Ontario Community Newspapers

Monkton Times, 5 May 1921, p. 3

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xe TiN ORS A‘ des} pateh from None “says Great Britain: is planning to itain Red her indebtedness ‘tho (United States a 278,000,000, gland still owes n countries, iy Hs United Staten peste the exchange at four dollars to the pound, £1,161,500,000, Tie Chancellor's estimates! of! re- venue and expenditure of @ year ago have borne out with remarkable , acl ae on £230,500,000, 3 me gs Ea z. - £ 5 zg 2 cs 3 2 g B e there will be no further reduction ixation in the current Year, points are the removal of the oe ss L = ak bs specific edhe of T3 s ‘s] ‘tng per glo. ons | Th made last fiscal year Sige to lain: ja nthe New B seat Brogres With. Wri t chee 0. apne yo3 ane ra Porina + = toobe: Botta oA ee profits ey eet, of the. ONS on ci e satel fixed. luty of seyen shil- past em eee of 331-3 on s by a se changes have munerative and were injurious to Bri- fin’ 8 allies, i «Th oration pratt) ta only £650,000, ry 000,000, bat ay Chancellor hoped the tax would justify fost the com- ing year. The Chancellor characterized te year as one of the rema) able in Britain’s financial d Witery, pe financial results and replacement of | cause the higher duties proved a : Soldiers filling in gaps in Rows Aint FEIN 1s WAGING WAR a road in Ireland, Pitfalls are set to trap motor] yyitite lorries or obstruct their passage, but enough space is lett-for farmers’ carts to pass. The tig Markets. Manitoba. Stes , $1615 Gael So: 2 CW. 435% e: 8B eee 2 CW, S86; ex | wie No.1 “feed, 86%; No. fe Soran ‘Toronto: Mani 01 First ebantse $10; second patents, nominal, Rye—No. 2, $1.80 to $1.35. feeights, bags included: B 1; shorts, per, ton, $83; white ran, per ton, mid- bak ail which still continued. Ee Es : tins BO -A nomber of Aus, ian sheep farmers are: desiro us of bujlding a> Rl mill on Vancouver| Island to cost $500,000, ee Rey tah obtain a free_site. — ‘The Nanaimo Bri- BA at: Fish Meal and Oil;Re- Angry has commenced operations with a daily capacity of twenty tons of fish.| tio Fiye'tons of fish make one of meal and produces aw ete of coarse oil. é oa activity pa Canadian News i News in Brief at Ce kucrae eleanor: ‘This is a considerable inerease over the record year 1913-14. “Toronto; Ont.—A total of $41,825 cases of supplies were sent overseas during the war by the en Red Cross, mae Be nett, of Calgary, Canadian vepmeasttative 0 the Tilentstlotah Beds Gupaa ‘Gonveri- nat Geneva. The amount of spay raked totalled $9,000,000. Gifts France in money amounted to aes five million francs, in addition to 94,- 000 cases of death valued at nearly five million dolla: —Gres Nee ea Sulaine. trade, twen\ ty tot Aves freight canoes and lighter i for He, ee trappey and ie I r north. This represents “the, Hudson's Bay Co Alberta Motor Boat Com) order has also da coeetvar “tet te vn we eae type canoes for the Canadian Mounted Police walsh ~ other b ‘e been malty by a ominion Pomos department. Meaney Hat, Alta. SMe volving an Sees of hal a maillion doliars is planned on the Can- ni Irrigation Company! s system in Southern Alberta this sea- son, Satisfactory financial arrange- ments are said to have made in land for this undertaking, and op- rk contem cludes strengthening main » the doubling ‘of the ae svalabe irculated area of 30,000 ac br Sean half a million eggs, comprising. six caclootnte 2,700 cases, were shipped n-and Am-= 2 The shipment ig a record for any one prairie city at this, time of the year. Senlac, Sask—A plant is being completed here to sore dairy salt from the salt and itv is ex- nee thet alimoge 500 ‘tons B be dairy salt operative Creameries at Regina, and th of the rough salt, when to laundries at Ed- n, Regina and Moi sodium sulphate powder from the de- a ‘to hay capacity —Twelve _ major Prcceieodingie’ oravideseae” rd i e-in-Winnipeg exhibition. There are operating in Winnipeg fac- tories producing 264 different commo- _ lishments “are engaged: in manufac- turing. Winnipeg, Man.