Black, Green or Mixed SATADAP B5e0 Never Sold in Bulk (@omans Shere Our Children's Spending Money. d Mary were ten and twelve wh anywhere two sees with so Witie “Renso0 responsibility. Their i Stotnee dled. wien they were babies; their kind and uae nurse was atte su each or strain them; their tather admit- ted that he was enamel to the prob- m. ponsunnes I think that was why he marrie They oe erred handsome, clever das. gold. But that come from these a was al- ssment to their father. He dia not ie mS tall about money, and always menAb Mey MU ket tor “Hie even allowed harge what they wanted at the stores. that n by talking over with them the family finances. ere im: ed ed to. have spent, peor them, although the reverse was I explained to them that we were trying to carry out a system that was were interested, and looked satrits thoughtful. They ask it “it happened so” fey iat to Jot of treating? “Or supp Solin: twiuhapuanlly, <ntices: Svent up and oF pa up? Looked like they were going t nian da verd sik ready. Thin; that cost more than one J g <3 3 a 2 2 3 Be x, a a4 B a 3 4 ° 8 GO up and up, requirements must go to-day, one could cut out the expected trip to the movies to-morrow. I finished by saying that if John’s or Mary's books did not ‘balance at the end of the quarter 1 would have fo make up the difference by taking something out of mine. At this they protested vigorously, They found in -th tem new -game o lay. ‘They liked it- ” ked it immen: Of « 5 10 does not? But they did well on the Site? and now, at the end of a year, our boy and srl have es among other things, alue of a they they wi ip to be see and successful sisters of societ; Moneygevirs Hint, From My § our faintly isa ae one, I have always tried to do my own household oft in- dex, and place in a cabinet, Seat at any time, I have not space to give nearly all of eae stetni, but here are a few: housewives know, all ni when teed pieces of the shell often €et Into the bowl, and it is difficult to remove them. By just touching e Piecés with the Half eggshell I fin te ey cling to it and are cdally alk 8s place a small plece of char- “ poal int the kettle when cooking turnips, kabbage, onions, or other yegetables ot disagreeable odors. By doing this the pie is entirely removed. Try it any ‘AL ‘hot wives. know how hard it is to blue the clothes when using hard water, them, ith the trouble, aes. fee is all right if not “blinky.” nt Sia to boil anything quick- rout le "older "apple butter, or sugar Li water in sugar-making time, I just place a stick across the top of the ves- sel in the centre, and it simply can’t | pa over, always save pone oats or other food Place a piece of zinc on the back porch dry thor and mate jars and lids betore. pattie illo away in a nae pune Ag Shlcabing in @ house should be stale ’d so that all members of the m emergency. exposed country house especially, there should be several shut-offs; not merely where , fering with the main supply. If a pipe | said See do not fe to thaw it out with a lamp, for this may melt the lead; faba, Syply clothe dipped in boiling aes m wife who is worthy of the big coupudieies first — = little inconveniences tha stantly delaying her work. “The, iar ing away of cups, which have lost their handles, the sharpening of ae dull kitchen knife, and the purchas: of a food-chopper may not 1 oie efficient basis. The woman who oe her time land strength over unn sary incoRveniences, just because she is used to them and doesn’t ay is hardly deserving of running wi electric lights. Eliminate inconveniences and the Digger ones will the sooner be over When trying doughnuts or crullers which prevents the fa’ into the dough. e) e turned again, so that they may bfown on both | sides. Then drain on paper. in a “cottage pie.” t ening, then add enough c water to make a dough, handling alent. | low MY cated in, seasoned with salt, pepper and onion, | ©! moistening with brown gravy. Cor week by ith, mth, the. with another crust and bake until the load at green. rari yellow peas krew She rose crust is 18e That rans aren’t whin ede bh machine hee Sy in England, | 5 ) 6 BQ 6 .