Ontario Community Newspapers

Monkton Times, 15 Dec 1921, p. 4

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? i ‘. i . : es ig — ‘an : 4 3G 4 : ale i j o cated r en *, ei” SUNBEAMS 5 | As_an answer to the Irish Rahat. cans’ approval of the Irish Free State’s cause M. de Valera may tas ew . e008 8 pete Be apm} vent the export of policemen to York, , Bara, a ihe aa It_is now stated that the leader of | past summer at Carlholme, is visiting the Sinn Feiners in an American citi-| at Mr. Alex. Chalmers. ; ; zen.| In view of the friendly rela-| Miss Alma Stewart and Miss Tyack pie tions existing between’ Britain’ and) of Elmira, spent the wek-end with | iets, the United States it is not likely that | Mrs. Bert Wray. . the point will ‘be pressed. ) ‘Dr. and Mrs. Henry McFaddin and | bP & d ‘ daughter, of Thorndale, visited Mr. A young mdy, who was recently and Mrs. David MeFaddin on, Sunday. | : run over by an automobile, apologised, Misses Marion and Eva Rutherford , to. the driver. In motor circles sur- were visitors.at Stratford on, Sunday. | rise is expressed that we should, Mrs. Jas. Mason spent the past ve had to wait so long for someone. week with her daughter at Moorefield. to realize what is the correct thing| Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kerr, of Carth- - to do in the circumstances. Rige spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. bh ee eb me 1. B. Kerr. ae: ‘Mrs. W. Brownlee was a visitor to Mrs. Wm. Livingstone, of Port Rowan, visited her mother, Mrs. Jane Stewart, last week. tpt Mrs. Wm. Turnbull is visiting her sister. Mrs. Wm. Livingstone, at Port Rewan,” 2 >~".\ : .. ee - Mr. Frank Baxter, who spent the The four great powers of the world, ", . Britain, the United States, Wroneg ‘Linwood on Saturday. — “MILLBANKC NEWS [LINWOOD _ a _ Full line of toys on sale at Terrill’s. _ On Sunday evening as Mr. Wray ‘Matthews, of Glenallan, drove into | the village his horse fell on the street | from an attack of heart failure and [ had to be shot. mare | : Messrs. Jas. Ogram and Jehn Gili- | a spent Thursday at the Guelph — air. attended the Bell Telephone banquet. + Kitchener on Monday evening. — Mr, Dan. Gabel and son Floyd, of | St. Jacobs, spent Thursday in ‘the vill- | age on business. , Misses Kathleen Hayes and Annie Stemmler visited at the latter’s home in Hesson. -~ spent Monday in the village. Mr. Oscar Lantz was at Toronto) on Friday on. business. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Deibold and. family, of Waterloo, spent Sunday with friends in the village. and Japan, have signed a treaty for ,, Mr. Bert Wrav was a visitor to wv ; 4 | wwe “Loronto last week. : in re i cag al a naval: weir, Mrs. Henry Kelly returned home reclude war somal peg Shs 5 Monday after a week’s visit at 7 4. Toronto. tates and Japan. Sir Robert Bord- en signed for Canada and Hon.) Africa. Japan regards the treaty as the greatest contribution to the cause of peace ever recorded in history. Ae + % % * ae | Miss Tyack, of Elmira; Miss Cullis, , France’s ambitions since the war! of Stratford, and Miss Ethel McKee have been risine rapidly and she) were the entertainers of the evening seems forgetful of the fact that onlv and those present report a very’ en- for Great Britain her territory would joyable time. Mish McKee also visit- to-day have been a blackened. waste | ed the school and gaye a demonstra- with the remmant of her peonle nay- | tion on the gramaphone. : ine tribute to a foreien power. Con-, Miss. Eva Rutherford has resigned scious that she is now the strongest 45 