— - ing second singlea, by lovely placing Painting - ‘ubscription Rate $2.00 a Year in Advance, Otherwise $2.50 Z " Four rinks of Listowel lawn bow!- ers went to Atwood last Friday even- ing to capture the Scott trophy but “were uneuccessful, three out of the four rinks being defeated. Members of” the Maitland Golf and Country Club, Goderich, will play a league game on the local links on Monday next, starting at three o'clock. . = . The Listowel Girls’ Softball Team attended.the celebration in Moorefield on Monday last, and se- cured second place in the games, The lineup was as follows. Dorothy McDonald, L. Champion, Mary Ross, Kate Ross, Wilma Savage, Thelma Gee, Margaret Parker, Margaret Melroee. . . An Arthur rink, skipped by Mrs. McFadzean, won first place at the ladies bowling tournament here last Thureday and she and each of her thelr team mates were presanted with luncheon sets. Thelr score was 4 games plus 21. A Wingham rink, skipped by Mrs. Harriston, came second and secured cream and 6ugar sets. Mrs. Bettlestone of Pal- merston skipped the third place rink, winning variety sets, while glass candle stick holders went to rs. Rome and her team from Pal- merston for fourth place. For ob- taining the highest plue in the last fame Mrs, ftton’e rink from El- mira renaived silk hose, thelr plus being 1 Results of Lower School Examinations LIST OF SUCCESSFUL PUPILS OF LISTOWEL HIGH SCHOOL AT LOWER SCHOOL EXAMS — NAMES IN ALPHABETICAL OR- DER. LISTOWEL HIGH SCHOOL Examination Results in Lower Subjects I The following pupils have ‘receiv- ed credit in Candian History, Geog- raphy, t, Agriculture I, unless other wins indicated M. Anger (Can. History). A. Baftley, I. Bartley, ia neu, K. Berfelz, J. Brisbin, D. Burg F. Cartlidge. - Burgess (Can. Hist.) M. Gibson (Can. Hist.), A. Gray (cee Hist.) - Hamilton (Can. Hist.), K. Ham- won E: ingen L. Hawthorne, J. Helmica (Can. t.), J. Hemsworth, sae Henderson. . Johnsto Rennedy, J, Ktbler x. Love, M. Melrose, M. Mulcahy. 8. Poppler J. Reid, . Richards (Can. Hist.), E. Richarase Erminie Richards (Can, Hist.), . Richmond (Can. Hist ana Geog.), P. Richter, I. Ross, A. Rut- tan (Can. iat. C. Sangster, Jas. Savage, J. Scott (Can. Hist.), M. Schneider, B. Slight, J. Stewart. M, Terry. V.jWillis, C. Whealy (Art), J. ao. fe Whité, N. Wombwell (Art), M. Wood One of the most successful bowl-| © iii FORM II ing tournaments ever held here took Following pupils have received ati begged Pech ap ane credit in Eng., Grammar, Phys!o- evening under mést favorable wéath- . bs Ganditlona, Thirty-two rinks graphy, Arithmetic and Agriculture competed, from Meaford 2, Kitchener| “, 2, Wingham 5, Elmira’ Atwood 4, Zs ihre al Wroxeter, Seaforth 2, London 2, MH-|* M. Campbell, J. Cumaitas (Eng. verton, Blyth, Hanover, Hensall, Gram.), (Phys.), (Art Brussels 2, Tillsonburg, Listowel 5.) 7 Davidson (Anii.), M. David- The winning skips and their scores were as follows lst. Maeon of aon, N. Doi Ez. Dun NM. Forman, = Frits, (Ari th.) Wingham, 3 games plus 26; 2nd, E le. M. Ge Rumsey of Meaford, 3 plus 20; 3rd, B. Monae toa (Eng. Grath.), G. Har- Chapman of Meaford, 3 plus 18; 4th, ris, . Heaawer th. Crawford of Wingham, 3 plus 15; 5th, Bethune ef London, 2 plue 19; Clark of Hensall and Rennie of Tine sonburg were tied for 6th with s score games plus 17. The piay-off resulted in a win for Tillsonburg. Lt) - 7 - Tennis Team Wins Round a -The tennis team journeyed to Sout hampton Thursday to play