kness and Suffering Banished by Dr. Williamss' Pink Pills - ' é 4 1 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are good for men and women, and growing boys and girls, but they are good in a special way for woman. At special times a woman needs a me- qiecine to enrich and regulate her 'blood supply, or her life will be one round of suffering. That is when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are) worth their weight in gold, for they ctually make new blood. There is not a month in her life from fif- teen to fifty that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a boon to every life they bring relief and bring her A oer one might weman. They help the growing girl safely over the critical time when her blood is overtaxed by new demands. To the woman of middle strength for her time of change. And during the thirty odd years 'that lie between Dr. Williams' Pink Pills fill a woman's life with the happiness of health, giving her strength and energy for every furction. A woman's surest pro- tection against all the ills that come to her because of her sex, is 'to set her blood right at once by a course of Dr. Williams' Pink Piils--and then to keep the blood right by taking the Pills occasion- ally. Mrs. Eliza Clouthier, St. Jcrome, Que., is one of the many unfortunate sufferers restored to health by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ske says: "It would be difficult for me to say how much I suffered. I was tormented by headaches and backaches; my appetite failed and I wasted away to such an extent that I was unable to do house- werk. I was constantly taking medicine, but it did not help me any. One day a friend urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I procured a ccuple of boxes. By the time these were done I felt some improvement, and thus en- ccvraged I continued the use of the Pills, gaining strength day by day, until after I had taken six or seven boxes. I was again well und strong, and I have since con tinued in the best of health. I can strongly recommend these Pills to all weak and ailing women."' Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six toxes for $2.50, from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine (Co.,;: Brockville, Ont. Salemi OW LONG IS A DAY? If you meet a man, and he casu- ally remarked that he ate 315 meals yesterday you would either be amazed at his appetite, or take him for a hardened romancist. But probably the man may be from Spitzbergen, where they have a day three and a half months in lergth. And on the whole ft would be wise if one should undertake to do certain work to receive so much _a day in payment, to understand 'just where the work is to be done, have to labor 18% hours at Stockholm, if it happened to be the longest day of 'the year, or all the time from May 21st to July 22nd if in some parts of Nor- way. In St. Petersburg, the long- est day is 19 hours, and the short- est 5 hours. In Finland there is a 22-hour day. In London and at Bremen the longest day is 16% hours; at Hamburg and Danitzig 17 hours, ang Washington about 15 hours. he DON'T DRUG CHILDREN, When you give your child a so- called "soothing" medicine you are not curing its sickness. You are merely drugging it into tem- porary insensibility. The so-called socthing medicines contain opiates, and an overdose may kill the child. When you give little ones Baby's Own Tablets you have the guaran- tee of a government analyst that this medicine is safe. And you have the word of thousands of grateful mothers that this medicine will promptly cure all minor ailments of childhood. Mrs. Alphonse Roy, Scott Junction, Que., says: "My little one was weak and sickly and tsed to ery day and night, but since giving him Baby's Own Tab lets he has thrived splendidly, and is as good-natured and happy as mao wish.'? Sold by all med 7c dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box ftom The Dr. Williaras' Me- dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. LOCUSTS FROM THE DESERT. One of the worst enemies that the South African colonists have to combat is Ithe brown locust of the Kalahari Desert, which periodical- ly sends forth devouring swarms into the settled regions south. swarms of these destroyers invaded Cape Colony, overspreading an area of 125,000 square miles. The insects lay their eygs in the inyad- ed regions during the winter, and the ewes are hatched during the next summer's rains. The South African Central Locust Bureau- plague--gives warning that gerat energy will be required during the | coming suramer to destroy the ine! Nothing, it is thought, could | Se GES: be done toa combat the locusts in their desert stronghold, and at- ention must be concentrated upon e destruction of the young in- seets as they hatch out. Ly) Are your corns harder to remove than those that others have had? - Have they not had the same kind? Have they not been cured by using 'Holloway's Corn Cure? Try a bot- tHe.) om ote ; Don't join a church choir unless you are prepared to take your chants. os : 'Minard's Liviment used by Physicians. .