: 'Nebraska Greens. _ pees WARTBURG. See ROSTOCK, Month : eo Osear Jacobs -- and -- 'George | "The Giiaker Medwine: Co,, held al Messrs. Ares "and cha' solase coe 'spent Sunday | with Mr concert in Diehl's Hall last week. |of. Stratford were in Rostock for |. : oerr of Brunner. Fi aa Miss Minnie Buck was. the lucky |several days. 'They tee oe our: = ion ible, from Mrs. Alex. Smith and Miss Carrie {winner of the gold watch offered by. sportsmen hunting and were su cess~ |- >. tise - wn ag pa ret ONLY - | Sini¢h' spent a couple of days this |the company. ful in getting .a number of rabbits. ss WwW ill, fi h hi t week at Mr. John Mayberry's. Master George, son of Mr. Fred| Miss Matilda Schenck of London is | e wi or the next thir Y | Mr. Albert Dahms made a business|Harloff, had the 'misfortune io fall |spending the holidays at home. : days only, offer for sale jitip to Stratford on Saturday. while playing in the barn one day} The Ellice council was kept very R li B ki Pow-| Mr. and Mrs. C. Doerr s nt Sun-|last week, resulting | in a severe |busy last Thursday. -- They finished I tin eliance Ba ing "ldj.y with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Jacobs. |sprain of an ankle. 'business however. (DENTIST der for 10 cents. + Miss Emma Mayberry of Stratford is| The death of the late John Klein,| A number of young men have re- pee at present visiting at home. though not unexpected, cast a gloom] turned home for ihe winter ineluding oat Dental oor Deatil 7 bars Bee Hive Soap for Mr. Chas. Schmidt is we ander-|lover this community. [The funeral on| Bernard Stock of London, . John cs ons of Onteric eee adusie ti 45 cents. stand in the field for councillor for Monday last was conducted by the|Thare of Milver Pde Willie and Geo. , gr 908 [Latter Day Saints. Zulauf. » , 1 Fp a ieeaaite. he os Small Pork Gaitiores 10c lb. Mr. C. Ropp has again Started-b ut: Mr. and Mrs, Aug. Schraeder spent : Bologna............10c per Ib. }iing wood in company with Mr. J. Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wm.| : m, and 5 p. as Office above the Sov- 8 P " Brunk, having already secured sev- Carmunnock Baumbach. ; Acca: belo ive 8 'we e had a ereign Bank, Milverton, Cheese <sek §E mee a eos oa tte eecececes eral hundred cords to cut. ; ----- The Lutheran congregation intend ] F f Cl { oe ds, he ' Tame Cc " Mr. David Taylor also intends to| The funeral of the late Alexan- holding their festival on 'Tuesday a 5S) iris mas goo S, "suc 5 y Rolled Shoulder tec oT) start out entting wood. Opposition der Campbell took place on Wednes- evening, the 24th. 'The Evangelical : +15 _ is the life of trade. day. A large number were in attend-| wilt have 'their festival on' the even- Bacon.) 2... 2-18e : Mrs. Alex. Smith and Miss Carrie regan igh i testify to the esteem Jing of the 25th. 5 nS rrr Smith were the guests of Mrs, J jin which he was held. Katie Becker spent Sunday at home. we 3 lbs, Raisins for, ..25 cents. 'Mayberry on Monday. On account of the telegram being] Chas. Debus is home for the win- 1] Currants per Ib...., 10 cents. One ef our most respectable young ae ria 2S ae ee Mr. J. Camp- | ter. CS ars, Hands: chiets: Bar 2 sare ) s ' , men left last Saturday night for }bell and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Coulter} Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sehwindt were Salt in bags... 150 PER CWE parts unknown but returned on Mon-|were unable to arrive -- here until |visiting at Mr. Henry Rebus' on Sun- articles inabla for Xmas oifts, I am a to my stock day morning none the Worse > for his | Thursday. day. : = O travels. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McNaught ar- Ready- made C thing, such as rived home on /Tuesday last after Overalls, Caps, Mitts, Working Sa a pleasant trip through New York TRALEE State . se a n Nf OS- : : Gloves for men and boys, H ne [A ee cmevet Tported Chinaws iery for women and men, Flan-|" uiss Mitlie smith who has been |iast week sith Mine fone ine ax-e A Cand Bowel Laxative, . w etc, |Spending a few days in Listowel re. |son. : ' nelettes, prints, under ig turned home on Monday. Miss Fanny Nicholson paid a busi- Cured Meats always onhand| yrs. Hugh Wright entertained {ness visit to Stratford Monday and |= -- oe at lewest prices. } number of young people on Tuesday Tuesday. R. J, SHINE, VeterinarySurgeon, Just received two large er ates ot Import night. Miss Nicholson has been very suc- 3 China, . beautifully decorated and prices. Our a of Groceries is al- Mrs. Wm. Holt and children from |cessful in getting large classes in Monkton Ont. /. 2 Glenallan visited at Mr. L. Smith's Brunner, Rostock and Wartburg. We : ak Totore ee Bread for sale. |°V°™ Sunday. _ | wish, her much puccess. ' Bs on gata Be arora lea se everyone. Miss Harron spent Saturday in domesticated animals scientifically pie y Sugar $5 per hundred. Stratford. 7 Pees et Horse dentistry a speciality. Calls a al 8. School Xmas tree en- 5 3 : Baston s Cough Mixture.and|,, 1° 22a! & Sobol Xmas tres gn by, telephone or otherwise promptly ferts rt ¢ ee e i 3 sidence. Syrup of Linseed, Licorice and Jin the ane ps keg ood Dec. be . = attended to, Office: at residene ns Bn a 80. rogram wi p= z A Chlorodine ane ee ® et The council met on the 9th inst. j gin at 8 o'clock sharp. Admission 10}. di z ¥ Milverton Flour always on and 15 cts. A cordial invitation is ex-|** the Town oo A. CHALMERS tended to all. 2 hand. . were in attendance Reeve presiding. MONKTON, ONT, 4 . The minutes of the last meeting were a6 a " : ae Furniture kept in stock. ------ = |read, approved of and were signed by | Notary Public, Conveyancer, Iseuer of N CW Raisins New Cu rrants Store open every night. Peay Sicce the Reeve. (The following mamed | Marriage Licenses, J. P. for the County arties having applied ' ont | of Perth, Real Estate bought and sold, . Have Your Photo We keep no books, but buy --_---- wees basing ee pet ators A few choice farms for immediate sale. New Peels New ky m~1gs for farm bridges, Messrs. Came on the premises of the undersigned, ss Dat Sas r) Sea Taken Now and and sell for cash. Lot 22, Con.1¢ B gb ese a about four months M. Regan, D. Reidy, and F. Queren N CW Seeded Raisins New Paras ago, ¢ i 1d, 1 d|@esser on resolution by council receiy- Get Them for Xmas|JOhn T Gill |" Twit, "ower" i requcttea £0 prove ed each the cum. of sis tor tarm| MONKTON LIVERY | é eee ape rey on tie tenet Head Drains New Shelled Wallnuts and Almonds 7 Fase REDE 'KS » 'ovide. -law P. rele : . + / ww J c Main Street ee Monkton cho as sag, Foro Re eg provided by by-law No. 448, By law First-class horses and rigs. L No. 457, providing for the municipal Re nomination and election for the town- Commercial and local business ship of Logan for the year 1908 was |g -- catered for. We When the family are all home at A ti ti 8 : ead and considered Xmas time it would be a good pie a n sep 1¢ For Sale or to Rent submitted, duly read and considere ~ sr Prompt attention given to all * Steeeesererereroreoererete Jno. C. Eckmeier » DEALER IN. EVERYTHING IN THE HAR- NESS LINE. - $44444 SHOSF4O4 9449 HAP GOH P44 POOF 4400+ Horse Blankets, Whips, Rugs, Plush Rugs, Team ins. single Harness, Collars, -- Bells, International Stock Food. Leather Braces made to order. Repairing especially attended to, Harness Oil at 65 cts. gallon lots. Regular price 75 cts, ALL AND SEE OUR GOODS AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR HARNESS, + John