Ontario Community Newspapers

Castor Review (Russell, ON), 13 Jul 1979, p. 11

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CASTOR REVIEW 'Friday, July 13,1979 Page 11 TOWNSHIP OF RUSSELL Notice to residents of the Police Village of Russell On/or approximately Aug. 1, 1979, the Provincial sanitary sewer system will be ready for operation RULES & REGULATIONS: BY-LAW 20-79 A by-law regulating the use of public and private sewers and drains, private sewage disposal, the installation and connection of building sewers, and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sewer system for the Police Village of Russell and providing penalties for violations thereof; WHEREAS the Ministry of the Environment proposes to provide sewage service to the Village of Russell in the Township of Russell by means of sewage works to be constructed or acquired and operated by the Ministry of the Environment; AND WHEREAS paragraph 71 of Section 354 of The Municipal Act being Chapter 284, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970, as amended, provides that by-laws may be passed by the Councils of local municipalities for making any other regulations for sewage of drainage that may be deemed necessary for sanitary purposes. AND WHEREAS the council of the municipal corporation of the Township of Russell deems it expedient and desirable to enact a by-law to regulate disposal of sewage and other wastes within the said Police Village of Russell ; NOW THEREFORE, the municipal corporation of the Township of Russell enacts as follows: 1. DEFINITIONS IN THIS BY-LAW SEWAGE WORKS, shall mean all facilities for collecting, pumping, treating and disposing of sewage in the Police Village of Russell. MUNICIPALITY shall mean the Corporation of the Township of Russell. SUPERINTENDENT (Inspector), shall mean the Superintendent (Inspector ) of plumbing and sewage works of the Municipality as appointed by council of the Municipality from time to time. SEWAGE shall mean a combination of the water-carried wastes from residences, business buildings, institutions and industrial establishments. SEWER shall mean a pipe of conduit for carrying sewage. PUBLIC SEWER, shall mean that section of the sewer considered to be the main sewer and in which all owners of abutting properties have equal rights and is owned and controlled by the Ministry of the Environment. SANITARY SEWER, shall mean a sewer which carries sewage and to which storm, surface and ground waters are not intentionally admitted. BUILDING SEWER, shall mean that part of the drainage piping outside a building or structure that connects a building drain to the sewer service connection and that commences at a point three feet from the outer face of the wall of the building or other structure and terminates at the property line. SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION, shall mean the extension from the building sewer to the public sewer or other place of disposal. OPERATOR, shall mean the operator of the Ministry Sewage Works employed by the Ministry of the Environment. PERSON, shall mean and include any individual firm, company, association, partnership, society, incorporated company, or group, and wherever the singular is used herein it shall also be construed as including the plural. SHALL is mandatory, MAY is permissive. CLERK shall mean the Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Russell. MINISTRY, shall mean the Ministry of the Environment. 2 JURISDICTION (a) The person or persons appointed by Council of the Municipality will inspect the installation of all building sewers from the building to the street line, and the connection of the building sewer to the sewer service connection, and further, will not permit any illegal connections to be made to the public sewer as set out in this by-law. (b) After construction and installation of the building sewer from the building and the sewer service connection to the public sewer, the owner shall be responsible for the satisfactory operation, cleaning, repairing, replacement and maintenance of the connection from the property line to the building. 3. APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS No person shall make any connection into the Ministry's sewer service connection without first having obtained a permit from the Clerk and such permit shall be called "Sewer Service Connection Permit"', as follows: (a) Application shall be made, in writing, to the Clerk on the form prescribed in duplicate, which application shall contain the name of the owner of the lot, the present state of construction (if a new building), a plan in duplicate of the lot showing the point at the street line at which the connection is to be made, the date for the proposed work to be done, the type of waste to be disposed from the sewer and the name of the contractor undertaking the work. (b) Upon receipt of a properly completed application from the owner, or his authorized representative, the Clerk shall issue a permit for the connection to be made. 4. PERMIT FEES The following fees are to be paid for a Sewer Service Connection permit at the time the permit is issued. (a) The fee to be paid to the Municipality shall be Ten ($10.00) dollars and shall accompany the application for the provision of sewage service to each premise as a fee for inspection of the newly-installed building sewer and connection to the sewer service connection. 