_ That Brisk, Rich Flavour found in every cup of the genuine "SALADA" © is the true he ey oe perfectly Besser vee leaf. This unique flavour has won for Salad: the largest sale of any tea in America. ae HEN you start your children’s Savings Accounts take them with you to the Bank, Let them see what the Bank is like and impress them with the fact that successful “Grown up” business men and women are doing just the same thing with larger amounts. The Les- an spent ende: Foell, our newly’ wa ones with Mr. and GLENALLAN Mrs. Francis Hemmar and family~ it Sunday in ph. i Hoare: ae best wishes to a and Mrs, Fred nen Tnsitute will meet aay 3t See t a oe of ‘The subject will be “Sal. t Days.” Samp] es given Everybody welcome. m Galbraith, of Dorking, ae a id with his friend, tee ‘putas Black. Mr. Robert Stinson, of Leban was a business visitor in this soni. recently. Intended for last week vs Garnett Cookman, of Toronto, ending her holiday: 5 saih, her nies Mrs. peehaes m._here APSE ee £ Hammond, Ind., les, MONKTON BRIEFS & ae mber the Pollyanna’ “ garden | course ne aan Aunt potatoes will be ¥ | te shes a apie ee Mrs. an rote has re- turned to h two weeks Sie rie rien home near here after Spending se sev al weeks in Fergus #& number fi being at Moncrieff on Thursday, Aug. 11th, where it is expected 1] aha Prem. ier Drury will deliver an address. Bie events of an:athletic nature will be ‘pulled Smith, of Ellice,” chased recently trot Lsligntly Bras. a new Ford touri 5 ir. and Mrs, Mrs, 0. Wilson, Mise Olive Witeen aati Mr, J.-C, Wilson spent Sunday with friends at, Sea ae people inks Date etball wate Atwood | m Friday night and report a ame. Mrs. F. Ham- mar. Mr, Edward Oswald, of Hamilton, {spent Sunday with friends in this vicinity. Toeie wes Mr. and W. P. Rennie, Listowel, cee scence with Mrs. Bailey. | Sunday visitors at the home of Mx, Albert McLaughli Mr. and . CR. Mc jepriiiie ani danghter| Mr. George Battin has returned jhome from Kincardine. Mr. C. H.. Merryfield, of Gibbon, | Neb., called on fri here on Wed- nesday while Palmerston, Mr. CG. W. Hol ip to London on Tuesday. Messrs. Lloyd, of Galt, and Floyd, lot Pus slinch, mpent ie week-end un- der the parental irs. Arthur Scott, of Duluth, wasiting her father, Mr. John ‘iends Hol- cro] ie ey, en taken Se coe duct was noe x and Mrs from Monkton intend diner ar A. ju pur- | es eases | Wemiscam, 20s tives rr. ani and fruit al i oy of h ave seen man; nthe average, the SS * ane = aeeried i. and son, wrence, of Stentor Cond Misses | nd Lulu Sco oat TS. R. et een ac.) Jal off and a splendid time is! frski a nvley, “of Toronto, Sunday at the home bert Adair. is and Mis. Edgar MeHugh, of | Alta., are visiting rela- fen ifit | id Mrs, W. J. Howe, Mr. and ‘Tom Howe, of Windsor, spent | ‘ing a “couple of days last’ week ae Mx. Jos, Johnston's. | Mrs. | Netti motoring through to Bamford, of London; M bbs made a business | jot Dunnvil | aeey fan | Mond r. and Mrs, s. F. S. Howe. e Howe, of Kitch of Listowel; Miss | hener; Mrs, Ari ae Ww. Marks | Frank Hovwe,| stowel, bite Mr. a e, are Plorance “Tahston spent one ere Mis, aoaal Baker and | ly. Gad Mr. Orval Strachan spen' lay at I J08. aa Armstrong, 0: iM | TOWN LINE EAST ears | t cronta, | nt Sunday with Se and Mrs. G. Aes ‘hily, | \de of Mr. a: dy . Joseph | paye’ ¢/name is not on the list take the nec. | PY ing for d son will not be wasted at ae BANK OF HAMILTON MILVERTON BRANCH—N, G. Schafer, Manager and Mrs, Laughlin, Tisiowels Mr. Morga n_and Mer, cand Love, Lebar