Ontario Community Newspapers

Monkton Times, 5 May 1921, p. 2

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ee Street _ Subseri on rate: vance, ‘ates on appl Bicuscageri tan pet divectiong pe fuserted watllforbid aud charged ace sording The Sun Printing Off LVE) ‘ON, ONT. | $2.00 contract fe fice by noon Monday, MALCOLM MacBETH, Pubilsher and Proprietor, must, ae i ae E Rest And Recreation, Lev. 28 Deut. 5:/12-153 St. Mark 32. Golden 'Text—Zech. Connecting Links—The social order which ater Fe Tabor will also provide fow periods of rest, prohibition of what is wil Pe “the way of wisd DE. My JR FORSTER , Note and Throat at assistant New York ‘Ho! 107 te Asta a.m. 72 daily. Evenings —7 to Ras Wate nee (Phone 267.) fa in ‘medicine, University 6 p.m. i Wweinetieg nly; or he appointment find not only justice, and honesty, and clean living, ‘and. right domestic’ and poet relations. required, but. kindness and thoughtfulness and rey- erent. piety, Windso Ppp. City on Phi J. B SEDBEN, D 0, $.-L.D.S. *SitRATFORD Chapter 28 contains. a calendar of the great feasts or holidays (that is, holy days) of the J he Selebrat d the end of the f vest, and the end of. the * -GASPARD DUBORD. (fed. That.is why we hold ot ten d ad oy Exod, ff clientele. thing we sell is righ t spends the next order for coal and woo is evenings Mfrom, 7 lo 9-o'elock speclen, "ot Tau : 5 vo;trtalatve ake | HM backed by-onr guarantee of quale yea Peet ap ne ae eee with me and you will have. no Bi crticl Corning meted 50e-a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25e. | livigidsats prices “that ri It is a rather wonderful | thing, | dollar, is hurt just as sonal - wadeta, Now. as the: time to. ans 5 2 ‘ t et at doliar.ou toual eight days. Mi At all dealers or sent postpaid by /@ satisfied. “Nut. sed.” Come in $ when you stop to think about.it what | 8% CORE ance RECT. ticipate next seasor’ ‘want Buy- y' . the home grocer fro! d be happy. F. r dren, who Feuit-atives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. | and be convinced. o M. Fleisch- 2 one lone dollar will do, if it is kept have bought his groceries. pichows and G leagy, H. B. Morphy, K.C. nee yeaa and towns, trooped ————————__— auer, Tailor. at work. ‘This has been illustrated | Now just multiply this one oe Coal ‘Ys i 2 ; i red ousa or eeibelior tr acmhemewition: dheleers of bough Towns Toppled by Mines. Paresdiaus aueant ean in a sriking manner on several occa- prope ec iia cores Se Si hw a8 List eyre MILVERTON, ATWOOD] Merry, py There are a million and a half ton: health. I carry a complete line $ sions by means of a very simple ex- | to make much difference: jn the aver- ons desorption pemenl bet we ate ices peed ecteaes a ane law _(v: of coal of yery valuable quality pees) ; tear oon preparations at3 periment. If you want to see just | age town, but a thousand dollars or he ff Gertie eee deserg Se on, HuesGtet day shoukd-be kept. as 8 Sab-} nos fy Gliscow terse Muted Weeaalty | Bayt eat ot to eet of § how important’@ role-a silver dollar | even a hhindred dalewcoe ment dress Aer ae 5 ke y 3 a ‘ | ce, w s one d : 3 > later statute (vs. 36 and 39) appears} “t * meeting of the city corporation. (Hf can do better at our Rexall OF a dollar bill plays in the life of a k bpeneaes Aer Geaived ameall Gill todas waatiety your Ss =-Owens & Goodwin to have added a second Sabba And there, it may be added, it is Bi Store. Buy-at-home. $. Petrie, $ community here is the way to do it. a hundred ora thousand dolla: i now your es Lumber at re- “4 cae eighth day. "(compare also. Deut. 1 Persea Temata pis The Ushahi ats ea Gi Just attach a tag to the dollar and | pay a dozen or a hundred big bills. 