‘SERUM FOR PREVENTION OF FOOT =| AND MOUTH DISEASE FOUND. Impossible at the Present Time to nt Time to Manufacture the Serum in Sufficient Quantities to Inoculate All Cattle Against Plague. ‘A despatch from Paris saysi—A, of which there is only enough to serum for the prevention of foot and culate the prize cattle and eats mouth disease has been discovered by| "pa yates, who is attached to the @ commission of French experts, but! ajfort jreseaditas t ‘Agricultural 1 it is impossible at the present time to! School Labor: ratory, discussing te dis- manufacture the serum in sufficient] cate, said that the microbe was in- quantities to inoculate all cattle| visible under the microscope, it etn: pT ‘commission 80 atestaaiel that it passes through composed of Professors Roux, No-! porcelaine filters, ve hereto- card, ‘ee and Valle ich was) fore retained all known microbes. The formed at the request of Parliament,| virus used in the manufacture of the and will submit its report to the Min-| serum can int obtained only from the diseased of affected animals, . being given to in- | creasing the production of the serum, ONE PERSON KILLED, SIX WOUNDED namely, ees ant and feet, and thus very small quantities are available. é a ice Famine Prevails in ian Educate Ontario’s Youth. Pew com cas| A despatch from London says: —For the first time on record an Mysterious Shotuig: Affair Near O'Connell Bridge, THE CHEFS AND THE HUNGRY BOY in Dublin. anomalous care is reported % ‘b is called, pa ‘A;rdswpateh® trom’ Dublin: seyascA famine in Ice-| facrease Ontario’ eEdiektonal ‘This was seanies fn that the most’ 17s eee hehe e Se Bo sat mystenious shooting affair occurred land, cablegrams from Reylja- Facilities. mga ose who have stood i7°t piace. ‘Then follows a hal near the O'Connell Bridge in Dublin, Vik, the Chat of the country, - x or “India for ihe pees? sie Gan ene : "hhikaday atterridon A et che make ‘an to Norway. to In any consideration of the problem] who is revered ai aint ae homes eras eh pin Sane ‘ee ‘na i *! ail Skt i lens. ther taxi-cab is hailed, an ment of soldiers was station is rush aig of ice to Iceland | ¢* clara peer omer ae to come| well as a political hater ir dae ep aed Saetee are a stat t thi Place, but it is declared te soldiers, ayers | de y eS . it ‘ : | vest from Ie tion the mita | P&H tae Ontario, the reece prov-| ring up eens ey) ae oy 6 by stir’| sprinting ground for the Prince dur-|claim many privileges: Within his casualties resu aa te girl] The famine is ue to the mild! ince of the Dominion, cannot be con- | ing the preke te: aa city he takes precedence over| M being lkilled, he ably aes Wingecendes oie refusal to pay any attention to Speitish . saibars of the Royal Fasailie Thaw $: supply. other parts of the deer afneual | and abnormal Winter weather conditions. tally wounded | re Re "ether persons! wouni ness say that a crowd had ant to watch the soldiers stopping automobiles, and that it was when the military was leaving that! a single shot was fired, which wrought the havoc. | How the discharge of one rifle could have caused’ so many casualties is not to be explained, but the shooting was pene by three Bs Rotanipees sae 3,000 TORONTO FAMILIES ASSISTED Increase of 100 Cases Per Day in order to save the herring te RAMROR ARS “tae Talk ba h ferior to thos ince of Ontario with the Michigan. about three-quarters x than nual budget is about $28,000,000; On- tario’s is about Pras Michigan spends 88 only’ 20-per cents of #te-bu h- es next. sigs: ages ly of not being so sure of educational ae ilities pa rule or to fulfill their civil or political ‘ited States.! obligations to the Indian Govern Compare, Macsdonaliy Gar Prey: New wapooned Fosttion| State of| against Gendaism, which has a touch P Michigan's population is] of sontureniee in it, may not last long. a