-Gstablished 1800. - v SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mias Townsend wonkens wastting in Woodst —_—oO— Mise Laura McDonald is spending | this week at her home | in Monérief. Mr. and Mre. Russel Holman, and| family, epent Saar at Bayfield. Ww. Freeland, Listowel? ae r, of Palmereton,. d visiting: friends in London. —— Miss Bessie Turner of Hamilton is heron of Toronto, a guest thie week of Miss Isabel Val-) 5. —o— pee parents, d Mrs. played, which gave every person a Mr. Fred Bengough, of Heneall, is ammon appetite. for eupper. A. very isiting at the home of Mr. Ru neel nt time was spent . by those! Mr. seq}, 14th con. Catharines, spent Monday at home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, M Coghlin, 6th line, 2: a precy lave last week visiting tne George Rome ‘and. Mis. Wis- and * George Gordon ont Helen Gordon spent the week Mrs. c. Cy Tet is visiting this week at the home or an J. _—— and Mrs. Stanley Ford, of | the| were their St. David's Churcl. Hold Annual Meeting The eh Su “Bunday school - and 1 picnic of St: David's played, and t he races which tollow- | were mauy and varied. Just ed fore supper a splendid game of present and Ba ag who did not come n losers, as the place and events wire ideal. for a picnic. Mr. and Mre. R. “EE. gwitzer vit visit- San vis: nday at the home o + 4 Samet Bae siitbenk a EREEELEEEEEEEEEEEEPEEEEEEY —i— Mies Ella Faulkner has resumed ~ Miss Mattie Hurst, 12th con. her position in London, after spend-; + TRALEE + spent Sunday with Miss Secky Mc-|ing a month's holidays in Listowel; « ” _ Farlane, 8th con. and Atwood Miss Emily Mayberry of Atwood, Se and Miss Blanche Blough on, spent a few days this week in Torey. astaitheanee Mrs. Mary Gray,and Mr. Law- rence spent Sunday with Mion’ Agnes Park, Listowel/ of Leban- CREED EEE EEA bbe | xg Ceti! Gibb letk for Sask. last]: wee Mr. Alex Loney of Fort William, yinted | an last week with double dodge or French tag wasjand Prove’ congregationa 3 church, Henfryn, was h ‘at Mr.qwood, Lewis Angler’e Aca on Monday af-}ing ternoon, Labor Day.. The - weather |church was ideal for the occasion. and. ey-|for th ery person who came hada very en- joyable time. A splen ae Aggie of soft-ball was The services on éaday were well attetided. The Leg eervices was the Psalm 107:3 $1 for th The 3: evening. The soloist ‘for was Mist Grace Da ing, a ly Thought” in the evening. daa were muc a Daweon is a’ pfs ot tase. Mr. George Cox ch also gang a solo to Mr. Cox, helped in the choir. ~ Th x in ‘Tyron Cox of the United Poker: ‘The Sower Went Forth Sowing.” Much thanks is due Dr. McDowell, Mre. J. Bain, Miss Annie Cuthbertson, | -Carrie-and Alice Hymer who cntag teas 9 ands 10 for the ance: comfortable. home, 0) —— rs. M. ae Waltey Bell has returned “ Mrs, inn Mackey spent Wednes- tte: ith| Mr. aud Mre. Elmer Biehn and ér Spending a week w three children, of Detroit, motored dng y ‘Toron friends = ae. and visited at the home of Mr. an Mr. J. Miller, of Harriston, visit- ba - Biehn, 4th con. Elma, last ay. ed friends on the 12th con. on Tues- day. -—o— Mrs. John Bannerman and son, Al- ae 4 Mrs. S. G. Alexander, of Toronto, Spent Tuesday visiting friends in{im Mitchell, after spending a week an Mr . Fred ae and ‘tamily, spent Sunday at Elo Mr. Mrs, Pat Healy cad fam- ily of Monkton, visited .on Sunday|, with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Scott. Miss Winnie Hanley visited one day recently with Mr. and Mre. Al- bert Kraemer. Ask Me Another iE Woodpecke + wie ae alloy i iieatve 5. From the bark of the cork tree, @ species of oa Answer to saat ee. questions: Molars and could tell stortes of’ the Bible and quote vérses from Elma_ mship wee. 4 Dush, settling on. the 12th con. where rs.