| Sovereigns, on the! In March, 1909, enormous | . 4 | (Dept. the existence of such an organiza- | Regular size at dealers, 50c. a box, 6 for tion shows the seriousness of the | PERSONAL POINTERS. Gossip About Sonre of the World's : Prominent People. : Prince Nicholas of Montenegro, is the most picturesque of living < _ Keen on the preserva. tion of national characteristics, hi« apparel is gorgeous. He wears a white surcoat, over which is a sleeveless jacket of black silk stiff- ly embroidered with gold; a scarlet undercoat covers his broad chest, als: rich in gold-work; a multi-col- ored sash holds the inevitable re- volver, and wide trousers are gath- ered at the knee into a pair of pa- tent leather 'boots, Herr Bebel, the leader of the eGrman Socialists, who recently celebrated his seventieth birthday, is a wheelwright by trade. Al- though entirely self-educated, he is one of the finest orators and de- bators in the Fatherland; and whenever he addresses the Reich- etag he is certain of having a large ana attentive audience. - In such esteem is he held by the Socialists that millions will obey his will be- cause they have implicit trust in his integrity. Herr Bebel neither drinks nor smokes, and, besides being a celebrity in the political world, has gained fame as a writ- er. The Duke of Connaught possesses a unique collection of pipes. On one occasion an American billion- aire asked him to do him the hon- or of presenting him with one of his treasures. If such a favor were eonferred upon him, he added, he would never smoke another pipe till the day of his death. The Duke was a little amused, but he gave the pipe. Some time after His Royal Highness again met the Am- erican, who assured him that his pipe was the sweetest he had ever smoked. "I'm awfully pleased to hear that,'"' replied the Duke, "be- cause I found, after I had given you the pipe, it was not one of mine at all." One of the largest coal-owners in England is the Marquess of Londonderry, who has been disput- ing a statement made by the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer about the profits of coal-mining. Practically the whole of his huge income is de- rived from coal. As a landowner he draws royalties and wayleaves, and as railway shareholder he takes his percentage of the cost of sending the coal from the mines. Much of the product of his seams is brought to London in shins owned by himself, to be dischare- ed at wharves which are iis own property, and from there to be dis- tributed in carts which bear his coronet. As a matter of fact, there is no profit in the business of marketing coal of which he does | not obtain a share. There is not the slightest loss of | girlishness in Queen Alexandra's | }figure. Walking with the dowager empress of Russia, she appears as youthful as a schoolgirl. Her step is light, her carriage erect aad her form is lithe and graceful. In tie preservation of youth she far svr- passes Bernhardt, looked up)a in this respect the world over as a wenderful example of physica} youth carried into old age, Alex andra's face is without a line. Her cheeks are rounded and almost plump. Her chin is as smooth as if she were 16. She attributes her perfection of complexion to a cold cream, the preparation of which is carefully kept secret. Many tines | by sending to S z STATEMENT cas HER ees SIS- TERS TO USE DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. (ONE WOMAN ' -- They Proved a Blessing to Her When Her Pains and Weakness Were Almost More Than She Could Bear. St. George, Man., May 30 (€pecial).--Hoping to save her sis- ter women in the West from pains and aches 'which come at the criti- eal times in a woman's life, Mrs. Arsene Vinet of this place has giv- en the following statement for publ'cation :-- "T have brought up a large fam- ily and have always enjoyed good health until the last two years. ain fifty-four years of age and at the critical time of life that comes to every woman, I had pains in my right hip and shoulder. I could not lie down two minutes at a time without suffering the greatest ag- ony. Sometimes I awakened with a feeling as if one had laid a piece of ice on my head. Another time it would be a burning pain under the left shoulder. "T took many medicines but could gct no relief, till reading of cures of similar cases to my own by Dedd's Kidney Pills, led me to try them. They did wonders for me. "T want all women to know what Dodd's Kidney Pills did for me." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kidneys. The woman who has sound Kidneys is safeguarded against nine-tenths of the suffering that makes life a burden to the 'wo- men of Canada. --hk SOUDAN RAT'S FOOD. During the season of drouth- in the arid parts of the Soudan the entirely on preserved melons. He bites off the melon just as it is ripe and digs away 'the sand from under it, so that it sinks below the level of the ground. The wind soon covers it, and the melon is thus preserved until the jerboa is ready to eat it. One jerboa will bury 40 mélons in a season, GOOD NEWS A celebrated has been selected to to deaf people that deafness is a €isease and can be rapidly and easily cured in your own home. He proposes to prove this fact any person having irouble with their ears a trial treatment of his new method ab- solutely free. We advise all peo- ple who have trouble with their cars to immediately address Dr. Edward Gardener, Suite 914, No 49 West Thirty-third street, New York City, and we wish to assure them that they will receive by re- turn mail, absolutely free, a "Trial pecan > 18 a Rear FOR THE DEAF. New York Aurist demonstrate A REMINDER. Querierly--"Did you enjoy your voyage around Cape Horn?' Lukbacher--"No; it reminded me too much of one cf my boyhood days."' Querierly of boy- "One your she has been inclined to give the preparation to the women of the} fashionable world, but so far she has contented herself with d ing | out only enough for a few inti uate | women friends. The only Royal doctor im the world is Duke Karl Theodoze of Bavaria, who is celebrating his seventeenth birthday. He was in- tended for the army, but being fas- cinated by the study of medicine he abandoned military life for the hos- pital ward. He devoted anime ft particularly to studying diseases of the eye, and soon became cue of tne most successful oculists of the} day. About two years ago he per formed, with the assistance gf bis wife, his five-thousandth operation for cataract. The Duke makes no charge for attending poor people, and only asks payment from those who can easily afford it. His fame has spread all over Turope, and th» demands for his assistance are | numerous that he has heen; obliged to erect a large ho tpital at Tegernsee, where he visits pati ents. 80 ke CURED HER KIDNEYS. Mrs. John Pettigrew, of Central omy, N.S., was practically helpless from | rheumotism. She could not stoop, and her limbs | ached so that it was torture for her to be up and around the house. As Mra. Pettigrew put it. "I was alt} crippled up. 1 saw Gin Pills advertised | and sent for some, and after taking only two boxes, am a different woman, Gin Pills-are the only things that helped me, and [ cannot say too much for them.' If you have that dreadful pain in the back--if you are tormred with rheama- tism--get Gin Pills at once. Write National Drug & Chemical Co., W.L.), Toronte, for free sample. Keon: 2.50, Sie lela STEEL BARRELS. Not all barrels are made of wood; there ure barrels made of} metal. A steel barrel that comes from Germany, used in the impor- tation of aniline dye in powder form, is made with a flat band of the metal, perhaps eight inches in width, around the middle, at the bulge of the barrel, while the two ends of the barrel, tapering from the middle section to the heads, in tthe ordinary barrel fashion, are jmade of corrugated steel with the corrugations running 'lengthwise. The dye stuff is heavy, 600 or 700 "pounds to the barrel; but the steel barre] remains rigid and carries its heavy load securely without rack- ing cr twisting. | am going to marry hood days ?"' Lukbacher I smoked my -"Yes, the day when first cigar." MONTREAL AND QUEBEC. A veritable edition de luxe among railroad pamphlets has been issued by the Grand Trunk Riilway System to amongst tourists the glories of the cities of Montreal and Quebec. The| 4 clears the brochure is beautifully printed and penerally arranged in the artistic style of earlier days, when the or- namentation of a volume was re- gurded as an important incident to its presentation of reading matter. {t gives an interesting descriptioi. of the two most interesting cities in Canada, with many illustrations frem photographs. Sent free to ay address. Apply to Mr. J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, € nt. Pease Beem ete jerboa (a small jumping rat), lives | | | | ; Murine proclaim | "T have discovered a great labor- | saving device,"' were a genius. What is it?' Miss " the heiress."' The healthy glow from the cheek and "T always said you | Bullion, | disappearirg | meaning and | restlessness at night are sure symp- | toms of worms in children. Do not fail to get a