teacher in the school here and has power in Continental Furone there another occupation in view for the is danger that her imperious demands future. may estrange the.ally that saved her | from utter and irremediable ruin. the auspices of Grace Church Sunday | Posse Me ‘School will be held in Fewings’ hall | . . ‘on Monday, Dec. 26th, commencing John Bull seems to be' vetting along at eight p.m. auite amicably at the Disarmament! Mr. John Heaton passed away. on Conférence and thines annear,to be Friday last at his home her of pneu- ' ( jto- y coming his way. Instead.of making,monia. The late Mr. Heaton was a demands he wenerally accents vro-| blacksmith by trade and had only posals offered by the deleeates of the :moved here from Newton about a other nations. .Kipline has expressed | month ago. The remains were taken his attitude in*the counlet: ito Stratford via G.T.R. on spa eg Pe 3 ‘where interment took place on Sun- “When Pack meets Pack in-the Junele} day, He is survived by his wife to _And neither will x0 from the trail. |.whom the sympathy of this locality is Lie down till the leaders” have) extended in her sad bereavement. spoken—- : 4» | ‘Phe teachers and* scholars of the It may be fair words will prevail.” | school are nreparing for a concert ie em , , ‘to be held Thursday. Déc. 22nd. ; sj 2 Fa a 1 » ie f : : raceme) pety noneS PE sd * opie lsorry to learn of the death of Miss in British dominions that the Anglo-| PR ee aps . a irish: treaty will che. ratified by. the) maze McCullough at her home in 31° tivin’ » - ‘| Detroit last week. ; Deceased: was an Dail Bireann. Althourch M. de Valera} ; la lt is euhalnr ui 8 tw: Sig’ known “that! Old resident and well-known in Mill- Cardinal Loeue and. all. the. Frish, bank. and ibe tom ger Rae. ae m bishops are in favor of its ratifiea-| Y°ry . successful teacher and 1 eee tion..and it is expected’ that. their | principal in one of the bath bi S counsel will have considerable weight, (41 _Detrort at the time of her ihacn ee In spite of the fact that there is an Rev. and Mrs. Le mormwere ores element that resents the interference | °TS, 1° Stratforc 20M: AU SEORY s 7 1 of the Church in state matters, a sat- Moffat attending the meeting of Pres- isfactory settlement at this time) bytery. would be regarded-as a master stroke of statesmanship as it would tend to- ward peace throurhout the whole empire. It would also have the effect of allavine dangerous sentiment in Egyvt and India, and even within the confines of Canada and Australia. There will be ringing of jov bells The entertainment given. by the | Women’s Institute last week in Few- position of teacher in the junior room here. ‘Election day. passed here. The Haic Mission Band held their annual meetine and thank-offering on off quietly ois — Master Bruce Wray returned home yee on Saturday after spending the past. Arthur Balfour for Britain and South three months in a hospital in Torgnto. ines’ hall was a very successful affair. | The annual Christmas Tree under The people: of this locality were “Miss Alice Clarke has accepted the | Mr. and Mrs. P. Kreutzweiser and son Arthur were at Kitchener on Monday. | Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Peebles’ spent | the week-end at, Listowel. ! Mr. and Mrs. Simon Friedman have moved their household effects with the former’s mother, Mrs. John Fried-. man. formerly of the Metropolitan Bank here, is spending a vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gohl. Messrs. Con. Wilker and Tony Koebel were successful in bagging several rabbits on Thursday. Misses