ert bcc ae mate) Poe rene rma rhe ens _alsgpemadaee 2m ; pe) | Famous Chapel Un | : ans ‘The famous..StiGeoxgs's-Chapet seb poses Windsor Castle will be clesed, for three years, for ‘extensive restora- J D aes ‘ ~ R Sa) on. work, Ws: ‘eed wt. which 5) | ae » ee Fx. # ido pressing: that arch itegts # ae ne bs, ae Pe “ guarantee the chapel to stand ahother naiperezeer Y bs year without the collapse of the-teety Ls ay een ame ae A whighewould meat. the: mtter destratc- ye ie bie e Ey oF a | tion” of ine fabri®, witht all its: céle- First Burglare-“Di “you have af1Y| prated artistic amd historic glories. luck in fat houke ?” ‘The chapel stands. withinsthe. wells Second Burglar —“ Yourbet? # found ss a tHe asite, put tt ie af rechold of a packet of,love letersrand LIP copy] ine State and’ the “State money: Gan- wy at sy Do: You Like Sweet’ Peas? | This is how Charlotte says she does Charlotte Grant, isa, fifteen-year- Lig ee pee et Ree | [old girl who has made herself famous < 1 ete The ground BO yaaa ; feien Wet ane SN Eee \ : ar; +%s Ay en), JUSt as $a’ gs the irost 18 ou f yin eek gt gS En a Te Puch Muredigr iss uae ean, sore SY Sa TOT aS Sg Chong anon acre ae | of the nies 1 ‘ai “deep -tnenches them ang send tiem toomy sink Thatyy5} pe spent for ‘theke: improvements. Sy “i a Ld, B76 When asked by the: writer why she} Of V8.8 LT dig geep mene’s*| will win mer foryme.” «oe ays: cath etn stign apie Sense has been f : e , Sacra 3 dh grows sweet peas, Charlotte answered | Withia: hoe, drop the, seeds and: cover} Be \|—— te pero hy The" RHIERts of the Order Fs Le Bg is * ‘ e natal > ‘On se h , ? ; } 5; . 5 fryer, nes q ; nt hi: rad yy) ae { ALS 44S : ‘ ¥(" Meet shave not tried it, send us a post card for a free | at once, “Because I love flowers! One, set ie eet deo peer ete =| Hil Socks. ee et tre Garter, for. whose.uge the ebapel 4] 1 Ay Hor "tH6 5 ce S the -Ruth—For gobdness’ sake, , Susie, Lonigina}ly was foupdedy: ie: ip order Gran atner smi ‘ igh sample, stating the, pica ye now pay and ifyou use | yeerT had twenty-five different kinds) | neem te eeiie up: Leave’ thei’ ] ack, Green or Mixed T a. Address Salada, oronto | cf flowers. Then I decided it would be| Oe ak ot Hehe eats cate Spe whose sébiis are you darning?”.- | #8. distmibyte phe warden theaWork Wil hile Baby belle ies haw nite | +5 SS ee | ~~ 5, Th Stary a. | ane "| until, they g ae he ‘climbing DOM sb Susie-~gi They , belong to Tommy" pe spréad over a petiod d Tout years. ee fe he hid He Ae ey aes se ALOUS the school I got ‘sta ted: mM strings Rte this atart climbing you. Small. Witten I refused him I said I’d | Already, $125,000 has. begnscallected, eara Tee . i? EHS *| sweet peas and this is my fourth year | | Bs y ex Vl be a sistaxito him, and he tookymg. at Swhiel¥ Will meet the expeng#t of the The cecretiethe morning wvosh wich pets NN f| , i : N /| ) ! = Il | raising them.” So Charlotte has been hill them up;-just, keep’ the-weeds out “ee PP Peay? vode's works The srepaiws. will ; z uy eee bo amit: AS OR | S = the Mawreckstes girl’ of her, neighbor- and cultivate: in*between the rows.” pubs Be ae 5 27 Muse year's work The “repee® will" Baby's Own Soaps the soap Mather: ; : 7 hi i} trig es | mAt. = pee ge ; consist of replacing the decayed ma- | aesth gt aiw se Ay a oe hood since she was eleven years of), ‘Cultivate in between the rows and) ‘the High Cost of Advancing. Prices,.