CORVAIR deluxe sedan, we Cer until Mi ort three-room apartment on ratchet gy coh daigh Mage beny nf Boulevard |bungalow, eight rooms, twelve thousand|two families or large family; near high $1 Chevrolet; °50 Pon! 5: e entrance, built-in ve.{main floor of new house, garage, pri-|Priva ea aes or $6 each for two. Ladies pre- 'outh, T a 725-6792. "PONTIAC station wagon, Leuren-| TENTS, tarpaulins, cai landse: rther !nfor- vrolet; itiac panels | weeer. 5 TWO damaged aluminum and nine hundred, must sell, B&rgain, thir-|school, public and separate scttoo) and|*ed, landscaped lot, For fu Aust, "Priced for quick sale at ina|gleld washers, back-up lights, low downy oacentutabie for nectaurents lee vate entrance and bathroom. Parking |50uU teen down, make offer. Jores/churches, Asking $11,300 with $1,500 tana ae Service Station, 627 Simcoe Street|payment, p. . : vibrator. Telephone 725-5207 _____Jand laundry Phone 728-4409. | FURNISHED room, double ge TV) Realtor, Prince Street. down. T 723-4776 after 4. ee Foc mvevi brick bung and Gee ue : --_--_.....-. |"#0 PARISIENNE Pontiac, two-door|after 5 » Clean $00 AND UF extra large two-bedroom|{ounge, Paging, cstanl November 1.|8500 DOWN, must be sold, hungnlow|eunn price, $9,000, $4,000 down, $75) orated.' Owner built; has complete base- |© went prices iq towns Try Doclecieew, good tires' and nde paint STAKE, body for one ton track, 'lab "ments untin cupboards, TV out |speriments, stove and frig, tree wash [ne fron tet. se for appointment. |with private drive, plus oll heating, four monthly, at 7 per cent, open mortgage,|ment apartment already rented. Rea-|radios, lowest prices in town. Try, Do-iextra's, rola form 9 x by 6 Si" solid (sides, stave, builtin cupboards, TV out-|., and dryer, paved parking, locker|Telep! Piece tiled bath and many extras. Sac-| renewable in thice years. Lot 76' 6" x|sonable taxes. Price $14,500, terms.|minion ores, 48 Bond Street . = oy roo , suitable garden Partially furnished, varking facill-/space, close to downtown. Call 725-6544|sRIGHT, furnished room in Ln dMaond Tifice sale. See this one. Call Bob|959 Five-room bungalow: garage, on|Apply 846 Sylvia Street. Tel "# ENVOY, A-1 condition, 21,000 origin-|'5¢ PONTIAC, four-door sedan, good |728-5200 after 6. Spelephone 725-1918. or_725-8333. _____|home, very central, Fant I dcseat Stevenson at 728-6286, S. D. HYMAN the jake. 725-8489, 723-9134, al miles, reasonable. For more particu-| paint white and turquoise, extra equip-|ORDERS taken for wood slorm® saahee, WE share four-|STREET level three-room apartment, I seg coe lig od Reaitor. ae i ee ea = tel 728-0239, '®- apartment 1 Whitby. |private entrance and bath, $60 includes | Ea: furth _oo4 $500 DOWN. Four room bungalow just bung! ? house. lars, _..... |ment, good condition, Ope owner, 725 Pcl 1 ean, ee estimates 7867. . irder -_ 723-4989, t low on large landscaped lot. Immacu-jentrance apartment, oi] seat, garage.|'52 PONTIAC coach, snow tires, easy peace, a0 suit teacher.. Reasonable, Write/heat, hydro, 730 Simcoe South. 723-2315. |p east of the city limits, with one acre Times. light North Simeoe chvol. Bar-|start, $200 or best offer. T iz ' BUYING or disposing of used a ition, 12 x 17 living room,|Close to bus, ; |HALF-TON truck °53 Chevrolet, in good|BUYING or dispo: ui 345, Oshawa conse OA T apartment, two large/on eek) og Hl Po land. Excellent value. Call Bob ciate: enar and A Ao heat.|gain for half or all cash. Call 725-3770|723.7504. z jcondition, Will take trade. MO 6-5631,/ appliances, etc Call Elmer, yd (00M anfurnished apartment.|:0oms with private bath, newly decor-| Telephone Stevenson: at '728-6286. 5. D. Hyman} i' yiea) family home, close to schools.|mornings by eleven thirty. ____.. |SACRIFICE! Two - door hardtop, "S6\------ ec at Veeco COlfax 3-294, Naren. Centrally located on La-|ated, children welcome. Close to South | tion. 7 Realtor, Avenue, owner leaving for FIVE-room brick bungalow, $8,500 with|Buick, automatic, whitewalls, heater,| BLACK auty, rid white|WE. pay highest prices in the clty for ie 'Avenue. Telephone 728-1069 after|Genera] Motors and buses. 