Ontario Community Newspapers

County of Perth Herald (Stratford), 6 Jan 1864, p. 5

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COUNTY: OF PERTH HERALD. ~ S2O,0CCO.0O WORTH OF DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Oh.R:O CK ER Y.:, READY-MADE CLOTHING, & MILLINERY, SELLING OFF AT COST At Neelands. The Subscriber, on account of iJl health, has determined to close his business in Stratford on the Ist of April next, and will sell his entire stock AT COST FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. The Stock is one of the largest and best selected in the County, so that parties bringing Cash or Produce will do well to call, for we will give you as many Goods for $10 as you can get for $14 in any other Store in Town. Particular attention paid to the manutacture of Clothing. Good all Wool Caneda Tweed Suits made to Order for $9; Good OVERCOATS for $5, worth $8. All other Goods at astonishingly low prices. Every novelty in Millinery as usual. Sale will commence on the 2nd of January, I8G64. COME ONE! COME ALL! and secure bargains, for the Stock must be sold regardless of price. Great inducements offered to country Merchants. JAMES NEELANDS, " Mammoth House" Evie and Market --Sts., Stratford. Stratford, 30th Dec., 1893. 27-tf FALL & WINTER) GOODS. HE SUBSCRIBER HAVING PURCHASED ON VERY LOW TERMS the Steck of Mr. Hugh McKenzie, Will offer it, together with large supplies which he is daily receiving, at SUCH LOW PRICES AS WILL ASTONISH THE CLOSEST BUYER. His Stock will be found to comprise A FULL ASSORTMENT OF FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, so ea PR SS CROCERIES AND CROCKERY, 'All of which having been purchased for Cash, will be disposed of at a lower advance on cost FOR CASH OR MERCHANTABE PRODUCE ONLY, Than ever before offered in Stratford. Remember the Stand, the Shop lately occupied by Hugh McKenzie, next door to James ki ) Erie Street. rng, «rekon ly A. H. MONTGOMERY. Stratford, Dec. 1st., 1863. 23-tf Bros., MANUFACTURERS OF Waggons, Carriages, Sleighs, Vanstone CUO DE BWR S 6::&C., 1k Ox E HAVE NOW ON HAND a large lot of Sleighs manufactred expressly for the Farmers of this County, and are still engaged in the manufacture of Sleighs and Cutters in every variety. HORSE-SHOEING DONE ON THE PREMISES Either by the piece or the year. JOB WORK DONE WITH NECNSSS AV) DESPATCH. Anything required on the Farm mace to order, Remember the place, the Shop with the red front, Huron St., a little west of the Bridge, VANSTONE BROS, FALL & WINTER DRY GOODS. THOMAS H. GOWAN N RETURNING SINCERE THANKS to his friends and numerous customers for the very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, would respectfully announce that he has re- eeived his new Stock of Goods. The Stock is very large and well-selected in all its branches. His Stock of Dry Goods is very attractive, consisting in part of Arrivals. PRINTS, HATS, DRESS GOODS } BLANKETS, COBOURGS, CAPS, ; in great variety. SHAW Ls, ORLEANS, RIBBONS, SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS, DELAINES, FEATHERS, WHITE COTTONS, JEANS, ALPACAS, HOOP SKIRTS, FACTORIES, MUFFLERS, LUSCRES, TABLE COVERS, TICKINGS, SCARFFS, WINCEYS, TABLE CLOTHS, TOWELLINGS, GLOVES, &c., English Stock and Canadian Tweeds in great variety ; also a large supply of CROCERIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS, és i i . % irect special ly imported, and cannot be surpassed, if equalled, in the county He would direc 3 atatoe 6 his Stock of Teas, Coffees, Tobaccos, &c., &c, feeling satisfied that he can suit all who may require a first-rate article at a moderate price; also a full assortment of HARDWARE, PATENT MEDICINES, BOOKS & STATIONERY, &e. The above Goods have been selected with great care as to their suitability to the wantsand requirements of the Farming community, all of which will be sold at the lowest possible prices, aa he is determined not to be undersold by any House in the trade. Silver taken at par. A premium of 5 per cent. allowed on Bills. THOS._H, GOWAN, 15-tf Gowanstown, 3rd Oct., 1863. CUTTEKS & SLEIGHS. At Dunsmore's CARRIAGE SHOP, Will be found a large assortment of Cutters And 2& 3 SEATED SLEIGHS, CHEAP FOR CASH. Stratford, 16th Dec., 1863. NorTick. NEW STOVE, PLOUGH AND FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT. f['he subscriber has commenced business in the | above line in the Store formerly occupied by John A. Scott on Erie Street and having made arrangements with some of the best es- tablishments in the Province, he is prepared to sell all Goods in his line considerably lower for Cash, or Produce, than ever they were offer- ed in this Market. FLOUR AND FEED KEPT FOR SALE. JOHN SPEIRS. Stratford Oct. 21st, 1563. 