- xe Pehige oom ime | coral, —kept € 3 iy Jean came homé ae ee would expect him te stay with fa oe How the creatures vas sob- aah as Tevery \ housekeeper knows fo a man’s hea: winds wet or ony, th lau st powde: But e te rains, of tl of heights and caine led THE PAPAW: TREE BY BEATRICE GRIMSHAW. rejoicingly cht dless, HS oh @did not know how it had come to 2 'that-—holding him. “Ye ing were only thieving, lazy eataies No launches under rattled Tike shaken newspapers! was sick 0 the yellow saline The medi paleness, and at last she ‘fell. . | Haus res made a ngus never noti e—becausi ese garden ie Jamieson had (ee of eve te her ig. It looked like there had bee Laulau ang, leis- is on her and. gus, amused troubled Mlieiselves tauch lands were north e, of course, uncai mehow the m to fit in. The su little in still Zemained. , “pude Some wind get with the pud- ith a nasty es in it, ative cannot sides of ing: t 50. it gig dusk. ae avail warm iron clang Balms, that | He had sent She af e shigh w paler, with fet vee ould 1 be back again in half ¢ ther Mrs. Shiels could g. ‘opis. \d make herself easy. wonderful dif- stiff whisky and tossed roat. it “Dam fe Om iced he Bhere wite, Seeker der- send on another couple of 2 FE ase ee with a ¢) the knew the whispers were untrue; them? He s that e a crust with , her fierce obiectior wo cupfuls of flour, four tablespoon-| was -s! be b ol e £8, OE nights, when one children were he’ 7: a fool if asleep te used her ee tinkling among the on the dint white line by Benul frouds cighty feet air ee simply the big tree: ‘geoning-ti happy love. The time had passed, and } with it hed passed the flower. And now she Wand live her, and no She did strange jlonely days wh | ‘Angus hours after his tim Left-over pieces of lamb can be used | the township, and callers, offended by. eonsoled oe ion to gossip—who of eee ae should green, papaw |were cows on Laulau that were al- most of all. ingly ‘s hei mong papaws, for its twenty- many of that awful night, ever that they were tearing at her in Febru: agra’ Gert ainly the ‘birds were afraid. Jean Shiels, sitting on the veranda! than “other saciant ceased to call. She took ‘Ah, six feet high, and stayed “at first when the Waratah A 0 much asa funetal!” was the funeral I missed It seems to settle things told be to take roken epite the whisky he had all afternoon. thiseindtaltattons of |qiiaré the set ade a song in the “No use losing the Skylark and ee stem a ean ot the silence, and a’ trouble in the quiet McNeill im addition to everything t te Oe as. The. reef-song has a el ut the message so he'd u LD? aR S RL RRA | Lorelei to many in the islands, deaf- derstand it wasn’t—” Proot of the housewife’s desire to ening them to the loudest: cal tho “You murderer!” shri ieked his wife, take the drudgery out of the daily | ambitious, the activities of the north- falling on the lounge sea, with her tasks. So, before going down on your| ern world, and drawing them resist- handkerchief to her knees before the good man of the | lessly fags rae brief crowdéd days of jh, that’s it, is Tt “Lang's eyes hou: id begging for modern con-| home to dream away life among the were u veniences, first take stock of your pre- | lands “where it is al afternoon:”| “It’s not. It’s not,” sobbed Mrs. é shining of the moon upon silver- Lang. “And you know it’s not,” sent equi and see what the pro: : “ cess of elimination, combined “with a {> tossing palms—what i it not! iNet Rat far,” sneered Lang. “Well t to gipsy hearts? m’s I reck hhurricane’s going to few dollars spent hardware store cH 3 was not the gipsy heart; to ae tls { sereieninn: things out, and at the five-and-ten-cent store, will song of the reef was fust_ a nolse hid. do toward putting your kitchen on an the sea, and oon! Jean passed the Bi a hell. le above in When morning came ig “Ss of Tittle while, staring: « mad that she hasty they were saying. ime ‘born i eo <te wasn’t said. “Bad enough for you, “Let mi set heveelt it would do you gool I does. iiamon tree, nd-scaled ere = “Yes, it ed to es, too; owns mcile you. Poor ly. Roll out to one-fourth of an inch es hotses were notorioucly fond of -de- dear, you won’t have one either.” in thickness, line a baking-dish ms roying | papaws. took no oke at last to the fact that the crust, then fill 