723-6016. | SINGLE sirigeod bagi privileges,|10@ ACRES, seven-room brick house,|USA. Call Stephen Macko Realtor, $3,000 down. Must sell. T radio. a on. oe owner. standard gpere og ub 'or best (used furniture, Pretty's Used Furniture Fearn Om ag $ + 5494. » good y 2 .m. FIVE room, two bedroom apartment,|clean quiet hom Mt conveniences, Bank barn 40 x anew Silt Sanco IRE 728-0978. an ae Lia oe Saat ciaoiTa\ otter MO ©5631, -- _-- mod ane co JDERN spac unfurnished - other fa : * | , ex % i See tad on vignette ; . 9DE! ... a heavy duty wiring,|sion. Apply 786 Simcoe Street South for}men preferred. Telephone 723-7237. School on one corner of farm. Will peo belek Ganbalow, with altiotanes storms|$1:500 DOWN or ~s frame home.|good condition throughout. $180. Tele-|'si MERCURY, two-tone, teal sharp, COL clubs © irons. 3 woods, bag, aw pier and dryer parking facili-|further particulars. _|BASEMENT bedroom, suit two gentle-| sider house in Oshawa as down pay-|and screens, forced aie at erie god Completely winterized. New forced air phone 725-2902. signal yee go yng red = matched set. $100, 725-8556, - mM tment, quiet build-;men, twin beds, nt, Ni le 3856, Wilson road near high schoo! 8. furnace. Private. WH 2-0296 after 6|;;5-awrenicAN € Pontiac, good condi: |exttas. . | seersecet--eerersi meorecncuepeestor "ps ties, stone to. bis, 125-7760. " on, te, gee ae stove, "refrigerator parking. Apply 187 Wilson Road South, | "=< t bed-si Toom in quiet|Real buy! $2000 down payment, one en ee sale' yd cule *aals: are phone| 8a. leaned be genes raged Bag Parkway feie- ¢ ROOM Fi. ee Laundry, parking. Bus close.| -FeNisHEp single and double rooms, hoger Ragen --, for one per-|mortgage. for Bie. balaaee. Phone 728- SLE Ge TaUC T iecee CHU, INT Pass as tame tow ieee inteceintiole cs dnek See ee Se at tee nist n re = eee -- es - 72g.|185_Verdun Road. 723-3996. suit ladies, gentlemen or couple; use|. or two to share. Private house, | 466! Stephen Macko Realtor. Rana Meee ag sea Kadla PAGE Tx GL an s(n aliens heed rea, Pnmenea base -- THREE rooms and bath, fridge, stove.lof kitchen. Apply 67 Second Avenue. 728-2758. corner lot. Good income possibilities.| iin. Service Station, 627 Simcoe Street|quick sale, 125-7048. ae ral Electric GHOUND Toor -- Twobedroom, ultra-|Diy.tton Sirect near General Motors, |COMFORTABLE furnished room, kiteh- SELLING YOUR 725.8133. South, 'g) CHEVROLET deluxe, radio, twolpletely overhauled $69, Phillipe "al™ modern trically eaulP-|-retephone 728-5649 '|en_ privileges, near hospital, bus and SACRIFICE SALE PROPERTY? BRICK with 2 in| 57 PONTIAC station wagon, four door |tone, new slips, body motor and tires|console, $99. All sets guaranteed, Meag- eg Shopping Centre, sateenatic ReAREMENE. cuilconicionl: beteose, north General Motors. 723-1300 or f city limits on Ries scree eo VLA} -adio, low mileage, 6 cylinder, stano-|in ssomnelt ee $595 easy terms. jhers, 5 King Street West. washing facilities, Apply 208 Crom Bergh 1 bedrooms) 795 0748, w summer cottages approved. City water. 725-4433. ard Very clean. Best |"Stew' . MOVIE camera, Bell and Howell, two Rypeel peers 2. bathfoom: $60 per month. Immetiate|FURNISHED room for one gentleman, Hinged on north side of USE 300 ACRES 'and, about 60 acres clear-|offer. 725-7922. an biles W. light bar, tripod, beaded sereen, Srna pra bth sm gas PomeeAPB_ in| Howell vd ees Foe Giec" ot "lahons| Rice "Loke only. 43) mies | Ese Deer acre | ort eta ed tite, eat |ecccmcromenaies, Wanted escron tara oo te bath, semi-prival Apply rew Street or ; rounds. | radio, back-up lights INO, OSD | mann elephone 725-3621, ; entrance, near North General Motorr.| BASEMENT meas elk cr oe 728-4594. from Oshawa _ 75' x 200° | PHOTQ CO-OP 728-2078. foe cUp $05. 