tA CEYLON NATURAL GREEN tea by its abudlate fis and delicious flavor is displacing Japan tea just as ‘‘SALADA”’ black is displacing all other black teas. Sealed lead packets only. 25c and 40c ™, By all grocers.” pe . CELEBRITIES. What Some Great People Are Doing and Saying. _ The father of the King of Siam childre! are living. Jules Verne does the great bulk of a writing three hours hefore break- fax ns Thirty-two sons je LL in 7) any FINO HAS BECOME ¥ THE SEA. Experts to Become ina Time the Bichest Man in the World. * “Do not think © ‘it much-sou, ; m-soen individual. ter and a seldo The fame of his “inventions—his hyd- roscope, which allows him to’ view the bottom of the sea at an Then at of letters ured upon-him; people sought him out in Italy from ali parts of the world. Editcqg craved artities; sal- Vage companies, Leal fishers, ag fishers, and men proper clamor ed for the right An use his invention. One a dinmen offered. Jing $35, O08 ma Khedive’ of Egypt Bpeaks live armer, unginecr, scientist, and a businoss The sovereign who reigns over the smallest monarchy in the world is the King of the Cocos, a group of islands near Sumatra. The handsomest private carriage in the world is owned by M M. Schwab. It was built at a cost of $50,000, and is one of the most. luxurious things o; eels. France detains = prisoners of ee in Algeria, ane «© Empcro of Annam a e Queen of Satna nee: while in Martinique she keeps = im- ‘Pinto’ Shell Cordovan Used in H.B.K. Mitts, Gloves and Moccasins—tough as whale- bone, flexible, soft, pliable, scorch- proof, wind-proof, boil - proof, crack-proof, tear-proof, rip-proof, cold-proof, almost wear-proof— certainly the greatest leather ever used in mitts and gloves. Like buckskin it is tanned without oil, unlike buckskin it is not porous, it is it 18 wind- -proof—will Outwear three buckskins. “Pinto” Mitts and Gloves never crack or harden, never get sodden, are always warm, pliable, soft and comfortable. Sold at all dealers but never with- out this brand :-— HUDSON BAY KNITTING CO, Montreal Winnipeg Dawson 9 - RUSSIAN GEARED DUKES. A amie Burden on Poverty- ricken Russia. The male relatives of the Czar con- sist of one brother, four uncles, four first cousins, ten cousins ed the sec ond degree, thirteen cousin the third degree, and one picaiatele, His brother, his- great-uncle, his uncles, and his cousins of the first and scc- ond degree are all Grand Tmikes with while are only Princes of Russia, with the pre- fix Highness. This makes a_ total of thirty-three male members of the Imperial house, a addition to the ‘Czar himsclf, who serious burden on poverty- atcioken Russia, for each one of them receives as his birthright an income of £100,000) approximately a year from the moment he sees the light of the world till the hour of his death. The present sum paid to the Grand ces and Princes of the Russian Tm- perial house thus amounts to a total of about £3,000,800 per annum. The Grand Dukes have little need of the money, for have contrived to accumulate immense estates all over the country a ee them these thirty-three Gra Dukes and Princes of the Russian lipae ial house n One of his valets is a practical tailor, and kee; and coats in the best of condition. Field-Marshal Yamagata, the “Bobs'! of Japan, is the oldest Ja- Iku is 58. Nobody on the Japanese general stall is under 46 years of age. During the recent pcg in the House of cee ds on of tele- one. charles yGroscope limited tiie oot ta Wartiuiteriend' Italian newsparer offer- y the price of a ne gate sal describe the Bay. Pino refused to hear any- Only when business called him to Parigz recently did he remember to ogy a telegram to the writer mak- ng an appointment in fulfilment of oe old promise. UNTOLD WEALTH. He did not answer at once when I asked him point-blank if he saw any limit to the might reap; by nature he is the most unassuming of men. Then he said es swer must depend some- what on the concessions that I am to gain Sea treasure is not common property; every sunken ship has an owner somewhere. But if I have luck if no mistakes are made in my busi- ness arrangements, I answer, Yes, think I shall Become the richest man. For I am certain e the power of my