—The value of Man-| itoba’s farm wealth in 1919 is now placed at $350,296,000. Of this amount valued at $158,666,000; live stock, dairy produce, poultry 30,000, The number of ie nitoba was: horses, 379,- burs, 227872; other, cattle, 1 cattle, 781,771; sheep, ine, 261,642; poultry, 2,- swi Got-—Canadian 1 flour mills} eur- ar, Sa February 28, for export a total of this amount rrels. “Or, ‘and shipments will begin} are also report mer. Great Britain took delivery of no less} dev *Peterbdro, nth housand muskrats were caught in the matshes of Otanabee River and Rice Lake this ; according to estimates of local ed: that in Pelts enough for seal coats, valued at $32,500; had been gathered from the marshes near here. ¢, Que.—The only known flock of snow peeie in existence, containing over five tl and weighing an aver~ page of eight ona mah has arrived at Cap Tourmente, on its annual northern migration from the souther states. Each year the birds make ma a stopping-off place on their wa: the Labrador coast, known to do s ss taken by the Moving Pleture Service of the, Domin- ion Parks Branch, Ottaw: Montreal, Qu ie Feetiiveld Canadian wireless news service whic! a was inaugurate Fae sean arrire tae ere in mid-ocean has now supplanted, on 1 Caniadian liners, the United States news: service, wok has been discon- tinued, The present bulletin consists Bt Chaat ngwecdabidedwih Eng- nF The received from the Welsh rederightt, N.BNo changes in the hunting season will be effected until 1922, ageording to Premier Fos- ter. -oposed to Stoney the sinned yeh n. Octo! lew ange Guides’ Association appeared before the government and waetee against the'proposed change his iyear becayse a latge number of hunting patties were already ibuoked for tHe last two weeks in September, The moose are report-' wintered well, and their condition is most favorable. Caribou ed plentiful otis! x, N.S.—The Toainian gov- ernment entomologist, after examin- Valley, reported ‘that seen them looking better, some serious weather conditions are encountered. he is satisfied that this year's crop will, run to 1,500,000 bar- its ‘with every possibility of reach- the 2,000,000 mark, arly in- dications point to a bumper cro; 8; .S.—Residents, along the coast ee enjoying the unusual oppor- tunity of hunting seals without ens ‘to-go more*than-a stone’s throw the beach! Small stray herds of ce ave come down with the northern ice poh and it is a EY thing for the hunters to go out on the ice to ‘kill’ the anal Seventeen ‘were shot. te oe man along Lingan Beach pinvone St. ries ‘05 se ANE IoBorstan’ Oil Bee concern,’ has come ce “ad ‘ar rangement wit! Newfoumtiland goverument by: which it has control of all unallotted. land, Extensive oil elopments on the island are ex- pected tie summer, and it is antici- pated that this company will supply its ayer in all parts of the syorld from Newfoundland. s,| Thursday morning, | Patrick O'Sullivan, Ps 0) igen Of September 15th, = the! will be ile ue the Saaketchewan C8: N ing Pie fruit buds in the Se & »Nfld.—It is Ge. that Company, a}: e-| BIG REBEL CACH) FOUND IN DUBLIN Four Sinn Feiners:Executed at Cork Military Barracks. A despatch from Dublin says:—A] jy raid in Dublin on Wednesday night by the Crown forces resulted in the big- gest haul of arms and ammunition yet made. In a stable at the back of No. 48 Pembroke street they found and seized Se rifles, 4) Ce el 11 shot- guns, 13,000 rounds of revolver am- pe 14; 700. ro shotgun, cartridges, 6,000 detonators, ae rou! munitic me dee enle am heren Srorts; 18 einem bombs, 16 detonated bombs, 90 coils of fuse, two tins o! aluminum, one phuleeuakine machine, two! magnetos and 11 coils. Mrs. Potter, wife of District Inspec- tor Potter of the vernment forces, April 23, it was thought during an on ambush near Clogheen, County Tipper- ary, has received