7 725-9688. peagy ogg eg, dag oll sy HAND hair dryer, Ostet, sows aleaiiie Puemens Fete AS ter AN, I Tences parity. ersten, G0 wcthly. SINGLM Soom 6 el Sore FOR Nor'| lot, completely wired. $2,500 | SIX room house, with one acre land,|-------- ear ee deep fryer; Viking 3-brush floor polish- p.m. ' en, G : 2 40 x 80, apart-|parking facilities, immediate posses-|Five minutes to four corners. Gentle-|all conveniences. Bank barn store, Sf e A na + baby clothes, car seat and toilet T M. Corner store, William and Mary) egch with $500.00 down. radio, back-up lights, wheel discs, ed : THREE room furnished | apartment, TALLY furaished twocFoom|Street. Telephone 728-2879, Also a 75' x 200' cottage lot FOR Asking $5,900," 725-1062, low mileage, 105 Ritson even esting en ae ake Navenies "2, 11 Gibbons basement apartment, veatcly locsied, |(WORNINERD room, im private home, in same location for only |BFAUTIFUL 'sixroom 'bunssivw, lose|\North. Telephone 725-1300. ie ALL € ASH$ ee ag 'treet, 728-176. near Shopping Centre. Available imme: near ae is se Warking space-| $800.00 with small down |down payment, 6 per. cent 'morigage, |S AUSTIN in "good ofinning coed |nue of telephone "725-7600 ch lately. . tls only. App! Q z 4 tion. ist offer ac 6 Soper pees sues Sey? av ROOREN tes cal tne tain THGE|PURMEERED resus, aa enteeer| payment. Call Oshawa 723- | Sessepons. Tae-Aibe, 200 2. Foy 728882 _for further information, For clean cars we dedi up or [Seer at pn. a 5 . | ry and A "4 ia" % Eh Rauite" oly, ressmmauie. Heat and/ments, stove and cig otter pening gt -- ge ed _.7973, CALL ad de Bag pac ggg 1 AME = ger eae a pee Ragin 4 down. Liens paid off. ltrie, sew euine tabs, n, See 995 5 1 fterjities, parking space. Triplex, south end. |desired, bus a' 4 5 serv! automatic ae % | : 4 ee re ree Oe isiioes tee. ___ | South. 728-0146. iii | Giton bungdion Smee | 728 5] 07 ete leat, Excellent condition. One owner | NICOLS MOTORS LTD wrewengen re. en ¥- APARTMENT building, private|SELV-CONTAINED four-room apatt-\FURNISHED front room in quiet adult bath, winterized, heavy wired, "i a renrrrrere | ECGS TECH pee 512 BROCK SI_N,, WHITBY (TYPEWRITERS tor student. Guaren. three-room apartment, modern through-|ment, parking space, recently So porte pnd beds, tigi poplar sds 3 Ladino $4,000 with | ice ee. A-50 -- Pel og MO 8-800) ilton, Ashburn, Brooklin z :. , TV aerial,/ed private entrance and bath. In rjample parking space; sui sé | tires, in g con TAME TET i PA tly RO caeron eR ia Rn Pt gat ag ll ge Adults. | py: Telaphone MO 8-3246, |gentlemen. Apply 25 Quebec Street. __ $1,000 cash. Less for all RISTOW & OLSEN, REALTORS $500 DOWN Telephone 723-7914. : \. F. Goopricn Stores -- Tires, bat- Apply 212 Stevenson Road South. EXCELLENT three - room apartment phe nl ak aan rept bein posi - re : 19 ATHOL ST W., OSHAWA 0s STUDEBARER, ae 3 coal. a CARS 'WANTED perio Thntty, budese Clee te AP) --- three-rooms, unfur-| rtment building. Possession No-|central, continuous Agha acres, some woods, 2 trou in TE acca ps ets oe) sell to highest bidder. Located at Osb-| ? i eae See ae dh atts iecteeaeome Wilco me) Scr cad ey | cay PRT EOUSE Teenie: Tommie) Paving a New Coy. |OVE, Fra, mc win trance, mty of hot ar, One child) on North, Apartment 3 723-9225, f & i Parkes, 725-1139, s en y! po aia be a5 SMS agar welcome. Apply 417 Osnawa Boulevard) 7 TE CONTAINED three room base-|EARGE combination room, light house-| (May be seen), 6-room mod EX ECUTIVE HOUSE "85 LIGHT green Chevrolet, deluxe) Talk 'Cash' to the New (Laughlin Boulevard after 5.' South, (s a | aide e to|keeping, refrigerator, sink; close to| ern house, barn, henhouse, h 1! | his 4 ; "SAVE" 16' PETERBOROUGH canoe with pad- ment apartment, heavy wiring. Close to P} 1. Teleph 725-4683. H f Osh » A Enclosed . porch, a newly coach, excellent condition, radio, five Car Dealer and dle orifi Ont Ta) HOLeMg! private entrance and bain; Uae. Couple preferred. 'Telephone 725.|downtown. Sult girl. Telephone 725-¥689.) about 30 miles from Oshawa HOME decorated, new oil furnace, | good tires. Sacrifice, $650: MO 84920. TED) CAMPIN MOTORS _ (its. sactifice sale. Only used four Seo meaty, private at, Booey a 7940 LARGE furnished room, suitable for} Has to be seen to be ap- H | a -- 'Children come, parking 6) . F | 2909." | East Oshawa, about 10 minutes ride.