bottle of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; it is an effectual medicine. EASY SCHEME. Gunner--"Every time he to my house on a rainy SS eee : : EwidCRONYN & Co. Mombers Toronto Stock Exchange. Safe investments Write for 'our weekly circular on securitics. We have moved to our new building, 90 Bay St.; Toronto 10% INVESTMENT 10% Preferred stock, non-speculative, safe, a Write for information, or etter still, if convenient, come and in- vestigate for yourself. HUDSON BROS., 202 Jarvis Street, Toronto. MACHINERY ACHINERY HEADQUARTERS. | Iron and wood-working machinery. engines, boilera, steam pumps, gasoline engines, electric motors, contractors machinery, etc. Send for catalogue of over 1400 machines. PETRIE. Limited, Toronto. Montreal, Vancouver. EASY EXPLAINED. Seymour--"I wonder why Fox- ley, when he goes out walking with his wife, always makes her keep at his left side?' Ashley--"He's deaf side '" on that The World is Full of Pain.--The aches and pains that afflict human- ity are many and constant, arising from a multitude of indistinguish- able causes, but in the main owing to man's negligence in taking care of his health. Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric Oil was the outcome of a universal cry for some specific which would speedily relieve pain, ard it has filled its mission to a re- markable degree. Teacher--"Johnnie, where is the Scuth Pole?' Johnnie--"Dunno." Teacher--"You don't know after all my teaching?' Johnnie--"'No. If Shackleton can't find it there's no use of my trying." Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gents,--I have used your Minard's Lini- ment in my family and also in my stables for years and consider it the best medi- cine obtainable. Yours truly, ALFRED ROCHAY, Proprietor Roxton Pond Hotel and Livery Stables. Bones--"Who was the greatest financier ever known?" Exchange --'Noah: because he floated his stock when the whole world was in liquidation." Your Druggist Will Tell You | Murine Eye Remedy Relieves Sore: Eyes, Strengthens Weak Eyes. Doesn't_ Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and Sells for 50c. Try in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. "Didn't some idiot propose to you before our marriage?" "Cer- tainly!' 'Then you ought to have married him." "That's just what I did!" TRADINC on a good name and deceiving the public is what the imitators of the well-known "The D. & L."' Menthol Plaster are doing. Don't be fooled, insist on the genuine, "The D. & L. z@ Blinks--"You don't mean to say you've found a sure way to make money at the races?' Jinks-- 'Sure as shooting. I never fail." Blinks--"My! My! Do you buy tips?' Jinks--"No; I sell them."' The change of dietary that comes with spring and summer has the effect in weak stomachs of setting up inflammation, resulting in dy- sentery and cholera morbus. The abnormal condition will continue if net attended to and will cause an exhaustive drain on the system. The best available medicine is Dr. J. D. Kellogge's Dysentery Cordial. stomach and bowels of irritants, counteracts the inflam- mation and restores the organs to tealthy action. Aa a gentle hint. to the mereury ia the thermometer, there is plen- ty of room at the top. Minard's Liniment Lumberman's Friend. SRN TS FREEDOM IN CHINA. Imperial Decree Millions The Chinese Government by im- perial reccrips has abolished slav- evy throughout the empire and has prohibited henceforth the purchase and- sale of human beings under any pretext. The reform, however. is not altogether complete, as by the rescript certain forms of slay- ery will still be tolerated. In a report made to the State Depart- ment it is stated that the retainers of Manchu princes are not eman- cipated, but it is forbidden to call them slaves. They have long en- will Emancipate of Slaves. |joyed educational and other privi- day he} | wants to borrow an umbrella. Con found that man, I hope I never see | him again."' Guyer--"'Oh, that's easy. lend him the umbrella."' Just comes | leges. although still bound to their hereditary masters. The household slaves of the Man chus are also not emancipated, but their status under the law proved. is BETWEEN THE TWO. One day a drill-sergeant in the Army had a number of recruits to drill, and wanted the married men|_ Separated from the single cones, so he formed them in a line, and gave the word of command: "Single men advance, and mar- ried men fall back in the rear." All took their positions except one, an Irishman, who stood still. The sergeant asked the reason why he had not moved, but no answer came from Pat. "Come, my man, are you mar- ried ?" ; "No," replied Pat. "Then you are single." ON "Then what are you?' "T am courting Sally." The sergeant collapsed. A Medical Need Supplied.