Se ocien's a ~~ Ae anaes. MG: A TERRIBLE SUFFERER FOR THREE YEARS But Health Was Completely Restor- ed by Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. Extreme anguish; pains in the jointsthat all but drive one crazy-- thus may inflammatory rheumatism be described. The victims are to be pitied--to them 'life is one long torture; they suffer 'by day and cannot sleep by night. Such was ube condition of Miss A. Mercier of Ottawa, Ont. For three years she was a victim of this trouble and found no relief till she began us- ing Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She says:--"For three years I was @ sufferer from inflammatory rheu- matism. During that time I con- sulted and was treated by some of the best doctors in our city, but IL found no relief in their treatment, I began to despair of ever being well again, when one day a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I procured three boxes and by the time these were used there was enough improvement in inv condition to encovrage me to continue their use. Three more boxes completely cured me and to- day I am as well as ever I was. I always keep a supply of Dr. Willi- ams' Pink Pills in the house and would recommend all who suffer as { did to give them a trial.' lt was the new blood that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually made that restored Miss Mercier 'to health and strength. There is no medicine to equal them in making new blood and in this way they cure anaemia, rheumatism, heart palpitation, indigestion, neuralgia, St. Vitus danse and many other troubles. Sold by all dealers in medicine or direct at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from 'The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. ~ eR NO EXCEPTION. Pat was being shown the sights of America. His Yankee guide, after showing him numerous wonders, brought him to a statute of Wash- ington. "T guess," he said, "there's a man, and a lie never passed through his lips." '"(No," said Pat, "I expect, like the rest of ye, he spoke through his nose.'"' " MOTHERS FEEL SAFE WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mothers who have used Baby's Own Tablets say they feel safe when they have this medicine in the house, as the Tablets are a never-failing cure for the ills of babyhood and childhood. And the mother has the guarantee of a government analyst that this medi- cine contains no poisonous opiates. {rs. Walter Barr, Mountain Grove, Ont., says :--"My little boy suffered terribly when teething and from constipation. Nothing I gave him did the least good until I gave hira Baby's Own Tablets and these brought him speedy relief. Every mother of young children should keep the Tablets in the home." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. ' Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont, SOE. oe aiatntiogy FUTILE DISSENSION. "So you and your husband are always quarreling?" said the family lawver. "Yes,"? answered the young wo- man, "What do you quarrel about "' "YT forget the subject of the first quarrel. But we have been quar- reling ever siace who was to blame for it.'"' PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any savo of Ltching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60e, A SHOCK. One of the first shocks the aver- age young married woman gets is when she puts on a new gown and her husband doesn't know the dif- ference. Sleeplessness.--Sleep is the great restorer and to be deprived of it is vital loss. Whatever may be the cause of it, indigestion, nervous derangement or mental worry, try u course of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. By regulating the action of the stomach, where the trouble lies, they will restore normal conditions amnd-healthful sleep will tollow. Yhey exert a sedative force upon the nerves and where there is un- test they bring rest. The man who is willing to bet his bettom dollar seldom has to dig down very far. Ohitied to the Bono? A teaspoonful of Patn. killer ina -- of hot water sweerened will warm a and aver a cold, Avoid substitutes, there is one " Painkiller "---Porry Davis'--260 and 50a A LET UP; "Do they quarrel all the time?' ' y . 'No, they entertain company now and then." Many a man is proud of his past because it is past. Don't Miss Good News for The duet Think of itt With the SAMS youcancolor ANY kind of cloth Pevfoatly.