|'54 CHEVROLET, buil keitch bone rg ae 7 oak times, Save $75. Apply 669 Shakespeare ietameininiueiiiiensibininiansiie | st % uilt-in itchen cupboards, '56 TRS Sports ou-e, wire wheels, | us i 4 Avenue, off Wilson Road South |MODERN three room unfugpished|singie person, close to downtowy yen | preciated. $12,900. Terms. n H td, immediate joverdrive, hardtop, new paint and car- 723-4494 oa Res. 725 oor4 nee | Seacr " rr ps a rane F meus Tm iia |apartment, private bathroom anden-|ing privileges. Apply 317 Glidden Ave.) EQ CW OT. ou At Large 22-storey. three-bed- jarge nice yard, be padre Ny te tier ge ge yg CONVERTIBLE. baby cairiage, Loyd, MODEEN three room apartment, Pri-jtrance, quiet new home. Adult, Tele-jnuie. Telephone 725-1601. b ith GAG chink: wenih family home on Con: | Possession. Sacrifice for FES, SPOT CASH like new, white, makes into esr hed. Yate. entrance and bathroom, in new /phone 725-9297 .|FURNISHED room for man or lady inj beaver dam a We ve y | quick sale. sai RONGIAO SAGA Geonlionn Tauene| : $25. Telephone 723-9215. Ak astractive large rooms and win-|iive-ROOM apartment, near Tiagian,|quiet district, north of hospital, Bus} 20 acres hardwood bush. naught Street -- seven 51 PONTIA jan, excellent ruanng PAID FOR VACUUM claibat GaGa, a Ge laundry facilities, Telephone ' '" ? " ie vate king ete. -ele-| Good est through condition, good body, radio, directional bay --_ , jprivate entrance and bath. Close to!service, private home, parking e trout stream ig! large rooms, three. bothrooms signals, $225 or best. offer. Telephone parts, attachments, brushes, gua'an spires school, $40 monthly. Available now. | ohone 728-2758. ae 3 20, property. $800.00. 9 ' : 728-0122 after 5 p.m Good clean cars. Trade up teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free. tbe Aer > eo a oat Telephone 725-6304 EXTRA large furnished housekeeping We have farms, houses, lots, fireplace, garage, family t occa 2 or down. Liens paid off bersgg MS roel gears Repair Serv. jar 4 | aw siabe oo ; at a j lice, TWO large rooms, furnished, refriger-jroom, rangette, refrigerator; en y a 3 | fa Ph: dion. bat heavy duty wiring, private bath, #0 ator, stove, ctuphoards, close to deen lbeane and water included, Centrally lo- etc room, all built ins and broad BUYING OR SELLING SEE | DODD MOTOR SALES | 'mopthly. Telephone 728-5455, town, olf heated, large closets, $40.|cated. Suitable for girls or young cou- 5 loom throughout, modernized (ee ae Telephone 728-0933 |ple. Apply 92 Elgin East. M. E. LEASK : , . TED CAMPIN 314 PARK RD. S. [ive sxtaane Chan tae, oat MAIN FLOOR | wav EROOM self-contained apartment,| | 65 Ontario St., Bowmanville, | kitchen, all in spotless condi- INCOME } » 412 Si rth. 723-9421 lace gant leentral, Oshawa, private entrance,|27----Real Estate for Sale MA 3-5919 | tion. Owner moving to Tor- jheated, stove and refrigerator, $75) -- AC sit lee eb u ee ui MOTORS MOFFAT heavy duty range, large size, * ry four burners, two ovens, two storage jmonthiy, Telephone MO 86-5367 for ap. onto, must be sold at once 31--Automobile Repairs » 3 ROOMS za, : cme | ae Os eee FOR LIFE 607 KING ST, --. OSHAWA Sa WITH KITCHEN -- frwrnatir toca ireeroon moe ~==HARRY, MILLEN REAL ESTATE : ust East of Wilson Read) | | HOUSTON'S GARAGE |good condition. Too large for owner. €fh apartment, containing stove, -- re- arranged. é Security is yours with this | 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 ! and SERVICE STATION BOP ae ene hes eneti ! | er, reason- APPLY lest WHA foellitien on same fioor. $78| 728-1 6/79 CALL OWNER | modern 15-room_ apart- BRAKE ae ee te AS ra ML Wi aged cera 716 CEDAR ST monthly, Apply Sproules (corner King| | ono: nalage WI L L | mn PLETE BRA Fresh furthe: athe ncteeaecmsm cine #t Riteon Road) p y |FOR RENT -- Portially furnished two-| OW LOW LOW of 725-5697 : | St ae <a UPPER DUPLES | TOURIST tent 9 x 9, screened window, --- | 3 baths, 5 kitchens, all well {| GENERAL REPAIRS screened zippered door, floor, canopy. ; won seme partment, C 5 a v Excellent dition, Reasonable