threw a aie ah shade. 1e for one little disparity. nr | Thoroughh ed out the tiny ney that ees for the ei pa eae on ‘tel Slowly hte ti round, extmining at led a a either ent fy yates) Podmore Sih. belonged t el number It would. mob mH sai With an oath fhe seized smashed oth lock and brs, stipe | Wise chtches and Inside ey ‘a. Toul ‘of nae the ends with cay lughey ones wiped his fore-} Every Man For Himself By HOPKINS. MOORHOUSE (Copyright by Musson Company) CHAPTER VI—(Cont’d. “I believe, you've struck it, nodded eke sien nue of it agreed more, allowing himself. a ‘ite laugh }o the Pod,” a Molding his glass slot Campaign’ Fund, ” he laugh- ea he wi pant back i og arith his f. For once was completely nonplussed e chair and lighted hand that pok Pidiculouely. Jon time he sat there, smoking cigarett and staring planldy atthe well, High ing each fresh one with the but Yrs tengo: envied nel” CHAPTER VII. Cross Currénts. The retirement of Nathaniel Law- “And the fut Govern} son from Pod-| ment,” added ‘Cuthibert, Nickleby. Teta “And of ourselves,” said odnmore Loen & Savings Company had come of pals into giving Poi: tive participation in the , tution we see about us would dis- f appea Home Remedies. eeding cf infants and| When pouring medicine from bot- some Bi tea is lafedb y an emin-|tles, be sure to turn on the side op- doctor for the fact “that one per- He ae ae ed Searels soiling m out of every six is not physically | a ssy appearance and able “to do the amount of daily work aso esves the acetone plain.—Mrs. WwW. oon the Baby. Teacher—“You up in histor: Tommy— t a normal, healthy human being should do, With this grave charge we the weight of a hot water bottle| Grendps Bben resting upon mothers, it behooves e for an invalid, use hot} | ‘one with children to learn the cloths, "preferably cotton, as they re- Srapeel ie 4s esc aide Ean heat longer than flannel. learned am re Deasics it. Many moth-}—E. L, C. : Relieving rs who what is right in’ child] | When using poultices lay in feeding ae se aieinaslyse to coaxed | steamer over boiling water to seas the child inj) hot—Mrs. L. L. To relieve quinsy, put boiling water foot hs ee seat peed. that|in a can, add a fe’ oF drops of pepper- hild im-| mint oil, invert a funn€l over the can, Doepely as ae is ee administer Slow| place the mouth ‘over the funnel and large per cent. of the mal-|allow steam to go in throat.—Mrs. z spade, or allow it to teas ba ae obstinate case of hiccoughs, For Of worse; the ‘ideal’ food tor the| the following ‘will stop. the worst Old Lady—“Oh stop ay ales I the wi Conduc there is a switch next station.” A pretty girl bachelor. FROM HERE STHERE To the Poin No, Miss, Waiting to Find Out. sca attribute ats a en t say ne muenaron grandpa, ‘They’ uusly. ce fellers atekerin with me.” es ‘Never Just Like That | | CHECKERS—By Meck: ution of problem No. 2, pe ae soiteck, is a6 follows: Ww. Be w. 4 ie 3 28-32 || 3 aS a ont 19. 28 | See cannot move, consequen loses. don't fappest TeaeDe. I'm down on it,” your city Visitor of ’s several patent: ‘Her Anxiety. , conductor, asd dropped my wig out mind, madam, Just this side of the next weel i hen the Tot vas sing with a] were just learning t to talk w! ns lowing funny =ineiet occurred: Oni giv sos John a bath anc 1 be m gad hearts bs mother hi : eons better | Peverently. complete surprise to his many cases: Give a tablespoonful of pets ar} “There. will it fg Brady ae hee ae of _ fe was thus pat tes eseies for, the aeqnan tances pineal Sines: yt ar ai apoeanatnealtonds aie NO ll a tat tenspoont of- salt] when I marty,” he said. hi : ‘o|, Mr. Hug more went divectly| of as" "Old Nat aia : 2” she séited e tone donk “Syant him moving int fy shin hotels Net pal he: ooo cae Soaored Uy je endly associa-| that they can supply mother’s milk vee EN re eaten ep pol ba le pass the big: mittor, : ; ; which i er 25 rThis seemed to meet with the ap- die gs oon seca De Herralt SHY Addn, rath than declining years. Why | for their young, else, no mat- LANNY aies reer Be yo oe Pere te it toletvohn see. hi thers, and when einer. Once he had locked the door,| of Fearn. sh ppreeeenuee Seren eae prepared, wil tokt|half: hour intervals for several oses do cows. and. bees go to) fresh: Bnd daa een ee eee ve Rie eed ar tbe ree One a » doors! of his us id a cf} the place of mother's milk, nor so well| ha ! , " ans pose John sai PA ey : > pulled down the eS pee Ee mnate y when ee will often avert it altogether. Take! heaven? : k littie handea Brady Detective ‘agenas “as. called! blinds, he threw himself upo to be in the best of fees | nenzes, Health and life: Ont-of fifty toe". “veaspoon ok wintergreen .