Bl pant Miss Mildred rand Mr. dou Tacksons Gienal ian; Mr. Clement and Miss Nellie Tunn: e are very glad to report, that Mest Aber Menace erasipresng repor nicely. ee i We wonder what one (e our sports from Slabtown was str d out on a green grass on Sandi night. Ask Ralph! itis ter, vale. e Go Ralph Mrs. Wm. ness. home o n Wednesda; essrs. E. S, Wil: John C. Ellacott and Tom Sepa | wi Hil is here. at present |Joseph Johnsto Scott is, we are glad to! bal rt, recovering from her recen' McKay and anebien) es is visiting her | Se , Mrs. Harold Hammond at Blue-| la Muriel Scott, of Toronto, is “dauhier iting foiends nt: schelberg. peak vChalm y for ermor Thos. aaa aaiten ‘stewart are siting at the mares they seul spent a few days in quest |, mey the ees end CANADIAN PaciFIc FARM LABORERS WANTED “Fare Going ”’—$15 to WINNIPEG. 1 cent per mile Winnipeg to destination. Weber & Bet motored “Fare Returning” —$20 from WINNIPEG. 4 cent per mile starting point to Winnipeg. and children, for Bay GOING DATES ERRITORY From Stations in Ontario, Smith's Falls to and including Toronto on Lake Ontario Shore Line AUGUST 8, ind Havelock -Peterboro Line. = - sree His Btstnd K lngntcs Gy Reaves Janctioe/ kniibe From Stations on Toronto-Sudbury disect ling; between Toronto aad Parry Sound, inclusive From Stations Dranoel to Port McNicoll and Burketoa, to Bobcaygeon, inch From Stations South and West of Toronto to and inchiding Hamilton and Wists From Ow aon n Sound, Welkerton| Srangeutie: Teeswater, Elora, Listowel, Goderich, and AUGUST 17. AUGUST 10, and AUGUST 22. BE Mary's, aes Rev. Jas. McKa jucwell, and St, Thomas Branches, From Stations Toronto and North to Bolton, inclusive, PECIAL TRAINS FROM TORONTO ; destinatio Full particulars from Canadian Pacific Ticket Agents. W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, - Ridael Melvijle, How war shee uy vey vho bass. of Lebanon, will : f the Methodist Snd when the » n ie ext. . Ed, Bettger spent ae i Hitsheaty, who for ae fee eae a erie en tger staff, past mn the as_accepted and will leave Mrs. ron io d. Rei ae had ast three weeks. J. Allen, Are 1d ‘McKay, Edward _Bettger Kitchener ast accompanied by Mrs urday sual ty 7 ares number of men ey A- |Goder peeby ie these day ot Monkton, John ave rd Machan, Barl Ma- | spening the weelvend ling, Sam Snelling of Jo ce “Ingles, of Moncrieff. most of them is to be | Bolnte’s in Haskatonowat prognosticated “4 spring that we would have a light | MACDONALD’S. “BRIER” has become a Canadian institution. Smoked by the men who made history. In the bush, on the trail, in mining camps, prospectors’ huts, factory yards, on trains, steamships, in the luxurious homes and downtown clubs of our Canadian cities —Macdonald’s has aly, s been recognized as the smoke. @ MACDONALD'S CUT “BRIER"—the same tobacco but in new form—maintains every Macdonald tradition since 1858, and gives to smokers—more tobacco for the money. rast bringville, spent ilday attemood Johnst er Betton and oose Jaw, Sask., ar: ting their’ friends aE ao two Mrs. George eecaat ry (ne aon "THe heav ay gave oe exon a great wetting which wil me some nice weather ts jared again ready to be garnered in. Siarence Ronnenberg, 0 |teoit visited his friends at Monkton cently. eg athe new bridge on the sideroad, now open, is a fine structure : roaches are for many {years to coi ane. \ ‘The adjourned est |death of William Stricker which was ave resutied on “Fri: day at Monkton, has been further ad- |journed, because the report o |Government Analyst on the stomac eM. Strickert into the artial pends o hand indieating the pres- ig ence 0: y! stomach, a, ingest “yall ‘again sit on ‘Thurs: y, Aui a Canals of Kirkton, ig fandink a a fete days at the home of r from. this as icinity are ates te Old ath as re-union at nald, wt Hampton, Virg., tee at Mr. Jack Bettger’s rs. Stanley Puddy and nes Puddy and s son, R: returned to Toronto after at the home freon Colin Kerr and son, Charles, t Sunday ing with’ Mr. and k Bettger and two lenilares visited ic Kincardine on day. GADSHILL. Mrs, Peter Jantzi has returne jher home near Wellesley after spend. jing a few days at jand Mrs. C. Jantzi of this p nd Mrs. Sal Ripfer: motored Ito ‘the home of the former's’ brother, Ab. Kipfer, near Hayesville, one t we and Mrs, C. Jantzi and son [Elmer spent Sunday at the home of and Mrs. home of parents, Mr. Dahms, meat Stratford on Sati aly evenin; Cutting is practically all done in this locality: 0 Stratford man had might have had to roa ere till day- light. Boh Meas the men man- get the ear ce on the road and considerable t time was required to eA AaB Dee and went ile: way LISTOWEL Rooney, of Toronto, is a Sh or at th the home of Mr .and Mrs. A. Mr. Chas Walk js. cStamniue his home in Toronto after. spending the past couple of weeks with friends in town, erton ae Listowel Junior foot yed a pa en death Congratulations are due tl Milverton ae in their well deserv- ed champions sondition ‘of Mr. town line east, Geo. Coghlin. ning, hias showed im? proven eae and a speedy recovery is looked teow ‘Listowel and ani took ia the h vesters! exetr the West thia Serene: Mithell Uso “ee arn: worth, have purchased a new Stude- Daker light six touring car from the Joan agente, Messrs, Zurbrigg & . Frank C, Kelly has sold a Sam- san fracton with ee hee and dises to Mr. . Isley aiiner iaanabee of the loca} ipranch of the Bank of iawile ton whe has been away on his vaca- get Is: of Elma, | from Sthe FOR SALE a as returned | erey ores calf, five iionths old. er spending the past week jimmerman, Milver- with her scously Miss Edna Hamilton. | 20 sole 2ime Mise Meveetab Percy tehretver jie the ten of her uncle, Mr. Gaore : nston, after having spent several (weeks with friends in Brussels. Mrs. Rogers, of Florida, is ‘spen ‘ Vacation with her brother, Mr. John’s Gordon, Mr. and Mrs, John Kargas, of Ham-| ust 1: ie she came home for the re-un- Shipper present. pani ith the eee 's brother, eH inoolissdsabel SHIPPING NOTICE 1 will ship, hogs from the C.P-R. i riday, tal th. 7 dale Hoo, P.O, nelling. oo report that lin. te at present serious ly ill. It is the wish he community FOR SALE gi . Goold-Shapley and Muir gas eine, (good ag new), mounted d fitted sith magneto and athbert spent the ating Ay 9 G. Apply to G. weeks end with Mr. and Mrs. Tin- Pichon lt AH Steer alls hiss Gladys, Hamilton has retumed |. Coxon, Milverton, m e e from as | oa attending the 6. A.C, He SHIPPING NOTICE < ¥ for past five Friday, Aug. 19th station, Milverton. me if you have any ip. 1. D. Atkin, will ap OI hogs |IS YOUR ae oN: THE VOTERS’ “tron the CP. | Kindly, notify { Bc See ship. The voters’ list for the Municipal- ity of Milverton villdge has been print ed and pi y. the clerk. ts should examine this at their name ai ring and printing a voters’ list y task mite e no easy for a name If om ca A raincoat on the read paeneee Milverton, and Brunner. Owne: have same by proving aotena ru this aiversanen A Milverto: essary step; same placed ,at Sun’ office, foe