3 tail. The B. & N. Planing Mill Co. Barristers, Soticitors, &c. 15). of Scotland’s premier. city—premier < ; rh ; h an; owes : turn it loose, with the request that | When Brown, the grocery man; owe eal ‘Gnesi Windsor Block, - STRATPORD, ONT, whois ere al te days of. play and wor-| that is in point of population—are g and continued service ; : jar ,@ thousand dollars and can’t pay it, Don’t allow your imagination : ship, were Temind the people| hardly likely to consent to disfigure | in oe Jewelery Dudiiess in ‘Milf! every person who receives therdollar|) & ONE Cato the bapkrupteys ¢ to catty you si ua are Money to Loan, ame ae fe time when their it tothe extent-oF starting a coal mine fg Verton is your guarantee I am $ make a note on the tag as to how. (outs When Jones, te plumber, $ getting something for nothing, Tt By FLWARDING Ww. GoOWwRNS. Ww. H-Goos Win | fathers lived i tents, or in eae in their midst. Bee Ge the ae ae he received it. The result will be an | can’t collect the money which is due ¢ can't .b me sh oY of Mo: possible. You can do no better sane lt Brown or maybe a dozen ‘$ groceries ey dw Notary Public. mee bala cae bas shown that Hf elsew Watches, Clocks Hay 3 Browne, he is headed in the ‘same get full value for your mone Hore, ss ea) dgdeer in ‘carrying out ff violins my specialty. Geo. Pfaff, ‘ BUY is the way it sis a ROWE ener es soit goes {My stock ig elect and al r ¥ bi erations in the vicinity oI Jeweler. he lumber ‘dealer, who first pos- ae se , fresh. H. r, Groce: ; all around the circle until its hits w. D. Weir, - Notary Public ace habitation | sesses the dollar, buys some groceries | Smith. or a dozen Smiths who have. , | -Auctloneet for the Counttes of Perth cc ber he 0 wi a ee SEC nave from Brown and pays for them with | sent their money out ot town to add oi Pe ia Tineta” and Red cls mort 5 os ¢ 8 ig i |to the fortunes of the mail order “Kitcl ae Cabin and “Conreyaneer, dea wine mortanaen Geni Hs eee ake Spain, (gover for spring delivery. Bring $ the dollar. About that tlne Jones, | ‘0 Pentre Viliage clerk, Guce olle at. the moet supstantially? them to SRG LO aide ata Dante eae le a _ Bayer Ons Who-ts Hurt. | Office: Welr block, over Bank of Nova Scotia built towns. in Batremaidura province Fer Ets Tae OL Brown, sence le suvastor ant maa wasnt yrs fetta no seve of le ‘Se cog Cann fone 0 ah i) Ee lt a a re Chalmers, - Notary Publig|cistom of observing cerlain’ days of houses left "standing. The rest have ff and oils, G. W. Jacobs, Gara POL as A OTEN Beye nee ne: orint a She wiki iee Ghochoe ( Conveyancer, inter of Marriage Liceme "|eV@tY months as holy days may be| disappeared bodily into the cavities Gf a will paremteite bith: se hell uboag, Heuterne; hurting Whe home j re SU tia: Shea much older. It seem: i: have been| in the ground created by the with: best is none too good. Y sends this dollar with possibly some terchant when he sends his money eye fo ‘ounty of Perth, originally connected with the. ew drawal of the deposits in question. e often heard this remark others, to Green to pay his dill, | out of-town, any. more than he is Boal adiaveliGagii ash anlart see eines «| cer day; which’ was vise kept| In like manner Northwich, in the (2nd it holds good: with when $ 0 , Pay is 2) | hurting himself, SPE ob rrenisedlaseiadies oly, The ee jon of twenty-nine!’ .ait-mining district iGhieebir ; fit comes to the purchasing of $ Green had just put the dollar in bis | “"ivery sensible ue knows that ue o . si i mii district” of ‘Cheshire, bid “My eats from me. 1 we$ cash drawer n in comes Black, ontario | days might ve had five holy| pain to be comtetely Swalinwed i sf e. The meat is livelihood” depends upon whethe days, tieW-n00n Ys the bs oh cd UP at handle is your Bd or peat the milioman, to whom Green. owes business in’ hi town isigondaurtnoe Veterinary. seventh, fourteenth, twenty-first, and) re ne on ¢ ; series of subsi: | isfaction. Try me. J. Kelter iene a cone or ae delivered at ae {f business od, he cannot eo twenty-ci days, now| ences due to a similar cause. #reen takes the dollar out of | are a good ying tor filiaseltaad Kept sacred in ancient his eash drawer and pays Black a : a 7 RE. Beggs, V.S. know wee (Sate ae Ez i my : nis family, no matter how~hard-he Babylonia. The. law cf Moses, how- ae. B heewakk baa VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND |ever, ultimately made the sabbath. to genes AR Moored: - The price was’ $495.00? Yes o goad ire business ten in eee an SURGEON be Seep R BIE, arent th day, irres-} The Desert de Carlittle, in the Py- mol Fords 88 4 L ¢ pective of the d e month, renees, ‘nearly 10,000 feet above the a me Office: Barr’s old sts al also, with the ‘i eek : yourself. ot ‘Tepair pa che owes White, . i . and HORT ENA Tia te aaa ra contains as many as sixty lakes (Ml work promptly attended to. Free $_ still owes for Timber fiat ea a Laas . creamery ae take y entra. Hoteles Exod. 20: ty where reference is}! According \to local /# air and y E. H.$ bought from the‘lumber deal~)| (vane pas tho HRNER AER Ge OSES oe hee seins = your e ite tolthelstory of creation, in which, adition; thee wanciee at the time of {@ Gropp, Ford Garag, © takes the dollar and squares | = (drs Soha ene made to the story of creation, in w ily incidentally. ‘They are butterin eR rel. Creamer i $ chance. y. Th H Ly Goueiitonatos wen Sorte ael tae A Vhen'the wat bal up is account with Smith. Smith ‘ 4 ¢ Queens Hotel K es f ie bald: x any hides has a cow? $ now hag his dolla aide ieit-own bread. “When they. send presented under the fig eit is said ee and his family d y cows eS Sate ieir Pee. ats tail order house, The largest non-medical insti- 2 4 Brea tes ier soning trav. |week—six: day: progressive labor|on the Bay of Prigue, one of ihe ale Don't you know? Come to 5 Sule ote ee Diumbing Bill they are not only hurting the home $ tution in the world is a Chiro : pepe are oth leading to completion of the ork, and est peaks in the district. rove stove and 1 will explain $ Jon squarad up with the prints| neronant Ineluentally but-—ce tii practic school with a” student inanlntay Bahinte Rohe a seventh day of rest. This is taken the Pee. at Ane ceetinnce mecca everything in shoes ae men, wo- 3). er, na: 80 on, all around the circle. ||‘\ore important to ther ye ; Be 00. PHO. F. PAULL, Prop., - Milverton, Ont | 10 mean thal the Sabbath day of rest] {10 shown en hen ting to whteh, the ling of beavellene samples k ie What Might Have Happened, “likely to be taking the bread out. at Iti SEN TEs eS St. Mark 6: 31.32, C Roya peasants declare, the ark was moored ff in stock. oe your eee at Now suppose that Smith, instead of (Me Mouths ee of ie LEE method. oO. Socictios. elves F part. _ Tests) lene nd felt when the landing was effected. me. E. Siegner, Shox Gingerich, D. C., Chiropractor. need of rest, ‘or Himself and SEED A ; ipl Practise Keybi The days of Old Dobbin are The curious traits of human nature have made . yboard. Dacece every Monday Recon wee No. 478 F&A c. an ‘on or before fall moon every ‘month ti {heal in J, B. Weir's ble! eens hs always eerie Lew B. Siey iegner, Silver Star pages No. 202 202 Le mete every ser a at 7.80 tn ites} saith of Han et aL No. 45, Milverton its every Wei Saat Weare ‘tants for the ees pplefor Coun ~ Check ‘Book