NOTICE <a - ' "The Rostock Cider Mill will run Ty Friday until further notice, W. sa, Prop., Rostock, ear. 2 "| FOR SALE A sorrel driving mare, eight years eld, sound and in good shape. Ap- _ ply to M, E, Bettger & Co., Monkton. eee ener FOR SALE. -- SS ee In Linwood, a comfortable brick Rouse, 7 rooms, hard and soft water, Targe lot. For particulars apply to Philip Kreutzweiser, Linwood, ~ = Pt > SHIPPING NOTICE _ T will ship hogs, lambs and calves from the -C.P.R. station, Milverton, on Thursday, Sept, 28rd, Jas, Ham- iton, U.F.O, shipper, phone 4-1 on ~ SHIPPING NOTIC [will ship hogs Friday, Sept. 17th from the C.P.R. station, Milverton. 'indly notify me if you have any eattle for sale or to ship. I. D. At- kin, U.F.O. shipper. - HOUSE FOR SALE ' % Comfortable house with good lot en Main St. adjoining the. Methodist @harch, Hard and soft water, A num- Ber of fruit trees. Possession given a Apply to Joseph Lambert, Milverton. 7 a WANTED © \ One set good second-hand heavy team harness and 150 orders for _ lightning rods to protect buildings _ from being damaged and burned by lightning. Only the best of material and workmanship offered. Apply to Jas, W. Schmidt, Milverton, - \" ~ FOR SALE The West Half of Lot 9, Con, 16, _ Elma, 50 acres well drained and fenc- ed, small barn, good bearing orchard and plenty of water. For further par- Siculars apply to Mrs, David Hood, R. BR. No, 1, West Monkton, Ont. eee LINWOOD CIDER MILL ; The Linwood Cider Mill will run @n 7th and 8th and on the 14th and _ 45th of September. -\® will run on Monday, Tuesday, Wed- -mesday and Thursday of each»week until further notice. A. J, Koebel. Koebel, Proprietor. ss FOR SALE A lot in the village of Newton con- taining 1 1-2 acres of land; good frame house with hard and. soft wat- er, back kitchen and wood-shed also gece barn with driving shed, hen iouse and pig pen. For further par- ticulars apply to Mrs, J, Barr, Newton = , -- SS = 'FOR SALE & brick house on the corner of - Main and King Streets, 3 bedrooms' and hall upstairs, 3 rooms downstairs kitchen, woodshed, good cellar, elec- tric lights, furnace and cistern, For terms and particulars apply to Mrs. Wm. Rosamond 47 Norman St., Strat- ford, or I, D, Atkin, Milverton. _._ FARM FOR SALE East half of lot 8, Concession 6, _ im the Township of Mornington, con- taining 100 acres, the farm of Martin _ Schweitzer, deceased, good house with mew roof, good barn, new straw shed, -eoncrete floors in stable accomodating 35 head of cattle, 40 hogs and 6 horses, a drilled well, large concrete _ water trough, a highly productive ~ in good state of cultivation, and thoroughly underdrained and well feneed. Apply to Milton Schweitzer, Newton, Ont. FOR SALE Both re oy eS Valeo gr @inning September th until Sep- 4 "gember 28th, the following articles of _ ®reniture, washing machine, wringer, wood cook stove, igs desk, a 'Handsome combination buffet and _ ehina cabinet of quarter cut oak, din- ing room table and six dining room thairs, Gerhard-Heintzman piano, par- ur table, 1 iron bed, 2 wogden beds _ 2 bedroom washstands, toilet sets and atfier small articles. All. the -above is:in. first-class condition, Sarah Ham. @, Millbank. FARM FOR SALE _ 85 acres choice farm land, part lot ¥7, con. 14, Mornington . Townshi _» alf mile west of Dorking, bric @welling 82x22, brick kitchen 22x18, ge woodshed, bank barn 50x64 and good driving" shed, 2 never failing spring wells and cistern convenient to house and barn, good orchard, well fenced and partly underdrained and in high state of cultivation, good roads and rural mail, half mile from school, mile from church and station, fall plowing will be all done, five acres of fall wheat sown and full pocish will be given January Ist, il be sold cheap to wind up th eDonald estate. Apply J. J. Me- Donald, Box 16, Arthur. J Weir's List of Farms For Sale 0 will buy the north half of the st half of lot 4, in the 11th con- ssion of Wellesley, - (Western: Section), 2 1-2 miles west of Lin- wood. All in pasture, good well, windmill cement water tank. $1000 NE = ¥ ay remain on mortgage at 5 per] . Here is good buying. will buy the south half of lot}. the 8th concession of Mornington | the land is all under culti-|- 125 acres; ; vation with the exception of about 8 acres of bush, close to schools, brick 4 ing house with kitchen, large : barn, pig pens, cement stabling, orchard, 3 miles to Milverton | 2 1-2 to Newton P. 0. 