7S dish with c erie The papaw was well in ‘ts these vulture: eae ‘were really cooked lamb, cut in dice and tele sixth year; seemii was an there—not a zed fancy, like so and —and aes with thelr croo] to hei aN inet tall; ee seemed to have Tinea toward sundown, during the grown Lao nace séeond week noticed gor oes oth ing that she “Get out,” she said. , agith the They went—to tell the eS sete shore fou trunk ‘in three blo} ‘been _virtuall: as it lived, Angus ia t that most of the pri ng low and protected, had escaped. a bad hurricane,” they Didn’t she lose her went di 7. \ Bt BABEBEBEEEREUBERBUEEEY PART Il. -with so seemed to be in the nature Sewing in of nies, also, me a her ‘endless househol! toward the | w the is the shep- self, but he ieee ety bredatt see seek, cloud, vblackoond seattet-a. her child back and he told her so. Jean lived j.n"¢, aie ‘ou that’ for, auléelationg time “that ances 0 the: sities: of: Judgm and his praise for ne ne puddings. “Wa ved sky at night Each pudding meant-hours.spent see « the het ae ie a 's dliant she quoted to her: ghepherd | did “at m was dow! There. a8 up, @ biggish wind oticed, e jgould aol hin by the prover] a way in ce Pan light, that ae under- the She » did. not remember having lable; so, as| and where the pets are likely to be fea, the weather‘seamed ‘date, they had and place the plates on this. ‘The zine | Possessed Siena A eet ar a small old yhaleboat with is easily cleaned. s to mission work among them, it @ very weather Jars intended for future use should | would have been coals to Newenctle Wer mn now be opened carefully. In taking off the | with a vengeance, for three different had no co of it at a, for did not tops be sure that the flange m3 the lid combs, ach strongly pposed to ne rine know and were not they is not bent upward at any point, for | the other, had been “laboring” among Warn r?—then Angus ha this will: inate the Jar Teak. If the|the Lauleu islanders for at least eee hnebond Set ria ee top sticks, turn the Jar upside down | eighty este tive ans em gave : eamer were in In hot water for 8 moment. Be hat| So the days grew long in Laulau,! Jean called the native gir, told her ful with jars Having snap tops, that | rq even the childcen ‘epuld not fil tovlook after. the child ran the springs are not spoiled, nor the} her heart. She ai x all sorts of amid a bombardment of vines ee Blass chipped. Repair a loose spring |silly things she could not have— nuts to the head engineer's house with pincers, Scrub every jar and li |serge and flannel clothes, and boots, Lang, a little drunk, but genial, came Until etch crease fs clean; then scald: /and the nip st winds 0 nat Yes, Shiels and young) ©: out to the reef. the harbor launch out loubt: ‘o home “e he went louse, poured out a down his said igus I have to do Shiclers and Jamieson’s ghey men. ‘Shut e position of piles, coe aoe or we'll have the roof blown B or rs. Lang sprang from her couch “God, Frank, pee don’t think there’s | ed 2 herself. to be folding ter brsatl danger? n't. launch get her out, but able, de- been taking = atemtiod “They told vate houses, poor déar,” cry; know what ws pt, the Sudan, lown? but a tact ked beaks ‘She Wiaeea: | come on ils et a thet behind to mock Ee oe tree fell prone » splitting—| rate, rather ” struck grou ing at i ough,” she sald. “Tt tied sale ue eve. faites in nother month or S conscious of aie away gome unspoken thought as if with blows. - eh Se giclee @ goer ee the fallen grown Pot blooite “and it one Ta: len treé. “You and I,” she said to herself, wiping her red eyes under her veil; “you and I have had | our day. (The End.) sub- a favorite with proesion al poisoners’ in remote times, as know it was among the ey ae throughout the Middle Aj Even fifteen to thirty hours. € symptoms of chronic perenne | scaly t | Neurltis, marked | Some’ ‘0 treat sont polonm, give milk, “water or Toincrease the - defensive forces of the | body against epidemics — - or illness take Body- building power proved to be 10 lo 20 times the emounl Loken, The Joy of Spending. wastes, is on the road to poverty. A great many people to-day are ¢n- of lavish sheng “They oe rl Mothers Will Appreciate This. hi ver hi re was oing on While