for lip loonted, Neat shopping centre. Avail | Low Down Payment -- $1,000 or even less to the rented except a new 4-room MOT O R 5 67 even Ww. leash, "oa Tecumeek. Gent Ge ea t-shoped living room, ome jable immediately, Phone 728-6563. | right person LLOYD REALTY opt. Veale ined eer you ae TAUNTON RD. EAST neeetn in (AOI SSE NBimeoe A and P), gations | | | your tammy. is excellent |ENTIRE contents of Ajax aotel ror sal, hen room oom, 6----Rooms for Re Taxes 168.00 investment for | Your AUSTIN Dealer ? rredige ger rig Resor ge pa ge nee * Ag oon ee Rl _ | - eta a Py 500 for a 13 yr old five bedroom wee AANA oe AY $3,000 down For esauien: Wok a ae HILLCREST (23-4641, ask for Mr. Finer, ; 4 ; , THEN CALL YOUR MOVER é e have a goc t Ideally located, Rent $65.00. | room, sink and cupboards, refrigerator. | ' Suitable for Indies or gentlemen. Ap-| storey and half home in the north east district. ment to investigate further, 723-7905 ply to $20 Frontenac | USED sewing machines, portable and , 5-ROOM BRIC call MO 8-5765, of Used Core. SUNOCO console models, all guaranteed priced | particulars. on MF|Close to schools and bus service Modern family kitchen, large = K same eee se 725 033] ie aL. rae Nea pron to So a ae Machine, ' % tet =| r your jotoring Ne | meoe South, 72 s * a TWO furnished housekeeping 33,| living room, 4 PEs tiled bath, all nicely decorated. Just bis bag | BUNGALOW LOTS F pS uitee SEAN teaDits ea eh ; 1 mile East of Oshawa |BEDROOM suite, three-piece 'ight wood TWO-BEDROOM kitchen and bedroom, sink and ecup.| for the large family. Call Loreen Kellett today for an appoint- $10,900 FULL PRICE OR SALE | No. 2 Highway complete with mattress and springs, Ex- boards, private entrance, central, iaun-| ment 723-3770. : APARTMENT |dry facilities, Apply 253 Athol' East. --_ { + cellent dition, $125, Telephome 728- Iery tact Athol" "| $900 DOWN $900 | KING ST. E. & ROSSLAND Ro. | VOLVO | OREN ee OE eee y TWO large warm rooms, completely | Fully U equipped furn! 725-4811 os 5 . On ished for light housekeeping, in- HERIFF ne | | Carries for $68 per month, | $60.00 per foot, N.H.A, op- Most dependable. |LIDO coat, Tady's, grey striped, full SIMCOE ST. N, cluding electric refrigerator and stove. J. A. ' @a tor | The lead hi d ge | : jlength, size 12 to 14. Very good eondi- Use of washer and dryer. Central t principal and interest on a proved, Builders terms. e 'eager on 'the road on |32--Articles for Sale jtion, Best offer. Telephone MA 3-5350, ae : r 725-6343 down town and shopping centre. Suit 5% N.H.A, mortgage. All track, a oe a = |COMBINATION doors, two, and quan <9 TOS P.M, __|fsagt se Sto") EXECUTIVE HOME--GRANDVIEW GARDENS | chiminum "storme end | JONES JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE [SEINE Gai wen, Zamna (CONIA aoe ata In d d i F rieoneenpstinatrerretihnonlrtnsic ron ateaioe nite ime condition, 725-6139. Apply 298 High- . ' . i furniture A . LARGE, bright bed - silting room, mod-| This California Redwood ond Brick split-level with at- fosan ws can NAMA cosleed 449 Ritson S, 728-0921 are, Sema ab ie eee ee ernly fu . twe minutes walk to| tached garage has just been listed. Must be sold as the owner lorde Jot in a. ood fide. REA ESTATE ane aes 8m --|Street South. 728-4873. We buy and sell | eed. two. seasons. Alen 208 =NOW RENTING Hopping Centre. Apply 460 King Street! is leaving Oshawa. The living orea on two separate levels con- ter tee ee to-schools.- (725-6612 728-1568 | Trade your boat on a cor-- |Remington automatic, only fired five MINGLE ox Soaha arciated "a sists of three bedrooms with double closets, 4-pc. bath, kitchen, idsotnn " Biss gel ls so te PINON | Naw ov Used | SARGEANT'S |shots. Telephone 723-7690. or double furnished room, la-| Gini d livi ith natural stone fireplace and F 5 : | |FREEZER, chest type, "Woods" de a Tee ue Cal tcstan far] hearth. "Two more levels contcin the recreation rea in mo- | Ot beat this for value, Call | 1 CYT FOR SALE SMITH'S SPORTS TABLEWARE --_|iuge, 'used' six" months. sian, Phone and 2 Bedroom Apts. ephone 