0--Will buy lot 13, ¢on, 7,| nington 150 acres with the crop -10 acres of good bush, splen- rn with straw shed, silo , plenty of good water house, After that date]. ng corner farm | tween Newton and} es looking | Appl Milverton Council Milverton, Sept, 13th, 1920. Milverton Council met this p.m, in the Council Chamber. Members all present. Minutes of former regular and special meetings read and con- firmed. ; The clerk read a communication from the Solicitor re the Flax Mill property stating that a by-law must be passed by the directors of the com- | _ pany authorizing the borrowing »of money and also an agreement for the parry ok out of the terms of the by- aw. ; Samuel Whaley asked for the pay- ment of the sites bought for the fur- niture factory. It was agreed that Mr, Whaley would deed the property to the Corporation of Milverton and that he would purchase a' Flax Com- a debenture of $1,000 at 6 per cent, Mr, pacer Cook asked for a culvert across Temperance St, to carry away the surface water. It was decided that Mr, Cook should first get the Ag- ricultural Signs to put a culvert across their track. Mr, W, Appel waited on the Coun- cil and asked for the balance of the loan of $2,000 on the Flax Mill De- benture, the papers not being prepar. ed b the village solicitor council de- cided to wait until the papers arrived, The clerk was instructed to issue a kennel license to Mr. Milton Bund-|. scho at $1Q to keep a dog kennel in the village. Bills and accounts---Hydro Com- mission for street lighting, $1.20; School $1,000; B, & N, Planing Co., for park and cemetery, $21.00; The! Grosch Felt Shoe Co., for cinders, $7.504 Henry Gernhaelder, labor on tank abutments and new sidewalk, $49.50; Valentine Gilbert, labor on sidewalks, $57.50; --, Kuepfer, labor on sidewalks, $48.00; Robert Carbert, labor on. sidewalks, $38.05; Henry Schwindt, labor in park and cemetery $40.00; Ed Bundscho, labor at tank, $18.75; Christian Ropp, labor on tank abutments, and use of cement mixer, $38.00, and labor on sidewalks, $48; John "Wagner, labor on tank abut-| ment and sidewalks, $38.00; Charles Blair, labor on tank abutments and sidewalk, $18.00; George Krajaefski, labor, teaming on tank abutments and sidewalks, $25.50; Joe Gatcke, teaming on tank and sidewalks, $75.- 60; B. & N. Planing' Co., cement, $250.00; John Oesch, fixing plow, $11.75; W. Ranney, mowing weeds, $2.00; W. J. Spencer, salary as as- sessor, $60.00; J. C. Grosch, auditor 1919, $12.00; George Bundscho, labor and teaming at tank and new side- walks, $46.35. Fred Maddess, labor on good roads, $7.00. --W. D. Weir, Clerk. ~ General News The long skirt is coming, and under such aspices as ensure its being ac- cepted, not at once perhaps, but ev-}- entually. Fortunately the new skirt is not long 'enough to touch the ground and is only ankle length for out-of-door wear, so that it is prac- tical as well as proper, and has the charm of dignity as opposed to the pertness of its predecessors. It com- pletely changes the character of wo- man's dress and gives to the wearer a quite different attraction. It may be objected that it lacks the lightness of the short-skirted silhouette, but on the other hand is infinitely more graceful in repose. Few women look their best when sitting down in a short, tight skirt, whereas in long dra- peries most women can present line. Mr, H, B, Dunnington-Grubb, of Toronto, speaking at the Hamilton Convention of Cemetery Superinten- dents last week said "Cemeteries should be places of beauty and rest- fulness, whereas they were usually places of vulgar and ugly display of monuments." He advocated the plan- ning of cemeteries, and the use of trees, especially