{ Mr. jjon an n Mrs. wi to her Miss McIntosh of St. Marys, .jibeen engaged as teacher on the 12th, and assumed her duties this wee e6~ Returns Home— a. Roger, }-22 2, it, George . Terry, BE. H. Sw bles, “A. M. ‘ Blacher |Mirs. A.M. Robizison and ude : ®, ladies entertainod in the Unit Leaves. on Extended Tour— W. Dickson left last week g. extended tour.to the Coast. as Teacher— Fred Stevehson the minis. ‘bee of the Bowling Club to a sumpt- uous supper served ed “féhurch basement. has returned esday with her baby danghter home on the 10th con. Elma. Rey. W. J. Wait. M.A., Minleter’ @ : Senday, Sept. 11th, 1927 16.4.5 -—Babbath “Sohedl: 11 a.m.—Morning worship. bie nh Bt m. Pimaber’ 9. ‘worship. St @lban’ 5 Church. Sunday, Sept. 11th, 1927 18th Sunday after Trinity 2 p:m.—Sunday echool in session. 3 p.m.--Holy communion service and’ sermon. Preacher, erg T. ol- land, B.A., rector o { Chesley. ST DAVIDS HENFRYN Harvest Thankégiving services 10 a.m.—Sunday school in session. the village. pag etry home of Mr. and Mrs. ee 5 . 6. Parallel. Revelation. She had her’ second sight Leaves Ons Western Trip— .. : pr ayening piece asriiea: be «i time, Serey “andl EEE EEE PEELE TELE SEE TEP EEEF | or what indistry is Akron, = read and «sew without a J. A. so Lom Wesnenesy ot ae Rev. T. B. Holland, B.A. family, “spent the week-end at Monk-| Mr. James Kemp, Mr. Gaven Kemp £ DONEGAL $ Ohio, ‘a Se i Three'sons and.two daughters sur- trip to the Coept. ue Pars on. and daughter, Gwendolyn, of Toron- e i %. tie date of Labor Day vive. ‘The funeral wan held fromthe Dp 2 =o f ° ré r — 7 Gn beme ok and oo? — = EEEEEEEEEEEASEEFELEDPPEPEOTS determined? is the superstition about residence of her son-in-law, ._Mr.| Return from Trip to Coast— Mr. bi Mrs, J. B. Elliott and Greapaides : Mrs. Eric .Harvey and little}: bridesmaid who catches the Thos. Inglis, on Friday afternoon,; «Mrs. Wesley Brandle and daugh- Ruth, spent the week-end in Toron- : daughter, Jane, of Toronto, visited September 2nd, at one-thirty o’clock! ter, Gertrude, returned home Thurs- —_—o— é*° visiting ecto. Mr. and Mre. Norman —O— Miss Aldona Dickson left Monday|@nd Laura, have’ returned ‘ f Chesley Anglican church, is ex-~ for Toronto, where she will resume | home in Toronto,‘ after spending 8], oaing a week there What causes the filament in| of the largest held: in Atwood. Rev.! Buys Fai o ‘ week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D - E an incandescent electric light to . rn changing pulpits on Sunday next: i J. B. Biliott. aneey, narepiaoan, and Jim Perel sion? ina church, conducted the service renaed thy miptigeacte, tach. ca| "2 oH%- Py UlAREM, é Mr. Alex Donley spent Wednesday 4 ave returned home after spending} “12. Why is it always dangerous| anq was assisted b {the Sth con. of Mr. Wm. Long, and 3 cnn oieeniny jaat Toronto at-|_ Mr. and Mrs. Geored Gale and/® Mine gp oo a {to run an ‘automobile engine in @liaing of he United church. / seschowes ng iat be i Meck oy Re) of W MB. Meeting tending the