the eturn game of the home and home Guffin. ‘ Newbigging (Arith.) aa Tontata, C. Jones (Eng. Gram. ith. AT Kidd, BE. Knight, M. Leonard. ‘ E. Sada, Ji McFarlane, F. Mec- Peffers, C Pig) a i L Reld, T H. J. Savage, W. “Scboulder™ r "Snell- series in the second round of the essie Th son (Arith. John Western Ontario Lawn Tennis batonteain F. Tom fat League. The home club furnished much stronger opposition than in the The followin Normal School first game played In Listowel. How- pupils were cuecadatal in passing ever, the local club won three evente out of five, thereby winning the Tound In’ the first 6ingles Bernie, after a Eruelling two sete with Hillmer, set 4 pace where condition told and the Tormer Queen's University player was defeated handily, Hanna, play- and showing a tenacious epirit, de- feated hts much younger opponent only after three hard sets. In the third singles Finkbeiner bumped into stiff opposition in Warder, who after three sets, won the honors. lost the second doubles after a hard match. The following are the Oores. Bernie won from Hillmer 4-6, 6-4, 6-2, Hanna won from Eby 6-4. 4-6, 6-4; Finkbeiner lost to Warder t-6, 6-1. 4-6; Bernie and Russel won from Hilimer and Bby 6-4, 6-4: Hanna and Livingstone lost to, Wartee and Buckley 1-6, 6-4, Ba 3, The following none "hes ‘been made a! the Listowel Golf and Country Club for the quali fying pone in the - club championship, players fin- ishing within fifteen ‘aioe. of the winner of this round will then play for the championship. Prizes will be g.ven for this flight and a con- slation draw for those failing to aqualify: M. R. Hay and Dr, R. F. Tarlor, C. B. Simms and J. Kfbler, A Malcolm Jr, and T. Clarke, R. Fritz and at hig Vana J. EB. sees and R. G. Malcolm and J. Van de Water, in the ladies’ ett se following have gualified. Mrs. EL. M + Mrs. F. W. Hay, Me hot, | Mrs. J. A. Schinbein, Miss Lola! Fair. Miss R. Livin n, iss I, Kidd, Mre. R. A. Climie, Miss I: ae. tin. Mrs a dressed envelope to A IL. . 8., Stratford. *|Holidaying At Grand fe at Lower School Agri- culture and may obtain their certi- fleates by sending a stamped and ad- E. Neleon, R. Chalmers, Martha Crummer, steven ves Kerr, Hector Knight, Annie J. is Clair pital Reid, E. Rose, St. Davidson, passed Canadian History. Assisting In Store— les Margaret Woods Is assisting in the store of Messrs. Cahill & Ringler. r Relieving At Ethel— Mr. Jim Inglie ‘a in Ethel for a few weeks relieving the agent at the C. N. R. statio Holidaying At Point Clarke— -Long, re. . Stewart are spending this week at Soin! Clarke. Migs ge? Cooper, Miss Inspectors Make Official Visit— ~ Messrs. Clark and rae: eaten and excise inspectors of made their official vist to the Tocal office this week. Return From Holiday— Mr. and Mra. J. Cecil Hamilton and Miss Patricia Hamilton have return- ed from thelr summer cottage t Oliphant ’ Fractures Right Arm— Miss Richardson, Sth eon. Elma had the misfortune to fracture her right arm at the wrist on Tuesday evening while trying to crank a car. e Stevenson, the Misses or are spending this week at Grand Bend ge] at the cottage with Mr. and M ~L, Hejbein. Six Foot Timothy— Mr. August Voisin brought into the Signet : = rg which measured 6 feer 3 inehes in length.