<erial: wititout.mreh-aitemtioms: 0° ms" _quses for hetsel and for the childrens: pak coe see tice ) : PMOa.f er wr3 hea then. after you have cultivated atleast]. ,, om Se i Sa A he pie) Pa a OR PE Ln yey Br ee) +« Roses o France .and other rialura ts _By FREDERIC BOUTET. ' All winter she plans and looks for- twice,.take. grass and put in between}, Ene) er abet pn cant pate RAPS Pe: TIE SE a ofl of ive 'th : ie a ; | | : | | its Bt Ae : up another cent,” saidpilte PIOLOC ES Sere oe Direction’ (Mdicatohe: 2°: “Fi perfumes. give t eiy aroma lo | 'e-4. Translated: by Wm. L MePherson.) ward to her summer garden. All the the rows and barik' it up well -around “ Oe 5 4 Kok eee pee, aah beet eh OE ae tangy | eh rea da ee a ane age ae (Transiated: by by ee rs ; ole wee . , . Fat That isn’t exactly for gasoline,” re") «A new direction indicator for ‘ahttedes : , string that comes around bundles 1s the sweet peas. I take the grass that) »,. ta, i CT: RAZORS oti Lee hew "UIOCHOL: MaHCALOT 1 Oe eit ‘are —= 3 ee athe, yhalacs aos . | plied thetkeeperijof the station. “That bil to be carried at one sid pal ; EWM, oo a saved for’ tying the summer’s. blos-| has been cut from the lawn. The grass eee Fs : mobiles, to be carried at one Side Of @ 3 | Bae, ey EL eel Br ae rides | hold’ the , ey y ) is simply to pay for the enormous | windshield, raises semaphores to sig-| * Sy tele a. GR Phe servant, an old woman with an. lieved that she had known me all my | OMS; for training the vines up, also re se Une WHOTSVULE gh ‘gate amount of Chalk: we've had to,us¢ dad thee dacete-teeo Tht estar turn -” impissive face, returned to the ante-|lite, She talked to me of my parents. | In winter there is time for reading the % water ey plants, ., After this, there! arking ap the price heretofore.’ iui! a veneotaiee tile ‘Smee: “ge chamber where the soldier was wait-| She’ told me that I would: see them | best books and magazine articles on] 15 Mo more care untik pieking; time. | fi Se ate a By SPAS eR Se sed ingiand made a sign to him. He fol. | again. She spoke to me about myself | 'sweet-pea culture. “J, have: tried .the.*wire fence and F Explained. NAGS : ~ - Jows her-through the semi-darkness| and told me the things which people| Charlotte’s first interest is in the twine on which to let the’ vines climb Sagoo at eas |sbetter to make a study of one variety. ve) ot aa ow sweet it smell Fe: r “ + | of ¢ salon, apparently in disuse, The. pi ee ara a eck iy tail pleasure to be had working in flowers, | and T prefer the twine as they dio not oceac Rie aon are more for : ris “peels e aad Be aed gy og way She just paid the things which watching them grow. and bloom and shud Daten be Aon gua Restautay + Me nager “T have to pay } Forestall ba rs oh ne me bs baat ! ‘ Seis ae s . : sh e o ss , } i Ligh a Yo} for‘himy He etitered, jI needed to hear, those which add to enjoying: thein colors and. fragrance. ee : ef: = ere pees ah eames more fort. “fhe price of meat has | Colds, bi ais as Seminal Fo attloan wh hie one’s’ courage, which make one see She walks through her garden dozens| e wire tence aiways quit: blooming | one up’ 2 te , ‘ " SS Ee ee eG oe ‘\petter why it is necessary to fight,| of times a day just because she'is 80 first. My plants.bloom from the mid-|°",, re a thas 6 eos 4, smaller than it Chills and . | hCheap *bight. fast ing ¥ ak = aE ; all pot pe apace And other things, too, She told me fond of the flowers. To the boys and dle of June to the middle’ of Sep- nad te poe Pe . Influenza : zi Science” amt: fa westton. deseribedan | stoai-shoulderesk “He wore ‘a short what was going on here, in Paris—! girls who like to make their own tember.” Mi a a That pt: colitse is on account ofqigh | yecent achieverient of a French sc igs beard streaked with white and there stories which made me laugh. She | spending money it will be of interest Here is a possibility for every boy the s tyr b {," oS Take A tist, who hes successfully tried out int were. deep furrows in his face. His pened secs as 0 nae to keep sea to know that_on five rows, one hundred| °F git! who likes flowers. ne aaa ge : ' te ee house's soeme for opexatt ' fa Cage al ees ee a eee Ae ey were letters expressly : . a | eer crc at miming Sa hobe. See down the Soca a earn for me, ‘T fookad for them every week. feet, am ee made $150 last | : Sailor's Explanation, 5. &- | > oa iy electric lights without cost, bes Te ei . ch he had!ana when I was in the Vine TI read year and expects to make more this Training for Kindness. An exsoa> captain, expoptilatt Pa *s e ee | a | Upon his water-supply ad in Ins hands. : She hi ; \them over again. That helped me.|Y°r- She has a very good system Of! gin; , ith hi - dmighter,, askelatmed : fitted 6: hleb-apesd- We ao) \ ae ’ Fs ce * sa 6 7 a Ta . i ; ¢ : iF " t d i a998 ot d: " ‘ : S P «ae et eater he ‘ cosa a} Now it’s all ended—”’ account keeping so knows just what Rhee dete saghane her ae ap hi gage ae ga PTE ae ft “which drives a dynamo chat do tor Be ’ Piaget Noixtier Teh ie gave. acho MM. Nowtier, a esr eeeen ne ahd ts a matter ‘of predching these virtues|#fter autamodiling with that 1Weher.” ‘ The soldier took a teat. H ha 1 hend: in his: hands; Tietened Plowing .sicccensereveeeve $1.50) to him. In fact, it is primarily a mat- “But, daddy”. explitiied his dive: ES Ga a tach tt alt ack nage ac Ae “I beg your pardon for telling you SEA Cus cir iver bcs eed eee , 4 Swete db ind om ae frightful aie, ty oat eet this,” Perrot. went on. “L.can’t) Fertilizer ..c..ececseeeesee 2.50 him almost pirigme-tied Hie Hite : ated Pay I must say it. I have suffer’ |String ......1.. ssseerees 5,99 . SRN AEMED wats monzed eq too much. Think of it! I-was on a Fits . storage battery. Every time as 4 AMG — “ee ee f a ae “J s * : ‘ OSGeo VE il in Four Way turned on im the house the & a3 a5" * aus" ete i ' oer" ‘. tt Se Sip. sy fe { 7. 37) t y ter of giving him object lessons in ter, “We were pecalied. The wind Bec. ee king. nS ise ae . ary i . loa kindness and surrounding him with an died dowy. in, \ome sof the tires and. we | Pale oe ROU ail oe | ene ; an + gs simple al rap Ras ss atmosphere: of kindness. ° had to wait foi 4t to°spring up agaity’| B ne pody-bullding PoWwer.of Bovril | eee gt a Bete face was clouded. He could no longer’ yelief with my section, when I got the Many ‘parents forget this. They Fj ieecmmbiate iS ‘|B hes been proved by independent B SNClh* hs oupi erly aw asted, understand how he had. had the audac- letter 1 di i) sa . ‘, k at th Total EXPENSE «we wceneveene $ 21.00 think t} ‘ ; enone ee re ies 8 a) _,ficien tific experiments to be from §& the inventor. a at ity to come. He couldn't remember etter. jidn’t even look a © €N-| a. cet Boke. and 121.00 in xey are doing all that they Fro Be | BP10 to 20. times. the amount. ae Ole ae ee what he had meapt-to say. He would} eens: I was sure that it was from ot alg nat AE ER SUS f need to do when they rebuke a child} Dr. white—" oa peiiet it, Eve f=. eae oes ae y i'my godmother, since no one else ever) ™*" P Oe eed sinleste for unkind words and acts, and tell) a patient