G. Eickmeier 17-j-17 BRODHAGEN PHPPEFHPEDFOEH Hes oeeoooy oO + Vd z SHEHEHFH SSE SOE SHSHE PEPE ES EFHSESEEO SOS > OH have everything you need. for. = and finally passed. } > a Nb . good = family "_ photo e 90 'ACRES Df ian. sure Oe bev Sonsinting A considerable number of accounts orders by telephone or otherwise. | xX mas baking Q, Cine Co xoully B b Sh oH Reet Of late So. Be eee got ELSE Te sresented and paid amounting can' re a , , concession of Eima. On the premises is a re f oo BUC: F a hg cuca oa, You lave he ar er op good frame barn 40x60, stone foundation|to the sum of $485 when the coun- JOHN BUCHAN, Proprietor if toto of them we-can set them in and stabling underneath, About = Lape 24 cil resolved to adjourn, to meet again Do he group for you. Nothing so nice hard wood bush. Convenient to church anc on the 18th.@sy. of Decamber: next r + } , school, For further particulars apply to T. ' 43 a family photo. When you want Everything up-to-date. P. ROR, SAtiveAD A. var to J. "A. ROE, At-/at the usual time and place. W MM HOL MAN choice _ a small photo enlarged to life size = S¥s wood, F. JAC Clerk, e sot lte A ' . . JACOB, see our work and prices. Sterilized towels. Anti- J ACO! As we have had 13 years' experi- i Reis: pia a NEWRY P. oO. ence in Photogr: spy and have fe fing septic brushes & sooth- a - | Z | CAs ne tonlghe Dig pill fam iene used. Pee Pak LICENSED - AUCTIONEER) , Store will be open every nigl during the Province, we are satisfied we can THAT very desire Sbietatsn property, being WOODSIDE. A, itis month of Dec -ember. = é for the counties of Perth and Huron. Price: When you want any pictures tae | POOL ROOM On the premises are erected'a splendid wod:| Sleigh bells are once more jingling | moderate, and best sauaisetion gonranteed yen you want any pictures framed ern brick dwelling house and commodious|and prospects indicate a merry Parties in Monkton. district, kindly leave al try us. We do a large trade in bank barn with straw and driving sheds. | Christmas. , orders and particulars with JOHN WS HITE, framing pictures. The property is said to be well fenced and barber. Monkton. Care aree) sn 2 t+ 0! - . - eof! +, ake che ah Om te #3 ote ote ote ake of. ae a he a Before Buying XMAS GIFTS Call and see our line of useful art- icles such as abe ctests ones , $e sfoeteke * 5 fo cte cde che teste et 5 < * his success in business. we him C. P, R. Time Table Thompson of Shakespeare. Interment took place in the Third Line ceme- a trialand be convinced. A splen- Westbound Eastbound |tery on Monday. Mr. Thompson. was P.M. A.M A.M. P.Mm,|one of the the oldest pioneers of this Os 35 i 3 337| vicinity having resided for about did assortment of goods recently sae inane eee oi : ri forty years on the farm now owned 8 42 0 54 Mil 3 616]by Mr. Thos. Freeborn after which ate ived to choose from. 8 50 ee Pree ase 600 he went out west for some time af- 904 1118 West Monkton 807. 555|terwards coming Lack and taking up 914 1128 MeNaught 757 545|residence ia Shakespeare, 0. DUFFIELD, ™ ii%ion|--_---- COMMERCIAL. Etma Council. Fall wheat per bush 88} The municipal council of the town- Barley per bush 5 50 |ship of Elma met in the Agricultural Oats '* 49|Hall Atwood. on Tuesday, Dec. 10. Peas '** a 80|Members present Reeve Hamilton, Flour, per cwt 5 2 85/Deputy Reeve 8. Corry and Council- Bran, per ton...... sesseeee 22 00 22 OO}lors Buchanan Cleland and Scott. Manitoba flour.......... . Re 05 3 05/Cleland--Corry. that T. A. Steven- Shoets, per ton............. 22 00 22 00/son per Bank of Hamilton assignee, Atwood be paid the sum of $348.63, SSSI as part payment. of contract -of Wil- : son rain, Carried... Scott--Clelhind z JOHN GERTH ° that Curtin & McGrath be paid. the | 4 Our Clubbing Rates sum of $300 as part payment of the < contract of the 14th econ. drain as é HARNESSMAKER This year we have exceptionally |P®? engineer's certificate. Carried. | 60c, Be, 1.00, 1. 