20. EDLT OR FAL ~ ROOM AT THE TROUGH Consumer Affairs Minister Sidney HandlLeman accused Labor, business and government of a "pig-at-the-trough" attitude. "Shearing", he said, and not "sharing" 44 our way of Life. The sad tauth, Sidney, 4s that you're dead right. We're alk shearing away so furtousky that our sheep Look Like Kojak. Our praesent economic malaise is not just another cyckicak swing. The "good okd days" ane gone forever, We are, undergoing a revolution; the mechanics of our economy ane changing. Keynes was not wrong but he is obsolete, Economics used to concern itself with the equikibrium of suppky and demand. No Longer does this hold; new factors shane the stage - political conven- dence, buazeaucnatic decision, ecological balance and . external influences. The "clhosed modek" is dead. Where are we going? Heaven knows. A AeAUN of the 1970'& 4& highly unlikely, a return to the boom years temporary at best. The future is not chean but not necessarily inscerutible. The Japanese and the northern Eurzopeans appear to be adapting themselves, Even the British and the Italians seem to have found their bearings, And us? Well, as usual, we'ne muddling along, Now that all the big power groups have "ripped off" their Shane and more, we'll control prices and wages. Tf, that 44, we can figure out how and where to begin. Energy policy? Someday we'Lk have one. Repatriation Of OUN economy? I hear they've hined a director to think about it, Certainly if haste makes waste we ane a thrifty peopke, Our muddle, however, is quite justifiable, After all, the Americans haven't taken an initiative in four years, Maybe when they get moving again we'll be able to follow them or oppose them or something. Gee, Gerry, I sure wish you'd do something.