instruments; onvinced that I hold the secret me only for finding all the treasures of the sea, but fo scopes arcing mmicane Lord Roberts said that the binocular Was no use to him. as he had sight in one of bis eyes, and always used a telescope. io} Mrs. ‘Tom Thumb is still alive, at the age of 65. She appears daily in a Midget Theatre at Coney Island, New York. She is a member of the Actors’ Church Alliance and of — the Woman's A Bog ereen The famous wedding of T umb was cclebrat- ed in Grace ‘Church, New York, 864. The Sultan of Turkey has 71 titles, the and on them are the words, “As many more as may be d esired can be added to this number.’ the titles are Wied ae the Eternally Vic- tor’ he Eternally Siniling,”’ “The teroally Invincible,”" ‘‘Distri- buter of Crow to the Heroes Seat- ed on the Thrones "and *“‘Shadow of God on Ear A WEAK ( HEART. THE INTERESTING EXPER- ATITA- IENCE OF A ST. CA RINES MAN. Had Suffered tne: Twelve Year an Was Ultimately Cured Through the Advice of a Friend. “Twelve years ago,"’ says . Wm. Emery, of Welland Avenue, St. “Cath. arines, ‘I was living in the town of Gananoque, and the Physicians there told) me I had heart d rom that time and rs ago I often had severe of the trouble. The least exertion would bring on violent palpitation, and a at other nes I would become dizzy, nervous, and frightened and my heart would almost cease to yecame reduced in flesh and insomnia followe I was hopeless of finding « cure, for I had been treated by ar experienced doctor, and had taken many advertised remedies with- out getting any benefit, neighbor — strongly to try Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and act- ing ou his advice I got a half dozen boxes. soon found much relief through the use of the pills, and af- e joying perfect have not since had ‘any return of the trouble If you nave any symptoms of heart roubly, neuralgia, indigestion, rheu- mintions, staciia or any of the num- and I feel safe in saying that the |clear, instead of sandy, Pino's great cure ix a permanent one, and I can | hydroscope would have discovered = strongly advise the use of Dr. Wil-|ships long since. For the lenses liams’ Pink Pills to all who wafior this telescope reflect all the ane from similar trouble." re!in clear Water within q wide range, porter can onty add that Mr. Emery fat whatever dept Even after the is well known in St. Catharines, is /hydroscope had ~~ reveled a tell-tale a@ prominent worker in Methodist |mast projecting from the seabed, circles, and has the highest respect the corner of a Wooden bulwark, it of all who know him. was a slow husiness clearing away g them aleo. “At alone,”’ on, tpn ee million omnia’ worth of gold and silver is to be picked up any de which allows him ev ‘e- | Case brought jenn ee tC) harvest of wealth he| half the women in Canada are af- Ricted with it: For ‘thint reason every videnee that there fp a stre’ and cure in existence is ant em fy. received. Ani there is abund- t evidence that Dodd's Kidney aeeite ie just such: a cure, The’ district is wees for an cxample, one is. that of Mrs. Jas . Murphy. She says: I suffered for thirty-cight months with @ pain in my hack, I took just one box of Dodd's Pills and only one’ will not z the nap “off geese for the’ surface off lin 4sk for the Octazen Bar. such strai straits that s poor and faded go awe, while she _ neither blanket nor sheet. for The grandson of one of our greatest posts was discovered short time the these money-making A lady who was entitled to wear the coronets of 2 “ISLAND CITY” HOUSE AND FLOOR PAINTS Will Dry In 8 Hours. Sale at all Hardwars Bealar> P. D. DODS & 00. Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver, Viscountess, and Baroness, and _who 7 tha. pain since, mend Dodd's Kidney Pills to sche people, who complained os I did and in every the Pills did their duty and GREAT FAMILIES THAT COME TO GRIE Oliver Cromwell Descendants of Have Fallen on Evil Days. The news that a member of the family of the great Napoleon has trange plays at aoe with the descendan of her chief favorites. t was within a few generatious al- ter Oliver Cromwell’s death thot the with the Spanish —_ fleet that sank there in 1702 - — sh | Government estima over this is the eginning, but -“ the nee manager, Dr. Carlo = as made contracts with the Spanish —— giving us the right | for treasure in $100,000,0 en I consider the fish oan | ora ued even now = told. en, in the cen that my hydro ee the pearls, the wa c can no mit to future possibiliti “But at prosont. the trons flea at Vigo is our aoim.”’ THE VIGO GALLEONS, en Pino went on to describe how in April last he set sail from Italy to Vigo on his fine steamer, the San Clemente. On board was the first big hydroscope—a beautiful instru- ment that had just been built to the order of the Italian company has floated his inventions. these are very simple machines, Ac- was found for a crew Arrived at Vigo, no time was lost in getting to work. Under the cyes a warship, which waste the search on the Spanish Government's behalf, for the oe is to receive 20 per cent. of all reasure recovered, the preliminary survey work has been going steodily forward since the be- ginning of May. has prospered ancient galicons already have been identified. course, long before the search actively began every Known fact cor- cerning the treasure ships h cn collected for Cavaliere Pino. There ia not a serap of evidence in Spain bearing: on the history of Vigo Bay that has not been sifted by Dr. Car- Jo Iberti, the manager of Pino's com- pany. He learnt the whole story of the lost treasure fleet, the names of the ships and their captains, and the number of guns each carried. BAFFLED BY SAND. Had the waters of Vigo Bay been the sind to mnke measurement survey. Special instruments had lo be employed, for the sand rises in clouds when divers descend, obliterat- compelled to beg their | email, and at Icast two of them end- | nd their days in provincial poor-hous- Such of Cromwell's descendants bs are living to-day, with the excep- tion of a Somer rector, are fol- lowing the hum: Nest callings where ithey are not reduced to actua] pov- Many of the descendants of United are today earning living in the lowliest occu- . One is a porter in a Chi- te store; another is a road-sweep- er in New York; oe a third drives a tyame in Bo Mrs, Latitia mad who is the auntie of Pfesi- and. rel: to two other ago slen- § pal vitation, the — of Lady ite House, a packoedad to the ankiehiation of all.” the Hungarian Buda-Pesth wor Christine Kalnoky was the wife of an Austrian noble und ambassador, ‘in her youth was the ling of fa- shion’’ and the belle of som the most Peale nt of European ” Gourta. In elie Sonnabend, a woman mice ouieete poverty drove her to suicide in America not long ago, was recognized the fi ow of Princess Amelic of sister of a reigning Prince, and mem- ber of one of the oldest and most aid of the reigning tamattles { Germ The daughter of Theodore Hook, one of the most brilliant literary men of the last century, whose elegant manners and sparkling wit made him the pet of fashionable circles during the last years of George III, fell on such evil fortune that she was ab- solutely penniless, and depended for h A FEW DFENCE A DAY. This brave woman, the widow of Theodore Hook's son William, was CONSUMPTION Right foodesright medicine-right times these three thiegs are of the utmost import- to the con- sumptive. Right food and right medicine- these are contained in | THE WHIRLING OF TIME!" names in ou Peerage, was in 1898 an lauete i of St. Mary's Union (Is- lington) Workhouse, at Highgate, while her husband was living in sor- did surroundings at Vauxhall; and Princess Ghika, a scion of one of the famous houses in Roumania, to the life of a circus Governor Stewart, of Missouri, who was described by the King—then rince of Wales—as the most courtly man he met in America, die ex- treme ‘poverty and without a friend, — lies in an unknown grave.—Lon- n Tit-Bits Cc. CO. alae api & Co. Dear Sirs,—I have great faith in MINARD'S. LINIMENT, as last year cured a horse of Ring-bone, with five bottles It blistered the horse but in month there was no ring-bone and no lameness DANIEL MURCHISON. Four Falls, N. B. “You can Say what you pone oe Chinner,"”’ said aa his principles are #8 Yer: his principles are all cunt I'll acknow- ge,’ replied Hunker—"‘nothing but sound !’’ he St. Stop the ¥ —This is sadly too often the ca So many nouseous nostrums purporting to . in the d do the patient im- menscly more harm than good. Pr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tabicts are a purely ee pepsin preparation, harmless ilk after cating revents any disorder of the digestive organs, pnts,—40. 60 in a box, adie cep “You just walt « 5 a while. The Rus- Sinn sokdiers are o little bit raw yet.”” “Well, they'll be well done when the Japs come up with ‘em!”’ Matt's Linkment Cores Glphtherta, ‘*No,’’ snid the self-sacrificing girl; “the lips that touch tobacco’ shall never touch mine—but you, may kiss me behind the car!”’ fer Over Sixty Years Mune. Wins BSoorHINo SrRur has been as: 10! bor for Diarrboa. Twenty-five cents a Bold tedruggists throughout the worl le sure ant shafor’’ Mn~. WineLow': ssooTuIxodyRUE.” 34-40 “He certainly is an adept in art of conversation “Yes; what a pity he isn t more adept the art of saying somcthing!"’ Running Sores. the outcome of neglect, or bad blood, have a never-failitfg balm in Dr. Agnew's Ointment. Will heal the muost ASCs. Soothes irrita tion alinost instantly after first ecutitac tiou. relieves all itching and burn- ing skin pretend in a ‘day. It cures piles in 3 to 5 nights. 35 cents.—39 oan after t the world begins to take cancel out of the wise graduate, Lever’s ¥-Z (Wise — iggy eed ant Soap Powder is better tha other powders, as it is both soap “aa disinfectant. POINT OF VIEW. Mrs. Weeks—There can be no estic happiness unless there are tual ag reams M trong—Nonsensc! Me and my husband get along all right, and 1 make him all the concessions, dom- mu- Catarrh and Co'de Rellevedin I9 to 60 Minutes. — One short pull of the breath through the blower supplied with each botllie of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Pow- der diffuses this powder over the r face of the nasal passages. Painless and delightful to use. It relieves in- stantly, and permanently cures catarrh, hey fever, colds, headache. sore throat, tonsilitin and deafness. 50 cents.—41 TELEPHONES IN WAR Scoutting with the aid of the tele- phone has become one of the features of modern warfare, and is now being made use of by the Japanese. e aporations are conducted in the fol- lowing manner: ‘wo scouts procecd from the lines towards the enemy 1 the college commence- th POULTRY We | can n handle your poultry either alive or dressed to best advantage. ne —— butter, eggs, honey and produce, THE DAWSON | COMMISSION co., Limited Sts, TOR MOOSE HUNTING. The finest region in Canada for the AO ed who to secure Mooso is the Temagami region in New On- tario, and now casy of access by the Grand Trunk Railway System and North Bay. All iasoruncitieos regard- ing guides, routes, rates can be Had on oo Tr Be to agents or G. T. Beel, G P. & T. While six burly bigahcaner agian — driving through the of Par in a cab the floor oe ee beneath their bap a and two of them dragged along ga Mini’ cut stat the hands and f. “ OneFeot In the Grave” —If the thou- oOo worthy thousand testimonies prove it.— It is permissible for a barber to scrape an acquaintance, but he should draw the line at bleeding him. {Minatd’s Liniment Cures Colds, etc, In union there is strengtli—so meck and lowly man with a strenu- ous wife says. = Cry—Pain in the back is the cry of the kidneys for help. ‘To neglect the call is to deliver the body over to disease cruc,, ruthless, helping the e mire of disease. It relieves in six hours. 8. One way to improve the memory is to assume for a moment that you have everything you want. Mingrd’s Linmest Cures Carpe In Com ps SOMETHING LIKI A FARM, At Faringdon, Berkshire, England, farming has been rai to a scien Mr. Georg Adams, of the Royal Prize Farm, Wadley House, farms some 4,000 acres, of which = ~—_ is arable and half pasture. ploys from 200 250 iene, milks 500 cows daily, keeps about forty Shire brood mares, a score of br ng sows, and from 3,000 to 4,- 000 laying hens, grows about 1,000 acres of grain, besides attending other multifarious items in the ordin- t ting, carrying, and ricking, is” done by piecework,. DR. A. W. CHASE'S CATARRH Cl CORE . nee 2bc. Dominion Line Steamships MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL «# Moderate Rate Service. = Becond cabin passengers fn best accommo sien ou" the’ seam rst ine low mass. of 2 & erpoul. 