Exhibition. Charlie Gale, of Brantford, were in- remaiag bh ‘tockon, je is Y Scileetag closed garage? Pallbearers were Mesers. Vallance . C Te ae monthiy meetin of cate guests over the week-end at the with her I M er ent a * entr A. o @ Presbyterian - parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.! ¢.2,4 Pipe doclesiecbfeebebeteobeageeteot et nglis, Grosert Inglis, Walter Hol a hurch was held Tuesda stternatis SEE SHS et Braman, apene fame oF Me ane MTs: FP Gr Buchanan encom of Blyth apent|* asa gqum punta llamsn.end George Targer’"”'™**|mont"was held on the local ground in the Sunday school room, Mrs. W. : : Ww d. 8c = Mr. and Mrs. J. p Greeneldes. Miss Suean Hislop and nephew,|!#6st week with her cousin, Miss : @nd. LINE ELMA z Many oor ap floral tributes!on Labor Day. and an enjoyable af- oe a sap aiee eripture’ _ Miss Anna SiarLonnesi and Mr.| Master Thos. siptes tg ee 7 the =" ea Mrs. es bie visited EEE EEE EET TE PIES Wroathen Mr. ar Sn teoa teats —— a wast wa in ra er. B. Hamilton. re Frank Scott of Ripley. spent Sunday oale, are oe nes H oemick- Sunday with Mr. Ed The harvest in our vicinity is}and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Val-|Seriously HI— of to Dray verge Of Seeipuicn at the home of Mies Aldona Dickson. ; former's sister, Mrs. James fi. Smith. near Listow x finished for this’ season and rain {#|lance and Isabel; eprays Mrs. Edgar| Friends of Mr. Wm. Sweeton will Wisdom.” The secret rane a son. Henry Wraight and family,|Very much needed to prepare the| Baker, Jerseyville, Mr. and Mrs.'be sorry. to hear of his illness, and bs w toe tine Mr. and Mrs, Alex Smith, parents visited Inst wook with sft cai land for wheat eorge Greensides, Rev. and Mra. W. |Nuree Stockford of Guelph, ia in at-|SWo seutere, Of appreciation for flow. of Mrs. RE. Switzer, are visiting in Mrs, James Bell and daughter An- e Mrs. Thomas Jolinston is on the; J, West, Mr. Sam Hile..| tendance. ore, rom mg D. 8 aed map ee London for a few weeks nabella, of Stoney Creek, spent the} “aii.. Kathleen Beacom and Mr.|Sick lst at present. Mr. and Mrs. William Patterson, Mr._| and bereaved. Mrs. D. Sauniers Cees ° " ie week-end visiting at the of Jos, Lyon of Blyth, spent Sunday at Mrs. Lucinda McLaughlin is inj Gordon Ht amma Missionary "Boe: Quarantined for Scarlet Fever— tates ee otferne ee tie pasion e out and Mrs. Bert Wilson. eth Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell and Mr. and}}) ° yet rt Ev. anh, y Palmerston to-day 2°attending the iety, Atwood. Lorne a4 Word Vaki The. home, of Mr\and Mrs; Alex udy from lem spent the eek-end visiting | Mrs. David Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Pe trie, Mr. Sqm | McLaughlin- -Brown we g. lance, Mr. Mr i Teasdale Whit-!SicKay is under quarantine, ‘their teres Sd conten: ee J. Ruthe frisnite in Hamilton and "Grimaby. Miss Irene Sienn of Kitchener, ac-| Petrie and Miss Tena Petrie of Mii. | og hae vorens is salar eae = unl the ‘Neighbors; pillow, . ,con, Donald, being il! with scarlet}joq in prayer and the’ meeting ‘was 8 4d some time er home here afterja . ‘ Mr. and Sire. Larne Vallance and|companied by Misses Nettie Kruger and ates Jos. nee = being a patient in Goderich hospital. and Siew. Becles Futlense. oo | . closed by Mrs, West. Billy, and Misa Isabel Vallance spent and Lena Webey spent ig week- =. r. Neleon Cowan is auconding| School re-opened ‘Tuesday of this ee ES [Legre fr Hom the week-end in Hamilton with}? her home on the 4th concession} iy6 Exhibition in Toronto this week.