-No chance of mistakes. All colors ro cents from nas Drugsist or Dealer, Sample Card and ooklet Free from & Limited, Tho Jéchinson-Richarde opt. oO. 2 vn pt bit Que. GERMANY'S HARD LESSONS. -- As Europe's Battleground She Has Been Ravaged Time and Again. Occupying the greater portion of Cexrtral Europe, Germany is, in po- litieal respects, the most unfavor- ably located country in the world. Nowhere protected by such na- tural boundaries as large rivers or high mountain ranges, which would block the way of enemies, but easily accessible and vulnerable on all sides, Germany has been, since 're- motest times, the object of hostile assaults. Tor a period of 400 years the Ger- man tribes were compelled to de- fend their independence from the Romans. Later came the horrible invasion of the Huns; the piracies by the Northmen; the frequent at- tacks by the Magyars, Mongols and Turks. During the Thirty Years War Germany served as the great bat- tleground for Spanish, Swedish, Ttalian and Hungarian troops, who reduced the population from sev- enteen to four millions and made the country an almost uninhabit- able desert. In Saxony, during the two years 1631 and 1682, 934,000 persons were killed or swept away by sickness. 'In Wurttemberg over 500,000 lost their lives, and eight cities, 45 towns, 65 churches and '36,000 houses were burned. The Palatin- ate, having at that time a popula- tion of 500,000, suffered a loss of 457,000, and in some parts of Thur- ingia more than ae ey cent. of the sopulation perished, The sovansoorith and eighteenth centuries brought the frequent raids by the French, who left the ruins of hundreds of beautiful castles on the Rhine, Moselle and Neckar as lasting monuments of their visits. + The beginning of the nineteenth century saw the onslaught of that monstrous adventurer, Napoleon aes by whom Germany was humiliated as never before. 'The imperial mantle was torn into shreds and stamped into the dust. The Ger- man kingdoms and States were giv- en by Napoleon as presents to his relatives and favorites, who made the German cities ring with their gay life. Would any nation, says Rudolf Cronan in McClure's, ignore the lessons taught by such an un- happy, terrible past? Motto Will Not be Adopted by Men Strong in Principle. We hear men apologizing for their tricks in trade that a man must live. "For a piece of bread that man will trangress." Yes, a man must live--forever. Never adopt the motto: "All is fef? in trade.'? There are men in- | lecible in principle, upright and square, who have gone under, but came up again, from all their lesses aud failures, with a conscious in- tegrity, sustained by the testimony of their associates that, though un- fortunate, they were never dishon- est. When Chicago burned down and the earthquake destroyed San Francisco, the business men could go right ahead without cash capital, because they had acquired charac- ter-capital. A good man cannot be burned out and the earthquake can- not destroy him. > A GOOD COUGH MIXTURE, Simple Home-made Remedy That is Free From Opiates and Harmful Drugs. An effective femedy, that will usually break up a cold in twenty- four hours, is easily made by mix- ing together in a large bottle two ounces of Glycerine, a half-ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky. This mixture will cure any cough that is curable, and is not expen- sive, as it makes enough to last the average family an entire year. Vir- gin Oil of Pine compound pure is prepared only in the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Co., Cinein- nati, Ohio. PSREATIMLRON * « iecibcmayre eg MEAN. The meanest thing That comes our A rain storm on A winter's day. A Safe Pill for Sufferers.--There are pills that violently purge and fill the stomach and intestines with pain. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are mild and effective. They are purely vegetable, no mineral pur- gative entering. into their composi- tion and their effect is soothing and beneficial. Try them and be con- vinced. Thousands can attest their great curative qualities because thousands owe their health and strength to timely use of this most excellent medicine. -------_h---__.. RULING A SAVAGE TRIBE. King Punishes Them by Cutting Of Kar, Hand or Foot. The author of "'Heroes of Mod- ern Crusades,' the Rey. Edward Gilliat, M. A., at one time master of Harrow School, says in his most interesting book that he had a few years ago the privilege of meeting the king of the Quiah country, Tetti Agamasong, at Harrow. The Quiah king had been educated at St. Augustine's College, Canter- bury, and was able to lecture to the jHarrovians in good English. In his lecture he told a quaint story which brings one nearer to the weird lives of the Quiahs, a small agriculaural and trading tribe. of inoffensive character on the west coast of Africa. "Tn my country,'"' said the king, 'we have no prisons; therefore if way, ' -- : i resin pends ae a culprit is brought'to me I must |), 'SSUE NO. 10--10.1 | if chop off something,--an ear or two, a hand or a foot,--and he goes home a sadder and a wiser man. Just before I left for England a chief came to my hut, bringing a prison- er. "«*What has he done, friend? I asked. X : "'He is a dangerous witch, O king; he can turn himself into an alligator.' "Pooh! nonsense! I don't be- lieve that old-fashioned stuff.' "* 'Oh, but we saw him do it, down by the big river.' "Indeed! Well, chief, tel] me all about it. You saw him your- self!' ""«T did. We were hunting by the banks of the river with our rifles when all at once we saw a big alligator lying on a rock in the river. The witch man was lying asleep in a hammock some fifty yards away. O the dangerous crea- ture he is! "Well, king, do not laugh with your eyes like that, for | am speak- ing the truth. I put up my rifle to shoot the alligator, but to our great fear, as soon as I fired, this fellow rolled out of his hammock and fell on the ground, and rubbed his back, and swore he was hurt. 'Now, O king, if this witch had not been inside the alligator, how could he have been hurt when I fired ? "Gentlemen," concluded the king, '"'I see you are laughing with your eyes; but it is very difficult to rule over a people untaught and given over to superstition. "What did I do? Why, if I had left him free they would have killed him as soon as I had gone on my ship, so I saved his life by chopping off his left ear." ; ey ITCHING ERUPTIONS QUICKLY COOLED Just a few drops of the famous D. D. D. Prescription applied to the skin will take away instantly the worst kind of an itch. We posi- tively know this. * Oil of wintergreen, a mild, sooth- ing liquid, combined with such heal- ing substances as thymol and gly- cerine, will penetrate to the inner skin, kill the germs, and heal. The D. D. D. Prescription, made at the D. D. D. Laboratories of Chicago, seems to be just the right com- pound, as thousands of remarkable cutes prove. Don't go on suffering from ec- zema or any other itching skin dis- ease, when relief is so easily ob- tained, Just write the D. D. D. Labora- tories, Dept. W. L., 23 Jordan St., Toronto, and they will send you, free, a trial bottle. will relieve the itching at once, and prove to your satisfaction that here at last is the cure for your torture. Write for a trial bottle to-day. For sale by all druggists. % MOTHER'S EXPERIENCE. Fond Mother--"Now, look here, George! I want you to break off with that girl. She is very pretty, and all that, but I know her too well to want you to risk your life and happiness by marrying her. Why, she knows no more about housekeeping than I do about Greek--not a bit!" George--"Perhaps not; but she can learn." Mother--"After marriage is ra- ther late for that, George." George--"But you said yourself that you did not know a thing about housekeeping until after you were married." Mother--'"'Very true, George, and your poor father died of dyspepsia twenty years ago."' : ANOTHER PLAN. He (encouragingly)--"I'm sure of one thing, my angel--you and I will never quarrel as that couple are doing!" She (with decision)--"Indeed, we shan't! If you ever speak to me as he did to her, I shall call the police !"' Be Sur@ you cet the kind you have alwaye had "The D & L." Menthol Plaster, Fer rheumatia: neuralgia, etc., nothing is botter. Made only b; Davis & Lawrence Company. Tommy, aged six, who has just been punished by his father; "Mam- m2, [ don't believe I can stand your husband much longer!" 2 Only One 'BROMO QUININE" That {s LAXATIVE PROMO QUININE. Look for the signature of EK. W. GROVE. Used the world over to Cure # Cold in One Day. 2bc, Some people talk so' much that they have no time to listen to any- thing worth while. -------- We Must Go from heated rooms to the cot outer air, and the change sets us coughing. Cur: 'tng winter colds is not hard if yen take Allen's Lan Jsara. A neglected cold is troublesome and dangerous, A HAPPY DISPOSITION. "Tn a little while beefsteak will be as expensive as quail on toast."' 'Well,' answered Mr. Bliggins, "then we can eat quail without feeling reckless and extravagant.' 1 ~ This sample | FROM NOVA SCOTIA STATES THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURES BRIGHT'S DISEASE, A VOICE --+ Ellie J. Mirk Suffered from this Terrible Ailment for Four Years, but Dedd's Kidney Pills Made Her a Well Woman. Miscou Harbor, Gloucester Co., N. 8., Feb 28 (Special).--That any remedy that will cure Brighkt's Dis- ease will cure any form of Kidaey Disease has leng been admitted by the medical profession, and this place furnishes one more undoubted proof that Dodd's Kidney Pills will cure Bright's Disease. For Ellie J. Mirk, well known here, had 'Bright's Disease, and Dodd's Kid- ney Pills cured her. "T suffered for over four years from Kidney Disease which de; e!cp* ed into Bright's Disease," Miss Mirk states. "I had pains in head and back, and stiffness of the jeints. I lost my appetite and suf- fered from dizziness and shortness of breath. I was weak and lan- guid all the time. "T was always nervous and could not keep my thoughts from wander- ing. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. To-day I have not one of these dis- tressing symptoms." Neglected Kidney Complaint de- velops into Bright's Disease, Heart Disease or Diabetes. Dodd's Kid- ney Pills cure any and all of these. But it's easier and safer to cure the earlier symptoms by using Dodd's Kidney Pills. Cy SHORTSIGHTED WOMAN. Do what he would, the landlord could never get the rent from his tenant, who, when asked to pay up. went into a long rigmarole about hard times, and made many promises, which always remained unfulfilled. Sick at heart with hope deferred, he called again the other day, and listened to the same old tale from the lady of the house. It was a trying interview, but the landlord, a very good soul, said that rather than make a fuss about such a small matter, he would make her a present of the house; an offer which was gladly accepted. When her husband returned from work, she told' him what had trans- pired. His indignation knew no bounds, "T should think you had more sense than to take it!" he yelled. "Take it! Of course, I took it!" | replied his wife, surprisedly. "Why net?' "Why, you daft idiot, we'll have taxes to pay now!' Do SHE HAD THIS SORE FOR FOUR LONG YEARS! How Zam-Buk Healed It. You can't equal Zam-Buk for sores of all kinds, whether recent cr of long standing. That is the opinion of Mrs. Wilson, of 110 Wickinson Ave., Toronto. She says: "About four years ago a sore spot appeared on the right side of my face, just about tle angle of the jaw This spot increased in size util it became about half an inch in diameter, and very troublesome. I went to a doctor, from whom at different times during fifteen years I had received treatment, but the ointment I got did not have any good effect on the sore. I had it cauterized; tried poultices and all kinds of salves, but it was no good, and this continued for four years. A sample of Zam-Buk was one day left at our house, and I used it. "Although the quantity was so small, it seemed to do me some good, so I purchased from Mr. Bauld, Druggist, Scollard and Yonge Streets, a supply of Zam- Buk. Each. box did me more and more good, and to my delight, be- fore I had been using Zam-Buk three weeks, I saw that it was go- ing to heal the sore. In less than a month it was healed! It has now been healed for almost a year. Try Zam-Buk for eczema, ulcers, skin eruptions, face spots, baby's rashes, inflamed places, piles, blood-poisoning and all skin in- juries and diseases. 50c all -drug- gists and stores, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. sie 4 A FLORADORA STUNT. He wooed a maid named Flora When he'd lost a girl named Dora; After Dora he woed Cora And wound up with wedding Nora. If your children moan and are restless dur'ng sleep, coupled, when awake, with a loss of appetite, pale countenance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend upen it that the primary cause of the trouble is worms. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator effectually | removes these pests, at once relieving the little sufferers. SNIPPETS OF SENSE. If you would flatter a woman, keep quiet and listen. Man's chief wisdom consists in knowing his follies. It's difficult to please yourself and others at the same time. A spinster's face is sure to light up if she strikes a match. Mind your own business--unless you are getting paid for minding other people's. If you would retain @ man's friendship, don't try to show him that he isn't half as smart as he thinks he is. The trouble in the world is near- ly all due to the fact that one-half of the people are men and the other half women, Guar- anteed to contain no opiates. It is # very palatable too--children like it. | Ail Druggisis, 25 Cents 1909 was the mosf prosperous year in the history of fhe National Life Assurance Co, OF CANADA, large gains being made in INSURANCE IN FORCE, ASSETS, PREXHIUM INCOME, INTEREST INCOME, AND SURPLUS. A Spocial Agent is Required in this District. Apply to The National Life Assurance Co. OF CANADA, Head Office: 25 Tororto St., Toronto TOO LATE! in the bath, sir?" Voice (between splashes)--"Yes. What d'you want?' Landlady--;"I forgot to 'tell you IT had it fresh painted inside last night, sir, and it won't be dry for two or three days!' Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago, fcr 48-page illustrated Eye Book Free. Write all about Your Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Applica- tion of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Your Druggist will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Byes, Strength. ens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Eye Pain, and selis for 50c. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Scaly Eyelids and Granulation. SPEAKING OF ART. Young Wife--This dish, dearest, is an original composition of my own. Husband--Well, I should rather, my pet, that you would cook after the old masters. A USEFUL INVENTION. One of the latest inventions along the lines of gas and gasoline en- gines is a harvester engine. This consists of a 2% h.p. air cooled engine*which operates the machin- ery of the binder, and relieves the horses of so much work. This out- fit will doubtless be a very familiar object on the Western plains in the near future. (It is manufactured by the Gilson Manufacturing Co., Port Washington, Wis., and Guelph, Canada.) THE LIMIT OF FOOLISHNESS. We do a great many foolish things from day to day, but keeping the temperature of a living room up to 80 and above for the sake of a rub- bez plant, strikes us as about the most foolish of all. A Soothing Oil.--To throw oil upon the troubled waters means to subdue to calmness the most bois- terous sea. To apply Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil to the troubled body when it is racked with pain means speedy subjugation of the most re- fractory elements. It cures pain, heals bruises, takes the fire from burns, and as a general household medicine is useful in many ailments. It is worth much. & GOOD WORK. The dear old veteran paused in his reminiscences, and his audience began to think he had left off. Vain hope! "T ~~ recollect,"' he continued dreamingly, "that at the battle of 'Alma I had a very exciting time. Bullets were pelting upon us like rain, men fell right and left, can- worst of all, the enemy had man- aged to get within a hundred yards of our position. I was mad with excitement, and wasn't thinking of anything except just fighting for all I was worth. All of a sudden | turned, and found that my regiment had altered its position, and I was cut off--left to the merey of the enemy, sir." The veteran paused again; he al- ways does at the most exciting part; he finds it amusing. "Well, what did you do?' an impatient listener. "Do," said the old fellow sleep- ily "Well, I reckon I did a mile in three minutes."' fe ' asked Nothing looks more ugly than to see a person whose hands are cov- eved over with warts. Why have these disfigurements on your per- son when a sure remover of all warts, corns, etc., can be found in Holloway's Corn Cure. oe UNCLE EZRA SAYS: etme = ee "People count their chickens afore they are hatched becuz they like to enjcey what they think they're goin' to hey." Gend for frea sample to Bept. W. L., No Landlady (to lodger)--"Are you non roared like thunder itself, and, | GREAT