by post a typewrit- ten letter informing her that the In- spector was “legally tried, convicted erent ad 8 eee which sentence was carrie il 27.” The letter adds that during the time Inspector Potter was in custody he sideration. tter is signed with the initials 0. c., At the Gork Military barracks ili Maurice Moore, atrick Ronayne and Thomas Mulcahy were executed by shooting. The ¢ Pant ce evan we ceria he Majesty at Clonmult, county. Cork, o ruary 20, and the two latter at ie Rita borates cork Cot ruary 15. Ces Elections in Ireland m Victoria Day A despatch from London says: —Elections will be held in the North and South of Ireland on May 24, under strong military protection. This announcement was made in the House of Commons on theese and means that with- in a month the country will in the Beit o of another period of acute tens Sir eae Greenwood in mak: ing the announcement, declared that the Government was deter- mined not to shrink from the ap- plication of the Home Rule Act. Se The.total strength of the Boys’ Bri- gade for the United “Kingdom is now oyer 59,000. Cal ight box- who mysteriously disappeared on| is take full advantage of the opportunity| a8 well treated ie shown every con-| ly The A Course in Journalism. At the Be ct ‘the Association * ioral for the wi oe september 12th to 17th while designed primarily publishers of weekly newspapers Ontario, it is open to any citizen the Province. The subjects of struction are torial writing HeWaeaieriieienelay Hieecearre at composition, newspaper jurisprudence, n constitutional Lae ee zi Dee Wilson, a British news- man who is at present Bat of the School other subjects will ‘be dealt with offered, them, 0 far as can be discovered, this is the only course of the kind ever gi in Canada, id the establishment the progressiveness of the provin University. syllabus plete information will be rea: and will be distributed from Extension. Office, University of ronto. For First Time a Oiees Casts Vote. Perhaps for the first time in history, a Queen voted in the municipal elec- An automobile drew a2 in front of the Rae: plage! 16 athe in tions recently. Rue Dou: and a black dress, Ay and cape alighted aad took her plac was Five women were before her, wh an election official rushed forward to he. line. Canadian of Seca siete: lumbia University, New York. The University. staff. al such a course is another indication 0: giving com- ady short- tenn rie of Belgium. als, $38; feed flour, heese—! twins, 29 to- 7 Stilton: Butter—Fresh 49c; cteamery, No. 1, 55 to 58c; fresh, 60 to 6le. Macesine 5 ¢ has reek’ for) Bes dian, hand-picked, bus., in| $8.10 to $3.25; ries $240 to. $2.90; of | Limas, Madagascar, 7 to 8c; California ing Limas, 10 to aple products Somup gal., $2.60: imp. ie $25 30, Maple ae 4 sb 19 to 22c, Honey- . tins, 20 to os ee Ee Wy Bid, ie 22 to .| section case. ggSmoked meats—Hams, med, 37 heavy, 81 to 82c; cooked, 50 to Bac; breakfast. bacon, 40 t by| fancy. breakfast bacon, to , backs, pia bone in, 46 to 47; Sae less, ase Cured meats td 280; clear helligs, 26:40 Lard—Pur, rt ierces, tubs, 15% to i6c; pails, 15% to 16%e; Prints, 17 to 17% 0 11i4c; tub: to 1246c} prints, 18% t Choice heavy steors, 0. te eee good heavy sipoae, BE cattle, choles, $9 to med., $7 ; do, com., $6 to $75 Dutcher the} bulls, choice, $9 to $10, $0, good, To-| $7; do, com., $4 t ers” pee choice, 87. 