| week, There 14 quite a few new com- List of Fall Raine Mr. and Mrs. Ddlton Harris left fostestntesfeteetechnteotedeedeteeteteotenteaes friends. _ ane. _ Mrs. Hugh Young of Toronto, “. De. Be a. baby f | Monday for their home in. Winnipeg, } 4. . —— 2 2 ir. an aby 3 F : Mre. W. D. Angus and Mr. Melvin Pe aot es oor ings ee epent the hfe pm Se) er raed Mitchell, spent 2 any with Mrs. J. [Stung at the home at th on a’ Mrs. 4 aia -< ; ef Stra d, 8 the week-; 2nd daughter, Esther, a Mr. . = x N N .' Gray. ; jes oie 2 Ans ~ nae —_ Sh al 7. Hawkes ot Springfield Onto, were a - gly a om visited beni j rey and Mre. Jes. testes ait | The Asricuktural goclety branch |: se eg mg, go ames ANG TO]~ | stosteotentecgeteateeseetecdeteeteeteeiepeteeleebeledbeeleedetotets Nanven ate zuests over the week-e a . * . Mrs. - Mrs. George Lochhead. acne of Ber. aust Mrs W. Brandle, |22¢ Mrs: EB. Leslie on Monda bead spent pot gg“ ms a ie culture, Toronto, has tasued the list | . Onan at Ha home of .Dr. and —o— Lloyd Acheson, the little aoe of| McLaughlin an etta return ng of Fall Fairs. Very often these ists few House Painted— rs. D. Kidd, on Monday,, Mr. and Mrs Peachey of Goder: Mr. and Mrs. "henest Cruickshank Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Acheson, had the | home with them for some reason, or other, are t.. Mr. Thos. Hurst, 12th con, has Sept. Sth, 1927, to Mr. and Mrs, ich, were guests over the week-end : . misfortune on Sunday last to fall . ti had his residence painted this week B. Guulter, of Atwood, .# ; Mr; ‘ and daughter, Mary, of Wingham, | ssefretesfeatentontectortentonteaTectooteefeatectecfeehesfosloefecfecfoclees eorrect, even though issued by the! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse 5 . " and break his arm. | *lesbsteelesdestontoeleolendonzeecessetoedonsersers - ad r ‘and awe an improvement has .been daughter. Peachey were guests on Sunday at the home & .. | Department. We publish the fairs of} ers Louis Wenzel,’ of . Listo- =“ im Mr. and Mrs. A. McBain and Teachers Commence Duties— i“ TROWBRIDGE te this district, but are in no way re-! .. el, has ae m aoing: the work. * ' TERRLRAAAL a seed sforkonfostectoofoey irs. Robert May and children,|Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turnboll. Miss Grace Cowan has commenced | sp sponatate far Icy ooyrectnam, : " tie vee ee and Orvena. spent: Thursday =v ber duties as teacher at Donegal; | onl oe tendon donlontvelenlontentoclenlonlestethentoctondoniostonsferdoote spwoo8 ie Waratah Sept. 20 and 21 | Underwent Operation— . BRITTON te with Mr. ind Mrs. Alf. Watchorn,| . Mr and Mrs. Stanley Ford. of St.|.7:., Gwendolyn Gray, at the 10 th| The first family reunion of the} Ayton .......... Sept. 30, Oct. 1) Mr. Harvey Erskine, of Blyth, un-| 4 ° Palmerston \¢ phage and Mr. and Mrs. C. G.|(on Bima school, and Miss Helen; Tabor family wag held on Labor Day Beytiold Sept. 27 and\28/derwent an operation on Saturday Seatestentecteafecfestecteateatestuctestostecfeofectontert sestertestectecleste , ;Roe and Johnston, of Thamesville, oy, of Monkton, at Monerief/at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne|Blyth .......... “Sept. 27 and ‘28 \last at the General Hospital, Strat- eid Graham Vance spent “the week- Mrs. S. J. Harkes and baby Elean-| Spent the holiday at the home of Mr.|,-nool. The same teacher has return-' Tabor. About thirty members of the| Brussels ..:....-... t. 6 and 7{ford, for appendicitis, and is doing! end in. Toronto ” or, 8rd con. Wallace, spent a couple: 22d Mrs. J.J. Johnston ed to the 8th con. school. jtamily were present from Goderich,| Chesley .......... Sept. 29 and 30 | nidply. Mr. James Erskine visited Mr. E. Johnston left on Monday of days this week at the home of Mr. | — | ot Mitchell, and Mayne. Soft-} Clifford ........ ie a he 28,h's brother at the hospital on Sun- | tor Fordwich where he is engaged as eh Mas hor f . Miss Grace Dawson of Tara. spen ~ all another games and music was|Drayton ........... and 5 | day. poodle € € ngaged a } i _ Sunday at the Rectory, and Pcuntaad Mrs. Humphrey of Newry, is vis- tage Dinner and supper were Durkaht Sept. Oe “and 21 | ‘Atteyded Exhibition— a 4 + Di se aia satatis Miss Jean Hancock of Palmerston, Monday evening to resume her dut-|fting her niece, Mrs. M. Cusler, in } rved by Mre. Tabor and three|Blmira ....---.---7-- Sept. 2—5! Quite a number from:Atwood and Inez a ‘waite . sat andes pas pent last week visiting at the home |les a9 principal of the Continuation) Toronto ‘storey cake with one candié graced|Fergus .......... Sept, 22 and 23)v'cinity have been attending the Ex- Mor atin trienae " ehool at Tar — P , at Pet Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peter, 8th Q Mis#,Winnie Hawke, of Listowel. bey reunion oo aaainl the frst fam NS i a Cou REN SE de IS OS “° mo 28 | —_ ial Rog ith Reo as r. R. G. Alexander, Miss Ey Alex- = — Sunday visitors at the home of|spent last week with her friend, Miss | “poy p. W. Hart preached anniver-| Listowel .....-.. Sept. 26 and 27 | Wilson, Kenneth Lové. Sion lave, aad fae er tee cae Mr. and Mre. Chas, Merryfield Rgbert eee Far ooniniien, Becky ae sary snereoee in Rutherford, a form=|Lucknow .......- Sept. 29 and 30 Chae. Ruttan, Aaron Ropp, Lorne Mics Jean Haddow red avteny nN att Ned on “i 2 , 7 , h last Sunday, = = | jMildmay ........ Sept. 2 , Nels spe ~ Ww sie < from Nebraska. railed on Mr. Messrs. Freeman Kitehen, Thos Messrs, James Vaughan ad Al-! oF Swine ies nets services in sa ell een pia ad py 50 Sa Tia Blackwell . and Nelson |¢pent Monday with Mins Jessie Pres veg J. P. Greensides on ThursdaY/yurst and Tom Potts, of Atwood. bert Chapman, of ‘Stratford. Were tne United church, Molesworth, Sun-! Mitchell ........ Sept. 27 and 28 , Sites ‘hatin ciunerwy: spent, tho = a= * er home for the week-end. day, the evening service will be with-| Mount Forest...... Sept. 21 and-22/ Leuves to Assume Dutics— deck-end in Toronts ; + Bed Mr. George Turner, of Hamilton, ee drawn-in Trowbridge, ttawa (Cen. Can.) .. Aug. 22—27| Miss Aldona Dickson left Monday| Miss Bessie Johnston spent a few Mr. aera! Paicdag aocaheny Mon- attended the funeral of the late Mrs. — Marion Gordon << cm idles | Rev. ard Mrs. J. W. Pring and|Palmerston .......