5. BUILDING SEWERS AND CONNECTIONS No connection shall be made to the Ministry's public sewer, except as follows: (a) Each dwelling must have a separate building sewer, except with the written approval of the Superintendent (Inspector) of Sewage Works and further except where one building stands at the rear of another or an interior lot and private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoin- ing alley, courtyard or driveway, the building sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one building sewer. (b) (i) An inspection tee shall be installed in the building sewer at the street line and a riser shall be installed to grade level and properly capped provided that the distance from the make sewer to the exterior wall exceed 50 feet. (ii) An inspection tee shall be installed as in section (b) (i) for every 50 feet of sewer pipe installed. (c) All connections from the public sewer or the sewer service connection to the building shall be of the following materials: (i) From the street line to the building shall be vitrified clay pipe or asbestos-cement pipe of a 5 inch minimum diameter sewage pipe; or polyvinyl choloride (PVC) and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene pipe made to Canadian Standards Association Standard B181.2 and B181.1 respectively; or as revised by Ontario Water Resources, Regulation 647. (ii) All connections to be approved water-tight by the inspector. (d) No connection shall be made to a Ministry public sewer or sewer service connection until a permit has been issued for a sewer service connection in accordance with this by-law and no said connection shall be made except by the approval of the Municipality and the Ministry of the Environment. (e) (i) All labour and material necessary for the connection of a sewer service connection, from the main sewer to the street line, shall be supplied and paid for by the owner of the dwelling which is to be provided with sewage service where no such sewer service connection exists, and shall be subject to the Ministry of the Environment and Municipal Inspector. (ii) All labour and material necessary for the connection of the building sewer from the street line internally, shall be supplied and paid for by the owner, and the owner shall indemnify the Municipality for any loss or damage that may occur in the said construction to any third person or to the Ministry's public sewer, water-main or storm sewer. (iii) Nothing in this section shall relieve the owner from the obligation of maintaining such building sewer in accordance with the provisions of this by-law. (iv) A clean out shall be installed in the building drain as near as practical to the inner face of the wall through which the drain passes or other approved clean-out shall be provided. Every clean-out shall comply with Regulation 647 made under The Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1970. (f) A connection shall be made to the public sewer system in compliance with this by-law, and any septic tanks, cesspools, and similar private sewage disposal facilities shall be cleaned, filled, removed or destroyed within a period of ten (10) days after the connection has been made to the public sewer system. (g) No person shall cause or permit the discharge of any storm water, including surface water, groundwater, rain runoff, foundation drain or other subsurface drainage including any unpolluted cooling water or unpolluted industrial process water into the Sewage Works of the Ministry. (h) The building sewer from the building to the Ministry's sewer service connection shall be connected to the building at an elevation below the foundation footings where existing grade will permit. No building sewer shall be laid parallel to within three (3) feet of any bearing wall. The building sewer shall be laid at sufficient depth to afford protection from frost and at uniform grade an in straight alignment, wherever possible. (i) All excavations required for the installation of a building sewer shall be by open trench unless otherwise approved by the Superintendent or Inspector. All pipe shall be installed according to Ministry specifications and no back fill shall be placed until the work has been inspected in pli with Regulation 647. All connections and joints shall be gas-tight and water-tight and all joints in vitrified clay pipe or between such pipe and metals shall be made with approved joining materials. (j) All connections of the sewer service connections into the public sewer shall be made at the "Y"' branch, if such branch is available at a suitable location. If the public sewer is twelve inches in diameter or less, and no properly located "Y"' branch is available an approved fitting shall be installed in the public sewer at the location specified by the Superintendent or Inspector. Where the public sewer is greater than twelve inches in diameter and no properly located "Y"' branch is available, a neat hole shall be cut into the public sewer to receive the sewer service connection, with entry in the downstream direction at an angle of about forty-five degrees. A forty-five degree fitting shall be used to make such connection, with the spigot end cut so as not to extend past the inner surface of the public sewer. The invert of the sewer service connection at the point of connection shall be at springline or at a higher elevation. A smooth, neat joint shall be made, and the connection made secure and water-tight. Special fittings approved by the Superintendent or Inspector shall be used for the connection. (k) The applicant for the sewer service connection permit shall give at least 48 hours notice to the Inspector when the building sewer is ready for inspection and connection to the sewer service connection. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the Superintendent, Inspector or his representative. (1) All Excavations for building sewer installations shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard street, sidewalks, parkways and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the Municipality. (m) Only 45 degree elbows or bends shall be used in the building sewer where an elbow is required and in no event shall a 90 degree angle be permitted. GENERAL (a) No person shall maliciously, willfully or negligently break, damage, destroy, deface or tamper with any structure, appurtenance or equipment which is part of the Ministry's sewage system. (b) The Superintendent (or Inspector) and other duly authorized employees of the Municipality or the Ministry of the Environment bearing the proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter upon all properties for the purpose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing, in accordance with the provisions