725-8150. ____| hogany plywood, with 3-pce, washroom, Featured in this 3 year Ed Drumm at 728-6123, SUPERTEST RENTALS Ltn oll Mtn oroallnn on ~ COMFORTABLE double or single} old Kassinger constructed home are built-in range and oven, ' |; North Simcoe at Contin Rd. See eer eae BUGIN CT [eee Eb cea SUE S|. walt meanand estrigesstr, ciah waar, double ele wih some oe Sn ee ON WAYNE AVENUE| j | | | 30-30 WINCHESTER gun, model 9%, Wine! |REFRIGERATOR, stove, both fully RA 8 5912 Punch bowls, chafing dishes, penne) weocern air conta -- ste 2 . : Li Realt: = e buckets, d A }eondition; what-not, sma Bs - Built-in china cobinet, colored |t0"-_105 Ritson North, 725-1300. | and built-in breakfast counter. Broadloom is laid throughout the | imited Realtors ; , Dies iain: waa aiiswere binge light lamp, all-wave antenna bar. 256 Bain trig se Oo he pesiing | living room, dining room, spacious vestibule and stair cases. | 728-512 65' x 116 BEE ell bbls dll cote OO peed e endian kee |Malaga Road, te :. i i i i i | ? ' q " |REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, large matic washer and dryer, ATTRACTIVELY Twindows on every window ensure weather proofing, Situated 101 Simcoe St. a. : PHONE ers, anniversaries, buffets, |size, in A-1 condition. Reasonable for paved porking, T.V. outlet, FURNISHED ROOMS on a professionally landscaped lot with paved drive, this prop | | ) TV. et, ii } k sale. 725-6: 156 bariboo drapes. erty is offered at $20,000.00 with excellent terms. Call Jack 728-6158 | 7 Maree cine reasonable prices, jquick sale. Telephone 725-6115 er | FBR A cht } i Sentra 'ar oulevar 01 Available in private home. Sheriff for details and appointment to inspect. DID YOU "56 BUICK -- 4-door 725-3338 savy copa iattagey =I $75 - $100 Monthly | 82 PARK ROAD N. 25 ONTARIO STREET DIAL 728-1673 | Hardtop $750 | | Excellent' condition, 'Telephone. Pasian, TELEPHONE Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. VISIT TO RENT 154 FALL SPECIAL WILLYS $125 | : | TELEVISION set, reeord player, tele- Bs phone table and chair, coffee and end 725-1196 2-7 P.M. 728-8671 APPROXIMATELY | *53 CHEVROLET Bel COMBINATION ALUMINUM tables, two hall runners, lady's clothes, THE 50 ACRES OF Air, Axl $300 DOORS $45.00 lent beste Ton ee ' WORKABLE LAND '53 PONTIAC, rudio . $275 ALUMINUM WINDOWS, |gewing-eosie peat ai : DODGE--mechon- AWNINGS, CANOPIES, |zig-zag, console, with stool; desk, 3 side el of aw 3 % WHITBY CLASSIFIED VILLAGE ? 5 ie ek ee is once $150 | RAILINGS ere eae eae Se * 7] Stevenson Rd. N. Partial use | * me |725-3621. FOR SALE: Late model Crosley auto-|LOST -- Lady's pink gold Gruen wrist IT'S OFFICIALLY } of barn possible. No live- runs good $60 Colonial Aluminum matic -defrosting refrigerator; four ele-|watch, brown cord strap, reward. 318 ey stove. Mi |PAINT, interior, exterior. Bargain OPEN NOW ; stock, For further informa- Aue, ment, -heavy duty Gurn O|Mary Street West or phone MO 8-4294. 2-8609. nd up. Brini % | stock, CASH,* TRADE Sales Co pioaeOahaws Hartware ahd maeiunee jAPPLES -- $2 and up. Bring own < IN ROSSL AND M ANOR | MODEL HOMES ON { Jaegen Paeres OF Tie or TERMS 8 Church Street, 723-7624 : ' cS -- and up, Bring own con-| R Z S cane on 7 size, FOR RENT; Furaihea tres roomed|'tiers, Maybelle' Orchard." mie DISPLAY FROM 2-90 | ----=--_____-_ AT OPEN TAMAS OM: a "null ond a at apartme! 1e 4 : . i : - q 00, ¥ poe yg OO * |fetennone Mo bse," | __ (ROSSLAND RD. W. & GIBBONS ST.) EVERY DAY ssaee ts BASELINE 134 SIMCOE ST. $, Gireilation Department. Oshawe, Times © SERVICES. Complete bookkeeping |atterations, slip 'covers, Gowne nh ; ; THAT'S HARMONY | 2- M APTS. : 3 wee for smal 'busnerte, wee tng our speity. Me. "Toma Mo WINTER PRICES WHILE THEY LAST VILLAGE EAST OF Stove, refrigerator, dryer, 2 MOTORS SHEER 3s Llc onc ae TV TOWERS r as . Te- | 8-2372. "4 | : Me "f : . camel vikebane tax returns, MO 8-8252. TWO roomed furnished apartment WOODED LOTS $60 PER FOOT bay DONOVAN COLLEGIATE | blocks from Hospital, WHITBY LATEST AO-tt: truct ith alle ~ Tom abitipimmreancie' Eauaren ae [oma Macemtte. love ana Wid St FULLY SERVICED ON HARMONY RD. S. | CALL OSSIE MARTIN | cape anne, oF eee i at . d 0 le 5 . . ; Same, Apply 840 Dundas Street Kest|Sieriage. Forty Street, Whitby. Phone FOR INFORM ATION MO 8-563] MODERN DESIGNS °| 'ced: gueranteed' §- yesr, a | JOHN A, J HOWE & PETERS: ---- : ia SEPTIC tanks cleaned. Walter Ward,| gentleman in quiet home. Parking | In tiving room drapery mo- TRIO TELEVIS (@) f '204 Chestnut Street West. Phone MO|space, Phone MO 8-5268 BOLAHOOD Realtors CLEARANCE terials -- 79¢ a yard and up. 471 Bond St. East, 728-6781 8-2563. APARTMENT for rent, three rooms RALPH S JONES Bedroom drapery in satins ween aa nnaREaaened APARTMENT for rent, 3 rooms and) With bath and garage. Newly decorated. 3 j Real Estate -- Ins, Ltd 67 KING ST. EAST and rayons 1.40 and up bath, .heated; two blocks from down |Suitablé for couple, near Dunlop. Ap. | : ecb 725-4701 Kitch : BUY YOUR town; couples only. Abstainers, $65 |Ply 1625 in Street. } 728-6246 | Exclusive Realtors | i ALE ey Ce FURNITURE monthly, Phone MO 8-2284. UNFU D self-contained bache-| ~~ = . | Evenings 728-9714 69¢ up FOR SALE: 1960 BSA motorcycle,|!0r apartment for rent. Close to busi- 1 8¢ as | '58 MERCURY Monterey Se- Drapes made to order by ex- at Golden Flash, 12,500 miles. Phone MO a Sate eae = AT THE CENTRE SOMETH NG |28--R 1 Estate Wanted | i rodio, automatic. oar rpmneal er one * DISCOUNT . a by . as e-bedroom -- seats a 1 ge AIRE are anager "Sales Leader- Special selection o' ready - made bungalow, c t, id drive, froma hie oir nore. Wie/enod. 0 only, Vacant Novemser| CASTLE HOMES -- $600 DOWN | WE HAVE BUYERS ONLY $1295 | drapes ot discount prices idl: BEM hone MO 8-4103 after § p.m. wt, Apely nlop Street West. MO ' n' urnishings ERNE som setae fe AP Sattar wow ser uexeas ONE MORTGAGE -- $71 MONTHLY NEW FOR LOWER PRICED "59 PONTIAC, Sed. aur M & C DRYGOODS) 8"20's Home Furnishing Bae pe irc MO 68-4252 = ily home, two kitchens, two bathrooms, HOMES "Real Good Car', 74 Celina Street j eS Bes Spm. sO PR feMlable November: 1 YES, AUTOMATIC OIL HEAT We F dj iie 723-7827 Good Reconditioned SPACIOUS modern two bedroom apart-| : : : | IS sreperties ler ey og ae '59 CHEVROLET Impala __-' M77 Us! REFRIGERATORS & WASHERS ments or rest, from $08 rt Noo athe tee ee xi.| $600 is your full down payment for the 6-room brick Under For. ines sepraisel Convertible, automatic, All parts and service cd kulees tects wala tile, hardwood, downtown tocation.| bungalows, complete with storms and screens and radio, power broke, [FOOD & FREEZER AJAX $90" and $100, in modern | building nate an sean storm doors. There are no second mortgages and | call-- wile PLAN BARGAIN CENTRE Nr asaios -- 2 pied sea ee nothing extra to buy. Visit our model home just west COMING SCHOFIELD - AKER LTD, CHEVROLET Coach -- v s ve ph cutie nop hi apartment, heated, park. | heated, rent $90 monthly. Vacant No-| of Oshawa Shopping Centre on Cabot Street. (One Daytim 723-2265 automatic. "Nice Run- ey ee eee cee Harwood Avenue North ing. Mr. Gay, 20S Brock Street "outh,|vember 1. Apply 717 Dunlop Street West. block t of St 's Road.) OE ia ning Machine' Now try the best. Eat better AJAX -- WH 2-6410 NOhawk_ 9-5067 |MO 8-4780, pe ock west of Stevenson's Road. 5 TO Evenings .. 725-0243 | for less, 80% groceries sup. | 7 tment, SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, Walter Ward. Vv T ! Wo ) SPER Ne toe, wis Prete Sons call ans Casatar West Pats ese 725-1186 | * 728-8423 Fourdoor' Héntts AC | plied, ail wellknown pre | COMPLETE SALEas hears ey wicag. ome enia MANORE for, sale, tor gardens EVENINGS CALL: { 5-1726 automatic, radio. "tm- | ducts, highest quality meats. | ALUMINUM PRODUCTS FOR RENT: Unhanished apartment | MR- MeMULLEN--725-0104 MRS. HANDSON---728-5075 BR AEMOR |29--Automobiles for Sale maculate Condition. Life-time warranty freezer, | storm windows end lek ATTENTION HUNTERS two large bright rooms firepiace, W. T. LAMSON |'55 PLYMOUTH two-tone, long trips We rent: Canoes, Cor Top greund floor, private entrance, parking