HE LAKD FOR ENGLISH LANDLORI ENG THEIR HOLDING . | coal] % & "Belton," said Carne very seri- ously, "you strike me as being in a strange humor to-night, and I can- not say that I like it. Were it not that I have the-most implicit con- fidence in you, I should begin to think you were turning honest. In that case our connection would be likely to be a very short one." "I hope, sir," Belton answered | in alarm, "that you still believe I am as deyoted as ever to your inter ests."' "T do believe it,'? Carne replied. "Let the manner in which you car- ry out the various instructions I have just given you, confifm me in that belief. This is Wednesday. I shall expect you to come to me on! Saturday with a report that the. house has been taken and furnished and that the servants are installed | and the delicate old lady in resi- dence." NATIONAL SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED ff ed much longer, will accom "You may rel 5 idg., MONTREAL i ay rely on my do ng my Confaderation Life Bidg., TORON TO 363 Beard of Trade Bids., ithesiand "of Kngland aecthe best, sir.'? ei. eee " aos Serecear se EES | tion did in that of France, I feel sure of that,'? said Carne, moe ETE TZ Ee lendoh 'eorseepb aden There are several reasons f change. Enemies of the p government say that the oy land feel that they are no safe, and that they have been ed to sell by tne new policy ta laid. As far as the amount o} tax is concerned this is absurd, there is no doubt that the fear heavier taxation, now tha principle has been established had some effect. Far g however, has been the influe the rising price broken up, he bade his friends good-bye and set off on his return home. That evening he was dining jat home, intending to call at his |elub afterwaras, and to drop in at a reception and two dances between ten and midnight. After dinner, however; he changed his mind, and having instructed Ram Gafur to deny him to all callers, and coun- termanding his order for his carri- age, went to his study, where he locked himself in and sat down to 'smoke and think. ' He had set himself a puzzle which would have taxed the brain of that arch schemer Machiavelli himself. He was not, however, going to be beaten by it. There must be some way, he told himself, in which the fraud could be worked, and if there was he was going to find it. Num- berless were the plans he formed, only to discover a few moments lat- er that some little difficulty ren- dered each impracticable, Suddenly, throwing down -the| t pencil with which he had been writ-| '2nd now that all is arranged I % : : ing, he sprang to his feet and be-| think I will go to bed." ES SE TRREPAMCASSie gan eagerly to pace the room. It (To be continued.) aR a ag eae was evident, from the expression = RA upon his face, that he had touched MAKING HER HAPPY. Sugar is one of the kcst, and most widely used foods. Would you rick your health for ihe sake of a few cents on a hundred pounds vi zy upon a train of thought that was at : ut . "It is-the duty of every one of ot S.pakh Sis. Gate 4g last likely t ye productive. 4 ' - ON ae en he ee eas you to make at least one person os Reaching the fireplace for about the i happy during the week," said the OR, A SERVICE TO THE STATE (AGH IAAT AR cShaveYoursell by the TIME SAVING! ~ METHOD. ~~ , GUARANTEED "7% g oe a a in the Asay § | a r eli sf 4K inties'"' As a rule our clients get the benefit of all the 'certain we control. To-day we are making use of "An Absolute Certainty" for the purpose of extending our clientele. Here's the proposition in a nut shell-- The Disappearance of Fe tocracy May Follow Change. --a 7% profit-sharing preference steck on which dividends are Paid twice a year--a stock issued by a concern with a record of 25 years' successful and . progressive business expertence--a concern at present controlling Natural Resources which are bound to deubie the value of its securitics before long. We are practically It's the best \- One of the most notabl ing effects of the Frenc was the transfer of the' of the land uf France fre feudal aristocracy to the In tngland this process bh going on peacefuily and al noticed during the |months at a rate which, -- ed much longer, will accomp LT LRU IRA To the busy man time is money. Why waste it? The old way of shaving is slow. It's unsafe, too--you may gash your face any day. Besides saVing time, the GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR 'aves your face. With it you can shave as fast as you like--no cuts--no scratches. Ask your dealer to show you the GILLETTE. If he or our catalogue, write us. We will see that you are suppli GILLETTE SAFETY RAZOR CO. OF CANADA, LIMITED, silver-plated