—Elmira Signet. } 5, Mrs. RLF. Taylor; Mra, J, Vana: Miss ¥ Morphy and Maing M. Sutherland. __ Engagements | ; Auto Turned Turtle When Struck By Gr Gravel Truck |; On Saturday " atiernoon about two o'clock Mr. . J. Dowd’s car was struck by a gravel truck driven by Mr. Louis Livfittgston, knocking Mr. Dowd's car into the ditch ase turn- ing turtle on the t nately he escaped serious se sULy “bat the} car was badly damag r. Dowd was proceeding along the bey ee ‘road towarde Palmers- Th mpty gravel truck was a0 | s'ddall has "| many friends will be sorry. to see Ain owt the 8rd line and at the crossing struck Mr. Dowd’e car, knocking it into the ditch, but after bouncing around it eventually janded back on the road upside down, r Ing on the radiator and the front top of the car. People who ha ed to be present helped Mr. Dowd from the wreck. He suetained minor cuts and bruises and was fortunate be es- cape without more serious I Mr. Livingston escaped apsury cad the truck was not damag Resident Of-Listowel Passes Away MR. JOHN CAMERON DIES IN 49TH YEAR—FUNERAL HELD TODAY -FROM HIS LATE RESI- DENCE. A resident of Listowel for past twenty-five years passed away on Tuesday, August 14th, In the per- éon of John Duncan Cameron’ at hia penne, yn street, in his 49th ad been in falling health for "the past three m was married to Grace Freit in Febru- ary town for several year cardine cemetery, under pices of dagen iM Lodge. pal wero ‘as. rrel, J. Armitage, Hugh wer ean, George McCarty, Nell, McDonald Worthy. Mr. John Askew Died ‘Suddenly AtKincardine & HEART FAILURE CAUSE OF DEATH. (Kincardine Reyiew-Reporter) The sudden death of John Askew, aged 73 years, occurred at the home _|Mr. And Mrs. John R. Hill Given Pleasant Surprise! Are: yable ening spent on freer cakeic 6th, when friends, mbering about toaster was made by Miss Norma Weber and the followiax arte read by Miss Olga McWat- of Mr. Ben Walpole on Thursday, August 9th. ‘Deceaseddhad been fH ao i Met car ig goed for the past two mont suffering We, your. tients of City from heart fallure. J before, he Mission, have gathered pecks o ar away he bad been conversing with Mr. Arthur Dunlop, a m r Hh the sick ont of Penetang- Lodge, state away. Mr. Askew was a resident of this 8. He form lived in Woodstock and Listowel. “He was a tailor by trade, being em- ployed by Mr. Hali.. her Fred e he made that. it w It will be with deep ro ves Bl one was sal Place on Saturday plot, pit The morning to the I. 0. Fah Yhearers and C. The services were con- onths. j|ducted at Morrison's Undertaking The late Mr. Cameron was born} parlors at 10. ae of A Saturday, on June 26th, 1880, in the township | by the Rev pastor of the of Vaughan, York ont eo: He mov-/ United Churele a and “om the 1.0.0.F. d from York coun to Huron |service by Noble Grand D. McLennan county, naa then to Liato el in 1902,/ and Chaplain Rar! Hall. Mrs. As- where he has r ce. He} kew, Melburne, Mrs. Rogers, Dun- dalk and Mre. J. Bennett and son troit, were present at the ‘While lov many friends. e was interested tn the softball league ane ft was through his efforts organized. : gret that many will learn of his passing. He lea son and one daughte member of Oil oriner hoa 10. 0. F. The funeral took extend to you our hearty congratu- TIations and you both a happy, long and prosperous life, rich with the richest of all blessings presence and guidance ea tellow- th ran- dah. Suddenly a heart, attack came sea of ‘dreaar the One who is ever on and he pas a very present help. Bence accept this small ken of our friendship ann ‘ae it help to begin many a happy day for “Bigned: your friends in Christian @. tr Hill very suitably replied and ught th dainty luncheon =e ixppy evening to a c! Middle School Ex- ~ amination Results| = RESULTS OF MIDDLE SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS OF LISTOWEL | HIGH SCHOOL. Mary Langford heads list with six firsts and one second and Margare taal Rey. J. M. Nicol of Knox Presby- terian church. Interment was made in Fairview cemetery. Returns From HosPital— F Mrs, Thos. McDonald who has been a patient at the General Hospital, To emetn, Res able to ‘Yeturn home this w Spoke At Stratford— F, Wellington Hay, M. P., was cne of the speakers at the celebration ot Derry Day in Stratford last Satur- day. Tonsils Removed— Master Dick Youn had his tonsila removed today at the Memorial Hos- ftal. Held Birthday Part Little Alice fiiseon ¢ of near Glen- allen, who has come to reside with her aunt, Mrs. <A. E. trong, held a birthday party on Wednesda last when t ends gathered in tonor of her birthday. Relieving On Express— “Mr. Ed, Alexander Pe been look- ing after the C. N, R. rese this week for Mr. A. a Wining 7 while he is on his vacation, and Mr. Lloyd been attending to the light draying work. Mr. Alex Ross, an employee of the ‘ower Commission, een engaged at seh near Brussels, ne rig for Marys, having accepted position with the Comatietion thore.. Alex him leave, as well ds the Cielsens’ fall Band, as he is one of the cornet players. f eucitele gratitude +o The bridge on Bismark atreet is receiving a coat tof ‘paint tite we week. Pore! Mr. Joseph Wileon has the Brewery property; > ‘Toronto . Globe —atr. and‘ Mrs. R. . & nnounce the many friends of Fane: tet: resident, in. Listowel, ledge, Listowel; to~ White, of Palmerston was calekiy solemnized in Christ Church rectory, Listowel, August 8th. Rev. A performed the ceremony. me Suck, | ton oF who have 60 ma Mr. William i) on orumsey afternoon, Howard * FISHEBR—WARD A pretty wedding was solemnized t the Manse, Cranbrook, Wednes- a day, August ist, when Ethel J., eld- est daughter of Mr. and Ward, Grey Tp., became the bride of Wilford C., son of Mr.and Mrs. John Fisher, Cranbrook. Mams officiat Mra. Arthur Rey. silk crepe with - wishin . Fisher a long eet together over fhe" ‘matrimonial sea. BLACK-—RIDDOLLS A pretty wedding was solemnized “ Guelph on Tuesday, ‘August 14th, t 3. 20, at a home of Mr..and Mrs. Ridd oe Was united in marriage to Mr. y Black, son of Mre. T. Black of Gasiph: Rev. Mr. et of the United Church performed the cere- mony in the presence of Spiet thirty- five guests. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by ‘her father, - in a dresa of biege Mr. Wm. cousin of the ‘bride, supported ‘the A buffet luncheon - -was then served were Frank Ham- _|D Mr. Wil L The bride locked charming in |S? flat drees of white sheared skirt and large georgette swhseri paid? Hail- | little yellow label prpecd ite date to Besides his sorrowing witlow, one/ faferal. de daughter, Mona, R. N. of Listowel, seen Ri a neon ge a oe sufvives Three sisters and two cahients-n. Ado as “r anaes: “f brothers also survive: Mre. Arthur Campbell, clone : ges . * . * LJ tei Bre, Bch Lamoeals W edd ings Cross, R. Disrlam, V. Fewings, Charles and Harold Cameron, Kin- : - Finkbeiner, > > fst eardine. " ’ | Kn! = The funeral was held today, Aug- WHITE ROUTLEDGE My Knead, epee ee Re ust 16th, from his late residence, The marriage of Miss Gertrude Mw Parken A Ree, w weesa, my corner Dodd and Inkerman étreets, Routledge, dautghter of Mr. George