--When a medicine is found that not only acts upon the stomach, but is so eomposed that certain ingredients of it pass unaltered through the stomach to find action in the bow- els, then there is available a pur- gative and a cleanser of great ef- fectiveness. Parmelee's Vegetable Fills are of this character and are best of all pills. During the years that they have been in use they have established themselves as no other pill has done. SMALLEST HUMAN RACE. The inhabitants of the Andaman Isiands are the smallest race of known human beings--that is, tak- en on an average. The height of a full-grown Andaman islander sel- dcm exceeds three and a half feet, and few weigh over sixty-five pounds. They are said to be mar- velously swift of foot, as well as being possessed with extraordin- ary endurance. The few trayel- lers who visit the islands avoid contact with the dwarfs as far as possible, partially on account of their extreme filthiness, but prin- cipally 'because. of their warlike disposition and 'their handiness with poisoned spears. DEAF, LISTEN! You have used Horns, Trumpets and other Mechanical Devices in the hope of being able to hear, but always found the expected satis- faction was spelled "Disappoint- ment.'? If you write to Ernest Pratt, 468 Yonge Street, Toronto, yo1 will learn some good news. Do it to-day--better still--do it now! "Better late tham never" is poor consolation when you miss. the last train A LONC RECORD OF SUCCESS in cur- ing all sorts of cuts, burns and bruises, as well as all bowel complaints, is held by 'Painkiller "--over 60 years. Avoid substitutes, there is but one 'Painkiller' -- Perry Davis', 25c. and-.50c. Doesn't a chicken fight come un- der the head of fowl play? Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. The two men talked for a time in the train. "Are you going to hear Barkins lecture to-night?' said one. "Yes," returned the other. | "Take my advice and don't. I hear he is an awful bore." EF must go," said the other. a Barkins."' Pills for Nervous Troubles.--The stomach is the centre of the nerv- ous system, and when the stomach suspends healthy action the result is manifest in disturbances of the nerves. If allowed to persist, nerv- ous debility, a dangerous ailment, may ensue. The first consideration is to restore the stomach to proper action, and there is no readier re- racdy for this than Parmelee's Ve- eetable Pills. Thousands can at- iest the virtue of these pills in cur- ing nervous disorders. A man always tries to conceal his vices under his virtues. Ask for Minard's and take no other. Prosecuting Attorney (Frozen Dog)--'Your honor, the sheriff's | bull pup has* gone and chawed up the court Bible!' Judge--"Well, make the witness kiss the bull pup, then. We can't adjourn court for a week just to hunt up new Bible." Sick Headaches a are not caused by anything wrong i> the head, but by constipation, hiliousness and indigestion. Head- ache powders or tablets may dead- en, but cannot cure them, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills do cure sick headache in the sensible way by removing the constipation or sick stomach which caused them. Dr. .Morse's Indian Root Pills ara purely yegetable, free from any harmful drug, safe and sure. When you feel the headache coming take Dr. Morse's im- | r y 1 They are to be regarded , as hired servants, but their service | | vears, so that they unlimited are in reality perpetual slaves... Under this seript the immemorial practice selling children in China in times of famine is abolished, although they may be bound for a specified term, but never beyond the age of twenty-five. The rescript is said to be a com- promise measure, bat it will even- tually give freedom to millions of is due for an re } human beings, and is declared to mark a distinct advance in clviliz- ation. ~ Mike--"'Oh, Pat, the black eye 'ave yo! Phwat's the matter?' Pat--"Oi paid Olancey a grudge yisterday, an' thot's the resate he gave mo') : oem oft] term of | Cures Sprung Tendon, Collar and Saddle Galis , 234 Manitoba Ave., Winnipeg, | October L1hb, 1908, "I have used your Spevin Cure on a Sprung Tendon with good results and I can recommend it for Collar and Saddle Gatls." J, BH. Mexlott, Kendall's Spavin Cure Le a bhopsing ta farmers and atockmen. In the past 40 Kendall's Spavin Cure has literally raved of dollars for horse owners. This the ove remedy that can always be depended upon to shgpiuteiy cure Spavin, Bingbone, Curb, Splink, Bywedlings and Lameness, : Never Dieters, ecess or turns the hair white. As good for man ax for beast. Keep Kendall's always handy, #1. a bottle 6 fox #3. When you buy at your dealer's, got copy of our book 'A Treatise On The Horse"---it's free or write us a DR. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enosburg Falls, Vt. Keeps the Brain Clear and Keen, | _ Because it Promotes Health. To serve--heat in oven, pour hot milk over it and salt to taste. Sold by all grocers, 13c. a carton; two for 25c. -- Action. The Heart ofa Pianois the : insist on the {\"OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action THE LINDMAN TRUSS will hold any reducible Wie ctpasiatian" 'SLNDIAN eg ak r 'or particulars, a) Momiaals ae, CRE |Byeing ! Cleaning! For the very best send your work to the "BRITIGN AMERICAN BYEING GO." | stam mering. pupils everywhere. references sent on reque: STAMMERERS The methods employed at the Arnott I are tne only co ae methods for the cure of hey treat the CAUSK, not merely the habit, and insure NATURAL speech If you have tho slightest impediment in your speech don't hesitate to write us. Cured Pamphiet, particulars and st. The Arnott Instituto, Borlin, Ont,,Can. Look for agent im your town, or send direst. | Mentreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Quebey Is Your Hearing Cood § The HEAR-O-PHONE will give you the benefits of good hearing. Send for tree booklet, giving particulars and namos of satisfied users. Also Special Offer for a Month's Home Trial. titot. RH COLDS BC . Sela n Lt ta fafacninatton of or ol use nray's ady Bol lef, PNEUMONIA, PLLURISE. MSEASESS ti- 'opel HES YO THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE LIMITED, 33¢ Spadina Avenue, Toronto. STYLES IN HAIR Braids, 30 In., $3.50 Switohes, 22 to 90 In. long,$3.60 to $5.50 Puffs and Curls, 18 in > sluster, $2.50 Turban Style, com- * plete, $1.50 Braid, by the yard, $1.08 Ladios and Cent's Wigs, $17.50 Cent's Toupees, from $12.50 Hair Nets, extra large, 3 for 260. Turban Pads, - . 35 to 75e. Rare shades extra. Orders over $1.00, post. free. end sample of hair and cash with order. from . Flies on Your Stock DECREASE THE MILK YIELD. DAY & MOHLER, 116 King St. West, » inYOoOuU Toronto. | MIND'S EYE ?' COOPER'S FLY KNOCKER : we WORLD) will keep cows free from files at a cost of fess than one cent a day. $1.75 GALLON Ask your Hardware Dealer, or WM. COOPER & NEPHEWS TORONTO. A GREAT DEMAND FOR PAPER STOCK WASTE PAPER OF ALL GRADES. Also Rags, Iron, Metals, Rubbera, Eto. E, PULLAN, *¢°l2I¢o and Maud sta, Toronto, Ont. 50c. QUART Phone for perticulara. Main 4** PAINT FOR It is for you, because it who wants it good. You know costs more to put on poor paint than to put on good paint. Your house should be painted with good paints, with AMSAY'S PAINTS to keep it looking bright and clean for years--costs not too much but just right for right paint.. We want you to see our handsome little booklet telling all about honse painting, it will help yon. Write for copy of our Booklet "W" free. A. RAMSAY & SON CO., Established 1842, The Paint Makers, is you it Montreal. } fi poring used the same as lemoa or vanilla, issolving granulated sugar in water ond adding Mapleine, a delicious y le mado and a syrup better than le. Maplein is aold b atocers. I send Sc f ? On. bottle an recipe book, Crescent Mig. Co., Seattle, Wa THE 'ROYAL' LINE TO EU << ap ROPE FROM BR Thursday, aa aa aa aa ISTOL May June June July July Aug. SAILING FROM Montreal and Quebec to Bristol TRIPLE TURBINE EXPRESS STEAMSHIPS Royal Edwar _ Triple Screws, Marconi Wireless, Deep Sea Telephones, Passenger Elevators, 6 Passenger Decks, 12,000 tons. anv Royal George SAILINGS STEAMER * FROM MONTREAL 26---Royal George Thursday, June 9 9--Royal Edward ss June 23 23--Royal George July 7 7--Royal Edward July 24 2+--Royal George Aug. 4 4--Royal Edward Aug. 18 aa aa aa AND FORTNICHTLY THEREAFTER Steamers. at sea. 'Best Appointed The Most Pic- turesque Port. Only four days The twin ships, the ' Royal Edward" and the ave the fastest triple sorew ture - The British port is Bristol (two hours nearer than Liverpool). Special trains alongside steame * Royal George" bine boats in the Canadian service, rs Within 110 mins utes of London, The steamers are driven by the newest type of turbine engines, insuring a maxi- mum of speed and minimum of vibration, equipment is the finest ever seen in the St. Law. rence, i i spacious social apart. Their Large staterooms, ments, sheltered promenade iN¥s, perfect service, tank system, the fresh decks, artistic furpish. and ventilation hy thermo air being warmed or cooled For full particulars, rates, booklets, schedu any steamship agent, or write to H. ©. BOU Canadian Northern Steamships, Limited, Tombs, Acting General Fre : Wm. Stapleton, General Agent, Winnipeg. as required, j a of sailings, ete apt RETR RIS ee B SLIGR, Gen. Agent Loroato, Canada: or Guy oY oy tags t and Passenger Agent, Montreal ;-or -- a;