razor Office and Factory, 63 St. AlexanderSt.,Montreal, 8nd 1 doz, blades, $5. WO STROPPING ~ NO HONING We guarantee 7% on this investment. certain that this stock will pay higher profits. industrial stock, at par, on the market. we guarantee to buy it bask at par, plus 7% , in one year Furthermor Investment, if desired. Write at once te, from date o has not the goods The GILLETTE Standard Set: triple TAR 311 QAR ALD OVER | Va thirtieth time, he paused and gazed | 2 : into the fireless grate. After stand- rently School teacher. "Have you? ing there for a few moments he mu fon 2 ; turned, and, with his hands in his I did, said Johnnie promptly. "That's nice. And what did you} pockets, said solemnly to himself: "Yes I think it can be done!" do?' Whatever the train of thought] "I went to see my aunt, and may have been that led him to make|She's always happy when I go home | this declaration, it was plain that it | again." afforded him no small amount of satisfaction. He did not, however, commit himself at once to a discus- sion, but continued to think over the scheme he had hit upon until he had completely mastered it. It was nearly midnight before he was thor- oughly satisfied. Then he followed EXTRA GRANULATED SUGAR . ¥ i : : Tis Publi aca Quale strangely enough is due bo yr ) rernment is do ; auy other and note the difference in eolor. what the ke bees peeks at 4 * oh } Hf what the opposition is expe COFFEE HEART PARIS LUMPS do when it returns to power overnment policy has beén to e Dace When buying Loaf Sugar ask for Redpath Paris Lumps sold in B P y n BS : s courage the resettlement of smi As Dangerous as the Tobacco or RED SEAL dust proof cartons, and by the pound. holders on the land and it Whiskey Heart. even authorized county coune "Coffee heart?' is common to to buy land and resell or rent it : sary é rag ore many coffee users and is liable to occupying tenants. This increa send the owner to his or her long cannot be questioned Compare it with J is a strange world in which it is ordained that so much should de- pend upon so little !" At five minutes to three o'clock on the following afternoon Simon Carne might have been observed-- Ka CHAPTER VII.--(Cont'd) ; Her ladyship beamed with de- light, and even Lord Amberley smiled gracious approval. "You are generous, indeed," said Lady Caroline. 'I only wish The Canada Sugar Refining Co., MONTREAL, CANADA, Limited Established in 1854 by John Redpath demand, added to a private move. others would imitate your ex- ample." Bhe did not say that, wealthy though she herself was, she had only contributed ten pounds to the fund. It is well known that while she in- augurated large works of charity, she seldom contributed very largely to them. As a wit once remarked: "Philanthropy was her virtue, and meanness was her vice." "FEgad," said Amberley, '"'if you're going to open your purse- strings like that, Carne, I shall feel called upon to do the same." "Then Jet me have the pleasure of booking both amounts at once," cried her ladyship, at the same time whipping out her note-book and pencil with flattering alacrity. "T shall be delighted,' said Oarne, with a smile of cagerness. "I also," replied Amberley, and in a trice both amounts were writ- ten down. Having gained her that, I believe is the correct expres- sion--strolling across from Apsley House to Gloucester Place. Reach- ing Lord Weltershall's residence, he discovered a long row of carri- ages lining the pavement, and set- ting down their occupants at his lordship's door. .Oarne followed the stream into the-house, and was carried by it up the stairs towards the large drawing-room where the meeting was to be held. Already about a hundred persons were pre- sent, and it was evident, that, if they continued to arrive at the same rate, it would not be jong before the room would be filled to over- ofiwing. Seeing Lady Caroline bid- ding her friends weleom2 near the his invariable practice on such oc- casions, and rang for the inimitable Belton. When he had admitted him to the room, he bade him close and lock the door behind him. By the time this had been done he had lit a fresh cigar, and had once more taken up his position on the hearthrug. "T sent for you to say that I have just made up my mind to try a little scheme, compared with which all T have done so far will sink into in- significance." 