Go. _ This firm turns e¢ day on = nee moon, a their hall above Drug Si only high-grade work 3 i a reasonable out or be- ww He invites lake. with His disciples to cross ‘the Him to a auiet and lonely place on northern. shore. uch rest and quiet needed workers, ae eepecaly e -work involves nervous strain. ‘The conditions of rail ade such as to permit both Baer tay oi cert, and of other times by all > eriods of resort to God's resting- places «by, mountain and lake anf stream. in these quiet places that there is “time for thought. that. peace steals in upon troubled and weary hearts, and God draws very Application. woman sat with her child near time for meditation and prayer. need to get a true perspective. As you want work, try working at the job mee have ise regulation and control,|_ THE DAILY MISERY ~ OF ILL AEALTH - Three Years oe Bu Relieved by “FRUIT. Tas isan. MR. GASPARD DUBORD 159 Avenue Pius TX, Montreal. ‘THE MILVERT ON SUN j The spirit of unity in any community tends toward its growth. The law of averages ja munity’s merchants can give you better values than you can get elsewhere, therefore we laun EA Read these articles with care. hey will prove ‘ you that the money you keep al will prove that M . THE Shon a te 4 if Home remains here ilverton and com- ch in an educational way TIMES to Boost. 1 also maintain 3 billiard helt “where you -can -guarantee is back of everythin; home. icf Bas: rronaba our. commun- end a g plesaane and inexpensive 3. sell.—Give us a trial. see & Orr, ity. Schrenk & Orr, Hardware Mer- time: jundscho, Barber. 3 Shoe Dealers. chan: of quality is econom Quality Shoes, like everything else aying, You can get no better values in any: tow: tha: @ offer in the’ line ot Misses’, | Women’s, Boy’s and Men's Shoes. Our Bi ind Mirate the ser bi eee te eeac HOR solicit your patronage. inspect our complete Keep the HORE -radiant. to hear your favorite art- istcattion ou candosoby coming to my store and listen Pelee Confection “Yor three years, I was a terrible sufferer from Dyspepsia and my general health was very bad. I consulted a physician and took his medicine and faithfully carried outhisinstructions; but I did not improve and finally doctor told me I could not be cured. At this time, a friend advised me to try ‘Fruitatives’ and I did s0. uy at home at Clemens’, your general hardware needs can_al- ways be supplied by Every- thing ke ept I in stock for the build: ah form x housekeeper. ‘The tock in Perth County. Tet frail pull t together for Milverton. A. C, Clemens, Hardw: tier taking two boxes of fives’, I was greatly. relieved; and Geely this marvelous fruit Hetat made me completely well. y digestion and general health are venta of which I owe to cars Ge iewclory picture book or have your eyes tested by quacks, Deal with your own responsible jeweler and op- tician. There you know what you you are getting and at prices that are right, Buy at home. |. Bastendorff, Jeweler. “Pruit-a-t | A dollar saved is a dollar earn- ty POWER OF DOLLAR IS EASILY SHOWN Keep One Moving and See What it Will Do for Your Com- munity. PAYS MULTITUDE OF DEBTS . wee: ie Is Sent Out of Town, Hows ; | to Pay for What Can Be Pose at Homo It Is me Forever. ge th for lu Liner: is. is, all uires out. Anyone | buying his groceries oN Brown, Shad — hem frol and Smith would not fave’ got no studen oF | professor of mathematics to figure | Smith sends that dollar io CMe w ome mail order. e Lo eae atey gina gt ay. ‘and sent tign, absolnt his dollar to pay for them, Brown -§ need for sot would not have had that dollay to pay § have, tt 7 the plumber; Jones Nersait ey printing ils the S mtat: “$and Vulcanizing. have