Ontario Community Newspapers

County of Perth Herald (Stratford), 18 May 1864, p. 5

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THE COUNTY OF PERTH HERALD, STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, MAY 18, 1864, THE CHEAPEST DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, BoorTrs AND SHOES, GROCERIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, Is at John J. Clark's, Ontario Street, Stratford. Stratford, 4th May, 1864. PLACE IN TOWN TO BUY READY-MADE CLOTHING, 45-tf FARMERS! FARMERS! Joseph MHall's Agricultural Works, CPO Perea: 5. OW PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE Stratford Agency OF THE ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT, FOR THE MANUFACTURE OF REAPERS & MOWERS, INCLUDING BALL'S GHIO COMBINED REAPER % MOWER, (Not less than 15,000 of which are being made in the United States for the coming Harvest). BRINCKERHOLE'S SELF-RAKING REAPER, The only valuable Self-Raker yet introduced. THE CAYUGA CHIEF REAPER & MOWER, . The Ohio Junior Mower and Hubbard Light Mower, x= The above are the most valuable Reapers and Mowers yet offered to the public. are made of the best material,and are warranted to do good work. Hall's Improved Threshing Machines, COMBINING THE IMPROVED SEPARATOR--NEW STYLE, Which possesses several valuable improvements introduced this year, none of which are included in any other Machines made in Canada, WITH PITT's, PELTON, IRON PLANET, HALL'S, AND WOODBURY'S POWERS. I= No establishment in Canada offers equal inducements to Farmers either in the variety of Machines manufactured, quality of the material and workmanship, or terms of sale. SAMPLE REAPERS AND MOWERS Can be viewed at my Agency, No. 2, Market Buildings, Stratford. They J.D. HANSON. Stratford, March 4, 1864. # eel STRATFORD FOULIORY fA 1864. ) MACHINE SHOP 1864. PLOWS, CULTIVATORS, DRILL HARROWS, &c. HE SUBSCRIBER IS MANUFACTURING A-LARGE NUMBER OF PLOUGHS, OULTI VATORS, &c., for the se: Farmers requiring any of the above Implements would do well to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. He manufactures three differ- ent, kinds of Two Wheel Cultivators. Steel Teeth, with Wrought Iron Braces, [double Braces,] $28.00. Steel Teeth, with Cast Iron Stay, $25,006 Cast Teeth, with Steel Toe, $22,00. Also, 10 or 12 different kinds of Wooden Ploughs. Modeland, Ayrshire, * Niagara Premium, Highland Mary, Yokums, : Palermo, ~ Clipper, Phenix, Large and Small Bimghams, A superior article of Drill Harrow,with Steel Mould Boards,89&$10 Straw Cutters, Horse Rakes, Road Scrapers, Wood Sawing Machines, good articles and at low prices. Township Councils can be supplied with Road Scrapers, He makes three different kinds--two wooden and one iron. Orders taken for Threshing Machines and Separators with Pitt's Double Pinioned Horse Power. ve JOSEPH SHARMAN, STRATFORD, 25th March, 1864. ait 99 BUY YOUR DRY GOODS No.99. J.R. PHILLIPS & CO.'S, No.99. IMPORTERS. DIRECT FROM THE OLD SOD. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Cheaper than any other House in Stratford. Call before Purchasing Elsewhere. Seeing is Believing REMEMBER THE PLACE, NEELANDS' OLD STAND. No. 99. J. R. PHILLIPS & Co. BRING IN ALL YOUR BUTTER AND EGGS TO THE NEW STORE, NEELAND'S OLD STAND. NEW STORE, No. 99. J. R. PHILLIPS & Co. Stratford, May, 1864. 47-tf FALL & WINTER GOODS. HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PURCHASED ON VERY LOW TERMS the 5 Stock of Mr. Hugh McKenzie, Will offer it, together with large supplies which he is daily receiving, at SUCH LOW PRICES AS WILL ASTONISH THE CLOSEST BUYER. His Stock will be found to comprise A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Yi EO rive «We ; GROCERIES AND CROCKERY, All of which having been purchased for Cash, will be disposed of at a lower advance on cost FOR CASH OR MERCHANTABE PRODUCE ONLY Than ever before offered in Stratford. ' Remember the Stand, the Shop lately occupied by Hugh McKenzie, next door to James Neelands', Erie Street. : A. H. MONTGOMERY. 