Ontario Community Newspapers

Castor Review (Russell, ON), 1 Jan 1981, p. 8

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Page 8 - ( HORSEBITS With Lola Wood ~~, THRUSH Thrush is a foot ailment which can be caused by unhygenic condi- tions such as dirty stalls, unclean- ed feet and filthy surroundings. These combined with improper foot trimming can lead to a bacterial invasion of the tissues around the frog and cause the condition known as thrush. It is - characterized by a foul-smelling black discharge on either side of the frog: The frog may be under- mined and the grooves on either side of it may be deeper than nor- mal thus causing a tenderness in the area and a resentment by the horse to having the foot cleaned. The condition may be treated by placing the horse in cleaner sur- roundings, cleaning the foot daily and trimming the feet at least once a month to stimulate the growth of the frog. Applications of for- malin or Kopertox will dry up the affected area and control the bacterial infection. Advanced cases may need packing with Ep- som salts to draw out the infected material and control the infection. If the inner structures of the foot are not involved, thrush is usually easy enough to control and will not lead to permanent lameness. Remember however, that the appearance of thrush is a sure indication that the horse was not being kept in adequate condi- tions which he is worthy of. Gilles Gratton, D.V.M. Dr. Gratton practices from the Veterinary Medical Centre in Em- brun RUSSELL REINSMAN Our first speaker was Robin Voisey who is an "evertter". She is a very enthusiastic promoter of _ the sport and really got us wishing for spring and a change at our growing cross-country course. Last meeting we had Leah Fen- timan of Wiilowdusk Farms who brought her: collection of bones and talked about unsoundnesses in horses' legs. She also hosted us for a clinic Dec. 30. Here, I wish to thank the parents who provided transportation. A _ greai help. There have been times when I felt that most of my members were or- phans! Even though it is too laie for anew member to complete the project; the speakers are too good to miss. Come along anyhow. The meetings are the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in ihe Agricultural Building in Embrun. RIDING SCHOOL Lola Wood -- 445-2976 Billage Painters WALLPAPER . 20% Off All Books Large Selection 445-2037 445-2030 CHARGEX Gordon Fleming SALE . A song written for the occasion by Father Huneault was sung by the choir and then rendered solo by Father Huneault himself. In rough translation the refrain was as follows: An interesting ceremony took place recently in the parish church in Embrun when the auxiliary archbishop, Monsignor Gilles Belisle declared officially open the festivities in connection with the parish's 125th anniversary. He was assisted at mass by Rev. Jules Richard. The parish priest, Father Robert Huneault, directed the choir. The coat of arms of the parish was unveiled by Jean Pierre Proulx and Embrun's official flag was unfurled. '*By the banks of the Castor, let us with ardour sing Of the courageous and diligent founders who preceeded us Let us sing our joy in the passing time, One hundred and twenty-five years is something to sing about." Inauguration du 125e --par Aline Brunet Le dimanche onze janvier une grande foule de parois- siens assistait 4 la messe de 10.30 pour inaugurer of- ficiellement l'année du 125e anniversaire de fondation de la paroisse Saint Jacques. Monseigneur Gilles Bélisle, évéque auxiliaire du diocése d'Ottawa a célébré la messe assisté de l'abbé Jules Richard. Le curé de la paroisse, l'abbé Robert Huneault, dirigeait la chorale. Madame Lucille Beau- bien touchait l'orgue. Au nom de Monseigneur I'archevéque, Mgr Bélisle a déclaré officiellement ouvertes les Fétes de 125e anniver- saire. Il a invité les paroissiens a se souvenir de leurs vaillants ancétres, a s'unir dans la joie