IS THE LAW. "And now, my son,' said the bank manager, "on this, the thres- hold of your business life, I desire to impress one thought on you. Henesty, ever and always, is the policy that is best." "Yes, father,'? said the young man. "And, by the way,'"' appended the greybread. "I would urge yon to read up a little common law. It will amaze you to find how many things you can do in a_ business way and still be honest." NEW TRADERS BANK BRANCHES. A Branch of the Traders Bank has been opened in Erskine, Alber- ta, and we are advised that one wili be opened in Matheson, On- tario, about the 21st instant. This will make 106 Branches of the Traders Bank in Canada. HER COME-BACK. "J believe in saying what I think," said the young man in the flabby trousers. i "T've often wondered why you dcn't talk very much," said the girl with the trick of saying what she thinks. ea Bickle's Anti-Consumptive Syrup is an unparalleled remedy for colds, coughs, influenza. and diseases of the throat and lungs. The fame of the medicine rests upon years of successful use in eradicating these affections, and in protecting man- kind from the fatal ravages of con- sumption, and as a neglected cold leads to consumption, one cannot be too careful to fight it in its early stages. Bickle's Syrup is the wea- pon, use it. It, sometimes happens that by the time a young man can afford to marry he doesn't want to. fo Reasonable Man expects to cure an lasted coldinaday. But time and Allen's Lung Balsam will overcoms the cold and stave off consumption, gouge will cease and lungs be sound as a new dollar, wee ALWAYS AT HER HEAD. Who would not be barber? No rival need he dread! For he's sure in his profession To stand always at the head. Dr. Morseé's Indian Root Pills owe their singular effectiveness in curing Rheumatism, Lumbago and Sciatica to their power of stimulat- ing and strengthening the kidneys. They enable these organs to thor- oughly filter from the blood the uric acid (the product of waste matter) which gets into the joints and muscles and causes these pain- ful diseases. Over half a century of constant use has proved con- clusively that Dr. sforse's Indian Root Pills strengthen weak kid- neys and Cure Rheumatism CARPET DYEING and Cleaning, This is a specialty with the Gritish American Pyeing co' Send particulars by post and wo are sure to satisfy. Address Bex 158, Mentreal. Radway"s Ready Re- lef cures the werst ne in from oms (0 wenty minutes For Headache (whether siek or ache, Ne a, Rheumatism, far . pains and weakness in the , Spine or kidneys, around the liver, erin fe swelling of the jeints, and pains of all kinds, Red. war's Ready Relief will im a few days of. fect a pertaancnt cure. i Kills Bone Spavin Rich Valley, Alta, May 20th. 1909 "I have used your Spavin Cure for a long time and weuld aot be without it, Have killed a Boue Spavin by its use." OLE CARLSON, That tells the whole story. And hundreds of thousands have had the same experience in the past 40 years, For Spavin, Ringbone, Curb, Splint, Swellings and all Lameness, Kendall's Spavia Cure cures the trouble--makes the horse sound and wetland saves money for the owner because it removes the cause of the troubie, . Keep a bottle always at hand~ $lor§ for $5. Good for man and oth Ask your dealer for free copy of our book "A Treatise On The Hosse" or write us, MM cauart CRON YN £2 Members Toronto Steck Ezchange. SAFE INVESTMENTS Sis' cu-s circular on secnritic % Refer as to standing to any bank. : We have moved to 90 Bay St., Toron Ox our new building, EDUCATIONAL. aS ' BARN THE BARBER TRADE--NEW ; - system--constant ractice; carefal instruction; few weeks complete course; tools free; graduates earn twelve to eightecn dollars weekly; write for catas logue. Moler Barber College, 221, Quee East, Toronto. i : FARMS FOR SALE. X SALE OR RENT ---200 ACRES REST Puan farm in Halton County, bank barn running water, convenient to station, rural an : Jong Motance telephones. Particulars, apply to, -- Hi. EB. TUCK, Owner, Hornby, Ont. % MACHINERY ACHINERY HBADQUAREERS. -- Tron and wood-working machinery, boilers, steam pumps, gasoling-- engines, electric *motors, contractors machinery, etc. Send for catalogue of over 1400 machines. H. PETRIE, -- Limited, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver. ---- M ergines, THE LINOMAN TRUSS willholdany reducible ~ beruia, Kadorsed by foremost medical men, Write for particulars. B. LINDMAN, (Reg'd), Montreal, GAL VES Ralse Them without ane ah Stoele, Briggs Beed Co, Ltd., Toronto [Ont one of the marvels of the electrical ag n use threughout tho werld. Write for cat: fo us. General Acoustic Co., of Canada, Ltd, 468 ¥ onge Street, Toronto. Marlatt's Hair Promoter, Crows Mair on any Bald Head On sale at the Robt. Simpson Co., Toronto, Canada, or the Marluct Hair Promoting Co., Toronto, Canada. I Ravages of Consumtion In the year 1890, 18 years ago, Mrs. G, - S. Gesner, of Belle Isle, N.S., was ip a sad condition. All hor relatives bad died of consumption, and there was every indication f that she was going the same way, i Atthis peint her husband euggested totry Psychine. The doctor who attended said Psychine was worthless; but it effected a wonderful cure. Eighteen rae after ina letter bearing date August 14, 1908, Mrs, Gesner says, "I am betterthan I have been f for years. My lunge have nottroubled me since I took your treatment. My physician told me I ceuld not take a better tonic than PSYCHINE, aad I recommend it to all who are suffering from Lung Trouble and Gen. exal Debility." For eale by all Draggists 50c. & $1 per bottle. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM st ewe LIMITED, k PRONOUNCED, SI-KEEN, OPE FOR THE DEAF--IN wie all A Few Shares for Sale in one of the best Loan 'Companies in Canada ep easy terms; only €10.00 down: Ne Meney to Lend at 5}% on approved Pt securities, Apnix or particulars to M, J. KENT, Box 419, London, On SUAS Ae ER AR SO e ML PNA AE SEED POTATOES. ~ BR. B. J. KENDALL CO. Enesbarg Falls, Ve ct Grown from pure bred seed imported from England, Scotland and United States. Extra First Early, First Early, Second Early, Medium and Late. For prices, etc. address W. P. NILES, - Wellington, Ontario, Grower of Seed Peas, Beans and Potatoes, Protruding Piles quickly PI LES ard permanently cured by the most scientific and economical remedy LYLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES Price $1.00--6 $5.00, mailed on Te ceipt of price. LYLE MEDICINE CO., 718 Queen West, » TORONTO, APPENDICITIS Cured withont operations. All who are afs flicted with this disease and wish to be cured permanently, safely avd quickly with this great Homeopathic remedy, which will be sent post-paid anywhere ~ in the world with full instructions for nsing 89 as to effect a permanent cure. Price $2. Address dohn T. Wait, Homeopathto Arnprior, Canada. Blind, Bleeding, Itching, for Pharmacy, Maple Syrup Attention! Wow can you reasonably expect to maka even a fair quality of syrup using out-of. date pots and kettles and pans for boiling your Maple Syrup. Write for booklet on the "Champion" Hvaporator to Tho CRIMM MANUFACTURING Company, . 68 Wellington St., Montroal, GORS LIKE SIXTY : SELLS , mise, PSS ' GILSON For Pumping, C ' Charas Wisk Mac mm, Chives, sto, Free Trial, et Ank for catalog--all sizoa, ork St., GUELPH, ONTS GILSON MFG, CQ... 9¢ ¥ SPOUN MEDICA COLT DISTEM oR peReaaten mee Tho siok are cured, and Allothersin She tertnad one fest eas en the blood feo ot distumper Oae hy od and expoty germs of all site acyeineruaerate atioes vona Our fe fifteen years, DISTRINUTONS: A Whelorale Bese sr entaveaoe=s L CO. Chomtats aad Bactertologivs, Goshon, Ind. U. S.A, PER Ow expowed," kept from LiQuia pisteeree CUT ot ee tkrwatood te olre one ease, h0o Darnens throats Our free booklet Largest telling horse 0 Doug Moures, MAPLE! A flavoring need the same as lemon o i rT nif dissplving granulated sugar in phys eciding Mapleine, a delicious ssrup is madeand a syrup better than maple." Mapleine is sold b Grocers, Jt wot wend Se for 2 on. bottle arg Feeipe book, Crescent Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wa, tlonal Drug & Chomical Co., Toranto CANADIAN SWENSONS, L Swenson's Malleable Stump Puller . ~egge® Stumps and Trees, We Pull We manufacture the largest assortment of Stump:Palling Machines made any sell them on a guarantee that they will work faster, last™longer and are than any other machine made You know there can only a , be one BEST. It you St an Bite. Write for catalogue O vou will know all aoa \y . it, They are free for the asking. Write to- day, as this may not imifed, = LINDSAY, CANADA Them as We Please. place, We more @onvenient *. for that purpose, appear agains.