18-3m MILK! MILK! 'THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING MADE AR- rangements to supply every night and morning, at the houses of those who patronize him, good, pure, and unadulterated milk, his customer: can depend on having it clean, as his Cows are properly cleansed before milking. Those requiring the above article will please intimate the same by calling at his store, oppos- ite the Palmerston Hotel. ' GEORGE HINMAN. Stratford, 8th Dec., 1863. 24-tf WACCONS CARRIAGES, f Mat UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND A large assortment of seasonable material for manufacturing CARRIAGES, WAGGONS, CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, &c., &e. HORSE SHOEING And repairing done with neatness and despatch. Farmers' Shoeing done at $7 per span yearly. Axes and Edge Tools repaired and tempered. Newly opened with first-class Workmen in Crippen's old stand. ROBERT E. WALKER. Stratford, August 10. 1863, 7-tf FARM FOR SALE, he farm of the subscriber, consisting of 100 acres of -xcellent land,65 acres of which are cleared, and in a good state of cultivation, situated within 1} miles of St. Mary's gravel road, and about half way between St, Mary's and Stratford, is now for sale by private cor- tract, The terms of payment, and other parti- culars made known on application to the sub- scriber on the premises. _ JAMES ALLEN. Stratford, 10th Nov., 1863. 20-tf HE Warden will be in attendance at the fi Clerk's Office on the first Wednesday in each month. ' The Clerk's Office will be open every Tuesday and Wednesday, from 10 to 3; and the Treas- urer's Office on the first and third Wednesday of each month, during the same hours. S. CAMPBELL, County Clerk. THE OLD ESTABLISHED 'CIN SHoYPpP -- T Erie Street, SURAT FORe Gow: G. W. BYERS, PRACTICAL TINSMITH Has always on hand a large stock of STOVES, PLOWS, AND TINWARE. Eave-troughs, Roofing, &. Put up by Experienced Workmen, and guaran teed to stand, Job Work on the Shertest Notice. Remember-- Opposite the Commercial Bank. Stratford, June 1, 1863. MONTREAL ASSURANCE COMPANY, ESTABLISHED 1840. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $200,000. FPXHIS COMPANY continues to effect insur- ances against Fire and Inland Navigation 'Risks on as tavorable terms as offered by any responsible Office. Head Office :--No. 9, Great St. James St. For further information, rates &c., apply to G. HORNE & Co., Merchants, Agents. Ontario St , Stratford, 1£63. 14-y PREMIUM HARNESS SHOP. HE BEST AND CHEAPEST PLACE TO buy Harness, etc., is at LESLIE'S, He took the First Prize for three suecessive years at the County Show. Shop opposite the Palmerston Hotel, Ontario Street, Stratford, 20th Oct., 1863. 17-tf Hugh Dempsey EGS TO INFORM his of4 customers and the } public generally, that he has stilt on hand the BERKSHIRE BOARS, One Pure Improved Berkshire,2 years old, which took the First Prize at the Provincial Exhibition Fetd at London in 1861, First Prizes at Stratford in 1861-62and Second Prize in 1863. One small Berkshire 1 year old, took the First Prise at the Tozonto Exhibition in 1862, and First Prizes at Stratford and St. Marys in 1863. One Improved Berkshire 6 months old, which took the First Prize at St. Mary's in 1863. HUGH DEMPSRY, Lot 8, Con. 8, Gore of Downie. Gore of Dowrie, 20th Oct., 1863, 17-€m Where de you Buy your STOVES & PLOUGHS ? WHERE DO YOU THINK, BUT AT JACQUES HAMMER'S, Where yon can get the Best Stves and Ploughs FOR LESS MONEY THAN at ANY OTHER SHOP in STRATFORD. REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTED. Huron St., Stratford, 13th Oct., 1863. 