Irene Carnochan and Helen McEachern svent from Saturday to Monday night at Kitchener and New Hambure.,, a Sunday visitor in Linwood. Mr. and Mrs. D. Beggs and Miss W. Beges and baby ‘Enid Faulkner attended the funeral of the late John Faulkner at Moorefield on Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Hitley returned to her home in Rochester on Frday after spending a few weeks with her moth-. er, ‘Mrs. John Friedman, here. Christmas candies of all kinds at Terrill’s. A meetine was held in the Metho- | dist Church here on-Thursd2y after- noon in the interest of church union. Among these who were present were: Rey. Hamilton. of Wellington. presi- dent of the. Hamilton Conference; Rev, Wricht. of ton. secretary of the co-operative eommittee, and Mr. Pitchard, of Har- riston. week, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hesey, of El- mira, called on friends here on Sat- urday. . Mrs. A, O. Sehnurr and Miss Millie ‘Schnurr spent. Wednesday last at / Kitchener. Rev. G. Brackebisch, of Neustadt, ‘spent Monday and Tuesday with Rev. 'J. Reble. |. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. i Sunday at St. Clements. |. Mr. J. Hoelscher, of Elmira, spent 'the week-end with Mr. aud Mrs. Wel- |don Pommer. TOPICS Messrs. C. McKay and J. Wilson | Mr. R. B. Hamilton, of Millbank,) Mr. Roy. Gohl, of Regina, Sask., | Mr. Earl Tabbert. of Macton, was farriston, chairman | of the district; Rev. Pruden, of Dray- | MeDonald. and. Mrs, -A. M. | Davidson, of- Newton, . visited “at. the home of .Mrs. D. S. Williams last) Karley spent = x a a Ps | PRACTICAL GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY. ©“CHRISTMAS—THE SEASON OF GOOD WILL—IS’ | HERE AGAIN. A HOST OF OBLIGATIONS CONFRONT YOU AND ONLY. A FEW MORE SHOP. | PING DAYS. COME IN AND LET US HELP YOU MEET THEM SATISFACTORY—WE HAVE WHAT YOU WANT AT THE RIGHT PRICE. COME JOIN THE THRONG—SHARE THE BARGAINS. 4 ate ee ee cam a a - 97 e 5, Very Special--1000 ibs. West Virginia Peanuts oe. * : iGc per Ib. ‘NOW BOR THE BOY Shirt. Sweater, Silk Arm Bands, Handkerchiefs You will see-one of the largest stocks of Sweaters ever shown in town st pre-war. prices. What a- bout Boy’s Suit. for Christmas? ° We have all kinds.of them and a vieht prices, , TOYS FOR BOYS.AND GIRLS Our Toy Department is chuck full of sll kinds. We haven’t space enough to. tell you all we “have. - Come itt.and see for yourself: We. have avery nice line of Ten Pins;.2 ¥ - nice game: forthe home.” “HANDKERCHIEFS As-usual the big selling will: be in this department. Boxed Handker- chiefs, 2, 8, 4, 6 in a’box ready for mailing. Ladies’ Initial Handke -20c each. 3 Men’s Initial Handkerchiefs at 25¢c. Men’s Fine Lawn, Linen Finish, Prunes rchiefs, at when that long feud between Britain and Ireland has terminated. Saturday last with a good attendance.| A egncert given: by the Linwood A very interesting. programme Was’ Farmers will be held in Schnurr’s given by the.Band and Miss Alice }.1) on Friday, Dec. 16th, at eight Make HIM Clarke was elected president, Miss Fva Hoffmeyer sec.treas. Mrs. Geo. Kirkland, president of the W.M.S., presided. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Coming! Grand Christmas Tree ’*b b & The returns of the elections held throurvhout Canada on December 6th are now practically all in and. the standine of the parties.in the next} house is established.