Page 4 Sports Jack Mclaren Judging from the attendance, or lack of it, at the recent an- nual general meeting of the Russell R.A. one can assume that everyone's recreation needs within our community are being met adequately. Whether the newly elected Board of Directors will assume this position remains to be seen. Only slightly in excess-of twenty citizens bothered to attend -- the néwly ap- proved Constitution states that fifteen. members of the Russell R.A. shall constitute a quorum at the Annual General Meeting - SO we just barely made it. . Why do people shun such important functions? Some may find the meeting boring while others may fear that showing up could get them elected to a position on the Board of Directors. It is obvious that without a '"'burning" issue everyone is quite willing to leave the decision-making up to the other person. Let the R.A. Board of Directors render an unpopular decision and suddenly we have everyone telling them how to run. their business and really that's not all bad. But why can't we hear from these same people when the sailing is smooth? One of the most important business items on the agenda was saved for end of the meeting -- the election of a new slate of officers. The Constitution states that the election of the Board of Directors shall be arranged and conducted by a Nomination and Election Committee. The Committee shall ensure that a complete slate of qualified, willing candidates is nominated by inviting nomination from the membership at large prior to the annual general meeting and by making additional nomination as it deems desirable. Having served on two nominating ¢éom- mittees I can assure you the most difficult task is to find the "'willing" candidates. In practically every instance this com- mittee feels it has accompoished its task if one candidate is found for each position. It certainly would be more desirable if at least two candidates for each position could be brought to the general meeting and then hopefully additional candidates could be nominated from the floor. Iam sure there are people who would be willing to serve on the Board of Directors but just haven't been approached. Perhaps the system of nomina- tions is wrong. I'm sure there are people who feel that the slate of officers brought before the general meeting by the Nominating Committee is the chosen few and therefore are reluctant to put their names forward at the time of the meeting. This is not the case but how do we change it. Should we go strictly to nominations from the floor -- there are definite drawbacks from this systems, one of them being you could end up without any "willing candidates.' The other be- ing that you could end.up with a Board whose interests are on- ly in one area of recreation -- the results of which would be Most undesirable -- a nominating committee can guard against this happening. Important decisions are made by the R.A. Executive and they do appreciate some feedback on programs underway within the community or is there a need for additional ones. In a time when "'restraint"? is the keyword it is also quite necessary to maintain a tight control on the budget. While cut- ting back or saying "no"' to a sub-committee's increased re- quirements may be most unpopular it is sometimes very necessary. We simply cannot go on spending money like there is no end to the supply -- priorities must be set and rigidly followed. Good programs need not be expensive. Facilities Manager Paul Wylie has recently come up with some excellent programs for the community but I doubt if he is getting any feedback from area residents. One expensive project. facing the new R.A. is major repairs to the swimming pool including a new pool building. This could run as high as $40,000. sige these repairs the pool will probably not open. Ramblings Bus. 445-3020 HONEY'S GARAGE General repairs, 24-hr. towing and road service, snow ploughing We have regular and supper unleaded gas Garage Hours: 6a.m. to 10 p.m. 64 Castor St., Russell Home: 445-2890 RUSSELL WARRIORS Front Row -- L to R -- Bob Clark (kneeling), Carson McVey, Wayne Warnock, Ed Honey, Peter seins Fred Young Middle Row -- Chris Fleming (coach), Daryl Ross, Pat Fleming, Ross Harten, Leo Achtereekte, Soke Achtereekte, Mike Connelly, Geoff Cochrane, Gord Davis, Mike Fleming. Back Row -- John Eastman, Gaetan Forgues, Bruce Warnock, Paul Boland, Doug Harten. (Estelle Yaternick Photo) Russell Recreation by Paul Wylie Hello again. This being our final edition for 1979 I'd like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a pro- sperous New Year. I must say that you have all made me feel at hme in my employment during the past six months and I am certainly looking forward to 1980 and the many programs and events we will share together. I take this opportunity as well to thank the 1979 Russell Recrea- tion Association for their support and assistance. The association, with Chairman Jack Chaters, Vice Chairman Ed Edmundson, Treasurer Chuck Norris, Secretary Diane Davies and direc- tors, Max Mayling, Gord Saunders, Lorne Wade and Jack McLaren has done an excellent job in providing the recreation services for Russell and the four concessions. Thanks again for your excellent volunteer support. Please note the following dates: -- Sun. Dec. 16, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Cross Country Ski Clinic, Russell. Arena -- Cost $1.00 per person. Bulletins are at Post Office, Cochrane's Dairy Ltd. LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED BY CANADIANS 821-3887 445-2959 WINCHESTER TOUR AND TRAVEL AGENCY *SEE THE CANADIENS AT THE FORUM* Dec. 23 -- Montreal-Toronto (Bus, dinner, ticket) -- $35. Feb. 16 -- Montreal- -Pittsburgh (Bus, full day of shopping, ticket) -- $22. Pick up in Russell *SKI EDELWEISS, CHATEAU MONTEBELLO* FEB., -- -- WEEKEND PACKAGE RATES | CALL NOW _ WINCHESTER TOURS 774-2424 MARILYN SULLIVAN. Outside Agent 445-2017 Restaurant and Feed Store. -- Thurs. Dec. 20, 7 p.m. -- 8:30 p.m. No charge -- Don't forget! Santa will be here to talk to you. Also, if you want to write Santa a letter he'll have his mail box at the arena and he'll take your let- ters home to the North Pole with him. -- Mon. Dec. 31, New Year's Eve Dance -- Price $40.00 per couple. Tickets available from: Jack Tyo, Gaye Ford and. Max Mayling. -- Dec. 28, Teen Dance, 8 p.m. -- 1 a.m. Russell Arena, Cost $2 per person. Dancing to Disco. . Please Remember: If you have suggestions or complaints we welcome your comments. Please call Paul Wylie at 445-2050. CDMHL Stats A Division W LT Pts. Atom Chesterville 6:0 O12 Winchester a 2h Russell P44 3 Metcalfe 6.°4--2° 2 Pee Wee : Russell Se se Metcalfe - 33. 0-36 Chesterville 23 Winchester Pee vats Pe Bantam Winchester 7-0 0°14 Metcalfe 3° 2 2 8 Russell 22 2G Chesterville oS Oe Kemptville ys St ee Midget Metcalfe 8 0 0 16 Winchester B ayia Bete ES | Chesterville 5: 3 Ose Russell 23 NSS Kemptville 0: 7 8-0 Juvenile Kemptville a 2..0 28 Metcalfe 3-28 Morrisburg ces cars ey Winchester 2°41 35 Russell £2350 2 B Division WL: Pts: Atom Metcalfe 323d 227 8 Morrisburg Wet 7 Winchester 2 Rist Ge. Gear Russell 2 4°04 Winchester 1 6:23 -F 2 Pee Wee | Metcalfe ya aes eee Morrisburg 43 0 8 Russell a0 OG Winchester beat: <3 Bantam Winchester 47019 Morrisburg 4245.0" Metcalfe 3222-8 Kemptville Pid SEES Russell 0-5 2:2" 4 Midget Metcalfe G. 4°02 12 Winchester 1 ay eee Came Winchester 2 Ee ape eet Kemptville OF § As I Warriors Upcoming Games Dec. 14 -- Russell at Embrun 8:30 p.m. Dec. 16 -- Casselman at Russell 2:00 p.m. Dec. 23 -- St. Albert at Russell 2:00 p.m. Dec. 30 -- Carlsbad at Russell 2:00 p.m. Jan. 3 -- Russell at Limoges 8:30 p.m. 5 Jan. 6 -- Crysler at Russell 2:00 " ~p.m. CARTAGE LOADER Crushed Stone ® Fi Lloyd 445-2820 CARTAGE LTD. Top Soil & Snow Removal RUSSELL TRUCKING RENTAL ll © Gravel © Sand Charlie 445-5344