million| Lord Ri ontaeiee: its total an- 21,000,000. Of that] ing per cent, cation while Ortasie spends| would go bac dget. Mich-| of penceliatoria fea has the att whom ‘ ps fence an’s Stute University Ae for] process of havi row csaped a bale A chal, Since Beginning of Year. eildhing. for ie ext aie peareiot ve e sete ified - Ee ate ea re Te hoe ety scents, that he saw) A despatch from ‘Toronto says:—|four times the amount that Ontario's ernisms, social and sanitary, that have Maeeee fired from a lorry, but be-) More than 8,000 families are now re-, Provincial University asks. For an-| come to India as a result of British Sreiterick n accidental. eorid sig from the city. The nual maintenance Mic 's Univer- OrReily, a Bon was aha rane exact figui ssued > on ne sity asks rather more than twice what —— ie ener Department of Medi- Ontario's University asks, ‘VIDENCE lorry go up'to each seclaie’ on feel cal = pare chroot atfictals in charge Bincatlen, is ae te aoe chief bul- NOE OF ees ail: "apparent to beaabaw of elie! worl were 8,007, and s of civilizal country’s CANCER CURE je barrel was wari du tie the ere were ane ia Guat Keact 1a ths acatity of its peo- him nad when he felt the rifle of “the tha 117 Sopteations from men ple. Money spent on education is| Academy of Medicine Reports second man on the left of the drive until ae Peed ereated: on Glover Serum. Proclamations have been extensive- a apply: to She. ae “During the smallpox ee last year we found the average size of the i is probably due to the recent murder of Hs Leet AM Behe department District Tomes or McGrath. Long-| dividuals who are being taken care of ford town is not affected. at the present time in this branch of A despatch from Limerick peri —| the work is over 15,000,” said Miss A number of members of the Dyke, nurse in charge. pant ae Ennis were sate Swiitie fanalis are being stricken near Cratloe, County] from the lists daily, when the head d into their! secure: pelea cat it has been found the daily increase since the begin- ning of the of fresh cases okgboske losw-han’ £00, A steady increase in the number of fro h ingle men receiving relief was also era and_an escort, ‘of police on| noted on Thursday. eat the beginning, bicycles were fired on Thursday morn-| of the year the number of these cases Ing from a vacant house at the road- totalled .1,100. The police on| side near Cullyhanna, where the post-| Thursday Marwuichers thant sen! 1 es z 5 g Rs z FI 8 4 e zie 8 g 2 ES Fa was ing the mails and old’ time since relief was distributed, and} age pension money. postman and| numbered 1,705. This, in spite of the| waward in f the use of the one constable were wounded, the post-| increasing vigilance of the officials Glover serum at the cou man_ serious! 1 police rotumed of the Dares in the Krausmann Hotef| the cases is apparently influenced by the fire, and the e fighting was kept up! who alls’ stsiiding off doubt all Regine ritaietet the use of um. The special for some time. ; paste i Pa ie Iso draw attention to the pea ‘Telecting men wi | Lord Milner, whose resignation from 1 so from other Sole s and ny javen- inal ehies i ddlonial Sotretary Haw |" tent elt Wom. es sar lea to thensboties: {inti tiocn ets aabesd sacaeauoed ty Dr. Glover's refusal t CO-OPERATIVE WHEAT pis Pern Siena to vieit his Isborateres PO WES’ TaRuaePe 8 r to examine his cutures. They fur- OL IN THE T Resane as Viceroy. than stalav Guat toe abeine eat et Those who seconded the efferte of| demonstrate to them his ability to Farmers auyrare Plan to Lord Reading a the Lord Chief Jus-| Cultivate cancer celle and organisms, Handle ern Grain. tice of England and special Ambas-|8 he has claimed he is able to do, A. despatch oe lyme Man., sador to the United States to bring| and that he also declined to show hat he was able to produce cancer A despatch