-:- Oct. 6 and 7ifar Toronto, where ehe will remimne fdaye ‘isel, part ae so day e he oe ee ae a . + Vallance in Atwood on Frid:y Hi Ay rt to continue her studies! janniga of Palmerston, were! Ripley .......... Sept. 27 and 28{aer duties. Miss Edith Lucas has; Mrs. Hull of Listowel, spertt Mon- attended the Exhibition. Ralph Grif-)and accompanied. Mr 7S) ae RRO | guests at — home of Mrs. “J. t. MGry oo... cee ct. 6 and 7/|left for her school at Alma; and Miss|day with her sister, Mrs. Jas. May- n of Toronto, who has been holi-| Lorne Vallance to Hamilton on Sat- Code, Tues Seaforth Sept. 22 and 23|Rhena West has returned to her!p daying _. Atwood, accompanied him | urday, fir. and Mrs. . Den Matheson ana | °° Miss pevciad “Marks returned home Stratford ....... pt. 19—21| school at Dunnville, after spending | — d Mrs. E. Newbiggi to the cit —o— family. epent Sunday with Mr. and] wednesday of last week, after spend-|Teeswater .......-- Oct. “4 and 6|the oummer holidays at their homes the ? ‘k ri T vipa smile ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cleland. Will} Mrs. William —_—, Monkton. ng a week at Kitchener, Hamilton Tiverton dw watered Ge 05 ‘Oct in Atwood and vicinity the. seek-end in Toromo and wt ‘of — ewww |and Roy Cleland, of the 4th con. i Niagore Falle. . .§ - 5; boronto ........ AUR. 2% t. 12 Se Te spent Sunday with friends at Bright. r. and Mrs. “Hugh Richmond left; “x47. 5 “Code and Master Har- wingbew iia Aue. of Sept. 12 Petar tron ‘fore the latter's brother, Dr. Elgin. Har- g| Mts. Andrew Know, who has been Wednesday afternoon for Newmark: | oid attended Toronto Exhibition ese veges Mr. F. C. Liersch oe Friday akg © sa dare; Morgan Welsh eaae visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr pees er fee . bese icouple of days last week. IN SEPTEMBER THE : HIGHLANDS| evening from Toronto, where he /Sunday Sia ee, ant tera, 2. Wien ° : an returned to Bright with) daughter rs more Hamilton. Mr. E. Hamilton was dn: Harniiton | — OF ¢ ONT rARIO RE AT THEIR tpent the past week with his son, ; Margaret Alexander and niece em ms aa ne e@ was ac- ' r , 5 : Rolls, Pies, seis Mr. Bert Forrest and cig raat] o2, Buenas on ust ot. Racine FOR 7 HC py 7 — ee eacerres 3 operation | Sitas Doroths a “ ae ntl Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCulley of| Hammond spent a few, days Tor Mrs. Gibbs of Listowel and Mrs.j, In Lig other month Q cy year is Hoapital. Harold: aiso returned home ee is week. attending the Exh{bit- ‘ Toronto, Maar last week at thejonto this week attending the Exhibi- Wilson of Stratford are visiting, et the, SF aest thea Bestwnver: ta thet? Friday evening and is doing nicely.| Mr. and Mrs. Thos. J. Sproule and k d ond. Mia” + eda i Nal pee the home of Mrs. J. R. Code. Highlands ot Ontario, The Thirt : Mr. and Mrs. Thee. Teasdale, spent a es an mond. Mra. Wm. Crowley, a sister Thor ” Teland tc an <B 4 Will Open Lodge Here— o-day in Stratford and tiend a the of -_ “Hammond, has been visiting; Miss Lloyd of Stratford, Je nurse: oa. of Thanks. ‘ ottent said ait ours ie vd My. and: Mrs, Greea. of Stratford. Fetes et Ad te Me hile i i 7 he we accompanied |in attendance for’ Mrs, Coult- Mr. and Mrs, ‘Thos. Inglis and ae ps ene = bo oe gotten visited on Sunday vat hn aech ue Tie, rd aw u yEkis ae po e — B re Mr. grr Mra, McCulley to Toronto.;cr at the residbnce’ of Dr. D.”’ A.) ro miy,. wis to express. their sin- mee 2 eo ph Ade ei oe cial cad Mie’ Adaw Dabmer. Mr. Greun pre pe See i “Toronto attend rea oe Kidd. \ cere thanks-to friends “and neigh- ationist who desires to: swim, pad- ts TQ. f ‘ie Royal True Blue!ing the Exhibition 4 Mr. A. M. bingon, manager of bors forthe many kindnesses shown) 11, and sail. The Lake’ of Baye, 1000} Lodge of thie district, afd it is ex- any the Canadian nk Commerce, Mr. George tehell, of Pontiac./inom in their ‘bereavement in the fect above oe towel atiae aaerd pected that ‘a. Lodge will be opened hes returned his vacation toj Mich.,-and Mr. aed Mrs. T ; | death Mrs J. Vallance. ‘They also||Stiety of sport. and soannye: 1 eek in Atwood shortly. They bre holding | wow a0 COOK COR sede Hamilton and baxnad points, Mr. son, spent Sunda home of) ocxnowledge with aporrcnue the| vant to. get back to Nature, Timag-|% meeting on Friday evening of this Wi The wholesome , tastin- Ss. Smyth; Ww has been relieving Mr. and Mre. Wm. Nm. .Wilson-\ . 4 many Deamuthl floral tributes. are 7e0 000 enren oe 5 t Res.| week. ide te the aan FOR Sa — on | + : r 4 8 e er corn, the sesa and well baked qualities of j@| MT: ps wre lett: Atwood Clerk Gearge Pau ad and staaxe ervo, calls you to camp out and en- one ‘dish. that had rightly, almcat eaeasie 's- William Scott spent Priday Monk-; os ‘a variety of interesting canoe) Rector to Remain— ie Canadian 8 cellent eer Bakery Goods QRKns. 28% M 4 Mrs. George Ruttan, Mr.|ton in connection with the Mich way Hespeler Herali—Rev. A:E. W- honsewife telle ua that corn should Fee: ee : ty THREE WORDS _ golf, ingram, who resigned his .charge se “pie come from many distances George Rutten, Jr., and pene and }an prey nada s sUsE T moabea re ee ao these tec resort Se er er ieaeod ea hdontae eeethe oF é saat be iy poor ine hs of the gard- ___. #| Helen Ruttan,.Sth-con. spont-Sunday- ORT IRE , antford, ‘s (en, e enoug get them. Try-thent”- yours filing Monday visiting friends in Chee- Me ‘and Mre. Bigin Coghtin jand There lle 2 iol rents the setiition abound: “Thows 0 tathe had feeunaees kia veage! HeYEE cis Gee cae ate Mslt and sec what a tasty: deo.Mty; ee Seen ee ee atesn ¢ ir. eden vate In. all cx human’ speech— §] immunity. nation, on the request of the vestry | Pe soniaat 2 Harts Pceah ok So : a fow days. oe Aivinaton. Moré. aweet than are a all onae. “Full information, reservations.) meeting Jest Reha “wilt AIM) water. She says that the Satan Might they are. --9-- ix Sige aration <a ene + or birds, . Bi tickets, ete... ee om . any Canadian | in Hespeler or the church ‘should not Beckalt a rae oe af digi ogg ge roel "Mr, and Mra. J. Py ‘Gah iden and on pages poets prea Bi) Nationa! Agent aon ane Arch biehop Williams e-| toughens the corn. Twelve minutes r A : ; fatter is no zs of Mr. B. Farrell, 6th con, and call-}Mr, and Mrs. E.G. ant : > rs in hie te ut it fs Iikety thet ue is tal enough to boil the corn het iat om ne ae ee cid ee | weak alondiog, the Gam 7 a Se — foeerem ih remestWenpefr. «The Mig PO RSA oun a & i : ‘ A ; : we sires a8) wr. and Mrs, Alex Morriso epent che ny Bo ti, eceent. cen Fosmatt cab: well sateen Labor Day wik' uarrir'e| ‘}). Beaver Brand ‘Garhon Paper and ns omc. Vialtges ‘at at the home.of Mr. and}: eae es ly | PP ypew: a Ribbons os epee eM be ca ae D : .T quart. of | ons Sea ca wore of oe Biehn, 4th con, alk: ‘Sun- hat ; " | da ra Whitfield . to their Mre. E. W last week at an home of Mr. and ond, Mise Margaret Vipond aes pereal them home and bride’s bouquet. Germ ongated doga popular in 11 at. is the name of the el- any? and interment was made in Blma The funeral was joyed day from Vancouver, where they en- sit. six weeks’ vi ev. T. B. Holland, B.A., rector” Piabpertan Churck