25 favorable clubbing arrangements |The tenders were then opened for the . Monkton, -- '< Ontario with the leading newspapers of Can- Daerah tite of the Logan-Maitland Silver Knives, Forks and "a ads Ss Tektoe cont . rain improvement foll i--Pat- i % 4 : dag De ete 'wit) -- be be a rick Nicholson $2; 100, Wi Banner. Bebb ee es eee ' Spoons, Cold Meat Forks, prices for the respective combinations man $2,685, Peter Nicholsor 2.840, We will send any one of the follow- |™é zat 1, t jng combinations to any address in|. M- Smith '$2,700, Mr. Gow, 82. |44444000060449044600466660 Sugar Shells, Hite. 'anada from now until Jan. 1st,|740 Robert MeCourt 19 cents per] + * + 1909 -- cubic yard Wm. McClory 19 cents per cubie yard" Connelly and Nichol- ; : se ., The Monkton Times & Family Her-/son 21 cents per vile yard Ed. : Kitchen Clocks with Id and Weekly Star ,..$1.65/Broughton ist section 28 cents per ere ei : = cubic yard James Holman 2nd _ sec- ; guaranteed m™m O V e 'as The Monkton Times & snail Giabe tion 19 cents per cubic yard Patrick and Canada Farmer 25 !Nicholson 3rd section $1,325. Corry ee be ment for ISAS 9 7 --Buchanan tthat the tender of Wim. The Monkton Times & Weekly Mail Bannerman for the construction of and Empire $1.25 the Logan-Maitland Drain Improve- The Monkton Times & Montreal Wit-|ment for the sum of $2635 be ac- * sink ce : #1.60{cepted and that clerk be ,jn- Ky * * i Tabi tte Dit ais Pavataed h good supply and or- ps : in connection, :: Prices te ares: Sonsanede Spamiaecte: ehodt cesar of Reyal Oak Mich., are at present J WHITE P , ss Easthope one evening last week, '<We make the brick that | H : ' ro rietor oe de Kh. ig rhere a pleasait time was spent in | Mitchell S Ontario ' p G T. R. Time Tab whe a ple pe made Monkton famous, a a yas trad: a Station, North Mr. and Mrs. Dunean Dewar and 'No building material shows oe Roe re cane ae aS daughter spent Sunday at Mr. and off a building like our celebrat- Express 3.30 p,m, Express 1.21 p.m. |conducted by the Rev. D. Anderson : Mitchell, going east, 6.55 a. mlof Burlington who delivered two in- tion to 5.55 p.m,, 10.34 p.m, and children spent Sunday at the 9p ee home of Mr. and Mrs. H. MeMillan Monkton, vias Ontario "~ ~ Naas os 3 4 4 - rc ae SP a Messrs. Geo. Edd and Melvin Ham- E HAS the goods out of which = LT le mond and Mr. Walter Barnaby at- Sefeodenfeobeafede ateots cfs steatsofeafecteate ote to make =. them. He guarantees anges >; SANIT Pike ,, |last week and also visited relatives rE LCE e at Campbellville. ed the funeral of the late Mr. John Robes, Rugs and WINTER GOODS Misses Sarah and Sadie Hammond bate - ' moe . and cheese foctory; and is one of the choicest visiting at the home iof the for- ght Sie aicHy Boia baste? ipod eee wap ot Bi mer's mother Mrs. Sarah Hammond. 3 RI I A for amusement, JOHN KNOX, Atwood. A number from here journeyed out } to Mr. Alex. McFarlane's in North Burgess' Art Studio --_------ unayees T MONKTON games and dancing. |General Merchant - = ' VIONKTON, ONT Going South Going North --|Mirs. Robt. Fleming's Poole. ; ' Duf field, 66 | he ailor" Express 7.30 a, m, Express 9.35 a.m.| The anniversary services of Zion | ed Terra Cotta brick. xpress Be ax f 26 p.m. "ch were helé s ay yere ' é ; Express 11.53 a, m, Express 8,26 p. m. |church were held on Sunday and were \eQuotations given on sasbthca: 5 8.16a. m, 3,52 p. m. 5.55 p. m.|teresting and powerful addresses. MAKES NOBBY SUITS going west, 10.228 m., 1225"p.n.