~[he resulte were | pretty nearly in accordanre with the | most reliable for®easts which indica-, ted that the Liberals wonld be the) larvest @roup, but none of the fore-| casts were so ontimistic os to award them one-half the seats. ..There were | differences of opinion as to whether. Procressives.or Conservatives would | have the next largest groun and it wag; thought that both would be stronger. | The Government suffered, a more severe defeat than was anticinated. | Smith. Next Monday. Dec. 18th, In no province did: it carry half the: Misses~Alice Reid and Nellie McKee seatg.and in the five provinces of |.will have charge of the meeting. Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia,, Rey. W. Moffat’s topic for Sunday Quebec. Manitoba and Saskatche-) night, Dec. 18th, will be “A man who wan it failed to elect a single) cast & bow at a venture.” representative. The Progressives | e ; carried. the prairie provinces almost | co ices ee Maran solidlv as did the Liberals the prov- Doe. 2buk seathe @range halt<. Any inces east of the Ottawa. The Con- ‘ : ; . . wanting millfeed, phone in your order sayvatives have the largest group in We: Hic -Hnrcl. wets Ontario with the Progressives second : ; ay Miss Jessie Fewings Mittea part of and the Liherals a close third. Mr.. ‘ Mackenzie Kine. who will likely be: last. week with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCloy, Listowel. called -unon shortly to form a govern-_ ment, after electing a speaker will Mrs. R. Mutleahy spent Tuesday and Mrs. Henry Johnston, Sgt! pl Wellesley. on Wednesday evening, Dec. 21st. admission 25 and 15 cents. A very snecessful tea was held by the ladies tof Grace Church. at the noon and evening last week, A very enjoyable time was spent of Messrs. Geo. Brunnér and. Silas be unable to control a clear majority, with Mr. of the house, but will undonbtedly | Listowel. ; receive the support of the Progres-| Mrs, Geo, Smith was called to Lis- sives in earring on government. _towel on Wednesday morning owing My. J. MeLaughlin. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Hugh MeTavish and family desire to convey to friends and neigh~ bors their heartfelt thanks for kind- ness and sympathy extended them in their late bereavement of husband and father, ee SECSEPEDEESE EEE EDS HDS “TOYLAND” This is more than every Children’s Christmas. People are not going to buy high priced gifts this year, We have gorted up a very fine range of goods and toys at very attractive prices. We give a partial list: / W. D. Wes Sale Kegister Thursday. Deécember 8th, 1921— Farm Stock and Implements, for Mr. David R. Steckley, lot 4, con. 14, Ellice Township. 4b eo : ae — - Oe oe 0B Be oh he he he oe ob ode ods obs he oh he ode De be be obs oe oe oo Ob oD oe oe oh ee For Boy’? and Girl’s: Toys Mouth Organs Tea Setts Games — en Toy Brooms Picture Books Hor Rattles Christmas Stockings. Whips Colored Balls Pistols Dolls Animals Also Cut Rock Candy, Mixed Creams ‘Bon Bons, Pop Corn Balls, Candy Sticks, Cent Goods, Mixed Nuts, Oranges, Dates, Figs Gifts for Men Silk Ties — . Sweater Coats Handkerchiefs Knitted Ties Overs Fine Shirts Wool Mufflers Arm Bands Caps and Hats Gloves Cuff Links Braces ry ae Gifts for Ladies. Silk Heather Hose. Fancy Skirting ~ Handkerchiefs (in blue and grey). Fine Writing Paper . Gloves and Mitts Wool Scarfs, Sweaters,. (in fancy boxes) ! Dress Goods & Also & large assortment of Christmas “Cards and Booklets. Lhese are extra good. 4% 3 Remember our Grocery Department is .2tp-to-tate in New Stock . ‘Raisins, Dates. Figs, Currants, Peels, Bulk dem and Syrtyps, OF oF obs fe of ohe of of od SPPSPESHEESE ETE SE SES OF os oe he ke ode oe oe oe eee eh eh hob eo oh eee oh SPPEPESPESSSSSSESSES PPESEEESESESSESESSESES SSS SSSS