'What is it, sir?' asked Belton, "YT will tell you, but you must not look so terrified. Put in a few words, it is neither more nor less than an attempt to divert the door, Carne hastened. to shake hands with her. "It is so very good of you to come," she said, as she took his hand. "Remember, we are looking to you for a rousing speech this af- enormous sum of monev which the prodigal English public is taking out | of its pocket in order to assist the people of the Canary Islands, who! ihave lost so severely by the recent | |terrible earthquake, into my own." can run 80 or 40 yards and find out coffee all my life and have suffered ments which I became satisfied were directly due to the poison in the} indigestion, which in turn made my complexion blotchy and muddy. It would beat My family were greatly alarmed at Postum. home if the drug is persisted in. You if your heart is troubled. A lady who was once a victim of the "cof- fee heart" writes from Oregon: "'T have been a habitual user of very much in recent years from ail- beverage, such as torpid liver and "Then my heart became affected. mest rapidly just after I drank my coffee, and go be- | low normal as the coffee effect wore | off, Bometimes my pulse would go| as high as 137 beats to the minute. my condition and at last mother persuaded me to begin the use of "T gave up coffee entirely ana absolutely, and made Postum my Essential to Comfort ment, "BACK TO THE SOIL" has stiffened prices, Then agri- culturists generally are looking for ® great revival of farming in En; land, so land is acquiring a pr spective value that it didn't have before. How great the advance } is shown by the case of a distriet in the Cotswold hills in Gloucester. shire where stony, barren land that was bought for $60 an acre fifteen years ag) is fetchirg $125 an acre now and there is mighty little of it to be got at that. ; All these influences are makin land sales a good thing for the landlords. They are getting hard cash for their estates which aft all are a good deal of trovble an don't return a big percentage on the money. Many of them are in- vesting in stocks and bonds some are buying cheap land h Canada and South Africa: Among the notable land sales of the last year was that of the Duk of Bedford's Devonshire which realized $2,500,000. ants. The Duke of Sutherland, who is buying up thousands of. acres in Canada, sold 1,880 acre at Trentham in Staffordshire f about $125,000, and Viscount Clif- den has unloaded 2,030 acres in Oxfordshire for $210,000, an os in Cornwall for $65,000 and one in Cambridgeshire for $235,000. An- other big sale was that of Lo Londesborough's ostates in York- ternoon. We want one that will in| Belton's face expressed his aston- flame all England, and touch the! ishment. heart-strings of every man and wo-| "But, my dear sir," he said, man in the land." "that's a fund of which the Marquis "To touch their purse-strings|of Laverstock is president, and of would, perhaps, be more to the| whose committee you are one of the point," said Carne, with one of his principal members."' quiet smiles, "Exactly,'? answered Carne. "It "Let us hope we shall touch them, | is to those two happy circumstances too,"' she replied. "Now would you|I shall later on attribute the suc- mind going to the dais at the other|cess I now mean to attain. Lord end of the room? You will find Lord} Laverstock is merely a pompous old Laverstock there, talking to my| nobleman, whose hobby is philan- husband, I think." thropy. This lesson will do him Carne bowed, and went forward} good. It will be strange if, before as he had been directed. I am a week older, I cannot twist So soon as it was known that, the! him round my finger. Now for my prt her ladvship rose to say good- ye. Lord Amberley immediately imitated her example. "You will not forget, will yon, Mr. Carne?' she said. 'I am to have the pleasure of seeing you at my house to-morrow afternoon at three o'clock. We shall look for- ward to hearing your speech, and I need not remind you that every word you utter will be listened to with the closest attention." 'At three to-morrow afternoon,"' said Carne, "I shall be at your house. You need have no fear that I shall forget. And now, since you think you must be going, good-bye, sole table beverage. This was 6 months ago, and al] my ills, the in- digestion, inactive iver and rickety neart action, have passed away, and my complexion has become clear and natural. The improvement set in very soon after I made the change, just as soon as the coffee poison had time to work out of my system. "My husband has also been greatly benefited by the use of Pos- tum, and we find that a simple breakfast with Postum, is as satisfy- ing and more strengthening than the old heavier meal we used to have with eoffee."' Asad bine ON, Warmth is essential to com- fort. As you grow older, it is hardly less essential to health. \/ Get a Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater, and you keep warm and