16-3m DRS, WAUASGEZHING, Dr. J. W. Riley & Son, BOTANIC ROOT DOCTORS, Known all over this Country as the Celebrated INDIAN DOCTORS, Would most respectfully inform the inhabitants of STRATFORD and its vicinity that be is prepared to receive patients. His Medicines are fresh from the forest ; he has medigines that will cure the fol- lowing D'seases : Asthma, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Corghs and Colds, Croup, Dysentery Dyspepsia, Fever Sores, Hoarseness, Inflama- tory Diseases,Quinsey, Rheumatism, Secondary Symptoms, Veneral Diseases, Female Irregulari- ties, &c., &c., Dr. Wauasgezhing would hereby inform the public, that all his remedies are entirely vege- 'able, and wonld flatter himself to say, he is able to cure Diseases which he undertakes. All his Medicines are pleasant to the taste, even so that children can take them as well as adults, the sick are hereby informed, that every attention will be given them by the DOCTOR, at all hours when his services are required. <> All letters, with stamps, answered. Dr.Wauas; ezhing prepares all his Medicines from the purest Shrubs, Herbs and Roots, free from smell or taste. Please call at the Office, which is so arranged that Patients never come in contact with ach other, and see noone but the Doctor, therefore, let no feeling of modesty or bashfulness deter you from making immediate application, either in person or by letter. COME ONE, COME ALL! Try his Medicines; they will speak for them- selves, and are more safe to take than any other kind of Medicine ; if they do not cure, they will do no hurt to the System. He remains here but for a limited period. He will be found AT BEN. SLEET'S HOTEL, Market Square, Stratford. xP ADVICE GIVEN GRATIS, --=% To whom it may Concern, This is to certify that the bearer, J. W. Riley, (Indian Doctor) isa man of intelligence and good moral character. Having known him for many years, we have no hesitation in givng this Recommendation. Chief Capt. Toowas, Henry Frexcu, Chairman Witttau Watxer, * | Mosus Patancovxc. Signed in my presence, JOHN. T. HENRY, Interpreter of the Tribe, Isaac B. Henry, YHE LARGES', THE CHEAPEST and the BEST ASSORTMENT OF STOVES EVER OFFERED IN STRATFORD, AT Byers'. Stratford, Sept 15, 1863. 12-tf SPRING GOODS. in great variety, P. WATSON. TO TAVERN-KEEPERS. Just received a Be: heavy stock of Wines and Liquors, Which will be sold to Tavern-keepers and oth ers by wholesale at unusually LOW PRICES. P. WATSON. DRY GOODS, AND SUMMER CLOTHING, 1n great variety, for sale cheap by P. WATSON, TEAS, TEAS, Pure and unadulterated, Imported direct from China. --_-- in the Spring the subscriber received a large cargo of Teas from his correspondent in Chins which he will be able to OFFER AT WHOLESALE Atrates very favorable to Country Buyers P. WATSON. Stratford, June 1, 1863. 1-tf ESTRAY. Cre INTO THE ENCLOSURE OF THE Subscriber, East half of Lot 33, Con. %, West Zorra, on the Ist of December, a yearling Heifer [brindle], and Steer calf, red, with a few white spots. The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay expenses, and take away the same, JOHN DENNIS. West Zorra, Dee. } 12th, 1863. 25-3in. t TEACHER WANTED, Vi J ANTED FOR SCHOOL SECTION No. 5, Township of Mornington, a Teacher '| with a Second Class Certificate. Application (if by letter postpaid) will be received by the undersigned up till the 6th - January. U. McFADDEN, Sec. Treas., Edgecombe P. 0. Dated Dec., 16th, 1863. 25-2in I "ARMERS SHOULD NEVER GO Tuo MAB- ket to sell their grain, without Laying Scribner's improved PRODUCE TABLES: They will save from imposition and getting th loosing side of a mistake. Sold by VIVIAN & Co., Stratford, and all respectable Booksellers; CANADIAN ALMANAC FOR 1864, Is now ready, and may be had at VIVIAN & Co.'s, Stratfor@ Storekeepers supplied at Wholesale. NEW CONFECTIONERY HENRY GIBSON, Market Street, Stratford. All kinds of Plain and Fancy CONFECTIONERY Always on hand. WEDDING CAKES Made to order. Ginger Beer, Lemon and Sas Saparilla Syrups, Ice Creams, &c, TEA CAKES, Of every variety. i THE TRADE SUPPLIED. TERMS :--Cash or Trade, Stratford, Jane 1, 1863. If '

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