ae THE COUNTY OF PERTH HERALD, STRATFORD, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1864. Skating and Skating Rinks. The Grumbler, under the heading of "Barney off the Rink," hits off a certain Reverend gentle- man in the following happy style :--" A reverend gentleman at Belleville has been solemnly warning his congregation to keep away from the Skating Rink. We do not know what were the terms of the exhortation, but suppose it may have run somewhat as follows : " All ye who want your sins forgiven, And mean to find your way to heaven, Keep far away from danger's brink, And, Oh! avoid the Skating Rink! " Uprightness is the sign o' grace, The wicked go in crookrd ways, Sinners, their hunds together link, So don't go near the Skating Rink. " Make straight paths for your feet, beloved, And never from your course be moved ; At vain amusements never wink, And frown upon the Skating Rink. "These Rinks are slippery places, and Only the wicked there do stand ; All saints must tumble, so I think They'd better shun the Skating Rink." Referring to the same matter, the Colborne Times says :-- " A correspondent of the Belleville Intelligen- cer states that a Rev, Mr. Climie has warned his hearers against the insinuating and dan- gerous vice of skati1.g, more particularly when practised in a building set apart for that pur- pose!" "Tmmaculate Climie! Wonder if he ever was a boy." Romantic Case in Ireland. The Cork Examiner vouches for the truth of the following bit of ro- mance in real life, which reminds ene of Ireland sixty years ago: On last Tuesday week one of the largest audiences ever assembled in Cork Theatre was attracted to it by the promised attendance of the fox- hunters of the South of Ireland in full hunting costume. Connected with this incident isa story which contains a strong spice of iomance. A gen- tleman residing in Cork, of consider- able eminence in the scientific world, as well as distinguished in the bunt- ing-field, and in social circles, was recently at a ball near Queenstown, at which a young lady of great beauty was present. In the course of the evening the gentleman, who had béen but a short time previously introduced to the lady, managed to monopolise her conversation so much as to excite some little annoyance among various other gentlemen _pres- ent. Among these were two English officers, ore of whom in the course of the evening made a remark to the Irish gentleman, which, by implica- tion, meant that he would not be as successful in more manly contests. The [rish gentleman at once accepted the is plied challenge, and said that if the la ty would give him her brace- let to wearas a gage at the next day's hunt, which was to come off n ar Fermony, he would undertake to come in at the finish before either of the two officers, and would then write a song to be dedicated to the lady, and in her praise, which he would get set to music, and afterwards have sung belore one of the largest au- diences ever assembled in the Cork Theatre. The wager was at once accepted, £20 being the sum staked. The lady with much spirit gave her bracelet, the hunt came off, the gen- tleman wore it, and rode in trium- phantly at the head of the field. He afterwards did compose the song, and got it set to masic, and this was the pretty ballad which Mr. Bowler sang so charminszly after the opera. To secure the large house on that night the patronage of the fox-hunters of the South of Ireland was obtained by the gentleman who played such a prominent part in the transaction, and the highly successtul result was tu be found in the crammed condition of every part of the building. The next morning 'a letter was delivered to the hero of the adventure, containing a cheque of £20, from his rival, with whom he had made the bet, who thus acknowledged our countryman's superiority as a courtier, a cavalier, and a poet. The following is the song :-- Thy colors in my cap I wore, Thy presence in my heart I bore ; Surely a charmed life was mine- Since itin thought was linked with thine. Dora mia, Dora mi, Only love me as I love thee. No craven fear my bosom crost, I cared not ifthe race were lost ; So thou could'st look on me with pride For thee I'd willingly have died. Dora mia, Dora mi, Only love me as I love thee. But, thanks to Fate, the word's reversed, AndI can sing what I've rehearsed So often in the weary night, For thee I wia! for thee I fight ! Dora mia, Dora, mi, Only love me as I love thee. Then, as reward for every task Performed by thee, I only ask One single, simple glance of love From the bright eyes of my own Dove. Dora mia, Dora mi, Only love me as I love thee, The Queen's Speech. The following is an important part of the Queen's speech, at the opening of the Imperial Parliament : My. Lords and Gentlemen--We are cornmissioned to assure you that Her Majesty has great satisfaction in recurring again to the advice and as- sistance of her Parliament. Her Majesty is confident that you will share her feelings of gratitude to Almighty God on account of the Princess of Wales having given birth to ason, an event whic' has called forth from her people renewed demon- strations of devoted loyalty and attach- ment to ber person and family. _ The state of affairs on the continent of