from proceate. se says:— the interim report of the special com- mittee appointed by the Council of the y of Medicine to report on the cancer serum of Dr. T.J. Glover, which out on Thursday night, about the best of good will between tast andra, which she wore on ‘nl oveasions during King Edward’s life- time. ‘They were presented to her by the “Emperor mene of Russia as t. out as Games is a akfast consists us by Que ae a sllver-wedding kind. He . Toutetetally: and tier loarnessont if you sation yourself somewhere PY heart. Tetyran dork Howse. ao? Buckiactians| . Pelace early in the morning you will the vast difference che eau fan we tneonventionally clad. figure| Slities of the Prince of Wales and the howl by ina taxi-eab, Itis the Prince| Duke of York has been much com- of Wales, taking his daily journey | ment others are di similar in almost every respect, par- grey trousers and a sweater, Princess Maryt caancsay text spring. present her Royal Hig! cae at hie owe Thee ‘rather doubtful of the wisdom o ting young girl wheel, but so many of Pr is! friends drive their own cars that ‘has been a difficult matter to refuse a much-repeated petition. 5%, * . Queen Alexandra, I am told, has} ed- Je hat or bonnet she has worn since the fret never thrown away a ‘sh days when she was Princess of Ea ing the date of = use, oa Letter From London man of simple Rex} ok deal of nonsense bas been ate the prepara ot . me to mae jueen has Pes ch one is carefully me SEs vee uniform—the fruits of which were re- u-| curring penalties for “untidi te| regarding Prince of Wales’ ses sate rk| ticularly so in regard to speech mak- The Duke reads his remarks from a wel alip. wile he holds in bik right Wend, while the Prince forges right ahead, if-| with never'a glance at the few notes he has jotted down in case of acci- ents. . . . . a| The new Lord Mayor of re can George IV., as Prince ‘At| to override thi oug! it| lor, atten arch, but he is expected to retire after the new Sovereign has been proclaim-|? Page ae ee It is a curious tact at Lord Kit chener, when he visi Park, near Canterbury, which is vaaver- orm| tised to be let “for a term cf year gollaniteda | Northes e » $, Northern sist; ae 4 wheat, it. 01 $38 to $40; shorts, pene m, 2s s- The Leading Markets, Toronto, eee ally 08 ae cast antl mancialadsyseith| which uo -exenses Sere: apceptol-Om 01; Ne a new laid egg cr a kipper, while) day the exasperat Guardsman Habe hi fawarits deat ise filleted sole and|-seized the heir-apparent and smacked Bite im where e Prince 4s just as sensitive xe, 3 ai ee, Sisk Pod No. a ee SP Eee HEC any-other boy. Then he waited for| 4ige’ - Paes Mocs Seay Queen Mary's salt breakfast co: death-sentence, or whatever was) Manit bar! ta of porridge and mill, coffe, and| to follow, but nothing came except a|No, 4 CW, OW, Sie? Toe, ike. oe bread and jam. Shs is d of cold| ceseation of pranks. Either the Prince} All the above t Fort mutton for lunch, and peters fish and p layed the game and kept eet. = S Willia: poultry or roast inner. | higher authority in the Royal hot Co Reta ra nominal, hold decided that he had merely ass ‘Ontarioes Prompts ativan i ert in furs tela me that| lected seoriettl aie thas, wes. doa io tty mor nat No, 2 Winter, $1.85 there are no finer furs in seinen to $1.9 No. 2 Spring, than those owne As sae to. St hippie points, acco ee pone Aik qs: be 61.80, Bi freights, outsi cheat, 8, $1.00 to $1.05, ae Rye—No. 8, $1.50 to ans an nominal, eran to tre ‘reights ou' Mani flour—$11. Millfeed — prelghistags cae Ontario tour ge =f, ae, acaee ded: rete ‘pt ing a flour, "$2. 15 to ond ecse-—New, righ 28 pie! triplets, "00 oa foes lary a, Nar 3 do, twins, 3236 Butter res dairy, choice, 49 to Oe; creamery, No. 1, Bb to 8c; fresh, Margarine—32 to Bbc. to LRBNo. 