y * CHEVROLET Deluxe the Only one guoranteed by windows and doors only $40. |22 miles per gallon. Make am offer, Cash ' ' ; ' : » block ' | ; ' Sedan, rodio. "A Dard Good Housekeeping. No Install Canada's finest awn- Bec, Shot Gru, Dems, eae lock from Shopping Plaza, MO REAL ESTATE LIMITED jtalks, Apply 19 Colborne Street East off sgh y Pas |Simeoe North. fe 1 geen payment. Call now for ing ond Porch railing. Very Cabin Trailers, also Power | Fon RENT? Sell Conidinel Uke Te: : : 5 ' , Tools, Garden and Lown [apartment bent nines taree room GARDENS | RELUXE 60 Convair, gutstanding com CHEVROLET Deluxe | demonstration -- no obliga. | "easonable price. Ca Bouman. MO $3226." |S agin Se ear TCALF Real Estate Ltd. [ean Reet, WS cate] Fourdoor Hardtop "Exe | ton Zenith 9.6100. | ALEX VAJDA, 723-9851. WILDE RENTAL 82398, : f STEVE ' come = Bet le ceptionally Clean Car'*, oe seine SERVICE & SALES, WHITBY [SELF-CONTAINED inurs row apan| 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 EVENSON'S RD. N. it Ole abet | c AIN' | door, automatic transmission, *56 CHEVROLET Deluxe | CLE NCE OF USED SETS iy decorated, private "enennce tr FORDE ACRES AND howe Taso3. en" Se wR Tele] "Sedan, automatic. "The | ARA LLY. SCHNEIDER'S FOOD PLAN, bath. 'Telephone MO. @-s246. | Sprawling 7-room bungalow with 2-car attached garage and TUMBLER-FREE with $3 worth ot| Sharpest in Oshawa' 21 WESTINGHOUSE Toble Model $79.95 through ECONOMART, 15 or |SMALL furnished robm, continuous hot all the model home features built into one home, entrance r line at The Hilltop. G : " "te FRIGIDAIRE Freez- |water, good parking 'facilities: uit! features ceramic floor on rubber-fobric mural done in bs sag a ANNAPOLIS ANE, We ae oe cht ee Oe an CHEVROLET Half-Ton | 21" WESTINGHOUSE Console te: $89.95 : NO WELD gentleman. Telephone MO 8-4123, 621| Pick-up. Sharp and | 21 CROYDON Console .... $69.95 Dundas West, Whitby. | ing room designed with built-in chino cabinet and sliding glass | | Cleon' tee --- | door pass-through for effortless entertcining. Broadloom j | nic at 17" ADDISON Console ; $59.95 STUDENTS! A super value, approxi-| 'i . | mately 630 sheets of letter size typing) throughout home, kitchen and family room floors are Corlon. | . | °FOR AN HONEST DEAL 17" R.C.A. VICTOR Console $59.95 Teer aws Print) for only $1.00.| 'Built-in stove and oven, walnut cupboards. Tennessee stone | | See "TED" 17" NORTHERN ELECTRI $39.95 Ta aca aces ultics, Whitby,! fireplace also brick fireplace in basement. Bosepeord hot water | Inspect two new brick bungalows with attached carports, 3 | | LECTRIC on base ©. ..35 3 3 95 bedrooms, modern Hollywood kitchen with smahogany cup- TED CAMPIN i i COLUMBIA on base $49.95 boards and double sink, 4 piece tiled bath with vanity -- pre- | | | ADMIRAL Table Model .. $59.95 SRAVHVOL siecota beansiaw om heater, two bathrooms with colored fixtures ore "ceramic ceramic attached garage, close to High Schoo!,| tiled. All wiring underground inclu ing T.V. antenna from a $110 monthly. Available December 1.| central moin tower. Total price $25800.00. Terms arranged. Telephone 728-4257. GRAVEL - LCAM A fine home in choice location, 6 rooms fireplace, outside entrance to basement, flagstone patio off dining room, good Cement, Gravel, sized lot. Must be seen to be appreciated, Full price $13,- Driveway Gravel and Fill 900.00 with one 596 mortgage. Delivery Monday to Sat. Noon AFTER 5:30 CALL ERIC C. BRANTON. | Joe Mago, 725-9191 Everett Elliott, 723-9290 Marion Drew, 725-7610 John Kemp, 728-2392 | MO 8-2660 Dick Borrioge, 725-6243 Gibbons Street off Rossland Rd. West, keep left and drive | MOTORS to the end of Glenforest Street--- Representatives on duty Friday and Saturday. For further information, contact 607 KING ST. E. Heya sTORES; 40 RNG ot. E } gn SHERWCOD AVENUE | paid serviced lots, Located in Rossland Manor, Turn north at | | 17" GE, Table Model $49 95 | | HOWE & PETERS OSHAWA 725-6566 - OSHAWA | | | Gust East of Wilson Road) 67 KING STREET EAST 725-4701 723-4494 -- RES. 725-5574 (Continued on Page 16)