Richardact, L. Rose, A. Shearer, ¥. at 2 p. m., and was in Charge of! Routledge and= the late Mrs. Rout- Sneath, I. Stewart, 'M. Stewart, ™., Vipond, L. Dickson, G. Gra Following have passed in "subjects. indicated—G. Bender (Chem., Lat- in'C.), R. Bender (Eng. Lit., Chem = @.), Ne Campbell (A. Hist., Lat. “Fr. Agr. Chapman ay r ‘Code > (ete. Comp., Eng. Lit., Chem.), A. (Eng. Bug. Lit.. Phys., Chem.), H. David- (A. Hist., Lat. Aas Ft. As Ser. Il). N. Doig (Alg.), A. Form (Eng. Comp., Alg., Chem., Latin C. “" L. Helmka (Eng. Lit., Lit., Alg., Chem Ja ckson (Bug. Phys.), Henderson (Eng. Izen (Phys.), east, bad their tonsils removed on Friday last atthe Listowel Memorial Hoepital, ~ Attended Funeral— Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Kritszer were -in Clifford on Tuesday attend- ing the funeral of Mr. Thos. Murray. creenee a d Mee Valentine Krritzer, Hildred and Howard motored to Tor. onto and spent the week end. On punees ie anid and his twin Kritzer. celebrated thelr Dinthdans together. This gath- ering ia held annually. La - J ag Py by y of Town— Mrs. Alexander of ‘Mascouche, Snee Sirantty. Mise Laura Robin- n of Wallace Loighets ag visited Mrs. travves Ellis last w Mrs. Alew an rogress town which she had not visited tee twenty-two years. Mailing Lists Corrected— We corrected.our mailing lists i Monday. ee i been credi with t The witich your subscription To correct it Lue ie eo tee oreskint wasy ee lire. Hous Ikey ? Died At Hesson Last Week ESTEEMED CrTizKN PASSES IN SONS AND FOUR DAUGHTERS MOURN HER LOSS. , (By Our Hesson Correspondent) An old and y estecmed resl- ent * Heason in the peréon of Mrs. ¥ Au peed 6th, at the home of her son Altred Isley, after suffering the past four weeks from gangrene. The late Mre. Isley, whose malden name was Mary lees was tae at Heason’ nearly y -yeara_ and spent all her life in that jocat. ity, where s were in great demand in the community and she was ever ready and willing to lend a helping hand when there was ‘sickness in the -* In fact she was attending a sick bed when stricken herself. About 562 years ago she was mar- ee at St. Clements to her husband, the late Henry Isley, who predeceas- ed“her by nearly three years. : e ieaves to mourn the loss of a kind aie loving mother, a family of five sons and-two daughters, namely, Henry, Georgetown; Mrs. oy Martin (Emma), kespeare Jack Law (Tena}, Lightwood, Sask; Alf on the home place and Arno o Milleton, Saek.; also the following step children, to whom she had en- deared herself as much as any moth- er: Mrs. Mat. Klontz Oey). Cum- min, North Dako nil Berg (Annie), St. Tho omas; Theo. Barbalene (Josephine), Chie.|! ago; John, Wainwright and George, near Breslau The ines took place on Wed- nesday~ morning at nine o'clock from. the. paidieniie of her son; Alf- red, to the Hesson Roman cng church where m sung Rev. Father Weber, interment tae ing place in the adjoining cemetery. The following were the Tere, four of her sons, Henry, Jacob, Alex and Alfred, one stepson, George, and a grandson, Robt. Isley, while George's son, Theodore wae croées hearer. | PERSONALS Mr, : Fontes was in Kitchener on Satur ast. — Mr. and Ms. 8S. L. Adolph were In | Stratford on Sunday. — a Fisher spent the week Miss Ve _jend with fiends in Kitchener. — Mrs. A. C, Campion and family are holidaying at Goderich this week. —_—o— Mr. F. O. Clarke epent a few days this week at his cottage at Oliphant. * —j—~ (Phys.), Chem., : collar, hat, shoes and