cedars and ever- greens, to give these places sym- metry. There was a terrifying ef- fect in the competition between the erectors of tombstones. The ceme- tery had evolved from simple rest- fulness to extravagent show. The Board of Commerce objected to the milk producers classing' Sep- tember as a winter month but at the enquiry the producers have given ev- idence to the effeet that pasture has failed and that cows are now on full winter rations with concentrated from twenty to twenty-five per cent. higher and labor higher also. In fact it was shown that some of the pro- ~|ducers were selling off their cows claiming that the milk business did not pay. Presedential candidates across the line each claim to be 100 per cent. American. Each proves his case by insisting on a huge campaign fund, Full many a flower is born to blush unseen Full many a Ford may do the same ween, : If higher jumps the price of asoline. When you tell your family that the Marmalade in the jar was made with they know they are going to have a treat. us The Lantic Library is three little booklets telling how to make preserves, desserts and other good things with |. Lantic Sugar. We send it free, but please enclose a 2c. stamp to pay postage. - Atlantic Sugar Refineries, Ltd. Ay SE Reon, MONTREAL 5 &. A, LORE SN oe am RORORORORO ROHR Cae RL a ORO REO RE RORR Ot iOO O OOOR OORO --_ a x N'S FUR 'Moderately Priced x Men's Suits and Overcoats Great values in Men's Suits and Overcoats. Ri a ISHINGS 4 Milverton's Greatest Clothing Store is superbly ready to serve you ---this year more than ever. You can always buy here with the assurance that you are getting maximum value and mini- mum price.. Come here for Men's and Boy's Clothing \ Gar- ments that are well and carefully made to give the ut- You are always sure of good value | most satisfaction. here. No matter what price you wish to pay for your Suit or Overcoat you can always get the best value at that price right here. We handle nothing but the very best makers' best makes. Every garment is good, honest come-back-and-buy again clothing. Dollar for dollar you get more style, better quality, neater fit, better lined clothes here than you will find in any store in the county And--last but not least--we stand behind every garment we sell with our personal guarantee. Come and see them Price--$10.00 to $45.00 Underwear Turnbull's Penman's Watson's, these makers representing the very best in underwear manufacture are your guarantee for absolute satis- faction, Every weight and quality is represented. Price $1.00 to $5.00 Caps 'Caps Stylish, becoming, comfortable, these are the points tnat recom- mend our caps but the real attract- ion is the reasonable price. Price 75c to $3.00 Shirts aii The Christmas Shirt they arex, There is an all along the line in furnishings. them over. Prices: Shirts $1.50 to Ties s and Ties are arriving and what beatities extra effort Christmas Come in and look $5.00 Ties 50c to $2.00 Women's Winter Coats and Suits Beautiful New Creations in Attractive styles at Reasonable Prices These are not ordinary garments, but are made in strict keeping with ad- vanced styles. fined, taste. Their very appearance is suggestive of cosy comfort and re- You will be delighted with the many new ideas that find expression in these new garments. Gr e emer -ENGELAND & SON, Milverton, Ont. COICO OOO OOOO) er merece nove: CEES. LOLOL RCS. -- we SECO: PCR RORY FORE CE OOO ROR OO OEE Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Sarah Lambert, deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that all! persons having any claims or demands | against 'Sarah Lambert, late of the | Village of Milverton, in the County of Perth, married womaa, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of June, 1920, at the Village of Mil- verton, in the Province of Ontario, are required to send by post prepaid or to deliver to Mary Elizabth Struth- ers, Monkton, Ont., or John Webster Lambert, Stratford, Ont., or W. D. Weir, Milverton, Ont., the executors | under the will