ee Russell Review Russell To Hire Recreational Director During the first year of operation, the Russell Arena was capably managed by Mr. Jack Garden who has now tendered his resignation. Efforts are underway to find a new employee to fill an expanded role, that of Recreation Direct- or. In addition to managing the Arena, it is expected the Director will provide guidance, supervision and leadership in all present facets of recreation in the Village of Russell and the first four concessions and will assist in the introduction of new programs for the benefit of all residents. A committee representing the Arena Board and the Russell Recreation Association has been formed, namely Barry McVey, Jack McLaren and Don Coates, for the purpose of receiving applications and eventually hir- ing the most suitable candidate. Preference will be given to holders of a degree of diploma in Recreation Administration, this will entitle the employer to a Provincial rebate for a portion of salary. The director, through training and pre-employment qualifications, will provide a measure of professionalism to those programs he or she will be directly responsible for and will be able to assist the executive committees of present activities. More efficient operations with less duplication and less de- mands on those volunteers who have given so freely will result. Ads are being run in local newspapers, but if readers of this paper are aware of a interested and qualified pro- spect, they should ask the prospect to contact one of the three men on _ the _ hiring committee. SPORTS COMMENT If you watched the 2ist Olympiad as I did, you could say it was the true Olympic spirit. A lot of controversy surrounded the games. Taiwan pulled out because Canada would not let them use the name Taiwan. Thirty African nations withdrew from the games since a New Zealand All-Black rugby team was touring Africa. It's really bad the way one little thing can cause a big comotion. Carlos, an international terrorist was feared to have been in Montreal but all rumours were set aside. Some of the very exciting moments belonged to other countries. Nadia Comanici, a 14 year old gymnast from Roman- ia, who had seven perfect scores John Naber a 6' 6" American who smashed records. of the 72 games by Mark Spitz, Canada winning 9 of 11 medals in the pool except I was still a bit disappointed that we didn't win a gold in the pool. Shirley Babashoff of the U. S. and Kornelia Ender of East Ger- many were the best women swimmers I felt. Vasili Alexeev caught the eye of many weightlifting fans by lifting 255 kilos or 561 pounds. What did you think of the refereeing in the boxing compet- itions? I didn't, it was just plain out of this world. Chris Clarke had been head butted by Josef Magy of Hungary. The ruling is the one who did the damage _ is disqualified automatically. Not so this time. The referee (who was from Taiwan) said he didn't see it. The crazy thing is that two of the refs came from countries who didn't participate and they would favour the E. Countries. If a country pulls out it should be bye-bye and a one way ticket home. Carmen Rinke also lost a fight he shouldn't have. I saw the match, he definately won and I am fed up to my eyes with the lousy officiating in all sports. On the brighter side Greg Joy won us a silver in the high jump, clearing 1.73 metres. There are many sports coming up in Canada like volley ball, wrest- ling, especially Ray Tackahashi of Bell High, rowing, equestrian, water polo, handball and track and field. So thats the story from the 2ist Olympiad. I hope you enjoyed the games very much and would like to thank C.B.C. for their live coverage of the Games. Au Revoir. "Toot" Russell Beavers Swim Team A "just-for-fun'? swim meet was held at Russell on Sunday, August 8, with Chesterville as our guest. After a see-saw battle for a couple of hours, Russell emerg- ed on top with a margin of less than 10 points. Of real interest was the introduction of the "open relay'. An event open to boys and girls together in the same race, lots of fun. Special thanks to volunteer timers, scorers and to Chris Coates for photography. Also thanks to all those Russell people who stopped by the pool to cheer our kids on. On Saturday, Aug. 14, 11 mem- bers of the Beavers were guests at Winchester Invitational Meet along with Chesterville, Brock- ville, Prescott, Ganonoque and Cardinal. Even with such a small team we still came 4th out of 7 and many of our swimmers did very well personally with 9 first place ribbons coming home to Russell. Russell Children's Playground Opens The Centennial Park Play- ground is now open for use. Parents are advised that it is not a supervised play- ground. Therefore, very young children could not be left there on their own. At present, the playground is fenced and contains a large sandbox, tunnel, balance beam, teeter totter, and a picnic table for parents. We are in the process of installing a tyre swing, tyre tree, and a play structure which will house a variety of climbing and sliding activities. We wish to thank all those who have assisted in building the playground to date: H. Boers- ma, who did a super job on the tunnel, J. Hayward, D. Cars- cadden, G. O'Reilly, A. Cram, G. Carley, G. Ris, P. Martell, G. Bogden, J. Lapierre, B. Lauzon, B. Rouwsell, S. Schroeter, and A. Kiskis. We thank the following people for their contributions of mater- ial and or loaning of equipment: Don Campbell, J. Eadie, L. Wouters, H. Latimer, Marilyn Sullivan, Doris Ruest, Loretta Rombough, Delores and Arthur Cram, Nicole Danis, Alex Little, P. Martell, H. Boersma, the Arena Board, the Verimac Golf Club, Curran, Chantal Develop- ment Corp., and Vibrapipe Concrete Products Ltd. We especially thank the Russell Recreation Association as they are the people who are financing this project and have made the playground possible. Mrs. R. Carley Wednesday, August 25, 1976 Page 3 A POOL FOR YOUR FAMILY THE FINEST GIFT YOU CAN IMAGINE SCOUTING NEWS There will be a registration meeting held on Wednesday Sept. 8 at 7:30 p.m. Inground -- Above Ground Aluminum & Steel Pools All former scouts and any boys -- Chemicals -- between the ages of 11 and 14 who are interested in scouting or of learning more about scouting are cordially invited to attend. Par- ents who would like to know what scouting offers to their sons are also welcome to attend at St. Mary's Church Hall on Castor St. Bank Financing Available Call Us Now 445-5307 For Home Survey & Demonstration Any boys between 14 and 17 G. B. Pools who are interested in continuing the Venture program should also Russell, Ontario inquire at this time. . Dick Sherwood at 445-2949 or By George Carley at 445-5711 will be happy to answer any questions between now and Sept. 8th. Gerry Bourbonnais JAMES EADIE FARM SUPPLY -- Sales & Service -- Russell, Ont. 445-2990 A. & R. Gregoire Chev. Olds. auto ltd. fi HOME HARDWARE \ GOOD STOCK OF BAUER SKATES NOW IN Loral Home Hardware RUSSELL, ONTARIO Bus.: 445-2171 Home: 445-2183 RUSSELL BP] GARAGE Under New Management PROPRIETOR: DON LENNARD Formerly with Capital Dodge-Chrysler for ten years, licensed "A" Mechanic 445-2894 Top Soil Landscaping Sand Septic Tanks Gravel Bulldozing Cartage & Excavating Ltd. Truck, Loader & Backhoe Rentals Box 269 Russell Ont. Ralph MacDonald Arden Wade 445-5585 737-4779