of this by-law. (c) Where an owner wishes to install his own plumbing or lay his own sewer or drain, the word "owner'"' shall be substituted for the word "plumber"' or "drainlayer"' through-out this by-law, and all such work shall be in accordance with this by-law. 7. REGISTRATION In order to safeguard life, health and property, every person, firm or corporation engaged in or working at a business of plumbing or s2wer or drain laying must submit evidence that he is qualified and shall provide proof that he is so certified by the Ministry of Labour. Any person who assumes responsible charge and direction of other persons in the installation of plumbing, drainage or sewers and who employs, whether for gain, or otherwise, a person not registered as provided herein to perform and install plumbing, drainage or sewers, shall be guilty of a contrabention of this by-law and shall be subject to the penalties hereinafter imposed. It is provided, however, that the provisions of this by-law pertaining to registering shall not apply to anyone who is employed as or acting as a maintenance man while working on the piping belonging to the person by whom he is employed, or to any employee of any public service, commission, or corporation while such employee is engaged in the business of the employer on the employer's premises. Provided, further, that the provisions of the by-law pertaining to registration shall not apply to an owner who may install plumbing on his own premises in which he is actually residing at the time, provided he abides by all rules and regulations pertaining to plumbing under Province of Ontario Regulation 647 written under The Ontario Water Resources Act, R.S.O. 1970, as amended, respecting plumbing. 8. PENALTIES (a) Any person found guilty of an offence under the provisions of this by-law shall be subject to a penalty of an amount not exceeding One thousand ($1,000.00) dollars for each offence, exclusive of costs, to be recoverable under the provisions of the Summary Convictions Act. (b) If any building sewer or any connection to a sewer service connection or public sewer is made by an owner or his authorized representative, contrary to the provisions of this by-law, the owner shall repair such defective work or material within ten (10) days after receipt of a notice from the Engineer, Superintendent (or Inspector) or Municipality requiring him to do so and, if the owner fails to repair such work, the Municipality may reair the work, including the right to enter upon the lands, and the cost of such repairs shall be added to the tax roll for the property and collected in the same manner as other municipal taxes. 9. TIME FOR CONNECTIONS The owner of any houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes, situated within the Municipality and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is now located a public sanitary sewer of the Ministry of the Environment, is hereby required at his expense to install suitable toilet facilities therein, and to connect such facilities directly with the Ministry's sewer service connection in accordance with the provisions of this by-law within twelve (12) months of the date the public sewer is in operation, unless exempted in writing by the Engineer, or the Superintendent or the Municipality. BY-LAW NUMBER 27-79 A by-law to require owners of certain classes of buildings in Township of Russell in the Police Village of Russell to connect such buildings to the sewage works of the Municipality. 2. This by-law shall be enforced and administered by the Corporation. 3. The owner of a building in the Police Village of Russell shall connect the said building to the sewage works of The Corporation within Twelve months after the Corporation has sent notice to him by registered mail to his last-known address requiring the connection to be made. 4. Anotice under Section 3 of this by-law shall advise the owner that if he fails to make the connection as required, the Corporation has the right to make it at his expense and to recover the expense by action or in like manner as municipal taxes. 5. Where a notice is sent under Section 3 of this by-law; (a) The drains for sewage and the sanitary facilities of the building shall be connected toa main sanitary sewer, and (b) The drains for storm water and the roof drainage system of the building shall be connected to the main storm sewer. 6. Notwithstanding Section 5, where there is only a main sanitary sewer available in the street or alley abutting the land to which the building is appurtenant, or within one hundred feet (100') of such land, the drains for the sewage and the sanitary facilities of the building shall be connected to the main sanitary sewer. 7. Notwithstanding Section 5, where there is only a main storm sewer available in the street or alley abutting the land to which the building is appurtenant, or within one hundred feet (100') of such land, the drains for the storm water and roof drainage system of the building shall be connected to the main storm sewer. 8. Notwithstanding Section 5, where there is only a main combined sewer available in the street or alley abutting the land to which the building is appurtenant, or within one hundred feet (100') of such land, the drainage for the building shall be by separate drains for the sewage and sanitary facilities of the building and for the storm water and roof drainage facilities of the building and shall be connected to the place of disposal at the main combined sewer. 9. This by-law shall come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof. GENERAL 1. Further to paragraph 3 (b) or the by-law, that once you have your permit, you arrange with a plumber to proceed with the works required on your property. 2. The inspector appointed by the Council is Mr. Eugene Sleepenbeek, and can be reached at the following telephone number 764-5678. 3. For further information, please contact the undersigned. J. G. Bourdeau, Clerk-Treasurer 668 Notre Dame St., Embrun, Ont., KOA 1W0, Tel. : 443-3066

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