SSeS SSS tsetse and Entertainment at S.S. No. 19, | home of Mrs. Alex Miller one after- |- at the Y.P.S. meeting in Knox church | on Monday night which was in charge | ito the severe illness of her father, | all in ‘fresh for the Christmas seagon, : Calliand inspect the above and receive a calendar. * . Yours For A Merry Christmas : +E POLLARD’S GENERAL STORE 4 .NEWTON, = ONTAREO Pe : Cit Bae | eur 2 EE PEDEEEEL ESE EEE REED ELE DD POT EE EEE EEDE ELDRED ODES S| j , J me Bp ; i > fi : ae \ z Sat y > (4 og |o’clock. A good programme is being |prepared. -Everybody welcome. Ad- /mission 25 cents. | Rev. H. Shorten and-the Misses | Shorten, of Listowel, were. visitors lat the Lutheran parsonage on Wed- nesday. | Mae TD §. Williams and son Ken- neth spent a day at Guelph last week. ) - your Christmas shopping’ at Terrill’s. The Lutheran Church: entertain- iment will be held on Christmas night, ‘Dec. 25th. at eight..o’clock, in. the ichurch. Everybody welcome. Mr. Dave Gibbons «nent Tuesday \last (election day) at Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. C. Korman. of Water- loo spent Sunday with the latter’s mother, Mrs. M. Kennedy. Rev. Saur, of. Philadelphia; Pa., was here on Tuesdav and Wednesday visiting Rev. J. Reble. While here he gave a verv interesting lantern 4lide address on “‘Seamen Missions” on Tuesday evening. Mr. CG. Barlett? and Mrs. D. Wray desire to thank their friends and neighbors for kindness shown during the illness of Mrs. Barlett and after her death, also for the beautiful floral tribute. Mr, H. C. Barlett left-on Wednes- dav last for Toronto where he will visit for some time. Mrs. D. MeKay. of Elmira, and Miss McKay spent Monday with Miss MeCormick. who. is improving. “Take and his Pa” will be given the Presbyterian Sunday school entertainment on Friday, Dee 23rd, at eieht o’clock. Mr.. and Mrs. daughter Verna and Mr. and Mrs. DP. MeFaddin, of Millbank, spent Fri- day at theshome of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Beggs. Miss Mariorie Beees and Mrs. Will Wrav spe~t Wednesday last in Guelph Wiss Kiddell, of Newton, spent a few days at the home of Mrs. D. 58. Williams, + KINGWOOD Mr. Solomon Lichti was wed" last Thursday to. Miss Jantzi, of Mich. We wish Solomon and his American bride much happiness. ’Mr. and Mrs. Abram Siegner at- tended the Guelph Fair last week. Mr. Hugh Chalmers underwent an operation for the removal of his ton- sils last Wednesday. Mr. Gordon Hammond is visiting with friends in Hamilton. Mr. Jas. Freeborn was one of the successful prize-winners at Guelph Fair last week. Mr. Geo. Atchison left on Saturday for Preston where he has secured a nosition with the Car and Coach Co. Intended for last week Mr. Noah Lebold was married on ‘Wednesday to Miss Edith Leis, of Crosshill. We wish the young couple much-happiness. The telephone lineman was on this line last week. Mr. Geo. Atchison, of Camrose, Alta., is visiting at the home of Mr. Jas. B. Hammond, ite. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siegner, of Sask., are visiting with the former’s father, Myr. Jacob Siegner. . The Sunday School of Zion, Church are having a Cliristmas Tree and en- tertainment on Wadnesday . evening, Dee, 14th. ~ PONEGAL their Christmas entertainment on. Sat- urday evening, Dee. 24th... Mr. Robert Therndyke,. of /Milver- ton, spent. Sunday av his homie here. Misses “Mary and Blizabeth Cowan dnd Dina Hymerasspent a day last week with Wisehily Harrow. *. 