| Mr and Mos. David W. chains! We A, BARNHARDT near Hampstead. tended the Winter Fair at Guelph a fit. He gives sticetion. hence me ee ao See di Oe Quite a number from here attend~- Nn e S; now in stock, ote . +04 sheets $4 sSeatecte stead: Se bit ae Ue Sie ae 3 Sete ote: 3. * * 2, " to ote ee +, 44 + * fo) oar) +. acy a * Ce) oor ene ee cteete ete e' rs 5 - . 2. es Wfrole ele eleote of Fo 42 Ser ee ets Ss +. - 6; A 0. 5 ee Heavy Team Harness A SPECIALTY Phat. be oer oe tte ote ot. toate r+ oho els + te abe ote ere Parlor Lamps from ; 1.50 to 5.00 Carpet Sweepers from 2.50 to 8. hel , Nickel Teapots at re ig CRE ORCA i te 0S ah aie alk a t . foes t %, Beate? " 0 + * a * * whe ake ote of toeke A? se therteefe teats cfeet theofe re nte cto feeds feofeotecfeefe ete ot sheeted Le leefecdeedectecteotet fo efeotente rte cte ote ote oie + ol XMAS fri 1S - esontoodoeys fe fo efoofe obs fo oke efocdocte + Call and see us xs + Oa te Seebeobesbetesteodeobedsdeeteobecheteobeebesbetesteobected fe Leeleoleepeteetecot debts fohe fo ofo ok eee deodeoteedeeteteetectecfeobeebeeteateetecteste | wt. . What could be more appropriate than a pair of our FANCY SLIPPERS ? We have a full line in men's women's and children's in leather and felt goods, See our FELT JULIET SLIPPERS In brown and red for women ; also Misses and children Ls ' ecdeste Zane Seskubecge 5 5 eet ote. * t0 e Petes teeeteee See a. t.6 =e +. FS babe ake t '. in red. IN CHILDREN' S SHOES : We have just esate a consignment from the well- known firm of Getty & Scott, who make a specialty of children's fine shoes. These goods are unexcelled for style and quality--a trial will convince you. fe a structed (to have a contract prepared The Monkton Times & Western Ad-land that the Reeve And Clerk be au- vertiser ...$1.60/thorized to sign the same on behalf of the corporation. Carried. Cleland The Monkton Times & Farmer's Ad- --Corry he: T. G. Ratcliffe be paid vooate 2.25 for work on award drains as follows: ji Geo. N. Hutchison award $1.25 gh Soh bea _ Hamilton John Campbell award $2.15 E. Hal- (ipceromen tetas penny award 1.75. John Dick | 3 Beef by the Susan & T to Week-|award $1 F. L. Smith award 1.50, = agi Btw -- rites Bi: 7 S. Bennett award 1.50 Hay, award é from 4 to 6 cents per 5.95, Carried. - Corry -- Scotti that The Monkton 'Times & Toronto Daily Morphy & Carthew be paid the som pound by the cwl. World $2.50 /of $85 for drawing by-law and hoe : cate 14th con. drain the sum of $8 The Monkton Times & Toronto Daily ty drawing De rie avid debentures: Bologna.s.....,...10 cents Star sae $2.25 ltnion S. S. No. 2 Elma and Wal- AUSAQE......005...12% " 5 |The Monkton Times & Toronto Daily |iace the sum of $37.02 for work re ack 4s oa $5 for work re Boyle drain the sum C Ro ae ee 25 |Logan Maitland Drain the sum of ah ~ The Monkton gas is & Toronto Daily of $27 for- by-laws and. advising Me- dred eins: 15 Globe 0.3.4 Pavey . $4.25 |Court drain the sum of $10. at for Loe ' advising ete. as& per itemized ac- : ihe Monkton Times ytd wok Daily leount eta Sept. 8rd 1907. Car-|# These prices will continue - ail and te vos ce se 4.25 |ricd. Buchanan--Cleland t hat Robt. il ther te cae . re McCourt be paid the sum of _ unt Sele er Batol ce, 4 ; nt of contr et 0 A EO CI I CS ED SF OS'S e ce eter e atte Kt se splcbdeteteet +. de P. §..--A special price on a Sing er + Sewing Miaclte used" on fe '. . oSostocke oka? isto bg ooo Rananaae bpd Seasonable goods in all the staple lines always in aronk Sclnsla Oi .0..0 0 he: a ee Seer oe At the close of another year we desire to thank our many customers for their patronage, and wish one and : 4 an a ess Xmas anda happy and prosperous N ew Year. ; RB ote oho ot 2. ee se te a he ske oho eieeratri Pe steaks ot, bMS Me ie ake i i oa 5 2 Redecktecke abe'. S aS aa