et la fraternité pour vivre ensemble une année bien spéciale et pour faire face a1'avenir dans un esprit de foi et de solidarité. Aprés la cérémonie réligieuse, l'abbé Huneault a in- vité M. Jean Pierre Proulx a procéder, au nom du Com- ité du 12Se, au dévoilement des armoiries et du drapeau d'Embrun. Mr. Proulx a expliqué le sens des armoiries et du drapeau en invitant toutes les personnes présentes a se rendre a l'avant de l'église pour examiner de plus prés ces deux pieces représentatives de leurs origines francaises et agricoles. **Sur les bords du Castor chantons avec ardeur Le courage et l'effort de tous ces gens de coeur. Proclamons notre joie encet anniversaire Plus de cent vingt-cinqu ans, ce n'est pas ordinaire." La fierté et l'enthousiasme avaient alors gagné tous les coeurs et tous se sont levés pour applaudir chaude- ment leur curé pendant que Mgr. Bélisle félicitait celui- ci. Pendant le vin d'honneur qui a suivi, les paroissiens ont circulé dans |'église pour venir admirer leurs ar- moiries, féliciter leur curé, saluer Mgr. Bélisle et souhaiter la bonne année a ceux qu'ils n'avaient pas en- core eu l'occasion de rencontrer depuis le début de 1981. La chorale paroissiale a ensuite chanté avec ardeur la chanson théme du 125e anniversaire. L'abbe Huneault, auteur des paroles et de la musique de cette chanson a interpreté les couplets en solo et il a invité ses paroissiens a'se joindre a la chorale pour chanter le refrain: Gerry Leroux Box 39 EXCAVATING Excavators -- Backhoes Dozers -- Loaders -- Ditching Res.: (613) 445-5603 Bus.: (613) 236-6822 RUSSELL KOA 3B0 COME TO CHATEAU 417 and enjoy our JANUARY SPECIALS ON THE MENU: --Hot delicatessen platter of homemade meat paté pee -- Homemade Cornish pie with all the trimmings "a treat to eat" --German-Canadian Sausages- Frankfurter, Debreziner Bockwurst Bratwurst or Knockwurst - ENTERTAINMENT FRI. SAT. & SUN. PARTY RESERVATIONS FULLY LICENSED DELICIOUS FOOD AS ONLY CHEF PEPPI CAN PREPARE IT } Mon-St. Noon to 1 a.m. Sun. Noon to 10 p.m. North of Hwy. 417 Limoges Exit . 443-5126 >) Embrun celebrates. Library News with Ina Kinkaid Library Hours: Mon., Fri., Sat, 2:30-5 p.m. Wed. 12-1 p.m. Tues., Thurs. 7-9 p.m. NEW BOOKS UNDERGOING SURGERY, John A. MacDonald, M.D. MY DEAR MR. M., L.M. Montgomery WAR WITHIN AND - WITHOUT, Anne M. Lindeberg WOK COOKING, Ethel Graham THE WOOD BURNER'S EN- CYCLOPEDIA, Jay Shelton OTTAWA -- THE CAPITAL OF CANADA, Shirley E. Woods, Abe THE PRACTICAL PARENT, Raymond J. Corsini ROBINSON: ON DEFENCE, Larry Robinson & Brian McFarlane. FICTION WHERE EAGLES DARE, Alistair MacLean THORPE, Mary Dutton PAPER BACKS UP AND DOWN WITH THE ROLLING STONES, Tony San- chez TRIPLE, Ken Follet THE BROWNSTONE, Ken Eulo LIFE BEFORE Margaret Atwood THE ESTABLISHMENT, Howard Fast FIRST LADY'S LADY, Sheila Weildenfield RED FOX, Gerald Seymour GROWING 'PAINS, Emily Carn, TIME TO BLOW OUT THE LAMP, Mary Cook MAN,- Greely With Carole Parker The preschool library programme will be starting again on January 13, and as space is limited, early registration is suggested. This ses- sion will go through to the March Break. Registration is $1.75 for each family, and the fee is 50¢ per session. As before, the pro- gramme is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Recommended reading: PN eS irtivks Se eeas ce 8 The Mighty Micro, Dr. Christopher Evans, is a look at the possibilities of computer technology in today's world. Our Miracle Called Louise, Lesley and John Brown, the story of the first test-tube baby. Sins of the Fathers, Susan Howatch. WAVORNO ieee uy aye eicsiee 4 oh Big Colour Book of Cats, Elizabeth Towe, The Bobby Orr story, John Devaney, Hockey's Great Rivalries, Stan Fischler, 1980 Rupert Annual. DOUGIE'S ELECTRIC Plumbing and Repairs Residence, Rural and Farm Free Estimates My Aim...Your Satisfaction Call Doug Eastman Anytime 445-5674 OR 445-2813

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