stockings to Beverley Champ is spending a few Transferred*to Brantford— match. Thé groom was supported |L0ns (Png. Com., Eng. days ‘with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Champ Mr. Albert Gilkinson, who secured|py h's brother, Will Fisher. Follow? R. Mulcahy. (Alig, Chem. Latin C.) {fat Dundas a position last week with the Belljing the ceremony the young couple Pletal ¥ &. * , galeepens OS P nr ta. Hh ee the home of the wediee Richter Mrs. 20rge Melrose and epee transferred to Brantford a “4 parents, where a sumptuous w ’ J .| have returned from their holid sumed his duties. supper Was Served ey the " bride's bgt cig a Pe). S, Pander Point Clarke. ™ py mother, aseisted by Mrs. George tin C CG 3 2 —n. ‘ aasondett Funeral— Hart, Atwood. The table was pret. P )R Simpson (Br. Mise Edna MacKenzie has retutn-4 Reeve and Mrs. Aaron Ringler and | tity decorated with flowers and cae E Reis * t. |ed home frém her holidays at God- Mr. Jack Ringler and Mise Doris|ireaccith the beide’s cake. tn Phys, Latin A’), H. Treleve erich. Walker attended the funeral of evening a large reception Was held Hine” Ph «De Mrs. .Ringler's brother, Mr. Charles/jn which a program cons‘sting of Rid dolls n r. Garland and ane Gaull, Julia, Hitzroth, in Hamilton on Wednes-| bagpipe selections by Archie ‘Mann, (Chem.), W. Ross { c of h, spent Spnday at the home day. solos, George and Mrs. Evans; High-| 00 (Eng. Lit Eng. Comp.), E.|of Mr, J.&sMacKenzie. land ’ dancing, Jean McFarlane; in- Davidson (A. Hist. Phys., Latin A. Leaving For West =, strumentals, including vidlin, banjo | 5. A.), R. Jack (Latin A., Fr. A.),| Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Lytle spent the Miss Edith Binning purposes and piano Ore Archie Mann, Orval D, McDonald Comp., _Eng.| past week at poet Clarke, Bruce leaving the middle of next week for) turrigon and Mrs. Hart were given, Lit. Alp Chem, Tatin @). & Whit,| Beach and Kincardine. Moose Jaw, where she will visit her after which dancing was enjoyed. ‘ atin & ery. 5 P Peer : EN brother. She will spend some time} - he young couple seoaived man (Eng. ¢ Geom ye ‘Lat. C.) Mr. Hrank Kelly has returned went other brothers at cad beautiful gitts,. ing et 4 high ee nial ais aha from Toronto where he been and Vancouver. teem in which they-are eld. N the! trad Tonsils Removed— spending the past few weeks. : small hore of tee. morning the!" iery and Jack Greer, town Mos — Miss Ringel of Kitchener spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ankenmen —— Mr. and Mrs. O. Wilson of Buff- alo, nee Freida Hallman, spent Sun- day in Listowel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnol Hallman. ' —1—— Miss Gelzel and niece, Mabel Geizel, of Mackinac, Man., spent a few days at the home of. Mr. J. R. acKenzile. — . and Mrs. Swakhammer and baby of Windsor are visiting in Lis- towel at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Phil i Nickel. . Mr. W. L. Eckel, Misses Dorks and oy Thomas of St. Thomas were guests on Friday at the home of 1 Mrs. Calvin Schell, a Mr. Ts. Wm. Frien if De- troit sstaieea home Saturday, go after spending two latter's sister, Mrs. Wm. Bartis snd their niece, Mrs. Joseph Gilk!nson. —_—)—' Mr. Arthur Gitk n returned Hamilton on Wedn + night after ing holidays and ai few Gilkinso ‘ie ane Mré. W. J. Horner, ‘wit’ = and Mrs. W. 0. -aud oe a away on Monday, | Cha to a ieee and Mr, Aylmer Lisenier’ Lia tuirty-seveath & rae the: ing 0} Conference Rell