the war s still g¢ two English mothers were talking t who, through the tnprecednte ions that accompanied 1 | u m a eek Bearer ecteaad to sat hing! ot them, “Why, I used to wash an ounce off his face after ie every day spend in every pocket. They have spent it freely, and it is hard to find fault with them for buy-} A London man claims to have dis- ing things that they have long desired | covered a mew beam of light that will aid that they now think that they can| penetrate even the densest fog. afford. Nevertheless, the exorbitai demand they create for goods, c MOTOR the factories, aa one of the chief causes of the high cost of living that e one is aie ing of. oreaktast = eutat x She never acknowledged it to Seen that seldom, it is used freely as rat poison e soet roectiie cases ee eniiig’ 1 ont smoothly’ around three hergelf, But she Kept the blind of Somethin ether bart oath ne nee xeener than the joy of saving; but sides of end. When empty they are her*hedroom down, where the window ing her. She eguld not for. moment | {mt cticige pee not pep ceearily lendabis e for packing away the summer's | looked out upon the beautiful papaw eee rou beanies Waemned sibs buds |" At onesltme, there were many cases | q, in proportion ee aie tauls wea tig (onaas ton one baw dried fruit and mee fetes eat eee ae stewed Teaves for a moment without| Of arsenic poisoning among school monty about mise “mt there| FREE CATALOGUE holding farm and garden seeds. h at th cle a that emotion. Then aus the uneasi-| children'in Hurope, which were caused | are two thin: gs to be remembered. The | showing our full tings of Bicycles for Mem S Pare happene eee many A the: ‘8 sre.’ Laa, ness lying dorman mind leap-| by crayons and ink colored with arse- | satisfaction “we get trom saving ig | S24 Women, Boys and Girls } How 10 ssl 2 A ed awake fo ataze te seized her| nic pigments. Artic f clothi i MOTO! PCE asic yc lau wae ee eas Sut momenta © | permanent and to increase, Rope y Iep aobnet sets gone from it long ago, and Jean had With a tiger too, colored with impure aniline dyes | whereas the satisfaction aerived trom MOTOR Ai Tae ene placed. on Gaver plates, for, some | EOP aso crtistic seul shar oan ieee Angel Presi oie ¢ried. | containing arsenic often gave rise to| spending is evanescent cn Tires, eres. copie do not care to wash the plates beauty, even after it has become com-' It was on this afternoon that Angus| chronic arsenic poisoning, which is | ore tae repented of Hey Lee ee nT nea sect ‘ou can buy kept for nore. and cates althoue, pte mon and familiar. Palm trees had and putes mi ae ‘illed in un-| one of the industrial diseases that are ves, the nation that saves is! 3° hee aes iY cee dishes should ept scrupulously long ceased to amazing; co lerwater work, were to ve gone! now being done away with by instruct- . BOY! clean and used for no other purpose.|shores were ordinary; the flowers) 0Ut to the far reef near les | ing” workers ad by, instituting eee bettertag its estate; EE | pes Nolen ‘Dore ayes Wat paeas ok Paper plates can be bought by the|seemed too glaring and too heavily awa! ona the beta gee Bot Rit atte s hundred! for but little money, and can | scented; the picturesque bro on. it. intende work! he bumed after they have been used. |tives whose blosyomy wreaths and until Tight failed altogether, 4s there) im acute poisoning bag Seen tal ag . flowing robes had seemed si arm- Was seldom ice of a suitable tide. ea metallic taste mi the moiith Mr. Farmer You are Insuring Your > SHUR-GAIN ry Gy SESE Profits When You Place Fertilizers An Order for = SHUR-GAIN gives your crops a quick, vigorous start, and supplies plant food throughout the growing period. ; SHUR-GAIN brings your etops to arly maturity, and makes for strong, healthy plant SHUR cane means bumper ylelde—Bumper yields at 1920 prices mean Digger profits, Order your SHUR-GAIN n First Come — First Served _ i er prices are lower this fasure your supply—place your order at once SHUR-GAIN for YOUR BANK ACCOUNT BS # “Making two blades” grow where je grew before.” GUNNS LIMITED, West Toronto. Literature Mailed on Request Representatives Wanted in Unallotted Territory jared. To t te chronic poisoning, remove