had t ie man White? ‘he Ags penter, ou are contem would not have go tho money fo he work he had done for the milk- which White owed him ~ so simple. that it re ° t of economies 0) can see that when in. ajl ~$hogs and prices that are suche feeds you want business is coal, sto a fine ashand mak Scranton Coal Dealer to s plati peectane! of te following lines# ur service. Flour and feed ii at Also bu ny ‘ana vel grain, anything to a if on line bring it |. D, Atkin, Produce Dealer. f meaning of. service, place yo lime and kind of goal jfhat ts re G. Hamilton, your tire t: ou have, pay you right. Potltry and of every. desctip- to know the real n the centres of the practice keyboard for piano miuents are intended to guide the fingers into the right position for the best work with a real instrument, far from being over. harness, the My line is best harness in Perth d at prices that are Buying the best: will al- ividend. Let me pairing of all kinds also done, W. J. Smith, Harness. possible growth and development of the great mail order houses. Make your dollars “Boost.” Keep them at home. soure! high SHADOW TEST The Grand Central Hotel is a e on the road and house of good eatables. Fine clean and comfortable Yooms. Soft drinks 8 } a & £8 oe SF 3 2 lames Robert 's, Proprietor. You will find a complete assortment: of an: need in groceries and general merchandise at prices that are right. No need of going out of things that can be bought in Milverton at paces that ar to prove to you we are here t: uy-at- Campai; fy ie ome ign ae ings, Tet us all pull together. W. K. Lot! th; Geni o do busin ‘00: Prore WEST MONKT ON, ONTARIO. Remove the merchants from the village of Monkton and you will depreciate land values to two-thirds of what they in connectio: We oar competition from no! jut line consists of the je furniture deseription, made in Canada and at prices that are right and our ape anite is back 0: urniture we sell. Under n. MeMan. Zo ES every piece aking e & Walker ything you may’ at Py store and town for ‘e sure tate er shop the et your petty feel. aa ‘eral Merchant, Sipclies doctor's L. combination billiard hall and and pendemanty pn ness ba ind I operate. Yo! always while away 15-0120 1 ss a billiard 1 Gamble, Batber. on a able ills, Ac Prove yaw atone TO N, ONTARI faith in Newton by greater than the eee of its people. | spending your money here. “He Looks Into the Eye" B* THIS sete sone 2 {is almost impossible to mak all work Is 4. none Dy. ieouin the eye, thereby locati: fect right at its sou: ree. Weak Muscles Strengthened Headaches Cured, Cross Eyes in many case= straightened when glasses are fitted by thie | advanced system, citer eves | | urately Eaaines witho 1 asking questions, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! P. H. BASTENDORFF esight Specialist" iene ONTARIG clothes. To him his consequence as the MESS bein, well dressed Ee } pie ALITY tailoring. | THE SUCCESSFUL AN TO-DAY — Is the one who gives careful attention to his engagements. He realizes the importance of ” besides style, finish and correct ay: us for your next Suit t= 0. DUFFIELD, | business suit is of as much clothes he wears for social at all times. He requires THE TAILOR, ~ “MONKTON taabece Betoreyad patent: A vis- it to the shop will to values received. ly and promptly Hobbs, Boots and Shoes. inj sential to progress. John Elligson, Hotel. * $ ture independence. The Sterling Bai surance at all tines, E. G. ‘o establish a savings account early of banking without embarassment and solicits your ¢! latthews, Manager. ssuirance ide fu- in life is your ale of Canada offe co-operation now are. Think it over. It will pay you a