Europe has been the cause of great anxiety to Her Majesty, 'She death of the King of Denmark brought into immediate application the stipulations cf the treaty of May, 1852, concluded by the Emperor of Austria, the Emperor of the French, the King of Prussia, the Emperor of Russia and the King of Sweden, and afterwards acceded to by the King of Hanover, the King of Saxony, the King of Wortemburg, the King of the Netherlands, the Queen of Spain, the Kng of Portugal and the King of Italy. That treaty declares that it is con- ducive to the preservation of the bal- ance of power and the peace of Eu rope, that the integrity of the Danish monarchy should be maintained, and that several territories which have bitherto been under the sway of the late King of Denmark should continue so to remain, and for this purpose it was agreed, that upon the death of the late King and his uncle, the Prince Frederick without issue, His Majesty King Christian should be acknow- ledged as succeeding to all the do- minions then united under the sceptre of His Majesty the King of Denm:rk. Her Majesty, actuated by the same desire to preserve the peace of Europe, which was one of the declared ob- jects of all the powers who were par- ties to that treaty, has been unremit- ting in her endeavors to bring to a peaceful settlement the differences which in this matter have arisen be- tween Denmark and Germany, and to avert the dangers which might follow from the beginning of warfare in the north of Europe, and Her Majesty will continue her efforts in the interest of peace. The barbarous murders and_ brutal assaults committed in Japan upon subjects of Her Majesty, render it ne- cessary that demands should be made upon the Japanese government and upon the Diamios, by whose retainers some of these outrages were com- mitted. The government of the Ty- coon complied with the demands made upon them by Her Majesty's government, and satisfaction having been made, the friendly relations be- tween the two governments have con- tinued unbroken; but the Diamio, Prince Satzuma, refusing to comply with the just and moderate demands which were made upon him, his re- fusal rendered measures of coercion necessary, and Her Majesty regrets that, while these measures have brought the Diamio to an agreement, they led incidentally to the des- traction of a considerable portion of the town of Kagosima. The pa- pers on this subject will be laid be- fore you. Tue Duke at a Sranp.--The late Duke of Wellington was very fond of field sports, and on one occasion a farmer's boy was ordered to keep a certain gate shut in order to prevent the many hunters who went that way from trampling down his master's crops. After he had been at the gate a short time, a gentleman came up and asked him to open it. '* No," said the* lad; "I was placed here to keep it shut." The gentleman be- came indignant and _ expostulated with the boy, remarking. ' Don't you know whol am? Iam the Duke of Wellington." The lad said he did not mind who he was, upon which the duke praised him for his firmness, and give him half a_ sovreign. Away ran the boy, skipping across the field, and shouting to every one whom he met," Ah I done more than what Bony could do; I have stopped the Duke of Wellington !" THE PROPER UsE.--A jolly and intelli- gent looking sailor, when asked what was the best use of liquor, said ; "They tell of the moderate use, the temper- ate use, the generous use; the genteel use of liquor; but after a long experi- ence, both on ship-board and shore, I can testify that the very best use of liquor is no use at all." THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE, ~ The Great "American Remedies," Known as Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, viz : HELMBULD'S EXTRACT " BUCHU," m a SARSAPARILLA, - IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Helmbold's Genuine Preparation, " Highly Concentrated" Compound FLUIDEXTRA'T BUCHU, A Positive and Specific Remedy For Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gravel, Dropsical Swellings, This medicine increases the power of digestion and excites the .dbsorbents into healthy action, by which the watery or Calcerous depositions, and all unnatural enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and inflammation, and is good for MEN, WOMEN, OR CHILDREN. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For Weakness arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, at- tended with the following symptoms : Indisposition to Exer- Dryness of the Skin, tion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in the back, Universal Lassitude of Flushing of the Body, the Muscular System Eruptions on the Face, Hot Hands, Patlid Countenance. These Symptoms, if allowed to go on, which this Medicine invariably removes, soon follow Impotency, Fatuity, Epileptic Fits, in one of which the patient may expire. Who can say they are not frequently followed by those direful diseases, Insanity and Consumption. Many are aware of the cause of their suffering, Sut none will confess. The records of the in- sane Assylums and the melancholy deaths by Ccn3umpt on, bear ample witness to the truth of the assertion. The Ucnstitution once affected with Organic Weakness, requires the aid of me- dicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which Helmbold's Extract Buchu invariably does. A trial will convince the most skeptical. and FEMALES, FEMALES, FEMALES, Old or young, single, married, or contemplating marriage. In many affections peculiar to Fe- males the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irre- gularity, Painfulness or Suppression of the Cus- tomary Evacuations, Ulcerous or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Lucorrhea, or Whites, Sterility, and for all complaints incident to the sex, whe- ther arising from Indiscretion, Habits of 'Dissi- pation, or in the decline or change of life. See above Symptoms. No family should be without it. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Med- icine for Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases Helmbold's Extract Buchu Cures SECRET DISEASES, In all their Stages ; at lit'le expenses; little or no change diet; no inconvenience, and no ex- posure. It causes frequent desire, and gives strengthto Urinate, thereby removing obstruc- tions, preventing and curing Strictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and iaflammation, so fre quent in this class of diseases, and expelling Poisonous, Diseased, and Worn-out Matter. Thousands upon Thousands who have been the victims of Quacks, and have paid heavy fees to be cured in a short time, have found they were deceived, and that the 'poison' has, by the use 'Powerful Astringents,' been dried up in the system to break out in an aggravated form, and perhaps after marriage. Use Helmbold's Extract Buchu for all affec- tions and Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing in Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter how long standing. Diseases of these organs require the the aid of a Diurectic. Helmbold's Extract Bnchu is the great Diurectic, ard it is certain to have the desired effect in all diseases for which it is recommended. Biood! Blood! Blood! Helmbold's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid ExtractSarsaparilla Syphilis.--This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the sexual organs, Linings of the Nose, Ears, throat, Windpipe, and other mucus surfices, making its appearance in the form of Ulcers. Helmbold's Extract Sarsaparilla puri- fies the Blood, and removes all scaly eruptions of the skin, giving to the complexion a clear and healthy color. It being prepared expressly for this class of complaints, it: Blood-purifying properties are preserved to a greater extent than any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. Helmbold's Rose Wash, An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitic Nature, and as an injection in Diseases of the Urinary Organs arising from habits of dissipa- tion,used in conrection with the Extracts Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in such diseases as rocommend- ed, Evidence of the most responsible and reliable character accompanies the medicine. Certificates of Cure, from eight to twenty years standing, with names known to science and fame. For Medical Properties of Buchu see Dispensatory of the United States. See Prof. Dewee's valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See remarks made by the late ceie- brated Dr. Physic, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. Ephraim McDowell, a celebrated Physician, and \sember of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published in the trans- actions of the King and Queen's Journal. See Medico-Cirurgical Review, published by Benja- min Travers, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine, Extract Bucur, $1 per Bottle or 6 for $5 Sarsaparma, 1 "i Za 5 Improven Rose Wasu, 50c. " " $2 50 Or half a dozen of each fcr $12, which will be sufficient to cure the most ubstinate cases, if di- rectious are adhered to. | Delivered to any ad- dress, securely packed from observation. > Describe the symptoms in all communi- cations. Cures guaranteed. Advice gratis. Beware of Counterfeits und unprinczpled dealers who.endeavor to dispose of 'their own' and 'other' articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparations. Ask for Helmbold's--fake no other. and avoid imposition and exposure. John F. Henry § Co., 303 St Paul Street, Montreal, sole wholesale agents for Canada. Sold in Stratford by Dutton Bros., Alfred Haines and G. G. Waugh. Cut out the advertisemeut, and send for it, } fliugh Dempsey EGS TO INFORM his old customers and the public generatly, that he has still on hand the BERKSHIRE BOARS, One Pure Improved Berkshire,2 years old, which took tbe First Prize at the Provincial Exhibition betd at London in 1861, First Prizes at Stratford in 1861-62and Second Prize in 1863. One small Berkshire 1 year old, took the First Prize at the Tosonto Exhibition in 1862, and First Prizes at Stratford and St. Marys in 1863. One Improved Berkshire 5 months oid, which took the First Prize at St. Mary's in 1863. HUGH DEMPSEY, Lot 8, Con. 8, Gore of Downie. Gore of Dowzie, 20th Oct., 1863 17-6m Money to Loan. rP\HE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED TO | Negotiate Loans on Improved Farms pay- able by instalments in from one to ten years, at sonable rate of interest. mi ge, P.R. JARVIS. 