Ontario Community Newspapers

Monkton Times, 11 Mar 1920, p. 5

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‘AN GET A HOUSE lverton Housing Commis. fee by the Milverton] m: Tt has power to build houses with joney furnished by the government id. jguarantaed ae the Village of ii & “Tt elle ‘these houses to parties who want them, under the following con. ions: , Ist—The ‘applicant (the pee nai wants one of these houses) w1 pay eposited, is the house is on for occas 0} 3rd—If he has a lot, the value of the lot era by the local Commis. jon, is taken over a ur period 'y portion of the indebted-| a a id, in even pisindead ae dollar payments, at the year, and sucl & the purchas end of e Se any peme nts are credited @ same manner the Milage, a credited by the gov- we and all plans MUSE be 3 the Provincial Housing Th ‘he price of these houses will be what thes cost the local CG The applicant is furnished ice before he If the aes House ig ee ni ommis- will be no change in style or ade, a, house costs $3,000, so, pays $50 io 10 det epee tl er is paid in in inatalnene of $18 ee period of 20 yea: s been done the property be- .| longs th the applicant, absolutely necessary that you mal your application as soon as possible. Subseribe for The Sun. i price after thé contract has reason; to toss le every kind Seehun tesaron ieee te where are asking themsel T rebuild if my house were destroyed by fire." All of them want mo: surance. te, would cost at least $7, 500 0 ould be nearly n and child sured, not for two-thirds of its origin- al, but for two thirds of its present- value, CHINESE REVERENCE Youth’s SARS sti er, even though it is a week 0} vate shows, in the opinion of the Chinese, a gross lack of character; to crumple a printed ad- vertisement shows the haste of un- a Pook. ies sly on illiteracy fe tile-revarenca for ihe printed pages. a What ales a Goed Hardware Store? Not alone street, nor friendly pronnetcr ge plate glass windows on the main eon showcases inside, nor even the genial, ipine-areeenee_—scoiia esa The QUALITY OF THE GQODS sold is what really tells, and brings you back again next. eee 8 ist the cage with the tous Gold Magi 1 store that carries a good store to’ trade at. _ Too! wD ring this: mark is Look for the Gold Medal label on Harvest Tools, Garden Is, lowers, Sewing lachines, Washers and Wringers, Setdevrstar: O Cutlery, Binder Twine, Roof- etc, ing, Safes, ~ All Sensible Farmers Insist Upon “GOLD MEDAL” Harvest Tools For Sale by All First-class Hardware Dealers Two-Party Line Telephone Service ECESSARY curtailment of new construction during the war, followed by the unpre- cedented development since the armistice, have resulted in a universal shortage of telephone material. In order to utilize our supply of equipment to the best advant- age, toreduce delay in installations to a minimum, and to avoid refus- ing service to anyone, we ask those intending to order telephones to consider the advantages of two- party line service. The cost to the user-is sub- stantially lower than for individual line, standard. and the service of a high We will be glad to furnish full information to anyone interested. €Brery Bell Lelephone is a L DR. P. mij Distance’ Station L. TYE, Branch Manager "The Bell Telephone Company of Canada CHALMERS’ SALE REGISTER Thursday, March 18th, 1920—Farm Stock and. Implements for soeanh ‘Adair, Lot 18, 1 mile west of Kennivott” General News young doctor in a country dis- patient was ‘Americans are soliciting for funds in alia dase to help relieve distress in German: Z to receive a. nice budget of.snappy items just a: are need to get the forms digued up, in time a ‘catch a mail: by, phone.or; Sun offi Be 7 sh. Government has com-. pleted ae erchenad of the whole of the: Patagonian meat ee for a acconaing tothe 001 Post. ‘ortunes. You s by killing the people should be cost of iiging’-there is io’ resson is ‘ou want to get a three year’s investment for your mone P The and Mx, John, R trict was called one night by a farm-| ert j-| New Call di id by Pannier’, ‘Paper, for. sale at the 3 Grace nd. By safely and effect a quick Tecov- 0 high | H or ane BRIEFS| f- Knox chure] day night, Mare ean Irish night the programme onsist of Irish numbers. Terry is visiting her - Haxro on, of Listowel, made his: “toual visit to Monkton on fureday. A; mass pete. of the Farmers’ Club was held o} Daesdae evening Bes Mr, pines sake the meet- on co-oper: ate stores Fuihorpe on the |i Fred Armstrong is around again ae fon recent hopes to. again ter ag te ipuisinead the first 0: W. Hamilton, of Sey eerony sett a day or vo e, week with Mr. and Mrs, Jack B: tain the ae at a captains social evening. Renni Mr, John Schade and family have} moved %0 with the former’s parents, M chade rs, Howard MeCourt spent Tuesday with friends in Mil- rt Mrs. G. B. Manton is recovering ‘rom ae pees of la pri as moved on to m the 12 of eee aes ne recently purchased Mrs ia Healey is at present suf- fone fy slight attack of pneumonia. Ullner, who had been con- eeannite going to Brantford has de- cided to remain in Monkton. valeseing. id Weber and daughter, Etta id:| left i is ‘riday to s) pent a week with +3 0: friends in New Hai large crowd attended the sale of Mr, Wm. Near on Tuesda: mers wielded the hammer and obtained some remarkable prices Me cand Mrs, Van, McEwen return. ed home on Tuesday, after spending a Wee swith £ St. Thom: Mr, rite Ate! Lie E. Bettger return- home on Tuesday after spending a week with frends at Seaton and aly ‘ain. reached Toronto on Tue: day morning. nong Hideo ane nepppendtet, the fun, eral "Of the lat ine. 'y much sympathy is ot tor bl thocstricken widow’ ana e friends of Mr. ‘Allan “MéEwen regret to hear that he i er, that he may_ pass the weeks ai ite Emerson Holmes at Stratford Ist Thursda Allan and daughter, Ger ae ett on to Monday spend tham, was in Monkto: car in Toronto taking supply of gasoline in its tank while |b the motor was running, the day caused a $120, eral and placed a palm leaf fan and a block of ice on the casket. C. F. Vandrick’s Sale Register March 11th, for mae nonster sale of fi On Thursday, } liam Stricker, a 1 tock implements; hay, erain pore household woods, ‘the sale will start at 12 o'clock sharp on’ accoun’ ° Yast amount ‘of stud. A ‘orporation on the ide of Listowel. See bills for particu. ars, Tuesday, March 16th, for HL Mout tous, ak Lot 5, Concession 4, A sale without reserve e bills for particule: e farm is sold. On Friday, Mareh 12th, for Mr. J. F. MeLean, at Lot 8, Con, allace, all of his farm stock, fotmlamantar hay grain, ete, Sale at One o'clock sharp and without reserve as the farm is What ok Have Done | great ma ree "tried several Tenvedies, ua octors’ medicine, with no result. rears aj “GU te PILLS HOR. ied, and ans Gin’ Pills are the best it dney Tus seed to rise three or four times in the ‘sight w I can sleep and do out have to get ‘p. atall, hanks to GIN PIL m Seventy-two years a ALE: DUE, ‘Watertown, N-Y. a box at all Druggists, Sample free Neal D ‘spon fequeat ts Chemical Co. f Canada, ied Toronto, |b pte elisinx after pe, gaso-| *|Tuesday, March 16th, re I read an ae us @ news- | KID. \T | Ch jBegs ... yeeey. and shipped out on ep con- 8 noldnng thels Sierulee meeting Baie ANKE as aaughie, Res Fred; Peidiiam, of To- plish | ron i illness and) i are Miss Irene Shine cent. friends. at. London and | bee si i, Jacob Weber has returned af-| te GET IN LINE OR GET OUT os pes ery meeting of the On-|~ a me sentiment of the fo ce ieee a araaa that had cae Canada had hi tS nation i: the Senate of the United States over: Ganadiencre- striction of newsprint, led Sir James declare that ada is now Bens herself id own. property with- ont outside interference. Speaking foreign immi; or elsewhere. tt ses the cola of tie eitizens ‘of the country now ees ne to complete Canada’ 's ee eee THE BREAK COMING The following from the Bae Sunday World w comed by a long suffering public. st any rate, ,it makes interesting reading “The news of the day, including the determination’of the Brushy Gece m= e can buy, ai The soaring prices re od and material are near the INDEMNITY FOR THOSE KILLED ll dependents of soldiers, sailors,| a niemice killed during the war, have notified by the Board of P fen Covnmmienioners thet ving terms of the peace treaty all pension-| ased men are indormnity for thgiloas are only required to s mit the date! of birth of eae naekeee re that of | their own birth, 0- TEMPTATIONS FOR MOTORISTS MAKE A MARK Make a mark on the bark, pyc _ Live Sher for no’ thing ond eee 1 time is passing away, Your duty ¢ to follow a right career is the privile exe of your day, ake a mark, Make a mark nk and cana rk itl eful pride, For ene ponlee on et roll, e ~ Court Be ‘of character of good and good-will to our fellow- man Thus aan te puisniga on which i In dont Sit Spat that we can, Make a mark. Make a mark: not a hile you've Weal a vim; De it now in ohoy: In a graceful t The day that’s ee will ne’er return, Too precious to trifle away, ‘Tis true, we are never too old fo. lea: And “shold make the best “ifr Makes a ae Make a mark, never dark, While Others undo, : Frankly meet all deceit With a Contend fer the genuine” and miwhateyer aphere you're alaeei onefe Mies of fraud, cowardice and And pemuiig features defaced, Make a mark. To show w you have lived and-served the world, That: Ss life Was aotsepetit fer Leave somethitie behind that when its unfurled. Will show how the virtues were Make a mark. Make a mark, clever mark, nae printed stay, y have, live: ue loved and ned to Shae sai SpaPhiy Siete fe your day al —THOS. BE. HAMMOND. Elma, June, 1919.” URGE REMOVAL OF WAR POSTAGE Action favoring the abolition of h France is making systematic plans Ia in de attract the automobile tourist. Un-|! ler a new order all the villages in the I ome ices, police stations an | ial offices, National d its rs e easily read from passing BOND TOWN OFFICIALS Listowel Bannet It was decided by the ee MAE y night to have tl r five divecttr 7 UURD AGAINST “THE TW Beri _SUREST SAFEGUAR VES” Br Brings Vigor and PNY we Th and Thus Protects ‘There can be no doubt that. the. situation revarding the § ead 0 Influenza throughout Cana f grave concern. "It is quite: eae fhat the member of eases doe za the sufferi ne and sorrow durin; terrible days of 1918. Yet there re 0 dis; using the fact that everyone sho mn their guard agains ae treal alone, from Janus 20th to February 2ist, three shows ha an enty-two Tafiuenss: an 189 deaths oe the ape ere reported to the Health. _D Tf the the “outbreak had come at the its dampness and. chill, its constant changing from oO warm an back again, is a a prolife once coughs an ind colds, uae 3 eo best ee Bs fact, the onl i aire Pla, is, GooD SIBALTH Tho: well and | eee s they Bia, be; those who fre underweight ; those who ‘run-down’? es ugh overwork or! esineses should build up at once. | ‘What ey need is a Blood- a a prhudey a stout giver, like | “Fruit-a-tiyes”, nderful fruig., medicine. 1 eerie +a es regulates the.) pene a causing thege- | ans to elimi inate waste regu! i ati nature inten ‘ruit-a-tives” keeps tho skin active, and insures an abundant su supply S es ans ae, a and’ stre: athens ‘ite on of digestion, Pa eee brings restful sleep tality vine A totes sone an ideal tonic should have ; pai the bloo os bans Heit an or, ite the pia Pig crgats, Bo so that the whole e best possible resist oe 2 ¢ time to build up your stren; not as & 1 aioe gf rata : Rrutatives" t 6 aod fev thi it medicine keep sy well. “Pralt- a- creer 1a. ty a lealers a! S00 8 . Saye Grulce ne e WINTER TERM FROM JAN. 5TH. | | More than’ seventy of the seventy-| of the United Farmers intario Was present in | Temple recentl ieee not to alter it ee vision, but Be give ere bra the association r to. paas: upon! cae applications Moceived by them, Bel CENTRAL Crone Ree ONT. WERE Ontario’s alerts best Ga mime Schi thorough courses positio ¢ catalogue. ¢, may interest you, D. x: McLACHLAN, Principal cees at md T, Wil ‘ll ani Sher- art rth ne Miss Shorbart are conval- r being quite ill from la Messrs. Weber & Bettger eal last week from Mr. Otto Ritz, Hom | | holm, 1 ny ms of pure clover hon [No.4 Pui Mae aie ad family. spent) reorient with friends in New , Hambu: : Shakespea = aking change for Harold B At Gill's: Be a loz., 2 cakes castile On Fri- day and Saturday weekly jelly. rolls coffee’ cakes, bfins, Guenther’s brea re she is ant a callinese shop Oranges, 60e to W. D. Weir’s Sale Register 1920— Stock Implements and Effects for Canada Trust Co., executors of the will of ithe late Wm. C. Riddell, 2 f Lot 5, ee 5, Con. Friday, nee 26th, 1920—Horses, Holsteins se March, 19th, 1920--Stock, Implements, Hay Grain and Hou: hold Effects, for Mx, Edward Diehl, COMMERCIAL Spring Wheat ....... Fall Wheat . rley jewel ", jewe nts, per ton. ay ss zB; “liveweight | Belcher Cattle | Sheep {Lanabs tatoes, "per baz ‘Abo, Ber bag. oy , dress “Heng v dressed. & VARNISHES MARBLE-ITE FLOOR FINISH If your floors are hardwood, Use Marble - Ite . fected by water. Feet That pouch the Floor vi Sa and you Save all. SENOUR’S pees Paint: greatly popate the | beaut uch labor will be saved for ne e in and let us give you full Wel have a full ran en of ae every other MAR’ here is a MARTI SENS Varnish for every ey We will be advise you, the floors will be very Never wood. Save the ch hh dy 5 phigh la aa pe 4 y yesche oa rand rticulare, 2 hts M.E. Bettger & Co. West Monktcn, Ont. a cks, dressed ese Be ties

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