50 to do, com., $ ee $7.75 to $9; or to $8.75; ees 800 ven of fern ails, cial ri. one sit 25 to $10, 30. hen Montreal. No. nort alanis SL. Tote bine 2 rid $1684: No. 3 No. 4 wheat, as a No, 1 feed, 2te Buckwheat—No, 2,, $1.15 to $1.20, Stegunnd delivered Toronto Bisse; triplets, 8414 to, 85¢; New dairy, choice, 48 to 0 80¢. —New laid, Pa hew laid, in and, aren 88 to 2de S| Ontario comb honey, ‘at ‘$7.50 per Be 7 to Bee rolls, 81 to 2c; cottage rolls, 3 to ig clear bacon, 27 2Te. to 15 Yee; Shortening. cee 14 ; butchers’ $8.75; a ay. $6.50 : Peele Prony fora lat Manitoba barley No 8 CW; 7 : : No 66%e; rejected, anes ‘A dbspatch'fvom London saysy=—The Reed, miners on Thursday night refused the ‘Alt Sere in store Fort William. | Goverhment’s offer of £10,000,000 to ‘ario wheat shipp’ &| keep up their wages for the next four points, according ights ce months, and all negotiations for the No. 2 spring, $1.40 to $140 No. 2) momeht at any rate, are off. ee ae na Sr bhy aie. A Bove e ageiston srrprcomnsrear serene rompt shipment,| meeting of the miners’ ai et after’ No. 2 yellow, ee bay. ports, 73c,| the mers} exeeutive nominal oa rade to | oats—No. 3 white, 41 to 48c,| Robert Horne the Reeeorte final acon to gna outside: isi Barley—Malting, 62.0 67e, accord-|\ “The Serer on Thursday went. ing to frei; a long way to meet the miners #1 the nitari fou Winter, promptship- et ainsi pike: ment, Rey Ba ule, seaboard, €7; Ghneseind ised betes give up every cent of profit for the next few months, and the miners in return agreed to a cut throughout the every person employed, The earnings of the industry for: March, however, showed ake even ae seis penny went in wa; reduced by a little over th ‘Shil- ‘Ip the miners: the 1 ikely to Become Grim Battle of Enduranc Niece Rejected Goverment Pee Because it Did Not — National Wages: Board tional P. ‘ool. - thrée shillings and. sixpence, while what was left « over should be used to ugust, ernment proposed was that in return for this aid the miners and owner: agree on a permanent sytem of di- viding profits and which should 1e | hold good for ae least a year from the — of August and should then be pone ea on. three mor Ta using costae gl Robert Pointed out that the mine owners had already agreed to the peep of di pact which ed which I know of in any industry, either in this country or in any other industry of two shillings per day for| country,” This made wage for workers the finst ‘dine a on bi pro- says of industry. Capital was then t tandard profit not any” sural left after this had been paid 0 be divided bétw ween. hae and ‘'y subven- 01 tl in yaad: should be only three shillings, in June profits in fixed nuopott ion. ar Robert's offer, Frank Hodges replied thatthe miners sou Ae possibly alt ing reduction, and on: 253 Irreparable Loss in Scottish Mines A despatch from London says: —tThe irreparable loss of many millions of pounds has been sus- tained in Scotland through the miners’ ze oppage and the flood- ing of the i ‘ifty aie Hey never be pump- to|ed out again, and even those which may be saved will be in a 4e;ldangerous A ate for many Toa to com The coal ee more than 50 per cent. of the miners will find work when the pits there are re-opened, NG, 2, 61 to: Ge; at she yote immediately. She lou, Man., $10 rotuferaltine Mae Gent betortrtt Hing Hep Pallot In #e Box, When she 3S 5. erged from the boot e was em-| , 0. $25. raced by a number ot sister voters, |. a Apest casternsr 24% to 250. Premie er Sie ne Ne aes seer cay and Tee teeah, 86 to 3c. Bp tense “BS! Of British Columbia, who lett Victoria Bol et it~ wolarman ads theft! ast Hee car lots, We. on Saturday for Ottawa, where he will chance to vote in the country to-day, a een pee ye Pease ee ee taking part in the municipal and com- Bester eafthay bad Aare Se munal-elections, In the registration inbs the Catiad igi NetiGamt eta eneee they outnumbered the men by 700,000. p. $7 to} 7, 2 tue-tederal nadine oe Hoge | H federal authori ——2—_—_ ows, $9.50 t0 tion to subplement ea) as waste into by-products $ fas made many a fortune, but no one — ha apie aclept ee pecien ft Of vulcanized si the remains of out- France’s Young Men. pie oro tee as ie increasing surplus of dead rubber, un- stilts. tor Total ties, chdioneen sue = iro ee sone ¢ ngeneyy find an eeon-| Shows that 210,000 yours men, Ge ae baad more than 75 per cent. of those wh ee service. has been reached. world wants, with a ing on the scene with # FIRST LAUNCH OF THE SEAS! 88. <ideltord=-yntoh Wasrhniibtied iy, Moutozat" on ore ril 9, tro Canadian Viokers yard. This vessel represents the last word in high-class _ cargo Steamers. ‘rom the lives before them. fi their military dise school. of nmand. use ee a dernier This is the highest neces Le pressible yearning. May these youn| he buoyant. beauty of their. unspoiled prompt obedience eeneeit sla the pew Columbia ‘aiuor Control Act-atid give that province Scipote Sonteoliat imports. piles Rniyce Bein Waggon No. 2,419. e is War Souvenir 1 Lie despatch from Paris °°) Wa; ‘aggon No. Salo: bis sae sited to Paris’ collection On paneaiey ‘pieht chan Ee, al bulk was dragged through the! streets to the surprise and distress of proud of it, for it marks an historic , | event. In waggon 2,419 the siete that ended the war was signed b mans Gn Novenibé® 38,0018, ee other tumnitore that 1 held have been ®| reserved, hairs 2 Foch and the other signatories Pei are to be arranged in their proper order. Ml Our finger-nails do not grow with, middle finger the f a By Jack Rabbit ITS A GREAT LIFE (F You DONT WEAKEN declare not ni | gious to looks and of whom ie Ger- EA was be te ae idea ce the 0 equal rapidity, that of the thumb. usu-! ay being the slowest, Ae y that of the OG Boma of Saar Visits England. Japan's future “Emperor, due im England a fortnight hence, will find many things calculated to startle him, notably that of “being’ looked down upon.” In his own country, whenever te chia father pass along the street, no one is allowed to occupy a higher level. If 1 one is riding in a carriage, ar i mo applies to foreigners as well as to ae If one is accompanied by @ dog, it is necessary to put, the latter rcabigus tole dewalt freee Sica posed bo nel Moreov: all windows those on a level with and must be closed and the blinds drawn; Nor is any one permit- ted to catch.a glimpse of the Eupate Crown Prince from the root or bal Yat whenthe through the streets of London, it is certain tha’ not only will all the upper windows the thoroughfares through which he drives in state be crowded with peo- ple, but that even the roofs and bal- Nor will that they shoul e the road- way for | ie Imperial Wises. The Cr visit to Europe, and Perec to England, is being weloomed as likely to bring about a hi 3 promising, open stion, progressive, will-have his eyes opened ecies of personal intimacy bi gg y his heir-apparent dither pomme Seog dignitary or through a Minister of State. ‘The idea the Emperor, or even of the Grown Prince, sending a message direct t thé sufferers, or visiting their homes d the scene of the: disaster, is_ un- nown. cepa the Empérof and his heir ere revered as ~semilivine..person- nee upon whose face it was i to speak sacrilege. Con- world and the lightly ‘was @ terrible tact with. the outer alarming growth of er of communism, eng. | ny Git Shy te ear are el better living conditions in rural bie cd sie sa es ident multe coe ony is that a feeling of affectionate intim- borh th 5 dene iste in-Eteland ; see ef ee gitar lin the Cour of the Taller | S672 a4 exe ip England fr the jow it is for the world to reach a|i" the hospital which Napoleon fot rotld take ite nlace, in otder “16 unanimous decision. that flower| ood out aia ie nd ee srovithae| strengthen the cause of the monarchy, of the youth of France and 0: race| 28d out of place, but Paris is rather! 7, i; “hoped when the Crown Prince returns to Japan he awill have taken a number’ofleaves out of the British héir-apparent’s i acquired the art, of personal touch men and future lieges, The Crown Pritice after his Ae with his country? 3 eae pe he will be lavishly anata he state guest of the British eames and nation. pe ae The number of men who lost one or_ more limb is the war is stated to be 38,000; 26,000 lost one leg, 11,000 an arm, 952 two legs, and 50 both arms. Ea TIE Accordirig to the ee Lord of the Lord Lee

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