quanti of milk and cream, send your eream durii ar a and. where the | ‘onize we thest po: id 83 has ie ayo creamery, give it ie Pa eer , ATTENTION MR. FARMER ime is near at hand when vogue be ee ca aa tana x5 busi exte oon is much yee man ry Nrerere factor, roducing larger Ha ide ae arises you ring the uu cone ais the Oat, of a trial ELMIRA, - uf pu a Elmira aie Creamery Limited ONTARIO Farmers Attention ! We scan, save you mon B.C, RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ist and 2nd class, $2.6 | te $5.80 per square ENG: 9 GAUGE HY. WIRE FENCE _ CREAM OF THE WEST FLOUR MILLFEEDS of all kinds, CEMENT - LUMBER - COAL - SALT SUGAR . FEEDING MOLASSES and GRASS SEEDS Highest market prices paid for grain |} Linwood Farmers’ Operative Co., Ltd, < Phone 23 MILLIONS _IN >ROFITS aid to the shi lorthern Ontay are being holders of Gold Mines, Are you getting your share? ai fif- of active connection ese mi ill help you to participate in these eplen- did profits, Complete information on Request HOMER Py: 9, GIBSON 7034-5 ey of ae Bldg. TORONTO Lat Service - Quality and Price Are the three words uppermost in inds just now, and perhaps i > best coe ae salient features of the n ene news for all who are con- cerned about buying a Spring Suit or Overcoat to cloth reaching such “hie's ree pare te I decide buy an: 3 M. FLBISHHAUER | Merchant Tailor MILVERTON, + eae ONTARIO c) 5 | wel, not to ‘MILBANK NEWS Martin Sr. left on Mon- ae tie aie nlends ae Worlotse From there ee intends going west for an extended visit "y John Pender, “of pegenell Fi) Je s Kate McLennan, of London, via iting at Mr. Geo, McLennan’s. Coulter’ “attended ecnecal of the late Mrs. Caleb Griffin weel rs, A. hanks and son Ged ric. are Visiting with friends at, Tor- sage of: smallpox has been xe- ort, jhere, this past week, being me ‘oghlin. We are glad to say ie is hot, aevious. a number of changes are taking ‘place here at pea ani [NOTES | Ho ney seems to be the stormy’ Ne Re Ontario politics. be ee Th ep eagle is getting yeady with beak and claw for the hyphenates at have been plucking his tail feather: eeee Sir John Willison, eeniaent. of Canadian Re: ree nstruction tion and hy journalists, vdiscussed si roblems vital 0 pe? ‘before e Board t. tion and extension of settlement the burd tay es sontian may bi endurs is time to rapes that further aaditions eat cost of duction, either nting wages fly extra wagaico which tires of taxation produ luce, threaten gengral commercial distress and disaster. ee ee best element in the United Beatee hee poy beginning to assert it- self, as it did in the later days of 8: wary against the foreign “born claiming’ equal citizenship wi Americans and enjoyin ig ie evil eges granted under heir flag continue their allegi other country and spread foltecal- and’ war- like propaganda weak of friendship betw t Madison zal Garden, in New ork, ‘riday evening’ of I week, a meeting was held under the tic ich 14,- 000 people assembled while thousand handy unable to gain me all be held to nat and pay a) galt pep alty, pe ae i methe bi of such misdeeds against civilisee $2 6th LINE ELMA ard returned to her hones onda night after spending a few days with Barnett, at Proncwich se party was held a W. Sproule last Wed. All: report: having The evening was mother, Mrs, tthe home of Mr, peer evening. had a good time. spent in dancing, Karges and daughter, Mary, Aes the week-end in Listo- Lorne McMennamin and fam- ity spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. ajT, R.A very pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mr. J, ., Chapman when mber of old friends and neigh. ors Rathered together and’ held’ a little dane e Irish concert held in’ Stev- en’s School Hou: ing, was very ood Hae Bee to the poor condition of the roads the crowd was not as large as it might have TO ALL | Whom It May Concern id Sake Parliament of vote on the Referendum i The points to remember 1. in Or woma! ‘ Q, Voters’ Lists used in Pati * are the lists to be us to revision, Every sion must be rural palling divisi gat: NR passed a bill regulating the taking of the Every British ealaes by. esident in the potinioey of Canada rei eee is entitled to vote, unless otherwise ist, on the list only 1 in ah division in which he resides. the list or be put i vou au eiied fora s such by another resident Ey 5, Both atdrmative era negative sides ave the right ‘ * to select 6. Women ava ie “Tht to vote, ’ Can nda has recently in Ontario on April 18. are as follows: birth or naturalization, months previous the anes Provincial referendum this fs Refes efer ee in an olling divi- and will “presumably be ions the voter must be either upon it as a resi nett and be OTE: =and vote -YES b: the ssocia- | ric! it nnn i ecome un-| lun ‘ris! illustrated lente on a sa through Trelan J. F, ight which was ‘to lave taken C oxy 21st was f the bad cén- ‘oads and sickness in Rosponed on account 0 dition of the ue on has returned home after spending i month with friends: on iene ne very en. ate was spent the women's viiticute at, the BED pS on was given. R by Trish quotations, Solo, “When Irish Byes are Shinty” by Miss Flossy oy er; reading, es too Good 0 «Atte x the PET ied m was id green flags. tack of pneumonia ‘and is now recov- ering. el Mayburry is spending a couple of weeks under the par al oe if. Johnston, of Stratford, is v mes friends her Mi; ia L. ae has returned her e in vis Lies with to Exeter atte ar spending . Johnston, ot EOL was itor in our burg last week ye hiaybuty, has sold his farm to Mr, , Koch for the sum of $6, Mr. Koch takes possession this fall. Mr. and* Mrs. Edgar Lines 5; ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Mr. and Mrs. Henry’ Seeheaver on Sunday with friends in Lis- in Dietrich spent a few ae Visiting her mother in Linwood. mble spent an after. noon recently with Mrs. Edgar Lin GADSHILL. Mr. C. Jutzi returned home last Thursday after spending a few days with friends at Tavistock and Gas George Jutzi has Pana autles as farm hand with Mr. ie brechi Brunner, after fenaine a coe of weeks fh helpiig his brother, Amos, while the latter was nursing an He ed rr. Schn elder Con. r, one of The Misses Mary and. Flore ae cela Snndey: afternoon ere Katy an ence with “Mite Bast spent last saturday visting | ‘the pattere, par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. MOSERVILLE eae zee syrup is the order or the Mr. Becker and Mr. Querengresser wade a business tip to pts ‘Yi Miss Bertha Debus, f Elmira, is spending fs few days with her sister, Mrs. John Becker Jr. Mr. Henry Debus oe ae sawing wood in this neighbor! Everybody get your ret ‘Yeady the rabbit will Sor ak | a daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) M y| the week-end 00: ba pene decorated with shamrocks | pel ey spent the weak end at his LINWOOD TOPICS Mrs. Beggs returned home on Poel rater anurans a month with Thom, at Barrie. m. Collins and Mrs, J. Col- ir. lins irene “rida at Toronto. visiting the wee! te, Mrs. Harold Faulkner and daugh- Mr. cot . Cl ex ‘. ter, Enid, returned me after on return ed to her|spending a month at Moorefield. eotige ‘at Stratford last a Pei Mr. bert Dechert had the mis- PNann a couple of weeks at Mr.}fortune to hav ve a hand. badly cut tne working in. e bush on Mon. are ihe to. report that Mrs i We, Cathcart: is improving rap- i ir is’ at predent vis- oie pends in eeeaanen em: pring Horse Show which will be na Id in Linwood on Tuesday, Ap ie 5th.—Bigger and bet- ter tl Mrs. Se of Listowel, spent a ‘ew days wit friends here last week, Mrs. J. Little returned to her home t Oakville after visiting with her G rs. Christ Lantz spent a Mew “days at iss'M. Schnurr and Mrs, Schnurr visited a few a ae KR chener last weel Miss Lura Carnochan of Hffnira, E spent the week-end with: Sy paxeuial supper and |here. ierlamm and daughter, G eae of iowa, visited at 0. lates at Knox | Bund MM and eas Allan: McLaughlin, of Tralee, spent Saturday at the home Mr. W. O. cessful sale last Voll bou; 80) y hela a very sue- Saturday. Mr’ John ght He property for the hand- n, returned t y after spending oy ir. Jos. Scott moved his -honse- hold effects into the house vacated by Ys. ae welcome them into Koebel made a business drip “to Galt ane Kitchener on Fri- da: Nir, . Herb Somell, of Preston, gun? at the home of Mr. W. ber of friends gathered at e of Mr. eautiful Fock ate prior to vets departure for Hes. Fe ¢ will he special service in the CARTHAGE : : i : treat, a treat that all’ ¢ M bert Simpson, of Glanford, thee ‘al BW cnr eniored te fit SA lst week si(lee iends here. | ed the chair we presentation was J. K, Maybury is spending a)made by Mr. Glen x which ale ot Weeks with drehds in lunch was served. Mtr. Kitchene x, Stever will be missed as they were PS e yyittlehales, of Toronto. |highly esteemed in the neighberhood, gpent the w week end at the home of] “Mr. Alex. Crawford, of Linwood, Tr. . : Mr, W. sbtaicon sont week-|1y ith tae TT oe milt Mr. Wm. Ebel and sister, of Lis- impson and son, Les: fi lie, Were visitors in Toronto “for n | cweh spent ~ Ste eee Ce few Mrs. Wm, Neilson ‘visited a day rr mother, Hts, James Mason, one day last week, Somebody’s shoe must be pinch- ing betty hard nse that telephone meetin; i aes We wonder whose a WALLENSTEIN R.R: No. 1 Mrs. William Allingham spent _a ‘ew days at the home of her brother, Mr Anthony New Ali peer of as home her is olt, of/Glenallan, spent last Friday mite tie friend, Miss Ver- ert. Miss ars Newton spent last Fri- day At the home of her aunt, Mrs. William Allinghar ) report that x is getting a after a recent attack of p' Miss Violet Wales SpeHE 8 tomaegu tant wee orth het parents, Mr, and Mrs. Jacob Walter, of this pla Mr, Edward Byron was a business ae in Linwood one day Mist week. Chris Tabbert spent one day tt weeks in very bles “cvening was spent ths bom William Newton Sr cwheth tia chitdent erate cults rand children hearty despite his = age. Edward Walter, of Elmira, spent one day last week at the home of hls. parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Walter. Mr. John Linseman jis improving nitely after his recent operati USE RAZ-MAH NO Smoking—No Spraying—tie Sauff Just Swallow a Capsule Z-MA\ uaranteed to restore normal breathi bing, gH ted atherings in the bron ive long nights of quiet sleep; contaits 10 raj ist’s, ‘Trial free at our agencies or write FRemicten: 142 King W., ‘Toronto. Local Agent, S. Petrie; forkton, Weber & Betiger; Atwood, BE. A. Coughlin, Morning — South of Mill Street, 410 0’clock .. North of Mill ana | 10.30 o’clock DELIVERY HOURS: th of Mill Street, : North of eat Street, A 39 ° clogs Afternoon 4 0'clo! chy Easter Buyin a Easter Will be Here in a Few Weeks--Our Spring Stock is Arriving Daily. NEW VOILES - NEW SILKS - NEW MUSLINS NEW _ORGANDIES - NEW (URGING EASTER UES AND, SHIRTS. We have a nice assortment of Master “Dies and Shirts Look them over. NEW LADIES’ WAISTS. 50 New Ladies’ Waists for Easter. See our special at $1.69 BOY’S AND YOUNG MEN’S SUITS. A nice range of Young Men’s Suits will arrive ready for Easter. Boys Bloomer Suits in a nice array of patterns from $11.75 to $17.00. RAINCOATS big range Men’s and Boy’s Haincoats, prices range from $10.00 TWO se Special price on 8-oz. Black Denims, regular 75¢ for 48¢ Black Rockfast Shirting, reg. BRING US YOUR HENS CASHMERE ‘otton Cashmere in. all the leading shades at 40c per yard CORSETS A full stock of D. & A. ee sets. Try our special D. & A 49. ate the Gossard, laced in front, ranging in price from $2.50 to $6.00, GROCERY SEES inger for feeding, a lb... Ratior Salmon, 1-Ib. tin tee Comfort Soap, 4 for. .4.+ 1 13Be Cooking Figs, a Ib. .10c Princess Snowdlakes “for wash- me et and woollens, yee ackag rt ‘pottles ‘of oon Pint Sa a lee of Syrup ee ‘Syrup, per tin. Siem 4 3 Mixes ALS pee i Preven ae aay at 45c to 50c, for “3 Ibs. for si 06 a pam. The p sto Rey. ‘Mac ; e will preach a special’ Baster service . PEFFERS d the musical service will be taken % e Php Caok visited « few anes by a choir of twelve little girls. } ton inte week with friends in Mr. cine eee e ° 9 : oranton last wei eke FERNBANK. Mrs. Carson is recovering ae from an attack of tonsilitis, iss Nellie Neilson is at present Miss Kate Holmes is nursing a] visiting i ford with her brother broken fin; a4 OSTOCK Mr. John POaoel of Stratford R cAulley Bros have purchased WARTBURG and fereth ES added to that con- R spe lay or two here last week. ’/la new Gilson pes horsepower gasolin egal Mr. Joshua Lytle of Listowel, made engine, and. chopper, The sapsuckers are in the bush |” yy oie Bao e business vis Mr. Harvey sel ipert ep eadt ccacey ite a number of professional ealls| "On ‘Tuesday evening of last Week |azain and, rep ouple of good |i¢o8 Be manga eat ng OR a eta ae pe : here this week. the Community met at rans. If the warm weather continues e| Mr. and Mrs. Henry re 7 Mr. Frank are 0: r. and Mrs, Peter Stock, of Kin. The members of the Community |Sam Lo: and as usual had quite|the season will be short, Pent Fide eepantim crete Se ee ge ee at omeene | Club shen a: say enjoyable evening |a Dleavane time. Despite the fact} The roads are in bad shape at pres: ppeen,.t ie mene Doll kora, spent ee ee atthe how ie William |of ‘the disagreeable night and the}ent in this nelchto hot Pie preg |Mr. and ei 2 RY 2 ae ede alizal coe Scott on Pray 1 e-|amount of rain and mud only one|is just coming out of them. as on tarna i Wellesle Iy be the il evening By the eee was absent, Mr, Wm. Gor- a Fred Havloft js busy sawing ueucan asians then ae) alee lub this Sian will e hel t at J, | don, wgod with his “buzz” saw and gas- ~ Riddel’s on Friday evening. let oline engine pnt Mar; oh he etl Sunday with and Mrs. Robert Martin andj sed = Mr. Ed Weiss and Mr. Fred Har-| Mess: Paviort er le une friends in Wart ad tied son, Of Britton, visited one day last |» loff were recent visitors: rate Pcednlac tie trip. to Elmira; Michael|. Mx, B. Stock, of London, visitie week at Mr. J. J. Carson's in Logan last Wed emmler to Linwood; George Isley | friends ee recently, 1 Kathleen anette visiting in Stra-| rene onion Regan o lverton, | to oronto and Jos, Stemmler and) | Miss Carrie Malcho returned home for a is spending ‘a few da nm Anthony to Biraire pe Saturday. |on Saturday after aire ties the past y Hurst spent the week- ive| of Mr. and Mrs. Albert ‘Middledstets ee months at Sebrin au end with Posada toronto, adit Rob Sa ee pu sud ae ee t m, Freeborn \ was at Listowel | Diamond. All the debiators did ex-|ted'a very fal alec and za spent Saturday in Stratfor a couple of days 1 eptionally. well, however, a decision) ist 4 ple sicconntn)-Aple.-of stasis Geel , Moser spent shy dB, Hire wat Buffalo ov-] wag ven ih favor of the negative [40 implementa tthe home of Mr a ig ers ey eS ee She ee end. with @ earload ‘of Fens re pease fo perort ‘hat Mr, and’‘Mes, iishon intend going on an an a number on the sick list Grahain, at Kink Mss. J.C Hym hd family, have Dicumonta is getting wall, extended visit to Alber jin icin Miss Anna Eedy, of Millbank, spent Reid home agier a vitt ok eek Scie ae firmation was held at St, John’s | Beatrice Logen made a busi-;a week with her sister, Mrs, Melville John Barton’s ite a num-| Lutheran Chw ere on Sunday |ness trip to Bkaira on Saturday, Schlotzhauer. Mrs. W. Moore was a visitor in of Mr. and Mrs. = = Stratford last week. ir home prior | Fyre, ree r sarascamacr “2 Maste: pane the|to their departure to Linwood and doctor's care last Week with ar ae wi « From Edison To YOU! EDISON'S NEW DIAMOND AMBEROLA The World’s Greatest Phonograph Value HINK of the vast difference between Edison’s Amberola and ordinary phonographs or The Amberola is the prod- uct of matchless inventive Other’ phono; chines, devoi ‘talking machines”. oprephs are plain, tantory: made ma- of inspiration. Thomas A. Edison’s thaster mind conceived the Amberola to entertain mankind. cial phonographs are put together with just one object in view—to sell at so much profit. No wonder the Amberola has demonstrated its superiority time and again in public compara- tive tests with ‘‘talking machines’? and commer- cial phonographs. The marvelous tone of the Amberola—the per- manent, genuine Diamond Point Reproducer (no needles to change)—the practically unbreakable, everlasting Amberol Records—all ius of Edison. And the surprising, Amberola puts high-priced ‘“‘talki: ing machines’ and commercial phonographs to shame. Let us show you how easy , own an Amberola. Call at our store or write J id - to us in the next few days. _. Even if you are conv ; vinced you cannot afford an Amberola, to us to make it possible, write—sbon. A. 0. SCHNURR . GENERAL MERCHANT LINWOOD, genius—of inspiration. Commer- reveal the gen- low cost of the it is for anyone to % put it up So remember—call or - ONTARIO