CANADIAN PAGIFIC THE TRANS-CANADA i (Re-established "effective May 2, 1920) , IN EIGHTY-EIGHT HOURS ~Fort William in 26, Winnipeg in 37, Calgary in 61, and Vancouver in 88 hours. ; The fastest transcontinental train between termi- nals in America; saves a business day for passengers to Winnipeg and all cities to the Pacifie Coast. _ Leaves Toronto (Union Station) at 9.00 p.m. daily. For Standard Sleeping Car Passengers only For reservation apply to any agent of the CANADIAN PACIFIC RY. GENERAL CHANGE OF TIME, MAY 2nd, 1920 FarmersAttention ! The demand for our Butter is still increasing and we must have more cream to supply this demand. We are too honest to steal it, even in small quantities, but we are willing to pay a little more than the average market price. We guarantee honest weight and accurate tests. We furnish cans and pay all Express Charges. We have been paying from 2 to 4 cents per pound more for Fat than most Creameries. We pay our Patrons twice a month. er Write to-day for cans or further information. bs] Selene sapieleaebauesecseaceass Elmira Co-Operative Creamery Limited F. A. KEYES, Manager ELMIRA, ONTARIO ~ -. 'QUALITY FURNITURE AT MODERATE PRICES OW is the time to buy that Furniture you have been wanting to get for this long time. as our stock is more complete now than ever before and at the prices we are selling the quality of furniture we handle you cannot afford to put off buying any longer as prices are bound to go higher and higher. Call in and look over our stock we are always pleas- ed to show the goods. - McLAGAN PHONOGRAPHS See our display--The most artiste designs, quality of tone un- surpassed. Finished in Oak, Walnut and Mahogany. RAYMOND AND WHITE SEWING MACHINES - PRICFS RIGHT - ROBERT McMANE Furniture Dealer Cunera! Director and Embalmer Milverton 'LINWOOD TOPICS Mrs. Wm, Forwell, of Kitchener, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, Jos, Koebel. : Messrs. Ezra Fink, Henry Karley, Ed Burnett and Milton and Clayton Dechert spent Sunday at Stratford. We are wondering if the setting hen of one of our prominent mer- chants has returned from her trip in the air : ris ' Miss Winnifred Beggs, and friend, of Moorefield, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D, Beggs, - Mr, W. W. Martinson, of Elmira, 'spent Monday at Mr. John Schnurr's, Mrs. John Lanson, of Elmira, and Mrs. J. Cherry, of Glenallan, spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. H, Beggs. Mrs. H, Beggs spent Thursday at Glenallan. Mrs. J. Secord,. of Listowel, called on friends here on Thursday. Mrs, Wray-Beges and baby, Hazel, are spending a week with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Steinman, at E]- mira. . Mrs;~Cecil McLeod and Mrs. A. O- Schnurr spent Saturday at Kitchen- er. Mr. GC, McLeod returned home with them to spend Sunday here. Mr, M, H, Beaon is at present at Auburn, Maine, on. business. Mrs. George Ruler peturned home on Sunday after spending several weeks with her daughter Mrs, D. Har- ron, at Newton, who has been ill. Mrs,' Charles Hook, of Detroit, is at present visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Fink. Next Sunday will be Communion Day in the Methodist Church, service at ll a.m. The pastor will speak on "Some things every Methodist ought to know." »-Everybody is invited to attend. Mr. John Schnurr, of Mildmay, vis- ited a couple of days with-members of the family here. Rev, J. Reble spent a day at New Hamburg last week. -- Mrs, H. Beggs spent a day at El- mira last week. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Arnold and Leo O'Neil, of Elmira, were Sunday visitors at Mrs, Mary Hayes'. ae Miss Annie Burnett was in Guelph on Thursday. Miss Laurene Barr attended the Pastime Club dance at Milverton last Tuesday evening. Mr, 'and Mrs, Edgar Bauer, of Wa- terloo, were at Mr, John McGoey's, on Sunday. ? Mr. Clayton Dechert, of. Puslinch, spent the week-end at his home here. Messrs, Joe Lenhardt and Milton Dechert spent Saturday at Kitchen- er. Messrs. Frank Hurd and C. Justus, of Erin, spent several days this week with the former's sister, Miss Hurd. Mr, Eugene Shearer, of Hawkes- ville, spent Sunday here. Misses Irene and Jean Carnochan spent the week-end with their sisters at Stratford. Mr, Archie Ament ,of Toronto, is at present recuperating at his home here, Messrs. Harry Lutz, J. W. Bergess and Jack Strome spent Sunday at El. mira. Mrs. P. Kreutzweiser and Mrs, R. Fish spent Saturday at Guelph. The Linwood Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs, Car- nochan on Wednesday, May 5th. All members are requested to attend as this is the annual meeting, ROSTOCK Misses Marie Wingefelder and Frieda Yundt returned home last week after spending several months in Waterloo. : Miss Carrie Malcho, of Stratford, is Visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, Malcho at present. Mr, Harvey Maurer, of Milverton, spent the week-end at his home here. Mr, and Mrs, Otto Murr and daugh- ter, Margaret, were visitors in Strat- ford on Monday last. Mr, Charles Schenck, of London, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs, P. H. Bastendorff and family and Mr. Ed Gaul, of Milver- ton, spent Sunday at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs, CG, Gaul. 4 Lt I By Pe | : aS The Waltz Success of the Season (Sheet Music: Chappell & Co., Pub.) [URRUSUSTP SHCURTVESeUR Se RI by Coleman's Orchestra. Two big numbers on "His Master's Voice' Record 216078 Karavan--Fox Trot Coleman's Orch. My Cuban Dream--Fox Trot _ rg Coleman's Orchestra Billy Murray's Melody Mea } " Billy Murray's Melody Men | Henri's Hier Van Eps Qusitet Mystety--Fox Trot! *"O" (Oh!)--Fox Trot Sweet and Low--Waltz . Bohemia--One-Step -Please--Fox Trot i Henri's Orchestra') Tumble In--One-Step > Ficnni's Orchestra j All on-10-inch double-tided $1.09, 3 _ Do not fail to hear them at any ie Ree -- Manufactured by Gram-o-phone Ci y, Limited, ar = A favorite wherever dance music is played and Beck's- famous Orchestra have rendered this in perfect waltz time. "Peggy," Fox Trot, another favorite is on the reverse side Other "His Master's Voice" Specials: \ 216092. "His Master's Voice"' dealers Montreal 4 RM raw eee ye ere aan ome i 216101 2isie7 216104 2075 | day. Mr, and Mrs, Sam Pender and Mr, and Mrs, Lindsay Pender, of Stratford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Pender. , Miss Mary A. Phair left last week to spend a few weeks at Atwood, Miss Mary Muleahy and Miss H. A, 'Stewart visited a day last week with Mrs. Wm. Robertson at Linwood - Mr, -Wm,C, Clark,~ of Toronto, Veterinary College, is visiting + his parents, Dr, R. C. and Mrs. Clark. * Mrs. Raney, of 'London, visited' her brother, Mr, George Vogan, last week and also called on a number of old friends here. : _ Mr, and Mrs, Will Glenn, of Burns, visited Mr. A. Crookshanks one day last week. a ; Mr. R. J, Brownlee visited his brother, Mr,. Hugh J. Brownlee, at Hespeler during the past week. ' bridge, was a visitor at Mr, George Coghlin's on Sunday, ~ : Mr. Wms Bearinger returned to his home at Toronto on Friday after two days' visit with his sister, Mrs, R. Muleahy and other old friends, We are sorry to report that Mr. Tom McFaddin is confined to his bed at present owing to an accident, Rev. W, Moffatt attended the Lon- don and Hamilton Synod of the Pres- byterian Chureh which was held at Brantford this week. Communion of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed in the Méthodist Church on Sunday, May 2nd, at the regular service at three o'clock p.m, Rev. W. Moffatt gave a most in- teresting sermon on the hymn "Abide With Me" and its author at the Sun- day. night service. The Memorial Library, which has been closed for the past two or three weeks, will be open again oh Satur- day, May Ist atthe usual heurs, 3 to o and 7 to 9 p.m. Mr, John MecFaddin is confined to his bed owing jury to his leg. at present Mrs. Albert McKee in the death of their infant child, Mr, and Mrs, Norman Ruby spent a day last week with friends at Strat. ford. b+ & b&b & Millbank Schooi _ Following is the report of the stand ing of the Millbank Public School for the past term. Names are arranged in order of merit. Those marked with an asteisk were absent from one or more exams. _ Sr. IV--Donald Jack, Cecil MeFad- din, David Moffat, Louise Pierce, Lu- ella Diemert, Harvey Tanner. Jr, IV -- Bertha Lowrie, Norman Bond, James Everett, Mary Craw- ford, Helen Jaek, Robert Jack, Marion Coghlin*, John Knox, Ellen Wolfe*, Lillian MecLennan*, Nelson Wolfe*. Sr, 11]--Cora Winkler, Edwin Hoff- meyer, Myrtle McLennan, Roy Mc- eos Eva Hoffmeyer, Robert Mof- att. Jr, I1I--Olive Pierce, Eva Craw- ford, Johnny Wagler, Muriel McVit- tie, Daisley Lowrie, Mildred Hender- son, Robert "Crawford*' Roderick Jack". --George A. Smith, Principal. Junior Room I!--Morothy Moffat, Roy Muicahy, Gladys Richardson, Jack McKee, Hel. en Brunner, Esther Burke, Sandford Smith*, ziger, Alma Wolfe*. I--Lavina Nafziger, Laura Schmidt Nicklous Schmidt, Earl Bell*, Mel- ville Knox*. --E, Rutherford, Teacher, Report WARTBURG Mr, and Mrs, John Henry attend- ed the funeral of the late Miss Mc-| Farlane, at Milverton on Monday. | Mr, George Harloff, of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Harloff. Mrs. Louis Denstedt and Mrs. Fred Harloff spent Tuesday with Mrs. W. Strasser, at Downie. A number' of the young people of this locality attended the dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Dan Graul on Monday evening. Mrs. Fred Middleditch and Master Roy were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Moore, at Stratford, on Saturday. Miss Helga Harloff spent the week end with her sister, Mrs, George Kelly, at Stratford. ; Intended for last week Reeve Robert Armstrong. attend- ed the Good Roads Convention at To- ronto last week. | Mr. Lorne -Ehgoetz left for his new home in Harriston on Tuesday. Mr, William Brickman is spending a few days at Harriston. Mr, and Mrs, George Doel] spent Sunday with Logan friends. The young people of this locality assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Lorne--Hhgoetz .on Monday ev- ening to bid them adieu prior to their departure to-Harriston.. They were the recipients of a lovely fum- ed oak rocker. Mr, David Moore act. ed as chairman and the address was read by Vera L, Henry. The remain- der of the evening was spent in soe- ial intercourse. : Master - Robert Henry spent the week-end with Stratford relatives: Missés Carrie Denstedt and Ada Murr, of Stratford, spent the week- | end at their parental home. Mr, and Mrs, L. F, Brunner, 'of Stratford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Henry. Mr, and Mrs, George Hoch spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weiss. Ls 2 Mr. W. F. Kruspe recently purchas- ed a Ford car. Chisner spent the week-end with Lon- don friends. y GOTHAM Mr, Jas. Carnochan and Mr. W. Karges have purchased Ford touring. ears. ; : Mrs, Riddel Sr, is spending a while Mr. G. Salter, Wallace, spent Sun- .| day at.Mr, G, Leonard's....... Mr, and Mrs. W. Burnett spent the week-end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, McCauley. Mr. J. Chapman spent Wednesday: in Listowel. ' a Miss /Pearl Hone spent the past' Couple .of weeks at her home here, having been laid up with a severe cold Mr, and Mrs, -W. Karges spent Sunday in Listowel. House-cleaning is the grder of the % -- & se 3 © eee = "NEWTON . Mr. John Thorpe has sold his hotel (Grand Central) to Mr. Wm. Mead- ows, who takes possession this fall. Mr. Reinwald sold his dwelling-and shoe store to Mr. John Thorpe who takes possession. July 1st. L ing Newton to John Mank, of Kitchen Ss er, who takes possession at once. "MILBANK NEWS Mr, Stanley Hamilton, of Trow- : to an in- te | Our sympathy goes out to Mr. and, Ruby Bell*, Emanuel Naf- ' Miss Kate Armstrong and Mr. 'H. ; with her daughter, Mrs, J. McCauley: |. "My, Jas. Hyde sold his farm adjoin |: I in a ene PEP P LPL LOLOL LOS Resce week $2.95: week $3.39. + ; 5 doz. Blue Overalls, only $1.95. week only $2.008 the very latest in cloths. stocked. the correct shape. sample only. Let us Morning _ 'South of Mill Street, 10 o'clock North of Mill Street, 10.30 o'clock ~ NEW ARRI fess 6 In Ladies' Coats and Skirts. They are something out of ordinary. Call and have a look through LADIES' WAISTS Another lot of new «waists. beauties ranging in price from $8.00 to $18. HOSIERY WEEK This will be hosiery week at our store. We carry a $1,000.00 stock it Ladies' Hose of every description. See the elastic top we make a specialty of these hose. OVERALL .and SMOCK WEEK 5 doz. Men's Blue Peabody Coats and Overalls, worth to-day $3.75. Special this reg. $2.50 this week 5 doz. Blue Stripe Overalls, reg. $2.50, this YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES 2 We are in a position to-serve you with Come in and get a try-on. Price range from $25.00 to $40.00. MEN'S HATS and CAPS Our stock for this spring is very new. Hats ranging in price from $4.00 to $6.00. Caps--We have the largest range we ever Try our caps, they fit and have 'WALL PAPER We do not stock wall paper. We sell by s have your order--4 sample books to choose from. RY HOURS: -- South of Mill Street, - | North of Mill Street, 4 o'clock 40 9 OES 2eeeet we They are Patterson's Lennox Soap : > for: $2: 5 doz. Peabody's Black and Blue Stripe Pure Maple Syrup 10 Ibs. for $ Coats and Overalls, worth to-day $3.75, this OPS Fs - Pure Syrup in Try a pkg. of for Cocoa, per |b ple y , Finest Green 2 phe Large Pkg. Sodas Large Tin Sauerkraut, very fine Pineapple, per tin. Chicken Haddie, tin Golden Fish Fillets .....-+-+--++-++%: White Polar Soap «..-++++-:- Lyle's Syrup, per tin Babbit's Cleanser Drudge, for cleaning "PRODUCE PRICES Eggs, per: doz. Butter, per lb. wpe' ~~ he GROCERY SPECIALS pa Raspberry and Strawberry, absolutely in 1-2 gal. jars Sees Peask. Raspberry and Strawberry w ith ap- 89c 15c or 2 for 25c Peas 15 Soc 95 or 5 Ibs. oc Bt So 60c Fe BS POE int te eee Se & quarts Pure Syrup in pints Catsup in bottles Pekoe Te Finest Selected Japan Tea, per Ib. ae Paper Table Napkins, per 100 Valencia Raisins, per lb. 25c and 40c 3 for 25c 2 for 15c » |Goose Feathers, per lb. Duck Feathers,. per lb. Fcwl, 5 lbs. and over, live Ducks, young, live (Must be enough for a shipment). Wanted 20 smart girls for all depart- ments. You can earn good money while learning steady employment. Good working conditions. R. M. BALLANTYNE, Limited STRATFORD, - ONTARIO FERNBANK Jack Douglas who was operated on for appendicitis a few days ago at-the home of Wm. Reid is getting along nicely and will be out again 'in a few days. : ; Mrs. Hymer and her two children are at present visiting with her sister, Mrs, David Reid. : Mr.-and, Mrs. R,.G. Scott-and. Miss Shirley Scott visited at Mr. Sam Long's on Sunday. ' We have always had an idea that an early easter was the forertnier of an early spring:. But, judging from the amount of rain that-is fall- ing and the frosts that are appearing these. nights we are commencing to haye our doubts as to the. stability of that idea and are beginning to think that the rain.on-Good Friday' did the trick. However, the fall wheat. and the new seeding in this locality are looking fairly far. A small quantity. of grain was sown the beginning of last week in this locality but the rain has stopped operations for some time. = Miss Mary Crawford is on the sick list at present. recovery, ; : Fred Cox had a very successful bee taking out square timber a few. days ago. Six of the best a&@ men on the line participating. It would have op- ened the eyes of some of the old Que- bec timbermen to have seen the work that was done. A Miss Nellie McKee entertained the Community. Club last Tuesday even- ing and: everybody. reports @ grand time. ---- _<ORKING WEST .. Mr. John Tunney entertained a number of young people on Sunday evening. Mr. Melburn Griffith spent, a few days last week with friends. Mrs. John Basler and Miss Annie Basler ,spent Thursday 'of last week with Mis. John Schiebel,. > * Miss Wanda McLaughlin spent a day last week with C, RM cLaughlin, Miss Bertha O'Grady 'spent a day last week with Miss Helen Tunny. 'Mr. M. E. Daniell made a business | trip to Linwoed on Wednesday, The many friends of Mys. C. R: McLaughlin will be pleased to know that she is recovering from her jj]- ness. a TEE Quite a few of our sports attend- ed the dance given by Mr. Helm, at Hesson. (+ -- a ewe Mr, Roy Denstedt friend spent Sunday with the former's brother, Mr. Edgar Denstedt. aoe se ' Weewish her a speedy | 4. nad eral Store, Monkte, KINGWOOD Quite a number of the farmers in this vicinity have started seeding, Mr. and Mrs, Duncan Dewar spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleming, of Poole, - : Mr. Jacob Schneider moved into the house owned by Mr. Jacob Jausi on Thursday of last week. Mr. Hugh and Miss Helen Chal- mers Visited 'with friends in "Hamp- stead on Friday. - ' Miss ae fa 'Edington, of. Welles. ey, is spending a few weeks wi Me ae Hammond. eases _Mrs. Jas. Mayberry and-Miss Am: Shearer, of Poole, spent Thur " iting friends here, a oo Mr, David Yost spent Saturday with friends in Amulree. On Friday there were a nu 1b teams hauling the car ance brick which had-arrived in Millbank for the. new school here, SCIATICA TORONTO MAN B THE DAY HE TRIED. = \ T. R. Cs, e following testimonial i ne for by a Justice of the es Province . of Ontario: «14 Tey, le Ave.,-Toronto, 13 /3/19. Dear Mr Templeton: My husband's experience Was a trying one, but he day he first tried T.R.C.'s.° Mr. Kiseer was. greatly troubled with Sciatica and suffered such awful pain. that in the end, to obtain relief, he had : Bore: euere. operation to hdvéthe Sciatic Nerve stretched. This gave hiz relief, but was, "of Course, very oe Pensive. Two years later hic old: trouble returned and grew steadily worse. Finally he took to his badnist terly helpless: and a doctor was calle ti in. While still an invalid a friend told us of your Capsules. We gave up thi doctor and tied them. fore is second box a \ help sp ul medicine. ?? 4 T.R.G. 2g succeed j 2 At peereed N85 9% "ofall Gace and are 99% éfficiont as wae soak ae ene relief for pains= Tro to, Sk your "drugsist for 4. box Re : mad Limited, 142 King. Stra a ~ = een We I ee 90 receipt of $1.04. tae "ULYT bese _ Sold at §. Petrie's p, verton; Wace: < Bue lin's Drug Store, an -- 4 Visited: with friends blesses the | try them? | - of M LISTOWEL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goldner spent Monday with friends in. Stratford. Mrs. Roy Elliott, of Walkerville, who has spent the past week with friends in Listowel, returned to her eat on Friday. Mr. Harold Fritz, of "Toro Spent the week-end with his para, Mr. and Mrs. George Fritz. Miss Marjorie Riges, of Toronto, spent the week-end at her home in town. Mr, Chas. 0. Tatham; editor of the Rod and Gun Magazine, Woodstock, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Miss B. Harron visited with Strat- ford friends on' Monday. ° a Miss" Shirley Walker, of Guélph, ee im town this Mr. Fred Hastie, of Wrox ; oxeter, -- ee otite ee with. friends in town. uite a féw of the local Hich Pome boys donned overalls on Mon- ay in an endeavor to reduce the high cost of clothing. Zo * Me FW. Hay's new. 'Marmon" €dan arrived in town from Toronte on Saturday, Tt is an elegant and uxurious car, and attracts attention everywhere." Théte are a lot of fie -- In Listowel but Mr. Hay can aes Justly proud that he has the ee a = all. mer Joe Wilson -"rounded wp' four young fellows in town on Min ay, frening and it is hoped that the -- teh ee petty thieving whic rried on in tow' i the past winter has nae aor eee ose arrested were "Kino" "ry : e "King" Kemp, Sue Kaufman, "Winky" Smith aoe fay Millson. Further develop- Nee = expected shortly, . Ses Aw Black, of Wroxeter, has =) na position with Mr. CG, Zilliax "Sanda commenced work Gn Monday. ban 3 Ode Brussels' strongest foot fe AE iia last year and will prove: acquisition to the Listowe team, SS Sih LINE FiMA F. M>. and Mrs Hy have: moved John Hone and fa ew frie = our line again. pat the home av - were entertained -- : Mr: T_¥ ieee ednesday SS io - pounders, WM Kargés au M AT. " - M Karges Gi motoreege a: W. Bell, of Listo spent. th to Maryboro on Sunday e eas aE igh, lends there a vir J Cn an_ has ordered a a ames Carnoch "rs. Russell] Nutt was the day, ee en Willoughby on Ma