'Church News UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev. L. S. Woolfrey, B.A., M.P.S. -- 445-2866 Sunday Service -- 11:15a.m. Sunday School -- 10:15 a.m. Junior Choir -- Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Senior Choir -- Thursday, 8 p.m. Bible Study -- Wed., 10 a.m. ROMAN CATHOLIC Pastor: Rev. M. Minvielle 821-2050 Regular services to be conducted BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Walter Gawa -- 821-2144 Sunday Service -- Russell 10 a.m. Sunday School -- Kenmore 11:15a.m. Sunday Service -- Kenmore 7:30 p.m. ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN Rev. Lamble -- 821-1922 United Church News St. Andrews and St. Pauls United Church, Russell, will observe its 89th anniversary on June 20th with a_ service celebration at 11 a.m. (NOTE THE HOUR). Guest preacher will be Rev. Major Ernest Foote. Special music by the senior choir. Following the service there will be a pot luck dinner. Visitors and newcomers welcome. Confirmations at Russell Roman Catholic May 29th, approximately 57 children from the Russell and Metcalfe areas were confirmed at the Roman Catholic Church in Russell. Archbishop Plourde was in attendance. Following the ceremony a reception for approximately 250 persons was held at the Chruch Hall. Music for this lovely service was provided by Mr. Beaubien of Embrun. Friendship Circle On June 30th, The Friendship Circle will host a party at the United Church Hall at 2:00 p.m. in honour of Helen and Bob Morrice. Cards, Supper 5:00 p.m., $1.50 per person. Everyone Welcome. Further information can be obtained from Russ Phair or Kay Wade. Birth Announcement Greg and Gillian Robosh are delighted with the arrival of Amanda, who was born June 7, 1976 at 2:57 a.m. at the Ottawa Civic Hospital and weighed 7 lbs., 8 oz. Sincere thanks to Dr. Carson and case room Staff. Thank-You Special '"'Thank you" to Rev. Mr. Woolfrey, Mr. Belanger, Russell and Edith Phair and all who helped in any way to make my 90th birthday party a success. Also for my card, gifts and Best Wishes. Mrs. Catherine Hamilton a" Taking TimeTo_ _. Share And Care It would appear that the Russell Horticultural Society, has had a program for numerous years which fits in with the caption, "Taking Time to Share and Care". Each year seems to add onto the next, and now the youth of our village are getting the message, '"'Let's Care and keep Russell beautiful'. 'Get- ting", Isaid, yes we all know that we all have our continual part to play in Beauty of life, and that beauty is captured in the mind, and finds expression in every aspect of our lives. One aspect of the evidence was when the Rev. Mr. Tees, of Vankleek Hill, and his accompaning judges, named Miss Lorraine Thibault, as Russell Queen, and _ Cindy Hayward, as the Princess, being the runner up in the contest which had other contestants in Miss Maureen Graham, and Miss Nancy Mulders. The event which finalized the contestants steps in the competition was held at the Russell United Church hall on Friday evening, June 11th. Mrs. Cuthbert (Bertha) Smith, the President of the Russell Horticultural Society, welcomed the many guests, and local residents to the program which started with a 6 p.m. dinner. Mr. Max Keeping of C.J.0.H. was the master of ceremonies, and was a greatly appreciated contributor to the success of the evening. Mr. Gordon Thom, of Morrisburg, the District Director of District One, of the Ontario Horticultural Association, made fitting re- marks about the work of the Horticulturalists, and expressed the delight of himself and Mrs. Thom, in their associations with the Russell group, on_ this occasion, and in past years. Mr. Jean-Guy Bourdeau, Town- ship secretary-treasurer, brought greeting from the Township, on behalf of Council and the Reeve Mr. Gaston Patenaude. Mr. Reajean Paquet- te, was the presenter of the Trophy of the evening received by The Russell Queen, and the Queen of the previous year, Miss Kim Eadie, assisted in the crowning ceremony. Others participating in the special event included Mrs. Alex Baillon, whose own most gracious manner was a real inspiration to the Queen contest. Mrs. Smith, the President was given generous support in the total event by the members of her executive, and members. Mrs. Ernest Burton, provided much support including many floral arrangements which adorned the tables, and