dividend. . Try us for anything along the | The cheapest is not alw: he 3° in need of Coal, Wood, lines of general merchandise. If we | best. I have a complete line of $ Lime cement wton is not a cit haven't got it we will cheerfully get | shelf groceries ag well ag a lunch | that is wh tyr amber ira ae Sal na why you should not ade it for you—No need of sending | counter.» Cleanliness and quality ‘the “principle. of cine AA eee an care ene, Nerve. ourd ut of town. Boost our community Js my motto. | The proof of the ea Eee one eee ewan hx complete line of groc- y buying at home at kton’s ET is in the eating. Com y all. You will get equal value the ee yi t believes Popular Store. Weber & Bettger, | an out. Ss. M srpyhald: from me. Campbeil, 130 will genase e and let live General Merchants, Gascek kad Restaurant, ind E:Ginbéy. Coe Beha : . Pollard, n Our message to the public —| The Monkton’ Bakery is a home een i 2 Ae hee have a complete line = mer- Boer Buy ‘your bread, cakes, Fe wae ‘aire? soup abe i ieee: = ean good enough to world Sean oe a erecta Atriat | Adopt the BuyacHome aplcit and 7 ered, that. the groceries, dry | endarse the Pret eal ¥ eda. A trial eats : Bods Biiaie toe , 5 ee dn x home I esoperaia wth the community — § be daaicsad ‘cgnesee eC | feat, the aH co-operation, oar éep J 2 . 3 re seNabyto sen Bros.. General [them boost. John Réwland, Baker Pe eit: eae era think of the outsider ‘qr uy- i sual ‘Grocer, by buying: seams EI athome, “Henry C. Wegner, Wool | The secret. of “Getting Your in and be measured for Money's Worth” lies in the elimin- | that Spring ‘uit or top n MILLBANK, ONT ARIO. ation of ee mistakes. Parti excellont -line _ fabi TRopt Atleast unto thyself be ty iF: rly is this true in the purchase of | which to select. Oa: is ‘he time } ue to Mi Hbank, ue, if you do this seit will Be ‘oceries. A complete and select | before the rush. Why go out of $ true to Millbank. The ee you spend with you tment carried in my store. A | town when we have it right here. $ will come back to you. Try trial solicited. —J. T. Gil, Grocer | Zuy-at-home, Oliver “Duffield, . ‘onfectioner. ilor In ane my stock of s eee re a protected ~ fruit: tak ete., ‘ays-| when you buy Pec = sa! way You will find in your visit to agents for the renowned $ co eee “find ee Ca zon Be My a Bee etsy Haten colvalate line | Metaughlin Sona chamtlet mere tein e bought from me is | bought from. firms wv aBetity el of general merchandise Haha mobiles and have a fine stock on Somes and rides a oe) répatation, The best ig al nation boots and_ shoes. hand. | Call and piek out, your ear. well selected H cheapest. 1 Us ego ig always th gether and buy m Reucmeet We also carry a complete line of chogre fom Call and investigate, Buy-atHome” Sch, Bore town. | Forget Giant order cnn | meuaies cand” weceasoriea ston LON Se Hainilion “Gra eral Merchant. euteee oe shop at home, J. rskine, | these cars. & Co, ni General Merchant. G : , ‘ ’ ee a = on OOD, ONTARIO. . : Je you need anything in the line | | Modern service. and convenience issention in a town whethe: A at “voate sad ahoor, Tf so, Ihave | is what I aim to give my patrons. } Gent retards the Saath GR Cee bation merchant or resi- it. buying at home you can | One eannot send out of town for : 2 of own the town oe i where the aphie Think it over. You will always good nasornibent, Gentious ie “find quality’ and Bl a ore store. | Every ices Hai hing good __ “you issawhat you ft my § store, Complete line of stove lectri es, toc ok Twi | tainte ia 0 ever: Pinavtreai fact everything in hardware, 4 pre ee aes home. rdw: le: ait JG. S

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