suifering. fromc aches. art Sees ss NI GRRE STP rst | a ladiweh \bout one-halfof sour globe, its giadiy-havesturned and fled. Not dar-| wrote i pty wk any 4 ingve look iat his vis-a-vis, he gaued ve apis * Wend to. duit roel ~\him again and again just why he} pains, and*1 don’t“know what is: cans nectien; | pe aici, Peg ct to read it, so. that nobody could inter- $150.00 , . meee megikwnieally about the dully lighted’ apt me. I wanted to be happy all to should be kind. Ing the trpublecsrs 77, Eanes (2 recom. Against the walls were some sself ‘ And h ath rs y* ve is Besides the flowers sold, there were Perhaps five minutes later, and im Dr. Blaek—“Hart. higss teeth--eram-pec Renkks “gaapelgeis , nit ~~ myself, nd then—then I opened it : . : Ari SER ER: mas i thes tig et pb sor hire, merci and read. At first I didn’t understand. flowers for the house, flowers to send|his presence, these same parents pro-| ined ” Pipl eget Bee ae aa aio: arate. io catuts the a = It was another lady, an acquaintance so her aunt in the city and flowers for| ceed*to act unkindly toward each| Dr. White "That ithe. point. Chad)’ dow the Mawvemhes for could be seen of yours, who wrote me.” the neighbors. other. Cross words are exchanged.) all his teeth taken out two. years ago,. getting down on the tvees of the Lux- He stopped again, and then resum- This is one of the interesting things| Possibly there is an outright quarrel. put what are you to do when a man exibourg Gardens. It owas Setiaidanle bed. | about her business eareer: Charlotte Be sure that the child will not: ig- has quite run out of teeth?” “What ean I do for you?’ M. Noir- “She offered to continue writing to | Names her own price and gets it. A|nore:-this. He is all eyes and eats oe ticr repeated. Sea iiehedeee Box a} mr nobody. But I| local florist takes every blossom that| to drink in« the impressions created Job for Grandpa. oe kee pers ; an effort. 4 Stee iy pe car Racer se she San for sale, in fact she ewe by his environment, | Little Phyliis Paymore heard the re- of eee Cetra Ney 4He lowared Cpe pipe 1: PRD sce acai eu lp ew ir Ag And the anti-kindness example set| mark that her grandfather was 6 f ge Teh ery Se ir Gad hard work petting it inte ny She gathers the blossoms early in the| by his bickering parents is certain to/ tailor. ‘M..Noirtier spoke quietly, but: his head that it was true. Sometimes I aitrer a sane bunches. of one|be of more formative influence on his) “Are you @ ‘atlor, grandad?” she Mande were shakitie.a Jittles; didn’t believe it. And. perhaps it is undred each and takes them to mar-|character than the pro-kindness| asked. Bartey. 0.4.0. NO, 21, ...sscereeceeerecrears $ * A ‘ , : ket in retiv. fi b ket Th , . - White Hulless 2.56 ; Golden Glow, -“¥ou are the one to whom my wife only since I have seen you—since i a -QPeWy BOWES Nae et. he| preaching which they themselves} “Yes, my dear,” admitted the old Buckwheat Silver Hull, & Wisconsin No. ?, uted to write” am here. where she was—that I al- ordinary market basket would do, but} have signally failed to practice. man. Oats, Rarly Silver Mine, Bn 5 aed a an nat Fe e Giant Eucla ses esesconsseenncttnet 2 éX r 5 © . 