of the said Sarah Lam-, |bert, their names :.1d addresses and full particulars in- writing of their' claims and -statements of théir ac- counts and the nature of the securi- ties, if any, paid by them. "AND NOTICE is further given that after the 25th day of September 1920 -|the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said de- ceased among the 'persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice, and that the said exe- cutors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any per- son of whose claim they shall not -|then have reeeived notice. i this 25th day Dated at Milverton, f 0. . FOR SALE be finally passed. Seven roomed solid brick house--| by-law No, 727, appointing John-A. /one'acre of land with a fine young) Turnbull collector of taxes for the orchard: situated on Lot 12, Con. 6,| township for the year 1920, as now Mornington, within 1 1-2 miles of | read a third time be finally passed. Millbank. For further particulars see Moved by Wlman--Haregraves-- }Donald Jack, Newton, Ont. that bytlaw 728 for levying the a | rates on the different school sectiéns and Union School Sections in the -ELMA COUNCIL t ownship for the year 1920, as now oe : read a third time be finally passed. The Municipal Council of the Town | Moved by Illman--Smith -- that ship of Elma met in the Agricultural | the petition of Alexander Stewart and Hall, Atwood, on Saturday, August) others asking for Municipal Drainage 28th. Members of the council were be accepted and that the Clerk pre- all present. Minutes of last meeting pare a by-law appointing John Roger, | were read, approved and signed by|0.L.S. as engineer for the'same, © ithe Reeve and Clerk. . | vear 1920, as now read a third time : Moved by Smith--Vallance--that | e and Ol Z Tenders were opened for the con- A communication was read from) struction of a bridge S.R, 20 and Fi. Con, 1, Elma, as follows:--George ; Chapman, concréte abutments, $2,- ; 200.06; John Gaffney, concrete abut- ments, 2,142.00; & Iron Works Co., superstructure of bridge, 2,525.00; or whole bridge 4,- 500.00; A. Hill & Co., Mitchell, sup- erstruction of bridge, 2,163.00, whole bridge 9,999.00. After consideration /and examination is was deemed ad- , visable to pospone the construction | of said bridge. + Moved by Vallance--IlIman--that 'the Reeve and Clerk issue orders for [the payment of accounts. | Moved by Hargraves--Iilman -- the Public. Works Department, Ot- tawa, relating to the proposed Elma Memorial Hall and after considera- tion'the clerk was instructed to write the Post Office Inspector, Toronto, relating to the reports referred to in said communication and other par- ticulers in connection therewith, ~ Moved by Ilman--Vallance--that -Geo. Arbuckle be paid the' sum of $2,400,068 'as part payment of the con. traet of the North Maitland Enlarge- ment as. per Engineer's certificate, Moved by Vallance--Smith--that a by-law for levying county-town- ship, railroad and general school rate 'for the year #920 be now read a first d: d_time.. : y Hargraves--IIman-- meet again in the Agricultaral Hali, Atwood, on Saturday, Sept. 25th, at| @ w No. 726 of the township ten o'clock for genexal township busi- nship, rail-' ness. es Sages : ate for the | ' - --George Lochhead, ; Clerk. Stratford Bridge; that the Council do now adjourn to. \CONCERT!] Fair Night... Under the auspices of the Fair Management in The R. Miller Rink On the Evening of | Friday, Sept. 24th, '20 - and the elevated seats and gallery to hear the programme. f 1 Howard Russell | Baritone (Gold Medalist in Earl » M as itis t Distinguished Reader and The Rink has been seated to accomo - Grey Competition) ildred Walker 7 Singer = : Violet | Valsh, See announcement, "later, is the t ambitic iS ever put on ee Tnimitab ccomodate over 1,500 people || will give all equal opportunity The following have been engaged :-- Olive Russell 4 "Canada's Greatest Child Entertainer" -Inhpersonator the Agricu Accompanist 'Don't fail to attend this 6 he altural ot - cert Society \ ez 7 i* Harvey McGee -- Harry Lauder