i Young Men's Suits Three-piece suits with long trousers, special $9.99 Boys’ Suits © ; Sizes 26 to 30 $6.95 Boys’ Suits Sizes 30 to 36 $7.95 For Childhood's Happiest Hours BOYS’ WASH SUITS 79c up to $3.49 LADIES SUITS 25 Navy Blue Serge Suits at $7.99 Over 200 to select from—All on sale. a few of our Money Savers Here are X.O:8. Ladies? Combimation Underwear White Skirts $1.72 Otker White Skirt prices . . $1.99, $2.19, $2.49; $2.99) GET.¥OUR SUMMER SKIRT NOW, AND SAVE MONEY Men's Spring Coats . $14.99 4 Pair Children’s Ribbed Stockings - . - . Men's Raincoats .... i 10 Yards White Flannelette : Ladies’ Raincoats ..... 10 Yards Bleached Cotton .... 10 Yards Factory Cotton ..........- Cotton Cashmere Ladies’ Tweed Coats . Ginghams and Muslins, per yard eee AL WALL PAPER REDUCED ROBINSON CIRCUS. STR&TFORD AT The meeting Adjoumes to fo meet on |sand youn ery veer, bets Monday, Jun among ese is a sta ex Be I is ettey care noked like: Bat Court of Wusision eef. It is served a: de |pared in many ways, and a er wie aoe the chair, all members) at is the members of the oe frie ‘declare only the nbs ng for Nobad Fe eee reriar Cio" praeiods ast. | COUncD BAL ae A Cotrt cook and serve a nice, |te teach in the “eillage | school. and no- jth inutes of ti prerious meet-| Gn tha Atsment, Kell mse ie ie 3 3. therefrom. The aT ee ae the Hag. | the ngcessary Oaths 0: wae ‘ownship 4 Court, Mr. HS er “Amato re ie Eopoikt ted. oe am wh mn, th following appeals, werg Aisponed i stees of R. C. SS. te ELLICE COUNCIL | re ‘The Council met in the Hall Mon- | nth se day, May 30th, for general business, | are be; S$ arom W ani y in which the; nid denghtars = ang ae vie the until the dappled the i antin; hippo: aittha meetly 10ve “sig heaven seunds of ii r lectual centre around ill, nd h to inter aced ti ‘ool means ja 8 oe ae fon lg |dastries of the big circus ihe |the whole country “ eas friday, June the ee of youn hi 1 sueh |} big and well known circuses requires | rif {Our trains of seventy foot steel eat ig top seating 12,000 peope, 15 as, five hundred and fifty and amons ck is served honor of any dis- [feels tunate | activ {Small vowh hng-suifered more than | other institution. . It is. path n royal hi haneeholie wealthy, the du {part cular style in ed Fam ae ni time as @ permanen ected Bhat that, “tar ow a n in tha |@ n ages “put thie’ is by no, mea or the chi mceneatan COUNC Council rest: in thea 11 at Nex n Monda and toon seats all presen “The Reeve was air Theminutes of the lask meet- e ing were ah and approved. on mo- n of Mess mble and Coulter. (After some yautirie business. t S who | council. Gpened a 8 Court of Revisi ar storie {on the t Roll, the members w ng previ sig eir re- everehons stor the same, — appeared on a ‘his appeal on his, assessment for neome.After some discussion it w tng to have eaten say it is far be- of S. 8. No: yond anything else. they get else-|a ipet “Joseph and ‘TerranesQuinlan, tyayof prepared fol i taxes, granted, jwhereny, ducks are experted , Joh K and {ota Sand ‘it pr ovine te ss climate, {horses ar ‘set. the Dropibitive ¢¢ en|complem weal sce e ed Staten a | Will in the! praim o! nthe two stages, in i ae Ghiodian Sate |in a quarter mil er: e Ca sou nie ti Let tis Ackersvill ce \Thi : Figs the *Syvatehword 3 ee bundred and |to s¢ of ho’ five elepha: sub crite: opent ail s aweanty Fe tke in. granted and Col ‘or thee |4 peal to have North half of concession 16, assessed to Day fe. noe ance Al me at a osetia id Kerr as owners. é ver for good is ne gon ‘ ae 2 bak ta) shin , The: Clerk. was. gee en shotity | The adjourned to meet at 2 p. r col ‘y, an gor from = scarey 5 onday, June 18th for further ‘one going ea past have gone {fideration of the Assessment Roll... |is sing of the. small country [Ce gt the stone men and wom ced take, 29 Of Mestre: Be tow ul J. H. BROWN, Clerk oe of this, cond This _being A, aly thin the only thing, th es ent | a sumed general business again! Smith's "Falls Si the nows BY fea rs. Coulter and pet are heing oe nO firs st s 10. the amount of can of Wester Sool 14 expected a Arse were passed) when council Greston about dune 20th, meet aay ‘on the first |THE PASSING OF THE Sore australe feature n all the cages at dens will be open view. The famous Robinson 200 d the smaller mnills “are shutting Ren until well as in the big six pole menagerie it completed at once according to the top. The per sformances ae ee fi sera there oe ind 8 p.m. rade will leave John Denstedt asked to have ene SP ‘ian enck ne ‘in _cledned out, "DUCKS IN CHINA oFme aban ees and = nether stored to its former. village. Certainly. it will not Sine mn. \Hanley. Act Nes ame disease t ee (that) ‘There are more ducks in China than |the hamlet. * The big cities ne Reeve be delegated to vatiend to lin all the rest of the world, Their ing bigger each year, th power voices are 2 familiar sound in every nd wi WALTZ IS COMING BACK, JAZZ “DANCE IS DYING © the it 0: ro BKOW- [Small things. is si PaO Be ae in July next at one o'clock , tyra the tide of life bi ee pa W. J. Zoeger, Clerk. MILMIONS IN SALMON ‘imothy Coughlin, . The dear old, dreamy waltz is le iia Since the Colu River salmon e this matter wit 0 a c PR as ry Studor Paes ae town and ¢ country spo rior” iti other Prmprove the B. 0. dra m ven Ug alelee mn let 16, concession. v5, “this | They dodge Eesen thescl Wa ae yaa ae cave ore for a ae They uit wai int of Kot sot MeDonnell, a the ol Dae, a \ mts amonnting lies” legs. it of the w: a road, on eve oe pond, on of th farm, onévery lake, on seer | m ' There is no yee yard without | eck ekchatehing ed_and order estab- | © many. 0: ages Fabe enol ae to produce fifty thor earing de t cs|seatter seeds of we aontiey wares et ee ath Ya Loa a the land pig to see that in teeaimg down the ings mall tose and oe try and the young, strong, Ac otive | bia | was | able to = a THE FOOLISH MAN canning “hasty started by pioneer fisher 76, a total of $130,000, 000 of salmon has been taken 4 from ‘the 910,000 acres oe : would Sever: learn ishing territory in the river from ee n |, vent upon fishing pati Cascade locks to its mouth. cotati the Bee ch, the | 2: leb his camp-fire burn. ¥ nave been | the a and political gather. nee There was a man in our fawn, 0 man Wil buy six articles in se day if they nat $1.98 each. But 01 te to buy anything thay ae of th Oh, a, swiftly Ease that | ores fire | an} it bi And from that little fanine” the > would hat cost $2.00. co are and show places, the small ieee aoe cline. The fa That man has ne’er returned. rop- | continue ult is Ee