1 . hoy e] - ra so 2 ' " I : - \ ' =f er, P. “a 3 Cc Jcamin . , “Yas, That's i: Shecwas my god’ aire believe it, Winks Charlotte thinks they look so much The parents then, must manage| ‘Then will you put a tail on my . oe aise: 2 “t Giant Red Cob —ynother.? the: eoldier answered; in a ty as + eee as if he were| prettier in a flower basket. To keep} their own lives wisely if they would| rocking horse?” | 1 OM Scan Banner, . Fhcak eens , :, rh . st) vi; ‘ ."y » y , . . us * ) \ 7. _ 2 ~ ; J 2 : > af TCE ETE LE LIL © 141-4 t eee VOuCe choked with emotion, the depth We “ Vaier % Ki th - them fresh, she places-a piece. of| have their child grow to be a man or She led the way to the attic, where Pegs, Golden Vines ay, oa eiiee icike, Regal Nosd.@, Bseecoreeos of “which contrasted: strangely with “We. soldiers out’ there——we ' KNOW | newspaper in the’ bottom of the basket, | w f kind though | ; ; hes iki Rye, Spring, ..++.+ We Abtata Me. Set: Sane epee Rieke eat With | 13+ we are likely to be killed Ww asket,| woman of kind thoughts and sympa-j| mice had robbed the steed of its rear 1 Nig oy bi es hiseimple: and «quite! conventional) *" 0S. * SI FOOSE. RIN ©] then a layer of wet paper and .. a +s Whsat, Marque, ' = her poate ' ) a layer of wet paper and stands! thetic disposition. appendage. § : 4 Wild GoOSe, .cccrccecesececersesvcoece j “ Red, eae ace plirrses: expect it. It may happen at any mo- Corm Comptons Yellow Piigt, “ So ep pas : . :: ‘ ; Sweet : « 4 . * i “ LJ * . | 4 = + the sweet éas u ly th * ; I . j H 1 ‘ j : ? ae” 0S ” . nd : Phen it ‘13 true-——théen iv ‘is true!” ment. so it never occurs to us that Ss Pe D - basket. A Believing on he did in the iAMpor- |. arias hae. aP Longe white, See Rae Sy Apne. hain’ Pea G. &. of above Clovers and Timothy « * 4 ‘ Ld * 00 PUREE ‘ ema AOR people in the rear ca eins ; paper may be used to cover the basket! tance of earl environment infiu Not Safe to Answer. ‘ Australian White “ : $1.00 per bushel fess. nnd No 3. O. 8. of above he resumed, after a silence. ° You see, peop ar can die And here y fluences Safe to Answer ae Hing Phillip Roda.” He $2.00 per bushel fees than above prices. } couldn't believe it.” J am, alive! And shel” _ , but .Charlotte wants the flowers’ to| of parental example, a father endeav-| “who. discovered America?’ asked Prices are per bushel here,. cotton bags used 50c.. new G00. cach extra, and subject to being unsold M. Noirtier made no reply: He ae pee A “_- epi fei in| puns erent so she goes to. market| ored to secure for his son wholly en-| the teacher eee wy oh a ertaa Ease issued avery two week ete, Putte Ree ee oeked steadily, without: seeing, it, at} $he geomy room, “where ast! with their heads bobbing over. the top| nobling surroundings. » | sk i Uagtie Mtn. "Special SeRINL at NS SN Tas 0 ‘thew book which -he'had “laid on the wees peat iden break i » th of the basket—bunches of white, pur-|. He-even laid down rules to be ob- Stang gest epee eee JOHN A. BRUCE & COMPANY, LIMITED i desk. Finally he raised his ‘head. ere was a sudden break in’ the! ple, salmon pink and deep pink sweet| served by the maid of all work, a) “Please acts ane Seanethindg «sole, Seed Merchants. Established 1850 HAMILTON, ONTARIO ayy Hane © baste at _| silence, and the soldier noticed that , : : ro : re ee roel “distant tle M. Noirtier was sobbing. Last o eg ped butterfly variety.| simple but good-hearted girl, in her) mies,” he said, after a while. “My wife was much interested in you. “} have made you suffer,’ Perrot| “8 year she carried two hundred and) dealings with the child. The whole| “Why should I do that?” asked. the ¥ know that, For. that matter, she stammered. “I beg your pardon. I ee bunches, or twenty-six | family life was regulated with a view | teacher... a Tet was always very active, very devoted. | shoul ¢ have come, But I couldn't) © ep three hundred blossoms to| to ‘suggesting’. t6. the. little fellowp.