(0t]-““Meroy, chiid, what a aliestion! ;fletiony He-waves wis pee i sigar, the ehegue an nd and indulged in a toss o! restated |thime of a mayatery. ‘Not a few Phelan ables a uidind ea HO -fourth teaspoon of peppermint) a fs ait atte: teak ty aceetie Gettin 2 x ago ‘1 i : atbonthe e de which! mirth, Still very ‘much amused, hel ed. his genial commpanionethip, end erect Aa fhe Rene ee ciae of coda. and’s|” “Cause if they don't, the milk and| months after that ik waethe sa ce with! felt in his pocket for the key ee the|frank enough to say so on those rare| Percentage of one ae Be for bottle-| qa ee op ole aes enc uetiieet tenia rae cup the of the fasally o take-one o! ins, ive Brady| oid walnut wardrobe with which his| occasions when Nat Lawson {fed babies, and o thirteen for little cee im aa a ae are ita him greet Ia inconvenience ©) room was, furnished, unlocked it and|in an appearance at the Club. For a| breast-fed. Mothers" ilk x the in- hot abso nen oes oui : 10 ty eotigetion ad his. begthlers Gaidatally beh eet ee tern while subsided as hi oe, Du ernelly | tan e copeine.& penuieeok longer ie Mae sies ats ve ae | attend Self-Evident, a eared wor Assuredly. In all fairness to him-|these subsided as his absence became i 2 d : Self-Effacing, the time, * Deiteie|seif-he hed to admit that it had been | eseyee fae ee aint cs. A..*|ing to their comfort in all ways as Wel ttle Eva (in the countr: ce yl ne ried witht Robert. Clayton in tow—| about as neat a piece of work as he|" Tt was to that ve Wi ithat the |er se ee ae a ‘ in regard to other e jool at those Leghorn chick.|' Liftifig yourself by: your { ry end that the] pros ast-fe, erst GT Rina eleven use in regi mamma, look at those Leg t both anxious, gentle. had ever known, “For a first attempt) tounder Eig tail Lost Pee of nee while one funtved nea Body, it would add much to our health | g urprise been carried through wit i i “| 4 se Alaa a : ; Se iis ate ¥ Gain her cay choca cee iain, & Saving gs Company sae his retire- nine spate fed dt GaP pa am and happiness. When ae feet become HRS Yes, I see them, dear. ” 'Y _pianm ind: a: ment so liters were times ¥ needed convi ‘. hot and painful, take time to remo a how do you know they are Leg: ne “further were rected to convinee| ly execute erything had gone| when the inquisitiveness of hig friends ser the aioe and tongs md gehen eae Stsionsy this. teauk cement [ettseia Bab” helvgectamned We ond] meee ie eee ie tet ea ft er ay he SE ee areata othe abel epi American supptied it, and as|of it with commendable finish, and! den springs of indignation that had mater gp eee rat teen On ieee a ee. CORNE BRaguasatouoral ite Loe a thelr legs? 1s Saat : Jef i . d the self. She must see ve it that she has ii 1so mat purpose do they use the a interview progressed Podmore felt that he had le no!been born within him was almost t 4 add Rig Ce is helpful. - ine Heenan Pres the, Interprovin incial ap-| mistake in hiring him on from|resistible, So, acting upon his better plenty eek i ten Las ee Ke, the feet va talcum powder icneecar sndeeny: : angen be “eyes ay renin Ova ah ee ee ie eure Ray rok oe tat aS ac aS and put on fresh stock-} Gounsel_ for the prosecution had |! he detective hadi! all hag Fecue|onelentiel end aay digested. For|' Be Wrenn ae fot Benny, Sait Clay! st ie to dese|— Sede the satchel upon the table, i this reason she avoid foods : e asked, fina 3 ssuiches are. fcr A the ite aie : to hi punts ea an ies ts tty chair | Vic place But : hie att hair, his| which she knows ea peek he Eventide. ue ee thu re traces of eer ae c re ily encugh whe Nerd cigarette with a slow) q ” . i jlers cease, ur fam: 33 ere exp! ices to him.| guile ot saticiection: te eenilo|cmeruly trimmed Van Dyke beard stomach” and those like sweets which |The day is past and the tollers ceas r gentlemen | when I} cod Ta sake my life that, he bas had no hand in this—this strange) Is ask pier what ts his vatchel qwere? Wes it-a sum of money or—? “No, no, it’s all right, Mr. Clayton,” ckleby ied, rather hurri ie i “the fialy thing sate concerned us; re find that it s bad as! eat eRe and we eet very much| very long, of| friends has} §' th ber as he ran 07 ship of young iles. Poor, seared, white-faced id! And’ the dup! ate satchels? An old trick, of course i but in simplicity lay ecess. . Podm purchased se two identicad imetionsieatiee satchels some days ag . In one he ad placed the Daceage of brown n| ry Monon aie and oe by rubber att ane sition on the outside of the satchel| e had seratched a triangular identi-| fication mark ‘with his pocket-knife; | a5 the other tan satchel he had delivered to the Alderson Sonatas ‘uction Com- pany’s office. receiv pai the currency in ner otis : elaborate- ly sealed linen envelope; a there in| g you this ino Others “Podmore had| pid Ati er Ages Felts ot|marked it sostentatiously for iden: deprecation. cation— same triangular that’s" the last consideration,| the same sposition on the cutside of lemen,” he smiled. “For my own amas Satiafa: Syaula “like to. vote en the bookkeeper went into the candidly a Gout ihuveell - Under 2 Bie ca Clayton had the dupticate the -cipeum tances it is your right to] © rch whi the worthless What he had to say merely, substan. tiated what them already. “He was returning from uncle cn a Western On- tari Mei egnd batt veniatietl over in the city for a few Stiles and Auer “that it had been it please to him. deserved in detail his meeting d with eau and their harmless chat) p Grill. He produced his ra end insisted on open thee inten mehr possibility’ of con- Teather with 't contained merely ories, a mage e latter ed open Passing eround, ed ie b : asking many q oat about prospects in hardware ines in On when at last he took his d Ehikgraiad apoiocien he him a most favorable im- ive Mi: rted next with a real cigar between is teoth and a feeling of pacinccctton rec ognition that he ering nm the longer a “blit idiot” Stiles wns told sto: “knosk off tor: the dey and go sented Pod- cre doline mil only when it was forced ¢ ¢ alone once more Alderson produced a bottle and three glarses, ea immy Stiles had told| ad drop, . aS opts satchel for Stiles. welcomed so ally by Jimny ee mn despite ee fact +p. .| wardrobe, he had sone. back to Alder- ‘orquodale de-! 0" he d played right into Clyton’s hand, that being the very position for which mn was mani 5 anu rail er the sate h con- in oney, so that Clayton had up, quite simply, leaving the iy. detective. to Podmore had not opened the preci- pepe *phone ‘having run with ersonise terete message fad: ‘reached his Eheking the tan sat che inside ‘the son’s office immediai 0 engineer the covering up a to quiet the troubled waters. It was not every day that such a golden opportunity’ of acquiring fifty Shornakad dolters Presented itself. It ne with- was rarely edt it e easons dar trafsaction. En as: man’s money wh : Ergo, it epee ce ‘Mr. Hugh’ Pod: more! The beauty of it was that the idea thing to do, that it was a wonder Fer- guson had hought of it himself when there was such need of secree: an vings Company? He did! You bet he did! Let Nickle- ‘ere with these pickings of Little Hughey and he would be show: a thin, two. th: woulll cost, him a lot more than a measly fifty thou- sand! been a delicate touch— The one Mi ‘atchel mamber BA it) was! — Niicklel m hand pe ess oh, they ‘baal noel Bs y Podmore in “this thing,. al ek ISSUE No, 47—21, -lits alertness, his glam ceca fo tink their given London. London making Ni Mts carry the key to the| London in ‘a very to Ferguson’s office.| W customary fearlessness. Nathaniel Lawson was biding his time. To be coritinued.) + How to Avoid Winter Ailments. Colds, infiuenaa, “pnesmionta, and | other complaints often ass € pro- portions of mild Piientes sens country during the winter months Ie sou eat to Bees fit ae the ig winter, the time to. sta Seaton ot when ever person is Goiebiae and sneez now. ‘The road to fitness can be indicated in four words—fresh air and exercise. fit you should devote ten malnutee’ eb! god morning to simple | exercises designed to keep the muscle hice evasitd pit tory ix coal n. When possible you should sup- een tnt Proll loe cat ies sve miles every day. The exercises need only be simple affairs. For instance, before putting a round the r lowly un- Another good ae 28 want to keep fit is to dinary Peicalie: stioree Shnet THE om the floor or on a bed ete ey How It Worked. “When we were married,” said ife and I made an agree- ail Eis major things and she in all the minor ones.” “And how has it worked?” Black inquired. Brown smiled wanly. “So far,” he sone “no major matters have come Sees SES) Somé folks are so poor re elt they can not so much as raise an umbrella. ot is enough plain, nourishing f phy tla se eal eh y body by arms and feet in a raised post- | £0" Repeat this the s dim ‘mid the s' cloy the appetite and keep her ue The ae md gro S gray, And none er daily dict should include fru ae See for the dark oat vegetables, green vegetables e preferred, cereals, meat or ae ite ee. exgs, milk, and fat, either ergam, but-|mach weary toller, with linering pace, tel, Deu oF ar ae imilar.| As he homeward turns, with the + bowl of gruel o: eg-nog jong one, 6 nilk cat befObel the tido morring ate noon nursing is hel ve all, aS must ee excite- ae ae te In feeding ike animal or bu- man, regular hours is a prime factor in suce Schedules a aS according to the physician, but having kre But the ds loom dark in the angry “ nd mid-| Looks ape oe “west, with the light on is fac of ney eta sun Yet some see not (with their sin-dim ye: The” bromine of rest in the fading kies, At ae fall of night. here athe f ria u t one at midnight on to three months of age, were for’a time|And some see only a golden sky “ite wed. After cee ean the Where the elms their welcoming pilieiey? feeding was dropped. Three- ntervals are now more generally teilaredentithe new -horn babe Bee its last feeding at eight o'clock at night.. The mother is then insured in le as they home- At the eventide. It Loe of ce that comes. after AY rest until six o'clock i the morning, when feedings again) og the tet He sends to the hearts begin. Occasionally, in the case of pes Of the Pha tat follows the stormiest delicate Ese oo smaller and moi life— requent lings are necessary. is God’s eventide. ———Lieut.-Col. John McCrae. alice PE, Why Your Ears Burn. fr all things the mother must be guided by the reaction of the infant to its ed; Common sense in feeding babies is as valuable as in everything else Bvexybotty has experienced the in life, and it must be feeling of a asiite le but few un- at even with infant feeding “one! comtand how it man’s meat is another man’s poison.”| syaden frights, “excliement, worry, ¢ main point is to find out what is ana anxiety are the best for your baby, and having found| ation is due to the. abessiae “ot it, stick to your schedule without re- seme ei other gland substances, 8 gard to what some other motl which have a tendency to paralyse the d milk supply is inauthiclent it muscles in the wails of the skin. This may be mepeptars 0 eiileven it’ temporary palsy permits their elastic with som tinue iat 5 -eneot and a stream 5 nursing 50 long as as ae lasts, he cheeks and e: ee illness on the part of the moth<| “When. as Hales Abst the KeeObE Y prevents, a the milk plainly dis-|the blood as it circulates, through the agrees with ¢ Sa A small am-|pody is about one hundred. degrees int of om che milk often means} Fahrenheit, it is plain that a sudden the difference pate ceh Hfe and death] concentration in one Pe £0 ue a to_a baby. rise us sooner. ot affect- Do’ not give the baby “tastes” of} a feels forthe tes like a flery ‘ood at the table. For thé first six! furnac ely,” a er ay srandtather in that cage?” Well, i o Tams Johnnie age his mot here on ear ed bis ma e the: James and look so much puzzle for their parents and friends to tell which is James and which is John. Is it strange th lows themselves t's a raven 2? And d like that