5-tf GREAT BARCAINS AT T. J. BIRCH'S, 1N STrTroves. Stratford, July 30, 1863. Don't neglect to call before purchas- ing elsewhere. T. J. BIRCH, At the old stand, opposite Kyle's Mill. Also a very good Second Hand HORSE-POWER, For Sale or Trade. ONLY $18. February 15th, 1864 34-27-3m O. DIVISION COURTS COUNTY OF PERTH Will be held as follows, in 1864: Division No. 1--Court House, Stratford, 30th January, 5th March, 2nd April, 2nd May, and 4th June, at 10 a. m. Division No :--Court Room, Mitchell, 29th February, 28th April, and 29th June, at 10 a.m. Division No. 3--Court Room, St. Marys, 27th Feby., 27th April and 28th June, at 10 a.m, Division No. 4--Court Room, Shakespeare, 26th Feby., 26th April, and 27 June, at 10 a. m. Division No. 5--Court Room, Poole,20th Jany, 3rd March and 2nd July at 10 a.m. No. 6--Court Room, Newry, 20th Jany., at 10 a.m, Court Room, Westmonckton, Ist March, at 10 a.m. Court Room, Newry, 30th June at 10 a. m. Dec. 26th, 1863 [Signed R. BURRITT, Judge. Copied from the original fyled in my office: J.J. E. LINTON Clerk Peace. Clerk of Peace Office, 27-td Stratford Dec. 26th, 1863. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE STOCK OF THE CELEBRATED Dandelion Coffee AT PETER WATSON'S. Stratford, August 7, 1863. -tf TO VOLUNTEERS SPORTSMEN. UST RECEIVED A LARGE CONSIGNMENT of Curtis and Harvey's Celebrated Powder, In} and 1 Ib Cannisters. Also C. & H. En field Rifle Powder. FULLER BROS. TO HOUSE-KEEPERS, yo RECEIVED THE CELEBRATED Turn Table Apple Parer. Also a large lot of COAL OIL LAMPS for sale heap. arene " FULLER BROS. Stratford, September 2, 1863. 10-tf Valuable Property FOR SALE IN THR TOWN OF STRATFORD, Being Lot No 4, situate in the 4 Business Part of the town, On Erie Street, and running to Market Street, known as the JOHN A: SCOTT PROPERTY. Frontage on Erie Street, 78 feet, and 58 feet on Market Street, consisting of Lot H and a part of Lot I. This property will be sold in one lot, or divided into lots. of 18, 20 or 26 feet to suit pur chasers. The property will be sold by private contract. For Particulars apply to J. G. HARPER, Esq., Manager Commercial Bank, London, Orto .- GEO. E. SMALL, Bso., Commercial Bank, here Stratrfod, Sept. 22nd, 1863. 3-4f NOTICE. YHE SUBSCRIBER HEBEBY GIVES di notice to those indebted to him, either by note of hand or book account (past due) that they are required to call at his store and settle the same, on or before the 1st of January, other- wise' all without exception will be placed in Court for collection, THOMAS H. GQWAN. Gowanstown, Dec. ; 12th, 1863. NOTICE. Skee PUBLIC ARE HEREBY FORBID . 25-tf. giving credit to Almira Jones, wife of Humphry Jones, [deceased,] or to any of the family. Grorcr Ramsay, Jamus Picorr, Execuor s. 24- Wallace, 30th Noy., 1863. | spared in accuracy, no one W than strict hon 'the the si To Advertiser. and business man. ADVERTISERS WOULD DO WELL TO REMEMBER THAT THE "HERALD" HAS NOW And is rapidly increasing ; it is therefore the best medium to make their wants known to the community The Largest Circulation of any paper published in the County, book, more than to give its title page. Every one who is en buying, selling, measuring or inspecti! once appreciate a work of this kind. No ens revising and enlarging this edition, to make it in every re- spect convenient and accurate, The Log Table was computed by drawing Diagrams, as shown by the cut, for each and every log, from 12 to 44 inches in diameter, and the width of each board taken, after taking off the wane edge. Thesum total of each board constitutes the amount each log will give, and if there can be any dependence plac- ed upon such strictly mathematical moment to abide the results here given, as the method adopted by the author can result in nothing else : and mathemat- a - ical accuracy, to the parties interested. : . The best evidence of the usefulness and popularity of this book is rapid and extensive sale of over 375,000 in 9 very short time, while ale is constantly increasing. We do not hesitate to say that no book of its size and price contains more useful or correct tables. In all new and lumber countries the book will be found very con venient, as it comprises much that is usefal for the Farmer, Mechanic SORIBNER'S _ . : READY RECKONER, FOR SHIP BUILDERS, BOAT BUILDERS, - LUMBER MERCHANTS, FARMERS & MIECHANIOS, Being a correct measurement of Scantling, Boards, Plank, Cubical Contents of Square and Round Timber, Sawlogs, Wood, ¢ rised in a number of Tables; to which are added Tables of Wages y the month, Board or Rent, by the week or day, railroad distances, tc, Also interest Tables, at seven per cent, ---------- eee se eee By 7. MM. SCRIBNER, AUTHOR OF " ENGINEER'S AND MECHANIU'S COMPANION," ENGINEER'S POCKET TABLE BOOK, eto., eto. |, ote., come Scarcely is it possible to add to the recommendations of the above gaged in Lumber of any kind, will at o pains or expense has been eos ak hesitate for a con- ORDERS SOLICITED, from Agents, Booksellers, and others. to whom liberal discount will be made. Price 25 sents. FIVE COPIES sent to ob address Pisces tor 9 pomt paid. The books can be had of Poets generally, a i Os Mal 38 Oe ' GEORGE W. FISHER. Rochester, N. ¥. Publisher, 6, Exchange Stree. Yipee. . x icone: