TICK PLAGUE -- 30 MOOSE DEAD. A massive tick infestation has resulted in the deaths of some 30 moose in Alfred Bog and more may die this winter. Top biologists of the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources are studying the situation, now ap- _ proaching an epidemic, and are hoping to come up with answers in the next few months. The ticks usually infest the animals when they move to their winter yards. Conservation Officer Ron Spriggings stated that some 25 dead animals were found in Alfred Bog last spring. Local sportsmen put the figure at 30 to: 35 dead moose by the end of sum- mer. A ministry official stated that - tick infestation of the moose population is not a new problem. "It has been going on for many years. Some experts think it derives from overcrowding."' A few years ago, a ministry study on the Chapeau Crown Game Preserve showed con- siderable infestation of moose by winter ticks. The parasites also in- fect horses and cattle. Officials are positive that no in- fected animals have turned up in Larose Forest where the moose population was thinned out by hunters last year. Following the hunt, a count was taken and 12 moose were located in the forest. Most of the moose in Larose Forest are immigrants from the Alfred Bog. The current moose population in the Alfred Bog number about 50. A count taken in the bog a year ago revealed a moose population of about 85. Like other, similar parasites, the ticks exist by sucking blood from the veins of the animals. One moose calf hide analyzed at laboratories in Toronto, contain- ed 80,000 ticks. Each female tick deposits about 8,000 eggs. For Sale By Tender Used electric organ at St. Andrew's United Church, Metcalfe. For appointment call 821-1433. Tenders close Dec. 18/79. Send in sealed envelopes to: St. Andrew's United Church Box 86 Metcalfe, Ont. KOA 2P0 "Visiting With Derothy Marquette Mr. and Mrs. John McCallum (nee Cindy Laplante) entertained at the White House Farm follow- ing the Baptisim of their daughters, Tracey Leigh and Crista Lyn, Sunday Nov. 18. The Rev. Leonard F. Woolfrey performed the ceremony at St. Andrews and St. Pauls United Church. Elder L.G. Gamble was present. Mr. and Mrs. David Bruce of Richmond Hill accompanied by their daughter Mrs. M. Jeoli and daughter Lisa of New Market were weekend guests of Mrs. J.L. Steele and Miss Grace Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Loucks and Mr. Glendon Loucks of Ot- tawa spent a weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William Buttorff at Stewartstown, Penn. -Miss Florence and Miss Dorothy Marquette were lun- cheon guests of Mrs. Howard Morphy of Ottawa. Miss Gwyneth and Master David Parry of Ottawa visited their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kinkaid were dinner guests of the formers nephew Mr. and Mrs. Denzil _ Robinson of Winchester Springs. Mr. Kenneth Hay of Weston visited her brother Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hay. Mr. Jack Rowan of Ottawa * spent several days with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hay and Christopher. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rumions of Morewood visited the latters sister Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Loucks. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stewart of Dunbar were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert MacDonald and family. 25 Mrs. Russell Presley of New- ington spent a few days with her daughter and son-in-law Mr. and. Mrs. Hilton Buckingham of Kemptville. * Mri. and Mrs. Dan MacDonald of Winchester visited the latters 'sister Mrs. Asa Sullivan. Mrs. Gordon Robinson of Mountain is spending some time with her daughter Mrs. Donald McLaren. Please call 445-2168 with your social notes. *" METCALFE : PHARMACY LTD. ° Metcalfe -- 821-1224 REGULAR HOURS. Monday through Friday: 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Von, be & Page 15 ( Classified Sitter- required in home, full or part-time, from Jan. 2 to June 27 for two pre-schoolers aged 2 1/2 years and 5 months. Call 445-5532. FOR SALE: Westinghouse Jet- Swirl portable dishwasher, very good condition. $250. Call 445-2833. We would like to meet fellow cur- sillistas in the area. Please phone 445-2892. FOR SALE: 2 ladies fur coats, 2 ladies cloth coats, 2 fur hats. Coats size 16-18. Phone 445-2827. Two refugees from Vietnam brother and sister, 25 and 17 respectively, would like to find part-time work during evenings or on Sat. in the Russell-Metcalfe area. Please call 445-5284. Wanted immediately a caring per- son to mind two girls, ages 4 1/2 and 1 1/2 weekdays. Call 445-5744 after 6 p.m. WANTED: St. Joseph's Separate School is in need of a used refrigerator. FOR SALE: two F78/14 snow tires and two 560/13 summer tires. Like new. Call 445-5707. FOR SALE: Tall antique flat to the wall pine cupboard. Call 445-5707. BIRTH At Grace Hospital, Ottawa, Fri- day, Nov. 9, 1979 to Bill and Shirley Arnold, a son Jonathon Ralph. At Montfort Hospital, Ottawa, Sunday, Nov. 18, 1979 to Douglas and Donna Hay, a son Christopher Rowan. Vi hh bbb PRODUCTS Seamless eavestrough and awning manufacturer Richard Lafrance Metcalfe, Ontario Phone 821-1854 RUSSTAAL DRAINAGE OPEN TRENCH TILING 'FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL Harold Staal -- 445-2097 INTRODUCING CHEF PEPPI NEW EXCELLENT --SHISHKEBAB --DINNER DANCING -- RESERVATIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS --COMPLETELY LICENSED LIMOGES EXIT NORTH OF HWY. 417, CHATEAU 417 FAMILY OWNED BY PEPPI, ELFl AND CHARLES RICHTER CANADIAN AND EUROPEAN CUISINE SUCCULENT HOUSE FAVORITES, --WIENER SCHNITZEL --HUNGARIAN GOULASH --SALMON FILET AU CHAMPAGNE CHRISTMAS PARTY NOW RESERVE FOR YOUR 443-5126 LIMOGES, ONT. E. A. Campbell Electrical -- Heating Plumbing Contractor (DON'T GAMBOL SEE CAMPBELL) Russell 445-2167 Philippe Robert Funeral Home Limited Owner of WARNER FUNERAL HOME 132 Castor St., Russell BOUGIE 549 Notre Dame, Embrun CASSELMAN 53 Ste-Euphemie 443-3286 Daniel Lafleur, Vice Pres. Philippe Robert, Pres. 445-2048 RON VEH BUILDER & DESIGNER Renovations ® Additons Custom Kitchens ® Bathrooms Free Estimates RUSSELL _ JOHN'S GAS BAR wishes all of its customers A MERRY CHRISTMAS anda PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 445-2163