0 / Mr. and= Mrs, ‘Thos. ..Barton., spent an evening ab the: home, of Mr. and Mr . Alex... Wilson. - successful fow! sipmer here on W ed- " i she eae Hescey Lisnb Mex Nurse and | ‘The Donevat 1.0 me bade a vory : A Necktie. pet ahs Make HER othe i ee A Sweater. A Blanket. ET ag} Ree Pye An Album. eo re 4 —T Just a few suggestions for him: An Overcoat. A Suit«of Clothes A Pair of Sox. A Cap ‘or Hat. A Pairfof Gioves. A Pairtof Braces. A Pair of Hose. A Hand Bag. Cut Glassware. A Set of Towels. A Set.of Furs. A Box of Writing Paper. ild’s Handkerchiefs at 5, 7, 10c Fancy Border Handkerchiefs 2 Smile With Gifts worth , for 25c. W hile : | MEN’S SHIRTS Men’s Shirts are always appro- priate for a Christmas. present. at $1.50 to $4.50. : TIES One of the nice things for a young man, boxed special at $1.00. A large range of Ties at 35 to 50c. LADIES’ HAND BAGS We have some of these large bags at $1.49. CORSETS We have a new lime of D. & A. Corsets for Christmas at $1.00 to $6. RIBBONS Ribbons .always make a Christmas. present for. the Our stock is complete. Se ee ee ee ee Smile With Gifts Worth While good girls. LADIES’ HOSIERY ,What about a nice pair of Silk @§ yet Hose for a present. The Black aq — Beauty Hose in a rib-cashmere is a wonder at from 50c¢ to $1.25. | Girele Bar Hosiery for giris and ladies’ at from 35c to 75c. MAILING BOXES Boxes suitable for sending h kerchiefs, etc. 5c. New ‘Raisins, per-Ib: ‘New. Raisin, per pkg.':. ...25 to*30c: California Raisins with seeds, lb 25c¢: rer sche, og vant LO tO 200 a4 New Peels. - SS ae New Dates, per Ib. New Figs, choice New Cocoanut Icing Sugar Golden Yellow Sugar, per Ib. ..10¢ Home Packed Tomatoes Mince Meat, very best, per Ib... 25c Choice Cocoa, per tb. . : Yellow Peaches, per tb. Cherries for baking, per oz. New Filberts, per Ib. New Almonds, per Ib. New Brazils, per lb: New Walnuts per Ib: Old Walnuts, per Ib: Mixed Nuts, per tb. CANDIES (65 Varieties) Gum Drops, per Jb. Royal Mixed, per Ib. Creams, per lb. Chocolates, per lb. Faney Chocolates, perib. . -45¢, 60¢ Christmas poultry must be in by” “Wednesday, Dec. 2ist. your-poultry, we pay the high price. Don't bring us thin poultry as there is no market for them. for prices : i and- FRUITS | .-« @ .- « a ee tee ee ae De ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 2 Ibs. for 25c os © 2 8 6. #8 .* « 8s © #. 9. 85 -* 3 Ib. tin 25c NUTS Se tg ar eae eth Wee eT ic Yah a ee ae of £18 22S 2 ee see We Oe e © #0 « &@ @° © £4 ee, ee a oe ee eee on poe POULTRY Bring us” Call us up oe re ref near Newton. last Wednesday with line. Thursday night. the sick list. E. Denstedt. SORKING WES: ‘Mr. Nerman McLaughlin spent a couple of days last week with friends Miss Irene O’Grady rMiss Jean Naigle, of Kitchener, spent | Quite a number from here spent last Friday in Drayton. Mr. Morris Daniels made a business trip to Listowel on Tuesday. | There was a large attendance at ‘the U.F.O. annual meeting here last Mr: Jos. McLaughlin, of Listowel,| Elmer visited Sebringville relatives formerly of this line, is at present on | on Tuesday. Among: those who spent Sunday at Mr, F. L. Armstrong’s were: Mrs. EF. Nurse, of Hollen, Mr. and | Monkton, were visitors at the home Mrs. Jim Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. of Mr, and Mrs, John Henry Sunday. Mr. Robt. Scott attended the fun-} Stock, of Rostock, were Sunday -visit- | eral of his brother-in-law, the late ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. J. Faulkner, Moorefield. ‘daughter, Esther, was united in wed-' 7 ilock by Rev. E. Bruar to Mr. Fred FOOLE | Harloff in the presence of a few im- Mrs. Angus, R.N. spent a few days ‘mediate relatives. They left. on