—“Well,* Bald Jack, “the fellows were| fo. ‘She...was | engaged jn. many relief . eo St GSAS SHAG RT CCP mar et. The best day in the year net- ideas which, sinking “into the sub rigikine about it yesterday. Pat said| | Send for Por te ke NUH i, «tonite rer “No; per mt 16844 hh ef ‘id Bia ghene ARe coer: conscious ‘region of his mind, would| an Irishman discovered it. David said Book of én anier = Pace crabs ap vrestribed Ney og eh ; thine 7 ‘ Charlotte can pick -two thousand tend to affect: favorably his moral out-| it was a Welshman, and Andrew paid Recipes, wee et eet aah + $0), “cei more violent sob escaped him. Seage in = ches he asked if | look and exercise a jastine influencé| a Scot discovered it.. ‘And if you'd) é FREE! He.stepped and.made.a despaixing } He couldn't prevent himself from) _. 4 ve non PAROLE: Ave work she on his conduct. ‘ag - =| seen what happened to ‘them © you” gesture. groaning: s a at 2 » euick Lies anh Set : — ne - ae wi ae pei wouldn't ask @ little fellow like me.” utah tat fatkoabout that: Level} > rons eee OS Ween T am alone bah GE Sree eee ee cir. home a8 with e€a0) Ne aE a SaE aaa . : talk about you, M. Perrot. You must —without hope—without her?’ showed: me how to just bend the stem! other, withthe boy hiniself , and with W ! Use “Dias | 3 ; rs f ee 22 have found yourself greatly neglected “Yes, certainly,” the soldier mur- the opposite way from which it leans| the little serving “timid—both ‘the omen: as iamon i | dea | a a ‘ bread an dding in the last three. months, Grief mured. - : and it*will snap right off. This way| father and the. mothe were enfailing=} , $i Dyes. Ae every ISI even ; P oughtn’t ‘to make us egoists—especial- cos hana ae Pesan you don’t have the piece of the stem; ly courteous,’ considerate and sympa-| | — — more popular with children and shania have thought of fie bate 1| silent Sonera ot = to take up the moisture from: the) thetic. Dye Pte eae —— ae crown folks. Rich, pure, wholesome, wiciady ug * é es ee Fey aay plant.’ Over atid above all this, they set oats, Stockings, Draperies, _s : can’t. act your, correspon: | J must go, said Perrot. “Yes; Tj” ‘ ae oye is, they § re : : . saat I UGE aern with must go. ‘But I would have ‘liked—” Of ‘course sw eet peas do not just him a constant example of diligence, i 2 Everything. - * economical 8 , my work. And really, JT couldn’t write “What?” asked M. Noirtier. grow’’—they require plenty of hoeing} of that earnest activity which is itself Hach paceace of Diamond Dyes To be had ai ell Grocers. letters to you—not in any case, But]. “Well; I should have liked-—— If) and weeding just like other plants.!a powerful factor in moral discipline. contains ‘easy directions for dyeing)” ie 3 uae CANADA STARCH CO, LIMITED, MONTREAL ¥ have some relatives— ” it isn’t possible you must tell me so. iano Rita = i aa = eee - .| any article of wool, silk, cotton, linen, | , ~ ae a The soldier straightened’ himse!? uD I should have liked—— If you have a “f 7 e «4 + a or mitted goods, Beware! Poor dye : : ial b ee r a | ; , jn protest. | En ~ | picture? 1 should have liked to see Surnames and Their Onegin streaks, spots, fades and ruins ma- POW A eb < 1 yrup aeons : | ee me A sae the ok ae tas o> Sah aay “T don't: “want that! J don’t want her.’ Re wae terial by giving it a ‘dyed-look.” Buy “« ee sent i fate : x, eds pe Drie ares SL lies JOURS oa paneer: “Diamond Dyes” only. Druggist has Che Gr eat Sweetener ene else! “P didn't'come ter Hat pur-| * mp ON the GeSK ¢ : “aU HILL hit of a punzle: as acial origin | Color Card. -pose.- I came in order to find out—to|® pastel on the wall above him. Pee : ate ee ey ‘ Buyeayy Poth tp SOR ee meee ee ) a ae a Inow.. I had to come. J have been ‘The, soldier saw ‘a delicate figure,| Variations — Hull, Hellier, Hilyer, pi ae au ‘nuit nut = Co eae es amram eae ena ie eae in Paris two days. 1 came -for only with blonde hair and with clear eyes, Helier, Hillman, Heilman, Hellman. 6 Oby pee OxP anation, but one ene thing, and J had to ‘wait three|in. which there was an expression of | Racial Origin—English. which is nptrentirely satisfactory, 18 months for my furlough in order to | sweetness and thoughtfulness. Source-—Locality also occupation. that it was’ originally a name added come. Fort twoddys T have kept pass- ™ That was made some years Ago,” This is a most widespread group of to the given name in order to describe to enter,’ But Ao-« ay 1 that to. CHANE EA Ao Bile met with being Till; with probably is the true Origin of the name in a es Tapa ee Bede iditye: onder the Soh ‘of Ge hele Re: Hillman, Hull and Hilyér néxt in’ or-| 8reat many, @eises, for in the old Eng- Tetters—\ . 3 Serta Se cs yaar ty 8 Be r , ‘tham.” “+ {| lish records there are instances of uve in the pastel, each pursuing his der. They are all of them English | ~ shen: @ ally had.|own sate! oN ae § .d names, and all, trace back to an olg | Such names | As “Malcolm le Scot,” Jam a miner from the North and my Then the soldier: went away. °? }Anglo-Saxon‘word . which das «come eatags of <uurse,.could have no other family. stayed..on, there. But her let-| © -¢The End.) ~ “| down to us almost unchanged, and is | Meaning. |). iers—-they, took. the ‘place of every-| « ——- ee heh in as common use to-day as it was in: But this does not explain every- things... Théy, alyayy said exactly what | Finland is Prosperous. ‘| the reign of Alfred the Gteat. The thing. Theré are more ancient re- eughtto be said You could Mave be-y... <a it | word “is (just what you think ‘it is) | cords in Italy, in France and in Ger- . LR Pe SRR BE ih eas There is no’ unemployment: in Fin-} «pi many, as wéll as Anglo-Saxon Eng- Bee ae tats Ont eee land, says M. Vilijanef, chief of the But’ all of. the family in, this | Jand which: prove that “Scot,” in Our new: ‘serial, “ the. SA est sate | rs ‘But all o e family, names In. tals see sith : Ol, One L Aaah He creo Trade and Industry Department of the. group. have not developed from this form or another, was rather wide- i= aw 0 a : | : tl Finish government, who Is visiting the same manner: spread as 4 given name, and not as a Zs x will begin next week, i ie ro England. He attributed Finland’s The name of Fill: ag well as Hull, is descriptive: name. Latin inscriptions i} st ‘aty tells of. the. struggle. | good fortune in this respect, as com-| jn the vast majority of casés a mere | sive us the | form “Scotnus” and ) between . Bolshevism and. | j payed to most other comatnes: to the} contraction of the old description “Scoto,” the Jatter apparently being so er eer tall of dra- |{iProbibitlon ot imports. This had the | pnrase “at the ‘ill” oy “of the hill” fC NMG in tne northern par niatie srtuations:: You will iinial cae es country’s indus-|ysed to designate persons who fap- Franks who lived in the northern part His yoice left. him, “Her lett ers! They wer not have