Bapention ice bly of the Bvange- Heal Church of Canada will be: in the Centennial Evangelical tford, from A 28th It ia conducted by the B of Religious Education of the ada Cenitersiice of the rch, Mr. M. F. Zurb: rigg is president of this organization, : = missiona ° jan church, Ethel, August 19th, mM ary Soclety and the collection will : for missions. Special music, Good Crowd Attended Band Tattoo Wednesday j WEATHER AND ARI ARRANG PERFECT — SEVEN BANDS” TAKE PART—FINE DISPLAY — OF FIREWORAS. The Listowel Band staged one a ft the most successful tattoos ever held in Listowel cu Wednesday even and a laige crowd took In the event. | The recetpts amounted over. ae? aid when all expenses are paid ocal boys should have a nice - titte sum to help pay their expenses — Ae the contest at the Torouto Exhi-— po. raryihivg combined to put the | colabtelion across in a big-way. The — weather was ideal, and the arrange-_ ments made bs the band for the ac- commodation of the spectators was ideal, a vast improvement on that of other years. Everyone was able to enjoy the entire performance. The seven bands marched to the | grounds and each were heard In one or two numbers. The program of | band music fas interpersed with | step dancing by Miss Tena Corstor- — phine of Guelph, who accompanied _ the Guelph Kilty Band,’ the main — attraction of the evening. Then the tattoc: Was staged and was a most © beantiful scene. ma. ed down around a clear right-of- while many flares added to the | beauty of the march past. The fireworks gave a succession of thrills and were much enjoyed. At the conclusion of the fireworks a jitney dance was held in the arena: The selections played by the ‘var- fous bands in the order of thelr ap- pearance were: Me Call You Walke rton—“Let Sweetheart,” vocal solo with band accompaniment, “Irish Melodies.” This band was all decked out in comic costumes, clowns of all des- criptions, oe leader being gowned as & grandmother. ance of the musement. Mount Forest—Sullivan’s Opera- tic “Gema. Mite heli 1 — Brooks Triumphas March aoe of Progress Overture.” Harriston — oF A Gay March, “Sons of Erin Hanove re 'Golden Dragoon." a Listowel—“Sunset on the St. Lawrence,’ waltz “Silp Horn Stuff"’---Novelty. —— e whole appear- and caused much a- Arrest— A local man was arrested Wednes- ay evening about midnight on a charge of bootlegging. Liquor was cached on the public achool grunts and found there by the officers. case will likely a heard late ths afternoon by a magistrate fr Stratford. = The accused man is atill 2 can lock-up in charge of Chief Is Miss Verna Fisher spent the week end with friends in. Kitchener. ees Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cunningham and Mr. 8..A. Ghent of Chicago are the guests of yo P. Richardzon. Mre. “Tom. Bartja and Mr. Dean bas esr spent Wednesday in Stratford Mrs. Fleming and the Mice Alma and Jessie Ey ening are holt- daying at Olipha —_ ‘Mrs. R. K. Hall spetit Wednesday and Thuréday in Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bis ming. Deen * Mr. and Mrs. C. - Buller were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. FE. Grain- ger at their cottage a Grand Bend over the week en Mrs. Stafford of Spokane, Wash. and M Woods of Oswego, N. Y., are visiting their uncle, Mr, James McLean. Mr.. and Mra. George Dippel of Di ta., were visitors on” Saturday last at the home, of Mr. Fisher, : j a ae days with his parents, Mr, and ure Henry | Joseph Web Fab