a with friends here after accompanying ‘honeymoon trip to Detroit and How- a patient from Vancouver to New tard City, Mich, York and intends spending Christ: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harloff recerMy mas with her sister in Chicago. | visited Stratford friends. ~ We are pleased to welcome home Mr. Stephen Weiss is at presente Nurse Jean Keating after spendin y visiting relatives at Seebach’s Hill,. ths summer in the West. — Miss. Dora Becker returned home Mr. and Mrs. A: F. Clarke. of ‘from Shakespeare last. week. having Miiverton, spent last ‘Tuesday at the spent the past few months there. i» home of Mr. J. W. Chal io , almers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weiss visited: The teacher and punplis of Tonp} Stratford friends on Saturday. pupis of Topping ,school are preparing a splendid - Mrs. Andrew. Wickie and Master gramme for their concert $0 be held in the school room on Tuesday, Dee. Kindly remember the date and Sil be there to. encourage this good work. | Drs. Glaister and Tye. performed an operation for the removal of ton- sils on Mr. Hugh J. Chalmers last Wednesday, who is progressing as favorably as can be expected, — Mr, Peter Boshart met with‘a very serious accident last week while en- gaged in moving a building on his roperty, and is doing as well as. ean and friend, friends on the | Mrs, Roy Henry recently visited earns at Shakespeare, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Ban nerman, of ! Mr. Joseph Stock and Miss Helen | Weiss. | Mr. and: Mrs. Harold.Ruston and being his birthday. Mrs. Fred ;» A number of our enthusiasts attended evening. i>, Mr..and > Mrs. ' daughters, i Myrtle, Hleano “were visitors af | Thursday. The Methodist’ Chueh. wilt hold ford several days last week. WARTBURG A number of the ! friends of Mr, George Doell gathered | at his home on Saturday evening, it. Harloffwas a recent, ~ NEWTON Mrs. Streicher Sr. visitor at the home of her son, Henry Harloff, Shakespeare. eelebrations at Stratford on Tuesday: ed at his home here one i we week, ; -Joseph Carty and! Miss Mary Attig, of Stratford, ‘is Misses” Margaret, Irene, visiting friends in the village. ry Alice | Dre home of Mr. and; MacDonald. visited Mre; Corneilus Crowley, Rostotk,: on; wood and Elmira last week. ‘family, of Kirkton, spent Sunday at ithe home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Middle- an a wit Rabe Serene : ' r. anc rs. Nobt. Henry spent immediate : ¢. turday with Stratford friends. e expected. _ Mr, Wm. Chalmers Jr. ing up the chop, his splendid ne “Bille” eve , taking, \ is busy pil- No. 1 grade, with w outfit. We wish ry success in his under: is quite ill, it cessary to per- on on her foot, y. recovery, having been found ne form a serious operati We wish her a speed TOWN LINE EAST. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ma | 3 eter . Mayberr Mrs. A. M. -Davidsgn and: Miss B-! family visited on the line] jends in Lin-) Mr. | st. Mr. -B’.- Pollard. was*'a visitor >to political Stratford on Wednesday | last, election; © Mr. red Thorpe, of London, visit- day last local the and Mary, | ney ear ASt week, ) M isses Mildred -Hood, and GT inimmilton spent an ev | no iy ening ‘last week ) with My, and Mrs, : eek ! ne Ps trace . : a 4 MacDonald, Hazel and Wesley Faulkner. Misses Dell Reeve-Robt. Arm.strong attended Mabel Whaley spent. Sundsxy - with Mis ahd Mrs... Be: , ‘the county council session at Strat- ; their grandmother; Mrs> J. Whaley; tu, dant Mra T hy Han xBartley and , Milverton. } an : $}, 3 hy es, 1 sa ne wi ar milton attended Mr. and Mrs, frank Feltz and baby! .oMr.