4250 Liverpool, London, Gece ac Se of Quest wo $15.02 jocal agents, or For all particulars DOMINION Line OFFICE. 41 King St. &., Turonzo, 17 St. Sacrament 3: ‘. YOUR OVERCOATS and faded Sulta would look better dyed. If agent *f cure in your town, write direct rect, Mea treal, Hor 18 BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING Co. MONTREAL. ACENTS WANTED TO SELL IMPROVED (COMBINED) KETTLE AND STEAMER Nevded in ovry family. Three sizes Bile and steams in teparate com wnte. STEEL EN- AMELED. Ccvrer locks ni hack handle for drain- jug. fost useful est cooker made) FREE SAMPLE. Freight paid orders. Illustrated cir- cul Ww By alk. BOX BROS., Toronto. Ont WANT TO LEARN | RATING Then write at once for our new Book on TELEGRAPHY It will cetain’y interest you: A lir Central — i! t Telegeaphy lege, - ms SHAW, Principal PLEASANT MEMORIES. He—"‘Do you remember the night a por. to hte “Yes, ” "We sat le one hour and you never ot your mouth,’ Sho— I remember, mar gg ‘that, was the Pc hour of my | life.’ ante neee Those whom neglected ghs have killed were once as thy and robust as you. Don’t follow in their paths of ‘ake = Shiloh’s Consumptio 8. C. Wzrts &Co. 308 ,N. ¥., Toronto, Can. ~ An indulgent Husband is all right if his indulgence is limited to one small glass, Mamma—‘Johnny, I am ashamed of you for keeping at the bottom of your class in school.'" Johnny—'‘E keep there for the advantages of the She—"Did you see any sharks when you crossed the ocean?’’ He—"'Yes; I played cards with a couple.” Ponce de serie had discovered the fountair of “Ain't it sim- ple, ” he pened, as he dipped in the mixture, and and a little pink burnt* ina atches powder. taroes and ne ures place, a t's my last guess a ‘ever. Blower int a ques you know. When all ar Mealy aaa teres Deca. Coase Chese the others, have failed, it’s almost me not to guess right. = ‘| Mlaard’s Uintment Cures Distemper “Truth,"’ remarked the moralizer, ‘ts stranger than fiction.’ ‘Yes rejoined the demoralizer; ‘‘and the majority of men seem to be shy of associating with strangers!"’ Be Ready for Croup And Protect Your Children by Keeping in the House «-| Dr. Chase’s 3\"" Linseed and Turpentine Scot's Emulsion f own 5,000 square miles of lan or |£Tous troubles caused by poor or wa- 4 : nbout one-fourth par f the entire té ood, you will find new health |ing their _ View. In these circum territory in European Russia, Besides and strength in a fair use of Jy. |Stances, Pino wisely decided against these vast estates, ey possess no Williams’ Pink Pills, Do not waste |any Premature attempt to raise a —_ than 325 palaces and castles, and health a he soa mation your sams ~_ the Leiba ht gal survey aca t » e use of substitutes—get | Work had been ce eted., a Sartae some 20,000 domestic eh . Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale t the present moment, while this ance —+—_—. ee on the wrapper around | general survey gocs forward, a Sep- ry box. Sold) by all medicine | arate search party is seeking to lo- DON'TS FOR YOUNG MOTHERS. dentnés or sent by mail at 50 cents | cate one of the ships known to have Don’t give baby a sleeping draught, |* box or six boxes for $2.50 by j been sunk in clear iota piemyet s soothing mixture or ge of po writing the Dr. Williams Medicine| she could be-eieed 9 t itt. e' = . kind except by the order of Co., Brockville, Ont. ficulty than cov e others, a uy @ come: all goes well, and she is successfu Remember tliat all ancaliat soothing * | rentigsaihe puperct the-aeexionns DLS: c soothing. raisod byt power o. Cc eleva to mixtures contain dangerous opiates SHEEP-BIRDS. then a grand ussault will be organ- Wf your child is restless give it Baby’s| ‘Thie yakamik, a species of crano, is| ized on the other identified ships , , ond sill be redoubled to Own Tablets, as they are absolutely harmless and in o natural Way pro- mote health-giving sleep. Don’t give medicine to chee the movement of baby's bowels - diar- — except on the advice of a doc- Feed the child sparingly and oe Baby’s Own Tablets to cleanse the bowels or irritating secrotions. Keep the abdomen