* Ser Soe Ea PAUL CARRIES THE GOSPEL 5 is sure to have sessed res ute: 43 ‘INTO EUROPE { is not done undef Alfs guidance, Golden Text ay be useless or,worse. Ha p nyt Come over into Macedonia, and | ‘ses that His Word shall uot return help us—Acts 16:9 unto Mim yoid, but shall prosper in : d / The fret missionaries did Hot be: |the thing whereto He sends it (Isaiah ot ust rea Neve in merely evangelizing’ and/ 56:11). : then Jedving the new converts to|we have no right to expect themselves. Paul said to Barnabas, | prosper. ‘ “Let us- go again end visit our| As the miasionaries ylelded io tha Indeed No / ze brethren in every city where we have| Moly Spirit's guidance they passed ’ ee ee ‘preached the word of the Lord and|‘by Myeia and came down to the E. see how they do.” What the Seript-|coast at Troas. Here Paul had his ures. call ‘"babes In Christ” must be| vision by ig Boe a Hares of or - Zurbrig's Bread is a tempting bronght up and built on the Word ot oom stood by him wit 8 pleading . ail, “Dome Over abies Macetnie aan . | plement to any meal — delicious in itself . ; Now comes a severe eontroveray els us." Dreama and visions may and lending zest to the rest of the menu. ee between Paul and Barnabas over the| not always be from God, but we may questign of taking with them again|a@lways know whether they are or Your family will demand twice as John Mark, who had turned back/ net if we seek God's wisdom con- ,| Officially given by the Council! at Jer-| of Nazareth, the only Saviour of men. e from the first missionary journey | cerning thant, and if we are ready much of our Bread as any other. Enceur- 4 ee and had failed the older men (Acta! for His_leading at any coat. Pani . age them to do,so, as it is the most htalth- { a . * Twin Ignition means Power, Speed, Economy [22:22 , Pav, fmougne ito gubeere red that the Tord was cal __ | fulland nourishing food they can take. . Batnabaa was Lepage“ to dn * 2 aereeel they ag ge who oady iver ildi igh-compression So the missionaries sefiarated atraig to oth an en pine jaa . als ame cents sted Or by building . hig Bah * F ‘ went in different directi@ns, Bar jon to Neapolis a Philippi, having Twin-Ignition-motored Nash “400 motor that needs special, high-priced bas taking Mark and Paul eae] he aiverg Oe n Gos. ut ; E : i reah its superiority in ls? Silas. The Scofield Reference Bible s always, when He leads us in ; cme scarmnnty ome — 2 an comments significantly that Barna-|any given direction, God°had gone J Periormance tO Cats Wi type The answer to both questions is, “No”: bas is heard of no more in the aie on ea ee od a4: of motors, Nash has developed new principles of Paseing through Syria and Cillcia, | | ering of cron women mho worship. P . igh- i r ruction on the northeast of the Mediterran- |p and met together regularly e@ In this new car, they discover more bigh SOR TENSE OS IRtDE LONE ean Sea, Paul comes to Derbe and/for prayer. Paul's missionary party wer and speed than they will ever © which create more power, more speed, Lystra and recruits another young| found its way on a@ Sabbath Day to po sus with ordinary gasoline, and less of it! man, Timothy, who was to become/this place of meeting, juat ontsiae care to use. They find a real theill in prominent in the early history ot | San ey, by a river side. em in- iti i ; ie the Church and was the recipient of usiness woman name the snap ef Twia-Ignition traffic Today the Twin- Ignition, 12-spark- two of Paul's inspired Epistles. who was «q dealer In fine fereie. and + , getaway. high-compression motor powers Aw Paul and Silas and Timothy | whoee heart the Lord opened, lis- 7 «t ‘his aod pec went on in this second missionary|tened eagerly to the good newe pro- _ 4 Has Nash accomplished these remark- all Nash 00" Advanced specnel journey, they delivered to ths' claimed by Paul. She believed in 4 rm ro by lus Six models. churches the deerees that had been| the One of whom Paul spoke, Jesus able results building a larger motor —one with aa enormous appetiee for We'll let you drive a Twin-Ignition- usalem, which we studied last waek.|She and her housshold were bapt- A ee ” . . Salvation was by Srace aione, and,| ised, and she asked the group. of gasoline? motored Nash “400 om believing this, ‘so were the churches missionerios, if they judged her to be established in the faith, and iIn-| faithful to the Lord to come to her creased in number daily.” Perhaps) house, and abide there. Gladly they a 4 : Cr, sitet 3 SS a f churches would increase more ef-| accepted this Christian fellowship ‘ OA “a i am NS eet —— i fectively and steadily today 'f the) and hospitality. It was the begin- ial } : on - gospel of sheer gracs-were preached | ning of the evangelization of Europe ( b NeAW 4 ng more faithfully, and nit any forpj and of the Gospel opportunities tnat me) / @ f rm artes | mien we: gem epi merrteg “ouamanres | ‘ : of salvation by works, | have come down through the cen- Of = 5 ! STS LESS? Are there thiees ami places where! turies to u = LIVES LONGEST Se . E CAR HAS THEM ALL God Himself may forbid vs 19 preach } hg is ohare on mite thet sy = eee nN BR — His Word? Our first Impulse might !thia point in the Book of Acts the i aoe ADCAS OTHER IMPORTANT FEAT RES NO OTHER be to think that surety ‘ the pro-' personal pronoun “they” had been Tee oe Twio-Ignition motor 7-bearing crankshaft World's easiest steering One-piece Salon feaders elaiming of the Word of God is fit-|uaed. In verse 10, however, the * Howdaille‘and Love; bolhoss cram pies) a teioe fro stime ting, and eure to ba blessed, at all _— “they ie eae to ait th r oudaille and Lovejoy , ear visioa nt pi times and In all plAses. Bul the| the text rea “after he had seen . ee Sa, Re Be ie Seinen fo not ety 42 they plainly | he vson, immediately ho ‘endear The Ideal Manufacturing Co (eaciniire ew maenhie j j say otherwise. For after this mis-| ored to go into Macedonis, assured- . r Alomioum alloy — es nickel Nash-Special Desiga sionary party had gone through|ly gather{ng that the Lord had called ss pistons Torsional vibration ¢€ . front and rear Phrygia, and the region of Galatin,| for us to preach the Guspel unto Li t ] Ontario (lever Strats) damper Sbort turniag radius bumpers being well to the west of what we|them..”' It is believe that the ae s owe 9 now tall Asia Minor, they natutally|in pronoun Indicates that Luke, : . expected to go on preaching the| author of the Book of Acts, jo! sed — ‘ . Word of God in the Provineo in| Paul's company at Troas. Chas Osier & Sons ee Per honed Pepys cveoncbag! o— —e—————__—_—4, 7 calle sia. ut they “were forbid-| Guilty of Frand— 4 ONTARI O den of the Holy Ghost to preach the George Reid, Mitchell, appeared e LISTOWS , Word in Agile.” So they passed on| before Magistrate Makina in. Strat- : : to Mysia, and made their plans to| ford police court Thursday merning go north Into Bithynia, on the south-| and pleaded guilty to a charge of In- ern coast of the Euxine or Black!tent to defraud. He wag remanded, Sea. Another surprise, for here “the to ja'l for sentence. Reid gave a crossed the Aegean-Sea. cheok for $500 to a Mitchell auto- ss Spirit.suffered them not.” mobile dealer In payment for a car Why did the Holy Spirit, who had} hich he recelved. The check was) commisstoned Paul and the misaion- drawn on a Tcronto branch of the aries’ work, and who was plainiy!Bank of Montreal and could tot be | guiding these missionaries, forbid} traced. them to carry the good news of sal- ' a vation Into the Provinces of Asin —2—. a —— and Bithynia? The Scriptures do " not tell ue why, and, therefore, we’ | cannot know. But there is striking | evidence that God has definite plans’ for the evangelization of certain countries at certain’ times. This | : H work {fs not Indiscriminate and pre-| 4 miscuous; If it Is done as God directs | : sf * ' a 2 i: . ts ATTRACTIONS _ [ueactacrans Health tne, of the Canadian 1 Association e Importance of Rest Life consists of alternating per- lods of activity and rest. To live in a healthy condition, it Ia necess- ary that these periods be balanced one with the other, If activity be prolonged, thére Is a lows of efficiency. The tired eyes sees less well, the sired mugeles do not respond as quickly, the tired workman produces a'smaller quantity and a lower grade of work, the tired brain is lesa efficient. an Tt Is a well-established fact that a with Bd Rac a don't take cts t stamped “Bayer Cross.” = Firestone Tires. See your not affect the heart. Every has i it, but don’t fail to ask the ist the . much higher percentage of accidents FIRESTONE & RUBBER CO, OF SARADA, LIMITED . occur in factories towards the end hat Miles P 5 of the day. Even under the stim- bad ulus of a patriotic fervour, [ft Was j found that the number of shells pro- | duced per week, during the Great. War, was increased by reducing the |, hours of work in the elimination’ ot i Sunday wor | A change is arrest. Recreation or | play ia a change which provides rest | {in one manner. It does not, how- | ever, provide rest in all ways. It is: rest In the sense that {t is a diver-| sion, but it is not restful in the! sense that sleep ie. Play furnishes! rellef from the monotony of work,! J. A. McINTYRE gives a fresh mental etimulus, but it| tions, . * * F F E. er bod ' does not provide for the rest that is | . Listowel, Ontario needed to re-bulld se restore the | : un or iv y y body-cells broken down by activity. = Periods of activity, either at work ~ Saturday, Aug. 18, Monday, Aug. 2022335" | wanteEp 44,000 | When disease attacks the body, | and Fair Days, Aug. 21 & 22 Pt mintamtotads| | ForCanadian West HARVESTERS in order that bY means of. rast, the Plas 4 cent mile to So paints beyond, but not west of ee body may make ad best fight agains: $ 5 plus PEG ms Edmonton, rte. tn From % E . the enemy—disen: 15c. To WINNI 20c. a plus t F ROUNDS, LISTOWEL |i, Soe, tier m:| | PL00 8 ee ye adults and c ren Who are under- 2 AIR G weight, benefit by added rest. Child- From stations in Ontario, Toronto and cast to . Smiths Falls, and Renfrew Junc- . r . ’ bir preauently: gi ia pn with a 21 tion; Toronto to Sudbury, jncheding line Medonts te : Xs ‘ ' other change in their routine of life crea | Ss cee et Derlod alter tens. | Aug soe ines Matians Ik Ceiskio, Toronto sed south, weet oid seth to Dolton, inckating aitzeations ; ‘ests costs no aE h money, but © tn Onterg on Michigan Central ‘and Buffalo 9 H pe: - ™ River, Lake Esic and Northern; and Toronto, g rs r) of and Renfrew ; see Shows pore for the purpose. To do with 31 se stations in Ontario west 4 Smiths _ and ao are {