-S. Smith: of Stratford, spent) ay Are. me 1a. rate Folin: Aut jidella, of Bogan spent Sunday dt‘the’! the week-end with. his: friend, Mrjc ay arian 25 home: of Mr, and Mrs. WmiHarloff, ; Wilfrid, Tanner. , bac ris new school housé:on the town DVir- and Mrs. Wesley. wait -went.Wednesday at th cdavtehter, Miss i Louis Denstedt. > VMessvs. Andrew. V Henry ! e 4h ts 2 L On: 2 TET ny He Jnty Om VV ecnesaay. iMy, and Mts. Andrew Bald when their was enjoyed by all present, vel] 1, Ay = my | 1 Us Sry raat ottendea@: the Guerph bat '4 On Wednesday; Dec. Tth. a quiet) queccssful alta in wedding tedk: place at the homé of was given And 4 pleasant” evenii¢ 9 | vs Sivassbr and MMi ohnston suffered 2 stroke SUS 48 Pt eh eeeag Very rapidly and it r expected that it Wwillsbe of . Downie, jon Friday lost and ig now wi .a very | ay , aeihachadin nt : ready. for’ home of Mys, precarious condition, - Mis sitter; Mrs. p¥S° © Me beginning of theNew Veny | Robinsenyis at. presents with: hia, ) ere and: Mrs oWHatry Faltis have : 4 Me > . - >. : we we Postar 9 as oo, Wena PIU € alicre andy Fohn The, .box- sgciak: held-.unrder- the: 20’ =, into. thels new home ‘on ‘thr | tate! POV N= LNe, Mes std « duspices of the,Newton Heckey Club Wriday evening fast was most | A good programme. }s “ ris) oi i . * * " Savi sella de Spirit is filling’ the TTR EX averyorne AYO amg i . <a at ti ee de 8 nd her 5 Of Ce SB ae | vie and panto: Chul engerltooked: fora the kiddies, einer { i \ C | yY and I, oR ! ; ‘ ‘ | adys:| se , Verna * ee er he haw : es) ay T ELON : ; hind ped “OY ORY th TRALER Cd Mr. and Mrs. Ch od as. Linseman spent = eral days last week with friends in ihe and St. Clements Miss Hood has resion. 4 as esie - ¥ Ly saan ened: from ou: N/ Nc a o va 4 . . oats. Hugh Wright visited last week ye friends in Drayton. 3 PR hg tind Tunney, who for the past sey years occupied the old Schneider farm on the town line, has removed tp Macton, ; : Mr. Norwood . Gib Toronto in the intere \ large number ladies and ge ing’ booth o to the ge b. has. gone to Sts of the U.F.O. of voters. both ntlemen, Visited the poll- n election day tesifyine neral interest taken in public « ane M1 Frank Hanley ne Guelph F _eniey, took in’ the Guelnh Fat Seock show ‘on Wednes Mrs. Faulkner and e 7 i . heats ba so ’ ' late Joke Teena the fasebat oi tha’ Saturdat. ner at Moorefield on A number time of their trying’ to coming in a of our boys. put in the life on Tuesday night ao their bit towards wel. vs in the new. political r report having done their ae i ee tite te Sides Cp ESTEIN \R.R. No. 1 e: a ne Mrs, Henry Newton called or me of Mrs. Wm. Allinghan tidaye ghany Miss Edna Newt the home of Mr son. Ns Mr, Newton Allir Jean spent Sunda Linwood... 43 The < ua pak Tabbert and -¢ AYSy : je ae of, Elmira, and Mass Wi hied at the: home of Mrs. ym. Allingthany, a ca SNe 8 Few fag) the” Wovraata: cere ere. att se omens? Institute: mae on spent S unda heh and Mrs. Vee, Jas. Robin- wham and sister ,' with friends «at aughters attended tye bd! tng het he cee Be a A 7 r: * ry ge i Po 541 . i . ; a: We} G. Vote} } + NIV. sven nitday witht y : MTS. John K ° bs Mr Mittle 7h eS i* VT or r. x ghd &, ei gk +. LC ; * Ps | AIC ire | . 5 oi a ee | ava | 4 B. bhel Q. Grram With? hey ete kn Ut | : enoywmy welts. . it WOR eT: Is spending yy ' . Vi as * art c LOW aa ue . | Y INO WhON we “a rived at Ba Saisie Tea Vy ge ee OPA S Sabi aa eae avlaster's Voice Kenan ie: Stina, ‘Wome ti “and hes + Just *

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