a. dull’ moment — pena asa git 5 ot shih tae an, At ae pened. to dwell on or- near such emi- of. France. ihe name was also com- : h fi ep Wi ti Eve ay tu all Bu while following the excit-. ag A sata: i ae a SN eae nences.: In thevaried spellings of the} M0” among. tip subjects of the Em- NGG Ss A i a ~“Vet ft VY VY ‘ne course of: events which }]} BS ae Ve Oe ae the ad-\jate Norman days, the ‘surname oc? peror Charlémagne and among other bee \ pal, pss be dae > a ; visability. of gradually discontinuing | ; 1“Ge'la-Hill,” “de la Hull,” ~ Teutonic races: as “Scotardus,’ with b issa i@eminates'’’ in the’ final ]]|the embargo o malate cline as\“de'te Hill,” “de la Hull,” “de | ie. it dak otardus,” wi 5 oo . 2 pee oka 16 embargo on imports, he said:This |jq Pelle” and “atte (at the) Helle.” syllable, it isto be noted, similar to peti aL ih gee ee MADE INC ANAD A triumph of Right « OE county" hae ct cghaeias tranvship' goods| with the other variations another. Richard, Reyiiard, Leonard, ete, a Pe PE ai \) BIRO was ace 2 Pas »p ¢ CANADIAN PEQGPLE Might. .. UPAR cna 3 a ae “hs for Russia and has established a free method of development is: responsible distinctly Teutonic compound. It was i i : “ies Ke Shee mg aa e = “LE SS = a a port at Hango. for the modern names. This word also an: Anglo#Saxon given name, as ate | i 3 ee, tag 3 ieee — SS ra ~| “hill,” or “hull” was also used’ figura- “Beote,: andthe place-name Scottowe | | Uli) tively to denate’a roof; and also for | is simply a, development of the Anglo- the verb “to roof.” An abstract from Saxon “Scoteho” or “grave of Scota,” an antient document reads: “Whyt | In those dayg there was no such | 40” Eoipong) aos oe ee TA: “= eley and red for. to make. crokkes name as Scotiaigd, though in theGeldie| = 1) faa ination of ptrity~ TMA) | (crocks), and other. vessels and “*barned | Soe eh mega dat eae as EAA eae and a aati = =< thon | (burnt). tyy] (tile), to hele houses: and was not whtil the Middle Agés:t at ane sconce. Hii. | churches.” Again, Wickyffe; in the |? = name ofa country, it wesdete He " ©: "4 LH BALL translation of one Bible passage, Says. ferred to Scotland im ‘common usage...|).} be a fagdO Wi =| “The schip (ship) was hilid (hiller or} The existence of thetfamily name: ce" Riera game ~.\ eovered) with wavis.” - | in so many ¢ountries indicates it ofiewical © The words “nilwer”. and “hillman,” developed from: the given name, but therefore, Were descriptive of occupa- — the 5 eae name first appeared | tions, which explains why these family | ’* still a mystery. E | : jnames in their varied spellings, are | 3 endligtAce Me Filterese He not within the old records . in such “ite ! egelienere hom + Eke Yorms as “Roger de Hillyer,” “Ivo le sh fine} |} - It is said that the Chinese wa | Helier’ and “John le Hilman.” | silk in very pure water, and, as ordin: £ Nas | : ary well water is unsuitable, it is puri+) , SCOTT | fied by putting a ‘quantity of fresh) RSA Ex sale Variations—Scotti, Schott. Seles snails into it for.e-day.” These a Made in Canada _ ia | Racial Origin—Doubtful. prey on the organic matter it contains ‘E.W.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED ae macial, 2 {and therefore act as filters. at spetaeeshatihathantsoeanh ate , ISSUE No, 11—21, Bee Tene ear ee eee eee ieee ie tnt ak 3 ~opaanre neste enaneercuecerncunst ier ana . | Here is a family name that is a good —T — -¢ mh. = et oe - : Py ee ah en. ae . -4 . Me yds): aye, MER hn SR a a EE MUSAB ee eae Chl bid tah