1, 74 to 760; selects, 78 0 80c; new laid, in cartons, 86 to 90¢. ailieane Canadian, hand-picked, bus $3.75 to $4.20; primes 3.51 Lima Mulugasc, 16 2%he. Up, per imp. er 5 imp. gals, Sapa sugar, Ib., 27 to Hoey ;60-80-1b, tins, 25 te 2 ie-section ease, ives 27e per Ib, Buioked. ments—Hams, ced, 410; ae 88 to 40c; cooked, 65 to 5Be; rolls, 38 to 86c; cottage rolls, 37 0 39 fast bacon, 45 fancy breakfast bacon, 63 to ee} backs, plain, bone in, 49 to 64e; bone- , BB to bo op —Long so Boe bf elties, 26 6 17% to 18; prints, 20 to 21¢, Newspaper smabe alte r. Walter Cam He sty aise and Proprietor of Province, Vancouver. hols who has been sreinted ‘o eionat the late Lieut.-| averag or of British Columbia a despatch from London says re ami $30,000, acsording to word re: ceived at the C.G.M.M. offices here. The Child Mind. pretty well worked out in irder cases so that juries are no Ione par- ticularly impressed 'by it, a new kind of plea is Ree ot based on modern paychology, that de- : $84 Canadian Pioneer |§ le eakiné out in the bunk- |} ld insanity plea ee been mu: I scribes the offender as one “possess- e the child mind.” The idea, of| m course, jury, viewiny e peg SAEs PT ee nluneatihe never actually siept in oe se ‘It a : the vagaries of “fashio D. is true that alterations were being Pict poate ha "#10 f0%e sit ed me Ibert. Jesithanier Tad ae Vea ther ‘cates ik $10. 1255 mThere is an e-Guandsman in 1 Syd: a lodge. He ae a Bane of ga do, wood, $8 3 oy ney who used to be a sentry at Buck- atition about the He do, 5 to $b. 03 tama mgham Palace, and remembers the} mentioned to someone > that ‘tough we Bulls, choice,’ § to $9; do, good, $ Brest Wales ae aan ede who| po: mare a country house he would|to $8; do, an $5 to $6; butchers” tn oeriodically conspired with hi er be spared to live in it—BIG § spyeattens ile one do, » good, to disarray the sentry’s dignity 8 and| BEN $8 te $95 do, boo “i f.80 to $8408 ae Nery h Te: oe ) Ib do, com., $5.26 $30,000 Fire on Board | to nd cutters, aft, to $12.50 to $13; $16 ee A AAe sheep, to $7; od, $14.50 to $15 fed and f do, weighed ot gars, $14.75 to $15.255 ar | » fo. 14; do, countey | | s 5 to $18 50; do, spring, | $13 to § wheat “i als, obs stb, sprin Rolie n, § ec) iid as pncopele of sound to $12. $11. Hogs, judgment at tender years, will 1 off ar weit Sects: "$17 to $17.50; the | sympath oe Revit a clasification of | 0W8, $13 to $18.50, ee the accused as one who has been found aye pees to have an intelligence ot Dae not above that of a child of FRANCE TO EMPLOY ARMY OF THE IDLE Baqees oat the grain produc ¢ aking peoples will wish n ld cane cari 7 ie 0 spen i | the three Prairie Provi was | ew office as Viceroy| munize anim: inst the disease.| hanging swe ures in the Hoe cacti to the proved by the annual stn et the position, with all oe telng & ee Sie ae = galleries of sunless lives’ shall ie ee of the Ae sceouinisiea | by | Thousands Put to Work Tear- i the United Farmers of Manitoba here its glory and its historic prestige and investigations ery unsal from the earth. the clatter as to those w on Thursday. ss — the a pe East,| isfactory, the Counell have expressed | PS as | or below the level ‘of ratital denn ves.| ing Down Cae Forti- I. R. aeEey, ernie Rea general f the “land of Ormus and the Ind,” thst willingness. to investigate furth- hie: Counel js a committee of| But, as a matter of fact, there is no- ficatio manager of the Uni ain Grow. is no bed of roses no one knows better| er #f Dr. Glover 1s ready to eid them ine Nene: British Parlianient; thing in the dour oe particular) 4 despatch from Paris ers’ Co., Sener: Soe the draft ee oe Reading. If Ireland be a by supplying eae pian ae? now leck-] tne highest eae in the Empire, to| adults have the ta child of| egort to solve pia agreement and impressed on the dele- roblem to England, there are those| ™@ with regar hich appeals may be