for live for 800. years to put it to’tl Amusing the Neighbors. one da when he ee $e asked: “Where have Puzzling the Twins, and Johu are twin bi en that the little fel- wa the witness. aah al pee not A | He was a struggling Set er, and he had the good ts sh farm to oe | [the hand of a widow ote ihtner eee Ha the sum cele Well, Pat,” said Bridget, “what aoe | and po a bird have you brought home | ce. hovilyherore the wend atulate him. “It’s a fine: = weddin’, Sandy!” bes | went to ¢ replied’ Pat eae A wwhiat did you bring ye, it's no’ bad,” repNed the farm No bad? Why, thi usand pounds tae ” sighed Sandy, =n ou Ye see, ‘twill cost me seyente axpence for a: marriage reed sb I don’t believe: it, he test: it’s ae five tf eix missed by. ay for sometime, and Got His Answer, “ bop young American: farm gla m his busie here he went he pretended that it was far easier to teach the farmers than to, lean anything fase idea,” he s: gtizaled old Nontudibians “for a new kind of fer- Wb n theusand as effective as any that has ever Condensed fertilizer that's what 4 a eee? for an a re others | of ground goin one alike that it is a | waistcoat soe My owt doubt a young gentleman,” said the veteran of the soil. “What is more, you'll be able to put the soe into the other wai coat pocke' een, my son?” man,” replied W: His h th did you get them’? other in amazement, ones in your tied up with rib- cent reply were deceived? They 35c Postpaid The G ust Tike 247A ST. fe or seven months at least, mille is its THE WONDER TOY OF THE YEAR! and ingtenetive tor both children and grown-ups. PAUL. ‘er. W. DEALERS; Write for vellous sell- all year round t Canadian Toy Dirigible Balloon se Size—24” long by 5” diameter. Interesti Send for one to-day! AN TOY-AIRSHIP CO, MONTREAL ~ only requirement. YORK ‘acial Origin—English. Source—A locality. ret is not hard to guess. It comes from the city in England of that name. The city of York is almost as im- portant historically as London, and it is as old, antedating the Roman in- vasion, and having been founded by the Celtic Britons long before the first Anglo Saxon settlers made their ap- pearan Linking the names of York and Lon- yn. ert ron. cenne and, villages neighbors ames with rom which the period sda men’: f the places fs n ins ey rene ane es distinguish different fven name, little dif! iain of the same ¢ it would have conatiented erent to es such a a place, 'the ieee of the government many mén came from Lon: oe might be cme Johns pen nity. the same, ve. York but it wasn’t the ee of the Govern- ment. Hence find a number of Yorks in the ‘ist of English family Re ou cigarette teetered_on lower With a sudden ‘Telge the orl names, but not as many as of Lincolns. Surnames and . The origin of York as a family name™ ly | Buidhe,” and ithe earliest r le] unit about the year 1100 A. Their Origin GILVIE. Variations — Ogilby, 0° lets Galvey, Galwey, pie Gilboy. Racial Ori ish. Source—A es name. In Scotland the name 2 the Clan Ogilvie, which was discussed. pre viously, is traced back penta igin in a piace name. retand there was anothei cath of ie, avo Theta ble naine wes the same if you make the compa: ston with certain of the Abglioumed variations, In reality, however, it is not the same name se all when you look at the ee for ig clan w iowa aa the ee that it became an amagpesaag Tt was one of those little accidents of en ta all persons whose namey trac ack to this clan are not be me of 0} the chieftain “O'Giall-Buidhe” was the son firs a chieftain of the O’Shaughnessys. n name, from which the oat name is derived, ha nil etre by any single Bnglish w “Hostage” merely comes the stored to it, or “Servant,” or “follower.” The Lmeani » however, was far men iiss of apbtagtie?” or embodied in it also the thoughts at “loyalty,” “honorable service,” “emt lation of” and the like, N who work outdoors need the comfortable warmth of STANFIELD’S “Red Label” underwear It ie made of the best wool—and is cut to fit perfectly, giving ease and freedom with the warmth needed to protect against bitter cold. We make underwear in hea: weights for men, women and children, Write for free sainple book. STANFIELD'S LIMITED qT