com- fortable in your home, no matter what the weather without. The Perfection gives a strong, widespread heat, and gives it quickly. It is always ready for use and burns nine hours ona single filling--no more trouble than a lamp. It can be carried anywhere ; Do pipes, no wires, no flues; no smoke, odor or dirt, The heater that gives complete satisfaction, \ and many thanks to you for asking me." He escorted them to the carriage which was waiting outside, and| when he had watched it drive away, returned to his study to write the, cheque he had promised her, Having done so, he did not rise from his! chair, but continued to sit at his'| writing-table, biting the feather of his quill pen and staring at the blot- ting pad before him. A great and | glorious notion had suddenly come into his head, and the majesty of it was for the moment holding him spellbound, "If only it could be worked,' he said to himself, "what a glorious coup it would be. The question for my consideration is, can it be done? To invite the people of England to subscribe its pounds, shillings, ana pence, for my benefit, would be a glorious notion, and just the sort of thing I should enjoy. Besides which I have to remember that I am a thousand pounds to the bad already, and that must come back from some- where. For the present, however, Vl put the matter aside. After the meeting to-morrow I shall have something tangible to go npon and then, if I still feel in the same mind, it will be strange if I can't find some way of doing what I want. In the meantime I shal] have to think out my speech; upon that will de- pond a good deal of my success. It celebrities had arrived, the meeting was declared open and the speech- making commenced. Olever as some of them were it could not: be doubted that Carne's address was! the event of the afternoon. He was} a born speaker, and what was more, despite the short notice he had re- ceived, had made himself thorough- ly conversant with his subject. His handsome face was on fire with ex- citement, and his sonorous voice rang through the large room like a trumpet call. When he sat down it was amidst a burst of applause. Lord Laverstock leant forward and shook hands with him. '*Your speech will be read al] over England to-morrow morning,'"' he said. "It should make a difference of thousands of pounds to the fund I congratulate you most heartily upon it." Simon Carne felt that if it was really going to make that difference he might, in the light of future events, heartily congratulate him- self. He, however, accepted the praiso showered upon him with be- coming modesty, and, during the next speaker's exhibition of halting |' elocution, amused himself watching the faces before him, and speculat- ing as to what they would say when the surprise he was going to spring upon them became known. Half-an- hour later, when the committee had been elected and the meeting had A New Laxative --the best known to modern medicine --~is the active principle which makes ® so much better than ordinary physics. While thoroughly effective, they never ripe, purge or cause nausea, and never lose their effectiveness. One of the best of the NA-DRU-CO line. 25c.a box. If will mail them, your druggist has not yet stocked thern, send 25c. and sap National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, « + + Montreal. + "but I wish I could persuade you instructions. In the first place, you must find me a moderate-sized 'house, fit for an elderly lady, ands | situated in a_ fairly fashionable| quarter, say South Kensington. | Furnish it on the hire system from one of the big firms, and engage three servants who can be relied up- on to do their work,- and, what is more important, who can hold their tongues. "Next find me an old lady to im- | personate the mistress of the house. | She must be very frail and delicate- looking, and you will arrange with some livery stable people in the neighborhood to supply her with a carriage, in which she will go for an airing every afternoon in order that the neighborhood may become fa- miliar with her personality. Both she and the servants must be made to thoroughly understand that their only chance of obtaining anything from me depends upon their carry- ing out my instructions to the let- ter. Also, while they are in the house, they must keep themselves 'to themselves. My identity, -- of 'course, must not transpire. "'As goon as I give the signal, the old lady must keep to the house, and ithe neighborhood must be allowed to understand that she is seriously ill. The day following she will be worse, and the next she will be dead. You will then make arrange- ments for the funeral, order a coffin, and