Don’t wait until election day ee ‘0 discover tl at you are not t list en it is too late, and you will | STOR. 7 LOOK =. READ | nat have the privilege of castin ote. This is especially apelin] it a thought how those who have moved into the millage goles ihn cee buildings ? since May, of I BUSINESS EDUCATION e best of mater- workn manchip offeres The Fall Term of the Canada Busi- ~ Schmidt, Milver ness College, see wel, day, August’ 29th, FOR SALE ir! Fan istowel, and good dwelling e placed a position by up. aca aoe hia ‘Golleze, College insurance. and Spadina, Toronto. ms all sizes and all prices. Six s for sale from $1600 Also fi ly | Colleges are the la’ |fixed up should be a good conveniente vo driving harness If interested call at my office. . D. Schatz, R. Miller Block. Holiday Time- | Freedom from all aches and pains assured by Templeton’s Rheumatic “Capsules { Keep them in your home, Take them on your vacati: For Rheumatism, Neural; Headache, Train Sicl ickness, Ete. $1.00 at your druggist’s. Sold by S. Petrie; Monkton, Weber & Bettger; Atwood, B. A. Coghlin, Day and night classes. cl rmers’ particulars to Canada Basines cone ege, Listowel or Toron' NOT A CHURCH GOER I Kitchener Telegraph Lord Northelife spent Sunday in Toron! unt are expected to ia he played golf, ‘or the “benefit of hia health.” It was , noticeable fact that he was not granted the freedom of the city. a Notice Farmers we are agent for the following : Waterloo Boy Tractors and Separators Robt. Bell Gas and Steam Engines Silos, Silo Fillers, Engines, Water Systems, Stable Outfits Made by The Ontario Wind, Engine and Pump Co. John Deere and Maxwell Implements J. B. LEIS R.R. NO. 1 MILLBANK, ONT. Willoughby Farm Agency ae Farms ! WRITE FOR FREE FARM CATALOGUE OF OTHER F FARMS 75 ACRES BEVERLY TWP. 63 acres workable, pence one MN oo a baled frame h barn 50 x 60, tie-up 6 horse; stanchions: tht e; hog pen; silo ‘own 2 miles; Hamilton 11 miles; possession arranged; phone; terms’ arranged. WENTWORTH ¢ COUNTY _ church; ables ae mail; tele- 122 ACRES MARYBOROUGH TWP. PERTH COUNTY 100 aeres worlmble, 5 acres bush, balan wells creek; wire and rail fences; house, 11-2 sto res, So red cena for ern; bank bar; cemented aiabies supply; litter can strat shed; driving house ho} how pen; he house; si silo; wind ill, i from the town of a Jocated on a good roa ave aehoolk, of al ‘denominations, station, ete, 3 and implements ith tne teens rrange ments ean he mince to buy Posses- sion any time; terms arrange ERIN TWP. WELLINGTON COUNTY ; 47, acres workable, balance hardwood bush; frame house, vies, © rooms; cellar; hog pens hen. hous conta paonl farm; Roc! Guelph: § 1-2 miles; ‘possession ahy times mea] eae terms. 50 ACRES - ™ small orchard; 2 wells; barn; driving house; wood “B miles} 3 Price $3,200; easy 50 ACRES WELLESLEY TWP, WATERLOO. county. All workableg small orchard} clay Joam soil; level; good wat 1 1-2 } bank barn 40 x 80) ee Hables; ‘eater supply; hog pen: miles; on good road; rural house, ool § shail; talephonepenrice $4,000; . ELMA TWP. phe COUNTY peace nee 2 acres orchard food water; 2 wells and a creek brie Sar pa "furnace; bathroom; cisterns bank bi and a le; cemented sta es ate? hi pply; atta 3 40; SO; en; CH silo; een setts ee Ni Tmalle telephone; possession arbangeds terms arra: 4 149 ACRES 0 acres idee clay loam soil; ti ste ories, 8 5 oms 1 cellar; x ad aoe ‘ie-up i Willoughby Farm Agency, Guelph tion, ies again resumed his duties here. W. W. MARTINSON, Representative, Elmira, Ontar!