were is trea as castor oil, which have always: rine them akc 7 m t fail to neon} Baby’ : Own Tab- lets in the house. Engage dealers or by m by writing the 7 Dr. Williazns? Medicine Co., Breckville, Ont, said to be one of the most intelligent birds hnown. ‘The — by the natives of Venez h Am erica, in the place of proreer dogs. for guarding and herding their flocks of sheep. said that. however far the yakamik inay wander’ with the flocks, it nover fails to find i way home at night, driving before it all the creatures entrusted to its care. a TWO THOUSAND A SECOND. The latest wonder of photography $ a machine which is capable of re- ceiving impressions at the rate of 2,000 o second, or thirty or fort: times as fast as the ordinary cinema- tograph. One of the chief purposes to which this wonderful invention is put is the photographing of insects’ wings in motion, by which it is hoped a 5 Bay problem o ee way be at ae ved eee re = it ¥} good many peaceful revolutions. and every effort w secure the treasure, “YT seek to find the easiest tags& to begin upon, Cavaiiere Pino, having explained the situation. “With once we shall know how ties of the made a very good beginning, and am more than satisfied, and more hopeful than ever.’ Pino’ the most implicit config dence in his companion inventions [ exploring the sea, Should he be as successful at Vigo Bay as he ; and should a few of the millions of ety | lying beneath the waves pass into his pocket, a power in the w a his hydrosco do nothing -— than to make fish the cheapest ai port cog dius all foods, that will be somethin pes A man who is pound-foolish isn’t swise. of pure cod-liver oil. |« Right time is at first sign of disease. Right time is now. Scott’s Emulsion always helps, often cures. Ordinary food helps feed. Fresh air helps cure. Scott's Emulsion does both. Begin early. We'll send you a little to try if you like. [necessarily ponny-t Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. ti paid ovt a reel carried by an electrician of the signal corps. ground return is used, the ‘ground’ being made by thrusting a bayonet or hatchet into the earth, and | ing one end of the line to it electrician carries a battery on back. In this manner a scout be able stay out a long time and give valuable ——— without be- ing oblig @ a number of hazardous trips to the front. NO USE TO HIM. There is a maiden named Dorothy, who always found some good excuse for having her oWn way. Dorothy's father came to her one evening, and said: we Look here, Dorothy, I don't like here so es you visit ‘just give him the cold should- “But, papa, he is a vegetarian,” answered the unabashed Dorothy ISSUE NO. 44—04. ! i THE THOROZCHLY TESTED AND RILIRBE FAMILY MEDICINE. To ovefcome croup you must» act (es ¥. ‘There is usually no time allowed ta sending for doctors or medicines. The hollow, cronpy cough at mid- night may be your nso warning, and this will strike terro your heart if you are not prepared to fight this disease. It may be of that Dr. Chase's Syrup and Turpentine is a positive cure for croup if it is og to be obtained at the critical tim Most persons wid have tested this treatment for croup keep a bottle at hand, so that by prompt netion they can prevent the “disease from reaching a scrious stage. + Dr. Chase’s Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine is composed of .simple in- gredients of cnaneaticaien curative is pleasant’ to the taste,. well ‘by children, and can be used perfect safety by old and little use to know of Linseed e liked with penne so long as directions are fol- j URS, GEORG =e anges 71 Har- bord street, ‘Toronto, writes: H “Our children ere been ee sub- we have found qi of Linseed and Turpentine has always brought relicf. By using it at the first “ of trouble the disease is checked once. We always keep this remedy rs the house, and, in fact, feel that .we do without it. Is and colds with ex- cellent see and recommend it to our friends. Chase's Syrup ofaLinsecd and Turpent ine, -25 cents a bottle; family sive, three times as much, 60 cents, at all oa or Edmanson, Bates & Co. nto. To protect you against “imitations, the yee and signa Dr. A. W. Chas thy ene ‘eotint book yuthor, aire every bo On