23-tf EFresh Arrivals. FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS. THOMAS H. GOWAN N RETURNING SINCERE THANKS to his friends and numerous customers for the very I liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, would respectfully announce that he has re- ceived his new Stock of Goods. The Stock is very large and well-selected in all its branches. His Stock of Dry Goods is very attractive, consisting in part of j Stratford, Dec. Ist., 1863. PRINTS, HATS, DRESS GOODS BLANKETS COBOURGS, GAPS, in great variety. k SHAWLS, | ORLEANS, RIBBONS, SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS DELAINES, FEATHERS, WHITE COTTONS, JEANS, -- ALPACAS, HOOP SKIRTS, © FACTORIES, "MUFFLERS LUSTRES, TABLE COVERS, 'TICKINGS, SCARFFS, ' WINCEYS, TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELLINGS, GLOVES, &c., English Stock and Canadian Tweeds in great variety ; also a large supply of CROCERIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, Newly imported, and cannot be surpassed, if equalled, in the county." He would di i attention to his Stock of Teas, Coffees, Tobaccos, &e., &c., fate Satisfied that pit! oe all who may require a first-rate article at a moderate price ; also a full assortment of HARDWARE, PATENT MEDICINES, BOOKS & STATIONERY, &e. The above Goods have been selected with greatcare as to their suitability to th requirements of the Farming community, all of which will be sold at the towest uinibie geo, as he is determined not to be undersold by any House in the trade. ai : Silver taken at par. A premium of 5 per cent. allowed on Bills. THOS. H, GOWAN. Gowanstown, 3rd Oct., 1863. 15-tf JOSEPH WATSON, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Wines and Liquors. § bee: SUBSCRIBER is just receiving a large assortment of fresh Liquors to suit the Fall Trade. Country Merchants and Hotel Keepers would do well to call before purchas- ing elsewhere. All orders promptly attended to Dissolution ofPartnership f ig PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be- A tween the undersigned has been this day dissolved by mutual consent." The business will in future be carried on by Mr John Dutton, to whom all accounts are to be paid. JOHN DUTTON. | FREDERICK DUTTON. JOHN DUTTON Y ieee S SINCERE THANKS to the pub- lic for the large and generous support accorded to the late firm. He hopes by increased exertions, large additions to stock, and constant personal superintendence, combined with a 21 years' knowledge of the business gained in first class firms in England, to merit a continuance of the same, New Groceries. SUPPLY OF FRESH GROCERIES AL- ways on hand. JOSEPH WATSON. NEW CONFECTIONERY HHNRY GIBSON, Market Street, Stratford. All kinds of Plain and Fancy CONFECTIONERY Always on hand. WEDDING CAKES Made to order. Ginger Beer, Lemon and Sar- saparilla Syrups, Ice Creams, &c. THA CAKES, Of every variety. i THE TRADE SUPPLIED. TERMS :--Cash or Trade. Stratford June 1 1863, JUST RECEIVED, A fresh supply of SCRIBNER'S LOG BOOK. The best book in the Province for measuring any kind of Timber. Price 25 cents. VIVIAN & MADDOCKS. Stratford, 23rd March, 1864. Support Home manufacture, W. D. BUCKLE. SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER, DEALER IN PALM OIL, SODA ASH, BLACK SALTS, &c, Orders respectfully solicited, and punctually supplied. Factory on Erie Street, north of the Albion Hotel. Stratford, July 5, 1863. 5-tf THE OLD ESTABLISHED 'Cin SkiOp RY W j_T Erie Street, ST RAT FOR Dy Oy G. W. BYERS, PRACTICAL TINSMITH Has always on hand a large stock of STOVES, PLOWS, AND TIN WARE, Kave-troughs, Roofing, &c. Put up by Experienced Workmen, and guaran teed to stand, Ww. Job Work on the Shortest Notice. Remember--Opposite the Commercial Bank. Stratford, June 1, 1863. WACCONS CARRIAGES, pas UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND A large assortment of seasonable material for manufacturing CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &c., &e, HORSE SHOEINC And repairing done with neatness and despatch, Farmers' Shoeing done at $7 per span yearly. Axes and Edge Tools repaired and tempered. Newly opened with first-class Workmen in Crippen's old stand. ROBERT E. WALKER. Stratford, August 10, 1863. i T-tf TO VOLUNTEER AND : SPORTSMEN. Jost Recerve A LARGE CONSIGNMENT oO Curtis and Harvey's Celebrated Powder, In} and 1 lb Cannisters. Also C. & H. En field Rifle Powder. 4 . FULLER BROS, ~ 'TO HOUSE-KEEPERS. Joe RECEIVED THE CELEBRATED Turn Table Apple Parer. ; Also a iarge lot of COAL OIL LAMPS for sale Erie St., Stratford, ge September, 1863. 14. 1f| Stratford, April 23rd, 1864, 44-tf cheap. ' FULLER BROS, Stratford, September 2, 1863, 10-tf

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