upper hall where the program was presented. A highland music piper of the evening was Mr. Bill Campbell, of Russell, and our Bill gave a most acceptable performance. Miss Cathy MacGregor, of Russell, gave tap dance perform- ances. Soloist of the evening Mrs. Dwayne (Bonnie) Johnston, delighted her audience with her vocal performances, and was accompanied at the piano by her mother Mrs. Jack (Leila) Twin- ame. Mrs. Twiname also accom- panied the Young Ladies' Chorus, Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Barry (Heather) Carscadden, Beverley Cherry, Nancy Carscadden, Brenda Latimer, Janet Graham, Diane Wouters and _ Linda Weatherall. The male chorus, as_ usual made the hall resound with the strength of their voices as directed and accompanied by Mrs. Twiname. Those who sang in the male group were, Keith Boyd, Lorne Wade, Donald Graham, Fred _ Carscadden, Meredith Rombough, George Hay, Dwayne Johnston, Maynard Cherry and Chester Cherry. The storm which hit our village a few hours previous to the Horticultural night, did not dampen the spirits, nor diminish the attendance, it was almost standing room only for both the dinner and the concert. So it was another event which reminded us that Beauty reaches out as far as the individual is willing to let his or her sharing and caring project Message from J. A. Belanger M.P.P. During the month of May, the Ontario Government awarded a number of special grants to groups and organizations within the United Counties. Community Recreation: Three cheques were issued by the Ministry of Culture and Recreation under the Community Recreation Centres Act. 1. The Village of Plantagenet received $35,279.98 for recreation facilities including a community hall, tennis courts and swimming pool. 2. The Township of Russell was provided with a_ grant of $13,700.16 for development of the Embrun arena, hall and athletic field. 3. The Township of Cumberland was awarded $1,148.53 towards the athletic fields in Cumberland and Vars, and the outdoor rink at Queenswood Heights. Ontario Home Renewal Program The Ontario Ministry of Housing has approved in prin- ciple the Town of Hawkesbury's application for a grant under the Housing Development Act. A cheque for $40,000.00 will be forwarded to the municipality shortly. Conservation Study The South Nation River Conservation Authority has re- ceived approval for a Ministry of Natural Resources grant in the amount of $14,250.00. These funds will be used for a preliminary engineering study upstream of Plantagenet Springs. Student Travel Ecole St-Trinite in Rockland was allocated $3,200.00 by the Ministry of Education to help cover travelling expenses of 32 local students who will be participating in an exchange program with a school in Edmonton, Alberta. In addition, Ecole St-Gregoire in Vankleek Hill recently received $693.00 from _ the Ministry's 'Ontario Young Tra- vellers" program. This grant will enable 40 Grade 7 and 8 students to visit the City of Toronto and the provincial Legislature. Senior Citizens The Club d'Amitie of Curran and the Club d'age d'or of Hammond each received the $400.00 Action Age grant applied for in 1975. Friday, June 18, 1976 Page To Think About Xvxn though my typxwritxr is an old modxl, it works quitx wxll xxexpt for onx of thx kexys. I havx wishxd many timxs that it workxd pxrfxctly. Thxrx arx 46 kxys that function wxll xnough, but just onx not working makxs thx diffxrxnex. Somxtimxs it sxxms to mx that an organization is somxwhat likx my typewritxr: not all thx pxoplx arx working propxrly. You say to yoursxlf, "I am only onx pxrson; I don't makx or brxak a program." But it doxs modx a diffxrxnex bxcausx an association to bx xffxctivx nxxds thx participation of xvxry pxrson rxlatxd to it. So thx nxxt timx you think you arx only onx pxrson and that your xfforts arx not nxxdxd, rxmxmbxr and say to yoursxlf, "I'm a kxy pxrson in our organization and am vxry much nxxdxd." BILL LOUCKS BARBER SMOKE SHOP CONFECTIONERY Winchester Press Wintario Olympic Lottery JAMES EADIE FARM SUPPLY -- Sales & Service -- Russell, Ont. 445-2990 E. A. Campbell Plumbing Contractor Electrical Heating (DON'T GAMBOL SEE CAMPBELL) RUSSELL, ONT. 443-2167 Equipment Rentals ¢ Heavy Duty Cement Mixer -- $10 per day e Chain Saw -- $10 per day ¢ Builders Level, Tripod & Rod -- $12 per day Paul Boardman tz. 445-5553 for the good of all.