made fro: twelve or that such a Serna tas would] o¢ idleness in Pie ide: of the country gates the necessity of co-operation ialde*We Vadnais ataide who. would —+——_—_ Supreme Court of Canada and other|*elieve them of full moral and legal) tne French Government is studying between the three provinces, Mani- make India the Ireland of the Hast er the brine of an opened bottle} o Absties res Gnaihera ase acti for all their acts, There). new program of public work which , Alberta, Saskatchewan. No one tog | of of kes and ét will not m eallga: Taw Lots. not the slightest element of dispar-) 11 gi ployment to at least so ni eae: he said, could alone control vice jon pi a ‘should be considered, that the farmers baba vast do the piano and e maging of; Former Newsnaper wemans Great plan to See he ce eon ‘kK Overse: Saat oe J.C. Me ne one- Sine owner of | fancouver World, who has jus’ wernt from France, where she as-| sisted in the work of reconstruction | in the devastated area—in the Citry- en-Artois—imown as the Daughters of | The work, which | Focus of Empire and Chief in North America ‘A despatch from London — says: Ellis Powell, Editor of The Pinan 8 News, speaking on Canada befor shaw, nial Institute, expressed the con.| Dost entirely by English women; an¢ work closed Mrs. Mclagan’ ne pate that Canada, and not-the Un-| When the ited States, was destined to dominate daughter was the only Cand set the future of oe ence North sea | The money expended in t t erican contine ised throughout an ane she e her climatic Hificalticn cine Daughters of oe Empire and adm h and pursue the same uncompromi tha c course to get it“ without which they claim there can be neither happiness nor stability for the people or the country. “Indian ae ie so startling a when ek is the common lot of nations everywhere, as it was ten years ago. But the un- vet in India has all that ‘peculiar F a ality nies Eee eh) dis Himpossiie Bae pe Geraetiete effort | he part lof e thi ue the meen See of Turkey, as well as e Hindus 4 in a continual state would be folly, at HERE U.S. BALLOONISTS LAND Moose Factory, the Hudson Bay Company's Dee tee ee miles “north of fication that gives A or of a child and psychologists know, ability of a chil all those potentials that ee may change. intel aah is a capable fully able to obse or girl at t are pe by using he to confuse the issue is a kind of medic + anti-social character. tenes lock in th “itish & E> se overcom according to Valentine her sparseness of population and be- {ered largely thro a British ¢ ert on Indian affa: the nearest railway station. The journey to way line is by dog come the focus of the Empire, an of the Red Cro poe celles eter hav. teved place} sleigh and occupies about ten days. — ——— ~ : - Its a Great Life If You Don’t Weaken Seu ITS A GREAT COUNTING LIFE \F You upto. FINE DONT WEAKEN THOUSAND NT A BAD REMEDY send i an intelligence- Sie classi- B the rating mind, since, as all ae the mental iid of twelve possesses child of twelve Ee Lea erve, learn aa sealsee and to distinguish between right and This cheapening of paychological teste leat gan sa mur ioe iionannsene pias ae peaence ave ases of Parlia- “= a signa are said to be without work, in the industrial regions central Fran Until'the foreign markets have been the Mes on qwitties was d | In the’ textile, Industries. aifts methods of relief have been devi | The French Severn na -milions men’ | ga ° | ti families ie soe Near Eas So far ‘te is not intended ts inten: @ fere with the employment of tens thousands of foreign 10 have re- ‘mained in France armistice, “305 1e ut if the present program pro inadequate to mect the eltuation it king in defi areas at euch rojects as oling the ! regions country ry until labor onitions pede d more sett eae Saree: nada has nearly 800 a poe representing 50 Eseeipe tries.