arrango for the conveyance of the body to Southampton, en route for the Channel Islands, where she is to be buried. At Southampton a yacht, which I will arrange for my- self, will be in readiness to carry us out to sea. Do you think you understand ('§ r "Perfacthy gir? Belton replied, to give up the attempt. You will excuse my saying so, sir. I hope, but it does seem to me a pity, when you have done so much, to risk los- Ing it all over such a dangerous +34 of business as this. It surely can't tle Creek, Mich. plained in the Road to Wellville,'"' in pkgs. appears from time to genuine, true, and full of human interest. succeed, sir?" Name given by Postum Co., Bat- ? and it is ex- "The "There's a reason,' little beok, Ever read the above tetter? A new ons time. They are This year's Perfection is finished in either blue enamel or plain steel ; nickel trimmings ; light and ornamental, yet strong and durable as can be made. All parts easily cleaned, Automatic-locking flame spreader prevents smoking, Dealerseverywhere; or write to any agency of 4 The Queen City Oil Company, Limited TE bAEGT ans ACTOR TORN ae emo hint P? -- | SAVE OVER $25= Direct From The Largest Malleable Range Works in Canada 'or our Catalogne and look into the merits of the 'DOMINION PRIDK," at from $41 to $49. l ou want to save from $25 to $30, and at the same time get the most satisfactory kitchen range made, write If we sold you identically the same range in the usual way, through a dealer, yon would have to pay from $69 to $78 for it. You would be paying two extra profits--to wholesaler and retailer--which would add 25 to $30 to the cost of your range, but absolutely nothing to it, or not "The Evolution of the Cook Stove" ELIS about cooking from the time the Cave Dwellers droppedhotstones * into the pot to boil It also tells all about "Dominion Pride** Ranges. Whether you need ® Rauge just now you will enjoy reading this book. Write for Free Copy. its value. Besides costing much less than other ranges in its class, the "DOMINION PRIDE" ts much more satisfactory. It is made of tough strong, malleable iron and the bost blue polished steel--materials which will not warp, crack or break, The polished steel does not need blacking---simply rub it over with a cloth, With its cold rolled stecl plate oven--sectional fren fire-box lining, with air chambers--and double-walled flues lined with asbestos--the "DOMINION PRIDE" is the most ecoromical range you can nee Actual tests pave proved that it eaves over 30% of fucl, burning either wood er coal, WE PAY THE FREIGHT A "DOMINION PRIDE" Range, with high closet shelf and clevated tank or flush reservoir, with zinc sheet to go under range, & sections blue polished steel pipe and two elbows, will be delivered to any station in Ontario, Quebec or the Maritime Provinces for $41, or to any station In the four Western Provinces for $49~$5 to be sent with order and balance to be paid when the Range is delivered at your station. If not convenient to we will arrange to accept your note, pay Malleable & ARM eee Steel TOA, ORES Nate AMIENS Yo tia PCR Rt ETO LER MS SEE ERR ROR PRN cul Range Mfg. Co., Limited, Oshawa, Ont. ; When writing it will be a distinct favor tous if you will mention this paper. 3 shiro which netted about $640,00 | while Lord Lansdowne got over : $17,000 for shire, MOR« TO COME. So far no figures are available. to the total sales this year, but t) will run into many millions of a lars and there are lots more come. Any enterprising foreign who wants to buy up England a good chance to do so now, bu will have to reckon on L George's taxes which are more li ly to grow than to decrease, An interesting side issue of change in the ownership of la) the effect it will have on t lish aristocracy. Until now been almost exclusively. tories and feudal one, A p without land was almost unthi able and newly created busin peors always made haste to -- land and so acquire definite s ing in their new caste. Land was regarded as a sort of ins) against changing fortunes, | tangiblo property and unde law of entail it was inalienab spendthriff son might ran th the income, and got into debt, tho land romained. Now it wil oasier to dissipste the ance fortune and ambitions Ame mammas who want titled law may soon find a slu prices. Mis 1,050 acres in i THE SUPREME TEST "There never was Amos's eq for up-an'-down good nature," g¢ Mrs. Clifford, in speaking of deceased husband to the new ho der. "My son Joe always sa was more patient than Job. "T tell you,' she contin 'von can figure for vours patient Amos was by this. O) horse. Dandy, would get th under his tail, an' koe *n' on for ten mile wil getting mad." :