the cau pasta tt sein NEW DRESS FOR OLD WITH DIAMOND DYES Women Can Put Bright, Rich Color in Shabby, Faded rments, Don't worry about perfect a Use “Diamond nteed give a new, rich, fadclens color to He pee whether it be wool, silk, ontag cot mixed goods, — dresses, stockings, skirts, children's thers, draperies, coverings, fvisee: coats, fea everythin The Direction Book with each pack- age tells how to diamond dye over any color. ie atch any Baer ee ae ow you “Diamond D: Card. eS eee World Short of Colin: @ great pi ven esa etioe ‘tater times cotton has been more of a hand- na king, it foe recently a very hau| sort of fatanalven ang einente be eesons ingly selt assertive Two years ago Wngland took note of wut poubiities'and ag aineonad This orate to the eee cotton grow- ing can be greatly e: It seems the eotuealttes! believes that ete extend cotton growing in the British Empire it will need funds— potiething like $500,000 a y Th of raw cotton imported into England. One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. next. gossip the sappy That n’t ad: bie in the bi, This that Mrs. Shiels s out of, her still, Tos coe araeee tt oral iene iota iy sr eee g, and mind, and that some one ought to , {its inner ‘branc a@ cave of tak vay the children. But no om ee if you want,to advance, get a Feool, green on foliage a from else daved to call.” - sa favorite Bat fe ee eal ised_her head white Won dae wit a a great with Hide yellow homey oe £ om ne meee ean ral it had been mh y coms of small es, Beek ons, and the bi brignt green parra- heaten by the storm that wrecked | usinéss is ike 2 bieycle— ae of. the cease ae soe Tee Be: eohlds aoe A oe aro A it i ‘tana sat it falls down, ere was a oie Fae ha 'S The steamer was leaving in a day or}, The Order furnishes Insirance to its That a may be @ rung in the Usual in # cases t we: i two mo: ‘of te best to havey members at Ontarlo Government Stand- ladder ‘paling to success, ea ore Soe sett | the things suetloned at Babergh Bick “ap and, net Benefits are also Pr Gaictly: to soot, Pak C0! by to Sheth to be away,! ftvon - zs Thal ous investi in Bay good He a gay finding ‘snug plae-| Won, Worce, winetes e athe Depart dividends is stick-to-itive: 3 tid es on ‘anches, “and preening] Oy the day ne . in she| the clildren ot our adul mer That it 1s a wise ‘fiat aie 0 knows ee comfortably befgre sett-| cay ii poat al see: th ig Orion bas already paid over $680, that a_wise man does not know too | ing down. ‘They had all huddled so '® consciously for the | gof,08 “in Sick end Funeral Benette, and much, ~ aed thi enter r of fie tran = = ey st time Since the ne nigh us ao pane Fity aay eer F ee fone reightened rauhet an un-| potent i0"eat Wont orl neil ve A back rest for motoreyclistz to) #6* Ree es | mirthful laugh ss ‘che looked at. it, ‘afer fuh information writs to any of be fastened around the waist left out jn the and are She unfaste “the netting, pulled | $4, “Daviason, ntague, handle bars o¢ a bogi y the big kitch- Grand Councillor "orang Recorder W. ¥. Campbell Hi. M.D. _ Grand Organi fer. HAMILTON Teeter ted Uae , ONTARIO Have Your Cleaning Done by Experts Clothing, houschold draperies, linen and delicate fabrics can be cleaned and made to look as fresh and bright as when first. bought. 2 2 Cleaning and Dyeing Is Properly Done at Parker’s It makes no difference where you live; parcels can be sent in by mail or yexpress. The same care and atten- tion is given the Work as though you lived in tow! will be ae to advise you on any question feparaina Cleaning or Dyeing. RITE Us. Parker's Dye Works tinted Clear Cleaners Dyers Everything for the Home Pictured and Described in this Bock The pick of a big phe furniture aoe eo d in con- valuable hand book on home furnish- ing. 100 curats illuettations end prices all quoted, You should have it in your home for refer Buying by the Barroughes Plan _ ‘his Book and our Hasy Payment terms enable you to select and obtain ae best for your home without crippling your bank accoul The Book ssn 1( all. Write for a free copy TO-DAY, 0 Pay Frataht Charges to Any Rallroad ation In Ontarlo. RNITURE co., LTD, Queen St. West Toronto, FUR Dept. 48, ‘nation that wastes, like the man who: