SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and paral pe F, Champ and Betty of Woo spending their aniiare. here: with his parents, Mr.and cmb A. C. Champ and also in Dundal Mr. Beverly Chanmip spent a couple of days in Dundalk this week. Mr. J. W. Robinson and Mies Rob- inson of Buffalo were guests last week of Mr. J. W. Scott and Miss Scott. - Mr. and Mra, €. Plume of Tor- onto were guesta over the week end at the home of Mr., and,Mrs. J. R Inglis. ‘Mr. M. E, Zurbrigg of Hamilton spent Monday with his sister, Mre, A. Wenzel. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bay Mre. Robert Roe, Mrs. Fred Eis ana Miss K. Rothwell motored to Stratford on Saturday last. r. and Mrs. daughters, Amy an Fis with Mr..and-Mrs. Fred Baker. Iss Rosa Caruso is spending this week with friends in Collingwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Loney of Sud- Dury were guests on Sunday at the — of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon John- ston. M. Rozell and two d Eileen, and Mr. (Megsra. B. L. H. mford, Lester Davey and W. J. at aa motored to Paris on aren and visited Mr. Frank vonZube Mr. Mrs. Moyer “ot Toronto is visit! ting ; family of Lucknow spent nd at the home of Ae parents, Mr. Mre. G. Stricke Miss Florence Hone {fa spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Britton and Ruth returned home Sunday from their three “~weeks' motor trip and holiday. Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Fleming are spending this week with teisndé in Toronto Mise Evelyn Riehm has returned home after spending a week’s vaca- tion at Toronto and Oshawa. Mr. D. McLeod, teller at. the’ Im- perial Bank, spent the week end at his home in Galt. Rey. an . B. Howard are} holidaying this week at Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy of Detroit spent the week end and a aay, : j few days this Koes F a the pone of | prom Toronto. Mr. and Mrs: J. Rieh Mrs. Riehm and Gordon will aecotaneny ese on! return and will spend a few daye in her of London visited this week | Mr. and Mre. Wm. Ringler. lelt Sunday on a two weeks’ motor trip to ee Gault Ste ..Marie and North Mr. na “Mrs. Elmer Cavell of ‘Tom onto spent a few Cays last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E, Cavell, Mr. and Mra. J. A. Schinbein spent oe wake ea with friends in Hamil- o Mts Florence Wells of Toronto is oe ting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vim. Mr. and Mrs. Nerman Howes and Mrs. Fred Howes are visiting friends in Aylmer this week. Mr, and Mrs, H. G. Zilliax and Mrs. J. agree apn Sunday with aes! fs in Ham Mae MoIntyre is visiting this Sa e with friends in Grand Valley. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Cosens of Pal. merston and Mr. and “Mrs, Cyrus Scott and two children of Toronto were guests on afer Pa at the home of Mr. B. F. Kno Mr. Wm. Scott and Master “Bud" Irwin apent Sunday at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McDonald and Dorothy spent a few days last week t Baton Grove, Port Miss Margaret Hugging and Mise Jean Haddow spent Friday last in Stratford: Mrs. James Ritchie and Sunday on Mr. and Mrs. ‘8S. J. Poag H, W. Hutchison of Winnipeg éaeake the week end an Mr. and Mrs. A. H. R. Hutchiso Miss Gladys Duckiow. spent Sun- day at Niagara Falls. Miss Gladys Kemp of Detroit is visiting at the home of her -parents, Mr. and Mrs Kem Mr. and Mrs. "Harry *Pianat f London, were guests over the wei & end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Zurbrigeg. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Wolfe and Kathleen, Miss Thelma Wolfe and| Mr. Frank Ward epent Sunday at) Mount Forgst at the home of the tter's parehte. Maaster Jack Fritz spent Sunday at ant with Dr. and Mre. H gstone at thelr cottage. Mr. L. J. Burrows has returned | Lt Miss Alice Shearer, clerk in Chap- na Bros. Gray, Is spending a}! reek’s vacation with friends in De-; | trol. Rev. and Mre: Elmer Bowyer and baby daughter, igre setts ig Chun- ju, Korea, home on furlough, spent the week end in Listowel sisting at the hames of Mr. and Mra. Wm. 8, Campbell and Mr. and Mra. Reubén iehm, and Mrs, Armstrong and three children of Niagara spent the week end visiting at the home of Mr. and a ys Campbell. D, Armstrong and family of rordwich spent Monday in ‘Listowel at the home of Mr. N. Mrs. Fred Goldner and pra Fred of Ilion, N. Y., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Goldner, Mrs. E. A. Keeler and eon Rose of Toronto are viatiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Ars. John Goldner, + Lee Mrs. R. R. Brown of Toronto spent the week- Nae Side i at the chome of Mr. and M J. Steven- son, Mra. Brown aad daughter Barbara accompanied’ Mr. Brown to Toronto after spending the past few monthea in Listowel at the home of her parents, Miss Hazel Finkbeiner, of Strat- ford visited over the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Erza F'nk- belner. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Finkbeine! and Jack spent Sunday in Stratford. Mr. Louis Soper’ was in St. Marys Monday on bue (Miss Ada Kad rs is spending a week's varatio: in Toro Dr. F. C. “ileon motored to Springfield a spent the week end. Mrs. Wilsua aad ‘baby son David, who have beén spending the past few weeka in mee. accompanied him on retu Mri. John “Jarret is isting in Peimeriton at -t hom of Mrs. George Hayee Mre. Robert Thompson returned Sunday to her tome in Otterville after spending a week with her sister, Mra. W. Davidson. _ Miss Helen Brennan returned Sat- ng to Kirkiand Lake after spend- ing a week at the home of Mr. and re Louls Fritz. and Mra. David Carroll, Isobel fake "Mac of Gadshill, Mrs. Ed. Mc- | Laughlin, Misses Olive and Gertrude |McLaughlin and Mr.. Elmer Thomp- | son of Listowel. epent Buneyy at ;Elora rocks. ohn Brydon of Gr imsby aoa is visiting rélatives In Listo- | wel and vicinity Migs Isabel ‘Raid and Miss Annie Walters of am epent Wednes- gd and Thursday in Listowel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bender. er with Mr. 68. A. McDonald spent Tuesday in Galt. with friends Messrs. Lioyd Siddall, Jim Dick and Liord Ronald PO dirig Sundey at Hanover with frien Mr. and Mra. id. i vinsiow and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Winslow and-Myra épent Saturday Iast in Stratford. Mrs.. Wesley Bri#bin of Helden, Alta., is epending a few weeks visit- ing at the home of Mr . Pelton. Mr. and Mrs, Chas. family motored to Eugenia Falls and easyer on Sunday and spent ‘the ay: e ce Pauline Dierlam of Ripley is holidaying with her cousins. Gra oe and Florence Welker. Mr. is raviston and family ‘ot Tavistock spent Sunday at the home of Mr. an Mrs. Henry Horne. Miss Mary Chamney of Hitchener is holidaying in town at the home of sed parents, Mr, and - Ed. Cham- rgiles Nina Hone of trolt is visit- ing at the home of her mother, Mra. J. Hone for two weéks. Mrs. Hugh Graham and eon have returned. home from thelr holiday at Point Clarke and Seafort ré. Purcell and Miss Amy" pureell have returned from Seager where they spent a week with friends. Mr. and m. Gwen and little daughter of Port Credit visited the ee eet Mrs. W. W. Karges this w Mr aa Mrs. Moose Jaw tee Miss during Died past Mr. John Serotec of Woodstock is wuitiag, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Bean. Mrs. Clifford Dempsey of Oshawa ie epending this week ? her orang Mrs. W.. Pelton. Mre Ankenman and baby of Port Catiing’ are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, JacoAnkenman. . and Mre. E. K. Werth and family, Misa Marion Morris and Mr. ert Donegan motored to Niagara Falls and spent Sunday. H. G Ikinson jose Gilkingon and : Giltkinson spent Saturday last in Stratford attending the Derry Day celebration. While in the city hey were the guests at the home of >} and Brs. Fred Jezzard. W. J. Binning of E. Binning and Mrs. Miss Pearl HNAL Stock to be a Everything goes on Sale at Sacrifice Prices for Quick: Selling | Hundreds of Men’s and Boy’s Suits selling at Less than Manufacturer’s Cost. i One Lot Men's and Young Men’s sults, OA ol to $21.50, during this sale at one nea i $35.00 Suits for........ before September 1st NO RESERVE In some Cases Less than Half Price Extraordinary Suit Values. 4.50 $24.50 Suits for $16.50 Straw Hats, values to $2:50, the last call at Genuine Shirt Values $29.50 Suits for EARANCE | 5000.00 SURPRISE SALE reduced Thousands of Dollars $18.00 Suits for ....... ..... Separate Pants $1.50 and $2.00 Shirts on sale at .........000+. $1.00 $1.00 $1.95 $2.95 5 Shirts regularly selling at $2.50 on sale at $1.45 Serges Worsteds Tweeds Flannels Every Shirt in the Store Reduced Largest Stock in Town : Last Chance this year to get your Suit made to measure, with two pair Your pants, Serges included also at this price, Skill Craft Quality Clothes ar $25.50 ummer Underwear ‘ : S 25% to 50% off , Workingmen’s Shirts Men’ s Combinations, per suit........... f.00-++++-- Be sie 1 an, per APMENteecsiee seeseee sone BBE Twenty dozen, all at one price for this Sale, Bed 9 Se wget cael ee Values to $1.75, all large bodies, Hatchway Style, knitted, per suit... Tru-Knit Combinations, per suit ....... ............ 95e Silk Combinations, white or peach, suit ....$1.95 Boys’ Suits, five only, sizes 33, 34, 35, values to $11. 50, to clear at ‘Last Call on Low Prices — Come Barly ~ - sizes 13 to 17, navy blues included .... $1.00 $3.95 © "Mea J. Sombrvitte ‘and two child-| re guests this week ren of at at the. home ot Mtr, and Ms. James ‘Donaldson. “Mr. Arthur Wrigh t spent Sunday eee Falls. id Barnet accom: mpanied | his ita Mrs, m, are visiting ton, and T- ‘opdstock, onto for a asi Mr. Geo e Galloway of Hamilton is visiting if "Laaterea at the home of Mr. ase Mra. =a Welsh. C. G. Bitten and tamsiy ayeat Sunday with friends at Palmerston. {ss Erle Glenn, clerk in. Me- Donald's store, is on two weeks’ va- pace Bie left today to visit Mr. and Mrs. CecHl Vandrick at St. Thom- as. Bank ¢tafl, commence hia two 4C@/ weeks’ vacation today and will vieit for a Hcg days with his sister in Hano Misa "Pearl Goddard spent the week end with friends in London Mies Mina Smith of London “ts a guest of Miss Pearl Goddard. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hemeworth apent ms week end with friends in ndo Mr. aa Mrs; W. J. Moody - and sons Russel and Lesile of Toronto are hse are at = home of Mr. and M is. har Mr. “ane Mra. oa Lockhart and Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Spence and Gib- son spent Sunday at Grand Bend. Mise Helen Stewart has returned home from Winona and Hamilton where she spent her vacation. Mr. Halley Nickel of the Imperial ; Lowest Prices. This is. the time of es when most of you housewives are or will be hard at the task of putting up. preserves © PRESERVING NECHSSITIES _Fruit Jars in all sizes, Crown and Perfect Seal Fresh Fruits in season, Blue Berries & Peaches R.A. CLIMIE Phone 72 Use Your Phone Wallace St. up to Oxfords sizes 3 to 4 All Ladies’ Blonde Shoes Saturday St denne $2.95 50 pairs Ladies’ Strap Slippers and WALTER’S SPECIALS Men's $4.50 Work Shoes at........$2.95 Men's $2.50 Cottonade Pants . . $1.95 Men's $3.75 Worsted Trousers $2.50 Men’s $18.00 Tweed Suits, Satur- 1-2 at.........9Be The contractor says he we must move. Listowel Se Ee a All Ladies’ White Canvas Slippers day, at. 0.95 to clear at 25c Men’s Wool Sox ate--o..- Suse case eOC 100 pair Children’s Slippers and High Shoes, sizes 2 1-2 to 7 at... O6c will be on the job the first of next week. If that be so Make hay while the sun shines. Buy Foot- wear and Men's Furnishings now and save eaten WALTER'S Harriston FI Use Fur I W ays Johnny collar of fur in all colors. Sizes FALL COA And Novel _ Chapman Bros. é RST SHOWING n Many New Special for Fair Day Only Pee are the coats that misses are wanting; they are ar otis you will see well-dressed women wearing—at a very low introductory price Gnly because we secured these coats ata special buy them at such worth while savings. price concession Here you will find the Haren aot ~ eae fur cuff. ' Made in rica cloths an